Parker Bros. guns - design catalogues and historical information
Patents, advertisements, catalogues & more concerning the legacy.
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 20 July 2016 | Updated 24 July 2023
LINK: Parker Bros. guns in collections, at auction, in expositions
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Above, Parker Bros. guns advertisement in Town & Country on 1 January 1924. For more information, see entry listed below.
At the Annual Tournament of 1889 [1], held at Cannes, France, the grand prize, consisting of 2000 francs and a valuable cup, was won with a Parker Hammerless. The first Parker Hammerless Gun made won the championship of America at Decatur, Ills. Parker Bros., makers. New York Office, 97 Chambers St.”
— D.H. Hurd & Co. in Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. Compiled from government surveys, county records and personal investigations (1893), p. 212.
Parker Brothers guns design catalogues and historical information (by year)
Parker Brothers; predecessor: Meriden Manufacturing Company.
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1860s | Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(c. 1860s-). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines. (Updated 20 April 2019.)
1858-1969 - company recordsRemington Arms Company. (1858-1969). Remington Arms Company Historical Files, 64 v. [Includes "inventory records, 1917-38, of Parker Brothers Shotgun Company, (bought by Remington c. 1930").] (Updated 24 December 2021. A01136.)
1864 - historical informationBishop, J. Leander. (1864). On "Charles Parker companies", (pp. 754-55). In A history of American manufactures from 1608 to 1860. [Brief mention, see excerpt below.] Philadelphia: Edward Young & Co. (Viewed 1 June 2017. A02568-70.) 1865 - news brief - social event(24 June 1865). Meriden [with mention of Wilbur F. Parker]. Hartford Daily Courant, p. 2. (Viewed 23 December 2020. F01962).
"Grand Marshal Jedediah Wilcox has appointed the following Assistant Marshals to act with him during the grand celebration on the 4th of July... [including] Walter Hubbard, Edward Miller... Dennis C. Wilcox... John E. Parker... Wilbur F. Parker... Cephas B. Rogers ..." 1868 - historical informationBishop, J. Leander. (1868). "Manufactures in Meriden" section (including details about Charles Parker companies), (pp. 424-26). A history of American manufactures from 1608-1860 (3rd edition, revised and enlarged). 643 pp. Philadelphia: Edward Young & Co. (Viewed 15 June 2016. A00816-18.) 1868 advertisementsSee the ads 1868 - two advertisementsCharles Parker. (6 & 7 April 1868). Advertisements: "Good news to sportsmen... best double-barreled breech-loading shotguns... " [with illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican. (Viewed 21 July 2019. C01086-87).
1868 - advertisementCharles Parker. (2 September 1868). Advertisement: "Good News to Sportsmen... Metallic Cartridge, Breech-Loading, Double-Barreled Shot Guns... Send for circular..." [with abstract illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 3, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 20 July 2019. C01075). 1869 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1869). The Parker breech loading double barreled shotgun. 16 pp. (Updated 15 April 2017. AAA00039; A02205-06.)
1869 - Parker Brothers in American Institute Fair(1870). Thirtieth annual report of the American Institute, of the City of New York, for the year 1869-70, pp. 39, 50. Albany: The Argus Company, Printers. (Viewed 4 June 2017. A02589-92.)
American Institute Fair exhibitors (1869) include "Parker Brothers, West Meriden, Conn., [award] for power presses. First media and diploma" and award "for shot guns. First media and diploma". (Excerpt from annual report above).
1869 advertisementsSee the ads 1869 - advertisementCharles Parker. (2 October 1869). Advertisement: "Good news to sportsmen, Metallic-Cartridge, Breech-Loading, Double-barreled shot guns..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 21 July 2019. C01096). 1869 - advertisementParker Brothers. (2 October 1869). Advertisement: "Parker Brothers, successors to Meriden Manufacturing Company, iron founders and machinists; Manufacturers of Portable Steam Engines, Boilers, Drop, Foot and Screw Presses; We are the sole Manufacturers, and make a specialty of Parker’s Power Presses... Cutlery-Makers.... Breech-Loading Shot-Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 21 July 2019. C01095). 1869 - advertisementCharles Parker. (1 December 1869). Advertisement: "Good news to sportsmen, Metallic-Cartridge, Breech-Loading, Double-barreled shot guns..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 21 July 2019. C01101). 1869 - advertisementParker Brothers. (1 December 1869). Advertisement: "Parker Brothers, successors to Meriden Manufacturing Company, iron founders and machinists; Manufacturers of Portable Steam Engines, Boilers, Drop, Foot and Screw Presses; We are the sole Manufacturers, and make a specialty of Parker’s Power Presses... Cutlery-Makers.... Breech-Loading Shot-Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 21 July 2019. C01102). 1869 - patent - improvement in cartridge-loaderJames M. Taylor, assignor to Charles Parker. (13 July 1869). Letters patent no. 92,669: Improvement in cartridge-loader. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02544).
1869-1910? - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1869-1910?). The Parker breech-loading double-barreled shot-gun: The best and lowest priced gun in the world. 16 pp. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A02349.) Click the following link to see the parallel webpage - Parker guns in collections, at auction, and in expositions. |
1870s | 1870 - historical informationDavis, Charles Henry Stanley. (1870). "Guns & Hardware - Charles Parker" section including illustrations (pp. 486-87). In History of Wallingford, Conn. From its settlement in 1670 to the present time: Including Meriden, which was one of its parishes until 1806, and Cheshire, which was incorporated in 1780. (Also see "Manufactures section": pp. 472-495.) 1086 pp. Meriden: Published by the author. (Viewed 17 November 2016. A00793-94.) 1870s - design brochure / catalogueParker Brothers. (1870s). [Brochure / catalogue], 14 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2020. H01461).
1870 advertisementsSee the ads 1870 - advertisementParker Brothers. (14 September 1870). Advertisement: "Parker Brothers, successors to Meriden Manufacturing Company, iron founders and machinists; Manufacturers of Portable Steam Engines, Boilers, Drop, Foot and Screw Presses; We are the sole Manufacturers, and make a specialty of Parker’s Power Presses... Cutlery-Makers.... Breech-Loading Shot-Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 23 July 2019. C01108). 1870 - advertisementCharles Parker. (14 September 1870). Advertisement: "Good news to sportsmen, Metallic-Cartridge, Breech-Loading, Double-barreled shot guns..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 23 July 2019. C01109). 1870 - advertisementParker Brothers. (5 December 1870). Advertisement: "Parker Brothers, successors to Meriden Manufacturing Company, iron founders and machinists; Manufacturers of Portable Steam Engines, Boilers, Drop, Foot and Screw Presses; We are the sole Manufacturers, and make a specialty of Parker’s Power Presses... Cutlery-Makers.... Breech-Loading Shot-Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 16 July 2019. H01100). 1870 - advertisementCharles Parker. (5 December 1870). Advertisement: "Good news to sportsmen, Metallic cartridge breech-loading double-barrelled shot guns. The best and lowest-priced gun in the world... New York Office, no. 27 Beekman St" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 16 June 2019. H01098). 1870 - patent - improvement in breech-loading fire-armsCharles Green, assignor to Charles Parker. (6 December 1870). Letters patent no. 109,890: Improvement in breech-loading fire-arms. (Viewed 28 April 2018. AAA02660).
1871 - spotlighted news brief - Parker Bros. in Texas State Fair(1 July 1871). A silver medal [for Parker Bros. at state fair of Texas]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 4. (Viewed 21 November 1871. F01830). "The state fair of Texas which has just closed, awarded the first prize of a silver medal to Parker Brothers for the best breech loading shot gun... it is a tribute to American manufacturers... beauty and durability... " (Excerpt from above.) 1871 advertisementsSee the ads 1871 - advertisementParker Brothers. (1 July 1871). Advertisement: "Parker Brothers, successors to Meriden Manufacturing Company, iron founders and machinists; Manufacturers of Portable Steam Engines, Boilers, Drop, Foot and Screw Presses; We are the sole Manufacturers, and make a specialty of Parker’s Power Presses... Cutlery-Makers.... Breech-Loading Shot-Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 21 November 2020. F01880). 1871 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (Parker Bros.). (1 July 1871). Advertisement: "... Double Barrelled Shot Guns... send for circular... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 21 November 2020. F01882). 1871 - five advertisementsC. P. Clark, presumably Ogdensburg, New York. (August 1871). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun... " The Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, New York). (Viewed 17 October 2018. B01105-09).
1871 - advertisementParker Brothers. (6 September 1871). Advertisement: "Parker Brothers, successors to Meriden Manufacturing Company, iron founders and machinists; Manufacturers of Portable Steam Engines, Boilers, Drop, Foot and Screw Presses; We are the sole Manufacturers, and make a specialty of Parker’s Power Presses... Cutlery-Makers.... Breech-Loading Shot-Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 23 July 2019. C01110). 1871 - advertisementCharles Parker. (6 September 1871). Advertisement: "Good news to sportsmen, Metallic-Cartridge, Breech-Loading, Double-barreled shot guns..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 23 July 2019. C01111). 1871 - two advertisements(30 November, 7 December 1871). Advertisement: "Parker’s breech-loading, double barreled shot gun, best in the world. Parker Brothers, West Meriden, Conn. ... New York Office, 27 Beekman St. ... Wm. J. Farrar, General Agent for Ohio, 133 Superior St., Cleveland... " [with illustration of shot gun]. The Highland Weekly News (Hillsborough, Ohio). (Viewed 10 October 2018. B00888-89).
1871 - advertisementParker Brothers. (5 December 1871). Advertisement: "Parker Brothers, successors to Meriden Manufacturing Company, iron founders and machinists; Manufacturers of Portable Steam Engines, Boilers, Drop, Foot and Screw Presses; We are the sole Manufacturers, and make a specialty of Parker’s Power Presses... Cutlery-Makers.... Breech-Loading Shot-Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 25 July 2019. C01125). 1871 - advertisementCharles Parker. (5 December 1871). Advertisement: "Good news to sportsmen, Metallic-Cartridge, Breech-Loading, Double-barreled shot guns..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 25 July 2019. C01125). 1872 - news mention(18 May 1872). Sportsmen’s Convention [at Seneca Falls; with mention: "Parker Bros. offers a silver pitcher, salver and goblets for the best average shots made with the Parker gun... "] The Oswego Daily Palladium (Oswego, New York), presumably p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01170). 1872 advertisementsSee the ads 1872 - advertisementParker Bros. (c. 4 July 1872). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular. Parker Bro’s. West Meriden, CT [with cropped illustration of gun]. Cazenovia Republican (Cazenovia, New York), unknown page number, col. 8. (Viewed 11 June 2019. F00834-35). 1872 - advertisementParker Bros. (19 September 1872). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 3, col. 5. (Viewed 14 July 2021. F01871). 1872 - advertisementParker Bros. (2 October 1872). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican 1872 - advertisementParker Bros. (c. 24 October 1872). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular. Parker Bro’s. West Meriden, CT [with cropped illustration of gun]. Cazenovia Republican (Cazenovia, New York), unknown page number, col. 2. (Viewed 11 June 2019. F00836-37). 1872 - advertisementParker Bros. (22 November 1872). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun; Send Stamp for Circular; Parker Bro’s, West Meriden... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with illustration of cropped gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 4 November 2020. F01698). 1872 - advertisementParker Bros. (6 December 1872). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 26 July 2019. C01129). 1872? - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1872?). [Catalog] of the celebrated Parker breech-loading, double-barreled shot gun. 34 pp. ("Cut on title page, cover, etc.") (Viewed 2 June 2016. C00014-19.)
1872-76 - The Rod and Gun magazineParker Bros. (1872-75; 1876-77). The rod and gun and American sportsman (magazine). (Updated 4 May 2016. A01075; A02352.)
1873 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1873). The Parker breech loading double barreled shotgun. 34 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1873 advertisementsSee the ads 1873 - advertisementPlummer, Lewis & Co., Tarboro, NC. (c. 16 January 1873). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Tarboro’ Southerner (Tarboro’, North Carolina), unknown page number, col. 8. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00924-25). 1873 - advertisementParker Bros. (c. 24 January 1873). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. Iowa Plain Dealer (New Oregon, Iowa), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00928-29). 1873 - advertisementParker Bros. (10 April 1873). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 26 July 2019. C01103). 1873 - advertisementParker Bros. (4 September 1873). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 3 August 2019. H01108). 1873 - advertisementParker Bro’s. (2 December 1873). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 3. (Viewed 3 August 2019. H01112). 1873 patentsSee the patents 1873 - patent - improvement in cartridge-holdersLeroy J. Gaines, assignor to Charles Parker. (18 March 1873). Letters patent no. 136,987: Improvement in cartridge-holders. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02545).
