Meriden Flint Glass Co. designs, exhibitions, design catalogues and historical information
At top, advertisement in 1881 Meriden Directory, (p. 206). Above, left, illustration of Meriden Flint Glass Works on 1881 illustration / view of Meriden, CT. On the right, 1884 map showing the company location. For more information, see the entries listed below.
"[The Meriden Flint Glass Co. produced] glass blowing, clear and opalescent glass objects for decorating and cutting light and heavy. [The company also] made heavy blanks for deep mitre cutting, blown in iron moulds. [They] made globes, jars, tubes and bottles, also tableware, stemware, decanters and pitchers. The cutting shop produced beautiful designs, high grade metal and excellent cutting.
William W. Lyman was president of the company from its inception. Other officers were Horace C. Wilcox, Joseph Bourne, and George Hatch. Thomas B. Clark was [the] office manager. Hatch and Clark came to Meriden from [the] New England Glass Works, East Cambridge, Mass.
Hatch and Clark went to Honesdale, Pa. in 1885. Clark stayed a great many years in Honesdale, Pa. Hatch later went to New York City. The Firm was operated by James Murray & Co. from 1887 to 1891."
— See Nolan, Mollie Callahan (October 1967) entry below. Full excerpt from this document is shown above.
A. Meriden Flint Glass Company designs in collections (by year)
Info/photo status: |
= info and photo online = info online, no photo = completely offline |
1870s |
1870-80 - two tumblersHenry S. Fillebrown for the Meriden Flint Glass Company. (1870-80). Two tumblers. Colorless lead glass; blown, engraved. (Accession nos. 96.4.10 A-B. Viewed 11 June 2016. B00202.) 1875-90 - standBradley & Hubbard / Meriden Flint Glass Company. Stand, (1875-1890). Brass, ceramic, glass. Accession no. 78.214. (Viewed 13 November 2016. AAA00426-34.)
1876-88 - coffee potMeriden Flint Glass Company. (1876-88). Coffee pot. Brilliant cut glass. (Viewed 11 June 2016. F00010.) |
n. d. | n. d. - cruet setMeriden Flint Glass Co. (undated). Cruet set. Pressed glass; silver plate. (Viewed 15 July 2016. F00047.) n. d. - pitcherMeriden Flint Glass Co. (undated). Pitcher. Colorless glass with etched flower, leaf, and vine pattern. (Accession no. 1974.31.1. Viewed 24 July 2016. A01104.) n. d. - cruet with stopperMeriden Flint Glass Co. (undated). Cruet with stopper. (Accession nos. 1974.31.2 a,b. Viewed 17 November 2016. D00223.) n. d. - seven gobletsMeriden Flint Glass Co. (undated). Goblets. (Accession no. 1974.31.3-9. Viewed 17 November 2016. D00224-30.) n. d. - jarMeriden Flint Glass Company. (undated). Jar. (Accession no. BiFj-067.0006. Viewed 31 August 2020. J00524).
n. d. - possibly inkwellMeriden Flint Glass Company. (undated). Possibly inkwell. (Accession no. BjFj-076.0006. Viewed 31 August 2020. J00525).
Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical glass companies from the Meriden area listed on the historical Meriden design overview page. Scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions - Meriden Cut Glass Company" and E: "Other featured companies". Please note that many of the listed historical silver companies also at times included glass in their designs. |
B. Meriden Flint Glass Company designs in exhibitions
1870s | 1878 - Paris Universal Exposition1 May - 10 November 1878. Paris Universal Exposition. > Unspecified "goblets and champagne glasses", and "Decorated lamp shades, which are shown here with the cut-glass" exhibited by Meriden Flint Glass Works, recipient of an Honorable Mention.
1879-80 - Sydney International Exhibition, Australia17 September 1879 - 20 April 1880. Sydney International Exhibition, Australia. > Unspecified "Glass Toilet Sets; Cut Glass Pitchers, Vases and Butter Dishes" exhibited by the Meriden Flint Glass Co.
