Emily Hall Tremaine - crazy anti-Nazi media coverage (1940)
1930s California society publicity queen Emily Hall Tremaine (previously Spreckels) sued her husband for divorce just a year after marriage, occupying American newspapers for months with allegations of his pro-Nazism and spousal violence. But why did she frame it this way— and why at this time, coincidentally two months before the 1940 presidential election? [For publicity wave predecessors for Emily, see "diamond publicity" (1940), her 1939 marriage and back to Aperitif magazine (1934-36)].
Art Design Publicity at ADC | Emily Hall Tremaine / Collection | 2 September 2023 | Updated 7 August 2024
For more about Emily’s crazy 1930s in California, see sections "G. Publications mentioning Emily Hall Tremaine" and "I. Mystery, danger & misunderstandings".
This micro-site and webpage are packed with a lot of new information clarifying Emily’s work and life.

For citation information, see the listing below.
Play this "soundtrack" to the media compilation, "You’ve made my sh!tlist" by L7.
For something more adventurous, play this soundtrack, with clashing sounds perceived as similar to the energy of the anti-Nazi / Nazi fight in California in September 1940: "Riffdiver" by Colony Collapse Disorder.
While the action was specifically directed at Spreckels, what known impact was there regarding his family’s influential hotel, shipping and other interests, and as she stated in secret deposition, his associates that she also indirectly was calling out? Why did her US Navy Intelligence brother-in-law and her sister, a spy’s wife, check into the San Diego area hotel for an "indefinite stay" shortly afterwards? Was something planned to happen in San Diego? Was this a wider attack on pro-Nazi support in the social set and business in America, in connection to US Naval Intelligence publicity strategies?
Did the 1940 presidential election to be decided in two months, with a Willkie advisor as a family friend living down the street— and Emily publicly supporting the Willkie campaign and more intevention in Europe— have anything to do with this?
These are the questions. Or perhaps these are all "coincidences", and it was just a simple, sensational divorce.
Yeah, right.
6 Sep - media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news article - Emily Hall Tremaine (then Spreckels) files for divorceINS (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (6 September 1940). Adolph Spreckels called Nazi in suit for divorce [no photo]. The Fresno Bee (California), p. 11-A, col. 4. (Viewed 16 January 2024. P03111).
1940 - news articleINS (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (6 September 1940). Adolph Spreckels Jr. sued for divorce [by Emily Spreckels who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine"] [no photo]. Oakland Post Enquirer (California), p. 1, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 16 January 2024. P03310). Front page headline context: Greatest raid hits London
1940 - news articleINS (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (6 September 1940). Wife claims Spreckels is Pro Nazi; sues son of sugar king [divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Santa Rosa Republican (Santa Rosa, CA), pp. 1 & 2. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01404; P01869).
1940 - spotlighted news article(7 September 1940). Sugar scion sweet on Nazis, says wife bitterly [with newly seen photo of Emily (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine) and Spreckels in a car, above] (above). The News (Los Angeles), p. 5. (Viewed 27 June 2021. P01418).
1940 - spotlighted news articleA. P. Photo (with presumably original reporting). (7 September 1940). A divorce suit again; Nazi notions embitter sugar romance; Mrs. Spreckels sues [she later became "Emily Hall Tremaine"; with reused photo of Emily and Adolph presumably at Brunninghausen] (above). Oakland Tribune, presumably p. 2, col. 5-6. (Viewed 26 June 2021 P01416). 1940 - spotlighted news briefSpecial (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6.) (7 September 1940). No. 4 calls sugar heir a Nazi, sues [(spotlighted at top of this webpage) reused photo of Emily Spreckels who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", cropped, wearing over $1m in diamonds at a New York costume party, and portrait photo of Spreckels]. Daily News (New York), p. 4. (Viewed 15 November 2019. P00197-98).
1940 - spotlighted news briefUP (Santa Barbara, September 6). (7 September 1940). Husband Pro-Nazi, divorce plea claims; heir to sugar fortune also beat her, asserts former Baroness, recounting embassassment [sic] at his open display for Hitler [with photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", in modish hat]. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, p. 1, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 3 November 2019. P00194). Front-page headline context: Nazis in War’s heaviest raids pound London, South England
1940 - spotlighted news articleU.P. (Santa Barbara). (7 September 1940). Mrs. Spreckels in divorce suit says mate pro-Nazi [with on file photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", with Spreckels announcing marriage (cropped)]. Los Angeles Times, p. 1, cols. 2-3 (top) (above). (Viewed 4 November 2019. P00201). Front page headline context: Germans hurl ’worst’ on London "... She charged that during the time of their married life Spreckels ’consorted with, entertained and chose as his closest friends and associates individuals openly sympathetic with or employed by the present Nazi government of Germany,’ and that he insisted ’these persons be entertained in her home and in public places’ while he assertedly proclaimed his admiration for the Nazi regime. Mrs. Spreckels alleged [that her husband] indulged excessively in alcohol and while under the influence used physical force upon her... at the Coronado Hotel... last Aug. 15... she said he beat her until she required the services of a physician..." (Excerpt from above).
1940 - news briefTP (Santa Barbara). (7 September 1940). Husband pro-Hitler, wife asks divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Endicott Daily Bulletin (New York), p. 1, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 15 November 2019. P00364-65). Front page headline context: Berlin blasted in fiercest raid 1940 - news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Fourth wife would divorce Spreckels [by Emily Spreckels who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine"] [no photo]. San Bernardino Sun (California), p. 1, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 7 December 2019. P00095). Front page headline context: Besieged London area struck by heaviest assault of war.
1940 - spotlighted news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Calif., Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Wife sues Spreckels; sympathetic to Nazi cause, is her charge [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] [above]. The Evening News (Harrisburg, PA), p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01413).
