1847 Rogers Bros. design catalogues and historical information
Marks, patterns, advertisements, a surprising Hollywood stars connection & more concerning the design legacy.
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 18 March 2016 | Updated 10 July 2023
LINK: 1847 Rogers Bros. designs in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions
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Above, advertisement featuring actress Ginger Rogers for 1847 Rogers Bros. (International Silver Co.) in LIFE magazine (10 June 1940, p. 40). For more information, see the listing below.
"In November of 1862, an agreement was made with Meriden Britannia Company for the three Rogers [Asa, Simeon, and William] to come to Meriden to superintend the manufacturing of their famous silverplate. The trademark to be used was "1847 Rogers Bros." and this was the first year the numerals "1847" were used with "Rogers Bros." [In 1898, Meriden Britannia Company became part of the International Silver Company].
— Edmund P. Hogan in The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities (1980), (pp. 167-68)
Are you looking to identify an 1847 Rogers Bros. silverware pattern? If so, then we highly recommend initially looking at a 1947 advertisement showing patterns from 1847-1941. Many other patterns are illustrated in advertisements, online and listed below.
Also, to see a range of adverts showing Hollywood celebrity endorsements of 1847 Rogers Bros. cutlery, linked and online, scroll down to the listings for 1937-45 advertisements. For adverts showing models featuring fashion design, see 1946-48 advertisements. Throughout this era, the advertisements promote International’s Silver Theater radio program in Hollywood broadcast on CBS, and Ozzie & Harriet.
1847 Rogers Bros. - design catalogues and historical information (by year)
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1860s | Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(c. 1862-). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines. (Updated 19 April 2020. D01195-96; D01210; D01213.)
1853-1931 - company recordsInternational Silver Company. (1853-1931). International Silver Company records. [Including Meriden Britannia Company, and therefore, presumably including 1847 Rogers Bros.] (Viewed 15 May 2016. A00419.) after 1862 - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company. (after 1862). 1847 Rogers Brothers Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. [Catalogue No. 36.] 163 pp. (Updated 23 April 2017. A00464; A01477; C00001-41.)
1868 - letter to editor / advertisement?(1 January 1868). Rogers & Bro.’s spoons and forks ("... I have sold spoons and forks with this mark ’Rogers & Bro. A. 1.’ ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... F. M. Bennett, Jr."). Urbana Union (Urbana, Ohio), p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 31 October 2020. F01722).
1868 advertisementsSee the ads 1868 - advertisementG. Collamore & Co., New York. (16 July 1868). Advertisement: "Something New! ... An Economic Invention in Silver Plating... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Meriden Britannia Co. ... " [with abstract illustration of spoon]. New-York Daily Tribune, p. 8, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 3 June 2019. E00607).
1868 - advertisementG. Collamore & Co., New York. (5 November 1868). Advertisement: "Something New! ... An Economic Invention in Silver Plating... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Meriden Britannia Co. ... " [with abstract illustration of spoon]. The Independent (New York), p. 8. (Viewed 16 June 2019. D00811-12).
1869 advertisementsSee the ads 1869 - two advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. (2 April 1869). Advertisement: "... Invite special attention to a valuable patented improvement in, Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks... 1847, Rogers Bros. XII... Electro-Plated Nickel and White Metal Table and Communion Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Post (New York, NY). (Viewed 5 May 2019; H00688-90).
1870s | 1870 - news mention(17 December 1870). City [section]; Grand Opening Tuesday, The 20th— For Christmas Goods consisting of [Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847] Rogers Bros. ... Van Tuyl & McCagg’s 46 & 48 Brady street, Davenport, Iowa." The Evening Argus (Rock Island, Illinois), presumably p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00483). 1870 advertisementsSee the ads 1870 - three advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. (3, 10 & 14 June 1870). Advertisement: "... Celebrated Silver-Plated Porcelain-Lined Ice-Pitchers... Persian, Roman and Gothic Patterns of Forks and Spoons... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with no illustrations]. The Evening Post (New York, NY). (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00691-95).
1871 advertisementsSee the ads 1871 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Co. (5 July 1871). Advertisement: "Silver-plated ware... No. 199 Broadway... silver-plated porcelain-lined ice-pitchers... Persian, Roman and Gothic patterns... 1847 Rogers Bro’s XII... " [with no illustrations of products]. Christian Union (New York), p. 15. (Viewed 16 June 2019. D00809-10).
1871 - advertisementJ. E. Brinsmaid, Burlington, VT. (14 December 1871). Advertisement: "... Silver-plated goods... castors; cake baskets; vases; urns... tea or coffee pots; spoons; forks; knives ... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] A 1 XII... Meriden [Britannia] Co. ... " Burlington Democrat (Vermont), p. 3, col. 9. (Viewed 7 February 2021. D01885).
1871 - advertisementBennett’s, presumably Urbana, Ohio. (c. 20 December 1871). Advertisement: "... Silver-Plated Forks and Spoons... ’1847 Rogers Bros.’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] New patterns— prices low... " [with no illustrations]. Urbana Union (Urbana, Ohio), page number unknown, col. 1. (Viewed 12 June 2019. F00866-68). 1872 advertisementsSee the ads 1872 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company, 550 Broadway, New York. (2 May 1872). Advertisement: "Silver-Plated Ware... Fine Electro-Plated Table-Ware... Porcelain-Lined Ice-Pitchers... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with no illustrations]. Christian Advocate (Chicago, IL), p. 144. (Viewed 12 June 2019. E00614-15).
1872 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company. (11 July 1872). Advertisement: "Silver-Plated Ware... Fine Electro-Plated Table-Ware... Porcelain-Lined Ice-Pitchers... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with no product illustrations]. New York Evangelist, p. 5. (Viewed 17 June 2019. D00808).
1873 - news mention(3 December 1873). The pride of Lexington; a magnificent display of goods for the Christmas holidays (at Messrs. Grimes & Venable, presumably Lexington, Missouri; with mention of Meriden Britannia Company & [1847] Rogers Bros.) Lexington Weekly Intelligencer (Lexington, Missouri), presumably p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00548). 1873 advertisementsSee the ads 1873 - two advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. (9 & 12 May 1873). Advertisement: "... Electro-Plated Table Ware, Spoons & Forks... 1847 Rogers Brothers... Porcelain-Lined Ice Pitchers... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening Post (New York, NY). (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00696-98).
1873 - four advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. (15 & 29 October, 17 November, 3 December 1873). Advertisement: "... Silver-Plated Ware... Spoons and Forks... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with no illustrations]. The Evening Post (New York, NY). (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00699-702).
1874 advertisementsSee the ads 1874 - three advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. (11, 22 July, 5 August 1874). Advertisement: "Great Value of Patented Improvement in Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening Post. (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00703-05).
1874 - eight advertisementsLouis. W. Melchor, Paw Paw, MI. (31 July - December 1874). Advertisement: "... Plated Ware ... [1847] Rogers Bros. ... Meriden Britannia Co. ..." [with no related illustrations]. The True Northerner (Paw Paw, Michigan). (Viewed 13 October 2018. B01017-24).
1874 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. (23 September 1874). Advertisement: "... Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks... First Premium awarded by the American Institute for Silver-Plated Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Christian Union, p. 1. (Viewed 27 June 2019. L00831).
1875 - price listMeriden Britannia Company. (1875). Price List of the Celebrated 1847 Rogers Bros. A1 Silver-Plated Spoons, Forks, &c.. 30 pp. (Viewed 18 February 2017. AAA00570-015.)
1875 advertisementsSee the ads 1875 - advertisementNavra & Offner’s China Palace, New Orleans. (16 May 1875). Advertisement: "... Depot for Meriden Silver Plated Ware... [1847] Rogers Bros. celebrated spoons and forks..." [with also presumably Meriden Silver Plate Co. or Meriden Britannia Co. wares; no illustrations). The New Orleans Bulletin, presumably p. 4, col. 3. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00561). 1875 - two advertisementsMeriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (18 November & 9 December 1875). Advertisements: "Silver-Plated Table Ware... 550 Broadway, New York... The best plated Spoons and Forks... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening Post (Washington, DC). (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00625-26).
1876 - book mention - 1847 Rogers Bros. in exhibition(1877). Souvenir of the Centennial exhibition [1876]: Connecticut’s representation at Philadelphia. [Exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876. Core section: pp 99-111; also see exhibits list: pp. 124-27; Exhibitors including 1847 Rogers Bros.; Meriden Britannia exhibited "a full line of the well known 1847 Rogers Bros. XII" (p. 105)]. 380 pp. Geo. D. Curtis: Hartford, CT. (Viewed 25 June 2016. A00965-75.) 1876 - photograph of Centennial exhibitCentennial Photographic Co. (1876). Meriden Britannia Company and 1847 Rogers Bros.’s exhibit— Main Building, Centennial Exhibition (exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876). Albumen Prints. (Viewed 29 June 2018. A03007.) 1876 - article mention - 1847 Rogers Bros. in Centennial exhibition(July 1876). The century— its fruits and its festival (VI. in the main building) [on the Centennial, exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876]. Lippincott Magazine, (pp. 265-86). (Viewed 27 May 2020. H01743-49). "... the britannia and plated-ware trade... has become quite a prominent industry in the United States... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia]... have shelves filled with evidence that art has been mustered into this service. The forms are well-studied, and for the combination of elegance and adaptation to use these stalls are not excelled by anything in those of Europe... " (Excerpt from above, p. 20.) 1876 advertisementsSee the ads 1876 - four advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company. (March 1876). Advertisements: "... Electro-Plated Table Ware, and Ornamental Art work in great variety, Manufactured by the Meriden Britannia Company... 1847 Rogers Brothers... " [with no illustrations]. Tri-States Union (Port Jervis, New York). (Viewed 9 May 2020. H01466-69).
1876 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Co. (30 May 1876). Advertisement: "Silver-Plated Ware! ... Porcelain-Lined Ice Pitchers... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." The Evening Post (New York, NY), unknown page number, col. 5. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00741). 1876 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Co. (c. 28 September 1876). Advertisement: "Electro-Plated Table Ware and Ornamental Art Work... 1847 Rogers Brothers... " Commercial Advertiser (Potsdam Junction, New York), unknown page number, col. 6. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00742-43). 1876 - two advertisements(November 1876). Advertisements: "Centennial media and diploma awarded to the Meriden Britannia Co. ... 1847, Rogers Brothers... " [with no product illustrations]. Evening Post (New York). (Viewed 9 May 2020. H01470-71).
1877 advertisementsSee the ads 1877 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (4 January 1877). Advertisement: "Centennial Medal and Diploma awarded to the Meriden Britannia Company... for Silver-Plated Hollow Ware... 1847, Rogers Brothers... " [with no product illustrations]. The Independent (New York), p. 24. (Viewed 8 June 2019. E00617)
1877 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company. (19 April 1877). Advertisement: "Electro-Plated Ware. 50,000,000 dollars’ worth of the celebrated Meriden Britannia Co. and 1847 Rogers Bros. Silver-plated wares sold in the last 25 years... " [with no illustrations]. New York Tribune, p. 8. (Viewed 16 June 2019. D00807).
1878 advertisementsSee the ads 1878 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company. (April 1878). Advertisement: "Fine Silver-Plated Ware..." (illustration of 1847 Rogers Bros. silverware in case). The Jewelers’ Circular, p. viii. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00507.) 1878 - two advertisementsVosbury Bros., Binghampton, NY. (26 April, 3 May 1878). Advertisement: "We keep the largest and finest stock of Silver and Plated Ware ever shown in Binghampton... Meriden Britanna [sic] Co. ... [1847] Rogers Bros. ..." [with no illustrations]. The Union News (Union, New York). (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01059-60).
1878 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company. (May 1878). Advertisement: "Fine Silver-Plated Ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (illustration of ice water pitcher set on tray). The Jewelers’ Circular, p. iv. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00512.) 1878 - two advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company. (July-August 1878). Advertisements: "Fine Silver-Plated Ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (illustration of ice water pitcher set on tray). The Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00520; G00523.)
1878 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company. (October 1878). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Fine Silver-Plated Ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (including illustration of 1876 exhibited epergne showpiece). The Jewelers’ Circular, p. vi. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00532.) 1878 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company. (November 1878). Advertisement: "Electro-Plated Ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (including illustration of sailboat sculpture). The Jewelers’ Circular, p. vi. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00535.) 1878 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company. (December 1878). Advertisement: "Silver-Plated Ware Factories... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (including illustration of buildings and Laurel pattern spoon). The Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00539.) 1879 - price list1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (1879). Price list of the celebrated 1847 Rogers Bros. A1 electro silver plated spoons, forks, etc. [With illustrations.] 48 pp. (Viewed 13 November 2017. AAA00700-022.)
1879 advertisementsSee the ads 1879 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. (c. February 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of fine electro-silver plate..." [with illustration of flatware in a case and spoon, Laurel pattern]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. ix. (Viewed 30 August 2018. B00298).
1879 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. (c. March 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of silver-plated ware..." [no product illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. liii. (Viewed 30 August 2018. E00232).
1879 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. (c. April 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of silver-plated ware..." [with illustration of ice pitcher set and tray]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. IV. (Viewed 30 August 2018. E00236).
1879 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. (c. May 1879). Advertisement: "Silver-plated ware..." [with illustration of spoon, Laurel pattern]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. iii. (Viewed 30 August 2018. E00240).
1879 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of silver-plated ware..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. v. (Viewed 31 August 2018. E00248).
1879 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of fine electro silver-plated ware..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. v. (Viewed 31 August 2018. E00255).
1879 - four advertisementsC. A. B. Halvorson, presumably Butte, Montana. (December 1879). Advertisement: "... [1847] Rogers Bros. Table Cutlery, Meriden Silver-plated ware [presumably either Meriden Britannia Co. or Meriden Silver Plate Co.] ..." The Weekly Miner (Butte, Montana). (Viewed 10 October 2018. B00881-84).
Click the following link to see the parallel webpage - 1847 Rogers Bros. designs in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions. |
1880s |
1880 advertisementsSee the ads 1880 - advertisementE. J. Lehmann, Chicago. (8 February 1880). Advertisement: "... Silverware Department... [1847] Rogers Bros., Meriden Britannia Co. ..." [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 8, col. 6. (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00942-43). 1880 - two advertisementsRogers, Smith & Company (and 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company). (June & July 1880). Advertisements: "... Silver-Plated Ware..." The Trader (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00782-83.)
1880 - advertisementRogers, Smith & Company (and 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company). (August 1880). Advertisement: "Electro-Plated Flat Ware..." The Trader (Toronto, ON), p. 8. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00784.) 1880 - advertisementRogers, Smith & Company (and 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company). (September 1880). Advertisement: "Electro-Plated Falt [sic] Ware..." The Trader (Toronto, ON), p. 2. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00786.) 1880 - advertisementRogers, Smith & Company (and 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company). (October 1880). Advertisement: "Electro-Plated Flat Ware..." The Trader (Toronto, ON), p. 8. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00787.) 1880 - advertisementBullard & George, presumably Watertown, NY. (4 October 1880). Advertisement: "Solid and silver plate ... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Watertown Times (Watertown, NY), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01075). 1880 - advertisementZimmerman, McNaught & Co. (November 1880). Advertisement: "... Electro Plated Hollow Ware... Rogers, Smith & Co., Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. ... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company]..." The Trader (Toronto, ON), p. 8. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00788.) 1880 - advertisementZimmerman, McNaught & Co. (December 1880). Advertisement: "... Electro Plated Hollow Ware... Rogers, Smith & Co., Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. ... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company]..." The Trader (Toronto, ON), p. 1. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00788.) 1881 - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (1881). [Catalogue; notations: "flatware", "1847"], 165 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2020. H01451).
1881 - price listMeriden Britannia Company. (1881). Price list of the Meriden Britannia Co.’s celebrated 1847. — Rogers Bros. — A-1. electro silver-plated spoons, forks, etc. 68 pp. (Updated 23 April 2017. A00930; A01451.) 1881 - spotlighted advertisement and listingMeriden Britannia Co. (1881). Advertisement for Meriden Britannia Co. and 1847 Rogers Bros. [see excerpt below; with illustration of sculptural cherub and swan on chariot form], (p. 200). [Also, listed in "Stock companies" section (p. 187) and see possible listings in business directory.] In Meriden directory for 1881; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory. Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 12 October 2020. F01486; F01509; F01511). "Silver plated ware; The Meriden Britannia Co. ... New York... Chicago, San Francisco... 1847, Rogers Brother’s silver plated spoons, forks, table cutlery... First premium awarded at all fairs where exhibited, from World’s Fair 1853 [referring to Rogers Bros. Mfg. Co. (see that research compilation webpage)], to American Institute Fairs, 1873, 1874 and 1875, inclusive, and at Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 1876... Meriden... Hamilton, Ont. ..." (Excerpt from above.) 1881 advertisementsSee the ads 1881 - advertisementW. L. Beitler & Co.’s Boston 99c Stores, Sedalia, MO & Boonville, MO. (23 February 1881). Advertisement: "... [presumably 1847] Rogers Bros. ( / Meriden Britannia Co.) plated ware..." The Sedalia Weekly Bazoo (Sedalia, Missouri), unknown page number. (Viewed 18 September 2018. B00315). 1881 - advertisementE. J. Lehmann, Cor. State and Adams Sts., Chicago. (13 March 1881). Advertisement: "... first-class goods... (presumably Meriden Brittania Co. / 1847] Rogers Bros.’ No. 12 knives... [and] silver-plated teaspoons ..." Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 18 September 2018. B00327-28). 1881 - advertisementW. L. Beitler & Co.’s Boston 99c Stores, Sedalia, MO. (19 April 1881). Advertisement: "... finest line of silverware we’ve ever had... [presumably 1847] Rogers Bros. ..." The Sedalia Weekly Bazoo (Sedalia, Missouri), presumably p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 18 September 2018. B00329-30). 1881 - advertisementW. L. Beitler & Co.’s Boston 99c Store, 227 Ohio St, Sedalia, MO. (26 April 1881). Advertisement: "Our spring stock of silverware is in, and we have now as nice and as many goods in this line as anybody... [presumably 1847] Rogers Bros." The Sedalia Weekly Bazoo (Sedalia, Missouri), presumably p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 19 September 2018. B00333). 1881 - two advertisementsE. J. Lehmann, Chicago. (28 December, 31 December 1881). Advertisement: "... [presumably Meriden Brittania Co. / 1847] Rogers Brothers..." [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00369-70).
1882 advertisementsSee the ads 1882 - two advertisementsC. W. Baldwin, Boston, MA. (9 & 16 December 1882). Advertisements: "... A complete line of Rogers Bros. A1 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] knives, forks and spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Massachusetts Ploughman and New England Journal of Agriculture. (Viewed 16 June 2019. D00805-06).
1882 - advertisementAwalt’s, Cincinnati, Ohio. (20 December 1882). Advertisement: "... Rogers Bros.’ 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Triple-plated Knives... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Enquirer (Ohio), p. 5. (Viewed 19 June 2019. D00804).
1883 advertisementsSee the ads 1883 - ten advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company. (March-December 1883). Advertisement: "... Electro, Silver and Gold Plate... Manufactories: Meriden... and Hamilton, Ont... 1847 Rogers Bros." (with illustration of buildings). The Trader (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 29 September 2017. G00799; G00801; G00803; G00805; G00807; G00809; G00811; G00813; G00815; G00817.)
1883 - text-based advertisementScott’s, Waterbury, VT. (5 December 1883). Advertisement: "The best 1847 Rogers Brothers’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] knives and forks, warranted triple plate, at Scott’s, Waterbury" [with no illustrations]. The Vermont Watchman (Montpelier, VT), p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00932-33). 1884 articlesSee the articles 1884 - news mention(January 1884). Trade gossip [including (presumably 1847) Rogers Bros. (/ Meriden Britannia) vs. C. Rogers & Bros. in legal dispute concerning the "C. Rogers & Bros." name]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 412. (Viewed 7 September 2018. C00290.) 1884 - magazine article(September 1884). An elegant catalogue [referring to the 1884 Meriden Britannia Co. catalogue supplement, presumably the 88-page catalogue listed above, mention of 1847 Rogers Bros.]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 245. (Viewed 5 September 2018. F00270-71). "One of the most elegant examples of the typographical art is exhibited in the new catalogue just issued by the Meriden Britannia Company... The present supplemental catalogue is a work of art in itself..." (Excerpt from above.) 1884 advertisementsSee the ads 1884 - twelve advertisementsChristie and George, Superior, WI. (January - April 1884). Advertisement: "... Fine Jewelry and Silver Ware!... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Knives, Forks and Spoons... " [no illustrations]. The Superior Times (Superior, Wisconsin). (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01139-50).
1884 - seven advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company. (January-May & August-September 1884). Advertisements: "... Electro, Silver and Gold Plate... Manufactories: Meriden... and Hamilton, Ont... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (with illustration of buildings). The Trader (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 29 September 2017. G00819; G00821; G00823; G00825; G00827; G00830; G00832.)
1884 - three advertisementsChicago Bargain House / Hull Brothers, presumably Wichita, KS. (August 1884). Advertisement: "... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [no illustrations]. Wichita Daily Eagle (Kansas). (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01159-61).
1884 - three advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company. (October-December 1884). Advertisements: "... Electro, Silver and Gold Plate... Only Gold Medal Awarded at Toronto Industrial Exhibition, 1884... Manufactories: Meriden... and Hamilton, Ont... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (with illustration of buildings). The Trader (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 29 September 2017. G00834-35; G00837.)
1885 articlesSee the articles 1885 - news mention, 1847 Rogers Bros. in New Orleans Exposition(March 1885). The New Orleans Exposition [Letter to the editor] (with lengthy description about the 1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company installation at the exposition). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 62. (Viewed 5 September 2018. F00287-88.) 1885 - news mention(September 1885). Official awards— New Orleans Exposition [includes description of award(s) to Meriden Britannia Company and 1847 Rogers Bros]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, pp. 253-54. (Viewed 7 September 2018. C00295-96.) 1885 advertisementsSee the ads 1885 - twelve advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company. (January-December 1885). Advertisements: "... Electro, Silver and Gold Plate... Only Gold Medal Awarded at Toronto Industrial Exhibition, 1884... Manufactories: Meriden... and Hamilton, Ont... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." (with illustration of buildings). The Trader (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 29 September 2017. G00840; G00842; G00844; G00846; G00848; G00850; G00852; G00854; G00856; G00858-59; G00861.)
1885 - advertisementKingsley & Patten’s, Mexico, New York. (4 February 1885). Advertisement: "... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " Mexico Independent (Mexico, New York), unknown page, col. 7. (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01169). 1885 - advertisementHoffman & Robinson, Lyons, NY. (8 August 1885). Advertisement: "The best goods at a very small margin... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... Knives and forks, first quality... " Newark Union (New York), presumably p. 4, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 23 April 2020. C01218). 1885 - advertisementVan Heusen, Charles & Co., Albany, NY. (13 August 1885). Advertisement: "Silver Plated Ware... Meriden Britannia Co. / Rogers Bros. 1847 ... " [with no illustrations]. Albany Journal (New York), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 20 August 2020. E01101-02).
1886 advertisementsSee the ads 1886 - advertisement and listingMeriden Britannia Co. (1886). Advertisement: "... Gold and silver plated ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... New York; San Francisco; Chicago; London, England; Factories: Meriden, Conn., Hamilton, Ont." [with illustrations of pitcher set and spoon], (p. 289). [Also listed in "Stock Companies" section (p. 269), and see possible listings in business directory.] In Meriden directory for 1886; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory, a map.... Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 10 October 2020. F01485; F01493; F01505). 1886 - advertisementE. J. Lehmann, "The Fair", Chicago, IL. (4 April 1886). Advertisement: "Specialties from our Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery Depts. ... Rogers Bro. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Teaspoons... Knives... " [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 1. (Viewed 1 June 2019. C00899).
1886 - advertisementJ. W. Tuttle & Co., Plattsburgh, NY. ( c. 16 & 17 April 1886). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. A 1 and Meriden Britannia Co.’s Silver Plated Ware ... " [with illustration of ice pitcher]. The Plattsburgh Sentinel (Plattsburgh, New York). (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00736-38).
1886 - two advertisementsWm. Barney, presumably Sandy Creek, NY. (c. 11 & 18 November 1886). Text-based advertisement: "Wm. Barney has added to his stock of watches, clocks and jewelery, 1847 Rogers Bro. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] silver plated ware, plated on nickel silver" [with no illustration]. Sandy Creek News (Sandy Creek, New York). (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00744-47).
1886 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Co. (13 December 1886). Advertisement: "Table Furniture, Of fine Silver Plate, in Nickel Silver, Silver Soldered, and White Metal ware, including 1847 Rogers Bros’. A1 Forks, Spoons, and table cutlery" [with no illustration]. The Evening Post (New York, NY), p. 1, col. 9. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00739-40). 1886 - advertisementA. M. Wentworth, Portland, ME. (22 December 1886). Advertisement: "Great bargains... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.]... " [with no llustrations]. The Press (Portland, Maine), p. 2, col. 2. (Viewed 23 April 2020. D01286). 1887 - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company. (1887). Price-list of the celebrated 1847 Rogers Bros. AI and 1847 Rogers Bros. XII : gold and silver plated spoons, forks, knives, etc. 111 pp. (Updated 23 April 2017. A00931.)
1887 - historical informationBeckford, William Hale. (1887). On "The Meriden Britannia Co.", (pp. 232-33, with building illustration and illustration of 1847 Assyrian pattern spoon, and 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia advertisement at inside back cover.) In Leading business men of New Haven (county) [Includes “Meriden” and “Leading business men of Meriden” section (pp. 223-47).] Mercantile Pub. Co.: Boston. (Viewed 17 June 2016. A00858-59; A02767.) 1887 advertisementsSee the ads 1887 - advertisement and directory listingsMeriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (1887). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Gold and Silver Plate... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with illustration of no. 1618 fruit dish and embossed coffee spoon]. In Meriden directory for 1887, (p. 312). (Also, directory listings on pp. 223 (Coffin Trimming Mfrs.), p. 251 (Silver Plated Ware Mfrs.; Spoon and Fork Mfrs.); p. 278 (stock company listing).] Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 20 May 2020. H01590; H01594-95; H01601; H01607). 1887 - advertisementA. M. Wentworth, Portland, Maine. (7 February 1887). Advertisement: "Great Bargains... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Portland Daily Press (Portland, Maine), unknown page number, col. 8. (Viewed 6 July 2019. F01100-01). 1887 - advertisementLawton’s China Bazar, Wilmington, DE. (20 September 1887). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ..." [with no illustrations]. Daily Republican (Wilmington, Delaware), unknown page number, col. 2. (Viewed 12 June 2019. B00864-65). 1887 - two advertisementsBoston Variety Store, Washington, DC. (19, 21 November 1887). Advertisement: "... Thanksgiving is coming... Meriden Britannia Co. ... [1847] Rogers [Bros.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01156-58).
