William R. Brinley miniature circus designs - historical information
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 4 January 2019 | Updated 28 June 2021
LINK: William R. Brinley circus designs in collections and exhibitions
"...William Brinley, of Meriden, Conn., is a pioneer among the circus model builders who have turned pro..." (In The Billboard, 7 April 1951, p. 98; see entry below.)
"... First [William R. Brinley] had to pay his dues— exhibiting his circus on the Ed Sullivan Show, or having it share the billing with Marlene Dietrich at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas... His first paying exhibition was in 1938 at Hamid’s Million Dollar Pier, a hotel on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, N. J. There, he shared billing with, ’The Three Del Rios’, an act that consisted of three dancing midgets....
He was given top billing on Ed Sullivan’s show in 1953. He also appeared on the Garry Moore Show, John Cameron Swazey’s ’New Caravan’, and ’Super Circus’... In 1950, William Boyd, who played the TV Western character, Hopalong Cassidy, made appearances with the Cole Brothers Circus and in department stores. To drum up publicity about his arrival, Boyd had Brinley travel ahead and exhibit his circus in department stores Boyd would later visit. For the three years that followed, the Hopalong Cassidy Circus drew crowds.
In 1956, Brinley decided to pack away the circus. He had been working on a second, smaller circus, and he felt its 20 wagons, elephants, and railroad cars were enough to exhibit at malls, banks and the 1964 New York World’s Fair... " (Excerpt from: DiMaggio, Kenneth. (22 October 1987). Showman folds his tent: Meriden man’s circuses make their way to museums. Hartford Courant. See entry below)
William R. Brinley miniature circus designs - historical information (by year)
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1930s | Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(1930s-). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines. (Updated 20 April 2019.)
1936 - high school senior issue(June 1936). William Brinley (photo, p. 12), and quote "A day at the circus is meat and drink for me" (p. 18). The Chronicle (Lyman Hall High School, Wallingford, CT publication). (Viewed 1 February 2019. D00681).
1937 - feature articleKrapf, Robert (Parade reporter). (4 July 1937). Spends 10 years building midget circus [with photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Hartford Courant, p. F3. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00638).
"... His model circus has already won exhibition prizes all over Connecticut..." (Excerpt from above.) 1937 - feature articleKrapf, Robert (Parade reporter). (4 July 1937). Everything is found under tiny big top [with photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Washington Post, p. 3. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00639).
1937 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus exhibited in East Hartford, CT(2 October 1937). With the circus fans [with mention: "W. R. Brinley, model circus builder, of Wallingford, Conn., had his miniature circus on exhibition at East Hartford, Conn., September 16-18."] The Billboard, p. 37. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00484).
1937 - other articlesSee the articles 1937 - feature articleKrapf, Robert (Parade reporter). (c. 4 July 1937). Everything is found under tiny big top [with photo]. Long Island Daily Press (Jamaica, New York), p. 3. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00545).
1937 - news mention(17 July 1937). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley, of Wallingford, Conn., has built a miniature circus, having spent a number of years on it."] The Billboard, p. 38. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00640).
1937 - news mention(21 August 1937). Model builders change officers [with mention of Brinley: "received nice publicity on his circus and a photo showing his band wagon and an eight-horse hitch" (presumably referring to articles in Hartford Courant, Long Island Daily Press, Washington Post [and possible more]). The Billboard, p. 39. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00641).
1937 - news mention(26 December 1937). Parade of youth [seems a year-end round-up article highlighting interesting American youth; with mention: "... Tinkerers... Bill Brinley, 19, of Wallingford, Conn., completed 10 years’ work on a model circus with 40 wagons, 10 tents..."] Washington Post, p. PA2. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00643).
1938 - spotlighted news mention - Brinley on Hobby Lobby program(23 January 1938). Riders of odd hobbies guests at CBS microphone [with mention of Brinley talking about his miniature circus on Dave Elman’s Hobby Lobby program by Columbia network through WGR from 7.15 to 7.45 p.m.] Buffalo Courier-Express, p. 10. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00564).
1938 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Million Dollar Pier, Atlantic City, NJ(2 July 1938). Model builders’ activities [with mention: "... William R. Brinley, Meriden, Conn., has his model circus on exhibit at Million Dollar Pier in Atlantic City. Recently had a fine writeup on his show in Mass. Life Insurance magazine".] The Billboard, p. 32. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00648).
1938 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Trenton Fair, NJ(1 October 1938). With the circus fans [with mention: "W. R. (Bill) Brinley... of Wallingford, Conn., has his miniature circus on exhibit at the Trenton (N. J.) Fair this week."] The Billboard, p. 29. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00505).
1938 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus in Cetlin & Wilson shows(22 October 1938). Full-date carnival show letters; as reported by news representatives for the shows [section "Cetlin & Wilson" with mention: "W. R. Brinley’s Miniature Circus joined for remainder of season". At this juncture, the location of these shows is unknown]. The Billboard, p. 44. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00760).
1938 - other articlesSee the articles 1938 - news mention(29 January 1938). Model builders’ activities [with mention: "William R. Brinley has moved to Meriden, Conn., and has built new quarters for his circus..."] The Billboard, p. 43. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00644).
1938 - news mention - Brinley on Hobby Lobby program(5 February 1938). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley, circus model builder, of Meriden, Conn., broadcast on the Hobby Lobby program, Columbia network, January 26..."] The Billboard, p. 44. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00645).
1938 - news mention(19 February 1938). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 43. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00646).
"W. R. Brinley, circus model builder, of Meriden, Conn., appointed Bill Montague, West Hartford, honorary chief press representative of the W. R. Brinley 5-Ring Circus in appreciation of the publicity given Brinley’s recent broadcast on Hobby Lobby program." (Excerpt from above.) 1938 - news mention - Brinley on Hobby Lobby program(26 February 1938). Model builders’ activities [with mention: "William R. Brinley, Meriden, Conn., recently spent four days in New York City and broadcast on the Hobby Lobby program over the Columbia network"]. The Billboard, p. 43. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00647).
1938 - news mention - miniature circus at Million Dollar Pier, Atlantic City, NJ(27 August 1938). Model builders’ activities [with mention: "... Charles N. Sateja, Camden, N. J., played dance engagements in Pittsburgh and Atlantic City. He visited William R. Brinley and saw his circus which is on exhibition at Million-Dollar Pier in A. C."] The Billboard, p. 39. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00649).
1939 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Hartford Electric Light Company(21 January 1939). Under the marquee [with mention: "W. R. (Bill) Brinley’s miniature circus was on exhibition last week in the demonstration window of the Hartford Conn. Electric Light Co. ..."] The Billboard, p. 36. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00506).
1939 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Newington Home for Crippled Children, CT(25 February 1939). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus at Newington Home for Crippled Children, Newington, CT (10 - 11 February 1939]. The Billboard, p. 35. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00483).
1939 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus in Shrine Circus ticket office, Hartford, display windows(1 April 1939). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus on display in the two windows of the Shrine Circus in Hartford]. The Billboard, p. 31. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00507).
"... Bill Brinley... had part of his miniature circus on display in the two windows of the downtown ticket office of the Shrine Circus in Hartford. The exhibit attracted large crowds. Bill had the cookhouse set up in one window with other equipment, and in the other the power plant in operation." (Excerpt from above.) 1939 - other articlesSee the articles 1939 - news mention - miniature circus at Hartford Electric Light Company(12 January 1939). Miniature circus on display in window here [in demonstration window of Hartford Electric Light Company, article with photo]. Hartford Courant, p. 20. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00485).
1939 - news mention(22 April 1939). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley attending the 10th annual Shrine Circus, Hartford, CT]. The Billboard, p. 33. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00629).