1880s | 1880 - Meriden Town Hall exhibitionc. September - 24 September 1880. State Fair, Town Hall exhibition, Meriden, Connecticut. > Exhibited unspecified wares ["Richly cut flint glass"] by Meriden Flint Glass Co. Diploma awarded.
1881 - Meriden Town Hall exhibition20-23 September 1881. Meriden Town Hall display, Connecticut State Fair, Meriden, CT. > Unspecified "vases, lamp shades and other wares" exhibited by Meriden Flint Glass Co. Diploma awarded.
1980s | 1986-87 - Metropolitan Museum of Art23 October 1986 - 11 January 1987. In pursuit of beauty: Americans and the Aesthetic Movement at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
1987-88 - Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford1 December 1987 - 31 August 1988. A decade of collecting Connecticut industrial arts at the Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. > Possibly exhibited: Bradley & Hubbard Mfg. Co. (1880-85). Stand (with perceived Meriden Flint Glass Co. ceramic / glass inlay). (CT Historical Society collection, listed on B & H in collection page.)
See our Design Meriden compilation listing over 1000 exhibitions since 1851, featuring historical design associated with the Meriden area. |
C. Meriden Flint Glass Company design catalogues and historical information
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1870s |
Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(c. 1870s-). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines. (Updated 20 April 2019.)
1877 - patent - improvement in the manufacture of glass shades, globesJoseph Bourne, assignor to Meriden Flint Glass Company. (3 April 1877; filed 28 March 1877). Letters patent no. 189,180: Improvement in the manufacture of glass shades, globes. (Viewed 14 March 2018. AAA01144).
1877 - patent - design for glass shadesWilliam W. Lyman, assignor to Meriden Flint Glass Company. (31 July 1877; filed 20 June 1877). Design no. 10,134: Design for glass shades. (Viewed 14 March 2018. AAA01141).
1878 - official catalogue - Meriden Flint Glass Co. in Paris exhibitionPickering, Thomas R. (1878). Paris Universal Exposition, 1878: Official catalogue of the United States exhibitors. [Exhibition dates: 1 May - 10 November 1878. Listed: Meriden Flint Glass Works (p. 74, 172)]. 301 pp. Chiswick Press: London. (Viewed 16 June 2016. A00843-44.) 1878 - report - Meriden Flint Glass Co. in Paris exhibition(1880). Reports of the United States commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1878; v. III: Iron and steel, ceramics and glass, forestry, cotton. [Meriden Flint Glass Works, recipient Honorable Mention award (pp. 233, 244)]. Government Printing Office: Washington. (Viewed 16 June 2016. A00847-49.) 1878 - spotlighted news mention - Meriden Flint Glass Co. in Paris Exposition(28 October 1878). Connecticut at the Paris Universal Exposition [with mention of Meriden Flint Glass Co.] Hartford Courant, p. 1. (Viewed 20 December 2018. D00336).
"Glassware, Class 19, The Meriden Flint Glass works, which were started after the close of the Centennial exhibition, have sent a small but good sample of their cut-glassware. It consists chiefly of goblets and champagne glasses with one or two trays all deeply cut in the geometrical style, in vogue a century ago and now so generally revived. The cutting is excellent and the form and ’metal’ good. Great credit is due to the enterprising founders of this important industry at Meriden. They already manufacture largely, and in addition to standard articles for household use, make a great variety of small objects suitable for mounting in silver or white metal by the Meriden Britannia company. Decorated lamp shades, which are shown here with the cut-glass, are also successfully made in large quantities. Although the company was averse to making any exhibition, and did not attempt display commensurate with the present and expected magnitude of the works, the jury have decreed an honorable mention." (Excerpt from article above.) 1879 - news mention(13 May 1879). News of the state [with "Meriden" section and mention of Meriden Flint Glass Company]. Hartford Courant, p. 4. (Viewed 19 October 2018. D00337).
