Piet Mondrian. Victory boogie woogie (1942-44) in publications, exhibitions
Meet the "mother" of the painting. Her name is Emily. Plus a list of exhibitions and selected publications regarding Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie.
Art Design Publicity at ADC | Emily Hall Tremaine / Collection
15 March 2019 | Updated 26 May 2024
Victory boogie woogie, (1942-44)
Oil and scotch tape on canvas
50 x 50 in. (127 x 127 cm)
Acquired 1944 from Valentine Dudensing Gallery
(A01162; D01010-24)
Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie, (1942-44), has been in the collection of Gemeentemuseum The Hague, The Netherlands since 1998. (Click the link to see a photo of the artwork.) From 1944-87, the artwork was officially based in Meriden, CT, USA.
> Also, refer to Perle Fine’s copy of Victory Boogie Woogie, interpretation of a completed Victory Boogie Woogie, and analytical charts of the artwork. These works were exhibited in the 1947-52 Painting toward architecture exhibition. (Scroll down to the artworks list at bottom.)
A. Meet the "mother" of Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie (essay)
B. Piet Mondrian. Victory Boogie Woogie & Painting Toward Architecture
C. Photos by Louise Lawler showing Piet Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie
D. Victory Boogie Woogie in exhibitions (1944-87 focus) and varied publications
Was the meeting and acquisition of VBW by Emily Hall Spreckels (later Tremaine) a spiritual, contemporary art "awakening"? Given her life and pursuits before and after, it certainly looks that way.
by R. J. Preece
Emily & Three Flags | A Boy for Meg | Marilyn Diptych | Victory Boogie Woogie
Emily & Sensation | Hirst’s £50m diamond skull | Emin’s My Bed
Photo of Emily Hall Tremaine (previously Spreckels), about 33, published in Town & Country in March 1941, around the time of what arguably would be among the most stressful periods in one’s life. Emily was in a turbulent year-long second marriage in Santa Barbara, California. (Her beloved first husband of about 11 years died in a plane crash just three years earlier.) In September 1940, she struck back against the second husband with "sensational allegations" in a high-profile divorce filing detailing alleged physical attacks— and also his alleged pro-Nazi support in California. The case was reported extensively for months. Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie was purchased just about three years later in 1944. Shortly after her quick, uncontested divorce from Adolph B. Spreckels, Jr. in Las Vegas in 1945 toward the end of WWII, her third attempt (they did not live together since August 1940), Emily then married Burton Tremaine. Over four decades until 1987, Emily and Burton’s life was filled with pursuing contemporary art.
Prior to Victory boogie woogie and from 1928-41, Emily Hall Tremaine (1908-87) was a titled social-celebrity and entrepreneurial society / literary magazine figure in earlier celebrity culture, extensively reported in the California and national media. She rose and later fell hard in the media as depicted in another of her acquired artworks, Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe diptych, now at Tate Modern, London.
It is understood that Emily became truly fascinated with Victory boogie woogie, its magic and meaning in 1944 and this was transformative. Her connection to Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie previews her deep dive into largely non-objective art, after Pop, with its spiritual aspect. As she got older in the 1970s and 1980s with periods of ill health, I imagine the work gave her comfort, situated in her New York living room. She would not part with it prior to her death.
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Too often in art history, we focus too much on the artwork and the artist, and sometimes that’s about it. Art can have much more power than that. We should at times consider more the people that actually live with the artworks over long periods of time and those interactions, the artwork "living and breathing". Victory boogie woogie is one of the master works in the Netherlands, the country where I live, in a museum just 30 minutes away; the artwork’s status and celebrity are secondary to me, but an important backdrop.
For me, it’s first and foremost "Emily’s painting", her favorite, with personal significance and awakening for her. Mondrian enabled that for her.
From 1944-87, Victory boogie woogie was officially based in Meriden, CT, actually just down the road where I grew up. I only learned about this a little over a decade ago, and also about Emily’s work. For decades, I thought that the town never had any art or design of note, and you get used to that. It was kind of a town secret in c. 1980 when I was there, in a town that lost its industry, its wealth and its cultural knowledge, all very quickly.
But Emily gave the art and design motherlode there, usually mentioning "Meriden" via her extensive lending of artworks in shows internationally. She also facilitated the publication of hundreds of artworks in various media, with photo credits mentioning "Meriden" again. These town mentions were also often included with her favorite artwork, Victory boogie woogie.
For the vast majority visiting The Hague museum, Victory boogie woogie is thought of as a key painting there by Piet Mondrian, and it’s all about Mondrian. For me, the painting is in a room I call "Emily’s chapel". As I walk into the museum, through the halls, I think about her struggles, which continue today. I think about her life with publicity, to chaos, to dangerous conflict, to decades with Art, and into ill health. I think about her going in and out of Meriden, her communications through there, just down the road. I think about her impressive achievements. And with a controlled, unmoving face, I walk into Emily’s chapel and look at Victory:
I get dizzy. I see what she saw. Tears fall out of my eyes. I feel such intense joy. Sadness. And pride.
It is through Emily that I somehow developed, later in life, a deeper, almost spiritual appreciation for Art.
— R. J. Preece; artdesigncafe.com; Contributing Editor, Sculpture magazine; 20 September 2021, updated 20 October 2021.)
B. Piet Mondrian. Victory boogie woogie & Painting toward architecture
One of the big mysteries that continues today is what "represented" Victory boogie woogie in the 28+ Painting toward architecture exhibitions across America in 1947-52? Was it the artwork itself? The "oil transcription" by Perle Fine? The "interpretation" of a completed VBW by Perle Fine? Diagrams by Fine? And / or the mysterious "lecturn"? While significant research progress was made in c. 2016-18 unearthing a huge amount of material, more digging is needed. See the "current state". |
C. Photos by Louise Lawler in the 1980s showing Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie
Part of Lawler’s Tremaine pictures photoworks series, the following show Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie: > Louise Lawler. Arranged by Tracy Atkinson, Director, and Gregory Hedberg, Chief Curator at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford CT, (1984). (Unique). > Louise Lawler. Arranged by Tracy Atkinson, Director, and Gregory Hedberg, Chief Curator at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford CT, (1984). (Edition of 5 and 1 artist’s proof.) > Louise Lawler. Page, (1984). > Louise Lawler. Circle, mantle, diamond, (1984 / 1999). > Louise Lawler. Diamonds, (1984 / 1989). |
D.1. Piet Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie in exhibitions (focus on 1944-87)
This section is in development. For now, see the link at the bottom of this webpage.
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1940s | 1945 - Museum of Modern Art, New York(21 March - 13 May 1945). Piet Mondrian at Museum of Modern Art, New York. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie. 1946 - Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam(6 November - 16 December 1946). Piet Mondrian herdenkstentoonstelling (Piet Mondrian memorial exhibition) at Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
Photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie installed in Painting toward architecture with onlookers, Hartford, CT venue (December 1947), first of 27+ venues in the initiative, in 1947-48.
1947-52 - 28(+) venues, Painting toward architecture[28(+) venues: December 1947 - June 1952]. Painting toward architecture at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT and 27(+) other venues across America. > What was exhibited across the venues varied, including Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie, Perle Fine’s oil transciption (copy), Perle Fine’s "interpretation" of a completed VBW, and something called a "lecturn".
Photo of a curious representation of Victory boogie woogie in the background (see pointed top of diamond). Painting toward architecture exhibition, Contemporary Art Museum, Houston (January-February 1950).
1949 - Sidney Janis Gallery, New York(10 October - 12 November 1949). Piet Mondrian: Paintings 1910 through 1944 at Sidney Janis Gallery, New York. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie. |
1950s | 1950 - Museum of Modern Art, New York(25 July - 5 November 1950). Recent acquisitions at Museum of Modern Art, New York. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
1953-54 - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo(12 December 1953 - 12 February 1954). Pieter Mondrian at Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie. 1958 - Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussels(17 April - 21 July 1958). 50 jaar moderne kunst at Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussels, Belgium (on the occasion of the 1958 World Expo in Brussels). > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
1970s | 1971 - Guggenheim Museum, New York(8 October - 12 December 1971). Piet Mondrian Centennial exhibition at Guggenheim Museum, New York.