Click the following link to see the parallel webpage - Bill Brinley miniature circus designs in collections and exhibitions. |
1940s | 1940 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus in Home Progress and Foods Exposition, New Haven, CT(20 April 1940). With the circus fans [with mention: "... Bill Brinley... exhibited his miniature circus at the 11th annual Home Progress and Foods Exposition at New Haven, Conn., week of March 25..."] The Billboard, p. 31. (Viewed 7 January 2018. C00509).
1940 - other articlesSee the articles 1940 - news mentionChristoph, M. Oakley. (15 January 1940). For your information [with mention of Brinley as part of Hartford Bluch Landolf Tent, area CFA club, among others]. Hartford Courant, p. 16. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00673).
1940 - news mention(27 January 1940). With the circus fans [with mention of the Hartford Courant article mention (15 January 1940), which mentions Brinley, above]. The Billboard, p. 31. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00674).
1940 - news mention(6 April 1940). With the circus fans [with mention: "... Bill Brinley... exhibited his miniature circus at the Better Homes Exposition in New Haven, Conn., this week." (See 20 April 1940 news mention for different exposition title; c. 1965-67 booklet has this show listed as "New Haven Home Show & Expo.)] The Billboard, p. 31. (Viewed 7 January 2018. C00508).
1940 - news mention(21 September 1940). With the circus fans [with mention of W. R. Brinley elected treasurer of the area CFA Hartford club]. The Billboard, p. 43. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00675).
1940 - news mention(19 October 1940). With the circus fans [with mention of CFA gathering in Connecticut and mention of Bill Brinley in attendance]. The Billboard, p. 41. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00676).
1940 - news mention(30 November 1940). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley attending an area CFA meeting]. The Billboard, p. 33. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00677).
1941 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Holy Trinity Church, Wallingford, CT(25 August 1941). Annual bazar of Holy Trinity opens tonight [with mention of Brinley]. Meriden Record, p. 8. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00733). "... The bazar will also feature a home talent show staged by William Brinley, whose hand carved circus "Under the Big Top," has been shown at the Million Dollar pier, Atlantic City. Brinley has engaged a clown, who performed with Ringling Bros., to assist in the attraction." (Excerpt from above.) 1941 - other articlesSee the articles 1941 - news mention(3 May 1941). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley in attendance at a party for CFA fans, after CFA night at the 12th annual Shrine Circus, Hartford]. The Billboard, p. 44. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00678).
1941 - news mention(17 May 1941). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley elected to be secretary of area CFA group]. The Billboard, p. 44. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00679).
1941 - news mentionChristoph, M. Oakley. (5 June 1941). For your information [with mention of Brinley at area CFA fan meeting]. Hartford Courant, p. 8. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00680).
1941 - news mention(26 July 1941). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley among group watching Ringling-Barnum trains arrive in Waterbury, CT]. The Billboard, p. 46. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00681).
1941 - news mention(2 August 1941). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley attending the Ringling-Barnum show in Hartford, CT, 12 July 1941]. The Billboard, p. 46. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00682).
1941 - news mention - miniature circus at Holy Trinity Church carnival, Wallingford, CT(20 September 1941). With the circus fans [with mention: "During week of August 25 Bill Brinley, well-known model builder, of Wallingford, Conn., exhibited his miniature circus at the benefit carnival of the Holy Trinity Church" (Wallingford, CT; 25 - 30 August 1941). The Billboard, p. 41 & 60. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00683-84).
1941 - feature articleFleming, Katherine Burr. (5 October 1941). Young circus owner: Wallingford youth owns and operates miniature consisting of big top, cook tents, side shows, performers, 46 wagons and other paraphernalia. [A very descriptive nine-paragraph article; mention of unspecified exhibitions in North Carolina.] Hartford Courant, p. D1. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00510).
1941 - news mentionQuinlan, Francis L. (30 November 1941). They keep youthful following the big top [with news mention and two photos with captions showing Brinley and his miniature circus]. Hartford Courant, pp. 4 & 14. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00685).
"... [Bill Brinley] has been working at his hobby since he was nine years old, and intends to continue at it until he is 99, if he lives that long..." (Excerpt from above; Brinley actually passed away at the advanced age of 99.) 1942 - articlesSee the articles 1942 - news mentionChristoph, M. Oakley. (13 July 1942). For your information [with mention of Brinley attending a circus fans convention in Trenton, NJ, on 26 & 27 April 1942]. Hartford Courant, p. 16. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00686).
1942 - news mention - Brinley based in Nebraska(1 August 1942). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley]. The Billboard, p. 39. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00687).
"... Dr. Henry Martin, of New Britain, Conn., publicity director of the Bluch Landolf Tent, attended the Elks’ convention in Omaha. Before returning home he planned to visit Bill Brinley, of Wallingford, Conn., who is located at the Lincoln (Neb.) air base. Brinley, a model builder now with the armed forces, will be in school at the base there for five months..." (Excerpt from above.) 1942 - news mention(22 August 1942). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley at Lincoln Air Base in Nebraska]. The Billboard, p. 41. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00688).
1942 - news mention - Brinley gets married(26 September 1942). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley getting married]. The Billboard, p. 37. (Viewed 19 January 2019. C00689; C00767).
"... When the war broke out [, the circus] was packed away in winter quarters in Wallingford, Connecticut. Bill was [partly] stationed in Alaska with the Air Force. In his duffle bag he carried his jacknife, jigsaw and wood, and in spare moments he carved some of the animals to add to his circus." [Excerpt from (c. 1965-67). W. R. Brinley miniature circus, World’s Greatest Miniature Circus, now at Steamtown U.S.A., Bellows Falls, VT, Official Magazine. See entry below.] "[Brinley] was drafted in 1942 and discharged in 1945..." [See: Morago, G. Phillip. (18 June 1989) Hartford Courant below.] 1943 - articlesSee the articles 1943 - news mention(27 February 1943). With the circus fans [with mention of the birth of Brinley’s son]. The Billboard, p. 38. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00793).
1943 - news mention(15 May 1943). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley on furlough in Connecticut]. The Billboard, p. 44. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00794-95).
1943 - news mention(15 May 1943). In the armed forces [with mention of Brinley based in Lincoln, Nebraska and on furlough in Connecticut]. The Billboard, p. 45. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00794-95).
1943 - news mention(18 September 1943). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley with the armed forces in Denver]. The Billboard, p. 41. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00796).
1943 - news mention(16 October 1943). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley with the armed forces in Denver]. The Billboard, p. 39. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00797).
1943 - news mention(6 November 1943). With the circus fans [with mention: "Blutch Landolf Tent, Hartford, was host at a restaurant to two members in the service. Bob Ensworth, of Manchester, and Bill Brinley, of Wallingford. Bob is now in public relations work at Yale and Bill is with the Army Air Corps in the Midwest..."] The Billboard, p. 39. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00616).
1943 - news mention - Brinley in Colorado(27 November 1943). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley in the armed forces in Denver, Colorado]. The Billboard, p. 49. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00798).
1944 - articlesSee the articles 1944 - news mention(4 March 1944). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley on furlough in Hartford, CT]. The Billboard, p. 43. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00799).
1944 - news mention(18 March 1944). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley now based at Buckley Field, Colorado]. The Billboard, p. 43. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00800).
1944 - news mention(15 April 1944). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley in the armed forces at Buckley Field, Colorado and his trip to Connecticut]. The Billboard, p. 35. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00605).
1945 - news mention - Brinley in Montana(8 December 1945). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley now with the armed forces at Great Falls, Montana]. The Billboard, p. 56. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00656).
