Meriden Silver Plate Co. design catalogues and historical information
Marks, patents, advertisements & more concerning the design legacy.
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 3 April 2016 | Updated 23 December 2021
LINK: Meriden Silver Plate Co. designs in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions
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Above, selected designs on catalogue page 64 of the 1883 Meriden Silver Plate Co. illustrated catalogue. Below, MSPC Ile de France style tea set on page 6 in the 1928 or 1929 International Silver Co. catalogue. For more information, see the entries listed below.
Organized in 1869, the company was acquired by H. C. Wilcox, President of [Meriden Britannia Co.] in 1870. After International Silver Co. was formed in 1898, the business was moved into the Meriden Britannia Co. plant. Its large glass cutting department was combined with that of the Wilcox Silver Plate Co. and continued producing a fine line of cut glass until 1915, under the name of Meriden Cut Glass Co. During the early 1900’s Meriden Britannia Co. produced an extensive line of medium priced silverplated hollowware under the trademark of the Meriden Silver Plate Co. It continued in active use until 1938."
— Edmund P. Hogan in An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company (1977), pp. 167.
Meriden Silver Plate Co. (founded 1869) design catalogues and historical information (by year) [1]
Meriden Silver Plate Co.; Eureka Silver Company (MSPC trademark)
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1870s |
1870 - advertisementThe Meriden Silver Plate Co. (March 1870). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the Finest Quality of Quadruple Plated Ware, West Meriden, Conn., Salesroom: No. 11 Maiden Lane, (New Iron Building), New York" [with no illustrations]. The Aldine Press: A Typographical Art Journal, p. 36. (Viewed 2 June 2019. C00938-39).
1871 articlesSee the articles 1871 - news mention(6 May 1871). State items [with "New Haven County" section and mention: "The Meriden silver plate company are several months behind their orders and are talking of enlarging their works." (Excerpt in full.)] Hartford Courant, p. 1. (Viewed 20 October 2018. D00400).
1871 - news mention(11 October 1871). State correspondence [with "Meriden" section and mention of Meriden Silver Plate Company]. Hartford Courant, p. 1. (Viewed 20 October 2018. D00401).
"The Meriden Silver Plate company are going to enlarge their works by building on an addition to their factory which will extend out to Colony street, and will double their resources for turning out work." (Relevant excerpt in full from above.) 1871 - four advertisementsE. O. Hall & Son, Honolulu. (October - November 1871). Advertisement: "... A very fine assortment of the celebrated West Meriden Silver Plated ware..." [presumably Meriden Silver Plate Co. or Meriden Britannia Co.; with no relevant illustrations]. The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00553-57).
1871 patentsSee the patents 1871 - patent - design for a dessert-setCharles Casper, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (31 January 1871). Design no. 4613: Design for a dessert-set. (Viewed 20 April 2018. AAA02428).
1871 - patent - design for a dessert-setCharles Casper, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (31 January 1871). Design no. 4614: Design for a dessert-set. (Viewed 20 April 2018. AAA02429).
1872 - advertisementB. A. Clark & Co. (31 December 1872). Advertisement: "At salesrooms of Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... Great Auction Sale of Elegant Silver Plated Ware; The entire stock of the Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 14 August 2020.
1872 patentsSee the patents 1872 - patent - design for a butter-dishJohn Hill, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (7 May 1872). Design no 5839: Design for a butter-dish. (Viewed 20 April 2018. AAA02430).
1872 - patent - improvement in caster-bottlesCharles Casper, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (11 June 1872). Letters patent no. 127,740: Improvement in caster-bottles. (Viewed 16 March 2018. AAA01205).
1873 advertisementsSee the ads 1873 - advertisementB. A. Clark & Co. (2 January 1873). Advertisement: "At salesroom of Meriden Silver Plate Co... Great Auction Sale of elegant Silver-plated Ware, the entire stock of the Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. New York Daily Tribune, p. 8, col. 6. (Viewed 14 August 2020. L02028-29).
1873 - advertisementOgle & Miller, auctioneers, Wilmington, DE. (3 January 1873). Text-based advertisement: "Sale of Silver Plated Ware ... These goods are from the celebrated manufactory of Rogers & Bro., at Waterbury, Conn., and the Meriden Silver Plating Works... " Daily Gazette (Wilmington, Delaware), p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 20 January 2021. C01472).
1873 - classified advertisementW. L. Wall & Co., Auctioneers, Washington, DC. (c. 21 January 1873). Classified advertisement: "... Extensive and peremptory sale by auction of an elegant stock of first class silver-plated ware and fine cutlery... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), unknown page number, col. 5. (Viewed 2 May 2020. H01296).
1873 - classified advertisement(25 April 1873). Classified advertisement: "Auction Notice. B. A. Clark & Co. on account of vacating store May 1... comprising two black-walnut side show-cases, sixty feet long, formerly belonging to Meriden Silver-plate Company... " New York Times, p. 3. (Viewed 24 April 2020. C00940).
1873 - classified advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (6 June 1873). Classified advertisement. Chicago Daily Tribune, presumably p. 1, col. 5. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00551). "Special Notice. This is to certify that E. R. Fillold [?] is not our authorized agent, and we will not pay any money which he may obtain from persons, or any bills of his contracting on our account. Meriden Silver Plate Co., West Meriden, Conn." 1873 - advertisementTweddle Hall, Albany, NY. (September 1873). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware suitable for wedding presents, manufactured by the Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Albany Morning Express (Albany, New York). (Viewed 31 May 2020. H01877-84).
1873 - two advertisementsTweddle Hall Dollar Store, Albany, NY. (27 & 29 September 1873). Advertisements: "... Elegant designs in Silver Plated Ware suitable for Wedding Presents, Manufactured by... the Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Hudson Daily Star (Hudson, New York). (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01786-87).
1874 - state business directory listing(1874). Listing: "Manufacturing Companies ... The Meriden Silver Plate Co.," (p. 219). In The Connecticut Business Directory for 1874. Briggs & Co.: Boston. (Viewed 18 October 2020. F01535; F01537). 1875 - bird’s eye view mapO.H. Bailey & Co. (1875). City of Meriden, Conn 1875: [birds eye view]. Boston. [1 print; lithograph, 55 x 67 cm]. [“View of Meriden Conn. with fifty-eight public buildings, churches, businesses and factories identified at foot", including "22. Meriden Silver Plate Co."] (Viewed 21 May 2020. A00048; A01099; H01632-34). 1875 - advertisementNavra & Offner’s China Palace, New Orleans. (16 May 1875). Advertisement: "... Depot for Meriden Silver Plated Ware... " [presumably Meriden Silver Plate Co. or Meriden Britannia Co.; no illustrations]. The New Orleans Bulletin, presumably p. 4, col. 3. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00561). 1876 - book mention - Meriden Silver Plate in exhibition(1877). Souvenir of the Centennial exhibition [1876]: Connecticut’s representation at Philadelphia (exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876). [Core section: pp 99-111; also see exhibits list: pp. 124-27; Exhibitors including Meriden Silver Plate Company, p. 126: "Plated Goods... Silver-plated ware"]. Geo. D. Curtis: Hartford, CT. (Viewed 25 June 2016. A00965-75.) 1876 - photograph of designCentennial Photographic Co. (1876). Meriden Silver Plate Co. design at 1876 Centennial Exhibition (exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876). Albumen Prints. (Viewed 29 June 2018. A03010.) 1876 - book mention - Middletown Plate Co. in Centennial exhibition(1876). Centennial Exhibition, V. [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co. and illustration of centerpiece] (exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876). In Art Journal, v. 2, (pp. 304-05). D. Appleton & Co. Publishers: New York. (Viewed 27 May 2020. H01733-38). 1876 - guide book mentionGilmore, Charles M. (compiler). (1876). "Middletown Plate Co." section. In The Herald guide book and directory to the Centennial exhibition, (p. 28, including a detailed description of certain designs on exhibit) (exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876). Charles M. Gilmore: Philadelphia. (Viewed 27 May 2020. H01739-42). "... This unique and superb exhibit... Main Exposition Building... displayed in an elaborate pavilion, constructed of ebony and gold, and enclosed with French plate glass, we noticed a large and most elegant design in silver, representing the tower and clock of Independence Hall, showing the famous old ’76’ bell..." (Excerpt from above.) 1876 - news mention(12 February 1876). City personals [with mention of the Meriden Silver Plate Company]. The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (West Virginia), presumably p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00565). "Mr. Chas. Casper, President of the Meriden Silver Plate Company, Meriden, Conn., was in the city yesterday and placed a large order for fine glassware with J. H. Hobbs, Brockunier & Co. The Meriden company are extensive manufacturers of fine silver plated goods which are sold in all parts of the country, from Maine to California." (Full excerpt from above.) 1877 advertisementsSee the ads 1877 - advertisementZimmerman, McNaught, & Co., Toronto. (29 September 1877). Advertisement: "... Agents for... Meriden Silver Plate Company, West Meriden... " [with no illustrations]. The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), p. 4. (Viewed 19 May 2019. H00922).
1877 - advertisementJ. S. Dickerman for Meriden Silver Plate Co., New York. (31 October 1877). Advertisement: "... Important auction sale... direct from... Meriden Silver Plate Company...will be sold in the store corner of North Pearl street and Maiden lane... " [with no illustrations]. Albany Journal (New York), p. 1, col. 9. (Viewed 30 May 2020. H01840-41).
1877 - advertisementJ. S. Dickerman for Meriden Silver Plate Co., New York. (8 November 1877). Advertisement: "... Important auction sale... direct from... Meriden Silver Plate Company...will be sold in the store corner of North Pearl street and Maiden lane... " [with no illustrations]. Albany Morning Express (New York), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01671).
1877 - advertisementZimmerman, McNaught, & Co., Toronto. (17 November 1877). Advertisement: "... Agents for... Meriden Silver Plate Company, West Meriden... " [with no illustrations]. The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), p. 4. (Viewed 19 May 2019. H00923).