1873 - patent - improvement in tools for capping cartridgesJoseph L. Raub, assignor to Charles Parker. (8 April 1873; filed 7 March 1873). Letters patent no. 137,720: Improvement in tools for capping cartridges. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02546).
1873 - patent - improvement in cartridge capping and uncapping devicesGeorge V. McGraw, assignor to Charles Parker. (8 July 1873; filed 4 June 1873). Letters patent no. 140,718: Improvement in cartridge capping and uncapping devices. (Viewed 28 April 2018. AAA02662).
1874 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1874). [Catalogue], 34 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2020. H01461).
1874 - spotlighted advertisementParker Brothers, West Meriden, CT. (9 October 1874). Advertisement: "’ Parker,’ the pioneer gun... Medal and Diplomas Awarded the Parker Gun, When placed on exhibition in Competition, Open to the World.. " [with cropped image of gun]. Turf, Field and Farm, p. 273. (Viewed 7 June 2019. F00620).
"MEDAL AND DIPLOMA From the American Institute— 1869; 1874 - other advertisementsSee the ads 1874 - advertisementParker Brothers. (1874). Advertisement: "... Breech-loading double-barreled shot gun... send for circular... West Meriden... New York... " [with illustration of gun], (advertising section at end of directory, (p. 106). (Search directory for possible listings.) In The Connecticut Business Directory for 1874. Briggs & Co.: Boston. (Viewed 20 October 2020. F01535; F01552). 1874 - advertisementParker Bro’s. (2 September 1874). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 4 August 2019. H01114). 1874 - two advertisementsParker Bros. (22 & 23 September 1874). Advertisements: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican. (Viewed 14 July 2021. R01510-11).
1874 - advertisement(3 December 1874). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 4 October 2019. H01117). 1874 - three advertisementsParker Bros. (c. 4, 11, 25 December 1874). Advertisements: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Bolivar Bulletin (Bolivar, Tennessee). (Viewed 17 June 2019. D00834-37).
1874 - advertisementParker Bros. (25 December 1874). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Enquirer-Southerner (Tarboro’, North Carolina), page number unknown, col. 8. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00930-31). 1874 - patent - improvement in breech-loading fire-armsJoseph L. Raub, assignor to Charles Parker. (13 January 1874; filed 27 December 1873). Letters patent no. 146,473: Improvement in breech-loading fire-arms. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02556).
1874 - spotlighted article - Charles Parker acquires mansion of rival after auction(12 September 1874). The J. Wilcox property. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 4. (Viewed 28 November 2020. F01943). [1] "This beautiful mansion, which was sold to Wm. L. Bradley last Wednesday, is about to change hands, Hon. Chas. Parker being the prospective owner. It was stated on the streets this morning that Mr. Parker had purchased the property, and the circulation of the story created quite a stir..." (Excerpt from above.) For more about the Wilcox-Parker mansion, since demolished, with parlor room on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, see the Design Meriden - Jedediah Wilcox mansion, Beechwood Lodge, Meriden, CT resource page. The mansion was acquired in 1874 by Charles Parker. He and his descendents lived in the noted mansion for decades afterwards and held a number of events on site noted in the press.
c. 1874 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (c. 1874). [Catalog] of the celebrated Parker breech-loading, double-barreled shot gun. 26 pp. ("Has reduced price list for May 1874"). (C00014-20).
1875 - bird’s eye view mapO.H. Bailey & Co. (1875). City of Meriden, Conn 1875: [birds eye view]. Boston. [1 print; lithograph, 55 x 67 cm]. [“View of Meriden Conn. with fifty-eight public buildings, churches, businesses and factories identified at foot", including "25. Parker Bros. Gun Works".] (Viewed 21 May 2020. A00048; A01099; H01632-34). 1875 advertisementsSee the ads 1875 - advertisementParker Bros. (c. 9 January 1875). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Star of Pascagoula (Pascagoula, Mississippi), page number unknown, col. 6. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00926-27). 1875 - two advertisementsParker Bros. (c. 13 & 20 August 1875). Advertisements: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Bolivar Bulletin (Bolivar, Tennessee), page number unknown, col. 4. (Viewed 14 June 2019. B00934-37).
1875 - advertisementParker Bro’s. (12 October 1875). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 4 August 2019. H01122). 1875 - advertisementParker Bro’s. (3 December 1875). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 5 August 2019. H01123). 1875 - patent - improvement in breech-loading fire-armsCharles A. King, assignor to Charles Parker. (16 March 1875; filed 5 February 1875). Letters patent no. 160,915: Improvement in breech-loading fire-arms. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02547).
1876 - book mention - Parker Bros. in Centennial exhibition(1876). List of awards made by the United States Centennial Commission to the American Exhibitors, International Exhibition, 1876, at Philadelphia. [Exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876. Listed: Chas Parker (guns) (p. 56). The actual award received is not indicated in this text.] 134 pp. S. T. Souder & Company: Philadelphia. (Viewed 16 June 2016. A00841-42.) 1876 - book mention - Parker Bros. in Centennial exhibition(1877). Souvenir of the Centennial exhibition [1876]: Connecticut’s representation at Philadelphia. [Core section: pp 99-111; also see exhibits list: pp. 124-27; Exhibitors including Charles Parker (guns and vises).] 380 pp. Geo. D. Curtis: Hartford, CT. (Viewed 25 June 2016. A00965-75.) 1876 advertisementsSee the ads 1876 - advertisementParker Bros. (11 May 1876). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun... Send Stamp for Circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 6, col. 1. (Viewed 25 June 2020. L01500). 1876 - advertisementParker Bros. (1 June 1876). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, column 1. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00232). 1876 - advertisementParker Bros. (21 August 1876). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 14 July 2021. F01873). 1876 - advertisementParker Brothers. (c. 10 November 1876). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT [with cropped illustration of gun]. Iowa Plain Dealer (New Oregon, Iowa), page number unknown, col. 4. (Viewed 14 June 2019. B00914-15). 1876 - advertisementParker Bro’s. (1 December 1876). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World!! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 5 August 2019. H01126). 1876 - advertisementParker Bro’s. (9 & 11 December 1876). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun; Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s, West Meriden, CT..." [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican. (Viewed 3 July 2020. F01344-45).
1877 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1877). The Parker gun. Number of pages unknown. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1877 advertisementsSee the ads 1877 - two advertisementsParker Bros. (c. 11 & 25 January 1877). Advertisements: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. Saline County Journal (Salina, Kansas). (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00948-51).
1877 - advertisementParker Bro’s. (7 March 1877). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular... This Gun is the Best in the World! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 5 August 2019. H01130). 1877 - advertisementParker Brothers. (c. 16 March 1877). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT [with cropped illustration of gun]. Iowa Plain Dealer (New Oregon, Iowa), page number unknown, col. 4. (Viewed 14 June 2019. B00916-17). 1878 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1878, July 1). The Parker breech loading double barreled shotgun. 48 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1878 advertisementsSee the ads 1878 - advertisementParker Bros. (c. 21 February 1878). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Lake Charles Echo (Lake Charles, Louisiana), unknown page number, col. 5. (Viewed 17 June 2019. D00853-54). 1878 - advertisementParker Bros. (21 June 1878). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Democrat (Albany, Oregon), unknown page number, col. 3. (Viewed 18 June 2019. D00855-56). 1879 advertisementsSee the ads 1879 - two advertisements(15 & 29 January 1879). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun; Send stamp for circular..." [with cropped illustration of gun]. Forest Republican (Tionesta, PA). (Viewed 13 April 2020. D01089-90).
1879 - advertisementParker Bros. (c. 16 & 30 January 1879). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Saline County Journal (Salina, Kansas). (Viewed 27 June 2019. E00894-97).
1880s |
1880 - Parker Brothers in Melbourne exhibition(1880). Melbourne International Exhibition 1880; The official catalogue of the exhibits, with introductory notes of the countries exhibiting, v. II, second edition to the first issue. [Exhibition dates: 1 October 1880 - 30 April 1881; American exhibits, including Parker Brothers (Class 40.— Portable Weapons, and Hunting and Shooting Equipments) (p. 236). (Viewed 28 June 2016. A00997-1000.) 1880 - spotlighted article mention - Parker Brothers in Meriden Town Hall exhibition(24 September 1880). The State Fair. Full list of premiums [with mention "Products of Manufactures. Diplomas Awarded... Best Shot Guns— Parker Brothers, for the Parker Gun"]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1 & 4. (Viewed 1 November 2020. F01752). 1880 advertisementsSee the ads 1880 - advertisementParker Brothers. (1 April 1880). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun... Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. Manitowoc Pilot (Manitowoc, Wisconsin), unknown page number, col. 8. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00912-13). 1880 - two advertisementsLiddle & Kaeding, San Francisco, CA. (9 October & 3 November 1880). Advertisements: "... Agents for... Parker Bros... " [with possibly relevant abstract illustration]. San Francisco Chronicle, p. 2. (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00622-23).
1880 - patent - fastening for fore-end stocksCharles A. King, assignor to Charles Parker Company. (28 December 1880; filed 28 September 1880). Letters patent no. 235,881: Fastening for fore-end stocks. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02548).
1881 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1881). The Parker breech-loading, double-barreled shot-gun. 48 pp. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A01074.) 1881 - missing design catalogueParker & Whipple. (1881). [catalogue – cap pistols]. Number of pages unknown. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00049.)
1881 - design catalogue excerpt reprintParker & Whipple. (1881). Two pages from catalogue – cap pistols (1881). Reprinted in The Parker Story (pp. 990-91), (c. 1998-2000), The Parker Story Joint Venture Group. (Updated 24 April 2017. AAA00049. DM.)
1881 - news mention - in Australian World’s Fair, Melbourne(30 April 1881). Connecticut Awards in the Australian World’s Fair [with mention: "... Connecticut awards are given by the New York Herald as follows... Second Degree of Merit... Parker Brothers, Meriden, shot gun.... "] Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), presumably p. 2, col. 2. (Viewed 3 October 2018. B00701-02). 1881 - spotlighted news mention - in Meriden Town Hall exhibition(20 September 1881). The State Fair [with mention of Parker Bros.: " ... Parker Bros. exhibit a case of the beautiful breech loading guns... "]. Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1-2. (Viewed 29 September 2018. (B00573-79). 1881 - news mention - in Meriden Town Hall exhibition(23 September 1881). The State Fair [with mention: "... Diplomas were awarded to the following named for articles manufactured or displayed by them ... Chas. Parker Co., vises and shot guns ... "]. Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1-2. (Viewed 29 September 2018. B00570-72). 1881 advertisementsSee the ads 1881 - advertisementParker Bros. (1881). Advertisement: "The improved Parker breech loading shot gun... " [with photo of cropped gun], (p. 205). (Also see possible listings in business directory.) In Meriden directory for 1881; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory. Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 12 October 2020. F01486; F01507). 1881 - advertisementJoseph Mulhattan with Hart & Co., Louisville, KY. (12 January 1881). Advertisement: "... Hardware and Cutlery. Agents... Parker Breech-Loading Shot Gun... " [with no illustrations]. The Hartford Herald (Hartford, Kentucky), p. 1, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00918). 1881 - five advertisementsH. & D. Folsom, New York. (November - December 1881). Advertisements: "... a few choice Parker guns of latest style..." [with no related illustration]. Forest and Stream. (Viewed 23 April 2020. F00609-13).
1881 - advertisementParker Bros. (1 December 1881). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 7 August 2019. H01148). 1881 - patent - cartridge-closing machineChauncey Buckley, assignor to Charles Parker Company. (12 April 1881; filed 22 December 1880). Letters patent no. 239,930: Cartridge-closing machine. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02549).