1946 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Frozen Foods Exposition, New York(6 April 1946). Under the marquee [with mention: Bill Brinley... attracted much attention with his miniature circus which he exhibited at the Frozen Foods Exposition, Park Avenue Armory, New York, last week..."] The Billboard, p. 52. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00512).
1946 - other articlesSee the articles 1946 - news mention(5 January 1946). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 67. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00511: C00642).
"November 18 issue of The Great Falls Tribune (Mont.) carried an interesting story on Bill Brinley’s miniature circus. It was headed, "Hey, Skinnay! This lucky man has a circus of his own". There was a spread of pictures, including one of Bill carving an animal. Bill formerly was located at the Great Falls Army Air Base." (Excerpt from above.) 1946 - standalone photos and caption(8 January 1946). Circus in miniature [standalone photos (two) of Brinley and his miniature circus with caption]. Christian Science Monitor, p. 4. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00657).
[Photo caption:] "In 20 years, William Brinley of Meriden, Conn., has made a complete five-ring circus, using only a jacknife and such simple tools on soft pine or balsa wood. At nine he made his first piece— a wagon, and ever since has been adding animals, performers, a railroad to transport the gear, and a ’big top’ for summer backyard performances. Mr. Brinley carried his hobby right with him into the Army, in which he served as sergeant. He plans to take his circus on an exhibition tour of schools, where the most enthusiastic fans of the circus will most appreciate the performances of the ’W. R. Brinley Big Five-Ring Circus’." 1946 - feature articleFredericks, John. (July 1946). He owns a circus [with two photos of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Connecticut Circle, pp. 24-5. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00754-55).
1947 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at American Hobby Show, New YorkAP. (11 February 1947). Huge exhibit is opened by hobby group [with three paragraphs on Brinley and his miniature circus exhibited in American Hobby show, Hearn’s Auditorium, New York (10 - 23 February 1947)]. Schenectady Gazette, page number unknown. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00572).
1947 - spotlighted news announcement - miniature circus at Rike-Kumler store, Dayton, OH(May 1947). Brinley Miniature Circus on display at convention [with mention of it on display at Rike-Kumler store, Dayton, Ohio (8 - 13 May 1947)]. Hobby-Swapper, p. 7. (Viewed 19 January 2019. C00770-71).
1947 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus on view in Chicago and Indianapolis(6 September 1947). Under the marqee [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus on view in Chicago and Indianapolis]. The Billboard, pp. 55 & 93. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00501-02). "... Bill Brinley, Meriden, Conn., who closed his miniature circus at Riverview Park, Chicago, June 30 and went to the L. S. Ayres Company department store in Indianapolis, July 5 - 19, is now at his headquarters lining up future stands..." (Excerpt from above.) 1947 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at YMCA, Middletown, CT(20 December 1947). Under the marquee (with mention: "George [sic] Brinley’s five-ring miniature circus was on display in the YMCA Gymnasium, Middletown, Conn., November 28 -29.") The Billboard, pp. 51 & 76. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00514).
1947 - other articlesSee the articles 1947 - news mention(11 February 1947). Some of the 2,000,000 items on view at the 10th Annual American Hobby Show; Federation show ranges from stamps to model circus [at Hearn’s Department Store, New York (10 - 23 February 1947), with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. New York Herald Tribune, p. 25. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00691).
1947- news mentionAP. (11 February 1947). Some odd things on view at the American Hobby Show [Hearn’s Auditorium, New York (10 - 23 February 1947), with mention, three paragraphs, about Brinley and his circus]. The Sun (Baltimore, Maryland), p. 15. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00692).
1947 - news mention - miniature circus at American Hobby federation annual show, New York(13 February 1947). Jessie Turner Dering displays hand-hooked rugs at hobby show [with brief mention, "Brinley’s circus", listed among exhibitors at American Hobby federation annual show, Hearn’s Auditorium, New York (10 - 23 February 1947)]. Daily Argus (Mount Vernon, New York). (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00574).
1947 - news mention - miniature circus at American Hobby federation annual show, New York(13 February 1947). $50,000 circus hobby feature [three paragraph article with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus at the American Hobby Show, Hearn’s Department Store, New York (10 - 23 February 1947)]. Toronto Star, p. 1. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00693).
1947 - news mention - miniature circus at American Hobby federation annual show, New YorkMercer, Charles (AP). (14 February 1947). Want new hobby? Look these over! [With three paragraphs on Brinley and his miniature circus exhibited in American Hobby federation annual show, Hearn’s Auditorium, New York (10 - 23 February 1947)]. Utica Observer-Dispatch, p. 8. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00573).
1947 - news mention - miniature circus at American Hobby federation annual show, New York(16 February 1947). Three tie for first prize in hobby show contest [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus as one of the three first prize winners at the American Hobby Show, Hearn’s Department Store, New York (10 - 23 February 1947)]. New York Herald Tribune, p. 51. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00694).
1947 - news mention - miniature circus at Hearn’s Department Store, New York(22 February 1947). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley’s "miniature circus on display at the American Hobby Show, Hearn’s Department Store, New York" (10 - 23 February 1947)]. The Billboard, pp. 50 & 92. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00513).
1947 - news mention(5 April 1947). [Untitled article with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 93. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00695).
"Among the exhibits at the annual show of the American Hobby Federation in New York was a five-minute miniature circus, built by ex-army sergeant William Brinley, of Meriden, Conn., and valued at $50,000." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1947 - news mention(24 May 1947). Conley named CFA prexy at DaytonConfab [with mention of Brinley in attendance]. The Billboard, pp. 47-48. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00658-59).
1947 - news mention(14 June 1947). With the circus fans [with mention of Brinley elected as treasurer of the area CFA group]. The Billboard, p. 79. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00660).
1947 - news mentionHurley, Hank. (14 June 1947). Riverview notes [with mention of Chicago exhibition of Brinley’s miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 83. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00482).
1947 - news mentionHurley, Hank. (21 June 1947). Riverview notes [with mention of W. R. Brinley’s miniature circus at the site]. The Billboard, p. 84. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00661).
1947 - news mentionHurley, Hank. (5 July 1947). Riverview notes [with mention of Chicago and Indianapolis exhibitions of Brinley’s miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 86. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00481).
1947 - feature article - miniature circus at L. S. Ayres & Co. department store, Indianapolis(9 July 1947). Brinley’s miniature circus, now at Ayres, boasts all the thrills of real "Big Top" [with installation photo]. Indianapolis Star, p. 16. [Viewed 25 January 2019. D00716-01(-02)].
1947 - advertisementsSee the ads 1947 - advertisement - miniature circus at Rike’s department store, Dayton, OHRike’s department store, Dayton, OH. (7 May 1947). Advertisement: "...See the circus at Rike’s! Miniature 5 rings from the big top... Free admission to W. R. Brinley’s miniature 5 ring circus..." [with illustration of clown portrait]. The Dayton Herald (Ohio), p. 36. (Viewed 28 June 2021. R01357).
1947 - advertisement - miniature circus at Rike’s department store, Dayton, OHRike’s department store, Dayton, OH. (8 May 1947). Advertisement: "The circus has come to town at Rike’s... W. R. Brinley... " [with photo of miniature circus]. The Dayton Herald (Ohio), p. 13. (Viewed 28 June 2021. R01359).
1947 - advertisement - miniature circus at Rike’s department store, Dayton, OHRike’s department store, Dayton, OH. (8 May 1947). Advertisement: "The circus has come to town at Rike’s... W. R. Brinley... " [with photo of miniature circus]. The Dayton Herald (Ohio), p. 30. (Viewed 28 June 2021. R01360).