1878 articlesSee the articles 1878 - news mentionPresumably via a wire service. (23 February 1878). Floods [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Company.] The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (West Virginia), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 3 October 2018. B00706). 1878 - news mention(30 August 1878). Presentation at the House of Brewster Hook & Ladder Co. [with mention: "... The parade trumpet was made to order by the Meriden Silver Plate Co., of New York city... "; scan quality at bottom is low, so assumption that the two columns refer to the same article title]. Newburgh Daily Register (New York), p. 1, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 14 August 2020. L02030-31).
1878 - advertisementL. W. Stidham & Son. (20 September 1878). Advertisement: "Public sale; Extended sale of fine triple silver plated ware... The goods are manufactured by... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Daily Gazette (Wilmington, Delaware), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 14 August 2020. L02032-33).
1879 - design catalogueMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1879). Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Superior Electro Silver Plated Ware. 159 pp. (Updated 28 June 2018. AAA00570-081; A02207; AAA03376-17.)
1879 - design catalogue excerpts reprintMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1879). Reprinted page with 8 spoon holders from catalogue (1879). In Hogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities, (p. 88). Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 20 April 2017. DM.)
1879 articlesSee the articles 1879 - article(14 April 1879). Meriden: The Meriden Silver Plate Co. Hartford Courant, p. 4. (Viewed 21 October 2018. D00396).
"This company was started in 1870 as a joint stock company for the manufacture of silver and electro plated ware... About two hundred persons are employed... are continually adding new designs, new ideas, and elaborate styles... Their goods are sold in all of the markets of the world and their trade is increasing rapidly, especially their foreign trade. Hollow wares of a fine grade are the leading features, although flat ware, such as forks, spoons, ladles, etc., are manufactured... manufacture of cut glass... The company received a diploma and medal at the Centennial exhibition at Philadelphia, and the judges spoke highly of the wares displayed..." (Excerpt from above.) 1879 - promotional news mention(12 December 1879). A fine display of silverware. The State Rights Democrat (Albany, Oregon), presumably p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00562). "Having just received a splendid assortment of silverplated ware, I invite the citizens of Albany and vicinity to call and examine them. The above goods are manufactured by the Meriden Silver Plate Company, and a warranted Quadruple plate. These goods must be sold, so call early and secure a bargain. Respectfully, F. M. French. Opposite Odd Fellows’ Temple." (Full excerpt from above.) 1879 advertisementsSee the ads 1879 - advertisementD. A. Hook & Co., Auctioneers, presumably Leavenworth, KS. (9 May 1879). Advertisement: "... Sale By Auction... Silver-Plated Goods... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Leavenworth Appeal (Leavenworth, KS), presumably p. 7. (Viewed 12 July 2021. D01810).
1879 - four advertisementsC. A. B. Halvorson, presumably Butte, Montana. (December 1879). Advertisement: "... Meriden Silver-plated ware [presumably either Meriden Britannia Co. or Meriden Silver Plate Co.] ..." The Weekly Miner (Butte, Montana). (Viewed 10 October 2018. B00881-84).
Design Meriden is now actively seeking business sponsors. Each entry in our research compilations that is added as a result of your support will be listed as "(Entry supported by ’your organization’)". This support will be communicated internationally. For more information, contact |
1880s |
1880 - news mention(1880). Building intelligence; Meriden, Conn.: "... The Meriden Silver Plate Co. are building a new addition to their works, 40x60 feet, five stories..." The Plumber and Sanitary Engineer, p. 197, col. 2. (Viewed 26 May 2020. H01714). 1880 advertisementsSee the ads 1880 - advertisementH. Z. Rhoads & Bro., Jewelers, presumably Lancaster, PA. (28 June 1880). Advertisement: "Electro Silver Plated Hollow Ware of the... Meriden Silver Plate Company... " [no illustrations]. Lancaster Daily Intelligencer (Pennsylvania), presumably p. 3, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 3 October 2018. B00707). 1880 - advertisementBullard & George, presumably Watertown, NY. (4 October 1880). Advertisement: "Solid and silver plate, Meriden Silver Plate [Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Watertown Times (Watertown, NY), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01075). 1880 - patent - ice-pitcherHenry E. Osborn, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (25 May 1880; filed 13 March 1880). Letters patent no. 228,106: Ice-pitcher. (Viewed 16 March 2018. AAA01208).
1881 - illustration of buildingPorter, Wils (lithographer). (1881). Illustration of Meriden Silver Plate Co. In Meriden, Conn. 1881 / From Summit Heights [print (lithograph)]. B. S. Farrow (Publisher). (Object no. 1973.0498.004. Viewed 3 June 2017. A02584-85.) 1881 articlesSee the articles 1881 - news mention(14 February 1881). Water in floods; a disastrous storm [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Company]. Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), presumably p. 2, col. 2-3. (Viewed 3 October 2018. B00693-98). 1881 - news mention(14 February 1881). The floods in Connecticut [with "At Meriden" section and mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Hartford Courant, p. 4. (Viewed 21 October 2018. D00398).
1881 - news mention(15 October 1881). American plated silver ware: A movement to secure its admission to the French markets [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Company with lengthy quote from the company’s President, Charles Casper]. New York Times, p. 5. (Viewed 17 December 2018. D00443).
1881 advertisementsSee the ads 1881 - advertisement and listingMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1881). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the finest quality of Quadruple Plated Ware... Meriden" [with no illustration], (p. 206). [Also listed in "Stock companies" (p. 186) and see possible listings in business directory. In Meriden directory for 1881; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory. Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 12 October 2020. F01486; F01506; F01511). 1881 - advertisementHorace Partridge & Co., Boston. (1881). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Hollow Ware, Manufactured by ... Meriden Silver Plate Company... " [with no illustrations]. Somerville City Directory (Somerville, Massachusetts), 2nd advertisement after p. 104. (Viewed 28 May 2020. H01751-52). 1881 - six advertisementsI. G. Dillon, presumably Wheeling, WV. (2 May 1881). Advertisement: "Fine silverware! ... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Wheeling Register (West Virginia). (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00931-36).
1881 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (November 1881). Advertisement: "... open their new Salesroom [To-day] at 30 East 14th St. where will be found new designs of silver-plated ware.. " New York Tribune. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00563-64).
1881 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co., New York. (17 November 1881). Advertisement: "... have opened their new salesrooms, at 30 East Fourteenth Street, New York where will be found new designs of silver plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, presumably p. 4, col. 9. (Viewed 30 May 2020. H01838-39).
1881 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1 December 1881). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of the Finest Quality of Electro-Plated Ware; Salesroom, 30 East 14th Street, Near Union Square, New York ..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 7 August 2019. H01143). 1882 - promotional book mentionCarroll, George D. (Ed.) (1882). Happy thought! Dempsey & Carroll (a mixed product illustration book [Dempsey & Carroll, The Art Stationers and Engravers, New York] with poems, etc., with section "Patrons of our house... [including] Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... 30 E. 14th Street... "), p. 76. (Viewed 28 May 2020. H01753-54). 1882 advertisementsSee the ads 1882 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (2 March 1882). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of the Finest Quality of Electro-Plated Ware; Salesroom, 30 East 14th Street, Near Union Square, New York ..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 7 August 2019. H01144). 1882 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (19 September 1882). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of the Finest Quality of Electro-Plated Ware; Salesroom, 30 East 14th Street, Near Union Square, New York ..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 3 November 2020. F01767). 1882 - advertisementThe New York Jewelry Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. (30 November 1882). Advertisement: "... Have you noticed how the big Jewelry Stores in Cincinnati have ’woke up’ since we opened our Branch Store... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Enquirer, p. 8. (Viewed 10 June 2019. C00991).
1882 - advertisementNew York Jewelry Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. (8 December 1882). Advertisement: "... Have you noticed how the big Jewelry Stores in Cincinnati have ’woke up’ since we opened our Branch Store... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. The American Israelite (Cincinnati, Ohio), p. 197. (Viewed 11 June 2019. C00992-93).
1882 - two advertisementsMeriden Silver Plate Co. (17 & 20 December 1882). Advertisement: "30 East 14th St., Holiday Gifts ... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ..." [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York). (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00558-59).
1882 - advertisementChas. J. Fishel, presumably Oahu, Hawaii. (27 December 1882). Advertisement: "Silver ! Silver ! Silver ! ... Meriden silver plate ..." [presumably Meriden Silver Plate Co. or Meriden Britannia Co.; with no illustrations]. The Hawaiian Gazette (Oahu, Hawaii), presumably p. 3, col. 6-8. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00560). 1882 patentsSee the patents 1882 - patent - pitcherLouis C. Hiller, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (14 February 1882; filed 16 January 1882). Letters patent no. 253,703: Pitcher. (Viewed 16 March 2018. AAA01209).
1882 - patent - design for a spoon or fork handleLouis C. Hiller, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (8 August 1882; filed 12 July 1882). Design for a spoon or fork handle. (Viewed 20 April 2018. AAA02431).
1883 - design catalogueMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1883). Illustrated catalogue and price list of staple goods, superior electro-silver plated wares. 84 pp. (Updated 8 May 2020. A00292-93; AAA00012; H01454.)
1883 - directory listing(12 September 1883). Comprehensive directory of the City of Meriden, Conn. [Listing: "Corporations. Manufacturing... Meriden Silver Plate Company, manufacturers of silver-plated ware and glass ware, capital $45,000."] Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 24 October 2020. F01608). 1883 - news mention(March 1883). Trade gossip (with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.’s new catalogue). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 63. (Viewed 5 September 2018. F00275.) 1883 advertisementsSee the ads 1883 - advertisementChas. J. Fishel, presumably Honolulu. (14 February 1883). Advertisement: "Silver ! Silver ! Silver ! ... Meriden silver plate... " [presumably Meriden Silver Plate Co. or Meriden Britannia Co.] [with no illustrations]. The Hawaiian Gazette (Honolulu) , presumably p. 5, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B00880). 1883 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (15 February 1883). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, column 7. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00256). 1883 - advertisementChapman & Gale’s, presumably Norfolk, VA. (presumably 29 April 1883). Advertisement: "... The finest goods for the least money... Meriden Silver Plate Company’s Silver Plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. Norfolk Virginian (Norfolk, Virginia), presumably p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 23 December 2021. D01860).