1882 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1882, July 1). The Parker breech loading double barreled shotgun. 47 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1882 advertisementsSee the ads 1882 - advertisementThomas H. Briggs & Sons, Raleigh, NC. (c. 26 January 1882). Advertisement: "... The Celebrated Parker Guns always on hand... Send for our Catalogue... We were awarded First Premium at Last State Fair for best display of Guns and Gun Goods... " [with no illustrations]. The Farmer and Mechanic (Raleigh, North Carolina), unknown page number, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00919-20). 1882 - advertisementParker Bros. (2 March 1882). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 9 August 2019. H01159). 1882 - advertisementParker Bros. (22 September 1882). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 3 November 2020. F01773). 1882 - advertisementParker Bros. (6 December 1882). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 9 August 2019. H01162). 1883 - directory listing(12 September 1883). Comprehensive directory of the City of Meriden, Conn. [Listing: "Corporations. Manufacturing... Parker Bros.— The Parker Gun; capital, $200,000."] Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 24 October 2020. F01608). 1883 - spotlighted article mention - Parker Bros. in Meriden Town Hall exhibition(18 September 1883). The State Fair! A magnificent opening! The exhibition a success [with mention of Parker Bros.]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, cols. 2-6. (Viewed 8 November 2020. F01808). "... Parker Bros. have an upright show case, containing different kinds of breech loading guns ..." (Excerpt from above.) 1883 advertisementsSee the ads 1883 - advertisementParker Bros. (15 February 1883). Advertisement: "Parker Bros., Manufacturers of The Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun... Highest award at the Centennial. Won the First Premium Grand Medal and Diploma..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, column 7. (Viewed 10 September 2017. G00260). 1883 - three advertisementsParker Bros. (18, 19 & 21 September 1883). Advertisements: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican. (Viewed 14 July 2021. F01814-15; F01821).
1883 - advertisementParker Bros. (13 November 1883). Advertisement: "Parker Bros., Manufacturers of The Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, column 2. (Viewed 10 September 2017. G00262). 1884 - map(1884). Meriden, Connecticut map, (p. 7 showing area south of Hanover street and west of South Colony street and the "Parker Bros. Machine Shops Gun Fac."). Sanborn Map & Publishing Co. 14 leaves. (Viewed 21 November 2016. A01026; AAA00008.) 1884 - spotlighted news mention - at Meriden Town Hall, CT State Fair(16 September 1884). The State Fair! [with mention of Parker Bros.]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 3, cols. 3-5. (Viewed 30 September 2018. B00592-93). "Parker Bros. show a fine case of their famous shotguns of the latest and most improved style". (Excerpt from above.) 1884 advertisementsSee the ads 1884 - advertisementParker Bros. (2 February 1884). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the improved Parker breech-loading shot-gun... Meriden... New York... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 21 October 2020. F01611). 1884 - three advertisements(c. 16 February, c. 1 & 15 March 1884). Advertisements: "The Parker Gun!! Again Victorious at the late exposition at Melbourne, Australia... Parker Bros., Meriden, Conn.; Show rooms 97 Chambers St., New York." [with cropped image of gun]. St. Landry Democrat (Opelousas, Louisiana). (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00921-23).
1884 - advertisementParker Bros. (2 April 1884). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 10 August 2019. H01174). 1884 - advertisementParker Bros. (5 December 1884). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 20 July 2019. C01085). 1884 - text-based advertisementJ. F. Ives Gun store, presumably Meriden, CT. (5 December 1884). Advertisement: "Genuine Parker Guns; at J. F. Ives Gun store... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 9 August 2019. H01169). 1884 - advertisementLiddle & Kaeding, San Francisco, CA. (18 December 1884). Advertisement: "... Sole Agents for... Parker Brothers... " [with abstract illustrations]. San Francisco Chronicle, p. 3. (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00621).
1885 - article mention(16 September 1885). The bicycle races [at the State Fair!]; $200 in handsome prizes; a grand display of premiums— the manufacturers donate them [with mention of Charles Parker Co. (gun)]. Meriden Daily Republican (Supplement), p. 6, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 2 November 2020. F01610). "... The Charles Parker Co.; makes the most costly and soubstantial of the prizes. It is a Parker Gun... This famous gun has been constantly in use by Buffalo Bill... " (Excerpt from above.) 1885 advertisementsSee the ads 1885 - two advertisementsParker Bros. (8 & 22 January 1885). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun. Send stamp for circular; Parker Bro’s; West Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Weekly Crisis (Chillicothe, Missouri). (Viewed 16 April 2020. D01144-47).
1885 - advertisementParker Bros. (8 April 1885). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 12 August 2019. L01007). 1885 - advertisementParker Bros. (16 September 1885). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican (Supplement), p. 5, col. 1. (Viewed 14 July 2021. F01761). 1885 - advertisementParker Bros. (5 December 1885). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 9 August 2019. H01172). 1886 advertisementsSee the ads 1886 - advertisementParker Bros. (1886). Advertisement: "The improved Parker breech loading shot gun... Meriden... New York..." [with cropped illustration of gun], (p. 293). (Also see possible listings in business directory.) In Meriden directory for 1886; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory, a map.... Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 10 October 2020. F01485; F01501). 1886 - advertisementParker Bros. (4 February 1886). Advertisement: "Parker Bros., Manufacturers of... Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, column 1. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00227). 1886 - advertisementParker Brothers, Meriden, Conn. (August 1886). Advertisement: "The Parker gun... At the Second International Clay-Pigeon Tournament... more prizes were won with Parker guns... " [with cropped image of gun]. The Cosmopolitan; a Monthly Illustrated Magazine (New York), p. 3. (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00614-15).
1886 - advertisementParker Bros. (8 December 1886). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; [Simple,] Durable, Effective. [Highest] award at the Centennial... Send stamp for [Illustrated] Catalogue... [Salesrooms:] 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 10 August 2019. H01184). 1887 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1887). The Parker gun. 40 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1887 - article mention - predecessor companies(3 September 1887). Sinking Meriden money; many concerns that once prospered here and died [with mention of Parker Bros., Charles Parker Company, and their predecessor companies]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 2, col. 4. (Viewed 23 December 2020. F01985). "... [former Meriden businesses include] the Meriden Machine company that afterwards became Parker, Snow, Brooks & Co., and now is the Parker Bros.’ Gun shop concern. The Meriden Scale company is another one of the companies that the Charles Parker company absorbed and also the Meriden Sewing Machine company, the Wilmington Lumber company and the American Powder Flask company... Other corporations that once flourished here were ... the Meriden Manufacturing company... " (Excerpt from above.) 1887 advertisementsSee the ads 1887 - advertisement and directory listingsParker Bros. (1887). Advertisement: "The improved Parker breech loading shot gun... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. In Meriden directory for 1887, (p. 316). [Also, directory listings on pp. 229 (Forgers), 233 (Gun Manufacturers).] Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 21 May 2020. H01590; H01602; H01615-16). 1887 - advertisementParker Brothers. (February 1887). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun... " [with cropped image of gun]. The Cosmopolitan; a Monthly Illustrated Magazine, p. 5. (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00616-17).
1887 - advertisementParker Bros. (6 April 1887). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 10 August 2019. H01183). 1887 - two advertisementsHart Hardware Company, presumably Louisville, KY. (2 & 7 December 1887). Advertisement: "... Parker’s Breech-Loading Guns with latest improvements... " [with no illustrations]. Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky). (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00618-19).
1887 - advertisementBaum & Bernstein’s, presumably Meriden, CT. (28 October 1887). Advertisement: "Over $2,000 in valuable presents to be given away! ... Parker Breech-loading Shot Gun..." [clothing store purchase promotional lottery]. The Meriden Journal, p. 2, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 11 July 2023. C01440). 1887 - advertisementParker Bros. (5 December 1887). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 20 July 2019. C01081). 1888 advertisementsSee the ads 1888 - advertisementParker Bros. (4 January 1888). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 13 August 2019. L01014). 1888 - two advertisementsGeo. G. Brooks, presumably, Colusa, CA. (5 & 12 May 1888). Advertisements: "... Double-barrel breech loading guns... Parker Bros. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Weekly Colusa (Colusa, California). (Viewed 18 July 2019. C01041-44).
1888 - advertisementParker Bros. (10 July 1888). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 13 August 2019. L01015). 1889 - design brochureParker Brothers. (1889). The Parker Shot Gun (Gun description and price list). (“Parker Hammerless”). 2 pp. (Viewed 20 July 2016. AAA00032-32.)
1889 - missing booklet accompanying exposition - Parker Bros. at Meriden opera house(1889). Meriden Journal Souvenir [leather-bound booklet containing a list of the manufactories contributing to the exhibition at the Delavan Opera House, Meriden, 10 October 1889, and other companies in Meriden], 4 pp. (Viewed 13 September 2018. L00763; L00765-68).
"Parker Bros., Parker shot-guns." (Excerpt in full from article above; the company’s designs are reported to be in the exhibition.) 1889 - spotlighted article mention(29 June 1889). Meriden’s industries, their prosperous condition to-day... This in Meriden’s brief history; Introduction (with section on The Parker Factories ["... Parker lamps... vises... Parker Bros.’ Gun shop..."],) Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1 & 4. (Viewed 21 October 2020. F01597; F01618). "The factories in Meriden bearing the name of Parker produce a more varied line of goods than any other varied line of goods than any other establishment in the city... the famous Parker lamps... brass goods of all descriptions... vises... spoon shop... the celebrated Parker Bros.’ Gun shop... In Yalesville... coffee mills... In all 800 skilled workmen are employed... Goods are exported to South America, Australia and Mexico..." (Excerpt from above.) 1889 - spotlighted mention in article - Parker Bros. in Meriden opera house exhibition(10 October 1889). Americans in Meriden: Visit of the International American Congress [with small section describing Parker Bros. guns in exhibition]. Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1-2. (Viewed 9 September 2018. L00747-59).
"[The display] consisted of a rack containing 30 breechloading guns of their manufacture, showing the different sizes, weights and bores in which they are made. Some were hammerless, others had the hammer as of old. The case was plainly but attractively arranged." (Excerpt from above.) 1889 - other articlesSee the articles 1889 - news mention - in Meriden opera house exposition(10 October 1889). Our guests: Honored visitors here to-day [including mention of "a rack of the celebrated Parker shot-guns from Parker Bros." being exhibited]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1. (Viewed 15 September 2018. L00769-83). 1889 - news mention - in Meriden opera house exposition(10 October 1889). Notes of the visit: Meriden’s enterprise on this occasion praised by all [including mention of Parker Bros. guns, with excerpts from New Haven Register and Hartford Post]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1. (Viewed 15 September 2018. L00781-83). 1889 - news mention - Meriden opera house exhibition(11 October 1889). The show photographed: Fine pictures of the Opera House exhibit made. ["The best of them will be forwarded to Frank Leslie’s paper— what the state and New York press has to say about Meriden", with excerpts from Hartford Courant, Hartford Times, New Haven Register, New York Herald, New York Tribune, Waterbury Republican, with no specific mention of Parker Bros.]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1. (Viewed 14 September 2018. L00785-89). 1889 - news mention(November 1889). Trade gossip (including paragraph about exposition at the Delavan Opera House, Meriden, including mention of Charles Parker Co., and attendance by the American International Congress). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 113. (Viewed 10 September 2018. L00760-61.) 1889 advertisementsSee the ads 1889 - advertisementParker Bros. (10 April 1889). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 13 August 2019. L01025). 1889 - advertisementParker Bros. (29 June 1889). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the improved Parker breech-loading shot gun... Meriden... New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 21 October 2020. F01618). 1889 - advertisementParker Bros. (24 August 1889). Advertisement: "The Parker Gun; Hammer and Hammerless Double Barrel Shot Guns... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. St. Landry Democrat (Opelousas, Louisiana), p. 1, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 30 April 2020. H01284-85). 1889 - two advertisementsC. B. Pike, Whitehall, NY. (30 August & 27 September 1889). Advertisements: "Are you in need of a gun? ... Parker Gun... " [with no product illustrations]. The Granville Sentinel (Granville, New York). (Viewed 3 July 2019. F01058-61).