1887 - advertisementSeymour and Curtis, St. Paul, MN. (11 December 1887). Advertisement: "... Holiday Purchases... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co.] Knives ... " [with no illustrations]. St. Paul Daily Globe (St. Paul, MN), p. 10, col. 4. (Viewed 6 July 2019. F01113). 1888 advertisementsSee the ads 1888 - advertisementJ. W. Tuttle & Co., Plattsburgh, NY. (3 August 1888). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company] ... " The Plattsburgh Sentinel (Plattsburgh, New York), p. 5, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00726-27). 1888 - advertisementWilliam Lawton, Wilmington, DE. (24 September 1888). Advertisement: "... 1847, Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Tea Spoons... Dessert Spoons... Table Spoons... " [with no related illustration]. Evening Journal (Wilmington, Delaware), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 19 June 2019. D00875-76). 1888 - advertisementI. Lewis Row, Wilmington, DE. (13 October 1888). Advertisement: "... [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ..." Daily Republican (Wilmington, Delaware), presumably p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 13 October 2018. B01038). 1888 - advertisementJames H. Walker & Co., Chicago, IL. (8 November 1888). Advertisement: "Silverware... Rogers’ 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no relevant illustration]. The Chicago Tribune, p. 8, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 1 June 2019. C00902).
1888 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton, Boston, MA. (9 December 1888). Advertisement: "... Silver Ware... A large assortment... Meriden Britannia Co. ... 1847 Rogers Flat Ware... " [with no product illustrations]. The Boston Sunday Globe, p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 29 October 2020. F01665).
1888 - two advertisementsCobb Bros., presumably Mexico, NY. (c. 19 & 26 December 1888). Text-based advertisement: "... Silverware of 1847 Roger[s] Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company] ... " [with no illustration]. Mexico Independent (Mexico, New York). (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00728-31).
1888 - two advertisementsWm. Lawton, Wilmington, DE. (20 December 1888). Advertisements: "... Child’s Sets... 1847 Rogers Bro’s [sic; / Meriden Britannia Co.] ... Silver-Plated Table Knives... Tea Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Journal (Wilmington, Delaware). (Viewed 1 June 2019. C00927-31).
1889 - design catalogueBusiest House in America. (1889). 13th annual illustrated catalogue of the Busiest House in America containing illustrations and prices of a few leading and staple styles of diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, clocks, canes, umbrellas, opera glasses, gold spectacles, eye glasses, etc. [pp. 3-93 feature designs by Rogers, Smith & Co; Meriden Britannia; Meriden Silver Plate Co.; and Middletown Plate Co. without specifying which designs are by which of the 4 companies. Additionally, 1847 Rogers Brothers designs are on pp. 115-30, 134-38, and additional Rogers, Smith & Co designs are on pp. 135 & 137.] Catalogue: 482 pp. (Viewed 7 March 2017. A01684; AAA00585.) 1889 - missing pamphlet1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (1889). [Pamphlet for Siren pattern]. Number of pages unknown. (No copy known to be in a public library.) (Viewed 15 September 2018. L00798-99.) 1889 - news mention(June 1889). Trade gossip [with paragraph about 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia new pattern, Siren, and a new pamphlet]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 86. (Viewed 15 September 2018. L00798-99.) 1889 advertisementsSee the ads 1889 - text-based advertisementI. Lewis Row, Wilmington, DE. (c. 12 April 1889). Advertisement: "1847, Rogers Bros.’s [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] triple plate forks... extra plate table spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Republican (Wilmington, Delaware), page number unknown, col. 5. (Viewed 12 June 2019. D00801; F01000). 1889 - text-based advertisementHayden Bros., presumably Omaha, NE. (23 June 1889). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bro.’s [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] knives and forks... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 8, col. 3. (Viewed 16 June 2019. F00993-94). 1889 - advertisementR. H. White & Co., presumably Boston, MA. (29 September 1889). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... ’Meriden’ [Britannia Co.] / ’Rogers [Bros.] 1847’ ... " [with no illustrations]. Boston Sunday Globe, p. 8, col. 7. (Viewed 30 October 2020. F01664).
For other possible expositions that might have included exhibits of 1847 Rogers Bros. products not listed on this documentation bibliography, see possible leads in the listing of Meriden Britannia Co. in expositions. |
1890s |
1890 - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company. (1890). Staple goods: Gold and silver plate. 176 pp. ["This catalogue contains... a complete assortment of 1847.- Rogers Bros. - A1." (p. 2).] (Updated 23 April 2017. A00613.) 1890 advertisementsSee the ads 1890 - twelve advertisementsMeriden Britannia Company. (January-December 1890). Advertisements: "... Finest Quality Artistic, Gold & Silver Plate... 1847 Rogers Bros... Manufactories: Meriden, Conn., U. S. and Hamilton, Ont., Canada" (illustrating tilting water pitcher set). The Trader (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 29 September 2017. G00887; G00889; G00891; G00893; G00895; G00897; G00899; G00929; G00931; G00934; G00936; G00938.)
1890 - advertisementC. H. Gilman, Red House, Sacramento. (12 November 1890). Advertisement: "... Rogers’ celebrated 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] flatware... " [with no illustrations] Sacramento Daily Record-Union, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 10 October 2018. B00927-28). 1890 - advertisementKaufmanns’, Pittsburgh, PA. (14 December 1890). Advertisement: "Table silverware ... Rogers Bros. ’1847’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] .... " [with no related illustrations]. Pittsburg Dispatch (Pittsburgh, PA), p. 8, col. 7. (Viewed 13 May 2019; H00862-63). 1890 - advertisementKaufmanns’, Pittsburgh, PA. (17 December 1890). Advertisement: "... A Run on Silver... Rogers Bros. ’1847’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... Knives or Forks... Tea Spoons... Table Spoons... " [with no related illustrations]. Pittsburg Dispatch, p. 8, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 13 May 2019; H00864-66). 1890 - advertisementC. H. Gilman, Red House, Sacramento. (22 December 1890). Advertisement: "... Rogers’ genuine 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] flatware... " [with no illustrations]. Sacramento Daily Record-Union, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 10 October 2018. B00929-30). 1891 - historical information and advert(1891). On the "Meriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros.", [pp. 148 (advert); 156 (description and illustration)]. In Connecticut of to-day: Its chief business centres. Acme Publishing and Engraving: New York. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01543; A01546-48.) 1891 advertisementsSee the ads 1891 - eight advertisements1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (January-March 1891). Advertisements: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." Hardware (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 30 September 2017. A01587-88; G00903; G00906; G00910; G00913; G00916; G00919; G00923.)
1891 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (4 February 1891). Advertisement: "... Gold and silver plate..." [with illustrations of three spoons and two forks showing the following patterns: Berkeley, Dundee, Florida, Grecian, and Stockbridge]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 19. (Viewed 1 September 2018. B00289). 1891 - four advertisements1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (April 1891). Advertisements: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with no illustrations]. Hardware (Toronto, ON). (Viewed 11 August 2020. A02905-07; G00926.)
1892 advertisementsSee the ads 1892 - advertisementScott & Baird Co., Watertown, NY. (28 May 1892). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.], A1 Silverware... " [with no illustrations]. The Watertown Herald (Watertown, New York), p. 1, top right. (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00710-11). 1892 - advertisementA. A. Mills, Pittsfield, MA. (19 August 1892). Advertisement: "Crockery, etc. ... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Silver Plated Ware in the new Portland patterns... " [with no illustrations]. The Berkshire Evening Eagle (Pittsfield, MA), p. 1, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 16 July 2021. R00664).
1892 - advertisementA. A. Mills, Pittsfield, MA. (19 September 1892). Advertisement: "Just received... A full line of... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Silver Plated Ware in the new Portland patterns... " [with no illustrations]. Berkshire Evening Eagle (Pittsfield, Massachusetts), p. 4, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 27 December 2021. R00667).
1892 - advertisementHilton, Hughes & Co., New York. (15 November 1892). Advertisement: ".. ’1847’ Rogers Bros.’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Dessert Spoons extra plate on pure nickel silver... sugar tongs, same make..." [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York, NY), p. 10, col. 2-3. (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00712). 1893 - design brochureMeriden Britannia Company. (1893). World’s Fair: The Meriden Britannia Co.; also makers of 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, knifes, forks, etc. 12 pp. ("Catalogue of silver plated ware displayed in its pavilion at the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893.") (Viewed 1 June 2016. A00393; A00731.) 1893 - missing design catalogue1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia). (1893). [trade catalogue]. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Viewed 7 January 2017.) 1893 - design catalogue excerpts reprint1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia.) (1893). Reprinted illustrations showing 4 mustache spoons from catalogue (1893). In Hogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities, (p. 91). Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 20 April 2017. DM.)
1893 - historical informationD.H. Hurd & Co. (1893). “Meriden Britannia” (page 211) and illustration. In Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. Compiled from government surveys, county records and personal investigations. Boston, MA; 223 pp. (Viewed 1 May 2016. A00514; A00516.) "MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. (THE) 1893 advertisementsSee the ads 1893 - advertisementFerris, the reliable Jeweler, Mt. Morris, NY. (c. 13 April 1893). Text-based advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Knives, Forks and Spoons... " Livingston Republican, (Geneseo, New York), p. , col. 2. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00732-33). 1893 - advertisementLord & Taylor, New York. (5 December 1893). Advertisement: "Holiday novelties... 1847 Rogers’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] A-1 Silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoons... "The Evening Post (New York, NY), unknown page, col. 4. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00734-35). 1893 - three advertisementsW. S. Wilkinson & Co., Olean, New York. (c. 7, c. 11, c. 12 December 1893). Advertisements: "We have largely increased our stock of silver plated flat ware and added a fine line of plated hollow ware... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Olean Herald (Olean, New York). (Viewed 3 July 2019. F01068-71).
1894 advertisementsSee the ads 1894 - advertisementMandel Brothers, Chicago, IL. (1 January 1894). Advertisement: "... Art Wares, Silver Ware, and Dinner Ware... [1847] Rogers Bros., Meriden Britannia Co. ... "[with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 5. (Viewed 6 June 2020. C00918).
1894 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (7 February 1894). Advertisement: "The Romanesque. Patented..." [with twelve illustrations showing Romanesque pattern]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, pp. 10-11. (Viewed 28 August 2018. B00223.) 1894 - advertisementR. Harris & Co., Washington, DC. (10 October 1894). Advertisement: "... [1847] Rogers Bros., Meriden Brittania [sic] ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 6, col. 3. (Viewed 7 October 2018. B00805). 1895 - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company. (1895). Spoons, forks, knives, etc. 1847 Rogers Bros. [catalogue no. 43]. 141 pp. (Updated 23 April 2017. A00934-35.) [1]
1895 - design catalogue reprintMeriden Britannia Company. (1895). Spoons, forks, knives, etc. (1847 Rogers Bros.) [catalogue No. 43]. 141 pp. “Reprint” in Trade catalogues at Winterthur (microform), (v. 1) (entry 1670, p. 291). (1984). Clearwater Pub. Co.: New York. (Viewed 2 May 2016. A00518; A00902; A00904) [2]
1895 advertisementsSee the ads 1895 - advertisementT. L. Streeter, Auctioneer, presumably Streator, IL. (24 April 1895). Advertisement: "... We have a large stock... Rogers Bros’ 1847 knives and forks... Hollow-ware; Of the following well known manufacturers: Meriden [Britannia] Co. ..." [with no illustrations]. Streator Daily Free Press (Streator, IL), presumably p. 2, cols. 3-5. (Viewed 17 July 2021. R00723).
1895 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (29 August 1895). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. XII, Silver Plate that Wears..." Life magazine, p. 146. (Viewed 26 September 2017. G00702.) 1895 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (19 December 1895). Advertisement: "Meriden Britannia Co.’s ’Silver Plate that Wears’..." Life magazine, p. 392. (Viewed 26 September 2017. G00711.) 1895 - advertisementDives, Pomeroy & Stewart, presumably Harrisburg, PA. (21 December 1895). Advertisement: "... Our magnficent display of holiday silverware... Rogers’ genuine 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburg, PA), presumably p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00062).
1896 advertisementsSee the ads 1896 - advertisementEmpire Jewelry Co., presumably Seattle, WA. (29 March 1896). Advertisement: "... Tableware, Spoons, Forks, Etc. ... Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, p. 1, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 24 June 2019. D00990-91). 1896 - advertisementM. D. Barnes, Receiver. (21 September 1896). Advertisement: Receiver’s sale, stock of Empire Jewelry Co., no. 705 Second Av., [presumably Seattle]... Rogers 1847 ... Meriden Brittania [sic] ... " The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Washington), p. 5. (Viewed 30 September 2018. B00598). 1896 - advertisementM. D. Barnes, Receiver. (22 September 1896). Advertisement: Receiver’s sale, stock of Empire Jewelry Co. ... Rogers 1847 ... Meriden Brittania [sic] ... " The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Washington), p. 5, cols. 5-8. (Viewed 30 September 2018. B00599). 1896 - advertisementSiegel, Cooper & Co., Chicago. (27 September 1896). Advertisement: "... Watches, Jewelry and Silverware... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia] combination set of 6 knives and 6 forks... " [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 32. (Viewed 22 May 2019. H00956).
1897 advertisementsSee the ads 1897 - advertisementD. D. Williams Co., presumably Emporia, KS. (10 February 1897). Advertisement: "Now is the time to get knives, forks and spoons... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), p. 4, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 23 January 2021. R00065).
1897 - advertisementSimpson, Crawford & Simpson, New York. (21 March 1897). Advertisement: "... Fancy Goods... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Silver Plated Fish Knives, Forks, Soup Ladles, and Berry Spoons... Table Knives... " [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York), p. 13, col. 5. (Viewed 7 June 2020. D01327-29). 1897 - advertisementBrassfield’s, presumably Ness City, KS. (13 November 1897). Advertisement: "We always do; Buy our goods right and sell the same way... Rogers’ [Bros.] 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Ness County Echo, (Ness City, Kansas), p. 5, col. 4. (Viewed 4 January 2021. D01739).
1897 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. (December 1897). Advertisement: ’Silver plate that wears’; ’1847 Rogers Bros.’; On spoons, knives and forks... Manufactured only by Meriden Britannia Company... " [with illustration showing four pieces of cutlery in the Berkshire, Lotis and Vesta patterns]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 48, col. 4. (Viewed 21 June 2019. D00904-05).
1897 - advertisementJ. A. Schrott, Herkimer, NY. (c. 15 December 1897). Advertisement: "The way to make a Merry Christmas... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Knives and Forks... " [with no illustrations]. Herkimer Democrat (Herkimer, New York), unknown page, col. 5-6. (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00708-09). 1897 - advertisementJoseph H. Bauland Co., Brooklyn, NY. (17 December 1897). Advertisement: "... Silverware. Headquarters for 1847 Rogers [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 9, col. 2. (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00706-07). c. 1897 - design catalogue(c. 1897). 1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia) silverware [including the following patterns: Arabesque, Columbia, Lotus, Moline, Plain, Portland, Romanesque, Savoye, Shell, Tipped, and Vesta.] In 1968 reprint, Israel, Fred L. (Ed.), 1897 Sears Roebuck catalogue, (pp. 443-44). New York: Chelsea House Publishers. (Viewed 9 May 2017. A02406; A02410-11.) before 1898 - postcard1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (before 1898). Postcard with company information. (Viewed 15 June 2020. D01470). 1898 advertisementsSee the ads 1898 - advertisementFarnsworth & Ashby, presumably Topeka, KS. (26 March 1898). Advertisement: "Special sale of Silverware. ... 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ Meriden Britannia Co.)" [With no illustrations.] Topeka State Journal (Kansas), p. 6, col. 6-7. (Viewed 3 October 2018. B00687). 1898 - three advertisementsQuackenbush & Co., Paterson, NJ. (4, 6 & 7 June 1898). Advertisements: "... June weddings... Meriden Britannia 1847 (Rogers Bros.) ... " [with no illustrations]. The Morning Call (Paterson, New Jersey). (Viewed 17 May 2020. H01576-78).
1898 - advertisementsQuackenbush & Co., Paterson, NJ. (18, 20, 21 June 1898). Advertisement: "... Basement Bargains ... Silverware ... Meriden Britannia 1847 (Rogers Bros.) ... " [with no illustrations]. The Morning Call (Paterson, New Jersey). (Viewed 7 June 2020. D01324-26).
1898 - three advertisements on the page1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (13 July 1898). Three advertisements [with two illustrations, showing Berkshire, Columbia and Vesta patterns]. Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 42. (Viewed 3 September 2018. D00278). 1898 - advertisementS. Kann, Sons & Co., Washington, DC. (19 June 1898). Advertisement: "Opening of our new silverware department... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... " [with possibly related abstract illustrations showing knife, fork and three spoons]. The Times (Washington, DC), p. 5, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 2 June 2020. H01950-51). 1898 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (17 August 1898). Advertisement: "... Silver plate that wears..." [with two illustrations showing Berkshire, Columbia, Lotus, Savoy, Tipped, and Vesta patterns]. Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 8. (Viewed 3 September 2018. D00295). 1898 - advertisementMeriden Britannia Company and 1847 Rogers Bros. (21 September 1898). Advertisement: "... Silver plate as good as can be made..." [with illustration showing several designs]. Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 15. (Viewed 3 September 2018. C00237). 1898 - advertisementJoseph H. Bauland Co., Brooklyn, NY. (16 October 1898). Advertisement: "... Meriden Britannia... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] ..." [with no relevant illustrations]. The Sun (New York), p. 8, col. 5-7. (Viewed 9 October 2018. B00855-56). 1898 - advertisementS. Kann, Sons & Co., Washington, DC. (1 November 1898). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros [/ Meriden Britannia]. Every piece stamped... " [with abstract illustrations of serving spoons and fork]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 9, col. 1. ( F00670-72). 1898 - two advertisementsC. T. Clingenpeel, Delta, Colorado. (16 & 23 December 1898). Advertisement: "... Fine watches, Jewely [sic], Clocks, Silverware and Novelties... 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ Meriden Britannia Co.) ..." The Delta Independent (Delta, Colorado). (Viewed 19 September 2018. B00343-44).
1898 - advertisementSiegel Cooper & Co., Chicago, IL. (18 December 1898). Advertisement: "... Clocks and Plated Silverware... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... Dinner Knives or Forks... Table Spoons or Forks... " [with abstract illustration of knife]. Chicago Tribune, p 48-49. (Viewed 21 June 2019. E00724).
Part of Meriden Britannia, 1847 Rogers Bros. also became part of the International Silver Company in 1898. After this date, it is assumed that any design patents utilized by the 1847 Rogers Bros. division or brand were assigned to the International Silver Company. (See the ISC historical documentation page). after 1898 - design brochure or catalogueInternational Silver Company / (Meriden Britannia Co.) (after 1898). Ambassador and other patterns of "1847 Rogers Bros." silverware. (Updated 20 April 2017. A01456.) after 1898 - design brochure or catalogueInternational Silver Company / (Meriden Britannia Co.) (after 1898). Heraldic (pattern for) "1847 Rogers Bros." (Updated 20 April 2017. A00469.) after 1898 - design brochure or catalogueInternational Silver Company / (Meriden Britannia Co.) (after 1898). Louvain (pattern of) "1847 Rogers Bros." silverware. (Updated 20 April 2017. A00468.) 1899 advertisementsSee the ads 1899 - three advertisementsMurphy, the jeweler, presumably Maysville, Kentucky. (August 1899). Text-based advertisement: "... [1847] Rogers Bros. [Co. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening Bulletin (Maysville, KY). (Viewed 9 October 2018. B00845-47).
1899 - six text-based advertisementsMurphy, the jeweler, presumably Maysville, Kentucky. (30, 31 August; 1, 2, 4, 5 September 1899). Text-based advertisement: "... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] knives and forks... tea spoons... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening Bulletin (Maysville, KY). (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00950-55).
1899 - advertisementFrank E. Fearl, Jeweler, presumably Hutchinson, KS. (21 October 1899). Advertisement: "Rogers’ Flat Ware... International [Silver] Company... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, KS), p. 11, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R00067).
1899 - advertisementF. J. Edwards, Helena, Montana. (17 December 1899). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ..." [with no illustrations]. The Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, Montana), Christmas edition, p. 54, col. 5. |
1900s | 1900 - news mention(5 February 1900). [No article heading; listing the Meriden Britannia Company (presumably including 1847 Rogers Bros.) as "Factory E" of the International Silver Company]. The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 29 September 2018. B00566-67). 1900 - spotlighted advertisement mentionAldrich, Barton, VT. (26 March 1900). Advertisement: "A true history of Rogers & Bro. ... Rogers Brothers Manufacturing Co. ... Rogers, Smith & Co. ... Wm. Rogers Manufacturing Co. ... Meriden Britannia Co. ... 1847 Rogers Brothers... International Silver Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Orleans County Monitor (Barton, VT), presumably p. 5, cols. 5-6. 1900 advertisementsSee the ads 1900 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn, NY. (10 February 1900). Advertisement: "... Crockery and Housefurnishings... Silverware... Rogers Bros., 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Standard Union (Brooklyn, New York), p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01222-23).
1900 - advertisementBennett Company, Omaha, NE. (18 February 1900). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros.’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silverware that Wears... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 5. (Viewed 16 June 2019. D00802). 1900 - advertisementThe Star Store, Indianapolis, IN. (18 February 1900). Advertisement: "Sale of Silverware; 1847 Rogers Bros.’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Tea Spoons... Knives or Forks... Table Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Indianapolis Journal, p. 16. (Viewed 16 June 2019. D00803-04). 1900 - advertisementHarry Davis, Cañon City, CO. (c. 12 April 1900). Advertisement: "Cheapest Store on Earth! ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] knives and forks... table spoons... desert [sic] spoons... tea spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Cañon City Record (Cañon City, Colorado), unknown page number, col. 3. (Viewed 28 June 2019. E00920-21). 1900 - advertisementWm. Hengerer Co., Buffalo, NY. (23 April 1900). Advertisement: "Housekeeping hints... Silver Plated Table Ware... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC] Spoons and Forks... " [with no illustration]. Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, New York), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 19 June 2020. L01424-25).
1900 - advertisementMcKenney, The Jeweler, Portland, ME. (7 June 1900). Advertisement: "Grand Silver Ware Sale... Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Portland Daily Press (Portland, ME), p. 10, col. 3. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R01557). 1900 - advertisementS. E. Olson, Co., Minneapolis, MN. (5 October 1900). Advertisement: "... The opening of our grand Jewelry, Silverware and Bric-a-Brac Department... Rogers’ Bros., 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Minneapolis Tribune / Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota), p. 5, cols. 4-7. (Viewed 20 January 2021. D01720).
c. 1900 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC. (c. 1900). Advertisement: "Silver plate that wears". [Shows spoons in the following patterns: Columbia, Lotus, Vesta, Savoy, Tipped, Berkshire.] In Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC’s The chafing dish [catalogue no. 59]. 31 pp. (Viewed 7 August 2017. AAA00631.) after 1900 - price listInternational Silver Company of Canada / (Meriden Britannia Co.). (after 1900.) 1847 Rogers Bros. ... consumer open stock price list. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 16 August 2017. A02949.) 1901 - spotlighted advertisement mentionSimeon L. and George H. Rogers Company. (18 May 1901). Advertisement: "... Sterling silver and silver plated ware... Facts about Rogers trade-marks... " [with mention of Rogers Bros. Manufacturing Co.; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Rogers & Bro.; 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co.; Wm. Rogers Manufacturing Co.] [with no product illustrations]. The American Artisan and Hardware Record, p. 7. (Viewed 6 July 2021. R01453). 1901 advertisementsSee the ads 1901 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (3 June 1901). Advertisement: "For June weddings... Silver-Plated Ware... [Rogers Bros.] 1847 Brand ... Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News (New York), p. 5, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 27 December 2020. D01632).
1901 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (3 June 1901). Advertisement: "For... June weddings... [Rogers Bros.] 1847... Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Buffalo Commercial (New York, p. 10, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 13 January 2021. D01807).
1901 - two advertisementsW. H. Pickens, Easley, SC. (October 1901). Advertisement: "Jewelry... (International Silver Co. / Meriden Britannia Co.) Rogers 1847 ..." The People’s Journal (Pickens, SC). (Viewed 19 September 2018. B00345-46).
1901 - two advertisementsW. H. Pickens, Easley, South Carolina. (December 1901). Advertisement: "... Rogers 1847 [Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ..." [with no illustrations]. The People’s Journal (Pickens, SC). (Viewed 6 October 2018. B00775-76).
1901 - advertisementRothchild Company, presumably Chicago, IL. (1 December 1901). Advertisement: "... Christmas Jewelry, Silverware, Leather Goods... Rogers Bros.’ 1847 Table Sets ... Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in a case]. Chicago Tribune, presumably p. 41, cols. 7 & 9. (Viewed 27 December 2020. D01634).
1901 - advertisementSiegel-Cooper & Co., Chicago. (15 December 1901). Advertisement: "Attractive values in plated silverware... Combination set of 12 pieces, consisting of six 1847 Rogers Bros.’ knives and six Rogers, Smith & Co.’s [/International Silver Co.] fancy handle forks— in silk lined box..." [with no illustrations]. Inter Ocean (Chicago, IL), presumably p. 44, col. 1. (Viewed 10 July 2023. D01878).
1902 advertisementsSee the ads 1902 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (2 January 1902). Advertisement: "The Genuine Rogers Bros. ’1847’... International Silver Co. ... Meriden Britannia Co. ... " [with illustrations of fish knife and fish fork in Berkshire pattern]. The Press (Stafford Springs, CT), unknown page number, col. 7-8. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00934-35). 1902 - five advertisementsW. H. Pickens, Easley, SC. (January - March 1902). Advertisement: "... Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silver goods: Patterns, Vesta, Columbia, Berkshire and Shell Satin... " [no illustrations]. The People’s Journal (Pickens, South Carolina). (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01151-55).
1902 - advertisementButler Cash Department Store, Butler, MO. (11 December 1902). Advertisement: "... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... teaspoons... tablespoons... knives and forks... " [with no illustrations]. The Butler Weekly Times (Butler, Missouri), p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 6 July 2019. F01118-19). c. 1902 - design catalogue(c. 1902). 1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia, ISC) silverware. [Including the following patterns: Berkshire, Columbia, Lotus, Portland, Savoy, Shell, Tipped, and Vesta.] In 1969 reprint, 1902 Sears Roebuck catalogue, p. 105. Crown Publishers. (Viewed 9 May 2017. A02414; A02419.) 1903 advertisementsSee the ads 1903 - advertisementImperial Department Store, presumably Altoona, PA. (2 June 1903). Advertisement: "The sale of silver plated ware began yesterday... [including] a very large assortment of Rogers Bros. 1847 [/International Silver Co.]... " [with no illustrations]. Morning Tribune (Altoona, PA), p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 10 July 2023. D01744).
1903 - advertisementImperial Dry Goods Co., presumbly Altoona, PA. (23 September 1903). Advertisement: "... Sterling silver and electroplated silverware... Silver Plate that Wears... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly related, abstract illustration of cutlery]. Altoona Tribune (Altoona, Pennsylvania), p. 4, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 4 January 2021. D01963).
1903 - advertisementDulin & Martin Co., Washington, DC. (30 September 1903). Advertisement: "... Desireable Silverware... Rogers’ [Bros.] 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 5, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 25 June 2019. E00803). 1903 - advertisementE. F. Mayer, Butte, MT. (17 November 1903). Text-based advertisement: "Roger Bros. 1847 [/Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.]; Now is the time to buy the popular goods at the popular priced house... " Butte Inter Mountain (Butte, Montana), p. 6, col. 2. (Viewed 28 January 2021. R00554).
