Art and publicity book proposal (c. 2008) rejected by top London art book publisher
Boo-hoo to the author perhaps, but considering dreadful book royalty percentages for authors of limited volume books, actually it’s a blessing here. Instead of adding to CV marketing (sorry, got enough), it helped fuel the breakout with the website.
Art Design Publicity at ADC | 22 December 2011
Art and Publicity book
How important is publicity in today’s international art world? How can artists and other art professionals activate their media opportunities— and make the most of them? What works today— and what doesn’t? And when is the volume of media coverage just too much?
In this book, R.J. Preece asks these questions and more focusing on art and publicity. He presents a wide range of interviews of international art world players: artists and press relations specialists; journalists for art magazines, newspapers, tabloids and television; editors, curators, and gallery decision-makers. Collectors also offer their take— as do lawyers advising on copyright and other laws. Preece even interviews scientists that are wiring up their subjects to gauge the physical response of sensational art and press releases.
Of interest to experienced arts professionals and emerging artists alike, this book puts the spotlight on the media spotlight. Plus it shows examples of the successes— and risks— of pursuing art publicity.
About the author: Originally from the US, R.J. Preece first experienced publicity with the first art show he curated in Hongkong back in 1997. Featuring controversial political art by an emerging artist, this show unexpectedly caught the attention of the city’s newspapers, Asian regional magazines, and culminated in CNN interviewing the artist. A few weeks later Preece relocated to Britain, and stumbled into the press preview of the controversial Sensation exhibition at the Royal Academy. He became fascinated with Damien Hirst’s shark and flies— and Tracey Emin’s tent, and equally fascinated with the TV cameras and the journalists. Since then, he’s been hooked on art publicity and media coverage, whether the focus be on Spencer Tunick’s nude installations featured on BBC World or the breakthrough show of an emerging artist that generates their first press clippings.
Preece is currently a Contributing Editor of Sculpture magazine and has published over 200 writings from 16 countries, and he has worked in all areas across the arts communication-information chain. Over the years, Preece has lectured and given talks at a number of university art programs, including Goldsmith’s College (University of London), Tyler School of Art in Rome, Hongkong Polytechnic University, Seoul National University, the Parsons School of Design affiliate in Japan, and Temple University in Philadelphia.
Dear Mr Preece,
So very necessary,
And so entirely interesting,
But your wonderful idea,
Has been REJECTED.