1978-79 - National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC(1 June 1978 - 30 July 1979). Aspects of Twentieth-century art at National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
1979 - National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC(15 July - 16 September 1979). Mondrian: The Diamond Compositions at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
1980s | 1983 - Museum of Modern Art, New York(14 July - 27 September 1983). Mondrian: New York studio compositions at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie. 1984 - Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut(26 February - 29 April 1984). The Tremaine Collection - 20th century masters: The spirit of modernism at Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
1990s | 1995-96 - Museum of Modern Art, New York(1 October 1995 - 23 January 1996). Mondrian: A retrospective at Museum of Modern Art, New York. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie. (Previous venues of this exhibition, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag (18 December 1994 - 30 April 1995) and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC (11 June - 4 September 1995), did not include VBW.)
2010s | 2017 - Gemeentemuseum Den Haag (The Hague)(3 June - 24 September 2017). Mondrian: New York studio compositions at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag (later Kunstmuseum Den Haag), The Hague, The Netherlands. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
2020s | 2022 - Kunstmuseum Den Haag (The Hague)(2 April -25 September 2022). Mondrian moves at Kunstmuseum Den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands. > Exhibited Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie.
The exhibition listing compiled above should largely be considered "leads" for confirmation and not necessarily "facts". |
D.2. Piet Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie in publications and related documentation
This compilation is in development. For now, see the link below.
For rough foreign language translations, see Google translate.
1940s | Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(c. 1944 -). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines.
1945 - press release, exhibition checklist - VBW in MoMA exhibition(1945). Press release and exhibition checklist for Piet Mondrian at Museum of Modern Art, New York (21 March - 13 May 1945). [Available installation photos do not show Victory boogie woogie]. (Viewed 29 November 2023. AAA00216). 1945 - brochure - VBW in MoMA exhibition(1945). Piet Mondrian brochure [accompanying Piet Mondrian exhibition at Museum of Modern Art, New York (21 March - 13 May 1945)], (16 pp.). Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Viewed 29 November 2023. S00529).
1947-52, Painting Toward Architecture exhibitions: Note that during these approximately 27 exhibitions (full list not known), Victory Boogie Woogie was not in most of them due to its fragility and the show travelling to various venues across the United States. Most of the time "representations" of the artwork were exhibited instead. To learn more, go to the Piet Mondrian. Victory boogie woogie & Painting toward architecture (2018) webpage. 1947 - article mentionMurray, Marian. (28 November 1947). Atheneum to show Miller Collection [with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in Wadworth Atheneum exhibition Painting toward architecture]. The Hartford Times. (Viewed 25 November 2023. AAA00112.) "... One of the highlights of the collection is Piet Mondrian’s "Victory Boogie Woogie", which has been called by critics one of the century’s most important achievements in the abstract ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1948 - spotlighted photo in announcement preview(26 December 1948). Painting toward architecture [short announcement with photo of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie; artwork is thought not to have been in this exhibition on view at Boston Institute of Contemporary Art, (16 December 1948 - 15 January 1949), and instead a "representation" (copy) of the artwork was exhibited]. Boston Sunday Globe, p. B2 (ABOVE). (Updated 23 July 2023. AAA00136; AAA00138; N2-00047.)
1950s | 1950 - exhibition webpage - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in Museum of Modern Art, New York show(date unknown). Exhibition webpage for Recent acquisitions [and Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie at Museum of Modern Art, New York (25 July - 5 November 1950). [Eleven installation photos do not show Victory boogie woogie]. (Viewed 26 September 2021. Q00482). c. 1950 - exhibition checklist - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in Museum of Modern Art, New York show(c. 1950). Exhibition checklist for Recent acquisitions [and Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie] at Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Viewed 26 September 2021. Q00481). 1950 - two press releases - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in Museum of Modern Art, New York show(c. July 1950). Two press releases for Recent acquisitions [and Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie] exhibition. (7 and 2 pages). Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Viewed 26 September 2021. AAA00237; Q00483). "... Victory Boogie Woogie, his famous last work left unfinished at his death in 1944, is the culmination of a less severe and more complicated style developed after he came to N.Y. in 1941. This is lent from the Miller Company’s ’Painting toward Architecture’ Collection..." (Excerpt from above, the two-page press release.) 1958 articlesSee the articles 1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsAssociated Press (Brussels). (22 March 1958). U.S., Soviet to match cultures at Brussels [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Hilo Tribune-Herald (Hawaii), p. 6. (Viewed 3 November 2023. S00188).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsAdvance news agency (Brussels). (26 March 1958). U. S. and Russia will match cultures [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Times (San Mateo, CA), p. 40. (Viewed 14 January 2022. Q00531).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (27 March 1958). U.S., Russia will match cultures [regarding Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Kilgore News Herald (Kilgore, Texas), p. 5. (Viewed 24 October 2023. S00146).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddie (AP - Brussels). (29 March 1958). U.S. and Russia will match cultures [regarding Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Lewiston Evening Journal (Lewiston-Auburn, Maine), p. 7. (Viewed 24 October 2023. S00147).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (29 March 1958). U.S., Russia will match cultures [regarding Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Carroll Daily Times Herald (Carroll, Iowa), p. 10. (Viewed 3 October 2021. Q00527).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (29 March 1958). U. S. versus Russia culture at fair [regarding Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Greenwood Commonwealth (Greenwood, Mississippi), p. 5. (Viewed 24 October 2023. S00148).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (30 March 1958). U. S. and Russia to match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. The Hammond Times (Hammond, Indiana), p. 3. (Viewed 3 November 2023. S00189).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (30 March 1958). U. S. and Russia will match cultures as the Cold War extends to Brussels World’s Fair [regarding the Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Montana Standard (Butte, Montana), p. 12B. (Viewed 3 November 2023. S00186).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (30 March 1958). U.S. and Russian cultures to vie at Brussels Fair [regarding the Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Sioux Falls Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota), p. 11A. (Viewed 2 November 2023. S00187).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (30 March 1958). U.S. and the Soviet will match culture [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, Iowa), p. 7E. (Viewed 3 November 2023. S00190).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (30 March 1958). U. S., Russia face a cold war at Fair [regarding Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. The State Journal (Lansing, Michigan), p. 59. (Viewed 3 November 2023. S00149).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (30 March 1958). United States and Russia to match cultures at Fair [World’s Fair, Brussels; with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Florence Morning News (Florence, South Carolina), p. 8-B. (Viewed 3 October 2021. Q00524).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (Advance news agency - Brussels). (31 March 1958). Cold War at The [Brussels World’s] Fair: U. S. and Russia will match cultures [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Greeneville Sun (Greeneville, South Carolina), p. 3. (Viewed 3 October 2021. Q00525).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (1 April 1958). Cold War at the Fair: U.S. and Russia will soon match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Green Bay Press-Gazette (Green Bay, Wisconsin), presumably p. 8. (Viewed 15 November 2023. S00192).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in Brussels(Advance news agency - Brussels). (2 April 1958). U. S. and Russia head into race of cultures [at Brussels World’s Fair, with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view]. The Progress-Index (Petersburg, Virginia), p. 7. (Viewed 3 October 2021. Q00526).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (2 April 1958). U.S. and Russia will match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Meriden Record (Connecticut), p. 6. (Viewed 3 November 2023. S00191). 1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsAP (Brussels). (3 April 1958). U. S. and Russian will match cultures at Fair and we may not come out ahead [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Portland Evening Express (Maine), p. 6. (Viewed 11 November 2023. S00225).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (3 April 1958). U.S., Russia will match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Shreveport Journal (Louisiana), p. 12C. (Viewed 15 November 2023. S00224).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsAP (Brussels). (3 April 1958). U.S. is in danger of losing cultural war [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Waynesboro News-Virginian (Waynesboro, VA), p. 13. (Viewed 15 November 2023. S00225).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (3 April 1958). U.S.-Russia culture match to begin in Brussels Fair [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Wichita Falls Record News (Wichita Falls, Texas), p. 12A. (Viewed 8 November 2023. S00223).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (4 April 1958). Cold war at The [Brussels World’s] Fair: America and Russia will match cultures [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Daily Reporter (Dover, Ohio), p. 10. (Viewed 3 October 2021. Q00529).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (Advance news agency - Brussels). (5 April 1958). America and Russia square off for Cold War at close range [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Ventura County Star-Free Press (Ventura, California), p. 11. (Viewed 3 October 2021. Q00523).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (5 April 1958). U.S., Russia set to match skills [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Fremont Guide and Tribune (Fremont, Nebraska), p. 7B. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00227).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsAssociated Press (Brussels). (10 April 1958). U. S. and Russia match cultures at Brussels Fair [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Bennington Evening Banner (Bennington, VT), p. 10. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00484).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (10 April 1958). U. S. and Russia will match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. The Bath Daily Times (Bath, Maine), p. 7. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00485).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (13 April 1958). U. S. - Russ "Cold War" in crucial stage as Brussels’ Fair opens [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. San Francisco Examiner, section I, pp. 1 & 3 [actual placement unclear as 227 numbered digitized pages in]. (Viewed 25 November 2023. Q00530).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (14 April 1958). U. S. and Russia will match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition]. Madisonville Messenger (Madisonville, Kentucky), p. 3. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00486).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (22 April 1958). U. S., Russia will match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition; article written before exhibition]. Daily American Republic (Poplar Bluff, Missouri), p. 7. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00488).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (27 April 1958). U. S., Russia in tug-of-war over culture shows at Fair [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition; article written before exhibition]. Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Texas), p. 10B. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00489).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (Advance, AP - Brussels). (7 May 1958). U. S. and Russia will match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition; article written before exhibition]. St. Cloud Daily Times (St. Cloud, Minnesota), p. 29. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00490).
