Standard Silver Co. design catalogues and historical information
Marks, advertisements & more concerning the design legacy.
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 8 August 2020 | Updated 9 July 2021
LINK: Standard Silver Co. designs in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions
This company is understood to have been formed in November 1894. At this developing research juncture, it is not clear in what year the Standard Silver Co. became officially part of the International Silver Co. of Canada, with the International Silver Co. headquartered in Meriden, Conn., USA.
When did the Standard Silver Co. become part of the International Silver Co. of Canada?
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More primary source information is needed to answer this question, but at, a dating of c. 1912 is the working assumption of when the Standard Silver Co. became part of the International Silver Company of Canada, based on Rainwater et al. (2004). (For all sources mentioned here, see the compilation below). "ISC" is indicated below when the source of the entry explicitly mentions the International Silver Co. (of Canada).
However, at this juncture, two clear sources show at some point the Standard Silver Co. became part of the International Silver Co. of Canada. First is a mark with both companies indicated, but this in itself does not specify a year. However, a trophy with this mark with a year of award indicated would help provide clarity. Second are advertisements starting in 1925 that mention the two companies, and that the International Silver Co. of Canada is the successor of the Standard Silver Co.
Secondary sources state the following. Rainwater et al.’s Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers (2004) states that the company "merged with International Silver Co. of Canada, Ltd, about 1912", but no clear primary source is footnoted on the page. However, there is an extensive resources list at the end of the encyclopedia. A lack of clarity is also shown in Edmund Hogan’s An American heritage: A book about the International Silver Company (1977). While in other cases, Hogan offers precise dating of other companies joining the company, he does not in the Standard Silver Co. case, and there are other instances found of errors in dating. Hogan does not specify primary sources. Meanwhile in Earl Chapin May’s A century of silver (1947), his illustration indicates a Standard Silver Co. starting year of 1895 and it appears that the company joined ISC Canada in 1922, without explanation or specifying primary sources.
Another element in the discourse is that in 1915, in an obituary of George M. Curtis, he is noted as the treasurer of the International Silver Company in Meriden, and also was a director of the Standard Silver Co., and treasurer and director of Meriden Britannia Co. of Hamilton, Ontario, which was under the US ISC umbrella. So from this, it is suggested by 1915 that ISC had at least some sort of financial stake in the Standard Silver Co., but noting that the branding visible in advertisements in corporations that own different companies don’t always state a parent company, perhaps here for diversified marketing / communications purposes in the Canadian market.
Lastly, Holmes & Edwards silverware, with H&E in the United States and part of ISC since 1898, starts to appear in Standard Silver Co. advertisements in 1917. First, Standard Silver Co. is a "distributor" of H&E; then by 1920, the H&E designs are "manufactured" by the Standard Silver Co., noting that presumably Canada still had a tariff to encourage manufacturing in Canada, versus importing the foreign goods.
Further, there is mention that the Standard Silver Co. was to become part of the newly formed International Silver Co. in 1898 in certain news reports. However, two other companies, R. Wallace & Sons and Manning, Bowman & Co. are also listed in these reports, and they both are understood not to have joined the combine, in the end, either. Having said this, the 1895 news report below states that the Holmes & Edwards Company and the Manhattan Silver Plate Co., both companies that joined the US ISC combine in 1898, were involved in the formation of the Standard Silver Co. in November 1894. In the end, more primary source documentation is needed to answer this question.
—Robert Preece, art / design journalist, researcher and editor, (10 September 2020)
Standard Silver Co. historical information (by year)
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1890s | Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(1894-). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines. (Updated 19 September 2020. E01309-12).
1894-1912 - advertising tokenStandard Silver Co. (1894-1912). Advertising token. (Accession no. 2000.5.2741. Viewed 27 December 2020. D01628).
1894-1912 - advertising tokenStandard Silver Co. (1894-1912). Advertising token. (Accession no. 2000.5.3260. Viewed 27 December 2020. D01627).