1947 - advertisement - miniature circus at Rike’s department store, Dayton, OHRike’s department store, Dayton, OH. (9 May 1947). Advertisement: "The circus has come to town at Rike’s... W. R. Brinley... " [with reused photo of Brinley]. The Dayton Herald (Ohio), p. 30. (Viewed 28 June 2021. R01361).
1947 - advertisement - miniature circus at L. S. Ayres & Co. department store, IndianapolisL. S. Ayres & Co. department store, Indianapolis. (10 July 1947). Advertisement: "... The Circus is Here! The Biggest Little Show on Earth... All miniatures were carved by W. R. Brinley..." Indianapolis Star, p. 4. (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00716-03).
1947 - advertisement - miniature circus at L. S. Ayres & Co. department store, IndianapolisL. S. Ayres & Co. department store, Indianapolis. (18 July 1947). Advertisement: "... Today and Tomorrow... The Biggest Little Show on Earth... All miniatures were carved by W. R. Brinley..." Indianapolis Star, p. 5. (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00716-04).
1948 - standalone photo and caption - miniature circus at John Shillito Department Store, Cincinnati, OH(10 May 1948). Lifelike miniature circus to appear under "Little top" [Photo, detail, of Brinley’s circus, and caption, with mention: "The show... opens today and continues through Saturday..."] Cincinnati Enquirer (Ohio), p. 1-C: 3. (Viewed 22 January 2019. C00608; D00690).
1948 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at John Shillito Department Store, Cincinnati(15 May 1948). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley... Meriden, Conn., has his miniature circus on display at the John Shillito Department Store, Cincinnati, this week..."] The Billboard, p. 63. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00515).
1949 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Barnum Festival, Bridgeport, CT(21 May 1949). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley... will exhibit his miniature circus in Bridgeport, Conn., in conjuction with the P. T. Barnum Festival there June 10 - 14"]. The Billboard, pp. 61 & 92. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00518).
1949 - other articlesSee the articles 1949 - feature articleEnsworth, Bob. (1 May 1949). Barnum’s big one - Brinley’s little one [about Brinley doing research at Ringling Brothers show at Madison Square Garden, New York, with nine photos of Brinley, his wife Madeline, miniature circus and Ringling circus girls.] Hartford Courant, pp. SM6-7. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00516-17).
1949 - news mention(June 1949). Circus articles [in section "May— 1949 ... Hartford (Conn.) COURANT magazine, 5-1, ’Circus cut up’, story on Bill Brinley and RB&BB with 9 illus. ..."] Hobby Bandwagon, p. 8. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00791-92).
1949 - news mention - miniature circus in Barnum Festival, Bridgeport, CTSpiegel, Irving. (11 June 1949). Barnum’s Bridgeport magnifies his fame in first circus festival [10 - 14 June 1949, with photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. New York Times, p. 19. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00486).
1950s | 1950 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Connecticut State School for Boys , Meriden(27 February 1950). Circus fans give hobby show for state school boys [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus installed at the Connecticut State School for Boys (26 February 1950)]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 2. (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00727). "In 1950, Bill signed a contract with Hopalong Cassidy to exhibit the miniature circus in various cities as advanced publicity for the Cole Brothers Circus. Brinley’s circus became ’The Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus’..." [Excerpt from (c. 1965-67). W. R. Brinley miniature circus, World’s Greatest Miniature Circus, now at Steamtown U.S.A., Bellows Falls, VT, Official Magazine. See entry below.] 1950 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at New York Infirmary and Saks Fifth Avenue(14 June 1950). 500,000 parts, 24 years’ work in circus model [with photos of Brinley and miniature circus, and mention of exhibitions at New York Infirmary (13 June 1950) and Saks Fifth Avenue, New York (19 June - 1 July 1950)]. New York Herald Tribune, p. 25. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00520).
1950 - spotlighted feature article - Brinley’s miniature circus at Yankee Stadium, Saks Fifth Avenue, etc.(18 June 1950). Creator of carved miniature circus is stunned by its sudden popularity [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus to be on view 21 June 1950 at Yankee Stadium with the Cole Bros. Circus; at Saks Fifth Avenue, New York (dates conflict with other articles); a country-wide tour with the Cole Bros. troup; an appearance on the Ed Sullivan TV show; radio dates with Bill Salter of "Luncheon at Sardi’s" and with "Tex and Jinx".] Hartford Courant, p. 24. (Viewed 8 January 2018. C00521).
1950 - spotlighted Brinley’s miniature circus on "Toast of the Town, Ed Sullivan"Archer, Walter. (18 June 1950). Television [with mention: "... Program Highlights for the Week: Today at... 8, Ed Sullivan will have... the Bill Brinley Model Circus..."] Hartford Courant, p. A8. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00698).
1950 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at John Wanamaker department store, Philadelphia(22 July 1950). Cole promotion strong in Philly [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 51. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00522).
"... Cole Bros.’ Circus here for six days, starting Monday (17) ... Also coming in for news space this week was Bill Brinley’s miniature circus, exhibited in the toy department of the John Wanamaker store. Replica will continue on display thru day-and-date with the real show..." (Excerpt from above.) 1950 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus at Edward Malley Company, New Haven(31 August 1950). $100,000 miniature circus arrives in New Haven. [About Brinley’s circus at Edward Malley Company department store, New Haven, CT (31 August - 9 September 1950); with two photos of Brinley and the miniature circus.] Branford Review and East Haven News, p. 7. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00570). 1950 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at R. H. White department store, Boston, MA(23 September 1950). Out in the open [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 58. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00525).
"... Bill Brinley brought his miniature into the R. H. White department store, Boston, for a stand Monday (11) thru Saturday (23) for the benefit of the Jimmy Fund cancer drive. Admission was pegged at 14 cents. Brinley featured a miniature of Bill (Hopalong Cassidy) Boyd at the head of a circus parade and billed the replica as the Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus." (Excerpt from above.) 1950 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Broadway Department Store, Los Angeles(22 October 1950). Handmade miniature circus will go on show [Brinley’s at Broadway Department Store, Los Angeles (23 - 28 October 1950)]. [with photo of Brinley and circus objects]. Los Angeles Times, p. 25. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00526).
"Best of all, Brinley, regarded for years by his Meriden neighbors as an impossible crackpot, has seen his fantastic hobby blossom into a livelihood in the last four months." (Excerpt from above.) 1950 - spotlighted photos and caption - miniature circus at Weinstock Lubin & Co., Sacramento, CA(1 November 1950). None like it ["for the benefit of the Sacramento County Community Chest Campaign", Weinstock Lubin & Co. (1 - 14 November 1950) with two photos of installed miniature circus, and paragraph caption]. The Sacramento Bee, p. 3. (Viewed 31 January 2019. E00529).
1950 - other articlesSee the articles 1950 - news mention - miniature circus at Connecticut School for Boys, Meriden(11 March 1950). Under the marquee [with mention of event at Connecticut School for Boys, Meriden, CT on 26 February 1950 including Brinley’s miniature circus]. The Billboard, pp. 83 & 85. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00503-04). 1950 - news mention(15 March 1950). Advertising news and notes [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus]. New York Times, p. 40. (Viewed 6 January 2019. D00550).
"... The W. R. Brinley five-ring, hand-carved miniature circus, Meriden, Conn., scheduled for a national tour in department stores, etc., to Jay Gabriel Bumberg, New York... " (Excerpt from above.) 1950 - news mention(1 April 1950). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 76. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00519).
"The W. R. Brinley Five-Ring Miniature Circus, of Meriden, Conn., recently appointed Jay Gabriel Bumberg, of New York, to handle the unit’s advertising. Show is being readied for a coast-to-coast tour of department stores, kiddie fairs and exhibition halls." (Excerpt from above.) 1950 - news mention(15 April 1950). R-B opening notes: Big show ticket sales up; Television screening is banned [with mention of CFA members at the opening, including Bill Brinley]. The Billboard, p. 78. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00790).