7 Sep - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (7 September 1940). Ex-baroness wife sues Spreckels [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY), presumably p. 5, col. 4. (Viewed 27 June 2021. P02254).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (7 September 1940). Spreckles’ [sic] Naziism figures in divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Capital Times (Madison, WI), p. 3, col. 8. (Viewed 27 June 2021. P01824).
1940 - news briefA. P. (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Adolph Spreckels sued for divorce [by Emily Spreckels who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine"] [no photo]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 5, col. 5. (Viewed 13 November 2019. fultonhistory.com: Philadelphia PA Inquirer 1940 a - 0160. P00206; P00969).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Ex-baroness sues for divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Standard-Sentinel (Hazleton, PA), p. 10, col. 4. (Viewed 27 June 2021. P02269).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.) (Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Files divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Asheville Citizen (Asheville, North Carolina), p. 5, col. 5. (Viewed 24 March 2024. P03360).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Mrs. A. B. Spreckels, Jr. asks California divorce; ex-baroness cites husband’s ’public’ support of Nazism [by Emily Spreckels who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine"] [no photo]. New York Herald Tribune, p. 15, col. 4. (Viewed 7 December 2019. P00202-03). "... Mrs. Spreckels’s rst [sic] husband was the late Baron Max von Romberg, polo player, whom she divorced in 1938..." (Excerpt from above; it is not believed they were divorced before his death in 1937-38.)
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Mrs. Spreckels sues; terms spouse pro-Nazi; former Baroness von Romberg alleges husband’s support of cause embarrassed her [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Baltimore Sun, p. 3, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 22 January 2024. P03324).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Spreckels pro-German wife says in complaint [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Morning Call (Allentown, PA), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P02255).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.) (Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Spreckler’s [sic] wife files for divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Morning Examiner (Bartlesville, Oklahoma), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 24 March 2024. P03361).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Sugar king’s wife files suit for divorce; Mrs. Adolph Spreckels alleges husband supports Nazi cause [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Constitution (Atlanta, GA), p. 6, col. 4. (Viewed 7 December 2019. P00195). "... She charges cruelty... She alleges she had been ’publicly insulted and embarrassed’ by Spreckels’ exhibitions of support for the Nazi cause, citing as a case his display of a Nazi flag in a New York cafe which caused them to be hissed by other diners... Asking alimony of $2,500 a month, Mrs. Spreckels estimated her husband’s wealth at $2,500,000 and his income at $150,000 a year." (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Wife sues sugar heir, says Nazi views caused her to be “insulted, embarrassed” [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Albuquerque Journal, p. 1, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 22 January 2024. P03323).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). A. B. Spreckels sued by fourth wife [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Pomona Progress-Bulletin (Pomona, CA), p. 11, col. 5. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01405).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Ex-baroness sues to divorce A. B. Spreckels, sugar heir; says he displayed Nazi flag in New York café, causing embarrassment [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, p. 3A. (Viewed 21 January 2024. P03314).
1940 - news brief[(Special) Santa Barbara, Sept. 6]. (7 September 1940). Accuses husband; Mrs. Adolph B. Spreckels [with portrait of Emily Spreckels who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine" (Acme photo agency)]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 7. (Viewed 1 November 2019. P00196).
1940 - news briefSpecial (Santa Barbara, Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Says A. B. Spreckels is associate of Nazis; fourth wife accuses sugar heir of entertaining German agents [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. New York Times, p. 17, col. 5. (Viewed 15 November 2019. P00204-05).
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Bride of Spreckels charges Naziism [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Salt Lake Telegram, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01409).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara). (7 September 1940). Mrs. Spreckels says husband pro-Nazi in divorce complaint [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Ventura County Star-Free Press, p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01408).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Wife sues Spreckels, says he’s pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)]. The Evening Sentinel (Carlisle, PA), (Viewed 24 March 2024. P03363).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Calif., Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Asks divorce— hubby goes out with Nazis [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)]. Columbia Missourian (Columbia, MO), p. 2, col. 2. (Viewed 24 March 2024. P003364).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Calif., [Sept.] 6). (7 September 1940). Mrs. Spreckles [sic] files [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Klamath News (Klamath Falls, OR), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01411).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Calif., Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Sues for divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Shreveport Times (Louisiana), p. 11, col. 8. (Viewed 21 January 2024. P03319).
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Sept. 6). (7 September 1940). Wife says Spreckels backing Nazis; quits [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Waco News-Tribune (Waco, TX), p. 1, col. 3. (27 June 2021. P01417).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Nazi sympathy made ground for divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Long Beach Press-Democrat (Long Beach, CA), p. B-8, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 27 June 2021. P01412).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Nazism alleged [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Appeal-Democrat (Marysville and Yuba City, CA), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 27 June 2021. P01414).
1940 - news mentionUnited Press. (7 September 1940). Meet the folk who make news and headlines [with first paragraph on Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", filing for divorce against Adolph and alleging his pro-Nazi support]. Coos Bay Times (Coos Bay, Oregon), p. 1, col. 5. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03414).
1940 - news mentionUnited Press. (7 September 1940). People in the news [with mention of divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)]. Bellingham Herald (Bellingham, Washington), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 24 March 2024. P03362). "Emily Hall Spreckels, the former Baroness von Romberg, charged in a divorce complaint at Santa Barbara, Calif., that her estranged husband, Adolph B. Spreckles [sic], heir to a sugar fortune, subscribed to Nazism and forced her to entertain his alleged Nazi friends…" (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - news mentionUnited Press. (7 September 1940). People in the news [with mention of divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)]. The Bend Bulletin (Bend, OR), p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 27 June 2021. P01415).
1940 - news mentionUnited Press. (7 September 1940). People in the news [with mention of divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Eugene Guard (Eugene, OR), p. 6, col. 7. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01410). "Emily Hall Spreckels, the former Baroness von Romberg, charged in a divorce complaint at Santa Barbara, Cal., that her estranged husband, Adolph B. Spreckels, heir to a sugar fortune, subscribed to naziism and forced her to entertain his alleged nazi friends…" (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Nazi leaning seen in Spreckels case [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Whittier News (Whittier, CA), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01407).