1883 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (12 September 1883). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 23 July 2021. F01641). 1883 - two advertisementsWebster Bros. & Co., Brooklyn, NY. (12, 14 November 1883). Advertisement: "... Meriden [Silver] Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, NY), p. 1, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 16 October 2018. B01102-03).
1883 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (13 November 1883). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, column 8. (Viewed 10 September 2017. G00264). 1883 - two advertisementsDan’l D. Horton, Catskill, NY. (30 November & 14 December 1883). Advertisements: 4,000 square feet of shelving packed with goods! Holiday goods ... Silver Ware ... Representing... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with illustration of presumably castor, possibly by the company]. The Catskill Recorder (Catskill, New York). (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00036-37).
1884 - missing design catalogueMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1884). [trade catalogue, including designs of 14 pepper boxes]. No copy in a public library is known to exist. (Viewed 23 December 2016.) 1884 - design catalogue excerpt reprintMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1884). Reprinted illustrations of 14 pepper boxes from catalogue (1884). In Hogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities, (p. 88). Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 20 April 2017. DM.)
1884 - map(1884). Meriden, Connecticut map, (p. 3 showing North Colony street and "Meriden Silverplate Co."). Sanborn Map & Publishing Co. 14 leaves. Yale University library. (Viewed 21 November 2016. A01026; AAA00008.)
1884 - advertisementsSee the ads 1884 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (2 February 1884). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the Finest Quality of Electro-Plated Ware... New York... Meriden... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 21 October 2020. F01611). 1884 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (2 April 1884). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware. Salesroom: 30 East 14th Street, Near Union Square, New York. Factories, Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 10 August 2019. H01176). 1884 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (5 December 1884). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware. Salesroom: 30 East 14th Street, Near Union Square, New York. Factories, Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 20 July 2019. C01079). 1885 - advertisementsSee the ads 1885 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (5 April 1885). Advertisement: "The Meriden Silver Plate Co., 30 East 14th St. ... Public Auction..." [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York), p. 8, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00552). 1885 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (8 April 1885). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware. Salesroom: 30 East 14th Street, Near Union Square, New York. Factories, Meriden, Conn." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 12 August 2019. L01007). 1885 - five advertisementsE. v. Seutter, Jackson, Mississippi. (May - July 1885). Advertisement: "... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... (every visitor will recollect their gorgeous Exhibits at the Great Philadelphia Centennial ) ..." The Clarion (Jackson, Mississippi). (Viewed 22 September 2018. B00364-68).
1885 - advertisementAcme Silver Co., Toronto, Canada. (November 1885). Text-based advertisement: "An open letter to the trade... That these men are stating what they know to be false. One of these individuals represents himself as the agent of the Meriden Silver Plate Co., that has ceased to do business in Canada... " The Trader & Canadian Jeweler (Toronto, ON), p. 7. (Viewed 12 August 2020. L02009). 1886 - book / directory listing(1886). "Meriden Silver Plate Co." entry. In Industries of Canada; Historical and commercial sketches of Toronto and environs, p. 97. M. G. Bixby & Co.: Toronto, Ont. (Viewed 26 May 2020. H01712-13). "... Manufacturers of Fine Electro-plated Ware. Factories at Meriden, Con. [sic], U.S. and Hamilton, Ont.; Salesrooms, 14 Colborne Street [Toronto]... sample-room 40x90 feet... For first-class work in its line this house stands pre-eminently in the foremost ranks..." (Excerpt from above.) 1886 - articlesSee the articles 1886 - news mention(20 January 1886). The Concordia Jahrmarkt; Arrangements made for the opening Monday night [with mention: "... benefit of Concordia church ... A list of donors ... Meriden Silver Plate Co., fruit stand... "]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 8, col. 3. (Viewed 14 August 2020. L02026-27).
1886 - news mention(May 1886). Silver plate manufacturing [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.] The Trader & Canadian Jeweler (Toronto, ON), p. 10. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01806-07). "... While all branches of manufacture have made such worthy progress, there is one, that of the manufacturer of silver plated ware, that deserves, perhaps, more than a passing notice. Previous to the year 1877 we had not one factory in existence, and consequently not one dollar’s worth of goods made in Canada. Now there are two at least that produce spoons and forks, and what is known as hollow-ware... the Acme Silver Company of Toronto... bought out the factory, tools and machinery of the Toronto branch of the Meriden Silver Plate Company of Connecticut... " (Excerpt from above.) 1886 - news mention(May 1886). Trade gossip (with mention: "The Meriden Silver Plate Co. will give up their New York store in Fourteenth street early this present month".) The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 133. (Viewed 6 September 2018. C00270.) 1886 - news mention(28 May 1886). A palatail dining car [with mention: "... twelve new dining cars for the through route to British Columbia arrived [in] Montreal... the silverware was manufactured by the Meriden Silver Plate company, of Hamilton, Ont. ... " Daily British Colonist (Victoria, BC, Canada), presumably p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 30 May 2020. H01842-43).
1886 - advertisement and listingMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1886). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of the finest quadruple plated ware... Meriden... New York... Chicago" [with no illustrations], (p. 294). [Also, listed in "Stock Companies" section, (p. 268) and see possible listings in business directory.] In Meriden directory for 1886; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory, a map.... Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 10 October 2020. F01485; F01493; F01496). 1887 - news mention(25 July 1887). Trouble in Meriden; The sale of an interest in the Meriden Silver Plate Company to a representative of the Meriden Britannia Company [one-paragraph article]. Hartford Courant, p. 6. (Viewed 21 October 2018. D00397)
1887 - advertisementsSee the ads 1887 - advertisement and directory listingsMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1887). Advertisement: "... finest quality quadruple ware... salesrooms... New York... Chicago... " [with no illustrations]. In Meriden directory for 1887, (p. 317). (Also, product listing on p. 251 (Silver Plated Ware Mfrs.); p. 279 (stock company listing). Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 19 May 2020. H01590; H01594-95; H01602). 1887 - two advertisementsBoston Variety Store, presumably Washington, DC. (16, 17 November 1887). Advertisements: "... We display a line of Silver and Plated Ware second to none... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 26 June 2019. E00869-72).
1887 - two advertisementsBoston Variety Store, Washington, DC. (19, 21 November 1887). Advertisement: "... Thanksgiving is coming... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01156-58).
1888 - design catalogueMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1888). Illustrated catalogue and price list of new and staple goods. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 29 July 2018. C00202-07).
1888 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton, Boston, MA. (9 December 1888). Advertisement: "... Silver Ware... A large assortment... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Boston Sunday Globe, p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 29 October 2020. F01665).
c. 1888 - design catalogue excerpt reprintsMeriden Silver Plate Co. (c. 1888). Reprinted illustrations showing 2-4 "old silver" table lamps page from catalogue. (c. 1888). In Hogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities, (p. 126). Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 20 April 2017. DM.)
1889 - design catalogueBusiest House in America. (1889). 13th annual illustrated catalogue of the Busiest House in America containing illustrations and prices of a few leading and staple styles of diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, clocks, canes, umbrellas, opera glasses, gold spectacles, eye glasses, etc. [pp. 3-93 feature designs by Rogers, Smith & Co; Meriden Britannia; Meriden Silver Plate Co.; and Middletown Plate Co. without specifying which designs are by which of the 4 companies. Catalogue: 482 pp. (Viewed 7 March 2017. A01684; AAA00585.) 1889 - missing booklet accompanying exposition - Meriden Silver Plate Co. at Meriden opera house(1889). Meriden Journal Souvenir [leather-bound booklet containing a list of the manufactories contributing to the exhibition at the Delavan Opera House, Meriden, 10 October 1889, and other companies in Meriden], 4 pp. (Viewed 13 September 2018. L00763; L00765-68).