1903 - advertisementF. E. Gleason, Austin, Minnesota. (c. 16 December 1903). Advertisement: "... We are showing a variety of pieces in Meriden Britannia Company’s ’Silver Plate that wears.’ This beautifully colored and decorated dish... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with abstract illustration of dish]. Mower County Transcript (Lansing, Minnesota), unknown page number. (Viewed 16 June 2019. F00997-99). 1903 - advertisementBoutell Bros., Minneapolis, MN. (22 December 1903). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros.’ [Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] plated ware— Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Etc. Extra special, Cold Meat, Forks, assorted patterns... " [with abstract illustration of fork]. Minneapolis Journal, p. 12. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00936-37). 1904 - price listRogers Bros. [presumably 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia / ISC or Rogers & Brother /ISC.] (1904). Price list. Spoons, forks, knives, etc. 24 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2017. A02395.) 1904 advertisementsSee the ads 1904 - advertisementO. C. Robinson, presumably Newark, NJ. (31 March 1904). Advertisement: "... Knives and Forks ... made by the Forbes Silver Co. who are managed by the 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ..." [with no illustrations]. The Newark Courier (Newark, New Jersey), presumably, p. 5, col. 1. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01070). 1904 - advertisementR. L. Leeson & Sons Co., presumably Elwood, IN. (presumably 8 August 1904). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Elwood Daily Record (Elwood, IN), presumably p. 4, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 30 June 2021. D01967).
1904 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (October 1904). Advertisement: "Buying for a life-time... Send for new Catalogue X-32 ... " [with illustrations of silverware]. Metropolitan Magazine, (Advertising section) p. 162. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01795). 1904 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (November 1904). Advertisement: "... Silver plate that wears... not only for Thanksgiving... " [with illustration showing knife and carving ware]. Metropolitan Magazine, (Advertising section), p. 276. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01798). 1904 - advertisementThe Bon Marche / Nordhoff & Co., presumably Seattle, WA. (22 December 1904). Advertisement: "... (International Silver Co. / Meriden Britannia Co.) Rogers Brothers 1847 ..." [with no illustrations]. The Seattle Star (Seattle, Washington), p. 2. (Viewed 6 October 2018. B00767-68). c. 1904 - design catalogue (missing)1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (c. 1904). ["Catalogue X-32"]. Number of pages unknown. No known copy in a public library. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01795). 1905 advertisementsSee the ads 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (4 October 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Meriden Britannia Company and 1847 Rogers Bros.; with illustration of product design]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 27. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00386.) 1905 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. and International Silver Company. (11 October 1905). Advertisement: "Sterling silver and fine silver plate..." [with five illustrations of spoons, knife and fork showing the following patterns: Avalon, Cloeta, Florence, Revere, and Vintage]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 35. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00390). 1905 - advertisementS. Kann Sons & Co., Washington, DC. (11 October 1905). Advertisement: "... Our Fall Silverware Sale... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.]" and "International Silver Co." [with unspecified graphical illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 6, cols. 3-7. (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00945). 1905 - advertisementS. Kann, Sons & Co. (12 October 1905). Advertisement: "... Fall sale of Silverware; Hollow Ware; Flat Ware... International Silver Co. ... ’1847’ Rogers Bros. ... " [with illustrations showing three handles without specifying pattern names; other illustrations but company not specified]. Washington Post, p. 7. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01219).
1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (25 October 1905). Advertisement [including listing of Meriden Britannia Company and 1847 Rogers Bros.; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 33. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00399). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 November 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Meriden Britannia Company and 1847 Rogers Bros.; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 31. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00253). 1905 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (1 November 1905). Advertisement: "The ’Vintage’..." [with illustration of knife, fork and spoon in the pattern]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 33. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00254). 1905 - advertisementCramer Bros., Grant Pass, Oregon. (1 December 1905). Advertisement: "... Xmas silverware we have in stock ... [International Silver Co. / Meriden Britannia Co. /] Rogers 1847 ..." Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon), presumably p. 5., col. 3. (Viewed 19 September 2018. B00337). 1905 - advertisementThe Diamond Sign / Spirit J. Vasaly, presumably Little Falls, MN. (29 December 1905). Advertisement: "... [presumably International Silver Co. / Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847] Roger[s] Bros. ..." [no illustrations]. Little Falls Herald (Little Falls, Minnesota), presumably p. 6, col. 5-6. (Viewed 22 September 2018. B00371). 1905-06 - advertising card1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC. (1905-06). "1847 Rogers Bros: Silver plate that wears". (Accession no. H.1999.1.1623. Viewed 1 August 2017. A02779-80.)
1905-15 - magazine for distributors / retailers(ISC / Meriden Britannia). (1905-15). The silver standard: A periodical of 1847, vol. 1-10. (Viewed 8 May 2017. A01220; A02398-99; AAA00395; C00001-42.)
1906 advertisementsSee the ads 1906 - advertisementAbraham and Straus, presumably Brooklyn, NY. (26 January 1906). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Flat Ware... Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... These firms are represented by their best products in the Silver Store... " [with no product illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 8, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 30 December 2021. Q01124).
1906 - advertisementBrandeis & Sons, Omaha, Nebraska. (12 April 1906). Advertisement: "... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 12. (Viewed 6 October 2018. B00789-90). 1906 - advertisementBennett’s, Omaha, NE. (22 April 1906). Advertisement: "... Silverware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related illustrations]. Omaha Sunday Bee (Nebraska), editorial section, p. 1. (Viewed 23 June 2019. D00976-77). 1906 - advertisementGeorge W. Kates, presumably Newton, KS. (30 August 1906). Advertisement: "Our special removal sale... Rogers genuine 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Teaspoons... Dessert spoons... Table Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. The Newton Evening Kansas-Republican (Newton, KS), p. 3, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 1 July 2021. R00568).
1906 - advertisementHale’s, San Francisco, CA. (11 November 1906). Advertisement: "... Thanksgiving Silverware... Cream Ladles, 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... soup spoons... 24-piece set ... " [with no product illustrations]. San Francisco Call, p. 60, col. 2. (Viewed 13 June 2020. D01420-22). 1906 - advertisementGerson’s, presumably, Pensacola, Florida. (25 November 1906). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers. Bros. [Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] The Plate that Wears ... " [with no relevant illustrations]. The Pensacola Journal (Florida), second section, presumably p. 15, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00529). 1906 - advertisementOverton’s Jewelry Store, Westfield, NY. (5 December 1906). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC] ..." [with abstract illustration]. Westfield Republican (Westfield, New York), p. 1, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 29 May 2019. C00828-29). 1906 - advertisementCramer Bros., presumably Grants Pass, OR. (7 December 1906). Advertisement: "For Christmas presents... ’Rogers 1847’, ’Forbes Silver Co.’ [/International Silver Co.] [with no illustrations]. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon), unknown page number, col. 6. (Viewed 12 May 2019; H00851). 1906 - advertisementG A Fowler (hardware), DeWitt, NE. (13 December 1906). Advertisement: "Christmas silverware... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly relevant illustrations of spoon and fork]. The DeWitt Eagle (DeWitt, Nebraska), p. 1, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 15 November 2021. C01448).
1907 advertisementsSee the ads 1907 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (January 1907). Advertisement: "... Supremacy... Silver Plate that Wears..." Table Talk, p. xix. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01126.) 1907 - advertisementFreimuth’s, Duluth, MN. (10 February 1907). Advertisement: "One More Great Day of our 24th Anniversary Sale! ... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC] best plated fruit knives... " [with no illustrations]. Duluth Evening Herald (Minnesota), p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 1 May 2020. H01287).
1907 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (March 1907). Advertisement: "Memories of ’47, The Sixtieth Anniversary..." (with illustration of Priscilla pattern spoon). Table Talk, p. xxi. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01127.) 1907 - advertisementA. H. Jenks & Son, presumably Dansville, New York. (25 April 1907). Advertisement: "Silver Plated Table Ware, Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia / ISC] Brand and Rogers & Bro. [/ ISC] A1 ’Star Brand’... Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. [/ ISC] ’Anchor’ Brand..." The Dansville Express (Dansville, NY), presumably p. 3, col. 5. (Viewed 9 February 2019. F00553-54). 1907 - two advertisementsGold Bond Premium Co., Auburn, NY. (27 & 29 April 1907). Advertisements: "... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC]; Our store now displays the finest line of this celebrated Silverware to be seen in Central New York... " [with no illustrations]. Auburn Citizen (Auburn, New York). (Viewed 1 May 2020. H01291-92).
1907 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (June 1907). Advertisement: "... Silver Plate that Wears..." (with illustration of child’s set). Table Talk, p. xix. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01128.) 1907 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (July 1907). Advertisement: "What sixty years have accomplished..." (with illustration of spoon). Table Talk, p. xv. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01129.) 1907 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (August 1907). Advertisement: "The Charter Oak pattern..." (with illustration of spoon). Table Talk, p. xix. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01130.) 1907 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (September 1907). Advertisement: "A Famous Brand of Silver Plate..." (with illustration of Charter Oak pattern spoon). Table Talk, p. xv. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01131.) 1907 - advertisementOverton’s Jewelry Store, presumably Westfield, NY. (13 November 1907). Text-based advertisement: "Pick out your Xmas Gifts now... ’1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company] ... " [with no illustrations]. Westfield Republican (Westfield, New York), p. 5, col. 4. (Viewed 9 May 2019; H00802-03). 1907 - advertisementCramer Bros., presumably Grants Pass, OR. (22 November 1907). Advertisement: "Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... Have you all the knives, forks, and spoons you need for the Thanksgiving Dinner?" [with no illustrations]. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon), unknown page number, col. 6. (Viewed 1 July 2019. F01040). 1907 - two advertisementsCramer Bros., presumably Grants Pass, OR. (29 November, 6 December 1907). Advertisements: "Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... Have you all the knives, forks, and spoons you need for the Christmas Dinner?" [with no illustrations]. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon). (Viewed 1 July 2019. F01041-42).
1907 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (December 1907). Advertisement: "Send for our illustrated catalogue..." Table Talk, p. xix. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01132.) 1907 - two advertisementsCramer Bros., presumably Grants Pass, OR. (13 & 20 December 1907). Advertisements: "Silverware... Christmas... Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ’Vintage’ ... " [with no illustrations]. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon). (Viewed 20 April 2020. D01224-25).
1907 - advertisementCramer Bros., Grants Pass, OR. (27 December 1907). "Silverware... Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ’Vintage’ ... " [with no illustrations]. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon), unknown page number, col. 6. (Viewed 14 July 2019. H01064). c. 1907 - design catalogue (missing)1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (c. 1907). [Catalogue 46]. Number of pages unknown. No copy known in a public library. Mentioned in Table Talk advertisement, p. xix. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01126.) c. 1907 - letterhead with buildings illustrationMeriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (c. 1907). Letterhead with buildings illustration. (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00678). 1908 advertisementsSee the ads 1908 - three advertisementsCramer Bros., presumably Grants Pass, OR. (January 1908). Advertisement: "Silverware... Rogers 1847 [Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.]... " [with no illustrations]. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon). (Viewed 6 October 2018. B00777-79).
1908 - advertisementE. G. Weidman, Dansville, NY. (2 January 1908). Advertisement: "Holiday announcement... Silverware... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Dansville Express (Dansville, New York), presumably p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 14 June 2020. D01442). 1908 - advertisementJ. L. Brandeis & Sons, Omaha, NE. (25 January 1908). Advertisement: "Grand price reduction; Silverware... Rogers Bros.’ 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Tea Spoons... Table Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 4, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 3 October 2020. E01649). 1908 - advertisementE. H. Overton, Jeweler, Westfield, NY. (1 April 1908). Advertisement: "Silver Plated Flatware... 1847 Rogers Brothers ..." [/ International Silver Co.] [with apparently no relevant illustration]. Westfield Republican (Westfield, New York), p. 8, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 12 May 2019; H00839-40). 1908 - advertisementJ. L. Brandeis & Sons, Omaha, NE. (6 June 1908). Advertisement: "... A Wonderful Sale; Silverware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Tea Spoons... Table Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 3 October 2020. E01650). 1908 - advertisementDulin & Martin Co., Washington, DC. (16 November 1908). Advertisement: "Headquarters for Reliable Cutlery... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 5, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 28 June 2019. E00926). 1908 - advertisementCramer Bros., presumably Grants Pass, Oregon. (4 December 1908). Advertisement: "... Holiday Silverware... Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Vintage... " [with no illustrations]. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon), presumably p. 5, col. 4-6. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01071). 1909 - design catalogueBenj. Allen & Co. (wholesaler). (1909). Annual illustrated price list: Watches, diamonds, jewelry, sterling silver and silver plated ware, cut glass, clocks and optical goods. [Thirty-sixth catalogue. Including 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.) (with illustrations showing different flatware patterns including Arabesque, Avon, Berkshire, Charter Oak, Columbia, Faneuil, Lotus, Milan, Shell, Tipped, Vintage), pp. 432-33. 482-91.] Chicago: Benj. Allen & Co. (Viewed 29 April 2020. H01254).
1909 advertisementsSee the ads 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (March 1909). Advertisement: "Silver for Service and Beauty... Table Talk, p. xvi (after p. 128). (Viewed 24 July 2020. G01122.) 1909 - two advertisements1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (April-May 1909). Advertisements: "Silver for Service and Beauty... Table Talk. (Viewed 24 July 2020. L01825-26).
1909 - advertisementDuffy-McInnerney Co., Rochester, NY. (27 May 1909). Advertisement: "... Silverware for the brides of June... Rogers Bros. 1847 [Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Flatware... " [with no specifically related illustrations]. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (New York), unknown page number. (Viewed 27 April 2020. H01241).
1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (June 1909). Advertisement: "Silver plate that wears... " [with illustration of serving spoon in Avon pattern]. Table Talk, p. xxvii. (Viewed 24 July 2020. L01827.) 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (July 1909). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. ... For sale by leading dealers everywhere... " [with illustration of spoon in Vintage pattern]. Table Talk, p. xix. (Viewed 27 July 2020. L01858). 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (August 1909). Advertisement: "Beauty and Quality... 1847 Rogers Bros.... " [with illustration]. Table Talk, p. xix. (Updated 30 July 2020. L01866.) 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia / International Silver Company. (11 August 1909). Advertisement: "Silver plate of beauty and enduring quality". Mentions "Catalogue 81-C". The Jewelers’ Circular, v. 59, no. 2, p. 28. (Viewed 3 July 2017. A02740; A02755.) 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (September 1909). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. ... Meriden Britannia Co. ... Silver Plate that Wears... "] [with illustration of spoon]. Table Talk, p. xix. (Viewed 2 August 2020. L01686.) 1909 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 September 1909). Advertisement: "Sterling Silver, Silver Plate and Cut Glass... Factories: The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., 1847 Rogers Bros., Rogers & Brother; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Derby Silver Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co." The Jewelers’ Circular, p. 31. (Viewed 19 September 2017. G00475.) 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (October 1909). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Silver Plate That Wears..." [with illustration of spoon in Avon pattern]. Table Talk, p. 409. (Viewed 6 August 2020. L01934). 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (November 1909). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Silver Plate That Wears..." [with illustration of spoon in Vintage pattern]. Table Talk, p. 407. (Viewed 6 August 2020. L01935). 1909 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (December 1909). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Holiday Gifts... " [with illustration of spoon in Faneuil pattern]. Table Talk, p. 525. (Viewed 5 October 2017. G01124.) 1909 - advertisementM. M. Cohen & Co., Spokane, Washington. (3 December 1909). Advertisement: "1847 [Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... tea spoons... " [no illustrations]. The Spokane Press (Washington), p. 6, cols. 1-5. (Viewed 18 April 2020. D01179-80). 1909 - advertisementCopper Queen, Bisbee, AZ. (5 December 1909). Advertisement: "Bisbee’s Greatest Christmas... We also carry the famous Rogers ’1847’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] silverware... " [with no illustrations]. Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, Arizona), p. 8, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 12 June 2020. D01383-84). c. 1909 - missing design brochure / catalogue1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia / ISC. (c. 1909). [Catalogue 81-C]. (See advertisement mention above. Updated 24 July 2020. A02740; A02755.) c. early 20th century - promotional card1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.]. (c. early 20th century). Promotional card showing the 1847 girl. (Viewed 15 June 2020. D01471). Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical silver companies from the Meriden area, and those that were connected to the International Silver Company, including other "Rogers" companies; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions" and E: "Other featured companies". |
1910s | 1910 - design catalogueBiddle Hardware Company. (1910). 1910 Biddle Hardware Company catalogue. [Including 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] (with illustrations showing plain, Carnation, Lakewood, Narcissus, Puritan, and Vintage patterns), pp. 1097-1105]. Philadelphia, PA: Biddle Hardware Company. (Viewed 27 April 2020. H01224).
1910 advertisementsSee the ads 1910 - advertisementDuffy-McInnerney Co., Rochester, NY. (7 June 1910). Advertisement: "... Sale of Silver... Wedding Gifts... Rogers Bros.’ 1847 Flatware [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... Flatware, From the International Silver Company... Silver Plated Hollow Ware... Forbes Silver Co." [with two abstract illustrations]. Rochester Chronicle (Rochester, NY), unknown page number, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 24 April 2020. C01221).
1910 - advertisementGreater Meier & Frank Stores, presumably Portland, OR. (4 September 1910). Advertisement: " ... Portland Agents for 1847 Rogers’ Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] silver plate that wears... We carry a complete stock of the following patterns: Charter Oak; Shell; Berkshire; Priscilla; Vesta; Windsor; Vintage; Avon French Gray; Plain; Avon; Shell Tip; Tipped... " [with no product illustrations]. Oregon Daily Journal (Portland, OR), unknown page, col. 3. (Viewed 8 January 2021. D01752).
1910 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (20 October 1910). Advertisement: "Quality in silver..." Life magazine, p. 647. (Viewed 26 September 2017. G00704.) 1910 - advertisementDorris-Heyman Furniture Co., presumably Phoenix, AZ. (20 October 1910). Advertisement: " ... Cutlery... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... Table Ware... " [with no relevant product illustrations]. Arizona Republican (Phoenix, AZ), p. 4, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 10 June 2020. D01364-65). 1910 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (17 November 1910). Advertisement: "... Most popular for gifts ..." Life magazine, p. 849. (Viewed 26 September 2017. G00707.) 1910 - advertisementW. J. Pettee & Co., Oklahoma City, OK. (20 November 1910). Advertisement: "Of course you want to buy something unique but appropriate... for Christmas... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... Silver plate that wears... " [with abstract illustration of cutlery in case]. The Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK), p. 18, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 5 February 2021. R00624).
c. 1910 - price listMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (c. 1910). Price list of 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc. (“Includes two brochures laid in at rear that describe the Sharon and Salem patterns of silver plate”… “The Meriden Britannia Co. was a part of the International Silver Co.”) [catalogue no. 93]. Meriden, CT, 48 pp. (Updated 20 April 2017. A00486.) c. 1910 - price list reprintMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (c. 1910). Price list of 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc. [catalogue no. 93]. 48 pp. "Reprint" in Trade catalogues at Winterthur (microform), (v. 1) (entry 1671, p. 291), (1984). Clearwater Pub. Co.: New York. (Updated 20 April 2017. A00518; A00902; A00904.) [3]
c. 1910 - design catalogue reprintMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (c. 1910). Price list of 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc. [catalogue no. 93]. 48 pp. “Reprint” in Trade Catalogues at the Winterthur Museum, Part 2 microfiche (no. 3101). (“Includes two brochures laid in at rear that describe the Sharon and Salem patterns of silver plate”… “The Meriden Britannia Co. was a part of the International Silver Co.”) Also see no. 3012 for a price list that sounds very similar.) (c. 1991). University Publications of America: Bethesda, MD. (Updated 20 April 2017. A00868; A00889; A00897-900.) [4]
1911 advertisementsSee the ads 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.]. (2 February 1911). Advertisement: "Buy the best... 1847 Rogers Bros... " [with illustration of spoon]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 30 October 2020. F01715). 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (16 February 1911). Advertisement: "Silver Gifts, If you are going to give silver as gifts, be sure of the best by seeing that the trademark 1847 Rogers Bros. is on spoons, forks, knives, etc. ..." Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 7, column 1. (Viewed 12 September 2017. G00250.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (February 1911). Advertisement: "Rich table effects..." (with illustration of Sharon pattern spoon). Suburban Life, p. 127. (Viewed 25 September 2017. G00645.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (March 1911). Advertisement: "... Silver plate that wears ..." (with illustration of spoon). Suburban Life, p. 203. (Viewed 25 September 2017. G00647.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (April 1911). Advertisement: "Let Your Judgement Show in Silver..." (with illustration of spoon). Suburban Life, p. 279. (Viewed 25 September 2017. G00648.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (May 1911). Advertisement: "Silverware for the country home..." (with illustrations of fork and spoon). Suburban Life, p. 361. (Viewed 25 September 2017. G00650.) 1911 - advertisementFred Weber, Meriden, CT. (9 May 1911). Advertisement: "For Wedding Gifts... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] knives, forks, and spoons, etc. ... " [with no related product illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 12, col. 3. (Viewed 14 July 2021. R00265). 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (June 1911). Advertisement: "Silver Plate that Wears..." (with illustration of two spoons in Sharon and Faneuil patterns). Suburban Life, p. 437. (Viewed 25 September 2017. G00652.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia Co., ISC). (July 1911). Advertisement: "Silver plate that wears". [With illustration of Charter Oak pattern spoon.] In Suburban life, v. 13, July 1911, p. 41. (Viewed 1 May 2017. A02341; A02344.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.]. (27 July 1911). Advertisement: "Silver for service... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Meriden Brit(annia) Co. [with illustration of fork]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, col. 6. (Viewed 25 October 2020. F01594). 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia Co., ISC). (August 1911). Advertisement: "Silver plate that wears". [With illustration of Priscilla pattern spoon.] In Suburban life, v. 13, August 1911, p. 95. (Viewed 1 May 2017. A02341; A02343.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (12 September 1911). Advertisement: "For the Bride; No gift is more acceptable than beautiful, durable silverware, Remember that 1847 Rogers Bros. is the original ’Rogers’ ... " [with abstract illustration of fork]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, col. 6. (Viewed 5 July 2020. F01390). 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.]. (14 September 1911). Advertisement: "Buy the Best... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with illustration of spoon]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 8, col. 6. (Viewed 28 October 2020. F01654). 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia Co., ISC). (November 1911). Advertisement: "Silver plate that wears". [With illustration of Salem pattern spoon.] In Suburban life, v. 13, November 1911, p. 297. (Viewed 1 May 2017. A02341; A02344.) 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia Co., ISC). (December 1911). Advertisement: "Gifts that last" [with illustration of knife.] Suburban life, v. 13, December 1911, p. 377. (Viewed 1 May 2017. A02341-42.) 1911 - advertisementPalais Royale, Washington, DC. (3 December 1911). Advertisement: "... The Jewelry Store... Silverware... Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silver... " [with no related illustrations]. Sunday Star / Evening Star, (Washington, DC), p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 28 July 2020. L01861). 1911 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (12 December 1911). Advertisement: "To get forks, knives, spoons and fancy pieces of quality and beauty ask for 1847 Rogers Bros..." [with abstract illustration of fork]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 8, col. 6. (Viewed 5 July 2020. F01391). c. 1911 - missing design catalogue(s)1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia / ISC.) (c. 1911). [Illustrated catalogues G12, H12, L12, M-12, either featuring or including 1847 Rogers Bros. designs, or used to track advert-related queries]. No copies in lending libraries known to exist. Mentioned in 1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia Co., ISC) advertisements. In Suburban life, v. 13, listed below. (Viewed 1 May 2017. A02341-45.) 1912 - design brochure / booklet1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (1912). [Brochure / booklet; notation: "silverware"; "1847 Old Colony pattern"], 28 pp. (Viewed 12 May 2020. H01455).
1912 advertisementsSee the ads 1912 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (9 April 1912). Advertisement: "For the Bride; no gift is more acceptable than beautiful, durable silverware. Remember that 1847 Rogers Bros. is the original ’Rogers.’ ... " [with abstract illustration of fork]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 8, col. 2. (Viewed 13 July 2020. L01588). 1912 - advertisementWeber’s, Meriden, CT. (9 April 1912). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.]; Buy your Silver Ware and Cut Glass at Weber’s... " [with illustration of Old Colony design serving spoon]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, col. 6. (Viewed 16 July 2020. L01616). 1912 - advertisementHowland’s, Bridgeport, CT. (10 June 1912). Advertisement: "... Bride’s china and silver. ... Silver flatware... Rogers ’1847’ [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Bridgeport Evening Farmer (Bridgeport, CT), p. 2, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 27 April 2020. H01245-46). 1912 - advertisementInternational Silver Company / 1847 Rogers Brothers / Meriden Britannia Company. (5 July 1912). Advertisement: "The Old Colony pattern is proving itself to be one of the most remarkable designs in the history of silver plated flatware..." The Hardware Reporter, p. 98. (Viewed 18 September 2017. G00456.) 1912 - advertisementInternational Silver Company / 1847 Rogers Brothers / Meriden Britannia Company. (19 July 1912). Advertisement: "’Old Colony’, The popularity of this pattern..." The Hardware Reporter, p. 62. (Viewed 18 September 2017. G00460.) 1912 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (10 September 1912). Advertisement: "To get forks, knives, spoons and fancy pieces of quality and beuaty ask for 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with abstract illustration of fork]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 8, col. 2. (Viewed 16 July 2020. L01617). 1912 - advertisementSchell-Demple Furniture Company, Keokuk, Iowa. (24 November 1912). Advertisement: "... Rogers Bros. ’1847’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silver knives and forks... " [with no illustration]. The Daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa), p. 15. (Viewed 8 June 2019. F00685-87). 1912 - advertisementLinn & Scruggs, presumably Decatur, IL. (29 November 1912). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silver Plated Ware... showing a complete assortment... [including] new ’Old Colony’ pattern... " [with no clearly relevant product illustrations]. The Decatur Herald (Decatur, IL), presumably p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00075).
1912 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (10 December 1912). Advertisement: "A Christmas suggestion; Make this a silver Christmas... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with abstract illustration of serving spoon]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 8, col. 2. (Viewed 22 July 2020. L01815). 1913 advertisementsSee the ads 1913 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (23 January 1913). Advertisement: "Correct Silver, There’s no surer way of choosing correct silver than to look for the mark ’1847 Rogers Bros.’..." Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 8, column 2. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00253.) 1913 - three advertisementsE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. (5, 12, 19 March 1913). Advertisements: "Are you thinking of getting any new silver this spring? ... Holmes & Edwards and the old reliable [1847] Rogers Bros. [/International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustration]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York). (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00636-41).
1913 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] (10 April 1913). Advertisement: "Beauty and quality... new pattern, Old Colony... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with illustration of spoon]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 8, col. 2. Viewed 29 October 2020. F01658). 1913 - advertisementWolff Jeweler, presumably Paducah, KY. (29 April 1913). Advertisement: "Anniversary; Birthday; Wedding Gifts; We are agents for 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... silver plated ware... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. The Paducah Evening Sun (Paducah, KY), p. 5, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00076).