1940 - news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Nazis are blamed in divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Cincinnati Post, p. 12, col. 7. (Viewed 21 January 2024. P03315).
1940 - news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (7 September 1940). Wife declares Spreckels roots for Nazis [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Wilmington Press (Wilmington, CA), p. 6, col. 6. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01406). Front page headline: Berlin, London fired by bombing 1940 - news briefUnknown news agency (Santa Barbara). (7 September 1940). New divorce base [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Beacon News (Beacon, New York), p. 9, col. 5. (Viewed 15 November 2019. fultonhistory.com: Beacon NY News 1940 00867_2. P00970).
Cropped view, secret deposition, Emily Hall Tremaine (previously Spreckels), 2 October 1940, presumably later placed by Emily in consultation with her lawyer in the divorce court record. In a Q&A, Emily finally "speaks" about the California Nazi / anti-Nazi intrigue herself. This was proudly unearthed after 80 years by R. J. Preece / artdesigncafe. Also see Emily’s initial filing in which she stated that she found the Nazi cause to be repugnant and against her principles and ideals.
1940 - spotlighted news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Husband Nazi, asks divorce; Mrs. Speckles [sic] says her German loving mate beat her [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Knoxville News-Sentinel, p. A-4, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01420).
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Naziism used for divorce grounds [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Post Press (El Centro, California), p. 6. (Viewed 15 January 2024. P03309). 8 Sep - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Former baroness files divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Bristol Herald Courier (Bristol, VA-TN), presumably p. 9, col. 7. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01870).
1940 - news brief(Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Spreckels case charge scored [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Los Angeles Times, p. 12, col. 1. (Viewed 6 April 2021. P00207). Article above, title: "Nazi Mexico peril charged; Elliott Roosevelt says 200,000 trained ’Red Militia’ ready" [financed by the German government] "A statement this afternoon from Francis Price, attorney for Adolph B. Spreckels who was charged yesterday with Nazi agent associations and sympathies with Hitler’s government by Mrs. Emily Hall Spreckels in a sensational divorce action, said that charges in the complaint can be ’completely refuted and will be done when an answer is filed in Superior Court within the next few days.’ ..." (Excerpt from above).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Spreckels plans divorce reply [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Pasadena Post (Pasadena, CA), p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01419).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Spreckels to “refute” wife’s “Nazi” charge [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Oakland Tribune, p. A3, col. 2. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01871).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Spreckels’s split over Nazi beliefs [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Enid Morning News (Enid, Oklahoma), p. 12, col. 3. (Viewed 22 January 2024. P03320).
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Sugar heir’s wife sues for divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Eau Claire Leader (Eau Claire, WI), p. 14, col. 8. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01873).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Calif., Sept. 7). (8 September 1940). Sympathy for Nazis may cause divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (Lubbock, TX), p. 13, col. 3. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P02267).
Cropped view of page in Emily Hall Tremaine’s 1930s scrapbook showing multiple media coverage on her and her work at Aperitif magazine. In August 1935, Emily transformed or staged a defamation threat into a media / publicity event with national news coverage, promoting the magazine. This is generally the time that Emily’s social publicity power took off with a six-year run. Learn more about Aperitif magazine.
1940 - spotlighted news photo / captionCP photo agency. (9 September 1940). Sugar heir’s wife hurls a “pro Nazi” charge in divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [(above) with re-used photo of Emily wearing diamonds]. Santa Rosa Republican, p. 5, col. 3. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01875). Photo caption: "In a complaint studded with sensational accusations…" (Excerpt from above)
1940 - news briefUnited Press (Sept. 6). (9 September 1940). Spreckels divorce; sugar magnate sued by former baroness [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), p. 5. (Viewed 15 November 2019. P00209).
9 Sep - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara). (9 September 1940). Spreckels sued for divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Redding Record (Redding, California), p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 21 January 2024. P03317).
1940 - news briefINS (Santa Barbara, Cal.). (9 September 1940). Wife charges Spreckels with Nazi sympathies [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Daily Journal-Gazette and Commercial Star (Mattoon, IL), p. 3, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01874).
1940 - news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 9). (9 September 1940). Spreckels denies pro-Nazi charges; wife had made allegations in divorce request [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Knoxville News-Sentinel, p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01421).
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara, Sept 9.) (9 September 1940). Spreckels wife sues for divorce, calls him Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The News-Herald (Franklin, PA), p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01422).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 9). (9 September 1940). Spreckels, sugar heir, sued, wife charges he’s pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Scranton Times (Pennsylvania), p. 17, col. 3. (Viewed 21 January 2024. P03316).
1940 - spotlighted news photo / captionProbably CP photo agency. (10 September 1940). Hurls charge [above; with re-used photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing over $1m in diamonds at a New York costume party]. Red Bluff Daily News (Red Bluff, CA), p. 1, col. 6 (above). (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01877).
1940 - news photo / captionProbably CP photo agency. (10 September 1940). Nazi charge [with re-used photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds]. The Chico Record (Chico, CA), p. 2. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01876).
1940 - news photo / captionProbably CP photo agency. (10 September 1940). Seeks divorce [(above) with re-used photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds]. Napa Journal (Napa, CA), p. 8. (Viewed 21 January 2024. P03318).
10 Sep - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news photo / captionProbably CP photo agency. (10 September 1940). Hurls charge [with re-used photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds]. La Grande Observer (La Grande, OR), p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01809).
11 Sep - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefUnknown news agency (Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 11). (11 September 1940). Says husband pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Daily Courier (Connellsville, PA), p. 3, col. 7. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01423).