1895 - spotlighted news mention - Standard Silver Co. in Toronto exhibition(4 September 1895). Canada’s fair; ... A magnificent display by exhibitors in every department [with mention of Standard Silver Co. in exhibition (3 September - date unknown). Daily Mail and Empire (Toronto, Canada), pp. 1-2. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01348-62). "... Standard Silver Company. A decidedly neat and artistic display of all manner of silver-plated ware is shown by the Standard Silver Company... Their exhibit is in the Main Building... The company is a new and strong one, formed last November after the failure of the Acme Silver Plate Company, and has at its head such men as President Thomas, of the Manhattan Silver Plate Company, of Lyons, N.Y.; and Mr. George C. Edwards, president of the Holmes and Edwards Silver Company, of Bridgeport, Conn., who are president and vice-president, respectively, of the Standard... " (Excerpt from above.) before 1898 - design catalogueStandard Silver Co. (before 1898). Recent additions to holloware line. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 9 September 2020. E01314). 1898 - news mentionNew York, Sept. 13. (14 September 1898). Trust in silver trade; Leading manufactures in the East effect a giant combination in New York. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 1. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01347).
"The International Silver company has been formed under the laws of New Jersey... The [Meriden] Britannia company and the Wilcox [Silver Plate] company are in the deal... the following concerns have already agreed to enter the combination: ... [including] Homan Silver Plate Company, Cincinnati ... Manning, Bowman & Co. ... Standard Silver Plate company, Toronto, Canada... R. Wallace & Sons... " [These four companies are understood to not have become part of the International Silver Co. in 1898, and only the Standard Silver Co. at a later date, presumably c. 1912; excerpt from above.] 1898 - advertisementT. Eaton Co., Ltd., Toronto, Canada. (23 November 1898). Advertisement: "A short talk about silverware! The centre of attraction in our Yonge street windows is the fine display of Silverware... Standard Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Globe (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). (Viewed 8 September 2020. E00772-73).
1900s | 1900-10 - promotional paper clipStandard Silver Co. (1900-10). Promotional paper clip, "Silverware that sells". (Accession no. 2000.5.4406. Viewed 27 December 2020. D01626).
1910s | 1911 - advertisementHonig Stationery, Vancouver, BC. (3 November 1911). Advertisement: "... Butter dishes, biscuit boxes, bread trays, pickle dishes, sugar and cream sets, spoons, tea sets, sets of knives and forks in cases, sugar shells, butter knives, child’s cups...The Standard Silver Company of Canada... " [with no product illustrations]. The Daily Province (Vancouver, BC), p. 23. (Viewed 9 June 2021. R00829).
It is believed that the Standard Silver Co. merged with International Silver Co. of Canada, Ltd in c. 1912. 1914 - advertisementLyttleton Bros., Vancouver, BC. (18 March 1914). Advertisement: "... Silverware Sale... Standard Silver Co. [/ presumably International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Vancouver World, p. 10. (Viewed 9 July 2021. R00195).
1915 - news mention(1 October 1915). George M. Curtis [obituary] [with mention: "... treasurer of the International Silver Co. ... treasurer and a director of... the Meriden Britannia Co. of Hamilton, Ontario, and was a director of ... the Standard Silver Co. of Toronto, Canada... "] Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, page number unknown. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01334).
1917 advertisementsSee the ads 1917 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Ltd., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. (October 1917). Advertisement: "Holmes & Edwards ’Wear-proofed’ Silver Plate... Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., International Silver Company, Successor... Canadian Distributors, Standard Silver Co. ... " [with illustration showing spoons in the Jamestown and Newport patterns]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 55. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01335).
1917 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Ltd., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. (November 1917). Advertisement: "Holmes & Edwards ’Wear-proofed’ Silver Plate... Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., International Silver Company, Successor... Canadian Distributors, Standard Silver Co. ... " [with illustration showing spoons in the Jamestown and Newport patterns]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 111. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01336).
1917 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Ltd., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. (December 1917). Advertisement: "Holmes & Edwards ’Wear-proofed’ Silver Plate... Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., International Silver Company, Successor... Canadian Distributors, Standard Silver Co. ... " [with over 25 illustrations of cutlery]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 79. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01337).
1918 advertisementsSee the ads 1918 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Ltd., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. (February 1918). Advertisement: "... What you don’t see in this Holmes & Edwards Silver Inlaid Spoon ... Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., International Silver Company, Successor... Canadian Distributors, Standard Silver Co. ... " [with illustration of spoon in Carolina pattern]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 57. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01338).