1913 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, Nebraska. (10 May 1913). Advertisement: "... Sale of Silver Hollow Ware... Meriden Brittania [sic] company..." [/ International Silver Co.] [with abstract graphical illustration]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 8. (Viewed 6 October 2018. B00782-83). 1913 - advertisementClauer’s, South Bend, IN. (19 December 1913). Advertisement: "... Christmas Time... Silverware... Complete stock from factories, 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of fork]. South Bend News-Times (Indiana), presumably p. 15, col. 3. (Viewed 14 June 2020. D01427-28). 1914 - design catalogueWyeth Hardware & Manufacturing Company. (1914). Wyeth’s Annual Catalogue (1914 Hardware Edition, catalog no. 104). [Includes 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (with illustrations showing Charter Oak, Old Colony and Vintage patterns), pp. 967-68, 970; 975-83.] St. Joseph, Missouri: Wyeth Hardware & Manufacturing Company. (Viewed 27 April 2020. H01227).
1914 - news mention(22 October 1914). Personal (with mention: "... H. M. Soldenstickler, representing... Meriden [Britannia Company], 1847 Rogers Brothers [/ International Silver Co.]... was in Anderson today ... "). The Anderson Daily Intelligencer (South Carolina), p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 6 October 2018. B00770). 1914 advertisementsSee the ads 1914 - three advertisementsE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. (7, 14 & 21 January 1914). Advertisement: "... Why not give yourself a present of the Silver you have wanted so long? ... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [no illustrations]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York). (Viewed 26 May 2019. H00989-94).
1914 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] (7 March 1914). Advertisement: "The Cromwell, is our latest pattern. Note its sturdy simplicity... " [with abstract illustration of butter knife]. Meriden Daily Journal (Connecticut), p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01174-76). 1914 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.]. (15 July 1914). Advertisement: "Buy the best... 1847 Rogers Bros... new pattern, the Cromwell" [with illustration of spoon]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 30 October 2020. F01703). 1914 - two advertisementsE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. (28 October, 4 November 1914). Advertisement: "We aim to lead, not follow... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [no illustrations]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York). (Viewed 26 May 2019. H00985-88).
1914 - advertisementAyres & Chapman, Keokuk, Iowa. (15 November 1914). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silverwares... " [with no illustrations]. The Daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa), p. 9, col. 5-7. (Viewed 3 October 2018. B00699-700). 1914 - advertisement(30 November 1914). Text-based advertisement: "X-mas Suggestions... Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] silverware... R. J. Smith, Jeweler, Elks Temple [, presumably Ashland, Oregon]" [with no illustrations]. Ashland Tidings (Ashland, Oregon), p. 1, col. 5. (Viewed 6 October 2018. B00771). 1914 - advertisementThe McAlpin Store, Cincinnati, OH. (20 December 1914). Advertisement: "... See our large line of 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silverware... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Enquirer (Ohio), p. 11. (Viewed 29 August 2020. E01259).
1915 - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (1915). Eighteen forty seven Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 2 May 2017. A02347.) 1915 - spotlighted advertisement - 1847 Rogers Bros. presumably in Panama-Pacific ExpositionInternational Silver Company. (1 March 1915). Advertisement: "The International Silver Co. invite the trade to visit their exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Exposition [20 February - 4 December 1915] Varied Industries Building, Section Fifteen... Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with illustration presumably of ISC’s architectural booth display]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, unknown page number. (Viewed 30 April 2020. D00860).
1915 advertisementsSee the ads 1915 - advertisementHicks Jewelry Store, presumably Long Branch, NJ. (presumably 19 January 1915). Advertisement: "10,000 Sample pieces of 1847 Rogers Bros. [/Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... Knives; Forks; Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons... " [with no product illustrations]. Long Branch Daily Record (New Jersey), p. 7, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 11 December 2021. D01757).
1915 - advertisementBurgess-Nash Company, presumably Omaha, Nebraska. (18 March 1915). Advertisement: "... Great Sale... Silverware at Half Price... Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 7. (Viewed 13 June 2019. F00893-94). 1915 - advertisementE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. (24 March 1915). Advertisement: "... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.], and the Holmes & Edwards [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with no illustrations]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York), unknown page number, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 9 May 2019; H00785-86). 1915 - advertisementGately & Fitzgerald Supply Co., Harrisburg, PA. (29 November 1915). Advertisement: "... We handle 1847 Roger[s] Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] celebrated Silverware... " [with no relevant illustrations]. Harrisburg Telegraph (Pennsylvania), p. 5. (Viewed 12 June 2019. B00861). 1915 - advertisementJ. F. Ratliff, Jeweler, presumably Richmond, IN. (6 December 1915). Advertisement: "... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] hollow handle Knives and Forks... " [with no illustrations]. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Indiana), p. 14. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00954-55). 1915 - advertisementJ. F. Ratliff, Jeweler, Richmond, IN. (14 December 1915). Advertisement: "... Santa has left hundreds of gifts with us... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] hollow handle Knives and Forks... " [with no related illustrations]. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Indiana), p. 8. (Viewed 24 June 2019. D00986-87). 1915 - advertisementF. E. Burr, presumably Barre, VT. (24 December 1915). Advertisement: "Holiday goods... Twelve makes and patterns of Tableware, including... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Barre Daily Times (Barre, VT), p. 8, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00080).
1916 - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (1916). 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc. 26 pp. (Updated 20 April 2017. A01125.) 1916 advertisementsSee the ads 1916 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (January - February 1916). Advertisement: "... Silver Plate that Wears..." [incuding two illustrations of spoons showing Cromwell and Continental patterns]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, p. 183. (Viewed 30 June 2020. F01281; G00977.)
1916 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (March 1916). Advertisement: "... Silver Plate that Wears..." [incuding two illustrations of spoons showing Old Colony and Continental patterns]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, p. 621. (Viewed 30 June 2020. F01282). 1916 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (17 May 1916). Advertisement: "Old Colony Pattern... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, column 2. (Viewed 15 September 2017. G00409.) 1916 - advertisementJacob Tausig’s Sons, Harrisburg, PA. (25 August 1916). Advertisement: "Beautiful Designs in Table Silver from the World’s Best Silversmiths... Rogers [Bros.] 1847 Ware [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of two knives, forks and spoons]. Harrisburg Telegraph (Pennsylvania), p. 9, cols. 4-7. (Viewed 27 June 2019. E00881). 1916 - advertisementE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. (c. 25 October & c. 1 November 1916). Advertisement: "Thanksgiving... the old reliable Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York), unknown page number, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 5 June 2019. E00742-45).
1916 - advertisementIrvin Reed & Son, presumably Richmond, IN. (12 December 1916). Advertisement: "Our Christmas List Specialties... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Indiana), p. 11. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00958-59). 1916 - advertisementMarks Isaacs Co., New Orleans. (14 December 1916). Advertisement: "... Table Ware, [1847 Rogers Bros. (/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.)]... " The Herald Times (New Orleans), possible Christmas supplement, presumably p. 8. cols. 3-7. (Viewed 2 October 2018. B00667-68). 1916 - advertisementF. E. Burr, Barre, VT. (21 December 1916). Advertisement: "Holiday Goods... Twelve makes and patterns of Tableware, including 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Barre Daily Times (Barre, Vermont), p. 2, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 1 June 2020. H01903-04). 1917 advertisementsSee the ads 1917 - advertisementC. A. Rumble, Lowville, NY. (c. 8 February 1917). Advertisement: "Weddings... 1847 Rogers [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company]... " [with no illustrations]. Journal and Republican (Lowville, New York), unknown page, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 2 May 2019; H00650-51). 1917 - three advertisementsInternational Silver Company. (22 February, 1 March, 8 March 1917). Advertisements: "Silver of quality and beauty... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... International Silver Co. ..." [with illustration]. The Madrid Herald (Madrid, NY). (Viewed 2 May 2019; H00652-57).
1917 - advertisementF. G. Blum, presumably Cape Vincent, NY. (c. 8 March 1917). Text-based advertisement: "The celebrated 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company] silverplated ware has beauty and wearing qualities combined... " [with no illustrations]. Cape Vincent Eagle (Cape Vincent, New York), unknown page, col. 1. (Viewed 3 May 2019; H00664-65). 1917 - advertisementPhelps Dodge Mercantile Co., Bisbee, AZ. (24 June 1917). Advertisement: "... Special sale of silver tableware... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, Arizona), p. 8, col. 2. (Viewed 7 August 2020. L01639-40). 1917 - two advertisementsJas. H. Warren, presumably Massena, NY. (28 June & 5 July 1917). Advertisements: "Silver; We have in stock a large line of the following silver at the old prices... Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Massena Observer (Massena, New York). (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00032-33).
1917 - three advertisementsE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. (24 & 31 October, 7 November 1917). Advertisement: "Silver satisfaction... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustration]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York). (Viewed 12 May 2019; H00847-50).
1917 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] (10 November 1917). Advertisement: "Buy the Best. Beauty, distinctiveness and quality are all combined in our new pattern, the Heraldic... " [with illustration of serving spoon]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 6, col. 6. (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01181-82). 1917 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., Buffalo, NY. (18 November 1917). Advertisement: " ... Let us assist you prepare the nation’s greatest dinner successfully... Gifts; Chests of Silver... Rogers Bros., 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no specific product illustrations]. The Illustrated Buffalo Express (New York), presumably p. 6, col. 3. (Viewed 17 January 2021. R00030).
1917 - advertisementC. A. Rumble, Lowville, NY. (c. 6 & 13 December 1917). Text-based advertisement: "A big store full, Of silver, cut glass and 1847 Rogers [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company] silver at Rumble’s, the jeweler" [with no illustration]. Journal and Republican (Lowville, New York). (Viewed 4 May 2019; H00675-78).
1917 - advertisementWm. Farrand Jewelry Co., Lacona, NY. (c. 13 December 1917). Advertisement: "... closing out sale... Plated and sterling ware, 1847 Rogers [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company] Knives and Forks... " [with no illustrations]. Sandy Creek News (Sandy Creek, New York), unknown page, col. 1. (Viewed 2 May 2019; H00658-59). 1917 - advertisementFaris T. Walker, Los Angeles, CA. (17 December 1917). Advertisement: "Silverware... ’1847’ [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Sets... " [with presumably unrelated abstract illustration]. Evening Express (Los Angeles, CA), p. 7, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 21 January 2021. R00083).
c. 1917 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. / (Meriden Britannia). (c. 1917). Advert: "The romance of the silver teaspoon" - 1847 Rogers Bros. Printed location: unknown. Reprinted in: Hogan, Edmund P. (1977), An American heritage: A book about the International Silver Company, p. 10. Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX. (Viewed 8 May 2017. DM.)
1918 advertisementsSee the ads 1918 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. (1 February 1918). Advertisement: "The 1847 Girl Steps into the Picture... " [with abstract dining room illustration, illustation of spoon in Cromwell pattern, and tea / coffee set.] The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger, page number unknown. (Viewed 9 June 2019. F00688).
1918 - advertisementWoodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (18 November 1918). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silver Plate In the Desirable Berkshire Pattern... " [with no relevant illustrations]. The Washington Times (Washington, DC), p. 11. (Viewed 12 June 2019. B00862-63). 1919 advertisementsSee the ads 1919 - advertisementJames McCreery & Co., New York, NY. (4 May 1919). Advertisement: "... Extraordinary Offering ’1847 Rogers Bros.’ [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company] ..." [with illustration of spoon]. The Sun (New York, NY), p. 5, cols. 4-6. (Viewed 3 May 2019; H00660). 1919 - advertisementE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. (14 May 1919). Advertisement: "Silver for the bride... old reliable 1847 [Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustration]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York), p. 1, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 30 May 2019. C008 ). 1919 - advertisementJ. N. Adam & Co., Buffalo, NY. (c. 19 June 1919). Advertisement: "... The 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company] Ware in the ’Vintage’ Pattern... " [with illustration of tableware]. Portville Review (Portville, New York), unknown page. (Viewed 3 May 2019; H00661-62). 1919 - advertisementJ. N. Adam & Co., Buffalo, NY. (c. 19 June 1919). Advertisement: "... The 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company] Ware in the ’Vintage’ Pattern... " [with illustration of tableware]. Whitesville News (Whiteville, NY), unknown page. (Viewed 3 May 2019; H00663). 1919 - advertisementThe White House / Raphael Weill & Co. Inc., presumably San Francisco, CA. (22 June 1919). Advertisement: "... Wedding silver... 41-piece set of the 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] plate in the Heraldic or Cromwell pattern... " [with no illustrations]. San Francisco Examiner (California), p. 35, col. 4. (Viewed 28 January 2021. R00572).
1919 - advertisementPollock’s, Newark, NY. (16 October 1919). Advertisement: "... An invitation... Silverware of all kinds in Sterling and 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Newark Courier (Newark, New York), p. 4, col. 4-7. (Viewed 13 January 2021. C01646). 1919 - advertisementGriswold, Richmond & Glock Co., Meriden, CT. (9 December 1919). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silverware... Chests of Silver....Silver Toilet Set... Dessert Set... " [with several largely abstract product illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, cols. 3-7. (Viewed 3 October 2020. E01651). 1919 - advertisementJ. R. White Co., Jewelers, Rochester, NY. (17 December 1919). Advertisement: "... a few other desireable gifts ... 1847 Rogers [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Company] Silver" [with no illustrations]. The Herald (Fairport, New York), p. 11, col. 2. (Viewed 3 May 2019; H00666-68). 1919? - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (1919?). 1847 Rogers Bros.: spoons, forks, knives, etc. / Meriden Britannia Co. [no. 151] 16 pp. (Updated 20 April 2017. A01126.) 191-? - design catalogueMclean, Black & Co., Inc., Boston, wholesale dealers in genuine [presumably 1847] Rogers [Meriden Britannia / ISC] silverware. (191-?). Guaranteed jewelry, watches & diamonds [catalogue no. 22]. Number of pages unknown. (Updated 7 May 2017. A01496.) |
1920s |
1920 advertisementsSee the ads 1920 - advertisementPalais Royal, Washington, DC. (30 March 1920). Advertisement: "... Table Silverware... [International Silver Co. / 1847] Rogers Bros. ..." [with illustrations not clearly identified as designs by the company]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p, 10, col 1. (Viewed 27 September 2018. B00507). 1920 - advertisementPalais Royale, Washington, DC. (14 June 1920). Advertisement: "... June Sale Silverware... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly relevant illustration of spoon]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 13. (Viewed 1 June 2019. C00932-33). 1920 - advertisementRobertson Bros. Co., presumably South Bend, IN. (30 June 1920). Advertisement: "... Of silverware... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] Silver in Heraldic, Cromwell and Queene Ann [sic] patterns... " [with no product illustrations]. South Bend News-Times (South Bend, Indiana), presumably p. 2, col 1. (Viewed 26 June 2020. F01219). 1920 - advertisementAmerican Stainless Steel Company, Pittsburgh, PA. (8 December 1920). Advertisement: "Stainless; the new cutlery steel... International Silver Company (Rogers 1847)... " [with no clearly identified product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular, p. 102b. (Viewed 6 July 2021. R01452). 1920 - advertisementP. H. Vose Co., presumably Bangor, ME. (9 December 1920). Advertisement: "... The Christmas store beautiful.. Silver Plate... Rogers Brothers ’ 1847’ [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no clearly related product illustrations]. Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME), p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00576).
192? - design catalogueInternational Silver Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. (192?). 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplated hollowware (catalogue no. 175). 47 pp. (Updated 8 May 2017. A01212.) 1921 advertisementsSee the ads 1921 - advertisementRobertson Brothers Company, presumably South Bend, IN. (15 March 1921). Advertisement: "Table silver... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] silver plate — Heraldic, Cromwell, and Queen Anne patterns... " [with no product illustrations]. South Bend News-Times (South Bend, IN), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 24 July 2021. R01598). 1921 - advertisementJohn Wanamaker store, New York. (5 May 1921). Advertisement: "... Extraordinary Sale... Ambassador, The newest pattern in a famous plate— 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Company] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening World (New York, NY), p. 15, cols. 4-8. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00621-22). 1921 - advertisementPollock, Reliable Jewelry, Newark, NY. (27 October 1921). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Company] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Newark Courier (Newark, New York), p. 9. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00623-24). 1921 - advertisementWanamaker’s, Philadelphia, PA. (5 December 1921). Advertisement: "... ’Who is your silver by?’ is a question often asked... International Silver Company... 1847 Rogers Brothers... " [with no illustrations]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 13, col. 5. (Viewed 17 October 2020. F01523).
1921 - advertisementP. H. Vose Co., presumbly Bangor, ME. (10 December 1921). Advertisement: "... Silver plate; complete stock of... 1847-Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... silverware... " [with no clearly identifiable product illustrations]. Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME), p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 24 July 2021. R00578).
1921 - advertisementWm. Farrand, Lacona, NY. (15 December 1921). Advertisement: "... Closing out sale at cost... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ... " [with no relevant illustrations]. The Sandy Creek News (Sandy Creek, New York), p. 2. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00625-27). 1921, 1924 - design catalogue(s)International Silver Company. (1921, 1924). Eighteen forty seven Rogers Bros. silverplate 1921, 1924. Meriden, CT. (Updated 6 May 2017. A01423.) 1922 - design brochure or catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1922). 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate. Meriden, CT. 16 pp. (Viewed 7 May 2017. A00468.) 1922 - design brochure or catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1922). The "Anniversary" Pattern, 1847 Rogers Bros. (Updated 8 May 2017. A00467; A00958.)
1922 advertisementsSee the ads 1922 - advertisementCentral Furniture Company, Louisville, KY. (5 February 1922). Advertisement: "... Silverware Specials... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Wm. Rogers & Son [/International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky), p. A10. (Viewed 5 June 2019. E00674).
1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1 April 1922). Advertisement: "... Furnishing the Home with Silverware... Write for folder 96-Q... " (six illustrations of Ambassador pattern). Vogue, p. 96. (Viewed 21 July 2020. G00615.) 1922 - advertisementWoodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (19 April 1922). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers’ [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Silver Chests... " [with abstract illustration]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 21. (Viewed 8 June 2019. F00680-81). 1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1 May 1922). Advertisement: "1847, 75th Anniversary... " [with illustration of Ambassador pattern fork]. Vogue, p. 97. (Viewed 22 September 2017. G00619.) 1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (15 May 1922). Advertisement: "Anniversary Silverware... " (with three illustrations of Ambassador pattern spoons and pickle fork). Vogue, p. 8. (Viewed 22 September 2017. G00620.) 1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (July 1922). Advertisement: "The important room, The breakfast room..." [with illustration of spoon in Heraldic pattern]. Good Furniture, back cover. (Viewed 10 August 2020. G00676.) 1922 - advertisementGimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, PA. (19 July 1922). Advertisement: "... Silver-plated flat-ware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 9, col. 3. (Viewed 29 January 2021. R00580).
1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (August 1922). Advertisement: "Anniversary pattern..." [with illustration of knife, fork and three spoons in the pattern]. Good Furniture, back cover. (Viewed 10 August 2020. G00678.) 1922 - advertisementCross & Beguelin, New York. (23 August 1922). Advertisement: "... We also carry a full line of... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Jewelers’ Circular, p. 114. (Viewed 23 July 2021. R01594). 1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (October 1922). Advertisement: "The Anniversary pattern..." [with illustrations showing the patterns]. Good Furniture, back cover. (Viewed 10 August 2020. G00678.) 1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (November 1922). Advertisement: "... The new Anniversary pattern..." [with illustrations of two forks, two spoons, and a knife showing the pattern]. Good Furniture, back cover. (Viewed 10 August 2020. G00699.) 1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (December 1922). Advertisement: "... Furnishing the Home with Silverware..." [with illustrations]. Good Furniture, back cover. (Viewed 10 August 2020. G00701.) 1922 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (December 1922). Advertisement: "... Under the Christmas tree..." [with illustration of spoon presumably Anniversary pattern and chest of silverware.] Good Housekeeping, p. 102. (Viewed 11 August 2020. G00631.) c. 1922 - folder (missing)1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (c. 1922). ["Ambassador pattern", "Folder 96-Q"]. Number of pages unknown. No copy known to be in a public library. (Viewed 21 July 2020. G00615.) c. 1922 - brochure1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. / (Vinton Co., Portland, Oregon). (c. 1922). "Anniversary" pattern (brochure). 4 pp. (Viewed 3 December 2018. C00310). 1923 advertisementsSee the ads 1923 - advertisementGimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, PA. (14 March 1923). Advertisement: "... Silver-Plated Flatware... 1847, Roger Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania), p. 9. (Viewed 6 June 2020. F00800).
1923 - advertisementWoodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (18 April 1923). Advertisement: "... Special Sale Chests of Silver... 1847 Rogers. [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of cultery and silverware chest]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 23, col. 2. (Viewed 18 June 2020. D01497-98). 1923 - advertisementWoodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (12 May 1923). Advertisement: "... Wedding Gift Suggestions... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.], is a favorite. The Heraldic, Ambassador, Anniversary or Cromwell patterns may be chosen in a 26-piece chest... " [with no relevant illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 5. (Viewed 16 June 2019. F00995-96). 1923 - advertisementE. P. Miller, Albany, NY. (12 October 1923). Advertisement: "... October brides... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] ... International [Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Enterprise (Altamont, New York), p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 11 June 2019. F00830-31). 1923 - two advertisementsEdwards - Ludwig - Fuller Jewelry Co., Kansas City, MO. (November - December 1923). Advertisements: "... A few well known lines that we carry... 1847 Rogers Silver [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of jewelry company catalogue]. Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 22 May 2020. H01641-42).
1923 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (December 1923). Advertisement: "Suggestions for holiday gifts in International silverplate... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with photo showing holloware]. House & Garden magazine, p. 96. (Viewed 10 August 2020. L01998). 1923 - advertisementAbraham & Straus, Brooklyn, NY. (4 December 1923). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] sets, in the famous Heraldic or Ambassador or Anniversary designs... " [with no related product illustrations]. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 10. (Viewed 2 July 2021. R00583).
1924 - design booklet / catalogue1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (1924). [Booklet / catalogue; notation: "silverplate"], 24 pp. (Viewed 10 May 2020. H01454).
1924 - spotlighted news mention - 1847 Rogers Bros. in St. Louis convention exhibit(3 September 1924). Notes of the exhibits made during the great [American National Retail Jewelers’ Association] A. N. R. J. A. convention: The convention exhibits [Hotel Statler, St. Louis, MO (25 August - 3 September 1924)]. Jewelers’ Circular, pp. 160-64. (Viewed 20 May 2020. H01609-10). "International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn. ... It would tax most any descriptive power to adequately describe the display made at the convention by the International Silver Co. ... sterling flatware and hollowware, plated flatware and hollowware, pieces of old Dutch design and the Paisley line gold plated. A full line of toiletware was also on display... International Sterling... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Derby Silver... Barbour [Silver] line... Simpson, Hall & Miller [sic]... Wilcox & Everston [sic]... Holmes & Edwards... Meriden Silver [Plate Co.]... Forbes [Silver] ... Watrous Mfg. Co. ... Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. ... Wilcox Silver [Plate] Co. ...." (Excerpt from above.)
1924 advertisementsSee the ads 1924 - three advertisementsEdwards - Ludwig - Fuller Jewelry Co., Kansas City, MO. (January - March 1924). Advertisements: "... A few well known lines that we carry... 1847 Rogers Silver [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of jewelry company catalogue]. Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 22 May 2020. H01639-40; H01643).
1924 - advertisementE. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, New York. (c. 23 January 1924). Advertisement: "What about your silver? Perhaps you want and need more... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York), page number unknown, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 11 June 2019. F00842-43). 1924 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (3 March 1924). Advertisement: "Heraldic pattern... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, column 1. (Viewed 12 September 2017. G00280). 1924 - three advertisementsEdwards - Ludwig - Fuller Jewelry Co., Kansas City, MO. (April - June 1924). Advertisements: "... A few well known lines that we carry... 1847 Rogers Silver [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of jewelry company catalogue]. Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 18 May 2020. H01587-89).
1924 - three advertisementsEdwards - Ludwig - Fuller Jewelry Co., Kansas City, MO. (July - September 1924). Advertisements: "... A few well known lines that we carry... 1847 Rogers Silver [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of jewelry company catalogue]. Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 22 May 2020. H01635-37).
1924 - advertisementAbraham & Straus, Brooklyn, NY. (9 November 1924). Advertisement: "... Complete Chests of Table Silver ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), p. 2A, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 20 July 2020. H01977-78).
1924 - advertisementBixby, Lindsay & Co., presumably McPherson, KS. (presumably 19 December 1924). Advertisement: Christmas gifts... Silver... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Democrat-Opinion (McPherson, KS), presumably p. 4. (Viewed 30 June 2021. R00205).
c. 1924-29 - promotional bookletInternational Silver Company. (c. 1924-29). The mode in modern table decoration. (“Promotional booklet for 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate flatware”). 7 unnumbered pages. (Updated 8 May 2017. A00524.) 1925 - design brochure1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1925). [Brochure; notation: "silverware", "Rogers 1847 pattern"], 8 pp. (Viewed 13 May 2020. H01460).
1925 advertisementsSee the ads 1925 - advertisementF. W. Frisch Jeweler, Healdsburg, California. (2 February 1925). Advertisement: "How many women have enough silverware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with no illustrations]. Healdsburg Tribune (Healdsburg, CA), p. 1, cols. 1-2. (D01183-84). 1925 - advertisementF. W. Frisch Jeweler, Healdsburg, California. (19 May 1925). Advertisement: "Gifts for the bride... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with possibly relevant illustration of spoon]. Healdsburg Tribune (Healdsburg, CA), p. 1, col. 1. (D01185-86). 1925 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (16 June 1925). Advertisement: "The charm of the perfectly appointed dining table.... [from] the John M. Roberts’ Son Co. ... ’1847 Rogers Bros.’ ... " [with no product illustrations]. Pittsburgh Gazette Times (Pennsylvania), p. 24. (Viewed 14 August 2020. L02035).
1925 - advertisementWoodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (12 December 1925). Advertisement: "... The Christmas Store... Chests of Silver... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Utility Tray— In four patterns— Cromwell, Anniversary and Ancestral, as well as Heraldic pattern, which is illustrated ... " [with illustration of spoon in Heraldic pattern]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 5. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00 1925 - advertisementThe Hecht Company, Washington, DC. (18 December 1925). Advertisement: "Gifts for everybody... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] Set Silverware... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 22. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00930-31). c. 1925 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (c. 1925). International Silver Co. silverplate: 1847 Rogers Bros., Wm. Rogers & Son, Holmes & Edwards. 40 pp. (Updated 23 April 2017. A00957.)
1926 - price listInternational Silver Company. (1926). 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate schedule of net prices January 1, 1926. 16 pp. (Viewed 6 May 2017. A02392.) 1926 - price listInternational Silver Company. (1926). 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate schedule of prices no. 1861 revised to July 1, 1926. 12 pp. (Viewed 6 May 2017. A02391.) 1926 advertisementsSee the ads 1926 - advertisementKay Jewelry Co., Washington, DC. (3 January 1926). Advertisement: "... ’1847’ Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Tableware, 26 Piece... " [with possibly relevant abstract illustration]. The Sunday Star (Washington, DC), p. 5, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 16 July 2019. C01015-16). 1926 - advertisementFranc Jewelry Co., Washington, DC. (5 February 1926) Advertisement: "... This Beautiful Set of 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Silver Plate... The Ancestral, the Ambassador, or the Anniversary... " [with illustration showing handles in the three patterns; and two abstract illustrations of silverware in cases]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 6, cols. 5. (Viewed 6 July 2019. F01096-97). 1926 - advertisementFranc Jewelry Co., Washington, DC. (26 November 1926). Advertisement: "An ideal Christmas Gift; Genuine 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Co.] Table Ware... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in chest]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 12, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 14 July 2019. H01062-63). 1927 advertisementsSee the ads 1927 - advertisementJ. Weber, Medina, NY. (1 April 1927). Advertisement: "Chests of Silver... 26-piece Chests in... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver] ..." [with possibly relevant illustration]. Medina Daily Journal (Medina, New York), unknown page, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 5 May 2019. H00679-80). 1927 - advertisementLouis Jeweler, Auburn, NY. (10 June 1927). Advertisement: " ... Every Bride Needs Silverware ... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no specific product illustration]. The Auburn Citizen (New York), p. 12, cols. 3-7. (Viewed 15 August 2020. L02042-43).
