Tracey Emin

ADC staff
15 March 2019 | Updated 19 April 2019
Click the articles below that mention Tracey Emin.

Sensation at Royal Academy of Arts, London (1997) press releases, list of works, in varied publications

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 17 Sep 21

...Tracey Emin: Artist over— and in— the broadsheets. Parkett / artdesigncafe. Read more Prior to witnessing Sensation in London, I was in Bangkok, during the crash of the baht and threat of military coup in the steamy summer heat, and in Hongkong, witnessing the Handover to China with...

Tracey Emin. My bed (1998) in publications, exhibitions

→ artdesigncafé - art
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 10 Sep 21

Tracey Emin. My bed (1998) in publications, exhibitions Meet Tracey’s long-lost "art grandmother". She publicly initiated shocking disclosure back in 1940, reported nationally in waves of media reports. (She later turned to Art.) Plus a list of exhibitions and selected publications, including...

Art and publicity book proposal (c. 2008) rejected by top London art book publisher

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 22 Dec 11

...Tracey Emin’s tent, and equally fascinated with the TV cameras and the journalists. Since then, he’s been hooked on art publicity and media coverage, whether the focus be on Spencer Tunick’s nude installations featured on BBC World or the breakthrough show of an emerging artist that generates...

The idiot’s guide to fine art (2010)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Moogee The Art Dog - 17 Feb 11

...Tracey Emin' /> Tracey Emin fame motel

Tracey Emin launches her brand - 1997 (Video)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 07 Apr 10

Tracey Emin launches her brand - 1997 (Video) How being drunk and obnoxious on national television launched the populist artist. Tracey Emin and others on post-Turner Prize 1997 program on Channel 4 (UK). ‘Since the media-hyped exhibition “Sensation” (1997), I was fascinated by her...

Tracey Emin art & media across the UK

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
Marcus Bering , Kim Min Su (Editor of Art Design Publicity) , Stephen Mallinder - 30 Jan 10

Tracey Emin art & media across the UK Shocked Beyond belief by her media coverage, here’s just the very fine tip of the iceberg of the UK’s addiction to Tracey. Tracey Emin art & media across the UK Check out the impact just nine quotes attributed to an artist, just 228 words, can have,...

Tracey Emin quotes: Media coverage— unity and variety

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 16 Dec 09

Tracey Emin quotes: Media coverage— unity and variety Have you ever seen an artist stitch quotes through UK media? Nobody does it better than Tracey... Tracey Emin quotes It is a very unusual person indeed who spends three days solid flippings through binder after binder of Tracey Emin’s media...

Pop Life at Tate Modern, London (2009)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 08 Oct 09

...Tracey Emin, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, Martin Kippenberger, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami and Richard Prince. Pop Life: Art in a Material World argues that Warhol’s most radical lesson is reflected in the work of artists of subsequent generations who, rather than simply representing or...

Pop Life at Tate Modern, London (2009)

→ Creative Business & Entrepreneurship
ADC staff - 27 Sep 09

...Tracey Emin, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, Martin Kippenberger, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami and Richard Prince. Pop Life: Art in a Material World argues that Warhol’s most radical lesson is reflected in the work of artists of subsequent generations who, rather than simply representing or...

White Cube’s PR guru: Now it’s Honey Luard’s turn (interview) - 2002 (2009)

→ Creative Business & Entrepreneurship
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 31 Jul 09

...Tracey Emin, or Marc Quinn knows her. In charge of press relations at London’s towering White Cube gallery, Honey Luard can grant you access inside the magic kingdom’s Young British Artists, or seal the door shut. After receiving a BA from the University of Manchester and an MA from the...

Tracey Emin bites back (2008) (book proposal)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 17 Sep 08

Tracey Emin bites back (2008) (book proposal) The following is a book proposal, enabling Emin to lash out at badly behaving journos and set the record straight. But the celebrity artist was too busy to respond to it... A. Alternative proposed titles / sub-titles for book Setting the record...

Tracey Emin on art writing: Everyone waiting to stick the knife in

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 07 Feb 02

Tracey Emin on art writing: Everyone waiting to stick the knife in Via Tracey Emin’s experience, to what extent is today’s artwriting riddled with factual errors and underlying motive by writers, journalists, and academics? And from a real research perspective, if we can’t figure out Tracey Emin...

Tracey Emin: Artist over— and in— the broadsheets (2001)

→ Art Design Publicity magazine
R.J. Preece (ADP) - 01 Dec 01

Tracey Emin: Artist over— and in— the broadsheets (2001) “... the tent and the artist offer great copy generated by the artwork’s contained textual focal points— the artwork’s title, facilitation of a media-genic headline, the description the artwork generates, her brilliant Tracey quotes, and...