This is a pdf of the October 1934 magazine, International Silver Service, a publication by the International Silver Co. for their staff, distributors, retailers, etc.
Below this pdf, a full table of contents is listed.
Contents: October 1934, International Silver Service magazine
> Cover - Holmes & Edwards (presumably) / International Silver Co. showing wedding ring-oriented display [presumably with H&E’s First Lady pattern].
> Page 2 - Gardinor, C. R. (ISC President): The dealer votes "yes" [about new controlled distribution policy].
> Page 3 - "Bill": The junior clerk; no. 5— in which Bill tries a psychic bid [humor].
> Page 4 - 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.: It’s local advertising; How 1847 Rogers Bros. magazine advertising reaches practically all of your customers [with seven illustrations of print advertising].
> Page 5 - 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.: To help make sales; 1847 Rogers Bros. offers many sales helps timely, effective and for every purpose [with 14 illustrations showing 1847 Rogers Bros. signage, "buffet" booklet, general pattern folder, three velvet displays for silverware, display showing patterns, window card, and four Ann Adams promotional letters].
> Page 6 - International Silver Co.: Book of baby silver [about display case, with two illustrations].
> Page 7 - International Silver Co.: International Sterling dresser silver sets for the fall [with illustration showing nine backs of mirrors and three military sets].
> Page 8 - Holmes & Edwards (presumably) / International Silver Co.: Sells wedding rings; Jeweler finds that the wedding ring chest acts as a very efficient salesman for rings [presumably with H&E’s First Lady pattern].
> Page 9 - International Silver Co.: Christmas chest; success of wedding containers inspires demand for one for the holidays [with mention of 1847 Rogers Bros., Holmes and Edwards, and Wm. Rogers & Son, with illustrations of silverware and chests].
> Page 10 - International Silver Co.: Believes that I. S. Co. goes after business in right way; letter from Charleston, S. C. retailer after visiting traveling display [with several photos].
> Page 11 - Holmes & Edwards / International Silver Co.: The "Silver Cabinet"; Lovely new "ad" [display] container to hold Holmes & Edwards Inlaid is unique chest [with illustration].
> Page 11 - Holmes & Edwards / International Silver Co.: New sets in Stratford Plate sectional [with three illustrations of silveware in cases].
> Page 12 - Wm. Rogers & Son / International Silver Co.: Three new containers; Will be featured in Wm. Rogers & Son advertising to appear in the Saturday Evening Post this fall [with illustrations of silveware in three cases].
> Page 13 - Wm. Rogers & Son / International Silver Co.: Forceful advertising of Wm. Rogers & Son throughout fall [with illustration showing four brochures and mention of Burgundy, Guild and Paris patterns].
> Pages 14-15 - 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co.: The Peacock pattern; Beautiful design in 1847 Rogers Bros. hollowware; all the pieces in which make desireable gifts [with 8-9 product illustrations].
> Back cover - International Silver Co.: Your sales are the key to the whole situation [with mention of 1847 Rogers Bros and Wm. Rogers & Son].
> Click to see more design catalogues and historical documentation on the International Silver Company.
> Click to see more design catalogues and historical documentation on 1847 Rogers Bros.
> Click to see more design catalogues and historical documentation on Holmes & Edwards Silver Company
> Click to see more design catalogues and historical documentation on Wm. Rogers & Son / Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.