1918 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Ltd., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. (October 1918). Advertisement: "... Note protection where the wear comes! ... Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., International Silver Company, Successor... Canadian Distributors, Standard Silver Co. ... " [with illustration showing knife, fork and spoon in the Jamestown pattern]. Ladies’ Home Journal, p. 90. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01339).
1919 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards [/ International Silver Co.] / Standard Silver Company. (24 September 1919). Advertisement: "Sterling silver inlaid at the wear points... Manufactured exclusively in Canada by The Standard Silver Company of Toronto, Limited" [with illustration of spoon in the Jamestown pattern]. The Leader (Regina, Saskatchewan), p. 3, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 30 January 2021. R00830).
1920s |
1920 advertisementsSee the ads 1920 - two advertisementsStandard Silver Co., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards (International Silver Co.). (February-March 1920). Advertisements: "Stock this Silverware for 1920 Sales... Standard Silver lines... Holmes & Edwards ’Silver Inlaid’ and ’Super-Plate’ ... Standard Silver Co. of Toronto..." [with illustration of spoon in Jamestown pattern]. The Trader (Toronto, Canada). (Viewed 9 September 2020. E01317-18).
1920 - advertisementStandard Silver Co. of Toronto. (presumably July 1920). Advertisement: ".. Holmes & Edwards [International Silver Co.] is the one line of flatware you can worthily recommend to those customers who allow confidence in your judgment and reputation to govern their choice... Manufactured exclusively in Canada by The Standard Silver Co. of Toronto, Limited... " [with illustration showing fork and spoon in the Jamestown pattern]. The Trader (Toronto, Canada), p. 104. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01363). 1922 advertisementsSee the ads 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (15 April 1922). Advertisement: "Gifts that last, ’Boys, if I could say anything, I’d say it’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [showing illustrations of Hostess pattern fork]. Vogue, p. 100. (Updated 8 January 2021. G00617.) 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (15 May 1922). Advertisement: "Gifts that last, ’How Good You Are to Me, Dear’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [showing illustrations of Newport pattern fork and Jamestown pattern spoon]. Vogue, p. 90. (Updated 8 January 2021. G00614.) 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (15 June 1922). Advertisement: Gifts that last, ’You old dear. I adore your gift!’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [showing illustration of Hostess pattern fork]. Vogue, p. 80. (Updated 9 January 2021. G00614.) 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (July 1922). Advertisement: "Gifts that last, ’They’re Just the Thing for Tall Glasses’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [with illustration of Jamestown pattern iced tea spoon]. Good Housekeeping, p. 125. (Updated 9 January 2021. G00623.) 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (August 1922). Advertisement: "Gifts that last, ’What a Lovely Pattern’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [with illustration of Hostess pattern ice cream fork]. Good Housekeeping, p. 135. (Updated 9 January 2021. G00624.) 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (September 1922). Advertisement: "Gifts that last, ’Oh, Girls, How Stunning’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [with illustration of Jamestown pattern spoon]. Good Housekeeping, p. 128. (Updated 9 January 2021. G00625.) 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (October 1922). Advertisement: "Gifts that last, ’It’s So Nice to Get Home’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [with illustration of Hostess pattern fork]. Good Housekeeping, p. 112. (Updated 9 January 2021. G00626.) 1922 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards Silver Company / International Silver Company. (November 1922). Advertisement: "Yes, This is Prettiest of All’... Manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [with illustration of Hostess tea spoon]. Good Housekeeping, p. 97. (Updated 9 January 2021. G00628.) 1923 - advertisementStandard Silver Co. of Toronto. (28 May 1923). Advertisement: "... Holmes & Edwards (International Silver Co.) silverplate; the bridal gift of quality... Manufactured exclusively in Canada by The Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [with illustration of spoons in Jamestown and Hostess patterns, as well as lidded casserole bowl]. The Globe, p. 5. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01323).
1924 advertisementsSee the ads 1924 - advertisementStandard Silver Co. of Toronto. (24 November 1924). Advertisement: "High Lights of Hospitality... Holmes & Edwards (International Silver Co.) Super Plate-Inlaid... Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... " [with illustration of forks in the Century and Jamestown patterns]. Toronto Daily Star, p. 2, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01324).