"The fact that the store-rooms of the Meriden Flint Glass company were overstocked, which will necessitate the closing of their factory for a month or six weeks, gave rise to the rumor last week, that the company were about to shut down indefinitely, which rumour is wholly untrue, as far as can be learned at present." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1879-80 - Meriden Flint Glass Co. in Sydney International ExhibitionCommission of the United States. (1879). Sydney International Exhibition (Australia): United States Court - Official catalogue of exhibits. (Exhibition venue: 17 September 1879 - 20 April 1880. For Meriden Flint Glass Company, see p. 8, unspecified "Glass Toilet Sets; Cut Glass Pitchers, Vases and Butter Dishes" exhibited.) (Updated 5 November 2018. A01524-27.) |
1880s |
1880 - spotlighted article mention - Meriden Flint Glass Co. in Meriden Town Hall exhibition(24 September 1880). The State Fair. Full list of premiums [with mention "Products of Manufactures. Diplomas Awarded... Richly Cut Flint Glass— Meriden Flint Glass Co."]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1 & 4. (Viewed 1 November 2020. F01752). 1880 - spotlighted news mention - Meriden Flint Glass Company in Sydney Exhibition(1 August 1880). Americans in Australia: Prizes to United States exhibitors at Sydney [with mention: "Highly Commended... Meriden Flint Glass Company..."]. New York Times, p. 5. (Viewed 4 January 2019. D00540).
1881 - design brochureWestland Safety Lamp Co. (1881). Distributor brochure featuring products by Bradley & Hubbard Mfg. Co., Meriden Malleable Iron Co., Meriden Flint Glass Co., and E. Miller & Co. Providence, RI, 9 pp. (Viewed 20 November 2016. A00017; A00717.) 1881 - illustration of buildingPorter, Wils (lithographer). (1881). Illustration of Meriden Flint Glass Works. In Meriden, Conn. 1881 / From Summit Heights [print (lithograph)]. B. S. Farrow (Publisher). (Object no. 1973.0498.004. Viewed 3 June 2017. A02584-85.) 1881 - spotlighted news mention - Meriden Flint Glass Co. at Meriden Town Hall, CT State Fair(20 September 1881). The State Fair [with mention of Meriden Flint Glass Co.]. Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1-2. (Viewed 29 September 2018. (B00573-79). " ... the Meriden Flint Glass works, with their showing of beautiful vases, lamp shades and other wares peculiar to their manufacture, at once captivate and for a time hold spellbound the eye of every visitor ... " (Excerpt from above.) 1881 - spotlighted news mention - exhibition at Meriden Town Hall, CT State Fair(23 September 1881). The state fair [including mention of Meriden Flint Glass Co.]. Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), presumably p. 2, col. 4. (Viewed 29 September 2018. B00568-69). "The Meriden Flint Glass Co. make a valuable display of glass ware. The picture of the yacht which they show is of decorated porcelain." (Excerpt from above.) 1881 articlesSee the articles 1881 - news mention(3 June 1881). Business notes [mention of contract for 40,000 pieces for Meriden Flint Glass company for opaque glass for water closets]. Hartford Daily Courant, p. 2. (Viewed 20 December 2018. D00338).