1940 - spotlighted news mention(15 September 1940). Chatterbox [news mention, Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", vs. Spreckels divorce action] [no photo]. Los Angeles Times, p. D6. (Viewed 15 November 2019. P00212). "Santa Barbara town is ’teeming’ with the Spreckels divorce. It seems even their best friends didn’t suspect. As a matter of fact, they gave themselves an anniversary party just a few weeks ago at which Adolph, presented Emily with a $25,000 diamond bracelet!" (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - spotlighted news mentionUnknown photo agency. (17 September 1940). Seeks divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine), with re-used photo of Emily wearing diamonds]. The Daily Alaska Empire (Juneau, AK), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 31 March 2024. P03387). 1940 - spotlighted news brief(UP) (Santa Barbara, presumably Oct. 2). (3 October 1940). Secret depositions in Spreckles [sic] case [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Appeal-Democrat (Marysville and Yuba City, CA), p. 1, col. 5 (see below). (Viewed 5 April 2021. P01424). "Secret depositions have been taken from Adolph B. Spreckles [sic], wealthy sugar family scion, and his estranged wife, Emily Hall Spreckles [sic] for a divorce action started by Mrs. Spreckles [sic] on charges he subscribed to naziism. Attorneys for Mrs. Spreckles [sic], the former Baroness von Romberg, questioned Spreckles [sic] for more than three hours during the morning yesterday, and she was examined by his attorney later. The lawyers refused to divulge any information obtained from them.” (Excerpt from above.)
(13 November 1940). Mrs. Spreckels may tell all. The Times (San Mateo, CA), p. 2.
1940 - spotlighted news brief - Emily Hall Tremaine (then Spreckels) "may tell all"(13 November 1940). Mrs. Spreckels may tell all (see clipping above). The Times (San Mateo, CA), p. 2. (Viewed 5 April 2021. P01878/b). "If attorneys of Adolph Bernard Spreckels, scion of the millionaire Hillsborough family, do not argue over technicalities in Santa Barbara superior court, his wife’s lawyers will furnish ‘unpleasant’ details to support her divorce suit... " (Excerpt from above.)
But then the tables turned...
Three months later Adolph announced:
"I’m not the Nazi, SHE is!"
![]() On 10 December 1940 in the American media, Emily was transformed from the brave, anti-Nazi socialite-warrior, to the diamond-decked Nazi queen of California. Just like that. (Altoona Tribune, Pennsylvania, front page, above the fold, cropped.) Then she fired back again!
1940 - news brief - Emily Hall Tremaine (formerly Spreckels) divorce action, Adolph respondsAP (Santa Barbara, Cal.). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir and wife hurl pro-Nazi accusations in coast divorce suit [no photo] ((above). Shreveport Journal (Louisiana), p. 2. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03336). Front page headline: "We will defeat entire world," Hitler tells cheering Nazis
1940 - photo / captionAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Photo/caption: Charged with Naziism [(above); with cropped photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds]. Altoona Tribune (Altoona, PA), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01438).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi charges are swapped in divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Daytona Beach Morning Journal (Florida), p. 1, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 26 December 2019. P01143-44). Front page headline context: 1,000 Italians captured by British
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckels says wife is pro-Nazi— not he [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). The Morning Call (Allentown, PA), p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 26 February 2023. P02256).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Both parties to Spreckels divorce suit cry "Naziism" [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). The Bakersfield Californian, p. 3. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03339). Front page headline: Hitler says he’ll defeat entire world; slaps U.S.
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Charges of Nazi sympathies made by both Spreckels; sugar king says wife named dog Swastika; she replies that husband Hitler flag [reused photo, cropped, of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds]. [presumably 1st version of paper with area focus, see second & third versions below] (above). Buffalo Evening News (New York), p. 1. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03328).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Here Swastika! Wife called her dog that, says Spreckels in alimony fight [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). The Evening Sun (Baltimore, MD), p. 2. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03333). "… Spreckels, heir to millions made in Hawaiian sugar, steamship lines and Pacific Coast hotel and realty operations, accused his wife of keeping a statuette of Hitler in her home before their marriage…" (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - news briefA. P. (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckel ze Nazi? [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. New York Sun, p. 29, cols. 7-8. (16 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: New York NY Sun 1940 a - 0987. P00974).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal.). (10 December 1940). Spreckels accuses wife of pro-Nazism [portrait photo of Adolph; and photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", with head turned to the side, cropped from “Work together, live apart” (1936)]. Des Moines Register, p. 1. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03331).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckels asserts wife is pro-Nazi; he is, she replies [with re-used and cropped photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds (above) (presumably 2nd version of paper with area focus, see first version above). Buffalo Evening News, p. 31, cols. 2 & 3. (Viewed 27 November 2019. fultonhistory.com: Buffalo NY Evening News 1940 a - 6004. P00975).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckels both say other is pro-Nazi; wife named dog Swastika, sugar king adds; he showed Hitler flag, she replies [reused photo, cropped, of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds] [presumably 3rd version of paper with area focus, see first & second versions above] (above). Buffalo Evening News (New York), p. 1. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03329).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckles [sic] and wife accuse each other of being pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). The Tampa Daily Times, (Florida) p. 9. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03326). Front page headline: British cut Italian lines in Egypt; “We will defeat entire world,” says Hitler
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckles [sic] charge each other with pro-Nazi leanings; German sympathy is made issue in divorce argument [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). The Evening Independent (St. Petersburg, Florida), pp. 1 & 20, col. 8. (Viewed 26 December 2019. P01130-33). Front page headline context: Business leaders warn nation against Hitler 1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec 10). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir accuses wife of pro-Nazism; Adolph B. Spreckels replies to divorce suit charge that he supported Hitler’s cause [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [with reused photo of Emily and Adolph after their marriage]. St. Louis Dispatch, p. 3A, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 18 January 2023. P03125).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir calls wife "pro Nazi" [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (see above). The Atlanta Journal, p. 10, col. 3. (Viewed 5 April 2024. P03439).