"Meriden Silver Plate Co., quadruple plated ware." (Excerpt in full from article above; the company’s designs are reported to be in the exhibition.) 1889 - spotlighted article mention(29 June 1889). Meriden’s industries, their prosperous condition to-day... This in Meriden’s brief history; Introduction (with section on Meriden Silver Plate [Co.]). Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1 & 4. (Viewed 21 October 2020. F01597; F01618). "... The principal markets are of course those at home, in the west, but South America and Australia are patronized by exports... The company maintains stores in all the business centres, and that in Chicago... " (Excerpt from above.) 1889 - spotlighted news mention - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in Meriden opera house exhibition(10 October 1889). Americans in Meriden: Visit of the International American Congress [including section of Meriden Silver Plate Co. exhibited wares]. Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1-2. (Viewed 9 September 2018. L00751-59). "Silver plated ware and cut glass work were shown by the Meriden Silver Plate company... Among the articles exhibited were: Lavoratory set, cut glass lamp, bicycle prize cup, new brush set, cigar box, triplicate mirror, candelabras, smoking set, brackets, nut bowls, card receivers, candle sticks, individual sugars and cream[er]s, bon-bon trays, shoe horns and button hooks, salts and case glass champagne tankard, glass flower bowls, cut glass salad dish and tray, castors, syrups and sugar sifters, pitcher set, hand work, solid castor, picture frames, cut glass water pitcher, after dinner coffee set, tilting pitcher, shaving brush and cup and some other articles. The refined taste shown in the arrangement of this display received the highest commendation. It was true art, every thing being in correct form, even to the table cloths which were tri-colored plush, the effect of which was beautiful." (Excerpt from above.) 1889 - other articlesSee the articles - news mention(June 1889). Chicago briefs (with mention about Meriden [Silver] Plate Co. possible new location on Wabash avenue]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 33. (Viewed 15 September 2018. L00797). 1889 - news mention - in Meriden opera house exposition(10 October 1889). Our guests: Honored visitors here to-day [including section describing exhibited Meriden Silver Plate Co. wares]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1. (Viewed 15 September 2018. L00769-83). "... the Meriden Silver Plate shop had one of the prettiest and most artistically arranged exhibits in the theatre. It was made up of lamps, cake baskets, brush sets and a fine array of cut glass. One of the most beautiful things in the whole display was a cut glass lamp, with shade and globe of the same material... Beautiful natural flowers in cut glass vases added much to the beauty of this table." (Full excerpt from above.) 1889 - news mention, in Meriden opera house exhibition(11 October 1889). Compliments for Meriden: What outsiders say about her enterprise [excerpts from Hartford Courant, New Haven Register, New York Herald, and New York Tribune, with no specific mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1. (Viewed 9 September 2018. L00747-50). 1889 - news mention - Meriden opera house exhibition(11 October 1889). The show photographed: Fine pictures of the Opera House exhibit made. ["The best of them will be forwarded to Frank Leslie’s paper— what the state and New York press has to say about Meriden", with excerpts from Hartford Courant, Hartford Times, New Haven Register, New York Herald, New York Tribune, Waterbury Republican, with no specific mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1. (Viewed 14 September 2018. L00785-89). 1889 - news mention, in Meriden opera house exhibition(November 1889). Trade gossip (including paragraph about exposition at the Delavan Opera House, Meriden, including mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co., and attendance by the American International Congress). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 113. (Viewed 9 September 2018. L00760-61.) 1889 advertisementsSee the ads 1889 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Company / Webster & White, Agents. (2 June 1889). Advertisement: "A fire in the stock room of the Meriden Silver Plate Company, 30 East 14th St. ... We will offer for one week only such goods as have been slightly damaged by water and smoke, at less than wholesale prices... Spoons, Forks, Knives, Tea Sets, Tureens, Waiters[,] Butter Dishes... " [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York), p. 20, col. 2. (Viewed 17 June 2019. D00832-33). 1889 - advertisementHorne & Ward, 41 Fifth Ave., persumably Pittsburgh. (21 December 1889). Advertisement: "The Christmas rush is on in full force... Meriden [Britannia Co. or Meriden Silver Plate Co.]... " Pittsburg Dispatch (Pennsylvania), p. 5, col. 5. (Viewed 1 October 2018. B00625). 1800s - design catalogueMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1800s). [trade catalogue]. West Meriden, CT. (Updated 20 April 2017. A01434.) |
1890s |
1890 advertisementsSee the ads 1890 - advertisementA. & J. Plaut, Cincinnati, OH. (15 March 1890). Advertisement: "Wedding Presents! Sterling Silver Tableware! ... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Enquirer, p. 8. (Viewed 3 June 2019. C00941).
1890 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (9 April 1890). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 13 August 2019. L01027). 1890 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (10 July 1890). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate... Meriden... New York City... Chicago... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 23 October 1890. F01631). 1890 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (15 August 1890). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate... Meriden... New York City... Chicago... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 24 October 2020. F01637). 1890 - two advertisementsA. & J. Plaut, Cincinnati, OH. (6 & 7 September 1890). Advertisement: "Fall offering! ... Silver-Plated Table Ware... Meriden S[ilver] P[late] Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Enquirer. (Viewed 21 June 2019. C00995-96).
1890 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (8 December 1890). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 1. (Viewed 23 July 2019. C01112). 1890 - advertisementDickinson’s, St. Paul, MN. (15 December 1890). Advertisement: "... Meriden Silver Plate Company... " [with no illustrations]. St. Paul Daily Globe (St. Paul, MN), p. 2, col. 7-8. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01072). 1890 - patent - combined back fastener and support for mirror or picture framesLouis C. Hiller, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (14 January 1890; filed 15 May 1889). Letters patent no. 419,605; serial no. 310,856: Combined back fastener and support for mirror or picture frames. (Viewed 16 March 2018. AAA01210).
1891 - historical information(1891). On the "Meriden Silver Plate Company", (p. 157). In Connecticut of to-day: Its chief business centres. Acme Publishing and Engraving: New York. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01543; A01549-50.) "The salesrooms in New York are at No. 30 East Fourteenth Street and in Chicago at Nos. 133 and 135 Wabash Avenue." (excerpt from above) 1891 advertisementsSee the ads 1891 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (2 January 1891). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, column 1. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00221). 1891 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (2 September 1891). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 15 August 2019. L01040). 1891 - listingMeriden Silver Plate Co. (14 October 1891). Listing: "Silver Plate Manufacturers... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... Organized 1870, Manufacturers of the finest quality of quadruple plated ware. Salesrooms, 30 E. 11th St., near Union Sq., New York; 133-135 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill." Meriden Daily Journal, p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 22 April 2020. D01260; D01262). 1891 - directory listing(19 December 1891). Classified business directory: "... Silver Plate Manufacturers; The Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... Organized 1870...". Meriden Daily Journal, p. 13, col. 2. (Viewed 22 November 2020. F01888). 1892 articlesSee the articles April 1892 - news mention(20 April 1892). Connecticut (mentions of Meriden Britannia Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., and Manning, Bowman & Co.) The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 22. (Viewed 28 August 2018. H00352-53.) "A meeting of the britannia buffers employed by [these companies] was held in Meriden Wednesday night, and an organization that will comprise beside the above workmen, the britannia buffers in Hartford, Wallingford and Southington, formed." (Excerpt from above.) May 1892 - news mention(4 May 1892). News brief: Mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 21. (Viewed 27 September 2017. G00491.)
"The Meriden Silver Plate Co. intend to build a 10 x 14 feet tower at the southeast corner of their main brick factory. It will stand where the Cross St. entrance to the factory is now located, and will be of brick, five stories high, with blue stone trimmings. It will be higher than the main building and will have a hip slated roof, surmounted by an ornamental finical form of a ventilator." (Full excerpt from above)
June 1892 - news mention(8 June 1892). Connecticut (mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co. "five cases glassware from Riechenberg, Germany".) The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 21. (Viewed 29 August 2018. B00237.) 1892 advertisementsSee the ads 1892 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (30 November 1892). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 23 July 2019. C01113). 1892 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (14 December 1892). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 16 August 2019. L01044). 1892 patentsSee the patents 1892 - patent - design for a metal borderLouis C. Hiller, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (5 July 1892; filed 31 May 1892). Design no. 21,697; serial no. 435,082: Design for a metal border. (Viewed 16 March 2018. AAA01207).
1892 - patent - design for a metal borderLouis C. Hiller, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (5 July 1892; filed 31 May 1892). Design no. 21,698; serial no. 435,083: Design for a metal border. (Viewed 16 March 2018. AAA01206).
1893 - directory listing(1893). "Meriden Silver Plate Co." listings. In The New England business directory and gazetteer, [pp. 1546 (Silver Plated Ware Manufs.), 1810 (Manufacturing Companies)]. (Sampson, Murdock & Co.: Boston, MA). (Viewed 5 May 2020. H01348-52).
1893 advertisementsSee the ads 1893 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (5 April 1893). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01054). 1893 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (6 December 1893). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01059). 1893 - historical informationD.H. Hurd & Co. (1893). "Meriden Silver Plate Co.", (page 211). In Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. Compiled from government surveys, county records and personal investigations. Boston, MA; 223 pp. (Viewed 1 May 2016. A00514-15.) "MERIDEN SILVER PLATE CO. (THE): President, George R. Curtis; Secretary and Treasurer, R. H. Curtis; Superintendent, W. R. Mackay. Manufacturers of the Finest Quality Quadruple Plated Ware. Salesrooms, 30 East 14th St., near Union Sq., New York, 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." (See excerpt above.) 1893 - patent - design for a metal borderLouis C. Hiller, assignor to Meriden Silver Plate Company. (23 May 1893; filed 15 April 1893). Design no. 22,460, serial no. 470,541: Design for a metal border. (Viewed 16 March 2018. AAA01204).
1894 advertisementsSee the ads 1894 - advertisementMandel Brothers, Chicago, IL. (1 January 1894). Advertisement: "... Art Wares, Silver Ware, and Dinner Ware... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 5. (Viewed 6 June 2020. C00918).
1894 - advertisementMandel Brothers, Chicago. (7 January 1894). Advertisement: "... Silver-Plated Ware... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ..." [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 16. (Viewed 1 June 2019. C00942).
1894 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (7 March 1894). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01067). 1894 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (12 December 1894). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate; Factories Meriden, Conn.; Salesrooms: 30 East Fourteenth St., New York City. 133 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, col. 1. (Viewed 17 August 2019. L01069). 1895 - news mention(12 August 1895). Meriden’s factories [including mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co. as the 15th largest factory in Meriden]. The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 27 September 2018. B00517-18). 1895 advertisementsSee the ads 1895 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co. (1 March 1895). Advertisement: "Meriden Silver Plate Co., Manufacturers of Finest Qualities of Electro Plate". Meriden Daily Republican, p. 2, column 1. (Viewed 11 September 2017. G00234). 1895 - advertisementAlexander J. Comrie, Auctioneer. (2 March 1895). Advertisement: "... Important sale of... fine quadruple-plated silverware... Meriden Silver Plate Co., 30 East 14th St., will discontinue the business and close out ... immense stock... " The World (New York, NY), p. 10, col. 8. (Viewed 18 December 2021. Q01027)
1895 - advertisementMeriden Silver Plate Co., New York. (4 March 1895). Advertisement: "... A. A. Webster, Agent; Meriden Silver Plate Co., 30 East 14th Street, New York will discontinue the business [in New York] and close out his immense stock... " [with no illustrations]. The Yonkers Statesman (Yonkers, New York), p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 17 October 2021. D01811).
1895 - advertisementA. A. Webster, New York. (17 March 1895). Advertisement: "Auction Sale of Sterling Silver, Quadruple Plate... of A. A. Webster, New York Agent of the Meriden Silver Plate Co., 80 East 14th St... " [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York, NY), unknown page number, col. 6. (Viewed 1 July 2019. F01032-33). 1896 - historical informationHall, Henry. (1896). “Horace C. Wilcox” (1824-90), director, Meriden Silver Plate Co., (pp. 872-3). In America’s successful men of affairs. An encyclopedia of contemporaneous biography (vol II). The New York Tribune; 1074 pp. (Viewed 19 April 2016. A00396-97.)