1950 - short news article(14 June 1950). Brindley [sic] to show miniature circus [with mention of Brinley to appear on Ed Sullivan show on Sunday (18 June 1950); on Monday (19 June 1950), Brinley on the Tex and Jinx radio show]. The Meriden Daily Journal, p. 9. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00760). 1950 - Brinley’s miniature circus on "Toast of the Town, Ed Sullivan"(18 June 1950). Television highlights of the week [with mention: "Sunday (June 18) ... Toast of the Town, Ed Sullivan, MC... Brinley’s Circus: WNAC-TV, 8... "] Daily Boston Globe, p. A_6. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00697).
1950 - Brinley’s miniature circus on "Toast of the Town, Ed Sullivan"(2 July 1950). Television this week [with mention: "... Sunday... 8:00 KTTV (11) Toast of the Town, with Ed Sullivan & guests, ... Bill Brinley... "] Los Angeles Times, p. A6. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00699).
1950 - feature article - miniature circus at R. H. White department store, Boston, MA(10 September 1950). Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus goes on view at White’s tomorrow [11 -23 September 1950; with mention: "Brinley is on a coast-to-coast tour... in cities everywhere from Boston to Hollywood... Brinley will be at White’s in person to answer any questions."]. Daily Boston Globe, p. C18. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00523).
1950 - feature article - miniature circus at R. H. White department store, Boston, MA(22 September 1950). Miniature circus makes small eyes big in Boston [Brinley’s miniature circus installed at R. H. White department store, Boston, MA (11 -23 September 1950)]. Christian Science Monitor, p. 5. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00524).
1950 - news mention - miniature circus at R. H. White’s department store, Boston(24 September 1950). White’s holds fall sale to celebrate 97th year [with mention of Hopalong Cassidy miniature circus on view]. Daily Boston Globe, p. C42. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00634).
1950 - news mention(27 September 1950). "Jimmy" Fund gets check for $1000 from R. H. White’s [with mention of Hopalong Cassidy miniature circus]. Daily Boston Globe, p. 29. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00635).
1950 - feature article(October 1950). Little big top worth $100,000 [with five photos of details of Brinley’s miniature circus]. (publication title unknown), p. 64 (estimated). (Viewed 2 February 2019. E00537-38).
1950 - photos and caption - miniature circus at Weinstock Lubin & Co., Sacramento, CA(7 November 1950). Audience [with two photos of installed miniature circus with children, and paragraph caption; Weinstock Lubin & Co. (1 - 14 November 1950)]. The Sacramento Bee, p. 8. (Viewed 31 January 2019. E00530).
1950 - spotlighted advertisement - miniature circus at ZCMI, Salt Lake City, UTZCMI, Salt Lake City, Utah. (19 November 1950). Advertisement: "... Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... Nov. 20 thru... Saturday, Dec. 2..." [with photo of miniature circus]. Salt Lake Tribune, presumably p. 13. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00769).
1950 - advertisementsSee the ads 1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at John Wanamaker’s, PhiladelphiaJohn Wanamaker’s, Philadelphia. (9 July 1950). Advertisement: "... Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... meet showman Bill Brinley..." (10 July 1950). Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 24. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00565).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at John Wanamaker department store, PhiladelphiaJohn Wanamaker department store, Philadelphia. (12 July 1950). Advertisement: "... Thrills... action... excitement, Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus camped at Wanamaker’s till July 21st..." [with no related illustration]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 25. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00630; C00656).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at John Wanamaker department store, PhiladelphiaJohn Wanamaker department store, Philadelphia. (19 July 1950). Advertisement: "... See the Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus This Week... " [with no related illustration]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 25. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00631).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at R. H. White’s department store, BostonR. H. White’s department store, Boston. (10 September 1950). Advertisement: "... Hi kids! The Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus starts Monday!..." Daily Boston Globe, p. C36. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00632).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at R. H. White’s department store, BostonR. H. White’s department store, Boston. (17 September 1950). Advertisement: "... Hi kids! The Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... Last Week! ... " Daily Boston Globe, p. D20. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00633).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at Broadway department store, Los AngelesThe Broadway department store, Los Angeles. (22 October 1950). Advertisement: "... Whoopie! Starts tomorrow! The amazing new Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus comes to town! ..." Los Angeles Times, p. 29. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00637).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at Broadway department store, Los AngelesThe Broadway department store, Los Angeles. (26 October 1950). Advertisement: "... Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... only three more days... " Los Angeles Times, p. B2. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00636).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at Weinstock Lubin & Co., Sacramento, CAWeinstock Lubin & Co. (31 October 1950). Advertisement: "Yippee! ... Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus ... Weinstock Lubin & Co." [1 - 14 November 1950; with two photos, including photo of miniature circus]. The Sacramento Bee, p. 17. (Viewed 31 January 2019. E00528).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at Weinstock Lubin & Co., Sacramento, CAWeinstock Lubin & Co. (9 November 1950). Advertisement: "Yippee! ... Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus ... Weinstock Lubin & Co." [1 - 14 November 1950; with two photos, including photo of miniature circus]. Sacramento Union, p. 10. (Viewed 31 January 2019. E00531-32).
1950 - advertisement - miniature circus at ZCMI, Salt Lake City, UTZCMI, Salt Lake City, Utah. (23 November 1950). Advertisement: "... See ’Hoppy’s circus at ZCMI, Daily during store hours until Dec. 2, Amazing--- World’s largest miniature circus..." [with illustration of clown]. Salt Lake Tribune, presumably p. 34. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00768).
1951 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Carson Pirie Scott department store in Chicago(20 January 1951). Under the marquee [with mention: "... Bill Brinley, Meriden, Conn., opened his miniature circus display January 2 at Carson Pirie Scott department store in Chicago for a two-week run"]. The Billboard, p. 47. (Updated 25 January 2019. C00529; C00690; D00725-27.)
1951 - spotlighted news mention - Brinley on Faye Emerson TV program(27 January 1951). Under the marquee [with mention: "W. R. Brinley, model circus operator, will have his show on the Faye Emerson TV program January 19. He played ’Super Circus’ in Chicago recently."] The Billboard, p. 51. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00657).
1951 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at venues in Worcester, MA and Waterbury, CT(7 April 1951). Under the marquee (with mention: "... Bill Brinley, miniature circus exhibitor, will play [Denholm & McDay Co.,] Worcester Mass., April 16-21 and [Howland Hughes Co.,] Waterbury, Conn., April 24-28. The show is booked thru July, Brinley advises..." [Both venues are not specified]). The Billboard, p. 65. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00530).
1951 - spotlighted news mention(7 April 1951). Table-top circuses build $$-dates at stores, fairs [with many mentions of Brinley and miniature circuses.] The Billboard, p. 98. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00531).