1889 - advertisementParker Bros. (6 December 1889). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 11 August 2019. H01190). |
1890s |
1890 advertisementsSee the ads 1890 - advertisementParker Bros. (9 April 1890). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 14 August 2019. L01034). 1890 - advertisementParker Bros. (10 July 1890). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 14 July 2021. F01633). 1890 - advertisementParker Bros. (15 August 1890). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 14 July 2021. F01638). 1890 - advertisementJ. B. Field & Co., Detroit, Michigan. (17 August 1890). Advertisement: "... Parker Hammer Guns... " [with possibly relevant illustration of man holding a gun]. Detroit Free Press, p. 5. (Viewed 7 June 2019. F00654).
1890 - advertisementParker Bros. (18 November 1890). Advertisement: "The Parker Hammerless Shotgun... Send for illustrated circular... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Sacramento Record-Union (California), p. 2, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 18 July 2019. C01045-46). 1890 - advertisementParker Bros. (8 December 1890). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, D[urable], [E]ffective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 11 August 2019. H01194). 1891 - historical information(1891). On "Parker Bros.", (pp. 158). In Connecticut of to-day: Its chief business centres. Acme Publishing and Engraving: New York. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01543; A01551.) 1891 advertisementsSee the ads 1891 - advertisementParker Bros. (2 January 1891). Advertisement: "Parker Bros., Manufacturers of The Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot Gun..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, column 2. (Viewed 11 September 2017. G00221). 1891 - advertisementParker Bros. (2 September 1891). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 16 August 2019. L01043). 1891 - listingParker Bros. (14 October 1891). Listing: "Manufacturers of the celebrated ’Parker’ Hammerless and Hammer guns..." Meriden Daily Journal, p. 3, cols. 2. (Viewed 22 April 2020. D01258; D01260). 1891 - directory listing(19 December 1891). Classified business directory: "... Gun Manufacturers; Parker Bros., manufacturers of the celebrated ’Parker’ Hammerless and Hammer guns... " Meriden Daily Journal, p. 13, col. 2. (Viewed 14 July 2021. F01885). 1892 advertisementsSee the ads 1892 - advertisementParker Bros. (30 November 1892). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 12 August 2019. L01002). 1892 - advertisementParker Bros. (14 December 1892). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01045). 1893 - historical informationD.H. Hurd & Co. (1893). "Parker Hammer and Hammerless Shot Gun", (p. 212), and building illustration. In Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. Compiled from government surveys, county records and personal investigations. Boston, MA; 223 pp. (Updated 11 October 2017. A00749-51.)
1893 - Parker Brothers in Columbian Exposition(1893). World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893 (Chicago), Official catalogue, Part VIII. [Exhibition dates: 1 May - 30 October 1893; Listed: Parker Bros (guns), (p. 41)]. W. B. Conkey Company: Chicago. (Viewed 16 June 2016. A00850-56.) 1893 - Parker Brothers in Columbian Exposition(1898). Connecticut at the World’s Fair: Report of the commissioners from Connecticut of the Columbian Exhibition of 1893 at Chicago. [Listed: Parker Brothers (p. 130)]. Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company: Hartford, CT. (Viewed 2 March 2017. A01528-31.) 1893 - directory listing(1893). "Parker Bros." listing. In The New England business directory and gazetteer, [p. 1429 (Fire Arms)]. (Sampson, Murdock & Co.: Boston, MA). (Viewed 5 May 2020. H01389-90).
1893 advertisementsSee the ads 1893 - advertisementR. Liddle & Co., San Francisco, CA. (14 September 1893). Advertisement: "... Parker Bros. ... Shotguns... Wholesale and Retail... Send 3-cent stamp for Catalogue" [with abstract illustration of a man holding a gun]. San Francisco Call (California), p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 18 July 2019. C01039-40). 1893 - advertisementParker Bros. (5 April 1893). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01055). 1893 - advertisementParker Bros. (6 December 1893). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01062). 1894 - historical informationMoore, William F. (1894). On "Charles Parker", (pp. 84-6 with portrait illustration). In Representative men of Connecticut, 1861-1894. Massachusetts Publishing Co.: Everett, MA. (Viewed 28 May 2017. A02458; A02465-67.) 1894 - spotlighted news mention - Parker Bros. to be in New York exposition(25 November 1894). "First sportsmen’s exposition" [general exposition preview]. Hardware, p. 21. (Viewed 21 September 2017. G00587.) 1894 advertisementsSee the ads 1894 - advertisementParker Bros. (7 March 1894). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01067). 1894 - two advertisementsE. B. Muchmore, presumably East Hampton, NY. (21 & 28 September 1894). Advertisements: "... Parker Guns... " [with no related illustration]. The East Hampton Star (East Hampton, New York). (Viewed 6 June 2019. F00630-32).
1894 - six advertisementsParker Bros. (October-December 1894). Advertisements: "... The Parker Gun..." [with cropped image of gun]. Hardware. (Viewed 21 September 2017. G00545; G00550; G00561; G00569; G00576; G00586.)
1894 - advertisementParker Bros. (12 December 1894). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of the Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot-Gun; Simple, Durable, Effective. Highest award at the Centennial... Send stamp for Illustrated Catalogue... Salesrooms: 97 Chambers St., New York" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 1. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01068). 1895 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1895, March 1). The Parker gun. 36 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Viewed 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1895 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1895). Catalogue. Number of pages unknown. (In c. 1974-76, L. Baer writes, “The rarest of all Parker catalogues was issued, the showroom factory catalog. Only one of these is known to exist…”) No copy in a public library known to exist. (Viewed 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1895 - historical informationHall, Henry. (1895). "Charles Parker", owner / manufacturer, Charles Parker Company, including Meriden Curtain Fixture Company, with illustration (pp. 608-10). In America’s successful men of affairs. An encyclopedia of contemporaneous biography (vol II). The New York Tribune; 1074 pp. (Viewed 2 June 2016. A00746-48.)
1895 - spotlighted news mention - Parker Bros. in First Annual Sportsmen’s Exposition(25 May 1895). First Annual Sportsmen’s Exposition [Madison Square Garden, New York, 13 - 18 May 1895; with 11-paragraph section on Parker Bros. (guns) and photo of exhibit]. Forest and Stream, pp. 417 and 13 additional pages. (Viewed 15 December 2018. L00818).
"... 75 [guns were shown]... a very complete line, from cheap grades up to the highest price pigeon guns. These latter are in a nicely padded revolving case, and being so accessible were perhaps more generally observed than the long double row of sturdy 12s, and 10s, within the big case. Even some 8-gauges were on hand." (Excerpt from article above.) 1895 articlesSee the articles 1895 - article mention(25 February 1895). Oldest manufacturer [Charles Parker]; he is also the senior farmer of the town and mayor of the city— sketch of a busy life [with illustration / portrait of Charles Parker] [with mentions about the Charles Parker Company, Parker Bros., Meriden Curtain Fixture Co., Parker Clock Co., vises, and his Broad Street mansion and Jedediah Wilcox; additional mention that his company was a stockholder in C. F. Monroe Co., presumably the Meriden Bronze Co., and Wilcox Silver Plate Co.]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 7, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 23 December 2020. D01504). 1895 - news mention - Parker Bros. in Sportsmen’s Exposition(18 May 1895). The Sportsmen’s Exposition [with mention of Parker Bros. in list of exhibitors of guns as well as "handsome Parker cases"]. Forest and stream, page numbers unknown. (Viewed 11 November 2018. D00456).
1895 - news mention(12 August 1895). Meriden’s factories [including mention of the Parker Brothers’ Gun shop as the 11th largest factory in Meriden]. The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 27 September 2018. B00517-18). 1895 - spotlighted advertisement - Parker Brothers in New York exposition(10 April 1895). First Annual Sportsmen’s Exposition, Madison Square Garden, New York City advertisement (13-18 May 1895). [Exhibitor: Parker Bros. & Co.] In Hardware, v. 11, p. 92. (Viewed 30 April 2017. A02334; A02336.) 1895 - other advertisementsSee the ads 1895 - advertisementParker Bros. (1 March 1895). Advertisement: "Parker Bros., Manufacturers of The Improved Parker Breech-Loading Shot Gun..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, column 1. (Viewed 11 September 2017. G00233). 1895 - advertisementParker Bros. (10 April 1895). Advertisement: The Parker gun. ["New York Salesroom, 97 Chambers Street".] In (10 April 1895), Hardware v. 11, p. 131. (Viewed 30 April 2017. A02334; A02339.) 1895 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (12 December 1895). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 19 August 2019. L01095). 1896 - spotlighted news mention - Parker Bros. in Sportsmen’s Exposition(February 1896). The Sportsmen’s Exhibition ["... Many of the more prominent exhibitors last year, such as... Parker Brothers... have taken increased or more prominently located spaces... "]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, p. 249-50. (Viewed 30 June 2020. F01284; G00976). 1896 - other articlesSee the articles 1896 - news mention - Parker Bros. in Sportsmen’s Exposition(28 March 1896). The Sportsmen’s Exposition: Exhibitors and exhibits [with section on Parker Bros. and photo of exhibit]. Forest and Stream, pp. 252 with 6 additional pages. (Viewed 15 December 2018. L00820).
"Parker Bros. had in all about eighty guns exhibited, from 8-gauge to 20-gauge, from 14 lbs. to 5 1/2 lbs., from $100 to $65... Two new things were to be seen at the Parker Bros. space. There was a $100 list steel barrel gun... Another and very interesting thing was shown in a reinforced gun stock which it is a wonder no one has thought of before..." (Excerpt from above.) 1896 - news mention - Parker Bros. in Sportsmen’s Exposition, New York(15 March 1896). From stream and forest [about the 1896 Sportsmen’s Exposition, New York with Parker Brothers listed as exhibitor]. New York Times, p. 12. (Viewed 11 November 2018. D00458).
1896 advertisementsSee the ads 1896 - advertisement - Parker Bros. in Sportsmen’s ExpositionSportsmen’s Exposition, New York. (18 January 1896). Advertisement: "The Second Annual Sportsmen’s Exposition... Madison Square Garden, New York, March 16 to 21, 1896... Parker Bros. ..." Forest and Stream, p. 65. (Viewed 15 December 2018. L00819).
1896 - advertisementSportsmen’s Exposition. (February 1896). Advertisement: "The Second Annual Sportsmen’s Exposition... Madison Square Garden, New York, March 16 to 21, 1896... Among those to whom spaces have been awarded and reserved thus far are the following... Parker Bros. ... " [with no illustrations]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, p. 200. (Viewed 30 June 2020. G00470.) 1896 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (4 March 1896). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coff[ee] Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Org[an] Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 23 August 2019. L01096). 1896 - three advertisementsParker Bros. (April 1896). Advertisements: "The Parker Gun... Ask your dealer for them, or send for catalogue... Parker Bros. ... New York Salesroom, 97 Chamber St.; Meriden, CT" [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Forest Republican (Tionesta, Pennsylvania). (Viewed 26 August 2020. E01153-55).
1896 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (1 September 1896). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coff[ee] Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Org[an] Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun[.] N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. S[t.] Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 25 June 2020. F01204). 1896 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (3 December 1896). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 23 June 2020. L01476). 1897 - spotlighted news mention - Parker Bros. in Sportsmen’s Exposition(20 March 1897). The Sportsmen’s Exposition [13 March - c. 18 March 1897, including section on Parker Bros. with photo of stand]. Forest and Stream, pp. 230- presumably p. 235. (Viewed 11 November 2018. L00822).
"... The guns [are] displayed on two diamond-shaped racks and a circular one which revolves. They rest nudely in their racks, beautiful works of art, fine workmanship and utility... perfect fitting, the elegant engraving, rich material used in the construction, artistic designing, and their general excellence. There are displayed in all eighty guns... in gauges they are from 8 to 20... " (Excerpt from above.) 1897 - news mention - Parker Bros. in Sportsmen’s Exposition(14 March 1897). The Sportsmen’s show [13 March - c. 18 March 1897, including mention of "Parker Gun Company" among exhibitors of firearms]. New York Times, pp. SM9 - presumably SM12. (Viewed 11 November 2018. L00821).