1896 advertisementsSee the ads 1896 - advertisementSiegel, Cooper & Co., Chicago, IL. (19 April 1896). Advertisement: "... Silver and Plated Ware... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... Berry Dishes... Castors... Pickle Castor... Fruit Bowl... tea sets... " [with two abstract illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 49. (Viewed 7 June 2019. E00770).
1896 - advertisementSiegel, Cooper & Co., Chicago, IL. (3 May 1896). Advertisement: "... Big Silverware and Jewelry Values.. Meriden Silver Plate Co.’s quadruple plate Berry Dish, embossed frame, fancy bowl with enameled decorations... " [with no relevant illustration]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 36. (Viewed 12 June 2019. E00771).
1896 - advertisementSiegel, Cooper, & Co., Chicago, Illinois. (3 May 1896). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Meriden Silver Plate Co.’s quadruple plate Berry Dish, embossed frame, fancy bowl, with enlarged decorations... " [with no related illustrations]. The Sunday Chronicle (Chicago, Illinois), p. 15, col. 6. (Viewed 17 October 2021. D01812).
1897 advertisementsSee the ads 1897 - advertisementWanamaker’s, Philadelphia, PA. (3 March 1897). Advertisement: "Silver-plated ware... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Philadelphia Times, p. 12, col. 4. (Viewed 12 July 2021. D01813).
1897 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn, NY. (9 April 1897). Advertisement: ".. Saturday surprises... Fruit dish— standard heavy silver plate on white metal, manufacturing by the Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no product illustration]. Brooklyn Eagle, p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 12 July 2021. D01814).
1897 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn, NY. (10 April 1897). Advertisement: "... Monday’s surprises in china, glass lamp and silverware departments... Surprise No. 1— Fruit dish... manufactured by the Meriden Silver Plate Co., glass dish, imitation cut, tinted to a deep ruby edge... " [with no illustrations]. Standard Union, p. 4, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 11 December 2021. D01815).
1897 - advertisementAbraham and Straus, Brooklyn, NY. (24 October 1897). Advertisement: "A rare group of silver bargains... Meriden Silver Plate Co.’s finest silver plated table ware ... " [with no specifically related product illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 11 December 2021. D01816).
c. 1897 - historical informationDavis, William T. (Ed.) (c. 1897). On "Meriden Silver Plate Co.", (p. 932). In The New England states, their constitutional, judicial, educational, commercial, professional and industrial history, vol. 2. Boston: D. H. Hurd & Co. (Viewed 9 June 2017. A02626; A02635.) 1898 advertisementsSee the ads 1898 - advertisementAbraham and Straus, presumably Brooklyn, NY. (25 October 1898). Advertisement: "... an unprecedented opportunity in silver plated table ware... Meriden Silver Plate Company... a variety of very handsome and desireable shapes... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 9, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 30 May 2020. H01829-30). 1898 - advertisementT. Eaton Co., Ltd., Toronto, Canada. (23 November 1898). Advertisement: "A short talk about silverware! The centre of attraction in our Yonge street windows is the fine display of Silverware... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Globe (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). (Viewed 24 April 2020. E00772-73).
1898 - advertisementT. Eaton Co., Toronto, Canada. (27 December 1898). Advertisement: "... Silverware Special... assortment of Silver-plated Goods... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " The Globe (Toronto, Canada), p. 4, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 30 April 2020. E00774-75).
Meriden Silver Plate Co. became part of the International Silver Company in 1898. After this date, it is assumed that any design patents utilized by the Meriden Silver Plate Co. division or brand were assigned to the International Silver Company. (See the ISC historical documentation page). 1899 magazine articlesSee the articles 1899 - news mention(1 November 1899). Connecticut [news briefs]. Jeweler’s Circular and Horological Review, p. 43. (Viewed 7 May 2018. AAA02967-68). After Jan 1, the Barbour Silver Co., Hartford, who are absorbed in the International Silver Co., will occupy the old Meriden Silver Plate Co. factory, Meriden. The Barbour Silver Co. have been employing from 200 to 300 persons. (Full excerpt from above.) 1899 - news mention(22 November 1899). Connecticut [news briefs, mentions International Silver Co., Barbour Silver Co., and Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Jeweler’s Circular and Horological Review, p. 47. (Viewed 7 May 2018. AAA02967; AAA02070). 1899 - news mention(29 November 1899). The removal of Barbour Silver Co. to Meriden [mentions International Silver Co., Barbour Silver Co., and Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Jeweler’s Circular and Horological Review, p. 17. (Viewed 7 May 2018. AAA02967; AAA02071). 1899 - news mention(6 December 1899). Connecticut [news briefs, mentions International Silver Co., Barbour Silver Co., and Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Jeweler’s Circular and Horological Review, p. 43. (Viewed 7 May 2018. AAA02967; AAA02072). 1899 - article(25 December 1899). Going to Meriden [one-paragraph article with mention of Barbour Silver Company and Meriden Silver Plate Company (/International Silver Co.)]. Hartford Courant, p. 9. (Viewed 19 October 2018. D00318).
"The plant of the Barbour Silver Company... is being transferred from [Hartford] to Meriden. It will occupy the building on Cross street, formerly used by the cut glass department of the old Meriden Silver Plate Company... " (Excerpt from above.) 1899 advertisementsSee the ads 1899 - advertisementAbraham & Straus, Brooklyn, NY. (8 January 1899). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Quadruple plated Tea Service, 5 pieces, Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. New York Times, p. 9. (Viewed 6 June 2019. E00776).
1899 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (7 December 1899). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 24 June 2020. L01485). |
1900s |
c. 1900s - two bindersMeriden Silver Plate Co. / presumably International Silver Company. (c. 1900s). ["Binder post catalog 1 and 2"] (contents unknown). [Viewed 29 July 2018. C00202-08(-09)].
1900 articlesSee the articles 1900 - news mention(3 January 1900). Connecticut [news briefs, mentions International Silver Co., Barbour Silver Co., and Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Jeweler’s Circular and Horological Review, p. 33. (Viewed 7 May 2018. AAA02967; AAA02073). 1900 - news mention(17 January 1900). Connecticut [news briefs, mentions Barbour Silver Co. and Meriden Silver Plate Co., which refers to the International Silver Co.]. Jeweler’s Circular and Horological Review, p. 27. (Viewed 7 May 2018. AAA02967; AAA02075). 1900 - news mention(5 February 1900). [No article heading; listing the Meriden Silver Plate Co. as "Factory F" of the International Silver Company]. The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 28 September 2018. B00566-67). 1900 advertisementsSee the ads 1900 - advertisementT. Eaton Co., Ltd., Toronto, Canada. (31 January 1900). Advertisement: "... Some Good News About Silverware... Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly relevant abstract illustration of tea set on tray]. The Globe (Toronto, Canada), p. 6, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 13 June 2019. E00777).
1900 - advertisementMacy’s, New York. (4 February 1900). Advertisement: "... Spoons, Forks and Knives; The assortment is great... Meriden Silver Plate Company [/ International Silver Co.] ... handsomely finished goods... " [with no illustrations]. New York Times, p. 6. (Viewed 21 June 2019. E00778).
1900 - advertisementMacy’s, New York. (6 February 1900). Advertisement: "... Spoons, Forks and Knives; The assortment is great... Meriden Silver Plate Company [/ International Silver Co.] ... handsomely finished goods... " [with no illustrations]. New York Times, p. 3. (Viewed 21 June 2019. E00779).
1900 - advertisementMacy’s, New York. (12 March 1900). Advertisement: "... Silverware Sale... Carving Knife and Fork, nickel silver, hollow handles, made by Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. New York Times, p. 3. (Viewed 21 June 2019. E00780).
1900 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (5 April 1900). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 24 June 2020. L01496). 1900 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (13 September 1900). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 27 June 2020. F01239). 1900 - advertisementS. E. Olson, Co., Minneapolis, MN. (5 October 1900). Advertisement: "... The opening of our grand Jewelry, Silverware and Bric-a-Brac Department... Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Minneapolis Tribune / Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota), p. 5, cols. 4-7. (Viewed 20 January 2021. D01720).
1900 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (22 November 1900). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Barbour Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 7, col. 6. (Viewed 26 June 2020. F01227). 1901 advertisementsSee the ads 1901 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (7 March 1901). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Barbour Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 7, col. 6. (Viewed 27 June 2020. F01260). 1901 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (25 July 1901). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Barbour Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 7, col. 4. (Viewed 24 November 2020. F01892). 1901 - two advertisementsInternational Silver Co. (15 & 22 August 1901). Advertisements: ... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Barbour Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican. F01650; F01652).
1901 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (5 September 1901). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Barbour Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 28 June 2020. F01261). 1901 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (12 December 1901). Advertisement: "... Makers of Gold and Silver Plate; Rich Cut Glass, Etc. Successor to Barbour Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., Meriden Silver Plate Co., Wilcox Silver Plate Co., Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others ... General Offices, Meriden, Conn. Branches: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hamilton, Ont." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 2 or 3, col. 7. (Viewed 24 June 2020. L01484). 1902 advertisementsSee the ads 1902 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (6 March 1902). Advertisement: "International Silver Co., Silversmiths, Successor to Barbour Silver Co.; Meriden Britannia Co.; Meriden Silver Plate Co.; Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; Meriden Cut Glass Co., and others..." Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, column 6. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00238). 1902 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (4 September 1902). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Hartford [presumably Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 28 June 2020. F01266). 1902 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (11 December 1902). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Hartford [presumably Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01301). 1903 advertisementsSee the ads 1903 - two advertisementsInternational Silver Company. (January-February 1903). Advertisements: "Makers of Wares of Sterling and Silver Plate... [Factories:] The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., Rogers & Brother, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., The Derby Silver Co., Manhattan Silver Plate Co., The Forbes Silver Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co." House Furnishing Review. (Viewed 7 October 2017. G01135; G01151.)
1903 - four advertisementsInternational Silver Company. (March-June 1903). Advertisements: "... Makers of Wares in Sterling and Silver Plate... [Factories:] The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., Rogers & Brother, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., The Derby Silver Co., The Forbes Silver Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co., Middletown Plate Co. ..." House Furnishing Review. (Viewed 7 October 2017. G01154; G01159; .)