1927 - advertisementSheldon Jewelry Co., presumably El Paso, TX. (15 June 1927). Advertisement: "Lifetime gifts for the bride! ... 26 piece chest; Rogers 1847... ’Pieces of Eight’ Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.]; 34 piece chest... " [with possibly relevant abstract illustration of silverware in chest]. El Paso Herald (El Paso, Texas), p. 2. (Viewed 12 October 2021. R00112).
1927 - advertisementFearl & Son, Hutchinson, KS. (29 July 1927). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Flatware: 1847 Ro[g]ers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, KS), p. 5. (Viewed 29 June 2021. C01439).
1927 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (4 November 1927). Advertisement: "... Pieces of Charm; To set your table correctly, you must have fancy silverware... " [with illustrations of various pieces of cutlery and a case, presumably Pieces of Charm pattern]. The Ottawa Journal (Ottawa, ON, Canada), p. 14, cols. 5-8. (Viewed 16 July 2021. D01982).
1927 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (11 November 1927). Advertisement: "... It just had to come this perfect match— Pieces of 8 and Pieces of Charm... " [with illustration of silverware in case, and other pieces of cutlery]. The Lethbridge Herald (Lethbridge, AB, Canada), p. 7. (Viewed 17 July 2021. D01983).
1927 - advertisementLouis Jeweler, Auburn, NY. (18 November 1927). Advertisement: "Thanksgiving Table Silver sale... Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Auburn Citizen (New York), p. 13, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 15 August 2020. D00844-45).
1927 - advertisementHarry E. Farden, Ogdenburg, New York. (22 November 1927). Advertisement: "From France comes the vogue for Golden Plate D’Or... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Company] ... " [with two abstract illustrations]. The Republican-Journal (Ogdenburg, New York), p. 5, col. 6. (Viewed 6 May 2019. H00681-83). 1928 advertisementsSee the ads 1928 - advertisementFranc Jewelry Co., Washington, DC. (1 June 1928). Advertisement: "... Exceptional savings... 26-Pc. Set Rogers... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Co.] Silverware ..." [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. Evening Star, p. 9. (Viewed 18 April 2020. D01169). 1928 - advertisementCastelberg’s Jewelers, Washington, DC. (9 November 1928). Advertisement: "Castelberg’s Jewelers for 79 years present Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... ’Legacy’ the new modern pattern..." [with illustration of spoon and case]. Evening Star, p. 10, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 18 April 2020. D01168). 1928 - advertisementLouis Jeweler, presumably Auburn, NY. (22 November 1928). Advertisement: "... One hundred sets table silverware sale... Rogers Bros. 1847... " [with no illustrations]. Auburn Citizen (Auburn, New York), presumably p. 6, cols. 4-7. (Viewed 20 October 2020. F01560).
1929 or before - booklet (missing)1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (1929 or before). Booklet: "What the well-dressed table will wear in silverware". Number of pages unknown. No copy known to be in a public library. (Viewed 26 December 2020. E01079-80).
1929 or earlier - design booklet (missing)International Silver Co. (1929 or earlier). [Booklet HW-149; cited advertisement mentions 1847 Rogers Bros., however it’s unclear if 1847 Rogers Bros. designs are in the booklet as only ISC is specified]. Number of pages unknown. No copy known to be in a public library. (Viewed 28 July 2020. C00904-05).
1929 - spotlighted advertisement showing Modernist designsInternational Silver Co. (11 May 1929). Advertisement: "New sophistication in keeping with the fine old traditions of silversmithing... For illustrations of a wider variety of such goods, as are shown on this page, write for booklet No. HW-235... In addition to designs as illustrated, special patterns are made to match the knives, forks and spoons of ... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with no photos of designs by the 1847 Rogers Bros. division]. Vogue, p. 71. (Viewed 8 July 2019. E00786-87).
1929 - other advertisementsSee the ads 1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (April 1929). Advertisement: "On the tables of America’s first families since 1847..." The Red Book Magazine, p. 24. (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00708). 1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (April 1929). Advertisement: "The perfect ensemble... write for booklet D-25 ... " [with elegant, possibly Art Deco graphic including fork and tea / coffee set in Legacy pattern]. Harper’s Bazaar, presumably p. 148. (Viewed 26 December 2020. E01063-64).
1929 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (May 1929). Advertisement: "Worthy to be jewels of the home... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Good Housekeeping, p. 135. (Viewed 28 July 2020. C00904-05).
1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (11 May 1929). Advertisement: "The perfect ensemble... write for booklet E-96 ... " [with elegant, possibly Art Deco graphic including fork and tea / coffee set in Legacy pattern]. Vogue, presumably p. 144. (Viewed 26 December 2020. E01065-66).
1929 - advertisement showing Modernist designsInternational Silver Co. (June 1929). Advertisement: "New sophistication in keeping with the fine old traditions of silversmithing... For illustrations of a wider variety of such goods, as are shown on this page, write for booklet No. HW-150... In addition to designs as illustrated, special patterns are made to match the knives, forks and spoons of ... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with no photos of designs by 1847 Rogers Bros. division]. Good Housekeeping, p. 302. (Viewed 8 July 2019. E00788-89).
1929 - advertisement showing Modernist designsInternational Silver Co. (June 1929). Advertisement: "New sophistication in keeping with the fine old traditions of silversmithing... For illustrations of a wider variety of such goods, as are shown on this page, write for booklet No. HW-146... In addition to designs as illustrated, special patterns are made to match the knives, forks and spoons of ... 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with no photos of design by 1847 Rogers Bros. division]. Harper’s Bazaar, p. 155. (Viewed 6 July 2019. E00790-91).
1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (October 1929). Advertisement: "Presenting Silhouette... The new knife here is called Viande. (Patent applied for.) Created by Saarinen... Look at you, a modern... write for booklet K-25... " [with elegant, possibly Art Deco graphic with knife, fork, and spoon in Silhouette pattern]. Harper’s Bazaar, p. 171. (Viewed 26 December 2020. E01071-72).
1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (12 October 1929). Advertisement: "The new knife here is called Viande. (Patent applied for.) Created by Saarinen... Presenting Silhouette... Look at you, a modern... write for booklet K-96... " Vogue, p. 159. (Viewed 26 December 2020. E01073-74).
1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (November 1929). Advertisement: "One Happy Christmas "Eve"... 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company [with illustrations of silverware in case, gravy boat and tray, tea set, and photos of handles showing Ambassador, Ancestral, Anniversary, Argosy, Legacy, and Silhouette patterns]. Harper’s Bazaar magazine, p. 147. (Viewed 19 December 2021. E01075-76).
1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (9 November 1929). Advertisement: "One Happy Christmas ’Eve’; meaning your wife, Sir Adam, with the silver gift you give her... " [with illustrations of silverware in case, meat tray, tea set and six handles in the Ancestral, Ambassador, Anniversary, Argosy, Legacy, and Silhouette patterns]. Vogue magazine, p. 149. (Viewed 23 December 2021. E01077-78).
1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (December 1929). Advertisement: "One Happy Christmas Eve... " [with illustrations of handles showing the following patterns: Ancestral, Anniversary, Legacy, Silhouette, Argosy and Ambassador]. Better Homes and Gardens, p. 67. (Viewed 26 December 2020. E01100).
1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (4 December 1929). Advertisement: "The family plate since 1847... " [with illustration of spoon]. Meriden Record, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 26 June 2020. F01214). 1929 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (7 December 1929). Advertisement: "The perfect ensemble... new booklet, M-96, ’What the well-dressed table will wear in silverware’ ... " [with illustration including bouillon spoon and coffee service in Legacy pattern]. Vogue, presumably p. 136. (Viewed 26 December 2020. E01079-80).
1929 - advertisementKay Jewelry Company, Washington, DC. (8 December 1929). Advertisement: "Kay Gifts She Will Always Cherish... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] Silverware... Newest patterns of this famous silverplate ware. Complete sets of 26 pieces and up... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 7. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00952-53). c. 1929 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (c. 1929). Chest and utility tray combinations 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate. 24 pp. (Updated 7 May 2017. A01283; AAA00544. DM.) c. 1929 - missing bookletInternational Silver Co. (c. 1929). [Booklet No. HW-235]. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 6 June 2019. E00786-87).
c. 1929 - missing design booklet1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (c. 1929). [Booklet D21]. [Number of pages unknown. No copy in a library known to exist.] (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00708). 192- - design catalogueLuza, Reynaldo / Meriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (192-). Presenting Silhouette: A new pattern in 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate. ("This portfolio was created and printed in Paris by Draeger for 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate, International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn."—Page [11]. "The drawings are by Reynaldo Luza"—Page [11].) 1 volume, unpaged. (Updated 14 July 2021. A01127; R01506.) |
Click the "+" below to see documentation from the decade
1930s documentation
1930s | 193? - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC) / 1847 Rogers Bros.). (193?). Spoons, forks, knives, etc. … 24 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2017. A00617.) 1930 - design catalogueJ. W. Johnson (New York). (1930). Silverware catalogue including hollow ware and some Modernist designs by 1847 Rogers Bros. / Holmes & Edwards Silver Company / Wm. Rogers & Son / International Silver Company and Wallace [Silversmiths]. (Pages presumably from this catalogue.) (Viewed 22 August 2018. J00133). 1930 - article mention(25 August 1930). Interesting Connecticut industry; International Silver Company, Meriden, Conn. [with mention "1847 Rogers Bros., is probably the most widely known of any silverplate made"]. Hartford Courant, p. 17. (Viewed 7 August 2020. D00408).
1930 advertisementsSee the ads 1930 - advertisementDulin & Martin, Washington, DC. (20 January 1930). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate... ’Legacy’ pattern... The Etiquette of Entertaining; 4 interesting lectures by Mrs. Marie L. Fenn through the courtesy of International Silver Company..." [with abstract illustration of silverware and case]. Evening Star, p. B-3, cols. 1-4. (Viewed 18 April 2020. D01171-72). 1930 - advertisementLansburgh’s, Washington, DC. (10 December 1930). Advertisement: "... Buy Gift Silver on the Club Plan... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... The ’Legacy’... Silhouette... Ambassador... " [with abstract product illustration]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. B-14. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01410-11). 1930-31 - 1847 Rogers Bros. in traveling exhibition(1930). International exhibition of metalwork and cotton textiles exhibition catalogue. Organized by the American Federation of Arts, Washington, DC. > Exhibition venues: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (15 October - 10 November 1930); Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (1-28 December 1930); Art Institute of Chicago (19 January - 1 March 1931); Cleveland Museum of Art (11 March - 5 April 1931). (Viewed 31 March 2017. A01871-76.)
1930, 1931 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1930, 1931). Eighteen forty seven Rogers Bros. genuine original Rogers silverplate 1930, 1931. Meriden, CT. (Updated 7 May 2017. A01422.) 1931 - design catalogueH. O. Hurlbert & Sons (presumably retailer). (1931). International Silver Company; 1847 Rogers Bros., genuine original Rogers silverplate; Holmes & Edwards inlaid, “Something more than plate”; Wm. Rogers & Son, silverplate. H. O. Hurlburt & Sons, 817 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA. Approx. 52 pp. (Viewed 28 June 2018. A03004; AAA03376-21). 1931 advertisementsSee the ads 1931 - advertisementWoodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (14 March 1931). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers’ Silver-Plated Cromwell Flatware... International Plated Hollow Ware... " [with several illustrations]. Evening Star, p. A-5, cols. 1-4. (Viewed 18 April 2020. D01170). 1931 - advertisementWoodward & Lothrop, Washington, DC. (21 September 1931). Advertisement: "Inlaid Silverplate... From the International Silver Company, makers of Holmes & Edwards, and 1847 Rogers Silver... " [with illustration of fork]. Evening Star, p. B-7. (Viewed 17 April 2020. D01166-67). 1931 - advertisementFrisch’s Jewelry Store, Healdsburg, CA. (22 October 1931). Advertisement: "... Come and See for yourself... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. Healdsburg Tribune (Healdsburg, California), p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 18 July 2019. C01055). 1932 - design catalogue excerptYeblon & Co, New York. (1932). [wholesale catalogue]. [Including 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. - Ambassador, Ancestral, Anniversary; Her Majesty; Legacy; Silhouette (page numbers unknown, with illustrations)]. (Viewed 13 July 2021. C01501; F01575; R00073; R00074; R00082; R00209; R00443; R00588; R01487).
1932 advertisementsSee the ads 1932 - advertisementH. J. Howe’s, Inc., Jewelers, Syracuse, NY. (7 April 1932). Advertisement: "... Great Hitchcock Sale... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.] Silver Plate ... " [with no illustrations]. Cazenovia Republican (Cazenovia, New York), p. 7, cols. 4-6. (Viewed 12 June 2019. B00848-49). 1932 - advertisementH. J. Howe’s, Inc., Jewelers, Syracuse, NY. (7 April 1932). Advertisement: "... Great Hitchcock Sale... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.] Silver Plate ... " [with no illustrations]. Fayetteville Bulletin (Fayetteville, New York), p. 3, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 12 June 2019. B00850-51). 1932 - advertisementParmalee-Dohrmann Co., Los Angeles. (10 April 1932). Advertisement: "Silver Plated Ware ... International Silver Co. ... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with no specified illustrations]. Los Angeles Times, p. B2. (Viewed 9 December 2018. D00460).
1932 - advertisementS. A. Mailman, Utica, NY. (10 June 1932). Advertisement: "... Jewelry... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Potsdam Herald-Recorder (Potsdam, New York), p. 6. (Viewed 1 May 2019. H00618-20). 1932 - advertisementA. H. Denny, Jeweler, Saranac Lake, NY. (24 June 1932). Advertisement: "Auction... 1847- Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ..." [with no illustrations]. Lake Placid News (Lake Placid, New York), p. 4, cols. 1-7. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00614-15). 1932 - advertisementBush’s Jewelry Store, Warsaw, NY. (28 July 1932). Advertisement: "Spending is saving... Chest of Silver, ’1847 Rogers’ [/ International Silver Company], on Display at Bush’s Jewelry Store..." [with no illustrations]. Wyoming County Times (Warsaw, New York), p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00616-17). 1932 - advertisementCrescent Jewelry Co., San Bernardino, CA. (2 December 1932). Advertisement: "... One of the most sensational rapid merchandising events ever held in the city... 1847 Roger[s Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related product illustrations]. San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino, CA), p. 15, cols. 4-6. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00122).
1933 - promotional bookletInternational Silver Company of Canada Limited / [presumably 1847] Rogers Brothers. (1933). Answering the question: How much silver. 16 pp. (Updated 19 April 2017. A00621.) 1933 - spotlighted news mention - 1847 Rogers Bros. / ISC in Canadian National Exhibition(6 September 1933). Knowledge seekers are the backbone of C. N. Exhibition [with focus on installation of 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. 78-piece "Monogram" chest and related competition.] (Viewed 21 November 2018. F00471).
1933 advertisementsSee the ads 1933 - advertisementBrown Thomson, Inc., Hartford, CT. (18 June 1933). Advertisement: "All this week, June Sale, SILVER, ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.], In Anniversary pattern... Rogers 1847, Her Majesty Pattern... " [with no related illustrations]. Hartford Courant, p. 3. (Viewed 20 October 2018. D00387).
1933 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (23 November 1933). Advertisement: "Do you hesitate to give a buffet party because you haven’t enough silverware? ... 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate... Ask your dealer for a copy of the new booklet ’So You’re Going to Give a Buffet Party!’" [with photo of man and woman at buffet party with silverware shown and caption "Viande knife illustrated in the new Marquise pattern"; and illustration of silverware in case]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. B-14, cols. 5-8. (Viewed 20 June 2019. D00885-86). 1933 - advertisementC. G. Conyne, Jeweler, Mandan, ND. (4 December 1933). Advertisement: Extraordinary announcement...Auction Sale... A complete assortment of Silverware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co. ... " [with no related product illustrations]. The Bismarck Tribune (North Dakota), p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01661). c. 1933 - informational bookletInternational Silver Company. (c. 1933). So you’re going to give a buffet party [presumably with mention of 1847 Rogers Bros.]. Meriden, CT; 14 pp. (Updated 19 April 2017. A00423.) 1934 - historical information(1934). William Rogers and his brothers in the silverware industry. The Keystone magazine, (August 1934), 5 pp., and (September 1934), 4 pp. Reprinted in source unknown, possibly International Silver Company promotional material. [Refers to Meriden Britannia; 1847 Rogers Bros.; Rogers & Brother; Rogers Bros. Mfg. Co.; Rogers Cutlery; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; and Wm. Rogers & Son.] (Viewed 9 May 2017. AAA00598; A02400.) 1934 - news brief(30 August 1934). Globe competition prize on display [with mention of the 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company of Canada]. The Globe (Toronto), p. 4. (Viewed 28 December 2018. D00567).
"The beautiful ’Wedding Ring’ chest of 1847 Rogers Bros.’ original Rogers Silverplate, donated as a prize in The Globe Exhibition Competition by the International Silver Company of Canada, Limited, is on display in the Yonge Street window of Birks-Ellis-Ryrie Limited, 138 Yonge Street. The chest contains sixty-nine pieces, in the dainty ’Silhouette’ design." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1934 - spotlighted internal article1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (October 1934). To help make sales; 1847 Rogers Bros. offers many sales helps timely, effective and for every purpose [with 14 illustrations showing 1847 Rogers Bros. signage, "buffet" booklet, general pattern folder, three velvet displays for silverware, display showing patterns, window card, and four Ann Adams promotional letters]. International Silver Service (ISC internal magazine for staff, distributors, retailers), p. 5. (Viewed 20 September 2020. AAA00163-02.) 1934 - other internal articlesSee the articles 1934 - internal article1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (October 1934). It’s local advertising; How 1847 Rogers Bros. magazine advertising reaches practically all of your customers [with seven illustrations of print advertising]. International Silver Service (ISC internal magazine for staff, distributors, retailers), p. 4. (Viewed 20 September 2020. AAA00163-02.) 1934 - internal article mentionInternational Silver Co. (October 1934). Christmas chest; success of wedding containers inspires demand for one for the holidays [with mention of 1847 Rogers Bros., Holmes and Edwards, and Wm. Rogers & Son, with illustrations of silverware and chests]. International Silver Service (ISC internal magazine for staff, distributors, retailers), p. 9. (Viewed 20 September 2020. AAA00163-02.) 1934 - internal article1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (October 1934). The Peacock pattern; Beautiful design in 1847 Rogers Bros. hollowware; all the pieces in which make desireable gifts [with 8-9 product illustrations]. International Silver Service (ISC internal magazine for staff, distributors, retailers), p. 14-15. (Viewed 20 September 2020. AAA00163-02.) 1934 - internal article mentionInternational Silver Co. (October 1934). Your sales are the key to the whole situation [with mention of 1847 Rogers Bros and Wm. Rogers & Son]. International Silver Service (ISC internal magazine for staff, distributors, retailers), back cover. (Viewed 20 September 2020. AAA00163-02.) 1934 advertisementsSee the ads 1934 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (19 January 1934). Advertisement: "The tradition of nearly a century... 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate... " [with abstract illustration of knife]. Meriden Record, p. 7, column 1. (Viewed 16 July 2019. G00267.) 1934 - advertisementLiuCampbell, presumably Victor, NY. (2 March 1934). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Plate ... " [with no illustrations]. The Victor Herald (Victor, New York), presumably p. 7, col. 4. (Viewed 4 June 2020. H02000).
1934 - advertisementCastleberg’s, Washington, DC. (8 April 1934). Advertisement: "... 1/2 price sale ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.]; lovely Anniversary pattern... " [with illustration showing spoons and knives in the pattern]. Sunday Star (Washington, DC), p. A-14. (Viewed 18 June 2020. D01496). 1934 - advertisement1847 Rogers Brothers / International Silver Company. (19 September 1934). Advertisement: "Beauty, To grace the tables of a gracious hostess! ..." Meriden Record, p. 7, column 1. (Viewed 14 September 2017. G00401.) 1934 - advertisementFred M. Wells, Jeweler, Fulton, NY. (26 July 1934). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Fulton Patriot (Fulton, New York), unknown page number, col. 1. (Viewed 4 July 2019. F01080-81). 1935 - design cataloguePresumably 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. [listed as "Rogers & Bros."] (1935). [Catalogue, notation: "silverplated ware", "International Silver, tea and dinner ware"], 100 pp. (Viewed 10 May 2020. H01455).
1935 - design brochure1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1935). So you’re going to give a buffet party brochure [with illustrations showing cutlery in the following patterns: Ambassador, Her Majesty, Legacy, Marquise, Silhouette, Sylvia, and Viande; and holloware in the Her Majesty and Marquise patterns]. 18 pp. (Viewed 19 August 2020. E01024) 1935 advertisementsSee the ads 1935 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros / International Silver Co. (7 March 1935). Advertisement: "The traditions of nearly a century... 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate ... " [with abstract illustration of knife]. Meriden Daily Journal (Wallingford Edition), p. 5, column 8. (Viewed 16 July 2019. G00240). 1935 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (April 1935). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros; Original Rogers silverplate... Admiring guests... Confident hostess... " [with illustration showing spoons in the Marquise and Sylvia patterns]. Ladies Home Journal, p. 154. (Viewed 26 December 2020. L02084-85).
1935 - advertisementRudolph’s, Endicott, NY. (31 May 1935). Advertisement: " ... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ... " [with no relevant illustration]. The Endicott Bulletin (Endicott, New York), p. 10. (Viewed 2 May 2019; H00635-36). 1935 - advertisementG. D. McOmber, Jeweler, Honeoye Falls, NY. (20 June 1935). Advertisement: "Until June 29th only at half price, sets in Her Majesty Pattern, one of the latest designs in 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Company]... " [with two illustrations]. Honeoye Falls Times (Honeoye Falls, New York), p. 4, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 2 May 2019; H00637-38). 1935 - advertisementA. H. Denny Jeweler, Saranac Lake, NY. (21 June 1935). Advertisement: "Gift suggestions for graduation... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] Plate... " [with no relevant illustration]. Lake Placid News (Lake Placid, New York), p. 2, col. 1. (Viewed 1 May 2019. H00639-40). 1935 - advertisementFred M. Wells, Jeweler, Fulton, NY. (15 August 1935). Advertisement: "Nationally advertised merchandise... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ..." [with no product illustration]. The Fulton Patriot, (Fulton, New York), presumably p. 10, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 11 August 2020. L01999). 1935 - advertisementMcOmber’s Jewelry Store, Honeoye Falls, NY. (12 December 1935). Advertisement: "Here’s a brilliant idea... For the home, Holmes & Edwards and 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] 16 Piece Sets of Silverware... " [with abstract illustration]. The Honeoye Falls Times (Honeoye Falls, New York), p. 3, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 11 May 2019; H00830-31). c. 1935 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company / 1847 Rogers Bros.; Wm. Rogers & Son. (c. 1935). 1847 Rogers Bros., Wm. Rogers & Son hollow ware, approx. 106 pp. [Including Modernist lines: Modern Colonial; Arcadia; Legacy; see 1935 catalogue above for reference.] (Viewed 24 September 2016. AAA00202. DM.)
1936 - spotlighted article mentionSnow, William G. (17 April 1936). Meriden’s silverware industry history [with mention of 1847 Rogers Bros.] The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 30 December 2020. D01699). 1936 advertisementsSee the ads 1936 - advertisementHulett & Son, Jewelers, presumably Ogdensburg, New York. (18 March 1936). Advertisement: "Half Price Silver Sale... Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in chest]. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, New York), p. 5, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00949-50). 1936 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (17 April 1936). Advertisement: "Eighty-fourth Anniversary Year; International Silver Co. ... International Sterling; 1847 Rogers Bros.; Holmes & Edwards Inlaid; Wm. Rogers & Son; International Holloware... " [with illustration of 1855 Meriden Britannia Co. building]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 25 November 2020. F01910). 1936 - advertisementCarbino’s Jewelry Store, Massena, NY. (19 November 1936). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Company] ’Legacy’ pattern... " [with small, abstract illustration]. The Massena Observer (Massena, New York), p. 8, col. 5. (Viewed 4 May 2019; H00669-71). 1936 - advertisementW. M. Pinney, Arcade, NY. (11 December 1936). Advertisement: "... Vast Christmas Display... Silverware ... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ..." [with no related illustrations]. Arcade Herald (Arcade, New York), p. 8, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 4 May 2019; H00672-74). 1937 advertisementsSee the ads 1937 - advertisement with NBC radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (12 April 1937). Advertisement: "... America’s Finest Silverplate..." [showing Lovelace, Sylvia and Marquise patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 2. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01427.)
"Enjoy 1847 Rogers Bros. Sunday afternoon Radio entertainments: 4:30 to 5:30, E. S. T.— N. B. C. Red Network Stations, featuring Josef Cherniavsky, the "Musical Camera" and Miss Willie Morris." (Excerpt from above.)
1937 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (4 October 1937). Advertisement: "... We asked Rosalind Russell, charming M-G-M screen star, to name this new pattern. Her suggestion and one we think particularly fitting, was "First Love" [showing spoon in this pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 83. (Viewed 16 October 2017. G01434.)
"Tune In— "The 1847 Silver Theatre", starring Hollywood celebrities. Columbia Network. Sundays at 5, E. S. T." (Excerpt from above.)
1937 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 November 1937). Advertisement: "Two opportunities meet for Christmas..." [showing First Love, Lovelace, Marquise, and Sylvia pattern, with endorsement by actress Rosalind Russell]. LIFE magazine, p. 123. (Viewed 16 October 2017. G01428.)
"Tune In— "The 1847 Silver Theatre", featuring Hollywood stars, Columbia Network, Sundays at 5, E. S. T." (Excerpt from above.)
c. 1937 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (c. 1937 or after). 1847 Rogers Bros., Wm. Rogers & Son Hollowware. [Contains: 1847 "First Love", "Lincoln", "Modern Colonial", "Neptune", Arcadia", Marquis", "Legacy"; WmR&S-"York", "Shelley", "Guild".] 98 pp. (Updated 16 October 2017. AAA00570-065.)
1938 advertisementsSee the ads 1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (April 1938). Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell gives spring’s best tip to the Bride-To-Be... " [with illustrations showing spoons in the First Love and Lovelace patterns, and a chest of silverware]. Chatelaine (Toronto, Canada), p. 99. (Viewed 17 August 2020. L02094-95).
1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (April 1938). Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell gives spring’s best tip to the Bride-To-Be... " [with illustrations showing spoons in the First Love and Lovelace patterns, and a chest of silverware]. Good Housekeeping, p. 121. (Viewed 17 August 2020. L02096-97).
1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (4 April 1938). Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell gives spring’s best tip to the Bride-to-Be..." [showing First Love and Lovelace patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 32. (Viewed 18 October 2017. G01440.)