1897 advertisementsSee the ads 1897 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (3 March 1897). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 3, col. 7. (Viewed 23 June 2020. L01478). 1897 - advertisementCharles Parker Company. (6 April 1897). Advertisement: "Charles Parker Co., Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises... Spoons... The Celebrated Parker Gun.." Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, column 7. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00246.) 1897 - advertisementParker Bros. (c. 22 October 1897). Advertisement: "The Old Reliable Parker Gun... has no equal! ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Black Hill Union (Rapid City, South Dakota), page number unknown, col. 1. (Viewed 14 June 2019. F00932-33). 1897 - patent - ejecting mechanism for drop-down gunsDaniel M. Winans, assignor to Charles Parker Company. (9 November 1897; filed 22 March 1897). Letters patent no. 593,408; serial no. 628,570: Ejecting mechanism for drop-down guns. (Viewed 28 April 2018. AAA02659).
c. 1897 - design catalogue(c. 1897). Parker hammer and hammerless guns. In 1968 reprint, Israel, Fred L. (Ed.), 1897 Sears Roebuck catalogue, p. 562. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. (Viewed 9 May 2017. A02406-07.) c. 1897 - book mentionDavis, William T. (Ed.) (c. 1897). On "Parker Brothers", (p. 931-32). In The New England states, their constitutional, judicial, educational, commercial, professional and industrial history, vol. 2. Boston: D. H. Hurd & Co. (Viewed 9 June 2017. A02626; A02633; A02640.) c. 1897 - book mentionDavis, William T. (Ed.) (c. 1897). On "Charles Parker" (pp. 1079-80 with illustration). In The New England states, their constitutional, judicial, educational, commercial, professional and industrial history, vol. 2. Boston: D. H. Hurd & Co. (Viewed 1 August 2017. A02626; A02794-95.) 1898 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1898). The Parker shotguns. 23 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1898 - spotlighted news mention - Parker Bros. in New England’s Sportsmen’s Exposition(19 March 1898). The Sportsmen’s Exposition [12 March - c. 25 March 1898, with mention of Parker Bros. as exhibitor]. Forest and Stream, p. 231. (Viewed 15 December 2018. L00823).
1898 advertisementsSee the ads 1898 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (6 September 1898). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Orga[n] Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 26 June 2020. F01232). 1898 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (30 November 1898). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 7. (Viewed 26 June 2020. F01210). 1898 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (7 December 1898). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 24 June 2020. L01495). 1899 - missing posterParker Brothers. (1899). Poster. ["The only known Parker Post was offered, stating the Parker as the best and lowest priced shotgun in the world. These are practically unknown, and super rare."] No copy in a public library/collection known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1899 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1899, April 1). Parker Bros. 23 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1899 - spotlighted news mention - Sportsmen’s Exposition, New York(11 March 1899). The Sportsmen’s Exposition [c. 11 March 1899, including section on Parker Bros. and mention: "display a full range of the shotguns which they manufacture"]. Forest and Stream, pp. 188- presumably 191. (Viewed 11 November 2018. L00824).
1899 advertisementsSee the ads 1899 - advertisementChas. Parker Co. (6 April 1899). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 25 June 2020. F01205). 1899 - advertisementGhas. [sic] Parker Co. (7 September 1899). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of The Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 27 June 2020. F01241). 1899 - advertisementSchoverling, Daly & Gales, New York. (17 September 1899). Advertisement: "... Shot guns! ... Parker Guns... Parker Bros. Hammerless; laminated barrels, 10 gauge, 30 in., 9 lbs. ... Two twist barrel guns, 10 gauge, 30 and 32 inch... 12 gauge, 28 inch, 7 lbs. Damascus barrel... 10 gauge, 32 inch, 9 lbs. Damascus... 10 gauge, 30 inch, 9 lbs. Damascus... 10 guage, 30 inch, 10 lbs., job, Damascus... " [with no illustrations]. New York Times, p. 12. (Viewed 7 June 2019. F00655).
1899 - advertisementSchoverling, Daly & Gales, New York. (17 September 1899). Advertisement: "Sportsman’s Goods. Shot Guns! ... Parker Guns. Parker Bros. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Sun, (New York), p. 8, col. 7. (Viewed 19 April 2020. D01191). 1899 - advertisementChas. Parker Co. (7 December 1899). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 24 June 2020. L01485). c. 1899 - design catalogue reprintParker Bros. (c. 1899). [catalogue]. In Amber, John T. (compiler), (1952), Ten rare gun catalogs, 1860-1899. New York: Greenberg. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A02355-57.) |
1900s | 1900 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1900). The Parker gun. Number of pages unknown. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1900 advertisementsSee the ads 1900 - advertisementChas. Parker Co. (5 April 1900). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 24 June 2020. L01496). 1900 - advertisementGhas. [sic] Parker Co. (13 September 1900). Advertisement: "Manufacturers of Hardware, Vises, Wood Screws, Coffee Mills, Cabinet Locks, Spoons, etc. Lamps and Chandeliers, Piano and Organ Stools, Scarfs, Music Cabinets, Ornamental Boxes. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Parker Gun. N. Y. Salesrooms, 97 Chambers. St. Factories: Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 27 June 2020. F01239). 1901 articlesSee the articles 1901 - news brief(25 July 1901). [Parker] gun wins American handicap. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 14 July 2021. R01512). 1901 - article(5 September 1901). Parker Gun Club Labor Day Shoot; Was largely attended and some excellent scores were made; Wilbur F. Parker led. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 27 June 2020. F01242-45). 1901 advertisementsSee the ads 1901 - advertisementBuffalo Arms Co., Buffalo, NY. (c. 23 August 1901). Advertisement: "Guns, Ammunition... Parker Guns..." [with abstract, cropped image of gun]. The Portville Autograph (Portville, New York), unknown page number, col. 3. (Viewed 5 June 2019. E00751). 1901 - two advertisementsWalford’s, Washington, DC. (28 & 30 November 1901). Advertisements: "Parker Guns... " [with no illustration]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 3 July 2020. F01348-49).
1901 - patent - ejector mechanism for breech-loading firearmsCharles A. King and James P. Hayes, assignors to Charles Parker Company. (7 May 1901; filed 31 December 1900). Letters patent no. 673,641; serial no. 41,553: Ejector mechanism for breech-loading firearms. (Viewed 25 April 2018. AAA02550).
1902 - spotlighted article mention - death of Charles Parker(6 February 1902). Death of Hon. Chas. Parker end came at 1:15 Friday [at his home; with portrait photo, biographical information, and mention of "Parker Brothers, manufacturers of the celebrated Parker gun"]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 4, cols. 5-6. (17 December 2020. D01601). 1902 - article - Charles Parker obituary(March 1902). The late Charles Parker [with illustration / portrait of Parker; "Charles Parker, president of the Charles Parker Co., Meriden, Conn., died January 31st... "]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, pp. 399-400. (Viewed 29 August 2020. E01279-80). 1902 - article(4 September 1902). Big shoot of Parker Gun Club ["... Among the famous shots who were present were: Frank E. Butler, husband of Annie Oakley of Buffalo Bill fame... "]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 5, col. 3. (Viewed 29 June 2020. F01275-77). 1902 advertisementsSee the ads 1902 - advertisementE. O. Hall & Son, Ltd., Honolulu. (27 June 1902). Advertisement: "100,000 shot gun cartridges... New stock of Parker... Shotguns..." [wth no related llustrations]. Evening Bulletin (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands), p. 3, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 15 April 2020. D01139). 1902 - advertisementParker Bros. (6 December 1902). Advertisement: "The ’old reliable’ Parker Gun has no equal... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Middletown Transcript (Middletown, Delaware), presumably p. 2, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 16 April 2020. D01148-49). c. 1902 - design catalogue(c. 1902). Parker Brothers hammer and hammerless guns. In 1969 reprint, 1902 Sears Roebuck catalogue, p. 297. Crown Publishers. (Viewed 9 May 2017. A02414; A02417.) 1903 - spotlighted news mention - Parker Bros. in Tri-State Automobile and Sportsmen’s Show(8 February 1903). Tri-State Automobile and Sportsmen’s Show [9 - 14 February 1903; with Parker Bros. listed as exhibitor]. Detroit Free Press, p. B11. (Viewed 15 December 2018. L00832).
1903 advertisementsSee the ads 1903 - advertisementHanlon Bros., presumably Medina, NY. (13 August 1903). Advertisement: "... Guns and Ammunition. Every ... Parker gun is covered by a binding guarantee... All these guns are made on the latests and most improved mechanical lines... " [with no relevant illustrations]. The Medina Tribune (Medina, New York), p. 8, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 11 June 2019. F00838-39). 1903 - advertisementHanlon Bros., presumably Medina, NY. (20 August 1903). Advertisement: "... Every ... Parker gun is covered by a binding guarantee... All these guns are made on the latests and most improved mechanical lines... " [with no relevant illustrations]. The Medina Tribune (Medina, New York), unknown page number, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 11 June 2019. F00840-41). 1903 - advertisementAnderson Hardware Co., Atlanta GA. (23 October 1903). Advertisement: "Get Ready for the Birds! ... Parker Guns... " [with possibly relevant illustration]. Atlanta Constitution, p. 9. (Viewed 7 June 2019. F00656).
1904 advertisementsSee the ads 1904 - text-based advertisementParker Brothers. (17 March 1904). Text-based advertisement: "If you do any shooting use the best kind of gun. For more than forty years Parker Brothers, of Meriden, Conn., have been making shot guns and the testimony of experts is that the Parker guns are the best." [With no illustration]. The Independent (New York), p. V. (Viewed 7 June 2019. F00657)
1904 - advertisementParker Bros., Meriden, Conn. (28 April 1904). Advertisement: "... The Parker Guns stand supreme in the hearts of true sportsmen... " [with no illustrations]. The Independent (New York), p. IV. (Viewed 9 June 2019. F00658).
1904 - advertisementParker Brothers. (6 August 1904). Advertisement: "Why should it be necessary to tell of victories Won with the Parker Gun? ... " [with image of cropped gun]. Forest and Stream, p. VII. (Viewed 9 June 2019. F00659).
1905 advertisementsSee the ads 1905 - advertisementClarke-Hardware, Richmond, VA. (7 November 1905). Advertisement: "Guns... Parker... and other makes... " [with presumably no product illustration]. The Times-dispatch (Richmond, Virginia), p. 8, col. 7. (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00044). 1905 - advertisementDurant Hardware Co., presumably Sumter, SC. (22 November 1905). Advertisement: "... We have the right prices. Parker... Guns... " [with no product illustrations]. The Watchman and Southron (Sumter, South Carolina), presumably p. 7, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 13 January 2021. C01538). 1906 - historical informationGillespie, Charles Bancroft & Curtis, George Munson. (1906). "Charles Parker Company" section including illustrations of buildings, (pp. 48-54). In A century of Meriden: A historic record and pictorial description of the town of Meriden, Connecticut and the men who made it, from earliest settlement to close of its first century of incorporation, (Part III). 1248 pp overall. (Viewed 19 November 2016. A00791-92.) 1906 - historical informationGillespie, Charles Bancroft & Curtis, George Munson. (1906). Biographies of Charles Parker Company management: Charles Parker [pp. 310-16 including portrait); Dexter Parker (pp. 316-17 including portrait (p. 313) and house (p. 315)]. In A century of Meriden: A historic record and pictorial description of the town of Meriden, Connecticut and the men who made it, from earliest settlement to close of its first century of incorporation, (Part II). 1248 pp overall. (Viewed 19 November 2016. A00791-92.) 1906 - news brief(1 March 1906). Increasing gun trade; celebrating Parker Gun having a more extended sale. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 3 July 2020. F01343). 1906 advertisementsSee the ads 1906 - advertisementAbraham and Straus, presumably Brooklyn, NY. (26 January 1906). Advertisement: "... Guns for the Southland; A complete assortment... Double barrel hammerless Guns: Parker [Bros.] ... " [with no specific product illustration]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 8, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 30 December 2021. Q01124).
1906 - advertisementParker Brothers. (18 May 1906). Advertisement: "The ’Old Reliable’ ... No. 31 Cherry Street, Meriden, Conn.; New York Salesrooms, 32 Warren St. ... " [with abstract cropped image of gun]. The Hartford Courant, p. 27, cols. 3-5. (Viewed 5 June 2019. E00710).