1881 - news mention - in Meriden Town Hall exhibition(23 September 1881). The State Fair [with mention: "... Diplomas were awarded to the following named for articles manufactured or displayed by them ... Meriden Flint Glass Co., cut glass ..."]. Meriden Daily Republican, pp. 1-2. (Viewed 29 September 2018. B00570-72). 1881 advertisementsSee the ads 1881 - advertisement and lisitngMeriden Flint Glass Co. (1881). Advertisement: "... Opal Goods, both Plain and Decorated, a Specialty; Manufacturers of the Best Flint Glass Ware in all its varieties" [with no illustrations], (p. 206). [Also, listed in "Stock Companies" section, (p. 186), and see possible listings in business directory.] In Meriden directory for 1881; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory. Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 10 October 2020. F01486-88). 1881 - advertisementMeriden Flint Glass Co. (1 December 1881). Advertisement: "Meriden Flint Glass Co., Meriden, Conn., Manufacturers of the Best Flint Glass Ware ..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 7 August 2019. H01146). 1882 advertisementsSee the ads 1882 - advertisementMeriden Flint Glass Co. (2 March 1882). Advertisement: "Meriden Flint Glass Co., Meriden, Conn., Manufacturers of the Best Flint Glass Ware..." Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 1. (Viewed 9 August 2019. H01154). 1882 - advertisementC. F. Monroe, Meriden, CT. (28 October 1882). Advertisement: "Art rooms and Meriden Flint Glass Co.’s show rooms. Oil paintings, photogravures, cut glass and decorated ware, bric-a-brac, etc. ... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 31 January 2021. F01614). 1882 - advertisementC. F. Monroe. (5 December 1882). Advertisement: "Art Rooms and Meriden Flint Glass Co.’s Show Rooms... 36 West Main Street [Meriden, CT]" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, presumably p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 9 August 2019. H01163). 1882 - advertisementC. F. Monroe. (6 December 1882). Advertisement: "Art Rooms and Meriden Flint Glass Co.’s Show Rooms... 36 West Main Street [Meriden, CT]" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 9 August 2019. H01164). 1882 - advertisementC. F. Monroe, Meriden, CT. (21 December 1882). Advertisement: "Art rooms and Meriden Flint Glass Co.’s show rooms. Oil paintings, photogravures, cut glass and decorated ware, bric-a-brac, etc. ... " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 31 January 2021. F01615). 1882 patentsSee the patents 1882 - patent - design for a fruit-bowlGeorge E. Hatch, assignor to Meriden Flint Glass Company. (19 September 1882; filed 16 August 1882). Design no. 13,300: Design for a fruit-bowl. (Viewed 14 March 2018. AAA01142).
1882 - patent - design for a flower-vaseGeorge E. Hatch, assignor to Meriden Flint Glass Company. (19 September 1882; filed 16 August 1882). Design no. 13,301: Design for a flower-vase. (Viewed 14 March 2018. AAA01143).
1883 - directory listing(12 September 1883). Comprehensive directory of the City of Meriden, Conn. [Listing: "Corporations. Manufacturing... Meriden Flint Glass Company, capital $50,000."] Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 24 October 2020. F01608). 1883 advertisementsSee the ads 1883 - advertisementMeriden Flint Glass Co. (15 February 1883). Advertisement: "Meriden Flint Glass Co., Meriden, Conn., Manufacturers of the Best Flint Glass Ware ..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, column 7. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00258). 1883 - advertisementC. F. Monroe. (12 September 1883). Advertisement: "Art Rooms and Meriden Flint Glass Co.’s Show Rooms... 36 West Main Street [Meriden, CT]" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 31 October 2020. F01608). 1883 - advertisementMeriden Flint Glass Co. (13 November 1883). Advertisement: "Meriden Flint Glass Co., Meriden, Conn., Manufacturers of the Best Flint Glass Ware..." [with no illustrations]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, column 8. (Viewed 9 September 2017. G00265). 1884 - map(1884). Meriden, Connecticut map, (p. 1 showing Cambridge Street and the Meriden Flint Glass Co.). Sanborn Map & Publishing Co. 14 leaves. (Viewed 21 November 2016. A01026; AAA00008.)
1886 - directory listings(1886). Listings: "Glass Cutters... Meriden Flint Glass Co., Cambridge"; " Glass Mfrs. and Decorators... Meriden Flint Glass Co., Cambridge", (pp. 214-15). [Possible other listings in the business directory. Also, listed in "Stock Companies" section, (p. 267)]. In Meriden directory for 1886; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory, a map.... Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 11 October 2020. F01485; F01490-91). 1887 - advertisementKroeber & Kaeppel. (1887). Advertisement: "E. H. Kroeber; A. G. Kaeppel; Kroeber & Kaeppel, (Successors in Decorating to the Meriden Flint Glass Co.); Decorators on all Varieties of Opal Glass Ware; Shop, Cambridge Street, rear Wilcox & White Organ Co.; Meriden, Conn." In Meriden directory for 1887, (p. 325). Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 26 September 2020. E01541; H01590; H01604; ). |
1900s |
1906 - historical informationGillespie, Charles Bancroft & Curtis, George Munson. (1906). Biographies of Meriden Flint Glass Co. management: William W. Lyman (President) (pp. 296-98) including portrait. In A century of Meriden: A historic record and pictorial description of the town of Meriden, Connecticut and the men who made it, from earliest settlement to close of its first century of incorporation, (Part II). (Viewed 19 November 2016. A00791-92.) |
1930s | 1936 - article mention(17 April 1936). Changes in fifty years; in business concerns (with mention: "concerns listed [in 1886] that have gone out of existence ... Meriden Flint Glass Co. ..."). The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 26 November 2020. F01913). |
1960s | 1962 - article mentionRevi, Albert Christian. (December 1962). American cut glass patterns [with mention of the Meriden Flint Glass Co. and two patent illustrations]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 28-9. (Viewed 22 July 2021. R01587).