"... William Brinley, of Meriden, Conn., is a pioneer among the circus model builders who have turned pro... Brinley began in 1938 with a run at the Million Dollar Pier, Atlantic City and continued at George Hamid’s Eastern fairs. He also booked Connecticut county fairs and a Dayton, O., store before returning to his clerking job. But it was only last year that he began his present extensive tour. Brinley, together with Joe Bumberg, publicity and promotion man, and Robert Ensworth, himself a model builder as well as booker and press man, made an agreement with Cole Bros.’ Circus and Bill (Hopalong Cassidy) Boyd under which the model would be called Hopalong Cassidy Circus and would be booked in advance of the Cole show. The Brinley org was booked into top department stores in New York, Philadelphia and other spots on the Cole route, and among other plugs, got Cole lithographs into windows of the big marts... Success of the model in these cities was outstanding and led to additional dates across the country... After Cole Bros. and Hopalong parted, Brinley continued use of Hoppy’s name, and stores handling Hopalong merchandise played up the title and spotted the show near the Cassidy counters... The Brinley show has played major television and radio shows, including ... Jack Owens’ Hollywood show, the Voice of Philadelphia and the Faye Emerson show..." (Excerpt from above.) 1951 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus in Bridgeport, CT and Lowell, MA(5 May 1951). Under the marquee (with mention: "... Bill Brinley’s model show will play department stores in Bridgeport, Conn., May 1-5 [Howlands] and Lowell, Mass., May 8 - 12 [A. G. Pollard Co.])..." The Billboard, p. 58. (Viewed 19 January 2019. C00775).
1951 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus at McAuslan & Wakelin Co., Holyoke, MA(13 May 1951). [Untitled article with focus on installation of Brinley’s miniature circus at McAuslan & Wakelin Co., Holyoke, MA (15 - 19 May 1951), for the benefit of the Community Chest; with photo of miniature circus]. Holyoke Transcript-Telegram, p. 16. (Viewed 30 January 2019. E00516).
1951 - spotlighted feature article - Brinley’s business and communications modelEnsworth, Bob. (20 May 1951). He whittled his way into a $75,000 a year career [with six photos of Brinley, with Bill Slater on Twenty Questions program, on Ed Sullivan’s "Toast of the Town", with Hopalong Cassidy, with Jinx Falkenberg, and the miniature circus. Hartford Courant / The Courant Magazine, pp. SM4-5. [Plus on p. 1, a one-paragraph introduction to the feature article in the newspaper.] (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00532-33).
See eight excerpts "... Saks Fifth Avenue was the first store to sign a contract. They booked Brinley’s circus for a 3-week engagement. While the display was set up in New York, television producers and radio directors were brought to see the sights. There followed TV contracts, options for radio shows, autographs on legal documents until Bill was amazed..." "From Wanamaker’s in Philadelphia, the pint-sized circus moved to Boston. Brinley bought a brand new truck— a big red circus-style truck— to carry his model from city to city." "Hollywood called. Bill was wanted in the movie capital to do some television shows and to display the model for two weeks in a Los Angeles store. Hollywood was also interested in filming a 20-minute short in Technicolor— to show how Brinley built the circus and how he troupes it..." "When Brinley set up his circus in Salt Lake City, not long ago, it attracted the biggest crowds in the history of Utah stores. More than 8000 people came to the exhibit in a single day! Salt Lake City circus fans stood in line for two hours, in order to view the model display. Every week, at each store, the little tent show is attracting between 15,000 and 20,000 spectators. Meanwhile, Brinley has been interviewed on 58 radio and TV programs, in all parts of America..." "... Broadcasting with Bill Slater at Sardi’s theatrical restaurant in New York..." "... This month, Brinley brings his circus model on a tour of his home state. He’ll stage the show in Connecticut, then Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a route back to the West Coast for an engagement in San Francisco." "Bill’s ’Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus’ opens Tuesday in New Britain at Morans Furniture Store, where it will stay through Monday, May 28. Then, Brinley’s model show goes to Middletown from May 31 through June 6 at the James H. Bonce Department Store..." ."Millions of youngsters may soon be whittling away to create a circus. Because Brinley’s success has caused large manufacturing companies to take note of this hobby. Last month Bill signed contracts for the creation of ’Circus Carving Kits’..." (Excerpts from above.) 1951 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus at Sage-Allen department store, Hartford, CT(25 July 1951). Miniature circus thrills children at Sage-Allen’s [with focus on Brinley’s miniature circus on view at Sage-Allen department store, Hartford, CT (24 - 28 July 1951).] Hartford Courant, p. 17. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00535).
"... The name of Hopalong was added to the circus’s title and it started on a tour of America. It is a fine arrangement. Department stores pay Brinley $1500 a week to bring the circus in to boost the sale of Hopalong goods. Hopalong benefits from the promotion of his name and the sale of his good [sic], the store benefits from increased crowds and sales, and Brinley benefits from the $1500 a week..." (Excerpt from above.) 1951 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Sage-Allen department store, Hartford, CT(4 August 1951). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus on view at Sage-Allen department store, Hartford, CT (24 - 28 July 1951)]. The Billboard, p. 51. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00536).
"Bill Brinley, Meriden, Conn., is sporting a new letterhead for his Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus. His show will be at the Sage-Allen store, Hartford, Conn., the week of July 23. The model show was tied in with King Bros. Circus at Scranton, Pa. Brinley was the subject of a two-page story and cover photo in the Hartford (Conn.) Courant recently..." (Excerpt from above.) 1951 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus on Baltimore TV show(7 October 1951). WMAT-TV, Channel Two, Baltimore... Tuesday, Oct. 9, 4.00 - Bailey Goss Show: Bill Brinley and his Miniature Circus... " The Sun (Baltimore), p. MT18. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00537).
1951 - other articlesSee the articles 1951 - news mention(24 February 1951). Blaze ruins CFA meeting [with mention of a kitchen fire at meeting location in New Britain, CT; Bill Brinley president of the "tent’]. The Billboard, p. 52. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00788-89).
1951 - feature article - miniature circus at Howland Hughes Co. department store, Waterbury, CT(24 April 1951). Meriden wood carver to show tiny circus model [at Howland Hughes Co. department store, Waterbury, CT (24 - 28 April 1951)]. Naugatuck Daily News, p. 7. (Viewed 30 January 2019. E00514).
"... [Brinley] was being interviewed on the air by Jinx Falkenberg, Marjorie Mills and Walter O’Keefe in Hollywood. Soon, Brinley is due to appear with Faye Emerson on her television series...." (Excerpt from above.) 1951 - feature article - miniature circus at Howland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CTStock, Bob. (29 April 1951). Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus to play here five days [at Howland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CT (1 - 5 May 1951) with two photos of Brinley’s miniature circus]. Bridgeport Post, p. C-4. (Viewed 1 February 2019. E00535).
1951 - Brinley on WTOP programs, Washington, DC(26 May 1951). Knecht named CFA Prexy; new constitution delayed [with mention of Brinley on WTOP programs, Washington, DC (articles states TV programs, however other limited searching suggests WTOP only did radio programming)]. The Bilboard, p. 47. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00663-65).
1951 - news mention, including mention of miniature circus at Howlands, Bridgeport, CT(1 May 1951). City briefs [with mention: "William Brinley of Meriden, a wood carver whose miniature circus is being exhibited in Howland’s, will address the luncheon meeting of Lions club tomorrow in the Stratfield hotel."] The Bridgeport Post, p. 34. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00735-36).
1951 - feature articleWoodson, Weldon D. (Central Press). (28 May 1951). Miniature circus becomes biggest of "little" shows [with photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Cohoes American (Cohoes, New York), p. 8. (Viewed 8 January 2019.
1951 - news mention - miniature circus at Scranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PA(10 June 1951). Hand-carved miniature circus opens stand here tomorrow [with mention of Brinley and photo of miniature circus]. Scrantonian (Scranton, PA), p. 14. (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00717-02).
1951 - news mention - miniature circus at Scranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PA(11 June 1951). Scranton Dry Goods Co. has "Hopalong" exhibit [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. The Republican (Scranton, PA), p. 5. (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00717-03).
1951 - news mention(14 July 1951). Jacobs recovery from claw injury [with mention of Brinley visiting the performer]. The Billboard, p. 102. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00666).