1958 - article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie on view in BrusselsGilmore, Eddy (AP - Brussels). (29 July 1958). U. S. and Russia to match cultures [regarding the Brussels World’s Fair with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie to be in exhibition; article written before exhibition]. Winona Daily News (Winona, Minnesota), p. 13. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00491).
1960s | 1964 - review mentionBrett, Guy. (10 April 1964). Victor Vasarely exhibition at Brook Street Gallery, London [with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Guardian (Manchester, England), p. 11. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00492). "... [Vasarely] can tackle both movement and tranquillity in abstract patterns, just as Mondrian could when he ranged from a composition with six black lines and a single square of blue to the complexity of the ’Victory Boogie Woogie’... " (Excerpt from above.)
1965 - articleWeiselberger, Carl. (9 January 1965). Talks about art; Mondrian’s Victory Boogie-Woogie— the symbolism of spiritual art. Entertainment section, The Ottawa Citizen, p. 4. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00493). "... Professor Robert P. Welsh, of the University of Toronto, will give an illustrated lecture on Piet Mondrian in the National Gallery on Jan. 12..." (Excerpt from above.)
1966 articlesSee the articles 1966 - article mentionStewart, Clair (as told to Robert Marjoribanks). (12 February 1966). Under the influence of Mondrian [with mention of Victory boogie woogie]. Weekend Magazine supplement, pp. 8-10, accompanying The Ottawa Citizen (Canada). (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00494). "... In 1944, at the age of 72, [Mondrian] was at the beginning of a new phase in the lifelong development of his art. Victory Boogie-Woogie was an expression of his new ideas but, before it was finished, he died of pneumonia on Jan. 24 that year..." (Excerpt from above.)
1966 - article mentionStewart, Clair (as told to Robert Marjoribanks). (12 February 1966). Under the influence of Mondrian [with mention of Victory boogie woogie]. Weekend Magazine supplement, presumably pp. 10 & 12, accompanying The Sunday Sun / The Vancouver Sun, (Canada). (Viewed 22 December 2023. S00495).
1967 - advertisement mention - VBW image as jigsaw puzzleGallery III, Chillicothe Mall, presumably Chillicothe, Ohio. (14 December 1967). Advertisement: "... The Springbok jigsaw puzzle. Choose from a wide assortment... Victory Boogie Woogie... "]. Chillicothe Gazette (Chillicothe, Ohio), p. 4. (Viewed 30 November 2023. S00537).
1969 - spotlighted article mention, photoBaro, Gene. (15 February 1969). Decisive art collection [on the Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine art collection; with photo and mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in the New York dining area]. Vogue, pp. 132-41, 150, 152. (Viewed 26 September 2021. K01215-16). "... Do the Tremaines always agree? They are tolerant of their differences, indulgent of one another’s enthusiasms. ’Personally, I don’t see it,’ Mr. Tremaine may say, deadpan, ’but Emily likes it, and she’s always right.’ In fact, these two have an exquisite sympathy that the visitor senses at once. The splendid collection represents both of them, yet is unified. It is as if it reflected a single sensibility, a single intelligence. Their give-and-take is a shared understanding." (Excerpt from above.)
1970s | 1971 - spotlighted article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in Guggenheim Museum showRose, Barbara. (December 1971). Mondrian: "Less is more" art [mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie and the artwork in Guggenheim exhibition]. Vogue, p. 169. (Viewed 7 November 2021. K01314). "... During the four years he painted in New York, Mondrian had a profound impact on American art, which has grown with each passing year since his death..." (Excerpt from above.)
1971 articlesSee the articles 1971 - article mentionRichard, Paul. (1 September 1971). Moving into the 20th century [article about the National Gallery of Art, and discussions about acquisition of the Tremaine Collection; with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Washington Post, Style section, pp. D1, D8 (illustrated). (Updated 8 August 2021. K01206-07). "... Though [J. Carter] Brown will not discuss it, it has been learned that he has been negotiating with [Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine] of Meriden, Conn., and New York City, whose collection of more than 300 pictures of the 20th century is among the world’s finest. Its range is spectacularly broad. It includes such European masterpieces as ’Victory Boogie Woogie,’ Piet Mondrian’s last great work..." (Excerpt from above.)
1971 - article mentionSherman, Jack. (16 October 1971). Art: Jack Bosson / Upstairs Gallery; Dennis Potokar / Ithaca House [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York), p. 5. (Viewed 30 November 2023. S00538). "In titling his works, an abstract artist has one of three choices: he might choose to be descriptive... non-committal... and most interestingly he might select a vaguely suggestive or utterly personal title such as ’Victory Boogie Woogie’ ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1973 - feature article - selected Tremaine Christmas cards in Wadsworth Atheneum showUPI (Madison, CT). (23 December 1973). Friends get novel card from couple [with mention of Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine as senders of unique Christmas cards; with mention of selection on view in Greetings, gifts and announcements at Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT (unknown start date - 30 December 1973); with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie (at this juncture, unclear if a VBW-form Christmas card was in exhibition)]. The Hartford Courant, p. 4A. (Viewed 9 October 2021. Q00665). "... Mr. and Mrs. Tremaine are known in the art world as the owners of Piet Mondrian’s ’Victory [Boogie] Woogie’... reproduced in many an art book and as posters... ... ’I just thought I’d do something different with our big collection of these cards by displaying them like paintings. Perhaps they can also provide Christmas card designers with inspiration,’ Mrs. Tremaine, a former graphic artist, says..." (Excerpt from above.)
c. 1978 - exhibition webpage - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in National Gallery of Art show(c. 1978). Exhibition webpage for Aspects of Twentieth-century art. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. (Viewed 19 September 2021. Q00408). 1979 - exhibition catalogue entry, photos, mentionsCarmena, Jr., E. A. (1979). "Victory boogie woogie" in Mondrian: The Diamond Compositions exhibition catalogue [pp. 15 (photo), 60, 63-66 (at length, with photo), 99-100 (entry)]. [With mentions of Emily Hall Tremaine (pp. 7, 8, 9, 15, 65, 99, 107)]. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. (Viewed 25 November 2023. S00487). |
1980s | 1984 - article mention, photoBourdon, David. (1 February 1984). People are talking about... collectors courageous [feature on The Tremaine Collection - 20th century masters: The spirit of modernism exhibition at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT (26 February - 29 April 1984); with mention and photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Vogue, p. 56. (Viewed 25 May 2024. K01161-62). "... Emily and Burton Tremaine... together assembled a bold, brilliant collection of modern and contemporary art... ... Their most audacious purchase of that early period was Mondrian’s final painting, ’Victory Boogie Woogie’... " (Excerpt from above.)