1964 - article mentionCallahan Nolan, Mollie. (15 August 1963). Skilled workmen from many lands made Meriden center of glass cutting industry at turn of century. The Morning Record, (p. 12 & 23). [Mentions J. D. Bergen Co.; Meriden Cut Glass Co. / Meriden Silver Plate Co.; Meriden Flint Glass Co.; C. F. Monroe; J. J. Niland Co.; Silver City Cut Glass Co.] (Viewed 2 August 2017. AAA00614. DM.)
"... Early Glasshouse; A glasshouse operated in Meriden for about forty years called The Meriden Flint Glass Works. Glass blowers and glass cutters said to have come from The New England Glass Company, East Cambridge, Mass., shortly after the Civil War set up their glass furnaces on land located north of Cambridge St., about where The Napier Company is today." "After the Sandwich Glass Co., Sandwich, Mass, closed down following a strike by blowers and cutters in 1868[?], a number of these craftsmen joined The Meriden Flint Glass Works group. The business continued until about 1895[?], but occasional ’Batch’ failures and other complications such as improper fuel and shortages of material and equipment piled up losses and the enterprise was discontinued. A fire had destroyed part of the building." "This was the only glasshouse of this kind ever operated in Connecticut." (Excerpt from above.) 1964 - book mentionRevi, Albert Christian. (1964). Meriden Flint Glass Co. mention, (p. 346). In American pressed glass and figure bottles. Nelson. (Unconfirmed. Viewed 8 August 2020. AAA0613; L01963).
1965 - book mentionRevi, Albert Christian. (1965). Meriden Flint Glass Co. mentions, (pp. 9, 81+). In American cut and engraved glass. Nelson. (Unconfirmed. Viewed 8 August 2020. AAA0613; L01962).
1967 - unpublished documentCallahan Nolan, Mollie. (October 1967). Early glass craftsmen in Meriden. Unpublished document: summaries of company activities including "Meriden Flint Glass Co., 1876-1886". 4 pp. (Viewed 10 August 2017. AAA00632.) (Excerpt in full at top of the page.)
1968 - article mention[18 June 1968 (or 16 June), stamped on clipping]. Book on period glassware lists Gianotti as advisor [with mention: "Howard Gianotti, local antique dealer... American Art Nouveau glass... Meriden Flint Glass Company (in relation to C. F. Monroe) ... "] Presumably Morning Record (notation on clipping "MR") (Meriden, CT), page number unknown. (Viewed 8 August 2020. AAA00622).
1970s |
1971 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (January-February 1971). The old-fashioned dinner caster. Spinning Wheel, pp. 20-22. (Viewed 9 November 2017. AAA00696.) Illustrations:
1974 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (April 1974). The inventive W. W. Lyman of Meriden, Conn. [with mention of Meriden Flint Glass Co. and 1885 directory advertisement]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 14-7. (Viewed 14 July 2021. R01505).
1976 - articleHogan, E. P. (March 1976). Joseph Bourne and the Meriden Flint Glass Co. (Part I). Spinning wheel magazine, pp. 8-11 and cover. (Updated 21 July 2021. AAA00612; R01564. DM.)
1976 - articleHogan, E. P. (April 1976). Joseph Bourne and the Meriden Flint Glass Co. (Part II) [with photos of designs]. Spinning wheel magazine, pp. 24-27. (Viewed 21 July 2021. R01565).