1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (May 1938). Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell explains why it’s lucky to marry this spring... " [with illustrations of spoons in the First Love, Lovelace and Marquise patterns, and chest of silverware]. Ladies Home Journal, p. 94. (18 August 2020. L02098-99).
1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (2 May 1938). Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell explains why it is lucky to marry this spring..." [showing First Love, Lovelace, and Marquise patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 26. (Viewed 16 October 2017. G01429.) 1938 - advertisementRuby’s, Endicott, NY. (6 May 1938). Advertisement: "Silver for Mother’s Day... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustration]. Endicott Bulletin (Endicott, New York), p. 7, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01433). 1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (30 May 1938). Advertisement: "From Rosalind Russell— to the girl who caught the bride’s bouquet..." [showing First Love, Lovelace, and Marquise patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 30. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01430.) 1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (June 1938). Advertisement: "From Rosalind Russell— to the girl who caught the bride’s bouquet... " [with illustrations of spoons in the First Love, Lovelace and Sylvia patterns, and chest of silverware]. Good Housekeeping, p. 90. (Viewed 18 August 2020. E01001; L02100).
1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (27 June 1938). Advertisement: "’Rosalind Russell, I owe some of my good luck to you!’..." [showing First Love and Lovelace patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 40. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01442.)
1938 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (July 1938). Advertisement: "From Rosalind Russell— to the girl who caught the bride’s bouquet... " [with illustrations of spoons in the First Love, Lovelace and Sylvia patterns, and chest of silverware]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 3. (Viewed 19 August 2020. E01002-03).
1938 - advertisement with Saks-Fifth Avenue mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (25 July 1938). Advertisement: "... Leonora Ormsby of Saks-Fifth Avenue... " [showing First Love, Lovelace And Marquise patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 26. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01443.)
1938 - advertisement with Saks-Fifth Avenue mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 August 1938). Advertisement: "... Leonora Ormsby of Saks-Fifth Avenue suggests... " [showing First Love, Lovelace And Marquise patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 26. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01444.)
1938 - advertisement with Saks-Fifth Avenue and CBS radio show mentions1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 September 1938). Advertisement: "... Leonora Ormsby of Saks-Fifth Avenue plans an informal wedding of ultra-smartness... " [showing First Love, Legacy and Lovelace patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 36. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01431.)
"Tune In— Sunday, October 2— hear William Powell open the ’Silver Theater’ featuring leading Hollywood stars every Sunday, C. B. S., coast-to-coast, 6 P. M., E. S. T..." (Excerpt from above.)
1938 - advertisement with Saks-Fifth Avenue and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 October 1938). Advertisement: "When Christmas and a Wedding come together. ’Have an all-white wedding,’ advises Leonora Ormsby of Saks-Fifth Avenue..." [showing Ambassador, and Sylvia patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 38. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01446.)
1938 - advertisement with celebrity and CBS radio show mentions1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (14 November 1938). Advertisement: "The best Christmas party ever planned..." [showing First Love, Lovelace and Marquise patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 38. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01432.)
"Tune In Every Sunday— Leading dramatic stars in the "Silver Theatre". 6 P. M., E. S. T. ... Helen Hayes (Nov. 13 & 20), Ginger Rogers (Nov. 27), Clark Gable (Dec. 4) coast-to-coast Columbia network." (Excerpt from above.)
1938-39 - design catalogueA. I. Hall & Son, Inc. (San Francisco, Los Angeles) (wholesaler). (1938-39). 1938-1939 catalogue number forty-five. [Includes designs for hollow ware and flatware by 1847 Rogers Bros. / Wm. Rogers & Son / (anchor) Rogers (anchor) / (eagle) Wm. Rogers (star) / International Silver Company.] (Pages presumably from this catalogue.) (Viewed 21 August 2018. J00134). > 1847 Rogers Bros. / ISC patterns shown: Ambassador, Arcadia, First Love, Her Majesty, Legacy, Lincoln, Lovelace, Marquise, Modern Colonial, Marquis, Neptune, Pistol Handle, Horn of Plenty; Silhouette, Snow White-themed (Walt Disney), and Sylvia. 1939 advertisementsSee the ads 1939 - advertisement with Saks-Fifth Avenue and CBS radio show mentions1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (23 January 1939). Advertisement: "Wedding bells in March? ..." [showing First Love, Legacy, and Lovelace patterns; with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 28. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01437.) 1939 - advertisement with Saks-Fifth Avenue and CBS radio show mentions1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (20 February 1939). Advertisement: "Suggestions for an April wedding..." [with Leonora Ormsby, Saks-Fifth Avenue and CBS radio show mentions; also showing First Love, Lovelace, and Marquise patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 32. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01441.)
1939 - advertisement with Saks-Fifth Avenue and CBS radio show mentions1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (20 March 1939). Advertisement: "To the girl who’s marrying in May. Leonora Ormsby of Saks-Fifth Avenue..." [showing First Love, Lovelace, and Sylvia patterns; with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 32. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01447.) 1939 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mentions1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 April 1939). Advertisement: "Says Shirley Ross: ’I’m paging all Spring Brides’ ..." [showing First Love, Lovelace, and Marquise patterns; with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 32. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01450.) 1939 - advertisement with CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (24 April 1939). Advertisement: "Typical brides of 1939 marry for life..." [showing the following patterns: 1810, Courtship, Empress, Enchantress, Prelude, and Wedgwood; with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 19. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01451.) 1939 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1 May 1939). Advertisement: "Loretta Young says, ’You 1939 Brides are Lucky..." [with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 26. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01452.) 1939 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (12 June 1939). Advertisement: "’Hats off to a real artist,’ says Gail Patrick..." [with five spoons in First Love, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise and Sylvia patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 36. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01515.)
1939 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (10 July 1939). Advertisement: "Constance Bennett says ’Here’s tremendous news for brides’ ..." [with five spoons in First Love, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise and Sylvia patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 28. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01517.)
1939 - advertisement, with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (7 August 1939). Advertisement: "Says Joan Crawford, ’I see a winner when I see one’ ..." [showing First Love, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise, and Sylvia patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 28. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01518.)
1939 - advertisement, with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (9 October 1939). Advertisement: "... Loretta Young names it ’Adoration’..." [showing photos of knife, fork and spoons in the pattern; and CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, pp. 42-43. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01520.)
1939 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (23 October 1939). Advertisement: "Loretta Young named it, all America adores it, "Adoration" [with endorsement by actress Loretta Young and illustration of pattern; with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 40. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01457.) 1939 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (6 November 1939). Advertisement: "Loretta Young says, ’Decide now to give her silver— in this lovely new pattern ’Adoration’... " [showing Adoration, First Love and Lovelace patterns; with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 36. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01458.) 1939 - advertisement with CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (4 December 1939). Advertisement: "Mother will never stop thanking us for this gift..." [showing Adoration, First Love and Lovelace patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 53. (Viewed 20 October 2017. G01460.) |
1940s documentation
1940s |
1940 advertisementsSee the ads 1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 January 1940). Advertisement: "Geraldine Fitzgerald says, ’It’s as lovely as a dream come true’..." [showing Adoration, First Love and Lovelace patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 28. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01461.) 1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 February 1940). Advertisement: "Merle Oberon looked... and ’feel in love!’..." [showing Adoration, First Love and Sylvia patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 34. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01463.) 1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (18 March 1940). Advertisement: "’I’ve just discovered a beauty’, says Madeleine Carroll..." [showing Adoration, First Love and Lovelace patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 36. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01524.)
1940 - advertisementSegel’s, Schenectady, NY. (2 April 1940). Advertisement: "Silverware selected by Miss Jacobson for the Pageant of Foods Cooking School is from Segel’s; Complete showing of... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with portrait photo of Jacobson]. Schenectady Gazette (New York), p. 18, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 26 December 2020. D01515).
1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (15 April 1940). Advertisement: "’There goes my heart!’, sighs Paulette Goddard..." [showing Adoration, First Love and Marquise patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 63. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01526.)
1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (6 May 1940). Advertisement: "’May Brides... You’re Blessed!’, says Carole Lombard..." [showing Adoration, First Love, Lovelace, Marquise, and Sylvia patterns, with CBS radio show mention of Lombard’s appearance.] LIFE magazine, p. 79. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01528.)
1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (10 June 1940). Advertisement: "Says Ginger Rogers, ’May I help you choose?’... " [showing Adoration, First Love and Legacy patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 40. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01465.) 1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (15 July 1940). Advertisement: "... My heart belongs to ’Adoration’!" says Mary Martin..." [showing photo of two forks, knife and spoon in Adoration pattern, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 32. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01531.)
1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (5 August 1940). Advertisement: "... ’See if my taste is yours,’ suggests Kay Francis..." [showing photo of First Love pattern, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 31. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01466.) 1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (2 September 1940). Advertisement: "... ’Don’t trust my eyes— use yours’, says Carole Lombard..." [showing photo of knife, fork and spoon in Adoration pattern, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 57. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01533.)
1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (14 October 1940). Advertisement: "... ’I’ve had a thrilling experience,’ says Merle Oberon..." [showing photo of First Love pattern, with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 37. (Viewed 19 October 2017. G01467.) 1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (11 November 1940.) Advertisement: "... May I present... my latest discovery? asks Olivia de Havilland..." [showing photo of Adoration pattern, with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 70. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01469.) 1940 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (9 December 1940). Advertisement: "’What... for the little lady for Christmas?’ asks Virginia Bruce..." [showing photo of Adoration, First Love, Lovelace, Legacy, Marquise, Sylvia patterns, with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 70. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01471.) 1940 - advertisementH. W. Rathbun Jewelry Store, Ticonderoga, NY. (19 December 1940). Advertisement: "For Christmas... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Ticonderoga Sentinel (New York), p. 15, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 16 May 2020. H01549). c. 1941 - marketing film for retailers1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (c. 1941). Marketing film for retailers: [Your chance of a lifetime], about 15 minutes. [Also describes marketing campaign with Hollywood star advertisements and the Silver Theater on CBS radio; focuses on rollout of new 1847 Rogers Bros. "Eternally Yours" pattern]. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01541.) 1941 advertisementsSee the ads 1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (20 January 1941). Advertisement: "’Any girl would say ’yes’ to this one!’ says Kay Francis..." [with illustration showing two forks, knife, and spoon in Adoration pattern, and CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 12. (Viewed 5 November 2017. G01637.)
1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 February 1941). Advertisement: "’First Love is my new love,’ says Greer Garson..." [showing photo of First Love pattern, with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 34. (Viewed 19 October 2017. G01472.) 1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 March 1941). Advertisement: "’I call it unbelievable!’ says Martha Scott..." [with illustration including two forks, knife and spoon in Adoration pattern, and CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 44. (Viewed 5 November 2017. G01642.)
1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (14 April 1941). Advertisement: "’Are you sensible or sentimental?’ asks Barbara Stanwyck..." [showing photo of First Love pattern, with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 52. (Viewed 19 October 2017. G01474.) 1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (12 May 1941). Advertisement: "’I’d like to sing out the news,’ says Judy Garland’... " [showing photo of Adoration pattern, with CBS radio show mention; see later Silver Theater radio broadcasts starring the actress: 26 January 1941, 12 & 19 October 1941, and 12 December 1943 on the International Silver Co. historical information page]. LIFE magazine, p. 70. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01476.) 1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (9 June 1941). Advertisement: "’I saw your First Love today,’ says Linda Darnell..." [showing photo of First Love pattern, with CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 46. (Viewed 19 October 2017. G01477.) 1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (21 July 1941). Advertisement: "’Make a wish now!’ says Olivia de Havilland..." [with illustration of two forks, knife and spoon in Adoration pattern, and CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 10. (Viewed 5 November 2017. G01647.)
1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsements and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (15 September 1941). Advertisement: "Conrad Nagel reports....... ’All Hollywood hails the most spectacular achievement in Silverplate History’ ..." [including illustration showing two forks, knife and spoon in Eternally Yours pattern; endorsements by Ellen Drew, Betty Field, Rosalind Russell, and Conrad Nagel; and CBS radio show mention]. LIFE magazine, pp. 44-45. (Viewed 6 November 2017. G01648.)
1941 - advertisement, with celebrity endorsements and CBS radio show mentions1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (13 October 1941). Advertisement: "’It leaves me breathless,’ exclaimed Myrna Loy..." [with illustration showing two forks, knife and spoon in Eternally Yours pattern; mention of actor Conrad Nagel; mention of CBS radio show]. LIFE magazine, p. 102. (Viewed 7 November 2017. G01651.)
1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsements and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 November 1941). Advertisement: "’My heart stood still!’, says Laraine Day..." [with illustration showing Eternally Yours pattern; also mention by actor Conrad Nagel and CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 67. (Viewed 14 November 2017. G01657.)
1941 - advertisementBeir Bros., Niagara Falls, NY. (17 November 1941). Advertisement: "Santa says: Make this a Christmas to Remember... with a Gift of Silver... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.]; ’Eternally Yours’, ’Adoration’, ’First Love’ ... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, New York), p. 3, col. 5. (Viewed 28 December 2020. D01648).
1941 - advertisementH. W. Rathbun, Jeweler, presumably Ticonderoga, NY. (27 November 1941). Advertisement: "Lay away gifts now for Christmas... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, New York), p. 3, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 2 June 2020. H01926-27). 1941 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and CBS radio show mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (15 December 1941). Advertisement: "Men: Take a Christmas hint from Rosalind Russell..." [with illustrations showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, Legacy, Lovelace patterns; with CBS radio show mention.] LIFE magazine, p. 73. (Viewed 14 November 2017. G01658.)
1942 advertisementsSee the ads 1942 - advertisementThe Hecht Co., Washington, DC. (7 June 1942). Advertisement: "Sterling... and Fine Plated-Ware at Unusually Attractive Prices... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Silver-plated Flatware... ’Adoration’, ’Eternally Yours’, ’Love Lace’, and ’First Love’ patterns... " [with possibly relevant illustration of spoon, silverware in chest, and abstract tea set]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. A-18. (Viewed 20 June 2019. D00887-88). 1942 - advertisementCox, The Jeweler, Medina, NY. (3 December 1942). Advertisement: "... First Love 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... Eternally Yours... Lovelace... " [with no illustrations]. The Medina Tribune (Medina, New York), p. 4, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 30 June 2019. E00996-98). 1943 advertisementsSee the ads 1943 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 May 1943). Advertisement: "’A girl can dream, can’t she?’ says Loretta Young... And I hope that every one of us is putting every penny she can into War Bonds... But a day will come when you can again get the silverplate... Plan for that day. Buy War Bonds now..." LIFE magazine, p. 68. (Viewed 15 November 2017. G01659.)
1943 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (26 July 1943). Advertisement: "’Could any girl stop wishing?’, says Paulette Goddard..." LIFE magazine, p. 86. (Viewed 21 October 2017. G01487.) 1943 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (27 September 1943). Advertisement: "’Ashamed to build air castles?’ asks Veronica Lake. ’Of course, we must all be intensely practical about our war work, but no girl should be ashamed of building dream castles too...’ " [with illustration showing Eternally Yours pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 94. (Viewed 15 November 2017. G01662.)
1943 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (25 October 1943). Advertisement: "’Don’t take off your wishing cap!’ says Susan Howard... The skilled craftsmen who used to fashion 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate are helping our boys fight, too— by working tirelessly to keep weapons of war pouring overseas... But after the war, we’ll be making them again..." [with celebrity endorsement; illustration showing cutlery in First Love pattern.] LIFE magazine, p. 87. (Viewed 16 November 2017. G01664.)
1943 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 November 1943). Advertisement: "’ Keep a rainbow ’round your future,’ says Claudette Colbert... ’Buy War Bonds— as many as you can". [with celebrity endorsement; illustration showing cutlery in Eternally Yours pattern.] LIFE magazine, p. 80. (Viewed 16 November 2017. G01665.)
1944 advertisementsSee the ads 1944 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (28 February 1944). Advertisement: "’Have you made a wish today?’ asks Laraine Day. ’Busy at war work? Of course you are— but you can still wish, and plan the home you’ll have some day...’" [with illustration showing Adoration pattern; with celebrity endorsement]. LIFE magazine, p. 93. (Viewed 17 November 2017. G01679.)
1944 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (10 April 1944). Advertisement: "... ’Stay Wide Awake.. and Dream,’ says Risë Stevens..." LIFE magazine, p. 84. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01492.) 1944 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 May 1944). Advertisement: "... ’Keep Wishing While You Work’, says Anne Baxter..." [with photo of knife, fork and spoon in Eternally Yours pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 80. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01493.) 1944 - advertisementJensen’s, presumably Salt Lake City, UT. (2 July 1944). Advertisement: "Sale of silverware... Prewar prices... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Salt Lake Tribune, p. 13, col. 1. (Viewed 1 July 2021. D01828).
1944 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (21 August 1944). Advertisement: "... ’Fill your pockets with daydreams,’ says Rosalind Russell..." [with photo of Adoration pattern knife, fork and spoon]. LIFE magazine, p. 63. (Viewed 19 October 2017. G01494.) 1944 - advertisementH. Post & Sons, Decatur, IL. (3 September 1944). Advertisement: "... Quality silverplate flatware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly relevant, abstract product illustrations— handle and silverware in three cases]. Decatur Sunday Herald and Review (Decatur, IL), section II, presumably p. 1, cols. 1-4. (Viewed 17 July 2021. D01829).
1944 - advertisementH. Post & Sons, Decatur, IL. (7 September 1944). Advertisement: "... Silverplate flatware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly relevant, abstract product illustrations— silverware in three cases]. Decatur Review (Decatur, IL), p. 17, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 24 July 2021. D01830).
1944 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement and Ozzie & Harriet sponsorship mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (2 October 1944). Advertisement: "... ’This is no time to be modest,’ says Ozzie & Harriet..." [with celebrity endorsement; mention of ISC sponsorship of radio show, Ozzie & Harriet.] LIFE magazine, p. 46. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01495.) 1944 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (13 November 1944). Advertisement: "’If I had Aladdin’s Lamp...’ says Ann Sheridan... And here at 1847 Rogers Bros., we’re working hard to help hurry that day of Victory... turning out vital materials of war. So right now, none of the 1847 Rogers Bros. designs you love so well can be made..." [including illustration showing Eternally Yours pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 84. (Viewed 17 November 2017. G01680.)
1945 advertisementsSee the ads 1945 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (26 February 1945). Advertisement: "’The wish I wish the most...’, says Dinah Shore..." [with illustration of knife, fork and spoon in First Love pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 70. (Viewed 10 October 2017. G01496.) 1945 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (9 April 1945). Advertisement: "’It’s my favorite dream’,... says Janet Blair... Right now, we have a bigger job. Keeping our fighting men supplied with vital war materials..." [with illustration showing Eternally Yours pattern; with celebrity endorsement]. LIFE magazine, p. 10. (Viewed 17 November 2017. G01681.)
1945 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (21 May 1945). Advertisement: "’You bet I’m chasing rainbows’,... says Joan Fontaine... Now, though, we have a bigger job... keeping our fighting men supplied with vital war materials..." [with illustration showing Adoration pattern; with celebrity endorsement]. LIFE magazine, p. 80. (Viewed 17 November 2017. G01682.)
1945 - advertisement with celebrity endorsement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (20 August 1945). Advertisement: "’Waiting can seem shorter’... says Merle Oberon..." [with illustration showing First Love pattern; with celebrity endorsement]. LIFE magazine, p. 22. (Viewed 17 November 2017. G01683.)
1945 - advertisementChas. Schwartz & Son, Washington, DC. (6 September 1945). Advertisement: "A word about silver... We will, once again, feature ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. A-4, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 17 October 2018. B01105). 1945 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (15 October 1945). Advertisement: "Soon, candle will glow once more on the rich beauty of 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with illustrations showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, and First Love patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 100. (Viewed 16 November 2017. G01684.)
1945 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (12 November 1945). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. is Back! ..." [with photo showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, and First Love patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 119. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01497.) 1945 - advertisementThe Jewel Box, Wilmington, NC. (9 December 1945). Advertisement: "... Hundreds of Beautiful Items to Choose from... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no relevant illustrations]. The Sunday Star-News (Wilmington, North Carolina), p. 5-B. (Viewed 6 July 2019. F01111-12). 1946 - informational booklet1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (before February 1946). The story of silverplate (no. 144). (Viewed 22 July 2016. A01093; E01023).
1946? - internal sales bookletInternational Silver Company. (1946?). Silver sales tips today for silver sales records tomorrow. 20 pp. ["Chiefly concerned with 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate."] (Viewed 8 May 2017. A02396.) 1946 advertisementsSee the ads 1946 - advertisementHuggins Jewelers, Wilmington, NC. (17 February 1946). Advertisement: "Established 1870... Silver Plate... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.]..." [with no related illustrations]. Wilmington Morning Star, unknown page number, cols.5-8. (Viewed 16 April 2020. D01150-51). 1946 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (25 February 1946). Advertisement: "The one and only 1847 Rogers Bros. is again at your dealers..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 23. (Viewed 24 November 2017. G01695.)
1946 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (11 March 1946). Advertisement: "Your ’silver dream’ has come true..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, and First Love patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 52. (Viewed 22 October 2017. G01498.) 1946 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (6 May 1946). Advertisement: "Many a gracious table sparkles with new beauty these days..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 87. (Viewed 24 November 2017. G01696.)
1946 - advertisement, gown by Ben Gam1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (3 June 1946). Advertisement: "Muted lights... a gleaming table..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; model wearing gown by Ben Gam]. LIFE magazine, p. 98. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01697.)
1946 - advertisement, gown by Adele Simpson1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (August 1946). Advertisement: "... Even more enchanting that you’d dreamed... Your best-loved 1847 Rogers Bros. pattern, gleaming in the soft candlelight... " [with photo of model wearing "gown by Adele Simpson", and handles showing the Adoration, Eternally Yours, and First Love patterns]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 150. (Viewed 30 December 2020. E01013-14).
1946 - advertisement, model’s gown by Hattie Carnegie1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (7 October 1946). Advertisement: "Like a rich, gracious stage setting! ..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; and model with gown by fashion entrepreneur Hattie Carnegie]. LIFE magazine, p. 69. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01698.)
1946 - advertisement with Ozzie and Harriet mention, model wearing gown by Suzanne Augustine1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (4 November 1946). Advertisement: "Proud moment for you..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model wearing gown by Suzanne Augustine]. LIFE magazine, p. 84. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01699.)
1946 - advertisement with Ozzie and Harriet mention; model wearing gown by Maurice Rentner1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (9 December 1946). Advertisement: "Never-to-be-forgotten Christmas thrill! ..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model wearing gown by Maurice Rentner]. LIFE magazine, p. 90. (Viewed 24 November 2017. G01700.)
1947 - historical informationMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). "1847 Rogers Brothers" mentions, (pp. 52, 74, 101, 103-04, 107, 110, 115-16, 225, 230, 290-91, 296, 297-303). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. 388 pp. New York: E.M. McBride & Company. (Updated 8 May 2017. DM.)
1947 advertisementsSee the ads 1947 - advertisement with Ozzie and Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (27 January 1947). Advertisement: "A proud hostess in 1847... A proud hostess in 1947..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 80. (Viewed 24 November 2017. G01701.)
1947 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (3 March 1947). Advertisement: "Do your family treasures include any of 1847 Rogers Bros. fine old silverware? ..." [showing illustration with over 75 patterns]. LIFE magazine, pp. 66-67. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01499.) 1947 - advertisementH. W. Rathbun, Jeweler, presumably Ticonderoga, NY. (13 March 1947). Advertisement: "... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, New York), p. 5, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01048). 1947 - advertisement with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (24 March 1947). Advertisement: "Prized possession in 1847, Prized possession in 1947 [with illustration showing Adoration, First Love and Eternally Yours patterns; with Ozzie & Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 96. (Viewed 24 October 2017. G01561.) 1947 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (21 April 1947). Advertisement: "A social success in 1847, A social success in 1947..." [with illustrations showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, and First Love patterns; with Ozzie & Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 98. (Viewed 19 October 2017. G01500.) 1947 - advertisement with Ozzie and Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 May 1947). Advertisement: "An engaged girl’s choice 1847... An engaged girl’s choice in 1947..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 74. (Viewed 24 November 2017. G01702.)
1947 - advertisement with Silver Theatre mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (16 June 1947). Advertisement: "A bride’s favorite wedding gift... in 1847... A bride’s favorite wedding gift... in 1947..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with Silver Theatre mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 72. (Viewed 24 November 2017. G01703.)
1947 - advertisement, with Silver Theatre mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (28 July 1947). Advertisement: "For a daughter in love in 1847... For a daughter in love in 1947..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with Silver Theatre mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 74. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01704.)
1947 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1 September 1947). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. announce their 100th Anniversary pattern ’Remembrance’... " [including illustration of knife, fork and spoon in the pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 46. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01710.)
1947 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (6 October 1947). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. presents ’Remembrance’..." [with illustration showing cutlery, tea service and other hollowware in the pattern]. LIFE magazine, pp. 60-61. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01711.)
1947 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (3 November 1947). Advertisement: "Eyes have seldom seen... hands have never held... such perfection in silverplate! ..." [with illustrations showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with Ozzie & Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 82. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01501.) 1947 - advertisementReed’s Jewelers, presumably Wilmington, DE. (13 November 1947). Advertisement: "... Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related illustrations]. The Wilmington Morning Star (Delaware), p. 18, col. 5-8. (Viewed 5 October 2018. B00742). 1947 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention; model with dress by Ben Gam1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1 December 1947). Advertisement: "What a wonderful Christmas this is... " [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model with dress by Ben Gam]. LIFE magazine, p. 82. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01707.)
1948 advertisementsSee the ads 1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention; model with dress and jewelry by Hattie Carnegie1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (26 January 1948). Advertisement: "Proud thought before a dinner party..." [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model with dress and jewelry by Hattie Carnegie]. LIFE magazine, p. 78. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01705.)
1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention, model with dress by Adele Simpson1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (23 February 1948). Advertisement: "Secret thoughts of a proud hostess..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with Ozzie & Harriet mention; model with dress by Adele Simpson]. LIFE magazine, p. 86. (Viewed 24 October 2017. G01567.) 1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention; with gown by Pauline Trigère1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 March 1948). Advertisement: "Heart-warming thought of a recent bride..." [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention; with gown by Pauline Trigère]. LIFE magazine, p. 58. (Viewed 16 November 2017. G01706.)
1948 - advertisementKann’s, Washington, DC. (18 April 1948). Advertisement: "... Holmes & Edwards and 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Silverplate; 52 pieces plus chest... Also available, Wm. Rogers & Son Silverplate, 50-Piece Sets... " [with photo of chest of silverware and illustrations of handles in unspecified patterns]. Sunday Star (Washington, DC), p. D-15. (Viewed 15 July 2019. H01072-73). 1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention, gown by Jay Thorpe1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 April 1948). Advertisement: "For 101 years American brides have cherished this lovely silverplate..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns, including a five-piece tea service; with Ozzie & Harriet mention; gown in photo by Jay Thorpe]. LIFE magazine, pp. 50-51. (Viewed 24 October 2017. G01569.) 1948 - advertisementMexia Jewelry Co., presumably Mexia, TX. (2 May 1948). Advertisement: "Mother needs on her day; 52 piece service set 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] Remembrance pattern... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. The Mexia Daily News (Mexia, TX), p. 7, col. 3. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00139).