1951 - feature article - miniature circus at Sage-Allen department store, Hartford(22 July 1951). Brinley bringing miniature circus here for week [with focus on Brinley’s miniature circus on view at Sage-Allen department store, Hartford, CT (24 - 28 July 1951)]. Hartford Courant, p. 2. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00534).
1951 - news mention - miniature circus at Sage-Allen’s department store, Hartford, CTStafford, M. Oakley. (26 July 1951). Informing you [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus at Sage-Allen’s department store, Hartford, CT]. Hartford Courant, p. 6. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00667).
1951 - spotlighted advertisement - Brinley on WICC radio programHowland’s / WICC radio station. (29 April 1951). Advertisement: "Howland’s... Listen to May Hays ’What’s going on?’ ... Thursday— Interview with Bill Brinley of Meriden about the ’Hopalong Cassidy Circus’." Bridgeport Telegram, p. 5. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00597-99).
1951 - other advertisementsSee the ads 1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co, ChicagoCarson, Pirie, Scott & Co, Chicago. (1 January 1951). Advertisement: ".... Hopalong Cassidy minuature circus..." (2 - 15 January 1951), "Come, meet Mr. William R. Brinley, woodcarver and creator of the circus, who will be present personally during the exhibit!" [With photo.] Chicago Daily Tribune, C12. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00487).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co, ChicagoCarson, Pirie, Scott & Co, Chicago. (4 January 1951). Advertisement: "Now at Carson’s! An amazing, new Hopalong Cassidy Circus... Come, meet Bill Brinley, wood-carver and creator of the circus..." [2 - 15 January 1951; with drawing]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 22. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00527).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co, ChicagoCarson, Pirie, Scott & Co, Chicago. (13 January 1951). Advertisement: "... Last two days... of the Hopalong Miniature Circus... Mr. William R. Brinley, creator of the Circus, will personally present this exciting exhibit in the Toy Dept..." [2 - 15 January 1951; with drawing]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 10. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00528).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Howland Hughes Co. department store, Waterbury, CTHowland Hughes Co. department store, Waterbury, CT. (27 April 1951). Advertisement: "Visit Hopalong Cassidy’s (Miniature) Circus, It’s free... it’s terrific..." Naugatuck Daily News, p. 3. (Viewed 30 January 2019. E00515).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Howland’s department store, Bridgeport, CTHowland’s department store, Bridgeport, CT. (29 April 1951) Advertisement: "... Hey Kids! Hurry To The Big Top! Tuesday, May 1st And All This Week, Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... proceeds given to Cripplied Children’s Workshop..." [with photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Bridgeport Telegram, p. 5. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00597-99).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Howland’s department store, Bridgeport, CTHowland’s department store, Bridgeport, CT. (1 May 1951). Advertisement: "... Hey, kids! No school this week! Don’t miss the fun! See the Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... Proceeds to go to Crippled Children’s Workshop... Bill Brinley, creator, here in person! ..." Bridgeport Post, p. 3. (Viewed 18 January 2019. C00750).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Howland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CTHowland’s, Bridgeport, CT. (2 May 1951). Advertisement: "... Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... Bill Brinley, Creator, Here in Person..." [at Howland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CT (1 - 5 May 1951)]. Bridgeport Telegram, p. 3. (Viewed 1 February 2019. E00536).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Howland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CTHowland’s, Bridgeport, CT. (4 May 1951). Advertisement: "... Hey kids! Saturday’s the last day to see the wonderful Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus..." [at Howland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CT (1 - 5 May 1951)]. Bridgeport Post, p. 2. (Viewed 1 February 2019. E00534).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at A. G. Pollard Co., Lowell, MAA. G. Pollard Co., Lowell, MA. (6 May 1951). Advertisement: "... see the Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus at Pollards... proceeds to be donated to the following children’s orphanages in Lowell... St Peter’s orphanage, Ayer Home, Children’s Home, French-American Orphanage, Day Nursery, Faith Home". The Lowell Sun, pp. 6-7. (Viewed 28 January 2019. E00512).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at A. G. Pollard Co., Lowell, MAA. G. Pollard Co., Lowell, MA. (10 May 1951). Advertisement: "... See the Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus all this week..." The Lowell Sun, pp. 6-7. (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00729-30).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Scranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PAScranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PA. (9 June 1951). Advertisement: "... Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... Meet— Bill Brinley, wood carver extraordinaire..." [with photo of Brinley and miniature circus]. Scranton Times, p. 9. (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00717-01).
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Scranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PAScranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PA. (11 June 1951). Advertisement: "... Hopaling Cassidy Miniature Circus..." [with photo / illustration of Brinley and his miniature circus]. The Republican (Scranton, PA), p. 5. [Viewed 25 January 2019. D00717-04(-05)].
1951 - advertisement - miniature circus at Scranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PAScranton Dry Goods, Scranton, PA. (11 June 1951). Advertisement: "Yippee! It’s Amazing! Hopalong Cassidy Miniature Circus... All hand-carved by Bill Brinley..." [with photo of miniature circus]. Scranton Times, p. 21 (or p. 11). (Viewed 25 January 2019. D00717-06).
"In 1952, the circus once again became the Brinley Miniature Circus..." [Excerpt from (c. 1965-67). W. R. Brinley miniature circus, World’s Greatest Miniature Circus, now at Steamtown U.S.A., Bellows Falls, VT, Official Magazine. See entry below.] 1952 - spotlighted feature articleBologna, Sando. (c. July 1952). The circus that grew and grew [focus on and three photos of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Connecticut Circle, pp. 34-5, 48. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00735-37).
"... Since July, 1950, Brinley has been a guest entertainer and speaker on about 150 radio and television programs. Some 200,000 persons of all ages saw the circus in 1951 at the department stores in 12 large cities... Brinley gave his first public exhibition in 1934 at the Lyman Hall High School, Wallingford. The superintendent requested the ’show’ after he had seen six Brinley wagons during a school hobby program..." (Excerpt from above.) 1952 - articlesSee the articles 1952 - news mention(24 May 1952). A. Morton Smith heads circus fans [with mention of Brinley]. The Billboard, p. 56. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00685).
1952 - news mention(21 June 1952). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley attending King-Cristiani in Meriden]. The Billboard, pp. 61 & 72. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00669-70).
1952 - news mention(8 November 1952). Brinley buys Cole’s antique parade wagon. The Billboard, p. 69. (Viewed 6 November 2019. C00538).
1953 - spotlighted news mention - Brinley and miniature circus on Garry Moore show(18 July 1953). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus on Garry Moore TV show]. The Billboard, p. 68. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00541).
"Bill Brinley’s miniature circus will be featured on the Garry Moore television show, with most stations handling it on Tuesday (14). Brinley has expanded his operation to include rental and custom construction as well as dates in department stores." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1953 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at the Hotel Sahara, Las Vegas(12 December 1953). Under the marquee [with mention of W. R. Brinley’s miniature circus at the Hotel Sahara, Las Vegas]. The Billboard, p. 59. (Viewed 4 January 2019. C00480).
"W. R. Brinley’s miniature circus has been booked into the Hotel Sahara, Las Vegas, Nev., for a December 15 - January 1 date. The circus which is comprised of over 100,000 pieces, was all hand carved by Brinley, and is completely mechanized..." (Excerpt from above.) 1953 - other articlesSee the articles 1953 - news mention(11 April 1953). Under the marquee [with mention that Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brinley attended the Ringling circus performance in New York on 2 April 1953]. The Billboard, p. 97. (Viewed 19 January 2019. C00765-66).
1953 - feature articleRobb, Inez (International News Service). (30 April 1953). Sittin’ and whittlin’ made his fortune. [Short eight-paragraph feature article on Brinley and his miniature circus]. Binghampton Press, p. 24. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00583).