1940 - articleAssociated Press (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Hawaiian sugar heir, wife brand each other as Nazis [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Youngstown Vindicator (Ohio), p. 6, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 26 December 2019. P01141-42). 1940 - articleAssociated Press (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi charges hurled by Spreckles [sic] and wife [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. A-7, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03411).
1940 - article(Exclusive) Santa Barbara, Dec. 9. (10 December 1940). Nazi sympathies laid to wife by Spreckels; sugar heir files voluminous answer to divorce suit charges of former baroness [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] [cropped view of article above]. Los Angeles Times, p. 2. (Viewed 22 December 2021. P02134).
1940 - news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckels hurls Nazi charge back at wife [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. San Bernardino Daily Sun (California), p. 2. (Viewed 11 November 2019. P00081). Newspaper context: two columns to the right, photo and caption showing "Smoking ruins of Coventry [England] after Nazi raid"
1940 - articleU. P. (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi charge hurled back at wife by Spreckels heir [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 2, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P02026; P00233-34).
1940 - articleUP (Santa Barbara, Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckels hits back at wife [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [(above), no photo]. The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, CA), p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01899).
1940 - articleUP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckles [sic] accuses wife in divorce suit answer; sugar heir says spouse tries to whitewash own activities [(above) with reused photo, cropped, of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing modish hat]. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), p. 1, cols. 3-4 (Viewed 20 October 2019. P00224). Newspaper front page context: headline across the page - "British blitzkrieg begun in Egypt; Greeks drive for another seaport; 1,000 Fascists taken in first clash, report; Graziani army hit in fashion of Nazi push" [(above) with photo "London church wrecked by Nazi bomb"]. Three columns over, article title: "Hitler will speak today to armament workers" [no photo]; one column over: "Watch for Nazi crew", Havana, Cuba
1940 - articleUP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckels says wife, not he, is pro-Nazi [with portrait photos of Adolph and Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine"] (above). St. Louis Star-Times (Missouri), p. 6. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03327). Front page headline: Nazis to strike harder blows, Hitler says
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir accuses wife of pro-Nazism [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Falls City Journal (Falls City, NE), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01441).
1940 - news briefU.P. (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Wife dubbed dog ’Swastika,’ boosted Nazis, says magnate [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] [above]. Brooklyn Eagle (New York), p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 18 October 2019. fultonhistory.com: Brooklyn NY Daily Eagle 1940 a Grayscale 0042. P00005). Front page headline, full-width: "Will defeat the world— [says] Hitler"
1940 - photo / captionUnspecified news / photo agency. (10 December 1940). Photo / caption: She’s a Nazi, he declares [(above) with incorrect portrait photo of Adolph, likely his second cousin with the same name; and photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", with head turned to the side, cropped and turned photo from “Work together, live apart” (1936)]. Atlantic City Press (New Jersey), p. 2. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03330).
10 Dec - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news mention(10 December 1940). It happened last night [with paragraph mention: "Nazi charges reversed"; regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)]. Seminole Producer (Seminole, OK), p. 6, col. 2. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01831).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (10 December 1940). Both parties charge Pro-German activity in action for divorce; Adolph B. Spreckles [sic] and his wife hurl charges of Naziism in suit in California [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Niagara Falls Gazette (New York), p. 9. (Viewed 11 December 2019. P00027).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazism charges mark Spreckels suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Rochester Times-Union (New York), p. 4, col. 2. (20 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: Rochester NY Times Union 1940 b - 1544. P00973).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (10 December 1940). Spreckels hurl pro-Nazi charges [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Utica Observer-Dispatch (New York), p. 5, col. 3. (Viewed 23 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: Utica NY Observer 1940 - 8886. P00893).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Couple exchanges charge of Naziism; Spreckels, heir to sugar millions, hurls back wife’s accusation [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Wichita Eagle (Wichita, Kansas), p. 12, col. 4. (Viewed 4 April 2024. P03433).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Nazism charge of wife denied by Spreckels [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Asheville Citizen (Asheville, North Carolina), p. 2, col. 2. (Viewed 5 April 2024. P03438).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Not Nazi, wife is, Spreckels claims [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Daily News (New York), p. 57. (Viewed 16 December 2019. P00230).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckels says she, not he, is Nazi enthusiast [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 12. (Viewed 16 December 2019. P00227).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckels says wife friendly to Nazi cause [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Daily Boston Globe, p. 22. (Viewed 16 December 2019. P00229).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckels says wife, not he, was pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky), p. 8, col. 5. (Viewed 6 April 2024. P03448).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckles [sic] alleges wife is pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Morning Examiner (Bartlesville, Oklahoma), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 5 April 2024. P01830).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir denies "Pro-nazi" charge [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Okmulgee Daily Times (Okmulgee, OK), p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01440).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Wife called him pro Nazi to hide own support for Hitler, Spreckels says [reused photo, or illustration, cropped, of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds]. The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada), p. 3. (Viewed 17 December 2019. P00231).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Wife favored Nazis, charges Spreckels heir; she sought to cover up friendliness to Hitler, he says [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Atlanta Constitution (Georgia), p. 12, col. 2. (Viewed 16 December 2019. P00225).