1984 - spotlighted article mention - VBW in Wadsworth Atheneum showGlueck, Grace. (8 April 1984). A collection that breathes the spirit of Modernism [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie, the Tremaine Collection, Emily Hall Tremaine, etc.]. New York Times. (Viewed 29 November 2023. S00530). "... Entering the galleries, the viewer is hit in the eye with Mondrian’s ’’Victory Boogie Woogie’’ (1943-1944), the artist’s last painting and a keystone of the collection..." (Excerpt from above.)
1987 - obituaryGlueck, Grace. (17 December 1987). Emily Hall Tremaine, designer and collector, dies [with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. New York Times. (Updated 20 September. K00049). "Emily Hall Tremaine, a designer and art collector, who with her husband Burton assembled one of the outstanding American holdings of 20th-century art, died yesterday at her home in Madison, Conn. ... The Tremaine collection, which began with the purchase of Mondrian’s ’[Victory] boogie woogie’ in 1944, shortly after it left the artist’s studio, comprises more than 400 works by European and American artists..." (Excerpt from above.) 1987 - obituary(Madison). (18 December 1987). Emily Hall Tremaine, patron of the arts. Record-Journal (Meriden, CT), p. 2. (Viewed 9 October 2023. S00047). "… ’Emily Tremaine is widely admired not just for her intelligence and sensibility, but equally so for her courage’ … Some of the better known paintings the Tremaines own include… Mondrian’s ‘Victory Boogie-Woogie’… " (Excerpts from above.)
1987 - other articlesSee the articles 1987 - article mentionG. G. (3 May 1987). A gallery of owners and their troves [with mention of Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine; with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. New York Times, p. H26. (Viewed 4 September 2021. Q00255). "Every museum has a shopping list, not only of the works it wants, but of the collectors who might be persuaded to provide them... ... Emily and Burton Tremaine, New York. Treasures such as Mondrian’s ’Victory Boogie Woogie’, a tondo painting by Robert Delaunay, and works by Pablo Picasso, Franz Kline, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, and Jasper Johns share billing with works by younger artists, including Jean-Michel Basquiat..." (Excerpt from above.)
1987 - obituary - Emily passes awayJohnson, Joanne. (17 December 1987). Emily Hall Tremaine, 79; collected contemporary art. Hartford Courant, p. B12. (Viewed 28 September 2021. Q00247). "Emily Hall Tremaine, one of the first collectors of contemporary American and European art, who was credited with opening the door to widespread appreciation of that genre, died Wednesday at her home in Madison. She was 79... ... Some of the better-known paintings the Tremaines owned included... Mondrian’s ’Victory Boogie-Woogie’... " (Excerpt from above.)
1987 - obituary - Emily passes awayAP (Madison, Conn.) (18 December 1987). Obituaries... Emily Tremaine, art collector [with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Newsday (Long Island, New York), p. 41. (Viewed 4 September 2021. Q00249). "... ’Emily Tremaine is widely admired not just for her intelligence and sensibility, but equally so for her courage,’ Andrea Miller-Keller, curator of contemporary art and acting chief curator at the Wadsworth Atheneum... Some of the better known paintings the Tremaines owned included... Mondrian’s ’Victory Boogie-Woogie’... " (Excerpt from above.)
1988 articlesSee the articles 1988 - article mentionMuchnic, Suzanne. (13 September 1988). Johns, Pollock works top art cache set for auction [with mention: "Thirty-two contemporary artworks from the Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine collection will go on the auction block Nov. 9 at Christie’s New York..."; and unrelated, mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Los Angeles Times, Part VI, pp. 1 & 3. (Viewed 2 September 2021. K00740-41). "... [The Tremaine’s] first purchase was ’Victory Boogie Woogie,’ Piet Mondrian’s 1944 masterpiece, which is not in the auction ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1988 - article mentionMuchnic, Suzanne (Los Angeles Times). (16 September 1988). Contemporary art sale likely to set records [with mention of 32 works to be auctioned from the Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine collection by Christie’s; and unrelated, mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Journal-News (Nyack, New York), p. C4. (Viewed 2 September 2021. K00744-45). "... [The Tremaine’s] first purchase was ’Victory Boogie Woogie,’ Piet Mondrian’s 1944 masterpiece, which is not in the auction ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1988 - article mentionMuchnic, Suzanne (Los Angeles Times). (17 September 1988). Major works to be sold from Tremaine collection [with mention of 32 works to be auctioned from the Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine collection by Christie’s; and unrelated, mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Hartford Courant, Connecticut Living section, pp. G1 & G2. (Viewed 21 September 2021. K00774-75). "... [The Tremaine’s] first purchase was ’Victory Boogie Woogie,’ Piet Mondrian’s 1944 masterpiece, which is not in the auction ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1988 - article mentionMuchnic, Suzanne (Los Angeles Times News Service). (18 September 1988). Sale may set records for contemporary art [regarding the auction of selected works in the Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine collection, with mention of their first purchased work, Victory boogie woogie, which wasn’t in the auction]. Palm Beach Post (Florida), p. 4L. Viewed 18 October 2023. Q01196).
1988 - article mentionHowells, Beverley. (6 November 1988). [Burton and Emily Hall] Tremaine collection under the hammer in New York [with mention of 32 works to be auctioned by Christie’s; and apart from this, mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Sunday Morning Post / South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), Living section, p. 4. (Viewed 21 September 2021. K00752). "... One of the first purchases [by the Tremaines] was Victory Boogie Woogie (1944), Piet Mondrian’s last work ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1990s |
![]() ![]() 1991 - obituaryFowler, Glenn. (27 March 1991). Burton G. Tremaine, executive, 89, dies; a collector of art [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. New York Times. (Viewed 21 September 2021. K00048). "... the Tremaines began to assemble their collection with the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s painting ’Broadway Boogie-Woogie.’ ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1991 - other articlesSee the articles 1991 - article mention - second Tremaine auction of selected works to take placeReif, Rita. (7 June 1991). 50 paintings to be sold from Tremaine estate [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. New York Times, p. C3. (Updated 21 September 2021. H00525; K00738). "... [Mr. Tremaine] sold a keystone of their collection, Mondrian’s last painting ’Victory Boogie-Woogie’, from 1943-44. S. I. Newhouse Jr. reportedly paid $11 million for it through Larry Gagosian..." (Excerpt from above.) 1991 - feature article - second Tremaine auction of selected works to take place; works currently on view at Wadworth AtheneumTully, Judd (New York, June 6). (7 June 1991). Major Moderns for sale; Christie’s to auction renowned collection [of Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine (estates); works currently on view at Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford]. Washington Post, C2. (Viewed 14 October 2021. Q00663). "... In 1985 dealer Larry Gagosian showed some of the Tremaine masterpieces at his New York [gallery] and sold their key Mondrian, ’Victory Boogie Woogie’ [in c. 1988] for a reported $10 million to publishing magnate S. I. Newhouse. It was the artist’s last painting and the couple’s first purchase in 1944..." (Excerpt from above.)
