Kim Min Su

ADC staff
17 April 2019
Click the articles below that mention Kim Min Su.

Sleepwalker media coverage: The remixes (2014)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
ADC staff - 13 Nov 14

Sleepwalker media coverage: The remixes (2014) Media coverage you can dance to: featuring Marcus Bering, ’music-journalist’ Stephen Mallinder, and Kim Min Su. Marcus Bering. Cropped still from "Sleepwalker sculpture media coverage overload vs. Theme from Wrangler" (2014) at

Sleepwalking into a North American media storm (2014) (automated music and TV news reports)

→ Creative Business & Entrepreneurship
Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) , Stephen Mallinder - 15 Oct 14

...Kim Min Su. The following song is Sleepwalking (1984) by Cabaret Voltaire, of which Mallinder is a founding member. The video is in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Reflecting on the Sleepwalker media frenzy two months later, Tony Matelli said,...

Sleepwalker media coverage, lost in automated translation vs. Corruption (automated music)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Bob Brown , Marcus Bering , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) - 15 Oct 14

Sleepwalker media coverage, lost in automated translation vs. Corruption (automated music) Artists Marcus Bering and Kim Min Su examined various foreign language titles and quotes from the media coverage. They present a selection of their findings with automated translations— and dreamily imagine...

Sleepwalker media coverage vs. Harder (2014) (automated music)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Bob Brown , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) , Stephen Mallinder - 15 Aug 14

...Kim Min Su. Sleepwalker media coverage: The remixes Sleepwalker research overview page: A | Sleepwalker remixes overview page: B | Sleepwalking into a North American media storm: 1 | Sleepwalker media coverage vs. Harder: 2 | Sleepwalker media coverage, lost in automated translation vs....

Sadly, Detained in Dubai cases keep rolling on in... (music journalism) (2011)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) , Radha Stirling - 11 Oct 11

...Kim Min Su; DJ Disco Activisto: Billie Ray Martin; Radha Stirling, founder detainedindubai Art Design Publicity at ADC | 11 October 2011 CRACKDOWN CONTINUES...:-( Watch the news reports individually, search Google "news"— not the...

Gregor Schneider: Publicity to die for (2008)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) , K. Kocia-Martinez - 01 Oct 10

Gregor Schneider: Publicity to die for (2008) "I want to display a person dying naturally in the piece or somebody who has just died. My aim is to show the beauty of death."—Gregor Schneider As the discussion-generating German artist opens his latest show at the Sadie Coles HQ power gallery in...

Damien Hirst et al. diamond skull publicity ft. Bloomberg News (2007)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Roisin Byrne, the theft artist , M. Contraband, Esq., the PUNK lawyer/artist , Yukiko Fujita , D.M. Gray , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) , R.J. Preece (ADP) , Rogue Dubai PR guy , L.A. Roka , Secret advisor hiding behind sofa , Sarah J. Thornton - 08 May 10

...Kim Min Su: Only the press release remains > Mass & Swirl: A secret installation for Tate Modern critical media analysis art design

Tracey Emin art & media across the UK

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Marcus Bering , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) , Stephen Mallinder - 30 Jan 10

Tracey Emin art & media across the UK Shocked Beyond belief by her media coverage, here’s just the very fine tip of the iceberg of the UK’s addiction to Tracey. Tracey Emin art & media across the UK Check out the impact just nine quotes attributed to an artist, just 228 words, can have,...

Jobs: Performance-ESL Instructor at Berlin Academy of Avant-Garde Art (2006)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Kim Min Su (jobs) - 15 Sep 06

...Kim Min Su, Director, Institute of Visionary Language Art Design, Monster, The Netherlands at [...]. This is a highly competitive position, so after submission of materials, don’t call us, we’ll call you... © 2001/2006 Kim Min Su, job advert / artwork

Reconsidering Ganja, Grammar and Giggles lecture at IVLAD (2006)

→ artdesigncafé - art
ADC staff , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) - 15 Mar 06

...Kim Min Su Institute of Visionary Language Art Design (IVLAD) IVLAD auditorium Monster, The Netherlands 5 April 2006, 19.00 Admission: 8 euros (general public); 4 euros (with IVLAD valued-customer card) Press Release English as a Foreign Language (EFL) visionary Dr. Kim Min Su will be...

Sue Boxer at IVLAD, Monster, The Netherlands (2006)

→ artdesigncafé - art
ADC staff , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) - 01 Mar 06

...Kim Min Su directly at [...] © 2006 Kim Min Su, press release / artwork

PMS in the ESL Classroom book (2006) (press release)

→ artdesigncafé - art
ADC staff , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) - 01 Mar 06

PMS in the ESL Classroom book (2006) (press release) New study released by Dr. Kim Min Su and IVLAD Research Group (PMS). PMS in the ESL Classroom book released IVLAD, Monster, the Netherlands 1 March 2006 Press Release The Institute of Visionary Language Art Design (IVLAD) in...

Yukiko Kanazawa: Interpreting Miso Orni (2005) at IVLAD

→ artdesigncafé - art
ADC staff , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) - 01 Feb 06

...Kim Min Su, press release / artwork

Only the press release remains (2003)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) - 10 Apr 03

...Kim Min Su' /> CCNOA Brussels Kim Min Su Burnout: In the Name of Love A performance-interactive installation by Kim Min Su Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art [CCNOA], Brussels 5 May – 15 May 2003 [Performance, 5 May, 10.00 PM] Press and Public Information Release CCNOA...

Team Bush media simulator (2003)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) - 01 Feb 03

...Kim Min Su Illinois State University Galleries, Gallery 2 Normal, Illinois, USA February 25 - March 3, 2003 Press release In direct response to troubling times and the current exhibition Ready for War, Illinois State University Galleries is pleased to present an “alternative view”— with an...

Jobs: EFL Instructor at Henegouwer Zoo, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2001)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Kim Min Su (jobs) - 20 Jul 01

...Kim Min Su, Director of EFL Recruitment, IVLAD, Monster, The Netherlands at [...] © 2001 Kim Min Su, job advert / artwork

Jobs: ESL Instructor / Bar Attendant at In Wonderland, Amsterdam (2001)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Kim Min Su (jobs) - 21 Jun 01

...Kim Min Su’s avant-garde research on the effects of bong-smoking and language acquisition, via our “Integrated Ganja, Grammar, and Giggles” course. Application deadline: 29 June 2001 For more information or an application, please contact our representative concerning international hiring...