1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention, with model wearing jewelry by Harry Winston1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 May 1948). Advertisement: ""Joyous thought of a girl just wed... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model wearing diamonds designed by Harry Winston]. LIFE magazine, p. 56. (Viewed 28 November 2017. G01722.)
1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention, model wearing diamonds by Van Cleef & Arpels1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (14 June 1948). Advertisement: "Happy thought of a young wife... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model wearing diamonds designed by Van Cleef & Arpels]. LIFE magazine, p. 86. (Viewed 25 November 2017. G01724.)
1948 - advertisement, with Silver Summer Review mention, model wearing a Ben Reig design by Omar Kiam1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (12 July 1948). Advertisement: "Thought to give a hostess confidence... " [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with Silver Summer Review mention; model wearing a Ben Reig design by Omar Kiam]. LIFE magazine, p. 80. (Viewed 1 December 2017. G01729.)
1948 - advertisement, with Silver Summer Review mention, model wearing gown by Henri Bendel1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (6 September 1948). Advertisement: "Admiring thought of a guest of honor..." [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with Silver Summer Review mention; model wearing gown by Henri Bendel]. LIFE magazine, p. 78. (Viewed 1 December 2017. G01741.)
1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (4 October 1948). Advertisement: "Grateful thought of a radiant bride... " [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention; model wearing bridal gown by Tailored Woman]. LIFE magazine, p. 102. (Viewed 1 December 2017. G01742.)
1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention; model with jewels by John Rubel, gown by Hattie Carnegie1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1 November 1948). Advertisement: "Thought to thrill a young wife’s heart..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns, with Ozzie & Harriet mention; model with jewels by John Rubel, gown by Hattie Carnegie]. LIFE magazine, p. 94. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01570.) 1948 - advertisementThe Hecht Co., Washington, DC. (3 November 1948). Advertisement: "Now you can choose your favorite silver-plate... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] ’First Love’ [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with photo of silverware in chest]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), B-12. (Viewed 25 June 2019. E00811-12). 1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention, model with gown by Pauline Trigère1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (29 November 1948). Advertisement: "Secret thought of a wife on Christmas Eve... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns, with Ozzie & Harriet mention; model with gown by Pauline Trigère]. LIFE magazine, p. 94. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01544.) 1948 - advertisementRyland’s, Bristol, TN. (19 December 1948). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Remembrance.... Eternally Yours... Adoration... First Love... Give a set of plated-silver for Christmas... " [with illustration showing handles in the Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. Bristol Herald Courier (Bristol, Tennessee), p. 3-C, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 25 January 2020. R00218).
1948 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention, with model wearing gown and jewelry by Hattie Carnegie1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (27 December 1948). Advertisement: "Pleasant thought while entertaining... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; with model wearing gown and jewelry by Hattie Carnegie]. LIFE magazine, p. 28. (Viewed 28 November 2017. G01726.)
1949 - mention in ISC annual reportInternational Silver Company. (1949). Annual report. (Mention of "1847 Rogers Bros.", p. 8.) (Viewed 8 August 2017. AAA00630.)
1949 advertisementsSee the ads 1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 January 1949). Advertisement: "It’s still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 66. (Viewed 1 December 2017. G01744.)
1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (February 1949). Advertisement: "It’s still the things to do... It’s still the thing to own..." [showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention.] Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 131. (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00705). 1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (March 1949). Advertisement: "It’s still the things to do... It’s still the thing to own..." [showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention.] Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 171. (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00706). 1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (7 March 1949). Advertisement: "It’s still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 96. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01746.)
1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (4 April 1949). Advertisement: "It’s still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, p. 110. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01786.)
1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie & Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (May 1949). Advertisement: "It’s still the things to do... It’s still the thing to own..." [showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention.] Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 123. (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00707). 1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (9 May 1949). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns, also hollowware in Remembrance pattern; with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, pp. 50-51. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01788.)
1949 - advertisement, with Ozzie and Harriet mention1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (6 June 1949). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns, with The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention]. LIFE magazine, pp. 104. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01790.)
1949 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (25 July 1949). "It’s still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own..." [with illustration of spoons showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 40. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01546 .) 1949 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (12 September 1949). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 82. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01791.)
1949 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (10 October 1949). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 102. (Viewed 6 December 2017. G01793.)
1949 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (5 December 1949). Advertisement: "It’s still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own..." [with illustration of spoons showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 122. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01508.) |
1950s documentation
1950s | 1950 - annual report mentionInternational Silver Company. (1950). Annual report. (Includes mentions of 1847 Rogers Brothers, Holmes & Edwards Silver Company, International Sterling). 16 pp. (Updated 30 August 2017. A00548; AAA00667.)
1950 advertisementsSee the ads 1950 - advertisement, costume by John Frederics1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (20 February 1950). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; costume in photo by John Frederics]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01792.)
1950 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (27 March 1950). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 54. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01794.)
1950 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (24 April 1950). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros., America’s Finest Silverplate..." [with photo of spoons showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 64. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01507.) 1950 - advertisement, wedding dress by Bergdoff Goodman1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 May 1950). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; wedding dress in photo by Bergdoff Goodman]. LIFE magazine, p. 106. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01795.)
1950 - advertisement, gown by Henri Bendel1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 June 1950). Advertisement: "Its still the thing to do... It’s still the thing to own... " [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; gown in photo by Henri Bendel]. LIFE magazine, p. 86. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01796.)
1950 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (11 September 1950). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. brings you a joyous new pattern— ’Daffodil’... " [with illustration of knife, two forks and two spoons in the pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 136. (Viewed 5 December 2017. G01797.)
1950 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (2 October 1950). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. brings you a joyous new pattern— ’Daffodil’... [with illustration showing knife, two forks, and two spoons in the pattern]. LIFE magazine, p. 90. (Viewed 13 June 2020. G01798.)
1950 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (30 October 1950). Advertisement: "Choose 1847 Rogers Bros., ’It’s still the thing to own’... " [with illustrations showing Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 78. (Viewed 24 October 2017. G01572.) 1950 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (13 November 1950). Advertisement: "Choose 1847 Rogers Bros. ’It’s still the thing to own’ ..." [with illustration showing knife, two forks, and two spoons in Daffodil pattern; another illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 6 December 2017. G01799.)
1950 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (18 December 1950). Advertisement: "The Christmas way to say ’My Darling’..." [with illustrations showing Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 70. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01573.) c. 1950s - personnel directory brochureInternational Silver Company. (c. 1950s). Personnel directory for customers brochure. [Mentions 1847 Rogers Bros., Holmes & Edwards Silver Company, Wm. Rogers & Son, Webster & Wilcox hollowware.] 8 pp. (Viewed 13 August 2017. AAA00633.)
1951 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1951). Eighteen forty seven Rogers Bros. America’s finest silverplate... Number of pages unknown. (Updated 7 May 2017. A00490.) 1951 - annual report mentionInternational Silver Company. (1951). Annual report. [Includes a spotlight on the Wedgwood pattern and mentions of 1847 Rogers Brothers, Holmes & Edwards Silver Company, and anchor Rogers anchor]. 14 pp. (Viewed 4 May 2016. A00548.)
1951 advertisementsSee the ads 1951 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 January 1951). Advertisement: "Spring-song in silver... ’Daffodil’ ... " [with illustration showing knife, fork, and spoon in Daffodil pattern; another illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 13 June 2020. G01800.)
1951 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 February 1951). Advertisement: "Choose 1847 Rogers Bros., ’It’s still the thing to own’... " [with illustrations showing Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01574.) 1951 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (10 September 1951). Advertisement: "Choose 1847 Rogers Bros., ’It’s still the thing to own’..." [with two photos showing Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 106. (Viewed 15 October 2017. G01550.) 1952 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1952). 1847 Rogers Bros., America’s finest silverplate; Wm. Rogers & Son, reinforced plate by International; Rogers sterling, beauty and craftsmanship in solid silver: Products of the International Silver Company. 44 pp. (Updated 26 April 2017. A00491.) 1952 - annual report mentionInternational Silver Company. (1952). Annual report. [Includes mentions of 1847 Rogers Brothers, Holmes & Edwards Silver company, (anchor) Rogers (anchor), International Sterling.] 16 pp. (Viewed 4 May 2016. A00548.)
1952 advertisementsSee the ads 1952 - advertisement(January 1952). Advertisement: International Silver Company - "America’s most distinguished and best selling designs in sterling and silverplate" [showing 31 flatware patterns by ISC, divisions and brands including 1847 Rogers Bros., International Sterling, Holmes & Edwards, and Wm. Rogers & Son]. Connecticut Circle magazine. (Viewed 18 August 2017. AAA00637,b.)
1952 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (24 March 1952). Advertisement: "... New ’Daffodil’ ... " [with illustration of knife, fork and spoon in the pattern; and handles showing the Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 106. (Viewed 6 May 2020. H01392-93). 1952 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (14 April 1952). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. Silver Parade! ..." [with illustration showing Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, pp. 52-53. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01549.) 1952 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 May 1952). Advertisement: "’Remembrance’... for the sentimental lass this dainty romantic design..." [with illustration showing knife, fork and spoon in Remembrance pattern; with another illustration showing Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, and First Love patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 126. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01605.) 1952 - advertisementElbe’s Jewelry Store, Niagara Falls, NY. (7 October 1952). Advertisement: "... Niagara’s Oldest Jewelry Store... We Also Represent These Famous Silversmiths... 1847 [Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, NY), p. 14, cols. 1-4. (Viewed 4 December 2021. Q00989).
1952 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (13 October 1952). Advertisement: "Eternally Yours... classic yet new! ..." [with illustration showing a knife, two forks and three spoons in this pattern; another illustration shows Adoration, Daffodil, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 136. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01607.) 1952 - advertisementGeorge’s, Knoxville, TN. (9 November 1952). Advertisement: "The best brands for 45 years! ... Silver; International [Silver Co.] ... 1847 [Rogers Bros.] International Plate; Holmes and Edwards ..." [with no product illustrations]. The Knoxville Journal (Tennessee), p. 13-A. col. 8. (Viewed 2 February 2021. R00222).
1952 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 November 1952). Advertisement: "... These are the reasons why more women choose 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with illustration showing serving fork, gravy ladle, serving spoon, pie knife and round server in the Daffodil pattern; another illustration shows Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01609.) 1952 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (8 December 1952). Advertisement: "The Christmas give her a gift as lasting as your love! ..." [with illustration showing Royal Gift Chest; another illustration shows Adoration, Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 141. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01610.) 1953 - TV program-related materials1847 Rogers Bros / International Sterling / International Silver Co. (sponsors). (1953). My favorite husband TV program-related materials (unspecified). (Viewed 29 July 2018. C00210-01).
1953 advertisementsSee the ads 1953 - advertisementRudolph’s, Endicott, NY. (7 May 1953). Advertisement: "Mother’s Day Sensation at Rudolph’s... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with illustration of handles showing Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love, Heritage, and Remembrance patterns]. The Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), p. 3, cols. 4-8. (Viewed 13 January 2021. C01547). 1953 - advertisementRayburn’s Jewelers, presumably Brockport, NY. (27 August 1953). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] Silverplate [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. Republic-Democrat (Brockport, New York), p. 5, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00992). 1953 - advertisementVictor Vincent, Jeffersonville, NY. (3 December 1953). Advertisement: "Gift Suggestions... Silverware and gift department... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] ... International [Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. Sullivan County Record (Jeffersonville, New York), p. 3. (Viewed 30 June 2019. F01011-12). 1953 - advertisementC. L. Campbell, Jeweler, Livonia, NY. (10 December 1953). Advertisement: "Gifts; Christmas Shopping Made Easy... Chests of Silver; 52 Pieces; 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Livonia Gazette, p. 2. (Viewed 8 December 2021. Q00992).
1954 advertisementsSee the ads 1954 - advertisementD. H. Mauck, Jeweler, Little Valley, NY. (25 March 1954). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] pattern revival... " [with illustration showing the following patterns: Ambassador, Ancestral, Anniversary, Argosy, Her Majesty, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise, Silhouette, and Sylvia]. The Hub (Little Valley, New York), p. 4, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01400-01). 1954 - advertisementGruppers Jewelers, Schenectady, New York. (26 March 1954). Advertisement: "... These fine old 1847 Roger Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] patterns are available again! ... " [with illustration showing the following patterns: Ambassador, Ancestral, Anniversary, Argosy, Her Majesty, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise, Silhouette, and Sylvia]. Altamont Enterprise (Altamont, New York), section 2, p. 5, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01402-04). 1954 - advertisementRuby Jewelers, Endicott, NY. (26 November 1954). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related illustration]. Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), presumably p. 8, col. 5. (Viewed 2 June 2020. H01928-30). 1955 advertisementsSee the ads 1955 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (February 1955). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. exclusive re-order service! ... " [with illustrations of the following patterns: Old Colony 1911; Cromwell 1912; Heraldic 1916; Queen Anne 1917; Ambassador 1920; Anniversary 1922; Ancestral 1924; Argosy 1926; Legacy 1928; Silhouette 1929; Her Majesty 1930; Marquise 1932; Sylvia 1934; Lovelace 1936; Adoration 1939]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 99. (Viewed 9 June 2019. F00707-08).
1955 - advertisementQuality Jewelers, Wolcott, NY. (10 November 1955). Advertisement: "... Lovely sets of silver... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] .. " [with no product illustrations]. Fair Haven Register (Fair Haven, New York), p. 8, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 14 November 2021. Q00958).
1955 - advertisementShacter’s Jewelers & Appliances of Lima, Inc., Lima, New York. (8 December 1955). Advertisement: "Famous Silverware... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration showing seven handles in unspecified patterns and abstract illustration of silverware in chest]. The Honeoye Falls Times (Honeoye Falls, New York), p. 7, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 4 July 2019. F01076-77). 1956 - historical informationWendover, Sanford H. (1956). On Horace C. Wilcox, Rogers brothers, Meriden Britannia Company and Wilcox Silver Plate Co., (pp. 87-91). In 150 years of Meriden. Meriden: Meriden Sesquicentennial Committee. (Published in connection with the observance of the city’s sesquicentennial, June 17-23, 1956). (Viewed 27 November 2016. A00789-90.) 1956 advertisementsSee the ads 1956 - advertisementMills, presumably Niagara Falls, NY. (6 January 1956). Advertisement: "... Pre-inventory clearance... Silverware; 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, NY), p. 28, col. 8. (Viewed 28 December 2020. D01642).
1956 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (19 March 1956). Advertisement: "Be sure you see this stunning new pattern... Flair [with photos showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 53. (Viewed 26 October 2017. G01617.)
1956 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (26 March 1956). Advertisement: "She has Flair..." [with photos showing Daffodil, Eternally Yours, First Love, Flair, Heritage, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 64. (Viewed 26 October 2017. G01618.) 1956 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (14 May 1956). Advertisement: "The bride has Flair [with illustrations showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 57. (Viewed 26 October 2017. G01624.) 1956 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (9 July 1956). Advertisement: "All set with Flair... " [with illustrations showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 110. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01575.) 1956 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (17 September 1956). Advertisement: "For you... or for someone you love... Heritage..." [with illustrations showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage and Remembrance patterns, and Lord Robert Tea Service in International Sterling]. LIFE magazine, pp. 85-86. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01576-77.) 1956 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (26 November 1956). Advertisement: "So gay... so gracious... Daffodil..." [with illustration showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage, and Remembrance patterns]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01580.) 1956 - advertisementC. L. Campbell, Livonia, NY. (13 December 1956). Advertisement: "Christmas shopping made easy... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Livonia Gazette (Livonia, NY), p. 4. (Viewed 28 June 2021. R01369).
1957 advertisementsSee the ads 1957 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (8 April 1957). Advertisement: "Introducing beautiful, beautiful Springtime, The first silverplate design with a ’hand cut’ look! ..." [with illustration showing knife, two forks, spoon and coffee pot showing pattern]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 26 October 2017. G01626.) 1957 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (29 April 1957). Advertisement: "... Beautiful, beautiful Springtime, The first silverplate design with a ’hand cut’ look! ..." [with photos of knife, two forks, two spoons and coffee pot showing pattern]. LIFE magazine, pp. 84-85. (Viewed 26 October 2017. G01627.) 1957 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (23 September 1957). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. Fall Silver Sale..." [showing photo of Daffodil, Flair, Heritage, Remembrance, and Springtime patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 85. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01506.) 1957 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (28 October 1957). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. Fall Silver Sale..." [showing photo of Daffodil, Flair, Heritage, Remembrance, and Springtime patterns]. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01505.) 1957 - advertisementC. L. Campbell, Livonia, NY. (12 December 1957). Advertisement: "Gifts; Christmas Shopping Made Easy... Chests of Silver... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with no related product illustrations]. The Livonia Gazette (Livonia, New York), p. 5, cols. 3-6. (Viewed 28 December 2020. D01639).
1958 advertisementsSee the ads 1958 - advertisementFiner’s, presumably Lowville, NY. (9 January 1958). Advertisement: "... Silverware, 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Co.] ... First Love, Eternally Yours... " [with no illustrations]. Journal and Republican (Lowville, New York), p. 6, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00600-01). 1958 - advertisementJewels by Gara, Manhasset, NY. (23 & 30 January 1958). Advertisement: "Special introductory sale... 53-Piece Silver Plate Flatware Exquisitely Designed by 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Co.] ... ’Eternally Yours’... [with illustration]. Manhasset Mail (Manhasset, New York). (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00602-06).
1958 - advertisementCarbino’s Jewelry Store, Ogdensburg, NY. (27 March 1958). Advertisement: "1/2 Price Silver Sale... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ..." [with no illustrations]. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, NY), p. 10, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 1 May 2019. H00607-08). 1958 - advertisementCarbino’s Jewelry Store, Ogdensburg, NY. (c. 30 April 1958). Advertisement: "... Silverware special... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ..." [with no illustrations]. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, NY), unknown page, col. 2. (Viewed 1 May 2019. H00609). 1958 - advertisementC. L. Campbell, Livonia, NY. (18 December 1958). Advertisement: "Gifts; Christmas Shopping Made Easy... Chests of Silver... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with no related product illustrations]. The Livonia Gazette (Livonia, New York), p. 2, cols. 3-6. (Viewed 28 December 2020. D01640).
1959 advertisementsSee the ads 1959 - advertisementWaters Jewelry, Arcade, NY. (15 January 1959). Advertisement: "If you... Have any 1847 Rogers Patterns [/ International Silver Company] that are currently inactive and wish to order same... Stop in an inquire about closing date for ordering and patterns available..." [with no illustration]. Arcade Herald (Arcade, New York), p. 5, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 5 May 2019; H00684). 1959 - advertisementFiner’s, presumably Lowville, NY. (22 January 1959). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. ... International Silver Company... Silverware Check-up Event ..." [with illustration showing 5 patterns]. Journal and Republican (Lowville, New York), p. 2, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 5 May 2019; H00685-87). 1959 - advertisementHilkins Jewelers, Endicott, NY. (6 February 1959). Advertisement: "Famous Names in Silver Plate... 1847 ..." [Rogers Bros. /International Silver Co.] [with no illustrations]. Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), p. 8A, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 12 June 2019. F00844-45). 1959 - advertisementCarbino’s Jewelry Store, presumably Ogdenburg, NY. (16 February 1959). Advertisement: "... Silverware... 1847 [R]ogers [Bros.] [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of silver tableware in a chest]. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, New York), p. 22, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 12 June 2019. F00846-47) 1959 - advertisementLevy’s Jewelers, presumably Buffalo, NY. (6 May 1959). Advertisement: "Going out of business... Silverware ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News, p. 30. (Viewed 28 December 2020. D01641).
1959 - advertisementRudolph’s, Endicott, NY. (10 August 1959). Advertisement: "... Flair [pattern] Silverplate 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), p. 9, col. 4. (Viewed 19 July 2019. C01065-66). 1959 - advertisementSterling Jewelry, presumably Twin Falls, Idaho. (29 November 1959). Advertisement: "... Annual Christmas Sale... Silver Plated Flatware; 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related product illustrations]. Times News (Twin Falls, Idaho), p. 30, col. 2. (Viewed 14 November 2021. Q00959).
c. 1950s - guarantee document1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (c. 1950s). Guarantee document. (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00679). |
1960s documentation
1960s |
1960 advertisementsSee the ads 1960 - advertisementRickamer’s Jewelers, Tupper Lake, NY. (7 January 1960). Advertisement: "... One-of-a-kind sale... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ..." [with no illustrations]. Tupper Lake Free Press and Herald (Tupper Lake, NY), p. 3. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00594-95). 1960 - advertisementHilkins Jewelers, Endicott, NY. (29 January 1960). Advertisement: "... Famous Names in Sterling Silver... International [Silver Co.]... Famous names in Silver Plate... 1847... Rogers [Bros.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), unknown page number, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 9 May 2019; H00793-94). 1960 - advertisementHenry’s, presumably Plattsburgh, NY. (c. 29 January 1960). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] Silverplate— Flair Pattern..." [with no illustrations]. Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, New York), unknown page, col. 3. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00596-97). 1960 - advertisementCarey’s Jewelry, Potsdam, NY. (11 February 1960). Advertisement: "... Wildest price panic ... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] ..." [with no illustrations]. Courier and Freeman (Potsdam, NY), p. 12, col. 6. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00598-99). 1960 - advertisementCarey’s Jewelry, Potsdam, NY. (18 February 1960). Advertisement: "... Continuing it’s successful sale... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] Silver... " [with no illustrations]. Courier and Freeman (Potsdam, New York), p. 10; col. 7. (Viewed 1 May 2019. H00610-11). 1960 - advertisementCarey’s Jewelry, Potsdam, NY. (25 February 1960). Advertisement: "... Last three days... 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] Silver... " [with no illustrations]. Courier and Freeman (Potsdam, New York), p. 6; col. 7-8. (Viewed 1 May 2019. H00612-13). 1961 advertisementsSee the ads 1961 - advertisementWheatley’s Jewelers, Medina, NY. (15 March 1961). Advertisement: "New 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with photo of silverware in a chest]. Medina Daily Journal (Medina, New York), p. 6, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01407). 1961 - advertisementWheatley’s Jewelers, Medina, NY. (26 April 1961). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] discontinuing pattern ’Daffodil’ ... " [with illustration of spoon and silverware in a chest]. Medina Daily Journal (Medina, NY), p. 8, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01408-09). 1962 - article mentionRevi, Albert Christian. (May 1962). American cut glass patterns (with mention of [1847] Rogers Brothers). Spinning Wheel, pp. 16-7. (Viewed 22 July 2021. R01584).
1962 advertisementsSee the ads 1962 - advertisementJay Jewelry Co., Schenectady, NY. (25 January 1962). Advertisement: "... Our only storewide sale... Silverplate and Stainless ... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.], all patterns 52-pc. serv. ... " [with no product illustrations]. Schenectady Gazette (New York), p. 4, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 17 January 2021. R00028).
1962 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (22 June 1962). Advertisement: "... The new Stainless Steel is 1847 Rogers Bros. ..." [with photo showing Fire Song, Cotillion, and Symmetry patterns; with extensive list of retailers]. LIFE magazine, pp. R2-R3. (Viewed 23 October 2017. G01503.) 1962 - advertisementDufore Jewelers, Oswego, NY. (3 December 1962). Advertisement: "Visit our complete stainless department... You need wait no longer for fine stainless... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] stainless... " [with illustrations of spoons in Fire Song, New Cotillion, Symmetry patterns]. The Palladium-Times (Oswego, New York), p. 14, bottom of page. (Viewed 8 December 2021. Q014 ).
1962 - advertisementDufore Jewelers, Oswego, NY. (6 December 1962). Advertisement: "Visit our complete stainless department... Wm. Rogers & Son stainless... Bermuda... Royal Manor... Symmetry... New Cotillion... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.]" [with illustrations]. The Palladium-Times (Oswego, NY), p. 7. (Viewed 10 July 2023. D01896).
1963 advertisementsSee the ads 1963 - advertisementPaul Jewelers, presumably Rochester, NY. (c. 10 January 1963). Advertisement: "... Buy NOW for St. Valentine’s Day... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] and Holmes & Edwards Silverware [/International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Greater Greece Press (Rochester, New York), unknown page number, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00634-35). 1963 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (March 1963). Advertisement: "One is sterling. One is 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate. Can you tell which is which? ... " [with photo of woman’s hands holding two spoons in Leilani pattern; second photo shows Flair, Heritage, Reflection and Springtime patterns]. Good Housekeeping, p. 27. (Viewed 9 June 2019. F00711-12).
1964 advertisementsSee the ads 1964 - advertisementWheatley’s Jewelers, Medina, New York. (29 July 1964). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] America’s Finest Silver Plate... " [with no illustrations]. The Medina Daily Journal (Medina, New York), presumably p. 12, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01405-06). 1964 - advertisementFortunoff’s, Westbury & Brooklyn, NY. (5 October 1964). Advertisement: "Save on gleaming 50-pc. silverplate service... Springtime by 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with illustration of knife, two forks and two spoons in the pattern]. Newsday (Long Island, NY), p. 2M. (Viewed 5 July 2019. E00954).
1965 advertisementsSee the ads 1965 - two advertisementsGlens Falls Jewelry Shop, Glens Falls, NY. (4 & 11 August 1965). Advertisements: "... Executor’s estate sale... 1847 Rogers [Bros.] ... International... " [with no related illustrations]. North Creek News (North Creek, New York). (Viewed 16 May 2020. H01540-41).
1965 - advertisementScheefer Jewelers, Saranac Lake, NY. (6 October 1965). Advertisement: "... The Homecoming Service... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] Stainless ... " [with illustrations of handles showing Bermuda and Royal Manor patterns]. Adirondack Daily Enterprise (Saranac Lake, New York), presumably p. 3, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 9 May 2020. H01463-65). 1965-66 - flyer / brochureOtto Young & Co. (1965-66). Plate D’Or flyer / brochure [advertising 1847 Rogers Bros. / (International Silver Company) silverplate and dinner ware, possibly reproductions; the heading "Rogers & Brother" is incorrect for this listing]. Approx. 4 pp. (Viewed 28 June 2018. AAA03376-19). 1966 - brochure (missing)International Silver Company. (16 December 1966; printed October 1966). 1847 Rogers Bros. "Esperanto" pattern brochure. No copy known to exist in a public library. (Viewed 27 May 2018. AAA03248). 1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "International Silver Co." [with mention of Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros.], (pp. 82-3). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 9 August 2020. L01882-83 L01900-01).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Meriden Britannia Co." [with marks], 1847 Rogers Bros. [marks], (pp. 112-13). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. L01882-83; L01905-06).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Rogers Brothers" [with mention of Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros.], (p. 146). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 5 August 2020. L01882-83; L01915).
1966 advertisementsSee the ads 1966 - advertisementJordan Marsh Company, Boston area, MA. (20 November 1966). Advertisement: "Holiday Entertainment Special... 1847 Rogers Bros [/ International Silver Co.] 48 piece service for 8.... " [with illlustrations of the following patterns: Flair, Garland, Heritage, Magic Rose, Reflection; illustration of meat tray; and illustration of silverware chest]. Boston Globe, p. 26. (Viewed 18 June 2019. D00815).