1991 - article mentionGlueck, Grace. (24 June 1991). One art dealer who’s still a high roller [about Larry Gagosian; mention of Burton and Emily Tremaine and Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. New York Times, p. C9, C16. (Viewed 16 October 2021. Q00664). "... Mr. Gagosian worked his way up to such resale clients as Burton and Emily Tremaine, from whose celebrated collection of post-World War II art he sold prizes like Piet Mondrian’s ’Victory boogie-woogie,’ to Mr. Newhouse for a price reported to be $11 million..." (Excerpt from above.)
1992 - book mention, photoMyers, Bernard S. & Copplestone, Trewin (General Eds.). (1992). The history of art; architecture, painting, sculpture [with photo and mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie on p. 875, illustrated, pl. 80). Barnes & Noble: New York. (K00825; K00827-28).
1995 - press release mention - Victory boogie woogie in MoMA exhibition(September 1995). Major Mondrian retrospective opens at the Museum of Modern Art [Mondrian: A retrospective (1 October 1995 - 23 January 1996) with mention of Victory boogie woogie]. Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00521). "... The culmination of his New York period is fully represented exclusively at this concluding venue of the exhibition with the addition of the optically dazzling Broadway Boogie Woogie (1942-43) and his final, unfinished painting, Victory Boogie Woogie (1942-44)... " (Excerpt from above.) 1995 articlesSee the articles 1995 - article mention - forthcoming MoMA exhibition with Victory boogie woogieHartman, Carl (Associated Press - Washington). (9 August 1995). American music inspired European painter [with mention of Victory boogie woogie to be in forthcoming Mondrian retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, New York]. The Post-Star (Glens Falls, New York), p. B-11. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00522).
1995 - article mention - forthcoming MoMA exhibition with Victory boogie woogieAssociated Press (Washington, DC). (12 August 1995). Mondrian show coming to New York [with mention of Victory boogie woogie to be in forthcoming Mondrian retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, New York]. The Gazette (Montreal, Canada), p. H5. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00523).
1995 - article mention - forthcoming MoMA exhibition with Victory boogie woogieHartman, Carl (Associated Press - Washington). (14 August 1995). European artist inspired by Afro-American music [with mention of Victory boogie woogie to be in forthcoming Mondrian retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, New York]. Daily Globe, ala Carte section (Ironwood, Michigan), p. 2. (Viewed 27 November 2023. Q00528).
1996 - article mention - Victory boogie woogie in MoMA exhibitionMcDonald, John. (20 January 1996). Passion and purity [regarding exhibition Mondrian: A retrospective at Museum of Modern Art, New York (1 October 1995 - 23 January 1996)] [with mention of Victory boogie woogie]. Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), Sprectrum section 6, p. 12. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00520). "... The final two paintings in this show, Broadway boogie-woogie (1942-43), and the unfinished Victory boogie-woogie (1942-44), are amazingly joyous creations coming at the end of a life-time of severe self-control..." (Excerpt from above.)
1998 - spotlighted - catalogue raisonné entry, photoJoosten, Joop M., Welsh, Robert P. (1998). Piet Mondrian catalogue raisonné, vol. II, presumably p. 420 (entry, photo) and other notations, photos. (V + K Publishing / Inmerc: Blaricum, The Netherlands). (Viewed 29 November 2023. G01804-05.)
1998 - spotlighted article, photo - VBW sells for $40mChao, Jenifer (Associated Press - Amsterdam). (4 September 1998). Dutch balk at painting’s price tag; beauty is in the eye of the taxpayer when the expense is $40 million [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government; with photo of artwork]. Lansing State Journal (Lansing, Michigan), p. 4A. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00500). "... The private National Art Collection Funds purchased the work last week with part of a donation of $55 million from the 1998 profits of the Dutch Central Bank. The highly publicized buy, the most expensive art purchase ever funded by the Dutch state, aroused the curiosity of the national Court of Audit, an independent body that investigates government spending ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1998 - spotlighted article, photoGleadell, Colin. (5 October 1998). Controversial $40m deal sparks inquiry [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government]. Daily Telegraph (London, England), p. 14. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00534). "... [Gemeentemuseum Den Haag] Director Hans Locher claimed [Victory Boogie Woogie] as in the ’same category of universally famous paintings as Rembrandt’s Night watch, Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and Picasso’s Guernica’... Victory boogie woogie was acquired soon after Mondrian’s death in 1944 for $8,000 by US collectors Burton and Emily Tremaine..." (Excerpt from above.)
1998 - other articlesSee the articles 1998 - news brief - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (4 September 1998). Dutch citizens riled over $40m painting [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government]. North County Times (Oceanside, California) , p. A-14. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00503).
1998 - article - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (4 September 1998). Dutch disapprove of "Victory boogie" [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie for $40 million by the Dutch government]. Indianapolis News, p. A-3. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00501).
1998 - news brief - VBW sells for $40mLikely Associated Press (Amsterdam). (4 September 1998). Mondrian painting riles Dutch [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie for $40 million by the Dutch government]. Winston-Salem Journal (Winston-Salem, North Carolina), p. A3. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00502).
1998 - news brief - VBW sells for $40mUnspecified wire service agency. (4 September 1998). In the news: Victory Boogie Woogie [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie for $40m by the Dutch government]. The Burlington Free Press (Burlington, Vermont), p. 2A. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00525).
1998 - article - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (5 September 1998). Purchase of Mondrian painting triggers uproar [regarding the purchase of Victory boogie woogie for $40m by the Dutch government]. The Pantagraph (Bloomington-Normal, Illinois), p. B9. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00526).
1998 - article mentionBaker, Godfrey & Brummer, Alex. (5 September 1998). Do I hear $48 million? [With mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Good Weekend magazine, pp. 36-38, accompanying The Age newspaper (Melbourne, Australia). (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00527). "... The New York media tycoon [S. I. Newhouse] emerged as a serious big spender in 1988 when he bought Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie for $US11 million..." (Excerpt from above.)
1998 - article mentionBaker, Godfrey & Brummer, Alex. (5 September 1998). Do I hear $48 million? [With mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Good Weekend magazine, pp. 46-48, accompanying Sydney Morning Herald newspaper (Australia). (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00528).
1998 - article - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (8 September 1998). Purchase of $40 million Mondrian triggers uproar [regarding the purchase of Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government]. Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine), p. C2. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00531).
1998 - article - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (13 September 1998). $40M painting is no treat for Dutch taxpayers [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government]. The Herald (Broward County edition), p. 26A. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00532).
1998 - news brief - VBW sells for $40mUnspecified wire service agency. (12 October 1998). People; Dutch PM on hotseat [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie for $40m by the Dutch government]. The Edmonton Journal (Alberta, Canada), p. A2. (Viewed 29 November 2023. S00533).
1998 - article, photo - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (13 October 1998). Dutch citizens don’t like government shelling out $40 million for painting [with photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Evansville Courier (Evansville, Indiana), p. A12. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00536).
1998 - news brief - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (13 October 1998). Dutch officials buy masterpiece [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government]. Alexandria Daily Town Talk (Alexandria, Louisiana), p. A-3. (Viewed 6 January 2024. S00858).
1998 - article, photo - VBW sells for $40mAssociated Press (Amsterdam). (13 October 1998). Public funds used for art; some Dutch hopping mad [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government; with photo of the artwork]. Des Moines Register (Iowa), p. 5A. (Viewed 6 January 2024. S00857).
1998 - article - VBW sells for $40mKole, William J. (Associated Press). (13 October 1998). Dutch officials draw fire for $40 million art purchase [regarding the purchase of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie by the Dutch government]. The News Journal (Wilmington, Delaware), p. A-2. (Viewed 6 January 2024. S00856).
1999 articlesSee the articles 1999 - article mentionCorder, Mike (Associated Press - The Hague). (23 January 1999). Diplomacy’s headquarters celebrates its 750th anniversary [about The Hague celebrating it’s 750th birthday, profile of the city, mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie at The Hague Municipal Museum]. The Missoulan (Missoula, Montana), p. C2. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00504).