1903 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (10 December 1903). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01302). 1904 - news mention(8 August 1904). Obituary notes ["... Charles Casper, 64 years old... was born in Germany and came to this country in 1880. He was the president and organizer of the Meriden Silver Plate Company... "] The Sun (New York), presumably p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 22 August 2020. E01111-12).
1904 - advertisementMacy’s, New York. (6 April 1904). Advertisement: "... Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " The Sun (New York), p. 12, middle column. (Viewed 2 October 2018. B00659). 1905 advertisementsSee the ads 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (4 October 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Meriden Silver Plate Co.; with illustration of product design]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 27. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00386.) 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (25 October 1905). Advertisement [including listing of Meriden Silver Plate Co.; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 33. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00399). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 November 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Meriden Silver Plate Co.; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 31. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00253). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (8 November 1905). Advertisement: "... Many new and seasonable goods..." [includes listing of Meriden Silver Plate Co.; no illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 37. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00257). c. 1905 - design catalogueEureka Silver Company (division of Meriden Silver Plate Co.) / (ISC). (c. 1905). [catalogue] Number of pages unknown. (Updated 29 July 2018. A01473; C00208-03.)
1906 - historical informationGillespie, Charles Bancroft & Curtis, George Munson. (1906). "Meriden Silver Plate Co." sub-section (p. 47). In A century of Meriden: A historic record and pictorial description of the town of Meriden, Connecticut and the men who made it, from earliest settlement to close of its first century of incorporation, (Part III). 1248 pp overall. (Viewed 19 November 2016. A00791-92.) 1906 - historical informationGillespie, Charles Bancroft & Curtis, George Munson. (1906). Biographies of Meriden Silver Plate management: George Redfield Curtis (President) (pp. 305-08 including portrait); Isaac Chauncey Lewis (director) (pp. 354-58 including portrait); Horace C. Wilcox (director) (pp. 530-32 including portrait). In A century of Meriden: A historic record and pictorial description of the town of Meriden, Connecticut and the men who made it, from earliest settlement to close of its first century of incorporation, (Part II). 1248 pp overall. (Viewed 19 November 2016. A00791-92.) 1906 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (14 June 1906). Advertisement: "... Makers of Wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass, Salesrooms[:] Meriden, New York, Chicago, San Francisco... Meriden Silver Plate Co." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 23 October 2018. B01192). 1907 advertisementsSee the ads 1907 - two advertisementsGold Bond Premium Co., Auburn, NY. (27 & 29 April 1907). Advertisements: "... Also a most beautiful assortment of Silver Tea Sets, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, etc., from such well known manufacturers as ... Eureka Co. [presumably "Eureka Silver Co." (/ Meriden Silver Plate Co. division / International Silver Co.)] ... " [with no illustrations]. Auburn Citizen (Auburn, New York). (Viewed 1 May 2020. H01291-92).
1907 - advertisementBreuner’s, presumably Sacramento, CA. (29 April 1907). Advertisement: "Acceptable Gifts for Wedding or Anniversary... We have just received a special lot of beautiful silver-plated ware from the Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] — world-famous for their originality of designs... " [with graphical illustration]. Sacramento Union, p. 4, cols. 4-6. (Viewed 10 October 2018. B00926). 1907 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (10 December 1907). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, col. 1. (Viewed 29 June 2020. F01272). c. 1907 - promotional bookletHill, Janet McKenzie (c. 1907). Cooking and serving en casserole and things we relish [book no. 76]. Meriden, CT: The Meriden Silver Plate Co / ISC.; 38 pp. (Updated 20 April 2017. A02240.)
1908 advertisementsSee the ads 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (2 April 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01303). 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (11 June 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 22 October 2020. F01625). 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (13 August 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 10 November 2020. F01866). 1909 advertisementsSee the ads 1909 - advertisementThe Fair, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (22 June 1909). Advertisement: "... Quadruple Silver and Gold Plated Ware... Eureka Silver Co. [/ Meriden Silver Plate Co. / International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), p. 7, cols. 4-7. (Viewed 15 November 2021. C01449).
1909 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 September 1909). Advertisement: "Sterling Silver, Silver Plate and Cut Glass... Factories: The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., 1847 Rogers Bros., Rogers & Brother; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Derby Silver Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co." The Jewelers’ Circular, p. 31. (Viewed 19 September 2017. G00475.) Click the following link to see the parallel webpage - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions. |
1910s |
c. 1910 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (c. 1910). International Silver Co., Factory E, makers of silver plated holloware: catalogue no. 28 . Meriden, CT: International Silver Company, 168 pp. (Pp. 109-167 consist of items from the Forbes Silver Plate Co. [sic]) (General note: "Meriden Silver Plate Co.") (Updated 15 April 2017. A00257.)
1910 - promotional bookletHill, Janet McKenzie. (1910). Cooking and serving en casserole and things we relish [book no. 95]. 48 pp. Meriden, CT: The Meriden Silver Plate Co / ISC. (Viewed 22 April 2017. AAA00593.) 1915 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, NE. (24 April 1915). Advertisement: "... Immense stocks of high-grade quadruple plated silver hollow-ware... We bought from the International Silver Co. ... their entire surplus stock of ... Meriden Silver Plate... " [with probably relevant abstract illustrations]. The Bee (Omaha, Nebraska), p. 6. (Viewed 23 April 2020. D01287-88.) 1916 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, NE. (13 May 1916). Advertisement: "... Silver Hollow-Ware Sale... 5-pint Casseroles, made by Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly relevant illustration]. The Bee (Omaha, Nebraska), p. 10, cols. 3-5. (Viewed 14 July 2019. H01065-66). 1917 - historical information(1917). Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, vol. 3. [On George H. Wilcox, president of International Silver Company, and Horace C. Wilcox (partner, Meriden Britannia; director: Manning, Bowman & Co.; Meriden Silver Plate Co.; Rogers Brothers (Waterbury); R. Wallace & Sons (Wallingford); William Rogers Manufacturing Co. (Hartford), (pp. 70-3).] The American Historical Society, Inc.: Boston, New York, Chicago. (Viewed 28 November 2016. AAA00525; AAA00540-41.) |
1920s |
1924 - spotlighted news mention - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in St. Louis convention exhibit(3 September 1924). Notes of the exhibits made during the great [American National Retail Jewelers’ Association] A. N. R. J. A. convention: The convention exhibits [Hotel Statler, St. Louis, MO (25 August - 3 September 1924)]. Jewelers’ Circular, pp. 160-64. (Viewed 20 May 2020. H01609-10). "International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn. ... It would tax most any descriptive power to adequately describe the display made at the convention by the International Silver Co. ... sterling flatware and hollowware, plated flatware and hollowware, pieces of old Dutch design and the Paisley line gold plated. A full line of toiletware was also on display... International Sterling... 1847 Rogers Bros. ... Derby Silver... Barbour [Silver] line... Simpson, Hall & Miller [sic]... Wilcox & Everston [sic]... Holmes & Edwards... Meriden Silver [Plate Co.]... Forbes [Silver] ... Watrous Mfg. Co. ... Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. ... Wilcox Silver [Plate] Co. ...." (Excerpt from above.) 1924 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (30 April 1924). Advertisement: "... International Silverplate... Designed to take its place in daily family life... " [with product illustrations and trademark of... Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Jewelers’ Circular, p. 60. (Viewed 25 July 2021. R01601). 1925 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (16 June 1925). Advertisement: "The charm of the perfectly appointed dining table.... [from] the John M. Roberts’ Son Co. ... ’Meriden Silver Plate Co.’ ... " [with no product illustrations]. Pittsburgh Gazette Times (Pennsylvania), p. 24. (Viewed 14 August 2020. L02035).
1926 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1926). International Silverplate Hollowware - Factory E [catalogue no. 32; includes Meriden Silver Plate, Nickel Silver and Meriden Britannia]. 176 pp.; 8-page price list. (Viewed 18 February 2017. AAA00570-056.)
1927 - advertisementFearl & Son, Hutchinson, KS. (29 July 1927). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Holloware... Tea Sets... Trays... Sugar and Cream Sets... [Meriden] Silver Plate Co.[/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, KS), p. 5. (Viewed 29 June 2021. C01439).
c. 1928 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1928 or 1929). Silver plated hollowware / International Silver Co., Factory E (catalog no. 34). Meriden, CT: International Silver Co., 187 pp. [Includes ISC (stamped Meriden Silver Plate Co.), pp. 6-126, with Ile de France Modernist line; ISC (stamped Meriden Britannia), pp. 127-49; and ISC (stamped Forbes Silver Plate Co.), (pp. 151-187). (Updated 20 April 2017. A00257; AAA00164-165; A01209. DM.)
1928 or 1929 - design catalogue supplementInternational Silver Company. [1928 (or 1929)]. Silver-plated hollowware, supplement to catalogue no. 34 (Including at least one Meriden Silver Plate Co. design.) (Viewed 13 May 2018. AAA03001; AAA03006). 1929 or earlier - design booklet (missing)International Silver Co. (1929 or earlier). [Booklet HW-149; cited advertisement mentions Meriden Silver Plate Company Division holloware (Early American pattern); however it’s unclear if MSPC designs are in the booklet as only ISC is specified]. Number of pages unknown. No copy known to be in a public library. (Viewed 28 July 2020. C00904-05).
1929 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (May 1929). Advertisement: "Worthy to be jewels of the home... Graceful simplicity of Early American Silver inspired this International Silverplate— the Early American pattern... The Meriden Silver Plate Company Division of the International Silver Company... " [with illustration of tea service, candlestick holders, well and tree platter, gravy boat, covered vegetable dish, and water pitcher]. Good Housekeeping, p. 135. (Viewed 28 July 2020. C00904-05).
1930s |
1931 - design catalogueInternational Silver Company. (1931). International silverplate hollowware [catalogue no. 37 of Meriden Silverplate Co.; includes Modernist Vogue and Ile de France lines; pp. 93-5 Meriden Britannia flasks]. Meriden, CT: International Silver Co, Factory E; 96 pp. (Updated 20 April 2017. A00295; AAA00348. DM.)
