Cecil Clark Davis. Emily von Romberg, (c. 1936).

ADC staff
Emily Hall Tremaine / Collection
6 October 2019 | Updated 8 January 2020

Cecil Clark Davis
Emily von Romberg, (c. 1936)
Oil on canvas
45 x 39 in.

The current location of Davis’s The baroness is unknown. Click to see a photo of the artwork (Emily Hall Tremaine biography, cover and first photo page after p. 120, direct to pdf).

Tremaine Collection artworks and designs in publications (compilation; 1945-present)

→ artdesigncafé - art
ADC staff - 14 Jan 20

Tremaine Collection artworks and designs in publications (compilation; 1945-present) With her extensive communications experience from the 1930s, Emily Hall Tremaine marshalled those skills for the benefit of the artworks and designs that she worked with, 1945-87. This compilation focuses on...