1999 - article mentionCorder, Mike (Associated Press - The Hague). (24 January 1999). Politeness is paramount in peaceful, diplomatic The Hague [about The Hague celebrating it’s 750th birthday, profile of the city, mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie at The Hague Municipal Museum]. Daily Record (Morristown, New Jersey), p. T2. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00505).
2000s |
2001 articlesSee the articles 2001 - article mentionMarton, Andrew. (17 August 2001). Coloring within the lines: [Dallas Museum of Art] pays homage to Piet Mondrian [with mention of artwork by Leon Polk Smith, Homage to Victory boogie woogie #1]. Star Time supplement, p. 22, accompanying Star-Telegram (Arlington edition) (Arlington, Texas). (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00715).
2001 - article mentionCrockett, Lane. (21 August 2001). Dallas Museum hangs Piet Mondrian exhibit [with mention of artwork by Leon Polk Smith, Homage to Victory boogie woogie #1]. The Times (Shreveport, Louisiana), p. 2D. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S0071
2002 articlesSee the articles 2002 - article mentionStein, Lisa. (20 March 2002). Exhibit explores curious mind of Alighiero Boetti [deceased 1994; exhibition at The Arts Club of Chicago, with mention of Boetti’s work "Untitled— Victoria boogie woogie", which recalls Piet Mondrian’s "Victory boogie woogie"]. Chicago Tribune, section 5, p. 3. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00717).
2002 - book review mentionEarly, Gerald. (22 December 2002). Learned look at classic jazz lacks energy [re. Alfred Appel, Jr.’s Jazz Modernism, with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Chicago Tribune, section 14, p. 2. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00718).
2003 articlesSee the articles 2003 - article mention(6 September 2003). The other art capital of Holland[, The] Hague [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Winnipeg Free Press (Manitoba, Canada). (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00735). "... The Gemeentemuseum (or Municipal Museum) has the world’s largest collection of works by Mondrian (1872-1944), including what’s widely regarded as his masterpiece, Victory Boogie Woogie (1942-44)... " (Excerpt from above.) 2003 - article mentionFitterman, Lisa. (12 June 2003). Still in the game [about artist Guido Molinari; with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Gazette (Montreal, Canada), p. A4. (Viewed 16 December 2023. S00741). "... just as Mondrian’s last painting, unfinished before he died, was called Victory Boogie-Woogie... so Molinari is dancing a last dance on his own terms... " (Excerpt from above.)
2004 - listing mentionBurnett, Craig. (18 October 2004). Going out; Picks of the week: Exhibitions [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Guardian (London), presumably p. 18. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00727). "... Mondrian’s Studio; Mondrian spent his last five years working in a New York studio, where he left the painting Victory Boogie Woogie unfinished. Artists David Alker and Peter Liddell have created an uncannily accurate reconstruction of this room. Castlefield Gallery... Manchester.." (Excerpt from above.)
2005 articlesSee the articles 2005 - article mentionMolas, Veronica. (20 July 2005). Las voces de la calle en la pared del museo ["The voices of the street on the museum wall", rough translation in English, regarding an art exhibition at an art center in Cordoba with artwork exhibited by Enrique Battista which apparently has an artistic link to Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. La Voz del Interior (Cordoba, Argentina), unknown page number. (Viewed 5 January 2024. S00796).
2005 - article mentionCorydon, Jeff. (7 August 2005). Dutch art gets royal treatment [with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Tampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, FL), p. 1T. (Viewed 5 January 2024. S00726). "A number of museums in Amsterdam and The Hague are commemorating the 25th anniversary of Queen Beatrix’s ascending to the throne of the Netherlands by staging a monthslong cultural arts celebration... The Hague’s Gemeentemuseum, or Municipal Museum, has an array of works by abstract painter Piet Mondrian, arguably Holland’s leading 20th century artist. The most famous is the diamond-shaped Victory Boogie Woogie... " (Excerpt from above.)
2005 - article mentionWells, Judy. (28 August 2005). The Hague: Where art is always in bloom [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Florida Times Union (Jacksonville), p. F-1. (Viewed 5 January 2024. S00795). "... A number of museums in Amsterdam and The Hague are commemorating the 25th anniversary of Queen Beatrix’s ascending to the throne of the Netherlands by staging a monthslong cultural arts celebration... The Hague’s Gemeentemuseum, or Municipal Museum, has an array of works by abstract painter Piet Mondrian, arguably Holland’s leading 20th century artist. The most famous is the diamond-shaped Victory Boogie Woogie... " (Excerpt from above.)
2006 - article mentionReyes, Cid. (4 September 2006). Understanding abstraction [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Manila Times (The Philippines), page number unknown. (Viewed 16 December 2023. S00725). "... The two most important figures in the history of Abstraction are Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) and Piet Mondrian (1872-1944)... In his later years, while on exile in New York, he fell under the spell of jazz, and created his last two masterpieces just before his death. Entitled Broadway Boogie Woogie and Victory Boogie Woogie..." (Excerpt from above.)
2007 articlesSee the articles 2007 - article(26 March 2007). "Victory boogie woogie" was niet af toen Mondriaan stierf [rough translation: "Victory boogie woogie was not finished when Mondrian died"] [with photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory Woogie Boogie]. De Standaard (Belgium). (Viewed 14 January 2022. Q01137). 2007 - article mentionGayford, Martin. (30 June 2007). Art’s brush with boogie-woogie [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie which is not in the exhibition described, at the Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, England]. The Daily Telegraph (London), Review section, pp. 12-13. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S007 ).
2008 articlesSee the articles 2008 - articleArmstrong, Rebecca. (26 March 2008). Art under the microscope: Mondrian’s "Victory Boogie Woogie" [with photo of cropped view of the artwork]. The Independent (UK). (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00499). "... Victory Boogie Woogie, Piet Mondrian’s last work, left unfinished at his death in 1944, was recently given the once-over by Molab, a crack team of art conservation researchers.... " (Excerpt from above.) 2008 - article / museum press release(28 August 2008). Two-year study of Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie in Gemeentemuseum Den Haag to be rounded off by symposium. Codart website ["CODART is the international network for curators of art from the Low Countries"]. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00498). "... The study’s findings will be presented to an international audience of academics, curators, restorers and other art professionals at The Gemeentemuseum in The Hague on 29 August. The aim of the three-phase study was to learn more about the history of the work’s creation..." (Excerpt from above.) |
2010s |
2010 articlesSee the articles 2010 - cropped photo, caption in news briefANP. (15 June 2010). Portretschildering Mondriaan gestolen [rough translation: "Portrait painting Mondrian stolen"] [with cropped photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie and caption]. Het Parool newspaper (Netherlands). (Viewed 14 January 2022. S00736). 2010 - article mentionWullschlager, Jackie. (23 October 2010). Lunch with the FT: Larry Gagosian; Over swordfish in Mayfair the world’s most successful art dealer talks about his humble beginnings and his "natural feel for selling" [with mention of Emily Hall Tremaine and Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Financial Times. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00723). 2011 articlesSee the articles 2011 - article mentionReitter-Welter, Barbara. (24 April 2011). Abstraktion Hollandaise ["Dutch abstraction" in English] [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie, presumably not in exhibition described, "Mondrian und De Stijl", Kunstbau im Lenbachhaus, Munich]. Welt am Sonntag (Berlin, Germany), presumably p. 1 in possible culture section. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00722).
