Creative industries: Setting the research agenda (2009)
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Rene Kooyman received a Master’s degree in Music Education from the State Conservatory of Music in Utrecht, and a Master’s degree in Social Science at The State University in Groningen (RUG), the Netherlands. He graduated with a major in Urban and Regional Planning. After setting up the European Helpdesk, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR Helpdesk) for the European Commission (Directorate General XIII: Research and Innovation) in Luxembourg, he moved to Switzerland, where he received a DEA (Diplôme Educations Approfondies) at the University of Geneva. Recently Rene Kooyman has been responsible for the UNCTAD Creative Economy Conference in Amsterdam. He has been appointed as Senior Researcher at the EU EACEA Research Project on the Entrepreneurial dimensions of cultural and creative industries.
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Rene Kooyman. (2009). Entrepreneurial dimensions of cultural and creative industries Literature Review, HKU, Utrecht.
Carmen Marcus. (2005). Future of creative industries; Implications for research policy. European Commission DG Research, Brussels, ISBN 92-894-9022-5.
Herbert Marcuse. (1991). One-dimensional man: Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society. (Boston, MA: Beacon Press).
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Michael Söndermann. (May 2007). Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft: Ermittlung der gemeinsamen charakteristischen. Jahrestagung Kulturwirtschaft. Berlin, 3/4.
David Throsby. (2001). Economics and Culture. (Cambridge University Press, New York).
UNCTAD: Dos Santos-Duisenberg, Edna, (Ed.). (2008). Creative Economy Report 2008, UNCTAD / DITC / 2008/2, Geneva. ISBN 978-0-9816619-0-2.
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