1966 - advertisementSage-Allen, Hartford, CT area. (24 November 1966). Advertisement: "Holiday Sale... Tableware Savings! ... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Stainless Steel— 55-piece for 8... " [with no illustrations]. Hartford Courant, p. 6. (Viewed 28 May 2020. E00957).
1966 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros., Perth, Ontario [/ International Silver Co.] (December 1966). Advertisement: "Guide to choosing silverplate for brides, mothers, in-laws, friends (and whoever else wants to get into the act)... " [with photo showing 5 spoons in the following patterns: Flair, Garland, Leilani, Orleans, and Reflection]. Chatelaine (Toronto, Canada), p. 49. (Viewed 20 June 2019. D00813-14).
1967 advertisementsSee the ads 1967 - advertisementWaste King Universal. (9 May 1967). Advertisement: "for Mother! Waste King Universal ... dishwasher... Free! Famous 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ International Silver Company) stainless steel... contempary elegance..." [with illustration of tableware]. The Massena Observer (Massena, New York), p. 12, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00585-86). 1967 - advertisementModern Home Supplies, Massena, NY / Waste King Universal. (11 May 1967). Advertisement: "for Mother! Waste King Universal ... dishwasher... Free! Famous 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ International Silver Company) stainless steel... contemporary elegance..." [with illustration of tableware]. The Massena Observer (Massena, New York), p. 14, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00587). 1967 - advertisementModern Home Supplies, Massena, NY / Waste King Universal. (16 May 1967). Advertisement: "9th anniversary sale... Waste King Universal ... dishwasher... Free! Famous 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ International Silver Company) stainless steel... contemporary elegance..." [with illustration of tableware]. The Massena Observer (Massena, New York), p. 8, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00588). 1967 - advertisementGrand Union supermarket, Plattsburgh, NY. (3 July 1967). Advertisement: "... A chance to win... 4 pc. silver plated tea service, 1847 Rogers Bros. / (International Silver Company) ..." [with no illustration]. Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, New York), unknown page, col. 5. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00583-84). 1967 - advertisementL. M. Butch Co., Jeweler, presumably Circleville, OH. (11 July 1967). Advertisement: "... Sidewalk Sale... Silverplate and stainless flatware... Holmes & Edwards... International [Silver Co.] ... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Circleville Herald (Circleville, OH), presumably p. 6. (Viewed 30 June 2021. R00187).
1967 - advertisementSlavin’s Jewelry Dept., Massena, NY. (14 December 1967). Advertisement: "Splurge a little... 1847 Rogers Bros., America’s finest silverplate, The International Silver Company..." [with illustration of tableware and coffee set]. The Massena Observer (Massena, New York), p. 11, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00589). 1968 articlesSee the articles 1968 - magazine articleHodgson, Beulah D. (February 1968). [Rogers Brothers, The International Silver Company, Meriden, Conn.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 13 September 2017. G00209.)
1968 - article mentionRay, Marcia. (October 1968). On the chafing dish [with mention of Meriden Britannia and 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ International Silver Co.)]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 41-2. (Viewed 20 July 2021. R01562).
1968 advertisementsSee the ads 1968 - advertisementSlavin’s Jewelry Dept., Massena, NY. (22 February 1968). Advertisement: "... This may be your last opportunity to buy... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Company] ..." [with illustration showing 8 patterns]. Massena Observer (Massena, New York), p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00632-34). 1968 - advertisementWilliamson Co. (5 April 1968). Advertisement: "56 Piece Stainless Flatware Set by the Makers of 1847 Rogers Bros.* [/ International Silver Company] ... Free! With the purchase of a Williamson central air-conditioner..." [with illustration of knife]. LIFE magazine, p. 80. (Viewed 26 October 2017. G01635.) 1968 - advertisementStoughton’s Jeweler, Plattsburgh, NY. (4 July 1968). Advertisement: "For homes that deserve the best... 1847 Rogers Bros. Stainless.... International Silver Company... " [with illustration showing Carino, Anniversary and Royal Bouquet patterns]. The Record-Post (Au Sable Forks, New York), unknown page, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00641-43). 1968 - advertisementCazenovia Jewelry, Cazenovia, NY. (24 July 1968). Advertisement: "For showers and weddings... International [Silver Company] Stainless 1847 Rogers Bros. flatware... " [with no illustrations]. Cazenovia Republican (Cazenovia, NY), p. 2, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00644-45). 1968 - advertisementStoughton’s Jeweler, Plattsburgh, NY. (c. 9 September 1968). Advertisement: "For homes that deserve the best... 1847 Rogers Bros. Stainless.... International Silver Company... " [with illustration showing Carino, Anniversary and Royal Bouquet patterns]. Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, New York), unknown page, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00646-47). 1968 - advertisementMacy’s, New York area. (13 October 1968). Advertisement: "Macy’s 110th birthday... Eternally Yours... Heritage by 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ISC] ..." [with illustrations]. New York Times, p. 19. (Viewed 11 April 2020. E00960).
1969 articlesSee the articles 1969 - magazine articleGarrett, Toni. (February 1969). [1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia) A-1 patterns not well known (Parisian, Hollow Handle, Vintage, Charter Oak, Columbia, Berkshire, Gladstone, St. Leon, Scythian, Kensington, Tolland, Florentine, Venetian) flatware pattern]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 13 September 2017. G00209.)
1969 - article mention(June 1969). That wonderful old Vintage pattern [with mention of Meriden Britannia and 1847 Rogers Bros.]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 24-25, 48. (Viewed 20 July 2021. R01561).
1969 advertisementsSee the ads 1969 - advertisementThe Broadway, Los Angeles, CA. (30 July 1969). Advertisement: "... Silverware... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] iced tea spoons... in ’Springtime’ pattern... " [with no illustrations]. Los Angeles Times, p. 9. (Viewed 21 June 2019. D00892).
1969 - advertisementJordan Marsh, Boston area, MA, and Portland, Maine. (19 October 1969). Advertisement: "... International Silver Company; Deep Silver Flatware... 1847 Rogers Bros. flatware... " [with illustrations showing handles in the following patterns: Empress; Esperanto; Garland; Grand Heritage; King Frederik; Laurel Mist; Orleans; Reflection; Silver Fashion; Silver Lace; Triumph; Wakefield]. Boston Globe, p. 22. (Viewed 21 June 2019. D00893).
196? - promotional bookletCindy Haskins. (196?). Table top etiquette. 10 pp. ["1847 Rogers Bros. - America’s finest silverplate" (/ ISC).] (Viewed 8 May 2017. A02397.) |
1970s documentation
1970s |
1970 magazine articlesSee the list 1970 - magazine article(April 1970). [Ivy - or Grape (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(May 1970). [First Love, silver plate (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(June 1970). [Legacy, silver plate (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine articleDeibel, Ken. (July 1970). [1847 Rogers Bros (/ Meriden Britannia) butter knives - flat and spoon or bent handle]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine articleDeibel, Ken. (July 1970). [1847 Rogers Bros. (/ Meriden Britannia) butter knives - twist or reversed handle]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(July 1970). [First Love, silverplate (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(July 1970). [Sylvia, silver plate (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(August 1970). [Marquise, silver plate (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(August 1970). [Vintage, the Confusing Forks (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(September 1970). [Lovelace, silver plate (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article(October 1970). [Adoration, silver plate (1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia) flatware pattern]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 - magazine article or advertisement reprint(November 1970). [1847 Rogers Bros (/ Meriden Britannia) ad]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00209.)
1970 advertisementsSee the ads 1970 - advertisementRobert B. Lear, Jeweler, Belvidere, IL. (23 April 1970). Advertisement: "... Silverware flatware by 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related product illustrations]. Belvidere Daily Republican (Belvidere, IL), p. 7, cols. 5-8. (Viewed 11 July 2021. R00189).
1970 - advertisementDecatur Federal Savings, Atlanta area, GA. (15 December 1970). Advertisement: "... serving platter... International Silver [Co.] ... exquisite 1847 Rogers Brothers silver chafing dish... " [promotion related to opening an account, and a prize; with illustrations of platter and chafing dish]. Atlanta Constitution (Georgia), p. 9A. (Viewed 23 June 2019. D00894).
1970 - advertisementWieboldt’s, Chicago area, IL. (3 December 1970). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Brothers silverplate in a 44-piece service for 8 ... " [with illustration of fork in Love pattern; and handles in Esperanto, Garland, Grand Heritage, King Frederik, Reflection, and Silver Lace patterns]. Chicago Tribune, p. B19. (Viewed 21 June 2019. D00895).
1971 - design brochure1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (1971). Silver Renaissance, six-panel brochure. [Shows the following patterns: Garland, Grand Heritage, King Frederik, Love, Reflection, Silver Lace, Silver Renaissance and Golden versions of the patterns.] (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00685-86).
1971 advertisementsSee the ads 1971 - advertisementDoers, Ogdenburg, NY. (c. 11 February 1971). Advertisement: "... Washington’s Birthday Sell-A-Bration... 1847 Rogers (/ International Silver Company) Silver Plates... " Ogdenburg Journal (Ogdenburg, NY), unknown page, col. 4. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00590). 1971 - advertisementSage-Allen, Hartford area, CT. (19 April 1971). Advertisement: "Anniversary sale... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] silverplate serving pieces... ’Magic Rose’ pattern..." [with illustration showing cutlery in the pattern]. Hartford Courant, p. 5. (Viewed 14 May 2020. E00963).
1971 - advertisementParsons Bazar, Bedford Hills, NY. (10 June 1971). Advertisement: "... International Silver, 50 pc. service... ’Youth’ by 1847 Rogers Bros. (/International Silver Company) [with photos of Classic Beauty, Petal, Rosalyn, and Youth patterns]. Patent Trader (Mount Kisco, NY), p. 3, cols. 4-8. (Viewed 30 April 2019. H00591-93). 1972 advertisementsSee the ads 1972 - advertisement1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (January 1972). Advertisement: "Get this condiment set... " [with photo of condiment holder and spoon in Silver Renaissance pattern, and photo of handles in the following patterns: Garland, Grand Heritage, King Frederik, Love, Reflection and Silver Lace]. Good Housekeeping, p. 51. (Viewed 9 June 2019. F00725-26).
1972 - advertisementBenold’s Jewelers, Austin, TX. (23 January 1972). Advertisement: "... Now available... treasured patterns of the past in... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.; with 11 patterns listed] silverplate ..." [with no illustrations]. Austin Statesman (Texas), p. F9. (Viewed 14 May 2020. D00931).
1972 - advertisementG. Fox & Co., Hartford,, CT area. (31 July 1972). Advertisement: "... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Is your old pattern here? International sterling of silverplate made-to-order for you in 44 different patterns... " [with illustration showing over 40 patterns.] Hartford Courant, p. 3. (Viewed 20 May 2020. D00930).
1972 - advertisementFortunoff’s, New York & Westbury, New York. (31 December 1972). Advertisement: "... reductions on International, 1847 Rogers [Bros.] ... " [with photo or illustration of several pieces of cutlery displayed on a wall]. New York Times, p. 20. (Viewed 20 June 2019. D00816).
1973 advertisementsSee the ads 1973 - advertisementBenold’s, Austin, TX. (21 January 1973). Advertisement: "Old Favorites Available... Treasured Patterns of the Past... 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate [/International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations; with several patterns listed]. The Austin Statesman (Texas), p. D9. (Viewed 25 June 2019. D00929).
1973 - advertisementDavison’s, Atlanta area, Georgia. (25 November 1973). Advertisement: "Wm. Rogers & Son ’Grand Elegance’ Holloware by International [Silver Co.] ... 1847 Rogers Bros. 20-pc. flatware set in fine silverplate, three lovely patterns: Reflection, Centennial and Grand Heritage... It’s Christmas at Davison’s... " [with photos of forks in the pattern, tea service and other pieces of holloware]. Atlanta Constitution, p. SM69. (Viewed 21 June 2019. D00897).
1973 - advertisementSavitt, Hartford, CT. (12 December 1973). Advertisement: "It’s worth a trip to shop Savitt, downtown Hartford, for 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ISC] ..." [illustration includes Centennial, Grand Heritage, Reflection, Silver Lace and Silver Renaissance patterns]. Hartford Courant, p. 2. (Viewed 12 April 2020. D00896).
1974 advertisementsSee the ads 1974 - advertisementRead’s, Bridgeport area, CT. (24 February 1974). Advertisement: "... silverplated flatware by International in 20-piece services for 4... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Centennial... Reflection... " [with illustrations of forks in the patterns]. Bridgeport Post (Connecticut), p. B-3, col. . (Viewed 11 December 2021. R00190).
1974 - advertisementMacy’s, New York area. (7 March 1974). Advertisement: "1847 Roger Bros. silverplated flatware by International Silver Co. ... " [with illustration showing Centennial, Grand Heritage, and Reflection patterns]. New York Times, p. 4. (Viewed 11 June 2019. F00733).
1974 - text-based advertisementTown House, Ocean Terminal, Hong Kong. (1 December 1974). Advertisement: "International 1847 Rogers [Bros.]— cutlery open stock available in Patterns Renaissance and King Frederick— drop in and take a look... " [with no illustrations]. South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), p. 26. (Viewed 20 June 2019. D00817).
1975 advertisementsSee the ads 1975 - advertisementCarson, Pirie, Scott & Co., Chicago area, IL. (6 August 1975). Advertisement: "... over 50 International flatware patterns. Sterling, silverplate, pewter, stainless ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with photo illustration showing patterns]. Chicago Tribune (Illinois), p. 9. (Viewed 1 June 2020. D00899).
1975 - advertisementHeritage Silversmiths / Holmes & Edwards [/ International Silver Co.] (September 1975). Advertisement: "When grandmother was very young, the name for quality tableware was Holmes & Edwards. Now it is again. ... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with photo / illustrations of spoons in H&E Laurel, Legacy and Mayfair patterns]. Chatelaine magazine (Toronto, Ontario), p. 46. (Viewed 4 July 2019. D00926-27).
1975 - advertisementEaton’s, Toronto, CA area. (27 December 1975). Advertisement: "Eaton’s annual flatware sale... 1847 Rogers Bros. Decorator Stainless Steel... 1847 Rogers Bros. Silver-plate [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with illustration of handles showing patterns]. Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada). (Viewed 1 June 2020. D00898).
1976 - magazine article mentionHogan, E. P. (May 1976). Silverware for children [with mention of, and illustrations of two Meriden Britannia Company child’s cups (c. 1867, c. 1882), 3 child’s trays (1886), and Princess pattern child’s set from 1879 catalogue; also mention of, and illustrations of two 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] child’s sets, Assyrian and Fairie pattern (c. 1887)]. Spinning wheel, pp. 13-16. (Updated 20 July 2021. AAA00699; R01559.)
1976 advertisementsSee the ads 1976 - advertisementLuecke Jewelers, Freeport, IL. (2 January 1976). Advertisement: "Savings... on silver coffee sets and flatware...1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.]... Centennial... " [with illustration of handle]. Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, Illinois), p. 10, col. 6. (Viewed 17 December 2021. R00192.)
1976 - advertisementJordan Marsh, Boston, MA area. (3 October 1976). Advertisement: "... International Silverplate... ’1847’ Rogers [Bros.] ... " [with illustrations of handles showing the Centennial, Reflection, and Silver Lace patterns]. Boston Globe (Massachusetts), p. 14. (Viewed 6 June 2020. D00901).
1976 - advertisementEaton’s, Toronto, CA area. (28 December 1976). Advertisement: "Eaton’s annual January flatware sale... 1847 Rogers Bros. Silver-plate [/ International Silver Co.] ..." [with illustration of handles showing patterns]. Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada). (Viewed 1 June 2020. D00900).
1977 advertisementsSee the ads 1977 - advertisementMarshall Field & Company, Chicago area. (17 August 1977). Advertisement: "Special selling - International DeepSilver and 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplated flatware..." [with illustrations showing the following patterns: DeepSilver - Camille, Chadwick, Countess, Delicato, Orleans, Rechambeau, Wakefield; 1847 Rogers Bros. - Centennial, Grand Heritage, Reflection, Silver Lace, Silver Renaissance]. Chicago Tribune, p. 3. (Viewed 12 April 2020. D00903).
1977 - advertisementAurora, Palos Verdes, CA. (13 November 1977). Advertisement: "International Silver presents jewelry for your home... Our Gadroon Table Lamp... From the 1847 Rogers Bros. Collection... International Lamps ’n Plants..." [with illustration]. Los Angeles Times, p. V3. (Viewed 12 April 2020. D00902).
1977 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1977). On "1847 Rogers Brothers", [pp. 10 (ISC advert, 1917); 19; 34; 71]. In An American heritage: A book about the International Silver Company. Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1978 - magazine article(March / April 1978). [1847 Rogers Brothers (/ Meriden Britannia) birth-month spoons.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00207.)
1978 advertisementsSee the ads 1978 - advertisementJorg’s Jewelers, Bloomington, IL. (1 February 1978). Advertisement: "... Sterling Sale... Stainless Sale... 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Pantagraph (Bloomington, Illinois), p. B-9, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 18 October 2021. R00194).
1978 - advertisementEaton’s, Toronto area, Canada. (29 September 1978). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... Reflection... Orleans... Heritage... Renaissance... Garland... Grand Silhouette... " [with illustrations of several handles showing these patterns]. The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), p. 46. (Viewed 16 June 2019. F00975).
1978 - advertisementThe Silver Gallery, Needham, MA. (19 December 1978). Advertisement: "... famous International [Silver Co.] DeepSilver, 1847 Rogers Bros., America’s Finest Silverplate with the look and feeling of Sterling.... " [with illustrations of several handles in different patterns]. Boston Globe, p. 6. (Viewed 16 June 2019. F00974).
1979 advertisementsSee the ads 1979 - advertisementWindsor Gift Shop, Orange, New Jersey. (9 December 1979). Advertisement: "Silverplate for your holiday table... International [Silver Co.] Silverplate 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with photo of tableware in a chest, and illustration of handles in the following patterns: Camille, Centennial, Delicato, Grand Heritage, Reflection, Silver Lace, and Silver Renaissance patterns]. New York Times, p. 92. (Viewed 16 June 2019. F00973).
1979 - advertisementMay Company, Los Angeles area. (26 December 1979). Advertisement: "After Christmas sale... International Lyon... International Deluxe... International 1847 Rogers... International DeepSilver..." [with illustration including seven forks, possibly in the patterns]. Los Angeles Times, p. G8. (Viewed 12 April 2020. F00972).
1980s documentation
1980s |
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). "1847 Rogers Bros." mentions. In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.) 1847 Rogers Bros. content
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). On "The Rogers Brothers", [pp. 161-70 (excerpt above); other mentions in book’s index; including reproduced illustration of William, Asa, and Simeon Rogers; adverts; b/w photos of spoons, building illustrations; and photo of Meriden Britannia building]. In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1980 advertisementsSee the ads 1980 - advertisementSimpsons, Toronto area, Canada. (15 November 1980). Advertisement: "... ’1847 Rogers Bros.’ [/ International Silver Co.] ’Madison’ stainless steel flatware... " [with no illustrations]. The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), p. 18. (Viewed 12 June 2019. F00821).
1980 - advertisementCarson, Pirie, Scott & Co., Chicago, IL. (23 November 1980). Advertisement: "... Silverplate Flatware! ... International [Silver Co.] ... DeepSilver... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... " [with illustrations of several patterns]. Chicago Tribune, p. A10. (Viewed 13 June 2019. F00820).
1981 advertisementsSee the ads 1981 - advertisementGoodman’s China and Gift Store, Ltd., Downsview, Canada. (17 June 1981). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] Silverplate; ’A Hit Parade of Patterns’... " [with four illustrations showing 12 pieces of cutlery, presumably by 1847 Rogers Bros.]. The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), p. M5. (Viewed 12 June 2019. F00819).
1981 - advertisementBuffums, Los Angeles area and San Diego, CA. (5 November 1981). Advertisement: "International [Silver Co.] Set Sale; Save on Stainless, Silverplate & Pewter; 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with illustrations of handles showing several patterns]. Los Angeles Times, p. G10. (Viewed 12 June 2019. F00818).
1982 advertisementsSee the ads 1982 - advertisementRudi’s Pottery, Silver & China, Paramus, New Jersey & Hewlett, New York. (6 June 1982). Advertisement: "... International Silver Company... International Silverplate... 1847 Rogers Bros. & DeepSilver... " [with illustrations of handles showing over 20 patterns]. New York Times, p. 63. (Viewed 12 June 2019. F00816).
1982 - advertisementA. W. Hockridge, Toronto. (2 December 1982). Advertisement: "... Sterling and Silverplate Sale... Classique - 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Royal Danish - International... Orleans... Reflection... Britanny [1847 Rogers Bros. / ISC]... " [with four illustrations possibly showing the patterns]. Globe and Mail (Toronto, Ontario), p. 18. (Viewed 12 April 2020. F00817).
1983 advertisementsSee the ads 1983 - advertisementThe Silver Gallery, Needham, MA. (23 January 1983). Advertisement: "... Save over 50% on famous International 1847 Rogers Bros. ... and DeepSilver... " [with illustrations of: 1847 Rogers Bros. - Camille, Centennial, Delicato, Grand Heritage, and Reflection; and DeepSilver - Chadwick, Countess, Orleans, Rochambeau, and Wakefield]. Boston Globe, p. SM4. (Viewed 12 April 2020. F00815).
1983 - advertisementBooths, Plattsburgh, NY. (14 & 16 April 1983). Advertisements: "International [Silver Company] 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate Sale Days... " [with illustration of 7-8 patterns]. Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, New York). (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00628-31).
1986 - magazine article(July / August 1986). [Fruit knives - Rogers silverplate] (presumably 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia). Silver Magazine. (Viewed 6 September 2017. G00205.)
1990s documentation
1990s | 1996 - magazine articleGluck, Nancy. (January / February 1996). [The 1847 Girl; presumably regarding 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia advertising]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00202.)
1996 - exhibition labels - 1847 Rogers Bros. / ISC in Dallas Museum of Art exhibitionDallas Museum of Art. (c. 1996). Exhibition labels for Hot cars, high fashion, cool stuff: Designs of the 20th century. [31 March - 14 July 1996; exhibited: Leslie A. Brown for 1847 Rogers Bros. / ISC. (designed 1929). Silhouette pattern flatware; (designed 1956). Flair pattern flatware. Both DMA collection.] (Updated 25 November 2018. AAA03380-82; B01218.)
1997 - reprinted design catalogue page in bookYelavich, Susan. (1997). Reprinted page from 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. (undated). Spoons, forks, knives, etc.: Made by the Meriden Britannia Co., catalogue no. 43. In Design for life: Our daily lives, the spaces we shape, and the ways we communicate, as seen through the collections of Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, pp. 54-55. 192 pp. Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. (Viewed 10 December 2018. D00647-49; D00652-53).
2000s documentation
2000s | 2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "International Silver Company" [with mention of Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (with mark)], (p. 116-20). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. A02925a-c(-)27a-c).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Meriden Britannia Co." [with marks], 1847 Rogers Bros. [with marks], Wilcox & Evertsen, "Meriden Britannia Co., Ltd.", (pp. 156-58). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 2 August 2020. A02932a,b; A02933a,b).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Rogers Brothers" [with mention of Meriden Britannia Co., 1847 Rogers Bros.], (pp. 202-03). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. L01872-73).
2005-07 - 1847 Rogers Bros. in exhibitionStern, Jewel. (2005). Modernism in American silver. [Includes 1847 Rogers Bros.] 392 pp. Dallas Museum of Art and Yale University Press. (Book accompanied exhibition at 5 American venues.) (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.) > Exhibition venues: Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC; Nevada Museum of Art, Reno; Dallas Museum of Art; The Wolfsonian, Miami Beach, FL; The Dixon Gallery and Gardens, Memphis, TN.
2006-09 - 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. in New York, Napa, and Winterthur exhibitionsCoffin, Sarah D. et al. (c. 2006). Feeding desire: Design and the tools of the table, 1500-2005 exhibition catalogue. 288 pp. [Exhibition dates: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution (5 May - 29 October 2006); COPIA: The American Center for Wine, Food & the Arts, Napa, California (26 January - 30 April 2007; Winterthur Museum, Delaware (1 November 2008 - 1 February 2009); exhibited designs: 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (1885-86). Assyrian Head berry spoon, cake saw, cheese scoop, fish knife, ladle, spoon, and sugar tongs. (Cooper-Hewitt collection; see designs listed on 1847 Rogers Bros. designs in collections page.] (Viewed 22 November 2018. A02153; A02775; C00396-97). |
2010s documentation
2010s | 2010 - photo of billboard in bookFranco, Jan Leach. (2010). Republished photo of billboard (1946). ["International Silver Co... Entering Meriden, the Silver City; Home of International Silver Co.; Makers of 1847 Rogers Bros; International Sterling; Holmes & Edwards Inlaid"; billboard presumably on highway.] In Meriden, p. 12. Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, SC.
Undated documentation
n. d. | n. d. - design catalogueMeriden Britannia Company / (ISC). (19xx). Price list of 1847 Rogers Bros.: Spoons, forks, knives, etc., and a few choice places in tea sets, trays, meat dishes, candelabra, etc., made only by the successors to Rogers Bros. Meriden, CT; 47 pp. (Updated 7 May 2007. A01448; A01453.)
n. d. - design catalogueInternational Silver Company / (Meriden Britannia). (19—?). Price list of 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc., book no. 70. 61 pp. [Some tears and water damage.] (Updated 7 May 2017. A01449; C00014-37.) n. d. - design catalogueOtto Young & Co. (undated). [Trade catalogs on jewelers’ merchandise : silverplated ware, clocks and watches, watch crystals, jewelry, pens and pencils, leather goods, stationery, umbrellas, eyeglasses and lenses, opticians’ sundries and instruments, watchmakers’ and jewelers’ equipment and supplies ... ] [Includes illustrated price list. Includes products from various manufacturers including [presumably 1847] Rogers Bros. / (Meriden Britannia)]. (Updated 7 May 2017. A01427.) |
[1] This was updated in 2016 to 1895 based on primary source documentation that Design Meriden forwarded from the University of Connecticut to the Winterthur library. See "Catalogue List 1889-1897", vol. 35: A Guide to the International Silver Company Records, 1853-1921 (link to library entry) Updated 23 April 2016. [A01123]
[2] McKinstry, E. Richard / Winterthur Museum. (1984). Trade catalogues at Winterthur: A guide to the literature of merchandising, 1750 to 1980 (online) (entry no. 1670, p. 291). Garland Publishing: New York and London. Viewed 20 June 2016. [A00518; A00904]. In the microfiche, the dating is c. 1890; see footnote 1. Hence "1895".
[3] See footnote no. 2. Entry no. 1671, p. 291. Viewed 20 June 2016. [A00518; A00904]
[4] See Thompson, Eleanor McD. (1991). Guide to the microfiche edition of trade catalogues at the Winterthur Museum, part 2 (online) (entry 3101, p. 91). (Also see entry 3102.) 184 pp. Winterthur Museum, Delaware. [A00868; A00871] (Please note, sometimes the trade catalogue itself is searchable in a library catalogue, and sometimes one needs to search the microform series as a whole.)
On 1847 Rogers Bros. - 1: designs in collections, etc. | 2: design catalogues, etc.
For thorough 1847 Rogers Bros. research, consider reviewing the Meriden Britannia Company historical documentation page, as 1847 Rogers Bros. was integrated into the company and potentially any Meriden Britannia source mentions them in some way. The same applies to the International Silver Co. after 1898.