1924 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Ltd., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. / International Silver Co. (15 December 1924). Advertisement: "A proud moment with treasures of her hope chest; ’And this is best of all’ ... Holmes & Edwards Super Plate-Inlaid... " [with abstract illustration of spoon]. Toronto Daily Star, page number unknown. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01325).
1924 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Ltd., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. / International Silver Co. (22 December 1924). Advertisement: "High Lights of Hospitality... Beautiful patterns... Holmes & Edwards Super Plate-Inlaid... " [with abstract illustrations of two forks in the Century and Jamestown patterns]. Toronto Daily Star, p. 20. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01326).
1925 advertisementsSee the ads 1925 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. of Canada. (1 June 1925). Advertisement: "The height of quality... Holmes & Edwards Super Plate-Inlaid; manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto, Limited, succeeded by Factory S.C., International Silver Co., of Canada, Limited... " [with illustrations of forks in the Century and Jamestown patterns]. Toronto Daily Star, p. 20, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 10 September 2020. E01327).
1925 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. / International Silver Co. (8 June 1925). Advertisement: "A proud moment with treasures of her hope chest; ’And this is best of all’ ... Holmes & Edwards Super Plate-Inlaid... " [with illustration explaining inlaid positioning]. Toronto Daily Star, unknown page number. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01328).
1925 - advertisementStandard Silver Co., Toronto / Holmes & Edwards Silver Co. / International Silver Co. (22 June 1925). Advertisement: "... It’s Brilliant Welcome Won’t Wear Off... Holmes & Edwards Super Plate-Inlaid... " [with illustration explaining inlaid positioning]. Toronto Daily Star, p. 18. (Viewed 25 October 2020. E01329).
1925 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / International Silver Co. (August 1925). Advertisement: "... As youth is linked with Romance... The Romance tea spoon... Also in Canada by the Standard Silver Co., International Silver Co. of Canada... " [with illustration showing spoon in the pattern]. Harper’s Bazaar, p. 108. (Viewed 15 January 2021. E01321-22).
1925 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. [of Canada]. (15 September 1925). Advertisement: " When ships come in ... Silverplate from the House of Holmes & Edwards... Also in Canada by the Standard Silver Co. ... ". [with illustrations showing spoons in Century and Romance teaspoons]. Vogue, p. 148. (Viewed 8 January 2021. E01319-20).
1926 advertisementsSee the ads 1926 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / International Silver Co. (15 January 1926). Advertisement: "’Solid Silver Where it Wears’ ... Also in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... International Silver Co. of Canada... " [with illustration of spoon in Century pattern]. Vogue, p. 132. (Updated 9 January 2021. F00695-96).
1926 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / International Silver Co. (February 1926). Advertisement: "’Solid Silver Where it Wears’... Also in Canada by Standard Silver Co. of Toronto... International Silver Co. of Canada..." [with illustration of spoon in Century pattern]. Good Housekeeping, p. 154. (Updated 9 January 2021. F00697-98).
1926 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. [of Canada]. (February 1926). Advertisement: "Solid silver where it wears... Holmes & Edwards... Also in Canada by the Standard Silver Co. ... International Silver Co. of Canada... " [with illustration of spoon in Century pattern]. Harper’s Bazaar, p. 132. (Viewed 8 January 2021. E01330-31).
1926 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / International Silver Co. (15 March 1926). Advertisement: "Defiance to wear... Also in Canada by the Standard Silver Co., International Silver Co. of Canada... " [with illustration of spoon in Romance pattern]. Vogue, p. 160. (Viewed 15 January 2021. E01332-33).
1927 advertisementsSee the ads 1927 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / Standard Silver Co. / International Silver Co. (10 June 1927). Advertisement: "For fortunate brides... Silverplate with permanent beauty... Holmes & Edwards Super Plate Inlaid; manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Company of Toronto, Limited... International Silver Company of Canada... " [with illustrations of spoons in the Century and Romance patterns]. The Globe (Toronto, ON), p. 17, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 2 January 2020. E01340).