2011 - article mentionDavidow, Jackson. (14 October 2011). Portfolio: Arthur Tress [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in terms of the diamond shape of a photograph by Tress]. Artforum magazine. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00732). 2012 - bookVan Bommel, Maarten; Spronk, Ron; Janssen, Hans (Eds.). (2012). Inside out Victory Boogie Woogie; A material history of Mondrian’s masterpiece [with cropped photo of the artwork on cover]. Amsterdam University Press website. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00737). 2012 articlesSee the articles 2012 - review mentionTennant, Carolyn. (January / February 2012). Occupying the collection: Videosphere: A new generation, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo [New York; review; with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Afterimage magazine, pp. 21-23. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00721). "... John F. Simon Jr. ’s Endless Victory (2005), a ’real-time’ or generative work driven by the artist’s computer code... [the] unfinished painting Victory Boogie Woogie (1942-44) [by Piet Mondrian] served as inspiration..." (Excerpt from above.)
2012 - article mentionHensher, Philip. (18 May 2012). The never-ending appeal of unfinished art; A masterpiece in the making offers an intriguing insight into the mind of its creator. The Telegraph (London). (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00733). "... We’ve developed a kind of taste for the incomplete and the ragged-edged. Mondrian’s famous last painting, Victory Boogie-Woogie, or Michelangelo’s Slaves, were always going to be left as they were at the end of the artist’s life. We don’t regret the incompletion here; rather, we welcome the insight we get into the artist’s methods and thoughts when approaching a major work of art..." (Excerpt from above.) 2013 articlesSee the articles 2013 - book review mentionFreund, Wieland. (9 February 2013). Boogie Woogie in Manhattan [book review, novel, with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Die Welt (Berlin, Germany), presumably p. 1, unknown section. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00720).
2013 - review mentionNisbet, James. (October 2013). Barry Le Va at Marc Selwyn Fine Art, Los Angeles [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Artforum magazine. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00734). "... Le Va’s technique might initially call to mind the working practices of Piet Mondrian in the early 1940s; for example, the latter’s use of tape in the "New York City" series, 1941–44, and of paper strips in his unfinished final work, Victory Boogie-Woogie, 1943–44... " (Excerpt from above.) 2014 - spotlighted article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. BN De Stem newspaper (Breda, The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00796). 2014 - spotlighted article mentionElman, Leslie Gilbert. (29 July 2014). 7 places to visit in The Hague— from Escher museum to Peace Palace [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie, possibly previously with photo of the artwork]. CNN travel section. (Viewed 7 November 2021. Q00912). "... 2. Gemeentemuseum; ... The Gemeentemuseum contains the world’s largest collection of Mondrian’s work presented in a chronological display... The highlight is ’Victory Boogie Woogie,’ ... You’ll see it behind the waves of tourists posing in front of it, one of whom was President Barack Obama when he visited The Hague for the International Nuclear Security Summit in March..." (Excerpt from above.) 2014 - other articlesSee the articles 2014 - article, two photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieAFP / ANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama ging ook schilderij Mondriaan bewonderen [rough translation: "Obama also went to admire Mondrian’s painting"]. Het Laatste Nieuws (Antwerp, Belgium). (Viewed 21 November 2021. Q009 ). 2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. Brabants Dagblad newspaper (Den Bosch, The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00799). 2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. Eindhovens Dagblad (Eindhoven, The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00797). 2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. De Gelderlander newspaper (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). (Viewed 23 October 2021. Q00791). 2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. Het Parool (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00792). 2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant (Vlissingen, The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00800). 2014 - article - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogiePresumably ANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; presumably with photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie]. De Telegraaf newspaper (The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00793).
2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. De Stentor newspaper (Zwolle, The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00798). 2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with three photos of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. Twentsche Courant Tubantia (Twente, The Netherlands). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00794). 2014 - article, photo - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogiePresumably ANP Photo(s). (25 March 2014). Obama bekijkt ook Victory Boogie Woogie [rough translation: "Obama also takes a look at Victory Boogie Woogie"; with at least one photo of President Obama looking at Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. De Volkskrant newspaper (The Netherlands). (Viewed 26 October 2021. Q00807).
2014 - article, photos - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieANP Photos. (25 March 2014). Obama ging ook schilderij Mondriaan bewonderen [rough translation: "Obama also went to admire Mondrian’s painting"; with two photos of President Obama looking at the artwork, with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and others]. De Morgen newspaper (Antwerp, Belgium). (Viewed 24 October 2021. Q00795). 2014 - news brief mention, photo - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogieRTL Nieuws / ANP (Photo presumably). (25 March 2014). Nog een laatste schilderij bekijken [rough translation: "viewing one last painting"; with mention and photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. rtl nieuws (TV news). (Viewed 26 October 2021. Q00975). 2014 - article, photo - U. S. President Obama photographed with Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie(30 March 2014). Bezoek Obama aan Victory Boogie Woogie gered door standvastige burgemeester Van Aartsen [rough translation: "Obama’s visit to Victory Boogie Woogie saved by steadfast mayor Van Aartsen"]. Omroep West (TV / radio) website. (Viewed 21 November 2021. Q00974). Van Aartsen: "... ’De persconferentie had een ferme toon vanwege de situatie met Rusland, maar toen Obama eenmaal de Victory Boogie Woogie zag, kon hij ontspannen. Hij was erg onder de indruk en oprecht geïnteresseerd in het werk van Mondriaan.’ ..." (Excerpt from above.) Rough translation, Van Aartsen: "... ’The press conference had a firm tone due to the situation with Russia, but once Obama saw the Victory Boogie Woogie, he was able to relax. He was very impressed and genuinely interested in Mondrian’s work.’ ..." (Excerpt from above.) 2014 - timeline mentionMcHale, Kirsty. (16 May 2014). Piet Mondrian timeline 1872 - 1944; Chronicle of the Dutch artist’s life and how his influence remains in modern culture [with mention of Victory boogie woogie; article accompanying exhibition at Tate Liverpool, which presumably did not exhibit VBW]. Liverpool Echo newspaper. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00511). "... 1998 - The Dutch government buy Mondrian’s Victory Boogie Woogie 1942-44 for $40m making it, at that point, the 8th most valuable painting in the world... " (Excerpt from above.) 2016 - photo in articleBuffenstein, Alyssa. (7 March 2016). Celebrate Piet Mondrian’s birthday with 10 quotes on painting [with photo of Victory boogie woogie]. artnet.com. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00517). 2017 - exhibition webpage, photo(c. 2017). Exhibition webpage for The Discovery of Mondrian (Amsterdam | Paris | London | New York) (3 June - 24 September 2017). at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag / Kunstmuseum Den Haag (The Hague, The Netherlands). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00507). 2017 - spotlighted article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie and representations in Painting toward architecture (1947-52)Preece, R. J. (July / August 2017). Rethinking "Painting toward architecture" [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie and its representations]. Sculpture magazine, 36(6), pp. 18-21. (Viewed 19 September 2021).
2017 - other articlesSee the articles 2017 - article mention, photo - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in Gemeentemuseum showAbrams, Amah-Rose & Muñoz-Alonso, Lorena. (22 March 2017). "Block"-buster? The biggest Mondrian exhibition ever is coming this summer [with mention and photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. artnet.com. (Viewed 26 October 2021. Q00806). 2017 - article mention, photoAhmed, Fatema. (25 March 2017). Mondrian gets his moment [with mention and photo of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Apollo magazine. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00738). "... Victory Boogie Woogie is the only painting by Mondrian from the 1940s in a Dutch museum and it will be the centrepiece of this summer’s ‘The Discovery of Mondrian’ exhibition (3 June–24 September)..." (Excerpt from above.) 2017 - photo in news briefANP Photo. (30 May 2017). Mondriaantour voor baby’s in Gemeentemuseum [Rough translation "Tour of Mondrian works for babies at Gemeentemuseum, The Hague; with cropped photo of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Algemeen Dagblad newspaper (The Netherlands). (Viewed 23 October 2021. Q00790). 2017 - article review mention, photoGlover, Michael. (5 June 2017). The Discovery of Mondrian, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, review: How much branding can a dead man take? It’s a total disgrace [with photo and mention of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in the exhibition, 3 June 2017 - 24 September 2017]. The Independent (UK). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00506). 2018 - spotlighted article mention - Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie and representations in Painting toward architecture (1947-52)Preece, R. J. (2018). Piet Mondrian. Victory boogie woogie & Painting toward architecture [a detailed analysis of factual documentatiion related to all known venues]. artdesigncafe.com. (Viewed 19 September 2021).