1906 - advertisementParker Bros. (14 June 1906). Advertisement: "Home of the Parker Gun, ’The Old Reliable’, Salesrooms and Factory, 26 Cherry Street" [no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 23 October 2018. B01192-95). 1907 advertisementsSee the ads 1907 - advertisementTufts-Lyon Arms Co., Los Angeles, CA. (12 September 1907). Advertisement: "We Want to Talk to You About Shotguns... Parker Bros. ... " [with no illustrations]. Los Angeles Herald, p. 8, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 18 July 2019. C01053-54). 1907 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (10 December 1907). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables; Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures... New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, col. 2. (Viewed 29 June 2020. F01271). 1908 - spotlighted article mention(4 July 1908). The fame of Meriden is world wide; articles manufactured here are to be seen in almost every country [with mention of Parker (Bros.)]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 22 October 2020. F01621). "... The Parker gun has proclaimed the fame of Meriden in the wilds of Africa and almost every [country] in the world... " (Excerpt from above.) 1908 advertisementsSee the ads 1908 - advertisementKimball-Upson Co., Sacramento, CA. (18 January 1908). Advertisement: "... Hammer Shotguns... Parker Bros. shotgun..." [with no related illustration]. Sacramento Union (California), p. 8, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 20 April 2020. D01214-16). 1908 - advertisementKimball-Upson Co., Sacramento, CA. (20 January 1908). Advertisement: "... Hammerless double guns... Parker Bros. ..." [with no related illustrations]. Sacramento Union (California), p. 8, col. 4. (Viewed 20 April 2020 2019. D01216-17). 1908 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (2 April 1908). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 30 June 2020. F01293). 1908 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (11 June 1908). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 23 October 2020. F01624). 1908 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (4 July 1908). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the Parker gun; Parker lamp; Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 22 October 2020. F01622). 1908 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (8 September 1908). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01297). 1908 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (15 December 1908). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01298). 1909 - design catalogueAbercrombie & Fitch Co. (1909). [1909 catalogue]. [Including Parker Bros. hammerless guns (with illustration), (p. 250).] New York: Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (Viewed 29 April 2020. H01269a-d).
1909 - news brief mention(14 December 1909). Local factories get high praise; Parker Company for Guns and Wilcox & White for pianos ["W. A. Kelsey, who is now in London en route for India, writes... the Parker gun of Meriden, undoubtably leads all in this country... "]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 3 July 2020. F01346). 1909 advertisementsSee the ads 1909 - advertisementKimball-Upson Co.’s, Sacramento, CA. (29 January 1909). Advertisement: "... Closing out 10 gauge Parker Bros. ..." [with no Parker-specific illustration]. Sacramento Union (California), p. 8, col. 5. (Viewed 17 May 2020. H01567-69). 1909 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (6 April 1909). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01299). 1909 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (7 September 1909). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01300). 1909 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (23 September 1909). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 23 October 2020. F01627). 1909 - advertisementKimball-Upson Co.’s, Sacramento, CA. (21 October 1909). Advertisement: "... Guns, Guns! About 4000 in stock... Parker Bros. ... " [with no related illustrations]. Sacramento Union (California), p. 8, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 17 May 2020. H01070-72). 1909 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (14 December 1909). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of The Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 3 July 2020. F01347). |
1910s |
1910 advertisementsSee the ads 1910 - advertisementThe Charles Parker Co. (1 January 1910). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the Parker gun; Parker lamp; Gas and electric portables, gimlet-pointed wood screws, vises, coffee and spice mills, bath room fixtures... New York office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7. (Viewed 31 January 2021. R00213).
1910 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (5 April 1910). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the Parker Gun; Parker Lamp; Gas and Electric Portables, Gimlet-Pointed Wood Screws, Vises, Coffee and Spice Mills, Bath Room Fixtures; New York Office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 11 July 2020. L01513). 1910 - advertisementWalford’s Sporting Goods, Washington, DC. (23 October 1910). Advertisement: "Special sale on shotguns... Parker Guns, 12, 16, 20, 28 gauges... " [with no illustrations]. Sunday Star / Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 2, col. 8. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01156). 1910 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1910). The Parker gun: known the world over as "the old reliable": manufactured by Parker Brothers, Meriden, Conn. 32 pp. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A02353.) 1910 - design catalogue reprintParker Brothers. (1910). The Parker gun: known the world over as "the old reliable" : manufactured by Parker Brothers, Meriden, Conn. 32 pp. Reprint: Livonia, N.Y. : R. & R. Books, [between 1990-1999?]. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A02354.) 1911 advertisementsSee the ads 1911 - advertisementCharles Parker Co. (7 January 1911). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the Parker gun; Parker lamp; Gas and electric portables, gimlet-pointed wood screws, vises, coffee and spice mills, bath room fixtures... New York office 32 Warren Street" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 29 June 2021. R00214). 1911 - two advertisementsCharles Parker Company. (16 February 1911). Advertisement: "The Charles Parker Co., Meriden, Conn., Manufacturers of the Parker Gun, Parker Lamp... Vises..." Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, column 2 and p. 7. column 2. (Viewed 12 September 2017. G00249; G00251.)
1911 - advertisementNational Sporting Goods Co., Washington, DC. (15 December 1911). Advertisement: "Your Christmas Money ... The Parker Gun... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Washington Times, (Washington, DC), presumably p. 21, col. 3. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01157-59). 1912 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1912). The Parker gun (embossed pine needle and combs on cover) brown cover. 32 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1912 advertisementsSee the ads 1912 - advertisementParker Bros. (29 June 1912). Advertisement: "Parker Guns... Parker Bros., Meriden, Conn., New York Salesrooms, 32 Warren Street ..." Forest and Stream, p. 835. (10 December 2018. L00833).
1912 - advertisementGeorge A Emmons, Washington, DC. (7 November 1912). Advertisement: "The best and safest gun for the sportsman is the Hammerless Parker..." [with no illustrations]. Washington Herald (Washington, DC), p. 10, col. 7. (Viewed 25 September 2020. E01519). 1913 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1913). The Parker gun. 23 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1913 advertisementsSee the ads 1913 - advertisementWalford’s, Washington, DC. (21 September 1913). Advertisement: "Special inducements to gunners this week. .... Parker Double-barrel Hammerless Gun— 12, 16 and 20 gauge... " [with abstract, cropped illustration of gun]. Sunday Star (Washington, DC), p. 2, col. 8. (Viewed 28 December 2020. D01649). 1913 - advertisementH. L. Finkelsteins Loan Office, presumably Asheville, NC. (presumably 18 December 1913). Advertisement: "... Notice to Sportsmen... We have a complete stock of Shot Guns, Parker Bros. ... A few specials: 4 only. Parker Bros., hammerless guns, 12 and 16 gauge... " [with no illustrations]. Western Carolina Democrat (Hendersonville, North Carolina), presumably p. 11, col. 2. (Viewed 28 December 2020. D01650). 1914 - design catalogueWyeth Hardware & Manufacturing Company. (1914). Wyeth’s Annual Catalogue (1914 Hardware Edition, catalog no. 104). [Includes Parker Bros. double barrel shot guns (Hammerless, with illustrations), p. 1035.] St. Joseph, Missouri: Wyeth Hardware & Manufacturing Company. (Viewed 27 April 2020. H01227).
1914 - spotlighted article(7 March 1914). Parker gun for Nicholas Czar of Russia. ["It was reported about the Parker gun shop to-day that the Meriden concern was building a shot gun for the Czar of Russia... "] Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1., col. 6. (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01179-80). 1914 advertisementsSee the ads 1914 - advertisementWalford’s, Washington, DC. (6 September 1914). Advertisement: "Your shooting will be best with these reliable guns and rifles... 16, and 20 gauge Parker guns... " [with no illustrations]. Washington Herald (Washington, DC), p. 6, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01651). 1914 - two advertisementsParker Bros., Meriden, Conn. (6 & 27 December 1914). Advertisements: "The ’Old Reliable’ Parker Gun... " [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York, NY). (Viewed 3 July 2019. F01062-65).
1915 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1915). The Parker gun (pine needles) green cover. 32 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1915 advertisementsSee the ads 1915 - advertisementHuseman & Ford, Washington, DC. (8 March 1915). Advertisement: "... sporting goods store... Special agents for Parker guns... " [with no product illustrations]. Washington Times, p. 12, cols. 2-4. (Viewed 16 January 2021. R00019). 1915 - advertisementHuseman & Ford, Washington, DC. (14 March 1915). Advertisement: "... Washington’s finest sporting goods store... Special agents for Parker guns... " [with no product illustrations]. Washington Herald, p. 3, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 16 January 2021. R00020). 1916 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1916). The Parker gun (flying geese). 36 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1916 advertisementsSee the ads 1916 - advertisementParker Bros. (February 1916). Advertisement: "The Parker Shot Guns..." [with cropped illustration of gun]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, p. 271. (Viewed 30 June 2020. F01278). 1916 - two advertisementsBabcock, Hinds & Underwood Hardware, Johnson City, TN. (21 October & 11 November 1916). Advertisements: "... Parker Double-barrel Shotgun... " [with no illustration]. Johnson City Endicott Record (Johnson City, Tennessee). (Viewed 5 June 2019. E00746-50).
1917 - historical information(1917). Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, vol 4. [On Charles Parker, (pp. 262-64).] The American Historical Society, Inc.: Boston, New York, Chicago. (Viewed 27 November 2016. AAA00507-09.) 1917 advertisementsSee the ads 1917 - two advertisements(6 & 13 January 1917). Advertisements: "... We are headquarters for hunters... Parker shot guns— all gauges... " [with no related product illustrations]. El Paso Herald (Texas). (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00050-51).
1917 - advertisementFrench’s, Washington, DC. (23 November 1917). Advertisement: "... Here you will find an unlimited selection of the best shot-guns... Full line... Parker... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 21, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00049). 1918 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1918). Parker guns (catalogue). Number of pages unknown. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01067.) 1918 - map / illustration(1918). Aero view of Meriden, Connecticut. [Including 5 illustrations of Charles Parker Co. – lamps, fixtures, spice and coffee mills: 48 Elm Street; Parker Bros.: 26 Cherry Street; Parker Clock Co.: 600 West Main Street] Hughes & Bailey: Boston. (Viewed 2 July 2016. A01020-21.)
1918 advertisementsSee the ads 1918 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, NE. (28 September 1918). Advertisement: [at bottom of page] "... The Hunting Season is On— Buy Guns and Ammunition Now; Parker... Double Barrel Shot Guns... " [with no related product illustrations]. The Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), presumably p. 13. (Viewed 29 November 2020. D01652). 1918 - advertisementArnold, Savage & Hancock, Meriden, CT. (4 December 1918). Advertisement: "Parker and Winchester Guns: Shells and Munitions... Office and Salesrooms" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 8, col. 1. (Viewed 26 June 2020. F01211). 1919 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1919). Parker guns (catalogue). Number of pages unknown. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01067.) 1919 advertisementsSee the ads 1919 - advertisementAmbercrombie & Fitch Co., New York. (12 October 1919). Advertisement: "... Across the Great Divide ... offering a special Parker shot gun .... This is the busiest gun department in existance... " [with no specific product illustrations]. The Sun (New York), p. 27, col. 8. (Viewed 15 January 2021. E01342-43). 1919 - advertisementHowell Bros., Richmond, VA. (2 November 1919). Advertisement: "... Hunting season is here... Parker shot guns; ’The Old Reliable’ ... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia), presumably p. 19, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 17 January 2021. R00025). 1919 - advertisementB. G. Sammis, Huntington, NY. (14 November 1919). Advertisement: "Wake up ! ! The Hunting Season is here... Parker Bros. ... " [with cropped, abstract illustration of gun]. The Long-Islander (Huntington, New York), p. 7, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 18 December 2021. Q01028).
