Isaac C. Lewis - designs, exhibitions and historical information
A. Isaac C. Lewis designs in collections
This resource webpage is in development.
Info/photo status: |
= info and photo online = info online, no photo = completely offline |
1810s | 1810-30 - teapoonIsaac C. Lewis. (1810-30). Teaspoon. (Accession no. 1962.0240.394. Viewed 25 February 2021. J01225). |
1830s | 1834-52 - teapotIsaac C. Lewis. (1834-52). Teapot. Cast Britannia metal. (Accession no. 1996.135.0. Viewed 27 September 2020. AAA00034-37).
1834-1852 - porringerIsaac C, Lewis. (1834-1852). Porringer. Pewter. (Accession no. 1987.0094. Viewed 25 February 2021. J01224). 1835-45 - porringerIsaac C. Lewis. (1835-45). Porringer. Pewter. (Accession no. 00.4.80. Viewed 6 October 2020. J00833). |
1840s | 1840-50 - coffeepotIsaac Chauncy Lewis. (1840-50). Coffeepot. Britannia metal. (Accession no. 1999.14.1. Viewed 27 September 2020. J00782). |
1850s | c. 1850 - pitcherIsaac C. Lewis. (c. 1850). Pitcher. (Accession no. 182022. Viewed 21 February 2021. J01136). |
n. d. | n. d. - teapotIsaac C. Lewis. (undated). Teapot. (Viewed 25 February 2021. R01341).
B. Isaac C. Lewis designs in exhibitions
1960s |
This section is in development. See our Design Meriden compilation listing over 1000 exhibitions since 1851, featuring historical design associated with the Meriden area. |
C. Isaac C. Lewis - historical information (by year)
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1800s | Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(c. ). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines.
1840s | 1849 - bookPerkins, G.W. (1849). "Appendix 12. Manufactures in Meriden in 1849... I. C. Lewis [presumably]— Britannia ware of various kinds; 8 hands; raw material $8000... " In Historical sketches of Meriden, (pp. 115-17). Franklin E. Hinman: West Meriden. (Viewed 11 June 2016. A00779-80). |
1850s | 1856 - map(1856). Map of New Haven County, Connecticut [with marking for I. C. Lewis & Co. Britannia Factory (East Meriden)]. H & C. T. Smith: Philadelphia. (Viewed 1 October 2020. E01632). |
1860s | 1868 - Lewis house, Meriden(1868). Recent photos: Isaac C. Lewis house, Meriden. (Viewed 6 October 2020. E01676). |
1880s | 1882 - Lewis’s summer house, Branford(1882). Recent photos: Isaac C. Lewis’s summer house, Branford, CT. (Viewed 6 October 2020. E01675). 1889 - article - event(24 May 1889). Ex-mayor Parker’s cane; the presentation at his home last evening [with mention of Isaac C. Lewis]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 4, col. 3. (Viewed 17 December 2020. D01599). "... The venerable ex-mayor [Charles Parker] received his visitors seated in a large arm chair in his beautiful parlors, and was assisted by ex-Mayors Horace C. Wilcox and I. C. Lewis... Mrs. Horace Wilcox... Ex-Mayor Doolittle’s Address... ’When we became a city we looked to you to take the lead and we then and have ever since believed there was no one to take such unless it was our friend, Mr. Parker... ". (Excerpt from above.) 1889 - news mention - social event(24 May 1889). Meriden’s first mayor; a pleasant evening with Hon. Charles Parker [with mention of Isaac C. Lewis]. Meriden Daily Republican, p. 1, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 23 December 2020. D01595). "... presented [Charles Parker] with the elegant gold-headed cane... He was assisted in receiving the visitors by ex-Mayors Horace C. Wilcox and I. C. Lewis... The visitors strolled through the parlors, admiring the works of art, which were so richly exhibited, and the old vets were particularly pleased with a set of etchings of army scenes... " (Excerpt from above.) |
1930s | 1936 - spotlighted article mentionSnow, William G. (17 April 1936). Meriden’s silverware industry history [with mention of Isaac C. Lewis]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 30 December 2020. D01699). 1936 - article mention(17 April 1936). International Silver Co. [with mention of Isaac C. Lewis]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 25 November 2020. D01700). |
1950s | 1956 - book mentionsWendover, Sanford H. (1956). On Isaac C. Lewis, (pp. 22, 62, 86, 88, 95, 100, 152, 213). In 150 years of Meriden. Meriden: Meriden Sesquicentennial Committee. (Published in connection with the observance of the city’s sesquicentennial, June 17-23, 1956). (Viewed 27 November 2016. A00789-90; E01635-36). "... [In 1844, Charles] Parker is reported to have been the first local manufacturer to plate spoons and forks. Some hollowware was also made... Ashbil Griswold and others were making pewter kitchen utensils in Meriden as early as 1808... By 1850, Ashbil Griswold, the pioneer, was producing britannia ware in North Meriden or Fraryville. James A. Frary and Couch & Benham made similar wares nearby. In East Meriden, or Bangall, Isaac C. Lewis, George Curtis, and Darius Bingham, Jr. turned out britannia ware in addition to pewter. The Curtises, Edwin E. and Lemuel J., were making britannia on Curtis Street. Enos Curtis had a britannia factory at the north end on Britannia Street. The pewter shop of William W. Lyman was also on Britannia Street. S. L. Cone and L. G. Baldwin were also engaged in Britannia manufacture... Some factories employed 40 or more hands..." (Excerpt from above, p. 84 & 86.) Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical companies from the Meriden area, and those that were connected to the International Silver Company; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions", E: "Other featured companies" and G: "Featured early pewter / britannia / silver makers". |
1970s | 1974 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (April 1974). The inventive W. W. Lyman of Meriden, Conn. [with mention, and illustration, of Isaac C. Lewis]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 14-7. (Viewed 14 July 2021. R01505).
1974 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (September 1974). Ashbil Griswold— pewterer [with mention of I. C. Lewis]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 18-22. (Viewed 21 July 2021. R01570).
1979 - article mention (reprint)Hogan, E. P. (November 1979). Ashbil Griswold— pewterer [with mention of I. C. Lewis]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 16-20. (Viewed 21 July 2021. R01569).
2000s | 2007 - articleTurano, Andrew F. and Smith, Robert G. (Summer 2007). Isaac Chauncy Lewis, britannia worker [and cover]. [Portrait illustrations and building illustration on cover; with Lewis & Cowles mark; reprinted 1851 advertisement; with some photos of designs]. The Bulletin (Pewter Collector’s Club of America), vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 3-18. (Viewed 25 February 2021. R01341). |
2010s | 2010 - book, portrait photo and captionFranco, Jan Leach. (2010). Meriden [includes portrait photo and caption of Isaac C. Lewis and photo of his Victorian house on East Main Street, Meriden, built 1868], p. 14. Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, SC. |