2018 - other articlesSee the articles 2018 - article mention, cropped photo(27 July 2018). The museum pieces every school kid in the Netherlands should see [with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie and cropped photo of the artwork]. Apollo magazine. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00514). 2018 - article mentionWecker, Menachem. (21 December 2018). What’s in a name? Why the Hague’s Gemeentemuseum will soon become the Kunstmuseum; The difficulty of Dutch pronunciation and the need to raise awareness among foreign visitors led to the museum’s future rebranding [with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The Art Newspaper. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00512). 2019 - spotlighted photo in printed presentation(October 2019). [Series of selected photos of artworks in installation contexts; including Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie installed in Piet Mondrian memorial exhibition, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, (6 November - 16 December 1946), followed by two copies, and an interpretation of a completed VBW.]. Postdocument (Paris, France), 14, p. 9. (Viewed 7 November 2021. K01301-03).
2020s |
2020 - articlesSee the articles 2020 - article mention(3 February 2020). Meer kunst- en cultuurbezoekers door campagne (rough translation in English: "More art and culture visitors [achieved] through campaign") [with mention of Victory boogie woogie]. Den Haag FM (radio / TV) (The Hague, The Netherlands). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00518). 2020 - article - themed tunnel(7 July 2020). Let’s Boogie in a new tunnel; The new Victory Boogie Woogie Tunnel will be the most sustainable tunnel in the Netherlands. World Highways website (UK). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00516). 2021 - spotlighted article mention, photoSolomon, Tessa. (5 March 2021). How Piet Mondrian’s abstractions became a new way to see the world [with mention and photo of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Art in America magazine. (Viewed 26 October 2021. Q00805). "... with Victory Boogie Woogie, left unfinished at the time of his death in 1944, Mondrian pushed the destruction of his conventions even further, turning the canvas so it became a diamond instead of a square. He conceived the painting in anticipation of the Allied triumph, which he never lived to celebrate...." (Excerpt from above.) 2021 - articlesSee the articles 2021 - article - themed tunnelDeunhouwer, Lianne. (9 February 2021). Show Boogie Woogie NOW! laat tunnel Rotterdamsebaan schitteren [rough translation: "Show Boogie Woogie NOW! make the Rotterdamsebaan tunnel shine"; the Victory Boogie Woogie-themed tunnel opens]. Den Haag FM (radio / TV) (The Hague, The Netherlands). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00519). 2021 - article - themed tunnelArminas, David. (22 February 2021). The Hague’s Victory Tunnel opens; The Victory Boogie Woogie tunnel is part of the new 4km Rotterdamsebaan. World Highways website (UK). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00515). c. 2022 - exhibition webpage(c. 2022). Mondrian moves exhibition (2 April -25 September 2022) webpage [with mention of Victory boogie woogie]. Kunstmuseum Den Haag (The Hague, The Netherlands). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00509). 2022 articlesSee the articles 2022 - article & exhibition mention, photo(1 April 2022). The week in art: Has the art market recovered? A deep dive into the Art Basel / UBS report [podcast preview; with mention of Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie and mention of exhibition Mondrian moves]. The Art Newspaper. (Viewed 28 November 2023. S00524). "... And in this episode’s Work of the Week, coinciding with the 150th anniversary of Piet Mondrian’s birth, we discuss his painting Victory Boogie Woogie (1942-44)..." (Excerpt from above.) 2022 - article mention - Victory boogie woogie in exhibition, photoSiegal, Nina. (14 June 2022). Want to understand Mondrian’s paintings? Try dancing to them; "You can say that Mondrian wasn’t even a visual artist," said the curator of an exhibition celebrating the 150th anniversary of his birth. "He was a composer." [With photo and mention of Victory boogie woogie, regarding Mondrian moves exhibition, Kunstmuseum Den Haag (2 April -25 September 2022)]. New York Times. (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00509). 2022 - article review mention - Victory boogie woogie in exhibition, photoSooke, Alastair. (3 April 2022). Mondrian Moves, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, review: not cold and sterile, but imperfect and human [with photo of Victory boogie woogie]. The Telegraph (UK). (Viewed 27 November 2023. S00513). "... Kunstmuseum’s director, Benno Tempel, likes to say that his final, unfinished canvas, Victory Boogie Woogie (1942-44), which was inspired by the new beats he heard in the Big Apple, is the ’first’ painting of the post-war period, even though Mondrian worked on it during the conflict... " (Excerpt from above.)
2023 articlesSee the articles 2023 - article mentionKeefe, Patrick Radden. (24 July 2023). How Larry Gagosian reshaped the art world [with mention of Emily Hall Tremaine and Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. The New Yorker magazine. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00740). "... [Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine] owned Piet Mondrian’s final painting, ’Victory Boogie Woogie,’ and Gagosian... telephoned Si Newhouse and sold him the painting for exactly that amount..." (Excerpt from above.) 2023 - book review mentionCarrier, David. (8 October 2023). A fuller picture of Piet Mondrian; Hans Janssen’s Piet Mondrian: A life gives a comprehensive picture of the Dutch artist’s life and character, but leaves some questions unanswered [with mention of Victory boogie woogie]. Hyperallergic website. (Viewed 15 December 2023. S00739). "... Until the end of his life, Mondrian remained an optimist. It’s apt that his last painting was titled ’Victory Boogie Woogie’ (1942–44)..." (Excerpt from above.) 2024 - article mention, photosPontone, Maya. (17 March 2024). Looking back on the life and legacy of Emily Hall Tremaine; The art collector and philanthropist amassed over 700 works spanning modern and contemporary art along with her husband, Burton Tremaine [with mention and two photos of Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie]. Hyperallergic. (Viewed 11 May 2024. S01100). 2024 - article mention, photo(c. 29 April 2024). The Tremaine Collection; Synoptic Office’s site lets visitors delve into the archives of the Tremaines and uncover the backstory behind their extensive art collection [with mention of Piet Mondrian’s painting Victory boogie woogie, and photo in photo gallery]. Communication Arts magazine. (Viewed 7 May 2024. S01082). |
n. d. |
undated materialSee the articles n. d. - Wikipedia entry mentions(undated). Piet Mondrian entry [with mentions and photo of Victory boogie woogie]. Wikipedia.org. (Viewed 26 November 2023). n. d. - Victory boogie woogie webpage(undated). Victory boogie woogie by Piet Mondrian webpage [with photo of the artwork]. Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation [Burton and Emily Hall Tremaine, former owners of the artwork, 1944-88]. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00496). n. d. - Victory boogie woogie webpage(undated). Victory boogie woogie by Piet Mondrian webpage [with photo of the artwork] [in Dutch]. Kunstmuseum Den Haag, The Netherlands. (Viewed 26 November 2023. S00497). n. d. - RKD entry(undated). "Victory Boogie Woogie", Piet Mondrian, webpage [with photo of the artwork]. RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Hague, The Netherlands. (Viewed 25 November 2023). n. d. - Wikipedia entry(undated). "Victory Boogie Woogie" entry [with photo of the artwork]. Wikipedia.org. (Viewed 19 December 2021).
E. Possible information about Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie in the Emily Hall Tremaine papers:
F. Other information resources concerning Piet Mondrian’s Victory boogie woogie, mainly focused while under Tremaine ownership (1944-87):
> Tremaine Collection artworks and designs in publications (compilation; 1945-present) > Tremaine Collection artworks and designs in exhibitions (compilation; 1945-present) |
The research involving Tremaine / Miller Co. art & design, collected and commissioned, is ongoing. Drawn from various secondary and primary sources, the information above may change. At this stage, the information should be considered “leads” for confirmation and not necessarily “facts”.