1931 - article mention(19 March 1931). International [Silver Co.] closes Colony Street plant (with mention: "Announcement was made... that Factory A. Barbour Silver company, is being merged with Factory N. Wilcox Silver [Plate company] ... "; also mentions the Meriden Silver Plate Co.). Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 30 December 2020. D01684).
1936 - spotlighted article mentionSnow, William G. (17 April 1936). Meriden’s silverware industry history [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page numbers. (Viewed 30 December 2020. D01699). 1936 articlesSee the articles 1936 - article mention(17 April 1936). Changes in fifty years; in business concerns [with mention: "... the old Meriden Silver Plate company factory is now the fine new Silver Institute... "]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 26 November 2020. F01913). 1936 - article mention(17 April 1936). International Silver Co. [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 30 December 2020. D01700). |
1940s |
1947 - secondary sourceMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). "Meriden Silver [Plating] Co." mentions, (pp. 112, 173). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. 388 pp. New York: E.M. McBride & Company. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical silver companies from the Meriden area, and those that were connected to the International Silver Company; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions" and E: "Other featured companies". |
1950s |
1950 advertisementsSee the ads 1950 - advertisementRoyal Gelatin (promotion). (10 August 1950). Advertisement: "... Silver plate teaspoon... with 2 pkgs. of Royal Gelatin dessert... Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with illustration of spoon]. Alton Evening Telegraph (Alton, IL), p. 25, cols. 4-8. (Viewed 23 July 2021. D01818).
1950 - advertisementRoyal Gelatin (promotion). (24 August 1950). Advertisement: "Get this beautiful New England silver plate teaspoon at about 1/2 price, with 2 pkgs.of Royal Gelatin Dessert at regular price... Meriden Silver Plate Co. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with illustration of spoon]. Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, IL), p. 7, cols. 1-5. (Viewed 11 December 2021. D01819).
c. 1950 - packaging for flatware setMeriden Silver Plate Co. / International Silver Co. (c. 1950). Packaging for flatware set. (Accession no. 2007.64.790.A-D. Viewed 17 October 2020. J00882). 1958 advertisementsSee the ads 1958 - advertisementFirst National Stores, presumably Yonkers, New York area. (10 February 1958). Advertisement: "...New! Exclusive! Sea Wings Pattern... Meriden Silver Plate Company Division of The International Silver Company... " [with illustrations]. Herald Statesman (Yonkers, New York), p. 8. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01670).
1958 - advertisementFirst National Stores, presumably Hartford, CT. (11 February 1958). Advertisement: "...New! Exclusive! Sea Wings Pattern... Meriden Silver Plate Company Division of The International Silver Company... " [with illustrations]. Hartford Courant, p. 17. (Viewed 21 October 2018. D00399).
1958 - advertisementFirst National Stores. (14 February 1958). Advertisement: "... Another special offer! Lovely Sea Wings pattern... by Meriden Silverplate Company, a division of The International Silver Co. [with illustration]. Hartford Courant, p. 13. (Viewed 16 December 2018. D00403).
1958 - advertisementFirst National Stores. (14 March 1958). Advertisement: "... complete silverplate service by Meriden Silverplate Co., a division of The International Silver Co. ... [with illustrations]. Hartford Courant, p. 19. (Viewed 16 December 2018. D00404).
1958 - advertisementFirst National Stores. (28 March 1958). Advertisement: "... complete silverplate service by Meriden Silverplate Co., a division of The International Silver Co. ... [with illustrations]. Hartford Courant, p. 16. (Viewed 16 December 2018. D00405).
1959 advertisementsSee the ads 1959 - advertisementDilbert’s supermarkets, presumably New York. (14 May 1959). Advertisement: "Now! Set your table with the beauty of shining silver... A new modern pattern in silverplate... Meriden Silver Plate Company, a division of the International Silver Company... " [with illustrations showing forks, knives and spoons]. Daily News (New York), p. B13. (Viewed 22 August 2020. L02036).
1959 - advertisementAcme Super Markets, Washington, DC area. (5 November 1959). Advertisement: "... exclusive offer... "Sea Wings" pattern silverware, made and guaranteed by Meriden Silver Plate Co. a division of International Silver Company... " [with no illustration]. Washington Post / Times Herald, p. 13. (Viewed 12 April 2020. F00961).
1960s |
1960 advertisementsSee the ads 1960 - advertisementManhattan Savings Bank, New York (promotion). (27 March 1960). Advertisement: "... Your choice of these fine quality products will be given to you absolutely free when you open a new savings account... 16-piece set supreme silverplate; Lovely ’Baroness’ pattern made by the Meriden Silverplate Company, a division of The International Silver Company... " [with illustration]. Sunday News / Daily News, p. 8. (Viewed 22 August 2020. L02037).
1960 - three advertisementsManhattan Savings Bank, New York (promotion). (30 March, 3 & 7 April 1960). Advertisements: "... Your choice of these fine quality products will be given to you absolutely free when you open a new savings account... 16-piece set supreme silverplate; Lovely ’Baroness’ pattern made by the Meriden Silverplate Company, a division of The International Silver Company... " [with illustration]. New York Times. (Viewed 30 April 2020. F00960).
1961 advertisementsSee the ads 1961 - advertisementCentral Savings Bank, New York (promotion). (15 March 1961). Advertisement: "Take your choice of these 5 valuable gifts free... when you open a new savings account... 16-piece (4 place settings) ... beautiful ’Bermuda Rose’ pattern made by the Meriden Silverplate Company, a division of The International Silver Company... " [with abstract illustration]. Daily News (New York), p. 47, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 8 September 2020. L02038).
1961 - advertisementCentral Savings Bank, New York (promotion). (19 March 1961). Advertisement: "Take your choice of these 5 valuable gifts free... when you open a new savings account... 16-piece (4 place settings) ... beautiful ’Bermuda Rose’ pattern made by the Meriden Silverplate Company, a division of The International Silver Company... " [with abstract illustration]. New York Times, p. 76. (Viewed 8 September 2020. L02039).
1962 - article mentionRevi, Albert Christian. (May 1962). American cut glass patterns [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 16-7. (Viewed 22 July 2021. R01584).
1963 - secondary sourceCallahan Nolan, Mollie. (15 August 1963). Skilled workmen from many lands made Meriden center of glass cutting industry at turn of century. The Morning Record, (p. 12 & 23). [Mentions J. D. Bergen Co.; Meriden Cut Glass Co. / Meriden Silver Plate Co.; Meriden Flint Glass Co.; C. F. Monroe; J. J. Niland Co.; Silver City Cut Glass Co.] (Updated 23 June 2020. AAA00614. DM.)
"Meriden Cut Glass Co. was part of the Meriden Silver Plate Co., which was established in 1870. Besides their lines of silverplated hollowware were cutters of glass from the time the company was formed. Their early lines of these goods consisted of copper wheel engraved common caster bottles and richly cut caster bottles, pickle and berry dishes. Later lines included salt and pepper shakers, cruets, napkin rings, sugar dredgers, etc. About 1895, when they started cutting a line of tableware, and it was deemed advisable to market it under a separate name and that of the ’Meriden Cut Glass Co.’was adopted. The firm became part of the newly formed International Silver Company in 1898, and was known as Factory ’T’, moved out of the building occupied by the Meriden Silver Plate Co. on Colony St. at Cross St. and into the Wilcox Silverplate [sic] Co. building on Pratt St. at Myrtle St. ... Operations of the plant was continued until about 1915, when the shortage of good glass made it necessary to close." (Excerpt in full of Meriden Cut Glass Co. article section.) 1965 - book mentionRevi, Albert Christian. (1965). Meriden Silver Plate Co. mention, (p. 93+). In American cut and engraved glass. Nelson. (Unconfirmed. Viewed 8 August 2020. AAA0613; L01962).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "International Silver Co." [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.], (pp. 82-3). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 9 August 2020. L01882-83 L01900-01).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Meriden Silver Plate Co.", Eureka Silver Plate Co. [with marks], (p. 114). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 5 August 2020. L01882-83; L01907).
1966 - article mentionJenkins, Dorothy. (1 December 1966). Fruit bowl on stand [with mention and photo of c. 1880s fruit bowl with two cherubs by Meriden Silver Plate Co.]. Chatham Courier (Chatham, New York), presumably p. 8. (Viewed 18 December 2021. Q01026).
1967 - unpublished documentCallahan Nolan, Mollie. (October 1967). Early glass craftsmen in Meriden. Unpublished document: summaries of company activities including "Meriden Silver Plate Company". 4 pp. (Viewed 10 August 2017. AAA00632.)
"Meriden Silver Plate Company - Colony Street, corner Cross Street. Organized in 1869 by Charles Casper, Isaac H. Cornwall, William E. C. Bird and William Mackay and others. Incorporated in 1870. Cut and copperwheel engraved glassware used in connection with their silverplated lines, consisting of caster-bottles, sugar dredgers, salt shakers, mustard and pepper liners, etc. It became part of International Silver Co. in 1898." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1967 - magazine article mentionHogan, E. P. (November 1967). The card receiver in Victorian silverplate. Spinning Wheel, pp. 12-13. (Viewed 10 November 2017. AAA00697.) Illustrations:
1968 articlesSee the articles 1968 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (June 1968). Brides baskets and bowls [with photo of Meriden Silver Plate Co. stand (before 1879)]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 16-17. (Updated 23 July 2021. AAA00697; R01597.)
1968 - article mentionCole, Ann Kilborn. (9 June 1968). American plated silver [with mention: "... Many names still known today were those of silvermakers and pewter makers in Connecticut... Meriden Silver Plate Co. ... " Philadelphia Inquirer (Magazine), p. 44. (Viewed 8 September 2020. F00956-57).
1969 - magazine article mentionHogan, E. P. (September 1969). Victorian silverplate oil lamps. Spinning Wheel, pp. 10-12. (Viewed 11 November 2017. AAA00697.) Illustrations:
1970s |
1971 articlesSee the articles 1971 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (January-February 1971). The old-fashioned dinner caster. Spinning Wheel, pp. 20-22. (Viewed 9 November 2017. AAA00696.) Illustrations:
"By 1893, the demand [for dinner casters] started to wane... They went out of style entirely in the early 1900s." (Excerpt from article above.)