1920s |
1920 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1920, July 22). The Parker gun. 24 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1920 advertisementsSee the ads 1920 - advertisementAtlas, Washington, DC. (2 September 1920). Advertisement: "... Established 1890... Parker Bros. shot gun ... " [with presumably no specific product illustrations]. Washington Herald (Washington, DC), p. 8, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 13 January 2021. C01545). 1920 - advertisementFrench’s, Washington, DC. (3 September 1920). Advertisement: "Going hunting or fishing over Labor Day? ... Parker Bros. Double-barrel Shotgun. V. H. model... " [with no product illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 13, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01653). 1921 advertisementsSee the ads 1921 - advertisementThe Winchester Store, New York. (13 September 1921). Advertisement: "... Winchester Guns and Ammunition... Shotguns... Double-barrel Shotguns; Parker... " [with no related product illustrations]. New York Herald, p. 6, col. 1. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01654). 1921 - advertisementBaker, Murray & Imbrie, Inc., New York. (30 September 1921). Advertisement: "Now is the time to buy guns; ammunition... including Parker... " [with no illustrations]. New York Herald, p. 16, col. 8. (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00045). 1922 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1922). Parker guns (catalogue). Number of pages unknown. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01067.) 1922 advertisementsSee the ads 1922 - advertisementRogers Peet Company, New York. (16 November 1922). Advertisement: "Report has it that there’s a market shortage of the popular Parker guns. Ample stocks at the ’four corners’ suggest the advantage of taking a shot at our Sporting Goods department... " [with no product illustrations]. Evening World (New York), p. 24, col. 8. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01655). 1922 - advertisementCharley’s, Wilmington, DE. (21 November 1922). Advertisement: "Guns; Closing out at Cost... 12-Gauge Parker... " [with no illustrations]. Every Evening (Wilmington, Delaware), presumably p. 18, col. 8. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01656). 1923 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1923, January 2). The Parker gun. 24 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1923 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1923, April 2). The Parker gun. Number of pages unknown. (In c. 1974-76, L. Baer writes, “Same as above except price change sheet included”.) No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1923 advertisementsSee the ads 1923 - advertisementParker Bros. (1 February 1923). Advertisement: "The ’Old Reliable" Parker Gun... Send for catalog... Pacific Coast Agent... San Francisco... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Town & Country magazine, p. 66. (Viewed 29 August 2020. E01162). * See for possible locations. 1923 - advertisementSport Mart, Washington, DC. (19 October 1923). Advertisement: "... Gunning goods priced right... Complete lines... Parker Guns... " [with no specific product illustration]. The Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 28, col. 8. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01160-61). 1924 advertisementsSee the ads 1924 - advertisementParker Bros. (1 January 1924). Advertisement: "The Old Reliable Parker Gun... when the wild turkey calls you to southern woods... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Town & Country magazine, p. 66. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01163). * See for possible locations. 1924 - advertisementF. W. Smith, New Haven, CT. (March 1924). Advertisement: "My little ammunition dump is known to many trapshooters. I want more of you to know the way I do business... Parker Guns... " [with no illustrations]. Forest & Stream, p. 185. (Viewed 24 December 2021. E01165-66). * See for possible locations. 1924 - advertisementL. S. Knoek & Co., Hartford, CT. (28 September 1924). Advertisement: "... Parker Shot Guns; This is the Hunting Season ... " [with no product illustrations]. Hartford Courant, p. 8, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 29 August 2020. E01164). * See for possible locations. 1925 advertisementsSee the ads 1925 - advertisementParker Bros. (February 1925). Advertisement: "... Parker Gun... Master Gun Makers, 29 Cherry St., Meriden, Conn., U. S. A.; Pacific Coast Agent: ... San Francisco" [with cropped illustration of gun]. Forest and Stream magazine, p. 111. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01169). * See for possible locations. 1925 - advertisementParker Bros. (September 1925). Advertisement: "’If I only had that new Parker!’ ... the Parker Trojan.... If you prefer the automatic ejector type, ask to see a Vulcan Model... " [with cropped illustration of gun, and man in landscape with dog]. Forest and Stream, p. 547. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01170). * See for possible locations. 1925 - advertisementParker Bros. (November 1925). Advertisement: "Just out o’ reach! ... That’s why we are making duck guns to order with an especially long range as made by us for the past 20 years... Parker Bros.; Master Gun Makers... Pacific Coast Agent: A. W. duBray... San Francisco..." [with cropped illustration of gun]. Forest and Stream magazine, p. 687. (Viewed 18 December 2021. E01171-72). * See for possible locations. 1926 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1926, March 1). Parker guns. 32 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1927 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1927, January 1). Parker guns. 16 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1927 advertisementsSee the ads 1927 - advertisementParker Bros. (February 1927). Advertisement: "Parker Guns; ’Old Reliable’ ... The new Parker Catalog on request ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. Forest and Stream, p. 109. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01173-74). * See for possible locations. 1927 - advertisementParker Brothers. (September 1927). Advertisement: "Parker Guns; The ’Old Reliable’ ... Send for handsome illustrated catalog... " [with no product illustrations]. Forest and Stream magazine, p. 557. E01175-76). * See for possible locations. 1928 or earlier - brochureParker Brothers. (1928 or earlier). [brochure]. Number of pages unknown. No copy known to be in a public library. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01177).
1928 advertisementsSee the ads 1928 - advertisementParker Bros. (October 1928). Advertisement: "... Shoot yours this fall! ... Send for the illustrated Parker catalog... " [with illustration of rifle]. Forest and Stream, p. 639. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01178). * See for possible locations. 1928 - advertisementParker Brothers. (1 December 1928). Advertisement: "Christmas; the gift for the lover of a fine gun... Brochure of Parker Guns sent on request; Give a Parker at Christmas; the Parker Gun ... " [with illustration]. The Spur magazine, p. 159. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01177). * See for possible locations. 1929 or earlier - color brochure (missing)Parker Brothers. (1929 or earlier). [Color brochure]. Unknown number of pages. No copy known to be in a public library. (Viewed 24 December 2021. E01180).
1929 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1929). Parker guns (catalogue). Number of pages unknown. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01067.) 1929 - design catalogue reprintParker Brothers. (1929). [Catalogue reprint], 32 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2020. H01451).
1929 advertisementsSee the ads 1929 - advertisementParker Brothers. (15 August 1929). Advertisement: "At the Lodge... The Parker Gun... Eighty Years of Fine Gun Making... You will be interested in the Parker Gun Brochure, illustrated in color. Send for it ... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Spur magazine, p. 84. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01179). * See for possible locations. 1929 - advertisementParker Brothers. (15 September 1929). Advertisement: "... Parker offers the best in design, balance and craftsmanship possible to obtain... The Parker Gun; The Parker Invincible; No effort has been spared to produce the Parker Invincible, the finest example of the American gunsmith’s art... An illustrated brochure of Parker Guns in color will be mailed to you on request..." [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Spur magazine, p. 104. (Viewed 24 December 2021. E01180).
1929 - advertisementParker Brothers. (15 October 1929). Advertisement: "The Parker AAHE; A hand made gun of finest materials and exclusive Parker design. Peerless steel barrels, imported Circassian walnut stock... Feathered lightning... " [with cropped illustration of gun]. The Spur magazine, p. 132. (Viewed 24 December 2021. E01181). * See for possible locations. 1929 - advertisementParker Brothers. (15 November 1929). Advertisement: "Quick aim! A fast shot! ... How lightly a Parker handles— what beautiful balance lies hidden in its perfect design and graceful lines. The Triple Tested Parker D. H. E. is used by many prominent shooters in the world. Titanic Steel barrels, fancy wood stock, finely checkered... Parker ’Triple Tested Guns’... " [with illustration of gun]. The Spur magazine, p. 134. (Viewed 24 December 2021. E01182). * See for possible locations. 1929 - advertisementFrench’s Sport Shop, Washington, DC. (6 December 1929). Advertisement: "... For the hunter; Parker shot guns... 12-gauge, Trojan Grade... All Gauges, V. H. Grade... " [with no product illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 50, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 17 January 2021. R00026). 1929? - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1929?). The Parker gun. 32 pp. [See 1930, January 1 entry below as same number of pages.] (Updated 4 May 2017. A01478.)
Click to see designs and documentation for other Charles Parker companies:
1930s |
1930 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1930, January 1). Parker guns. 16 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1930 - missing design catalogueParker Brothers. (1930, January 1). Parker guns. 32 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. [See 1929? entry above as same number of pages.] (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1930 advertisementsSee the ads 1930 - classified advertisementKinney’s, Worcester, MA. (19 January 1930). Advertisement: "Sporting Goods... Parker D. H. E. grade, 32-inch barrels... make great fox or duck gun... " Daily Boston Globe (Massachusetts), p. A29, col. 8. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01183). * See for possible locations. 1930 - advertisementGus Habich Co., Indianapolis, IN. (28 October 1930). Advertisement: "Everything for the hunter... At Habitch’s, you’ll find the most complete array of guns from all the leading makers including... Parker guns... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Indianapolis Times (Indiana), p. 12, cols. 4-6. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01657). 1931 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1931). Parker guns (catalogue). Number of pages unknown. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01067.) 1931 - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1931). Parker guns (price list). Number of pages unknown. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01067.) 1931 advertisementsSee the ads 1931 - advertisementLawlor Sporting Goods Co., Lincoln, NE. (13 March 1931). Advertisement: "Parker guns on display... makers of high grade hand made guns... " [with no illustrations]. Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska), p. 11, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 31 January 2021. C01444).
1931 - advertisementWaibel Hardware Co., presumably Huron, SD. (15 April 1931). Advertisement: "Parker guns on display.. all day Thursday only... a complete line of Parker hand made guns... " [with no illustrations]. The Evening Huronite (Huron, South Dakota), p. 7, col. 4. (Viewed 5 February 2021. C01445).
1932 - price listParker Brothers. (1932). Parker guns (price list). Number of pages unknown. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01067.) 1932 - missing design brochureParker Brothers. (1932). Parker guns (1930 revised). 16 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1932 advertisementsSee the ads 1932 - advertisementClapp & Treat, Inc., Hartford, CT. (11 September 1932). Advertisement: "You bet— We’re set for the hunter... Guns and Rifles; Parker... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Hartford Courant (Connecticut), presumably p. A3. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01184). * See for possible locations. 1932 - advertisementAtlas Sport Store, Washington, DC. (16 & 21 December 1932). Advertisements: "Give sporting goods... Shotguns... Parker Bros. ... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 17 January 2021. R00023-24).
1933 - missing design brochureParker Brothers. (1933, April 1). Parker guns. 16 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1933 advertisementsSee the ads 1933 - advertisementAtlas Sport Store, Washington, DC. (9 November 1933). Advertisement: "Going hunting? ... Shot guns... Parker Bros. ... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. D-1, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 17 January 2021. R00022). 1933 - advertisementAtlas Bros., Washington, DC. (9 November 1933). Advertisement: "... Hunters; equipment at prices below and slightly above cost... Shot Guns; Parker... " [with no specific product illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. A-10, col. 4. (Viewed 17 January 2021. R00021). 1934 - missing design brochureParker Brothers. (1934, January 1). Parker guns. 16 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1934 - spotlighted news brief(July-August 1934). "Remington - Parker Brothers". DuPont Magazine, p. 16. (Viewed 2 December 2017. G01756.)
"The Remington Arms Company, Inc., has acquired the assets and business of Parker Brothers, Meriden, Connecticut, manufacturers of the Parker Gun... The manufacturing operations will remain at Meriden, but the plant will be known hereafter as the Parker Gun Works of the Remington Arms Company, Inc. ..." (Excerpt from above.)
1934 - other articlesSee the ads 1934 - feature articleDavis, Henry P. (November 1934). "From coffee mill to custom mill: A brief history of Parker Brothers..." DuPont Magazine, 28(11), pp. 3-5. (Viewed 15 April 2017. A02771-73.) 1934 - article(19 May 1934). Remington Arms takes over rights to Parker Gun; Will continue operations here— Parker estate retains property. Meriden Record, pp. 1 & 2. (Viewed 23 July 2023. N00006).
1935 advertisementsSee the ads 1935 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / Du Pont. (June 1935). Advertisement: "Is there a right shotgun for skeet? Yes, four! ... What you will notice, however, on any Skeet field is the large number of Remington and Parker shotguns... Parker Double ... " [with illustration]. The Spur, p. 80. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01186). * See for possible locations. 1935 - advertisementSport Center, Washington, DC. (1 November 1935). Advertisement: "... Washington’s largest hunting department... Parker... Guns... " [with presumably no related product illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), presumably p. D-1, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01658). 1936 - design catalogueJoseph Woodwell Company. (1936). Woodwell’s Fall and Holiday Catalog 1936. [Including Parker V. H. E. and Parker Skeet Gun, (with illustrations), p. 57.] Pittsburgh, PA: Joseph Woodwell Company. (Viewed 27 April 2020. H01255).