1940 - news briefA. P. (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Man, wife hurl charges of Naziism [[regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Alexandria Daily Town Talk (Alexandria, Louisiana), p. 5, col. 7. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03412).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (10 December 1940). Nazi charges split Spreckels [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Plainfield Courier-News (Bridgewater, NJ), p. 6, col. 4. (Viewed 5 April 2024. P03442).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Naziism charged in divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Big Spring Daily Herald (Big Spring, TX), p. 1, col. 5. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01829).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Naziism factor in divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Daily Sentinel (Rome, New York), p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 11 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: Rome NY Daily Sentinel 1940 - 4759. P00971).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-German activity charges made by Spreckels and wife [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Times Leader / The Evening News (Wilkes-Barre, PA), p. 6, cols. 1-2. Viewed 27 February 2023. P01891).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi activity cause for divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Corvallis Gazette-Times (Corvallis, OR), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01812).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi acts figure in suit for a divorce (including Adolph’s allegations including Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", having a statuette of Hitler, 1934 [sic, 1933] prince visit, Von Romberg seeking position in Hitler’s government, Leni, entertained German government, named dog Swastika, gave him bracelet with swastika engraving, and had swastika on her house, and investigated by DOJ) [no photo]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 25 July 2023. N00020).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi charges flung by both sides in Spreckels case [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Fort Worth Star Telegram (Texas), p. 2. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03338). Front page headline: "We’ll whip world," – HITLER
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif, Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi charges mark society divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Sunbury Daily Item (Sunbury, PA), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01897).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi issue heard in court [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Enid Daily Eagle (Enid, Oklahoma), p. 10, col. 4. (Viewed 6 April 2024. P03450).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckels charges wife with pro-Nazi activities [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Evening-Recorder (Amsterdam, NY), p. 11, col. 4. (16 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: Amsterdam NY Daily Democrat and Recorder 1940 Dec-1941 Feb Grayscale - 0091. P00034).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckels family linked with pro-Nazi activities [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. St. Joseph News-Press (Missouri), p. 13. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03337). Front page headline: "We will defeat world," Nazi Fuehrer thunders
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckels suit has pro-Nazi flavor [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Roseburg News-Review (Roseburg, OR), p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 26 June 2021. P01810).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif, Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckles [sic] accuses wife of screening own Nazi sympathy [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Medford Mail Tribune (Medford, OR), p. 3, col. 5. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01811).
1940 - news articleAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckles [sic] couple hurl charges of pro-Nazism [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Indiana Evening Gazette (Indiana, PA), p. 1, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01826). Front page headline: Hitler tells munition workers Nazis will defeat "entire world" Next to article: "Windsors are in the U. S. now"
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (10 December 1940). Sugar fortune heir denies Nazi charges [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Cortland Standard (New York), p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 11 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: Cortland NY Standard 1940 - 3357. P00972). Front-page headline context: Hitler "will defeat entire world"
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Sugar fortune heir denies pro-Nazism [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Corpus Christi Times (Texas), presumably p. 16, col. 2. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01828).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir called Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo], The Sumter Daily Item (Sumter, South Carolina), p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 4 April 2024. P03435).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Cal.). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir says wife is friendly to case of Nazis [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA), p. 12, col. 7. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01890).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi activity charged in divorce suit by Spreckles [sic] [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Bellingham Herald (Bellingham, Washington), p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 5 April 2024. P03437).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Who’s a Nazi? Spreckels [sic] differ [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Austin Statesman (Texas), p. 11. (Viewed 16 December 2019. P00226).
1940 - articleINS (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). “I’m no Nazi,” says Spreckels reply; wife said covering up own activities [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Stockton Daily Evening Record (Stockton, California), p. 9. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03335).
1940 - news brief - Emily Hall Tremaine (formerly Spreckels) divorce action, Adolph responds, charge rejectedPresumably INS (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9.) (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi charge of his wife is denied [no photo]. The Kearney (Kearney, NE), p. 8, col. 1. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P02270).
1940 - news briefINS (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Sugar heir accuses wife of sympathy for Nazis [likely incorrect portrait photo of Adolph, mistaken for his second cousin; and reused photo, cropped, of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", wearing diamonds]. Evening World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska), p. 7. (Viewed 31 January 2024. P03332). > One front page headline: "’We will defeat the world,’ Hitler vows"
1940 - article(Santa Barbara, Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Wife pro-Nazi, Spreckels declares; Hitler statue in home, mate says in reply [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. San Francisco Examiner, p. B (third page). (Viewed 21 January 2024. N00610).
1940 - article(Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Pro-Nazi activity in home of Adolph B. Spreckels related [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Windsor Daily Star (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), p. 2, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 5 April 2024. P03446).
1940 - news briefSanta Barbara (Special). (10 December 1940). Spreckels charges wife is the pro-Nazi of his family [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Ventura County Star-Free Press (Ventura, CA), p. 2, col. 6-7. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01892).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Cal.). (10 December 1940). Charges wife, not himself, pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Fremont Morning Eagle (Fremont, NE), p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01827).
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 9). (10 December 1940). Spreckels claims wife has Nazi bent [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Salt Lake City Tribune, p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01439).
1940 - news briefUnspecified wire service (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (10 December 1940). Spreckels links wife to Nazis [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Evening Independent (Massillon, OH), p. 5, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01894).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (11 December 1940). Sugar heir, wife hurl Nazi charges [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Miami Herald (Florida), p. 16B, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 4 April 2024. P03426).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Dec. 11). (11 December 1940). Spreckels trade pro Nazi tags in divorce row [photo of Adolph and Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", after their marriage] (above). Fresno Bee (California), p. 7-A. (Viewed 31 January 2024. newspapers.com. P03340).
1940 - news briefUP (Santa Barbara). (11 December 1940). Spreckels charge each other with Nazi leanings [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Binghampton Press (New York), p. 9, col. 2. (Viewed 20 October 2019. P00236).
1940 - articleUP (Santa Barbara, Cal. Dec. 10). (11 December 1940). Heir to sugar fortune denies favoring Nazis [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). The Eau Claire Leader (Eau Claire, WI), presumably p. 5, col. 4. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01442).
11 Dec - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (11 December 1940). Mate pro-Nazi Spreckels says in divorce row [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Brownsville Herald (Brownsville, TX), p. 5, col. 4. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01832).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 10). (11 December 1940). Pro-Nazi activity charges figure in Spreckels divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Miami Daily News-Record (Miami, Oklahoma), p. 5. (Viewed 3 April 2024. P03425).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (11 December 1940). Spreckels hurl Nazi charges [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Amarillo Daily News (Amarillo, TX), p. 12, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01444).