1977 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1977). On "Meriden Flint Glass Company", (pp. 9; 172-81). An American heritage; a book about the International Silver Company. Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1978 - magazine article mentionHogan, Edmund P. (September 1978). Victorian cracker jars & biscuit jars. Spinning wheel, pp. 8-9. (Viewed 11 November 2017. AAA00699.) Illustrations
"American silverware makers imported many of these glass and pottery jars from England and Europe, but also bought from domestic makers as well. From 1876 to 1885 the Meriden Flint Glass Co. ... was a supplier for most of the local companies." |
1980s |
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). On "Joseph Bourne" in relation to the Meriden Flint Glass Company (includes reproduced photo of building, stock certificate, advert, stamp, photos of Bourne’s journal, patent drawing, illustration of H. C. Wilcox (leader in forming Meriden Flint Glass Company), and b/w illustrations of some designs), (pp. 170-85). (Also see p. 47 mention about MFGC as manufacturer of caster bottles and p. 59: "From 1876 to 1885 the Meriden Flint Glass Co. was a supplier for most of the local companies," regarding cracker or biscuit jars.) In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). On "W. W. Lyman" (apprentice to Ashbil Griswold, husband of Ashbil Griswold’s adopted daughter; partner of Curtis and Lyman; director of Meriden Britannia; president of Meriden Cutlery Company; president of Meriden Flint Glass Company) (reproduced illustrations of W. W. Lyman and his wife; Meriden Britannia building and "board"; Lyman fruit jars; patent), (pp. 154-59). In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1986-87 - Meriden Flint Glass Co. in Met exhibitionBurke, Doreen Bolger, et al. (1986). In pursuit of beauty: Americans and the Aesthetic Movement . [Book published in conjunction with exhibition.] Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Viewed 14 November 2016. A00721; A00977.)
1987-88 - exhibition labels - possibly Bradley & Hubbard Mfg. Co. / Meriden Flint Glass Co. in Hartford exhibitionConnecticut Historical Society, Hartford. (c. 1987). Exhibition labels / checklist for A decade of collecting Connecticut industrial arts (1 December 1987 - 31 August 1988). [The list might be incomplete.] [Possibly exhibited: Bradley & Hubbard Mfg. Co. (1880-85). Stand (with perceived Meriden Flint Glass Co. ceramic / glass inlay. CT Historical Society collection).] (Viewed 25 November 2018. B01209-17; B01219-20).
1988 - secondary sourceVumbaco, Brenda J. (1988). Photo of house of William W. Lyman (Meriden Flint Glass Co. President), (p. 53). In Meriden – Connecticut crossroads: An illustrated history. Windsor Publications: Northridge, CA. (Updated 17 April 2017. A00804. DM.)
2010s |
2012 - bookTobin, Diane. (2012). The Meriden Flint Glass Company: An abundance of glass. Charleston, SC: The History Press. (Viewed 24 May 2016. A00696.)
"The Meriden Flint Glass Company maintained a showroom at C. F. Monroe’s Art Rooms in Meriden, as well as at 147 Franklin Street, Boston, Massachusetts; 78– 80 Murray Street, New York City; and 46 East Fourteenth Street / 37 Barclay Street, New York City." "... two former [Meriden Flint Glass Co.] decorators, Emil Kroeber and Albert Kaeppel, went into the glass decorating business right on the factory grounds... 1885-90; Kroeber & Kaeppel, glass decorators." (Excerpts from above.) 2014 - newsletter articleMitchell, Bruce. (June 2014). The Meriden glass industry: A brief history [including mention of Meriden Flint Glass Company]. Museum of Connecticut Glass website. (Viewed 3 May 2020. H01231). 2016 - book reviewZatkowski, Katharine. (22 February 2016). The Meriden Flint Glass Company: An abundance of glass book review. |
n. d. |
n. d. - map(Undated). Meriden Flint Glass Works - fire insurance map. (Viewed 15 May 2017. A02437.)