1936 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1936, January 2). The Parker gun (Jobbers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Viewed 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1936 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1936, January 2). The Parker gun (Dealers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1936 advertisementsSee the ads 1936 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (1 March 1936). Advertisement: "To the man who has yet to break his first 25 at Skeet... you can’t go wrong when you equip yourself with one of these Remington or Parker skeet guns... Parker Double... " [with illustration]. The Spur magazine, p. 73. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01194). * See for possible locations. 1936 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (September 1936). Advertisement: "I gave my boy a Parker Gun when he was twenty-one... write to Parker Gun Works, Remington Arms. Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Connecticut..." [with illustration of cropped Parker D. H. E. Double Trigger]. The Spur, p. 98. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01195). * See for possible locations. 1936 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (September 1936). Advertisement: "I gave my boy a Parker Gun when he was twenty-one... write to Parker Gun Works, Remington Arms. Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Connecticut..." [with illustration of cropped Parker D. H. E. Double Trigger]. Town & Country, p. 101. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01196-97). * See for possible locations. 1936 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (November 1936). Advertisement: "It’s a mark of distinction to own a Parker gun... write to Parker Gun Works, Remington Arms. Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Connecticut..." [with illustration of cropped Parker D. H. E. Double Trigger]. The Spur, p. 106. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01198). * See for possible locations. 1937 - missing design brochure or catalogueParker Brothers. (1937). The Parker gun. 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1937 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1937, May 17). The Parker gun (Jobbers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1937 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1937, May 17). The Parker gun (Dealers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1937 - missing salesman’s portfolioParker Brothers. (1937). Salesman’s portfolio showing all Remington and Parker guns. (“with large glossy photos of each grade and model”.) No copy in a public library known to exist; see below as might be this missing catalogue. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1937 - design catalogueRemington Arms Co. / Parker Gun Works. (1937). Parker gun. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A02348.) 1937 advertisementsSee the ads 1937 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (May 1937). Advertisement: "The best gun for skeet is a... ’There’s nothing better than a good double, and when it comes to two barrel shotguns you can’t beat a Parker Double...’" [with illustration of gun]. The Spur, p. 98. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01199). * See for possible locations. 1937 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (May 1937). Advertisement: "The best gun for skeet is a... ’There’s nothing better than a good double, and when it comes to two barrel shotguns you can’t beat a Parker Double...’" [with illustration of gun]. Town & Country, p. 133. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01200-01). * See for possible locations. 1937 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (June 1937). Advertisement: "Who’s being stubborn... Skeet shooters will never agree on guns. That’s why Remington makes four types of skeet guns, each the leader in its own class... and the famous Parker doubles... " [with presumably no specific Parker gun illustrations]. The Spur, p. 89. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01202). * See for possible locations. 1938 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1938, January 3). The Parker gun (Jobbers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1938 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1938, January 3). The Parker gun (Dealers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1938 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1938, January 3). The Parker gun (Retail price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1938 advertisementsSee the ads 1938 - advertisementClapp & Treat, Inc., Hartford, CT. (9 October 1938). Advertisement: "All set for the hunting season? ... Double Barrel Shot Guns ... Parker ... " [with no product illustration]. Hartford Courant (Connecticut), p. 10. cols. 6-8. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01208). * See for possible locations. 1938 - classified advertisementStar Loan Co., Boston, MA. (6 November 1938). Advertisement: "... Sporting Goods; Out of pawn... D. B. shotguns... Parker... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Boston Globe, p. B33. (Viewed 29 August 2020. E01209). * See for possible locations. 1939 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1939, January 2). The Parker gun (Jobbers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1939 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1939, January 2). The Parker gun (Dealers price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1939 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1939, January 2). The Parker gun (Retail price list). 8 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.) |
1940s |
1940 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1940, February 16). The Parker gun (Jobbers price list). 8 pp. (Same content as 1939 catalogue.) No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1940 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1940, February 16). The Parker gun (Dealers price list). 8 pp. (Same content as 1939 catalogue.) No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1940 - missing price listParker Brothers. (1940, February 16). The Parker gun (Retail price list). 8 pp. (Same content as 1939 catalogue.) No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 28 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1940 - missing specifications bookletParker Brothers. (1940, February 20). “Specifications and data on each model and grade on mimeographed sheets”. 25 pp. No copy in a public library known to exist. (Updated 27 August 2020. AAA00039.)
1940 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / Du Pont. (December 1940). Advertisement: "You give the great outdoors... when you give a gun! ... The Parker double — DHE grade ... " [with illustration]. Town & Country magazine, p. 100. (Viewed 27 August 2020. E01210-11). * See for possible locations. 1941 advertisementsSee the ads 1941 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (July 1941). Advertisement: "... You can count upon Remington and Parker skeet guns for the utmost in balance, performance, and lightning-fast action... " [with illustration of woman about to fire a gun, possibly a Parker]. Town & Country, p. 52. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01212-13). * See for possible locations. 1941 - advertisementRemington Arms Company / DuPont. (December 1941). Advertisement: "The man who found Christmas again... For your shooting friends; Give the best— Remington equipment! Remington Shur Shot trap and skeet loads, Blue Rock targets, hand traps, mechancial traps, Remington and Parker guns... " [with illustration of man holding a gun, possibly a Parker]. Town & Country, p. 122. (Viewed 11 July 2021. E01214-15). * See for possible locations. 1947 - secondary sourceMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). "Parker, Snow & Company" mention, (p. 78); "Charles Parker" mentions, (pp. 9, 39, 67, 78, 80, 84). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. 388 pp. New York: E.M. McBride & Company. (Updated 4 May 2017. DM.)
1950s |
1955? - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1955?). The Parker double-barrel, breech-loading, hammerless and top-action shot guns. (Updated 4 May 2017. A01077.) 1955? - design catalogueParker Brothers. (1955?). The Parker double-barrel, breech-loading, hammerless and top-action shot guns. 23 pp. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A02350.) |
1960s |
1961 - secondary sourceJohnson, Peter H. (1961). Parker: America’s finest shotgun. 260 pp. Stackpole Co: Harrisburg, PA. (Updated 4 May 2017. A00652.)
1970s | 1973 - spotlighted news mention - Parker guns in exposition(17 September 1973). Governor at big E today; Local firms are exhibitors. Meriden Record newspaper, p. 8. [Article mentions Charles Parker Co. as exhibitor in Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, MA, 14 - 23 September 1973, with details about exhibited wares.] (Updated 26 November 2018. AAA00375-77; D00599.)
1980s |
c. 1980 - secondary sourceBaer, Larry L. (c. 1980). The Parker gun: An immortal American classic. Beinfeld Pub. Co.: North Hollywood, CA. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A00651.)
1983 - article mentionGardner, Warren F. (15 March 1983). Quality firearms had major role in our manufacturing history [with mention of Charles Parker Co. gun shop and the Malleable Iron Co.; illustration of Meriden Malleable Iron Co. plant]. Record-Journal (Meriden, CT), p. 6. (Viewed 20 April 2020. D01230; F01162-01). 1988 - secondary sourceVumbaco, Brenda J. (1988). On Charles Parker and Charles Parker Company, [pp. 37-8, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59 (photo of mansion), 66, 73, 74 - portrait]. In Meriden – Connecticut crossroads: An illustrated history. 144 pages. Windsor Publications: Northridge, CA. (Updated 4 May 2017. DM.)
1990s |
1997 - secondary sourceMuderlak, Ed. (1997). Parker guns, the old reliable. 270 pp. Huntington Beach, CA. (Updated 11 August 2020. A00653.)
1998-2000 - secondary source(c. 1998-2000). The Parker story. The Parker Story Joint Venture Group. (Updated 24 April 2017. A00650. DM.)
2000s |
c. 2002 - secondary sourcePrice, Charles E. (c. 2002). Parker gun: Identification and serialization. 608 pp. Blue Book Publications: Minneapolis. (Viewed 20 July 2016. A01079.)
2004 - articleParker, Louis C. III. (Fall 2004). The Parker Gun: Its History and Evolution; 268,000 Plus Guns and Almost 80 Years of Firearms Manufacture. American Society of Arms Collectors Bulletin, 90, pp. 17-39. (Reprinted online.) (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01166).
2006 - spotlighted article - Czar’s Parker gun for saleKurz, Jeffery. (31 December 2006). ’Czar’s Parker’ is up for sale ["... The seller firmly believes this is the actual Parker gun made for Czar Nicholas II, the last Russian czar, in 1914... "]. Record-Journal (Meriden, CT), p. 1, A4. (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01162-03). 2006 - article mentionCotton, Eric (31 December 2006). Russia invades Meriden ["Meriden’s Russian history runs deeper than a Parker shotgun... "] Record-Journal (Meriden, CT), p. E1. (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01162-03; F01168-73). 2007 - spotlighted article - ’Czar’s Parker’ sells for $250,000Kurz, Jeffery. (14 March 2007). ’Czar’s Parker’ fetches king’s ransom; shotgun made in Meriden in 1914 sells for $250,000. Record-Journal (Meriden, CT), p. 1, 8. (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01162-04). 2008 - secondary sourceMuderlak, Ed. (2008). Parker guns: Shooting flying and the American experience. 367 pp. (Viewed 4 May 2017. A02351.)
2010s |
2010 - secondary sourceFranco, Janis Leach. (2010). Illustration of Charles Parker (p. 34); reprinted Parker Gun advert (N.Y. salesroom: 32 Warren St) (p. 34); photo of Charles Parker mansion, 816 Broad Street, (p. 43). In: Meriden. Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, SC. (Viewed 15 December 2016. DM.)
2012 - auction house press release(c. 5 October 2012). Fall Arms sale at Bonhams offers rare Parker Brothers A1 special shotgun [serial no. 137485] and Frederick Sell American full stock flintlock rifle (press release, auction: 12 November 2012). Bonhams auction house, San Francisco, CA. (Viewed 20 April 2020. D01228). 2013 - CNN broadcast / video and article mentionsSmith, Aaron. (15 April 2013). A fourth-generation gunsmith, still going strong. (Viewed 9 July 2019. F01161).
"... The Parker is a specific brand of break-action shotgun that has a fervent following among hunters and collectors. The cheapest model, the "Trojan," goes for $2,000, while the rarest make is the ’Invincible’. Only three of them were ever made, and together are valued at $5 million. ... " (Excerpt from above.)
2013 - press release mention(10 June 2013). Antique arms & armor and modern sporting guns (press release). Bonhams auction house, San Francisco, CA. (Viewed 20 April 2020. D01229). "... Sporting guns that sold well in the sale included a rare 12 [gauge] AAHE Grade Parker Brothers boxlock shotgun that achieved $23,400..." (Excerpt from above.) 2014 - article mention - CNN.comSmith, Aaron. (22 December 2014). 20 antique guns that fetched big bucks [photo gallery with captions, including a Parker shotgun]. (Viewed 11 July 2019. F01167). 2016 - article / video presentationButkus, Paul. (19 March 2016). The famed Wilcox mansion and its demise. [On the mansion owned by Jedediah Wilcox and later Charles Parker, with video lecture by Brian Cofrancesco.] |
n. d. | n. d. - PGCA Forums(Undated). Parker Gun Collectors Association Forums. [An important source to see scans of excerpted bits of primary source documentation contributed by various forum members, especially guns, vises, and sometimes other Parker Co. documentation.] n. d. - price listsParker Brothers. (undated). Price lists for the Parker Gun, manufactured by Parker Bros., Meriden, Connecticut. (2 price lists). (Updated 4 May 2017. A01078.)
n. d. - Wikipedia entry(undated). "Charles Parker Company" entry [with mention of Parker guns]. (Viewed 18 December 2021).
n. d. - Wikipedia entry(undated). "Parker Bros." (guns) entry. (Viewed 24 December 2021).
n. d. - design catalogue reprintParker Brothers. (undated) The Parker breech-loading double-barreled shot gun [reprint]. 12 pp. (Viewed 19 August 2018. L00626). n. d. - design catalogueParker Brothers. (undated). The Parker shot gun. 40 pp. (Viewed 20 July 2016. AAA00032-30.)
n. d. - design catalogueParker Brothers. (undated). [Catalog] of the celebrated Parker breech-loading, double-barreled shot gun. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 2 June 2016. C00001-20.)
Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical companies from the Meriden area, and those that were connected to the International Silver Company; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions" and E: "Other featured companies". |
[1] The year "1889" is not clearly legible in the online copy.