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec 11). (11 December 1940). Pro-Nazi charges are made in divorce suit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Vernon Daily Record (Vernon, TX), p. 6, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01443).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Calif.). (11 December 1940). Spreckles [sic] claims wife pro-Nazi and not him [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Green Bay Press-Gazette (Wisconsin), p. 5, col. 5. (Viewed 3 April 2024. P03421).
1940 - articleUP (Santa Barbara, Calif., Dec. 10). (11 December 1940). Sugar magnate charges wife under probe of FBI [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [in c. 2021, via a FOIA request, it was learned there was no FBI file on Emily, or Adolph] [no photo]. Muskogee Daily Phoenix (Muskagee, Oklahoma), p. 9. (Viewed 4 April 2024. P03430).
1940 - articleK. D. R. (possibly syndicated). (12 December 1940). The early bird [with mention of divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Minneapolis Morning Tribune, p. 10. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03409). "… That Spreckels divorce suit (sugar millionaire family) in which both hubby and wife charge the other with pro-German leanings, makes Gerald Beskin wonder if the headline shouldn’t be: ’Spreckels Sie Deutsch’." (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - articleUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Cal. Dec. 12). (12 December 1940). Sugar heir says his wife is pro-Nazi, he is not [with portrait photo of Adolph, and photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", with head turned to the side, cropped from "Work together, live apart" (1936)] (see above). The Knoxville News- Sentinel (TN), p. 13, col. 1-2. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01445).
12 Dec - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - article(Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 12). (12 December 1940). Spreckels accuses wife [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Daily Courier (Connellsville, PA), p. 12, col. 7. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01901).
1940 - articleU. P. (Santa Barbara, Dec. 11). (12 December 1940). Spreckels denies wife’s charges [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Pasadena Post, p. 10, col. 6. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01900).
1940 - news briefGabe. (14 December 1940). Caffrey’s corner [with mention of divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)]. The Daily Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota), p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03390). "See where a Santa Barbara, Calif., couple seeks divorce on the grounds of ‘Nazism’. ‘Heeza Nazi,’ sez she: ’Sheeza Nazi,’ sez he. She sez he called her his ‘Hun’-ny Chile, and talked to her like a Dutch uncle. Yup, rich Adolph Spreckels, who made more ’sugar’ in sugar than he could have made in Germany, seeks divorce, accusing his wife, Emily, of being a pro-Hitlerite…" (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - news brief - Adolph accuses Emily (Hall Tremaine) of pro-NazismUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Ashville Times (North Carolina), presumably p. 6, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. newspapers.com. P03388). "Adolph Spreckels is an heir to millions. Last year he acquired his fourth wife the Baroness Von Romberg. In suing him for divorce this week she charged he had ’publicly insulted and embarrassed her’ by displaying a Nazi flag at a New York café table. He counter-attacked by saying that she named her dog ‘Swastika’, and kept a statue of Hitler in her home prior to their marriage." (Excerpt in full.)
14 Dec - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Mansfield News-Journal (Mansfield, Ohio), p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03392).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine), presumably p. 8, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. newspapers.com. P03389).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Daily Times (Davenport, Iowa), presumably p. 13, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03391).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Fitchburg Sentinel (MA), presumably p. 7, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01902).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Harrisburg Telegraph (PA), presumably p. 14, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01446).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Herald-News (Passaic, New Jersey), p. 20. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03403).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Marshfield News-Herald (Marshfield, Wisconsin), p. 8, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03393).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Niagara Falls Gazette (New York), p. 19, col. 3. (Viewed 17 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: Niagara Falls NY Gazette 1940 Nov-1941 Jan Grayscale - 0710. P00902).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (14 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. North Adams Transcript (MA), presumably p. 7, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01903).
1940 - news brief(15 December 1940). Flew swastika in restaurant; wife seeks divorce [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Sunday Sun (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England), p. 7, col. 3. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03406). "… This amazing story of a domestic ’war’ caused by the world war is told in full in this week’s ’Guide and ideas’, Britain’s brightest news magazine… on sale to-morrow… " (Excerpt from above.)
15 Dec - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefAssociated Press. (15 December 1940). The world last week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Atlantic City Press (New Jersey), p. 4-Social, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03396).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), section E, p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03400).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). This week in review; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Akron Beacon Journal (Ohio), p. 10-D, col 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03395).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The week in review; People; Spreckels family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The World This Week supplement, presumably p. 8, col. 3, accompanying The Detroit Free Press. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03401).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world last week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana), second section, p. 11, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03397).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Corpus-Christi Caller-Times (Texas), presumably p. 8-B, col. 3. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03404).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Eau Claire Leader (Eau Claire, WI), presumably p. 8, col 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01448).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Ft. Lauderdale Daily News (Florida), p. 5, col. 3. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03402).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Lima News (Lima, OH), p. 28, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. P01904).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Montana Standard (Butte, Montana), presumably p. 32, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03994).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Oakland Tribune, presumably p. 20, col. 3. (Viewed 27 February 2023. newspapers.com. P01447).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, Florida), section D, p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03405).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Sunday Herald-Leader (Lexington, Kentucky), presumably p. 39, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03398).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Sunday Sentinel-Star (Orlando, Florida), p. 27, col. 3. (Viewed 1 April 2024. P03399).
1940 - news briefUnknown news agency. (c. 15 December 1940). The world this week; People; Spreckels family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Utica Observer-Dispatch (New York), unknown page number. (Viewed 23 December 2019. fultonhistory.com: Utica NY Observer 1940 - 9046. P00894).
Then Emily...
fired back again!