1971 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (March 1971). Victorian silverplated toilet stands [with mention, and illustration of Meriden Silver Plate Co. design]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 18-9. (Viewed 21 July 2021. R01568).
1971 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (September 1971). Collectible silverplated jewel caskets of long ago. Spinning Wheel, pp. 10-11. (Viewed 11 November 2017. AAA00697.) Illustrations:
1972 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (June 1972). Hand chasing and other ornamentation on silverware. Spinning Wheel, pp. 10-12. (Viewed 11 November 2017. AAA00697.) Illustrations:
1974 articlesSee the articles 1974 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (June 1974). Spittoons or cuspidors. Spinning Wheel, p. 46. [Reprinted illustrations of spittoons by Meriden Britannia (1855); additionally short mention: "Other makers, such as Meriden Silver Plate Co., E. G. Webster & Bro. ... also made them— even as late as 1886."] (Updated 22 July 2021. AAA00695; R01593).
1974 - magazine article mentionHogan, E. P. (November 1974). Victorian silverplated celery stands. Spinning Wheel. [Illustrations show 9 celery stands by Meriden Britannia Company (from 1886 catalogue); undated Meriden Silver Plate Co. relish dish in the shape of a shoe; and 5 celery stands by Rogers, Smith & Co. (1867); one-page article but page number unclear]. (Viewed 9 November 2017. AAA00696.)
1977 - book mentionHogan, Edmund P. (1977). "Meriden Silver Plate Co." mentions, [pp. 43, 56, 70, 157, 167 (see excerpt above)]. In An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company. Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1978 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (April 1978). 19th century call bells in silverplate. Spinning Wheel, pp. 16-17+. (Viewed 11 November 2017. AAA00698.) Illustrations:
1979 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (March 1979). Silverplated toilet ware of long ago. [Includes reprinted illustrations: two design set illustrations by American Silverplate Co. (c. 1915; c. 1920); two by Derby Silver Company (c. 1904; c. 1920); Forbes Silver Co. (1914); Meriden Britannia Company (c. 1900); Meriden Silver Plate Co. / Eureka Silver Co. (c. 1920); Victor Silver Co. (n. d.)]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 32-33. (9 November 2017. AAA00695.)
1980s |
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). "Meriden Silver Plate Co." mentions. In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.) [2] MSPC content
1990s |
1992 - magazine articleCramer, Diana. (May /June 1992). [Meriden Silver Plate Company - butter dish & epergne]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00203.)
1992-99 - exhibition checklist and show venues - Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC in travelling exhibitionThe Museums at Stony Brook. (c. 1997). Exhibition checklist for Shaken, not stirred: Cocktail shakers and design exhibition (3 May - 4 September 1997). (For six other venues and exhibited designs, see the Meriden Silver Plate Co. exhibition section.) (Viewed 28 November 2018. B01222-13)
1996 - exhibition labels - Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC in Dallas Museum of Art exhibitionDallas Museum of Art. (c. 1996). Exhibition labels for Hot cars, high fashion, cool stuff: Designs of the 20th century. [31 March - 14 July 1996; exhibited: Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC. (c. 1910). Pair of candlesticks. DMA collection.] (Updated 25 November 2018. AAA03380-82; B01218.)
1996 - news mention and photo - Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC in Birmingham and New Orleans exhibitions(April 1996). Sleek shakers of a bygone era [with mention and photo of (Meriden Silver Plate Co. /) ISC lighthouse shaker (c. 1928)]. (For information about the exhibitions, other venues in the travelling show and exhibited designs, see the Meriden Silver Plate Co. exhibition section.) USA Today, p. 8. (Viewed 28 November 2018. B01221).
1998 - magazine mention - Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC in travelling exhibitionHenderson, Helen B. (November 1998). Shaken not stirred collectible bar ware [with mention of (Meriden Silver Plate Co. /) ISC lighthouse shaker (c. 1928), and exhibitions at Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach and San Francisco International Airport Museum]. (For other venues in the traveling show, see the Meriden Silver Plate Co. exhibitions section.) Antiques & Collecting Magazine, pp. 38-40+. (Viewed 28 November 2018. D00580).
2000s |
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "International Silver Company" [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co.], (p. 116-20). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. A02925a-c(-)27a-c).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Meriden Silver Plate Co." [with marks], Eureka Silver Co. [with marks; MSPC trademark], (pp. 158-59). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 15 August 2017. A02933a,b.)
2005 - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in Newark Museum exhibitionNewark Museum, New Jersey. (undated). Webpage for Meriden Silver Plate Co.’s late 19th c. jewelry box, accession no. 73.427. Mention of design exhibited in Alice Ballantine’s Victorian Wedding exhibition at Newark Museum, Newark, NJ (3 March - 1 October 2005). (Updated 10 November 2018. AAA00426.)
2005-07 - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in exhibitionStern, Jewel. (2005). Modernism in American silver. [Includes Meriden Silver Company designs.] 392 pp. Dallas Museum of Art and Yale University Press. (Book accompanied exhibition at 5 American venues.) (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.) > Exhibition venues: Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC; Nevada Museum of Art, Reno; Dallas Museum of Art; The Wolfsonian, Miami Beach, FL; The Dixon Gallery and Gardens, Memphis, TN.
2010s |
c. 2011 - design page in book - cocktail shakerGordon, John Stuart (c. 2011). "Meriden Silver Plate Company / International Silver Company; Cocktail shaker", (1928). In Gordon’s A Modern world: American design from the Yale University Art Gallery 1920-1950, (p. 161). Yale University Art Gallery in association with Yale University Press. (Viewed 15 May 2018. AAA03001; AAA03006). 2011 - exhibition catalogue - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in New York and Palm Beach exhibitionsHofer, Margaret K. (2011). Stories in sterling: Four centuries of silver in New York exhibition catalogue. 352 pp. [Exhibition at New York Historical Society (4 May - 23 September 2012 and Flagler Museum, Palm Beach, FL (28 January - 20 April 2014); Exhibited design: Meriden Silver Plate Co. (1869-98). Butter cooler. (New York Historical Society collection).] (Viewed 21 November 2018. A02202-04; A02768; C00392-94).
2012 - mention in presented paperMurphy, James. (2012). Shaken not stirred— the evolution of the cocktail shaker [with mention of Meriden Silver Plate Co. / International Silver Co., p. 9]. Presented paper at the First Dublin Gastronomy Symposium, (June 5-6). (Viewed 16 October 2018. C00301).
2016-17 - exhibition catalogue - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in Cornell and Sacramento exhibitionsGreen, Nancy and Reed, Christopher (Eds.) JapanAmerica: Points of contact, 1876-1970 exhibition catalogue. [Exhibitions at Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (27 August - 18 December 2016) and Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA (12 February - 21 May 2017); exhibited design: Meriden Silver Plate Co. (c. 1880-85). Mirror. (Lender: MWPAI, Utica, NY).] (Updated 21 November 2018. A01431-33; AAA00551-55; C00395.)
2017 - exhibition catalogue - Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC in Cooper Hewitt, New York exhibitionCoffin, Sarah D. and Harrison, Stephen. (2017) The Jazz Age: American style in the 1920s exhibition catalogue. 379 pp. Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art. [Venues: Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, New York (7 April - 20 August 2017) and Cleveland Museum of Art (30 September 2017 - 14 January 2018); exhibited design: Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC. (1928). Cocktail shaker. (Cooper Hewitt collection.) (Cooper Hewitt venue only)]. (Viewed 29 November 2018. A02036-41; A02766; B01246-49).
2017 - photo in article - Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC in Cooper Hewitt exhibitionMeier, Allison. (10 July 2017). The novelty and excess of American design during the Jazz Age [in The jazz age: American style in the 1920s at Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, New York (7 April - 20 August 2017), with installation photo of Meriden Silver Plate Co. / ISC. (1928). Cocktail shaker. (Cooper Hewitt collection.) (12th photo, to the right of the owl-shaped shaker.)] Hyperallergic. (Viewed 29 November 2018. B01250-51). 2017-18 - Meriden Silver Plate Co. in Cooper Hewitt exhibitionCooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, New York. (c. 2017). Exhibition webpage for Passion for the exotic: Japonism (9 September 2017 - 22 July 2018). [Exhibited design: Meriden Silver Plate Co. (c. 1880). Butter pat. Gilt silver-plated metal. (Cooper-Hewitt collection)]. Viewed 10 November 2018. L00810-13). |
2020s |
2020 - article mentionFendelman, Helaine and Rosson, Joe / Tribune News Service. (9 June 2020). Parian porcelain jug is almost 170 years old [with two photos and mention of "unusual piece" made by Meriden Silver Plate Co., although possibly by Meriden Britannia Co.; the mark is key.] Star-Tribune (Minneapolis). (Viewed 13 June 2020. D01410). "A number of companies were making silver-plated items with the word ’Meriden’ in their name. They were all located in Meriden, Conn.— one of the epicenters of American metal work in the 19th and 20th centuries." (Excerpt from above.) |
n. d. |
n. d. - map(Undated). Meriden Silver Plate Company - fire insurance map. (Viewed 15 May 2017. A02437.)
[1] Meriden Silver Plate Co. was founded in 1869 and became a division of International Silver Company. See (a) Stern, Jewel. (2005). Modernism in American silver, page 354. Dallas Museum of Art and Yale University Press. Yale University Library, call no. Yns72 2005 S73+ Oversize (link to library entry). (See for other locations.) Updated 17 April 2017. [A00666] [DM]
[2] See Hogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. Eureka Silver Company is identified as a "secondary brand" of the Meriden Silver Plate Company concerning the marketing of toiletware c. 1894-86, (pp. 141-42). University of Connecticut Library call no. NK7240.5 .H63 1980 (link to library entry). (See for other locations.) Updated 17 April 2017.[DM]
On Meriden Silver Plate - 1: designs in collections, exhibitions, etc. | 2: design catalogues, etc.