1927 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / Standard Silver Co. / International Silver Co. (28 November 1927). Advertisement: "Inlaid silverplate; the permanent gift; Holmes & Edwards Inlaid quality... manufactured in Canada by Standard Silver Company of Toronto, Limited... International Silver Company of Canada... " [with illustrations of spoons in the Century and Romance patterns, chest, and casserole dish]. Toronto Daily Star (Ontario), p. 4, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 2 January 2021. E01341).
1928 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / International Silver Co. (February 1928). Advertisement: "... A New Way to Acquire a Complete Service... In Canada by Standard Silver Co., International Silver Co. of Canada..." [with illustrations showing spoons in Century, Jamestown, Pageant and Romance patterns]. Good Housekeeping, p. 109. (Updated 9 January 2021. F00699-700).
1929 or earlier - booklet (missing)Holmes & Edwards / Standard Silver Co. / International Silver Co. of Canada. (1929 or earlier). "Stepping stones to a perfect table service" booklet. Number of pages unknown. No copy known to be in a public library. (Viewed 2 January 2020. E01344).
1929 - advertisementHolmes & Edwards / Standard Silver Co. / International Silver Co. (29 May 1929). Advertisement: "Bringing the hostess so much in style and quality for so little in cost... " [with drawing / illustration of persons at a formal table setting with cutlery]. The Globe (Toronto, ON), p. 20. (Viewed 2 January 2020. E01344).
1930s |
"... [The Standard Silver Co.] was closed in 1931... while it was operating, it was known as Factory S-C. ..." (Excerpt from Hogan (1977), see below.) |
1940s | 1947 - book mentionMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). Illustration of various International Silver Co. predecessors and divisions, including the Standard Silver Co. [founded 1895; became part of International Silver Co. of Canada (1922)] In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal, inside front cover. 388 pp. New York: E.M. McBride & Company. (Viewed 10 September 2020. DM.)
1960s | 1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "International Silver Co." [with mention of Standard Silver Co., Toronto], (pp. 82-3). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 8 September 2020. L01882-83 L01900-01).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Standard Silver Co. of Toronto", (pp. 170-71). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 8 September 2020. E01313).
1970s | 1977 - book mentionHogan, Edmund P. (1977). "International Silver Co. of Canada, Ltd." and "Standard Silver Co." mentions, (pp. 170-71). In An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company. Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX. (13 September 2020. DM.)
"... In addition to plated holloware [the Standard Silver Co.] also sold Holmes & Edwards flatware and later (eagle) Wm. Rogers (Star) plated flatware, which in the U.S. was made by Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. [The Standard Silver Co. was] bought by International Silver Co. [year unspecified]..." "... Originally the three factories [the Canadian operations of Meriden Britannia Co. in Hamilton, Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. in Niagara Falls, and the Standard Silver Co. in Toronto] operated independently but in the fall of 1924 it was decided to consolidate the three companies... with the head office of International Silver Co. of Canada, Ltd. located in Hamilton..." "... [The Standard Silver Co.] was closed in 1931... while it was operating, it was known as Factory S-C. ..." (Excerpt from above.) |
1990s | 1990-92 - Standard Silver Co. in Quebec City exhibition(undated). [Standard Silver Co. / Monarch Silver Co. Warming dish and lid (1895-1925) in Jeux: un peu, beaucoup, passionnément (presumably "Play: A little, a lot, passionately" in English) exhibition at Musées de la civilisation, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (October 1990 - January 1992). Listed on object webpage. (Viewed 11 September 2020. J00722). 1991 - Standard Silver Co. in Quebec City exhibition(undated). [Standard Silver Co. bottle cooler (1895-1925) in L’oeil amérindien. Regards sur l’animal ("The Native American Eye: Views on animals" in English) exhibition at Musées de la civilisation, Quebec City (May 1991 - October 1991)]. Listed on object webpage. (Viewed 11 September 2020. E01364; J00721).
2000s | 2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "International Silver Company" [with mention of Standard Silver Co., Toronto], (p. 116-20). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. A02925a-c(-)27a-c).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Standard Silver Co. of Toronto", (pp. 236-37). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 2 August 2020. A02885a,b).
Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical silver companies from the Meriden area, and those that were connected to the International Silver Company; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions" and E: "Other featured companies". |
On Standard Silver Co. (Toronto) - 1: designs in collections, etc. | 2: design catalogues, etc.