The judge threw out the counter-allegations made by Adolph against Emily, but this was reported in less than 5% of the volume of American newspapers that reported on Adolph’s counter-allegations. The reporting was mainly in California, perhaps as Christmas was coming up. The reputational impact on Emily, partly being in this cloud and also his counter-allegations— without context— continues to this day. 1940 - article - Emily Hall Tremaine (formerly Spreckels) divorce action, Adolph responds, Emily fires back(20 December 1940). Mrs. Spreckels says no Nazi [no photo]. The Times (San Mateo, CA), p. 3, col. 5. (Viewed 5 April 2021. P01907). "… In an affadavit, filed by Mrs. Spreckels in answer to Spreckels’ counter charge that it was the former Baroness von Romberg, not he, who was the pro-Nazi, the society beauty claimed that the swastika she removed from her Montecito home decorations was just an old Indian design and had no Germanic meaning. She said she had to remove any semblance of swastikas around her mansion because of Spreckels’ pro-Hitler actions. His activities as a pro-Nazi were attracting too much public attention, she said… Mrs. Spreckels explained that the statue of Hitler was nothing but a toy sent to the Baron von Romberg as a joke shortly before his death in an airplane crash several years ago…" (Excerpt from above.)
1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Dec. 20). (20 December 1940). Emily Spreckles [sic] denies charges [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. The Chico Enterprise (Chico, California), p. 1. (Viewed 10 February 2024. newspapers.com. P01833; P03354).
1940 - articleAP (Santa Barbara, Dec. 20). (20 December 1940). Mrs. Spreckels denies charge [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). Palo Alto Times (California), p. 1. (Viewed 10 February 2024. P03349).
1940 - news briefExclusive (Santa Barbara, Dec. 19). (20 December 1940). Mrs. Spreckels hits back at mate; charges of pro-Nazi leanings countered [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). Los Angeles Times, p. 2. (Viewed 10 February 2024. P03351).
1940 - news briefINS (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 20). (20 December 2024). Mrs. Spreckels denies any liking for Nazis [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). Evening World Herald (Omaha, Nebraska), p. 12, col. 5. (Viewed 11 February 2024. P03355).
1940 - news briefINS (Santa Barbara, Dec. 20). (20 December 1940). Mrs. Spreckels says she is not pro-Nazi [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). The Post-Enquirer (Oakland, California), p. 19. (Viewed 11 February 2024. P03358).
1940 - article(Santa Barbara, Dec. 19). (20 December 1940). Wife replies on Spreckels’ Nazi charges; friends old line Germans, former baroness says in divorce suit; emblem declared Indian [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). San Francisco Examiner, p. 4. (Viewed 11 February 2024. P03357).
1940 - news briefUnited Press (Santa Barbara, Dec. 19). (20 December 1940). Wife charges Nazi leanings [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. San Bernardino Daily Sun, p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 23 December 2019. P00108; P01449). Front-page headline context: Nazis rush air aid to Italy; Fascist armies yield new ground to British, Greeks 1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara). (20 December 1940). It’s Mrs. Spreckels’ turn to hurl pro-Nazi charges again [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Ventura County Star-Free Press (Ventura, CA), p. 1. (Viewed 10 February 2024. newspapers.com. P01450).
It’s Emily’s turn...
it’s HER turn...
to hurl pro-Nazi charges AGAIN!
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara). (20 December 1940). Nazi charges in Spreckels battle [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). Santa Maria Daily Times (Santa Maria, CA), p. 8, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 11 February 2024. P03356).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Dec. 19). (20 December 1940). "He’s a Nazi and I’m not", counters Mrs. Spreckels [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo] (above). Daily News (Los Angeles), p. 23. (Viewed 10 February 2024. P01908).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara, Dec. 20). (20 December 1940). Swastikas cited again in Spreckels action [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Hollywood Citizen-News (Hollywood, CA), p. 5. (Viewed 10 February 2024. P01451). Newspaper context, above: articles "Bund member list checked; ledger notes indicate Nazis in U. S. forces" and "F.D.R. ’interested’ in ledger seizure"
20 Dec - more media coverageSee the texts 1940 - news briefAP (Santa Barbara, Dec. 20). (20 December 1940). Mrs. Spreckels files divorce suit affidavit [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Sacramento Bee (California), p. 5. (Viewed 10 February 2024. P03352).
1940 - news briefU. P. (Santa Barbara). (20 December 1940). It’s Mrs. Spreckels’ turn to hurl pro-Nazi charges again [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Ventura Weekly Post and Democrat (Ventura, CA), p. 1. (Viewed 10 February 2024. newspapers.com. P03350).
1940 - articleU. P. (Santa Barbara, Cal.). (20 December 1940). Mrs. Spreckels accuses spouse of Nazism [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Fremont Morning Eagle (Fremont, NE), p. 19. (Viewed 10 February 2024. P01906).
1940 - articleU. P. (Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 20). (20 December 2024). Spreckels favors Nazi cause, wife charges to court [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune, p. 5. (Viewed 10 February 2024. P03353).
1940 – news articleSpecial (Santa Barbara). (22 December 1940). Who’s pro-Nazi? Spreckels, 4th hurl swastikas at each other [with photo of Emily Spreckels, who later became "Emily Hall Tremaine", with Spreckels] (above). Daily News (New York), p. 3. (Viewed 22 November 2019. P00247).
1940 - news briefUnknown photo agency. (22 December 1940). The world last week; People; Spreckels’ family wash [regarding divorce action by Emily Spreckels (who later became Emily Hall Tremaine)] [no photo]. Midland Empire News (Billings, Montana), presumably p. 5, col. 3. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03407).
1940 - news mention, year roundup - Emily Hall Tremaine (then Spreckels) files for divorce(29 December 1940). 1940 was happy year in Santa Barbara, review shows [no photo]. Santa Barbara News-Press, p. 15. (Viewed 2 April 2024. P03408). "… Sensational divorce suit filed by Emily Von Romberg Spreckels in which she charged that her husband, Adolph Spreckels, with Nazi sympathies…" (Except from above.)
NEW YEAR 1941!!
![]() By the way..., new archival research has found that Emily Hall Tremaine (previously Spreckels) was in close contact with Ellis M. Zacharias (right), head of Pacific US Naval Intelligence regarding Nazi & Japanese threats to California and the US around 1940-41. Zacharias sent his intelligence to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in Washington, DC (center). |