1953 - feature articleRobb, Inez. (30 April 1953). He parlayed knife into whittled circus. [Focus on Brinley and his miniature circus.] The Austin Statesman, p. A4. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00539).
1953 - feature articleRobb, Inez (International News Service). (1 May 1953). Biggest little show on Earth hand-carved. Buffalo Evening News, p. 29. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00566).
"... Now that Spring has come Bill is ready to put his show on the road even as Ringling’s. Brinley’s Circus will tour the country, coast to coast, this year as in the past, showing in department stores, theaters and speciality shops." (Excerpt from above.) 1953 - feature articleRobb, Inez (International News Service). (1 May 1953). Assignment America [focus on Brinley and his miniature circus]. Somerset Daily American (Somerset, Pennsylvania), p. 10. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00740-41).
1953 - feature articleRobb, Inez (New York). (1 May 1953). Sittin’ and whittlin’ pushed this man ahead. The Portsmouth Times (Portsmouth, Ohio), p. 29. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00612).
1953 - news mention(30 May 1953). Under the marquee [with mention of Bill Brinley]. The Billboard, p. 61. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00540).
"Bill Brinley, Meriden, Conn., operator of a miniature circus unit playing stores, sold the old Columbia tableau bandwagon to John M. Kelley of Baraboo, Wis., Monday (11). Brinley bought the wagon from Cole Bros. several months ago. Kelley plans to place it in the proposed circus museum at Baraboo." (Excerpt from above.) 1953 - news mention(11 July 1953). Regional meet at Wallingford sets CFA mark [with mention of Brinley attending meeting]. The Billboard, p 52. (Viewed 22 January 2019. C00772).
1953 - news mention(15 August 1953). Under the marquee [with mention: "The Columbia Tableau bandwagon, which John Kelley, Baraboo, Wis., recently bought from Bill Brinley, Meriden, Conn., is stored at Cole Bros.’ quarters, Peru, Ind."] The Billboard, p. 59. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00671).
1953 - news mention(28 November 1953). Under the marquee [with mention of Bill Brinley’s miniature circus booked by the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada]. The Billboard, p. 87. (Viewed 8 January 1953. C00542).
1954 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at the Boston Store, Milwaukee(6 March 1954). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley will have his miniature circus at the Boston Store, Milwaukee, March 15-27"]. The Billboard, p. 25. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00500). 1954 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus on ABC-TV’s Super Circus(10 April 1954). Under the marquee [with mention: "The Brinley Miniature Circus was presented Sunday (4) on ABC-TV’s ’Super Circus’ out of Chicago."] The Billboard, p. 102. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00544).
1954 - other articlesSee the articles 1954 - news mention(27 February 1954). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley, miniature circus impresario, now is putting out hobby craft kits for carving your own circus."] The Billboard, p. 59. (Viewed 8 January 2018. C00543).
1954 - news mention(24 April 1954). Old bandwagon hauled back to Baraboo [with mention of Brinley as a previous owner of the Columbia bandwagon]. The Billboard, p. 70. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00672).
1954 - news mention(1 May 1954). Under the marquee [with mention: "... Jake and Milwaukee area circus fans and troupers visited Bill Brinley and his miniature [sic] circus recently..."] The Billboard, p. 55, col. 1. (Viewed 19 January 2019. C00757).
1954 - news mention(8 May 1954). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley, miniature circus owner, visited with Charles Philip Fox, Sam Stratton, Nat Green, Phil Patton and others while in Chicago and Milwaukee recently..."] The Billboard, p. 57. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00673).
1954 - news mention(26 June 1954). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley at Ringling show in Wallingford, CT]. The Billboard, p. 83. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00674).
1955 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at unspecified department store, Holyoke, MAParkinson, Tom. (11 June 1955). Under the marquee [with mention: "... Bill Brinley has his miniature circus on display at a Holyoke, Mass., department store..."] The Billboard, p. 67. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00700).
1955 - news mentionParkinson, Tom. (6 August 1955). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley caught Hunt Bros. at Meriden, Conn. The Meriden Record took a verbal swing at the show’s helicopter..."] The Billboard, p. 89. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00701).
1956 - articlesSee the articles 1956 - news mentionParkinson, Tom. (7 July 1956). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley as visitor of Ringling-Barnum circus]. The Billboard, pp. 59 & 73. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00675-76).
1956 - news mention(29 December 1956). "Circus Land" planned for James Cole Farm [with mention of Brinley and (presumably) his miniature circus.] Geneva Times, p. 7. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00567).
1957 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Greater Hartford Fair(16 March 1957). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley has his miniature circus at the Greater Hartford (Conn.) Fair, March 13 - 17."] The Billboard, p. 61. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00786-77).
1957 - spotlighted news mention, photo and caption(30 May 1957). Newest entertainment center in New York State opens permanently on James Cole farm Penn Yan RD; with replica circus, performing elephants, Indian trading post [with mention, photo and caption of Brinley’s miniature circus]. Chronicle-Express (Penn Yan, New York), pp. 5A & 4A. (Viewed 12 January 2019. C00580). "... [Brinley’s miniature circus] is famous the country over, having appeared in lengthy exhibitions in almost all of the large cities..." (Excerpt from above.) 1957 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Stern’s department store, Philadelphia(23 November 1957). Stern’s to exhibit miniature circus during holidays [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus (23 November - c. 22 December 1957)]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 11. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00549).
1957 - other articlesSee the articles 1957 - news mention(12 January 1957). Cole slates tourist unit at N. Y. farm [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus to be installed at Circus Land, Penn Yan, New York]. The Billboard, p. 56. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00784-85).
1957 - news mention - miniature circus at Greater Hartford FairTaylor, Dan. (13 March 1957). Wide-eyed children meet Lone Ranger at reception [with three paragraphs about W. R. Brinley’s miniature circus at the Greater Hartford Fair, 13 - 17 March 1957]. Hartford Courant, p. 6. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00479).
"... W. R. Brinley, a man who has always wanted to own his own circus, will show his ’Biggest Little Show on Earth’ at the fair... Everything in the circus was made by Brinley himself, in the 30 years since he conceived the idea... It is a replica of a five-ring circus of 1920... There are 65 wagons, 163 animals, 85 performers about three inches in height, and 20 tents. The tents have a ’seating capacity’ of 10,000, and Brinley estimates there are half a million pieces in all, if you include the tent pegs." (Excerpt from above.)
1957 - news mention - miniature circus at Greater Hartford Fair(23 March 1957). Indoor fair in Hartford opens weak [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus]. The Billboard, p. 93. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00668; D00678).
1957 - news mention - miniature circus at Sterns department store, Philadelphia(28 October 1957). Under the marquee [with mention of Bill Brinley and his miniature circus at Stern’s department store, Philadelphia (23 November - c. 22 December 1957)]. The Billboard, p. 73. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00548).
"Bill Brinley now is marketing build-it-yourself miniature circus kits for children, along with circus sound-effects records. Brinley tours with his miniature circus and will be at Sterns in Philadelphia a month starting November 23." (Excerpt from above.) 1957 - news mention - miniature circus at Sterns department store, Philadelphia(23 December 1957). Under the marquee [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus at a Philadelphia department store (Stern’s; 23 November - c. 22 December 1957)]. The Billboard, p. 51. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00550).
"... Circus fan Bill Hall writes from Philadelphia that he visited Bill Brinley and the latter’s miniature circus at a department store date there recently. Brinley made a TV appearance there." (Excerpt from above.) 1957 - advertisementsSee the ads 1957 - advertisement - miniature circus at Greater Hartford FairGreater Hartford Fair. (10 March 1957). Advertisement: "... Bill Brinley’s miniature carved wood circus; this is a $100,000 exhibit..." Hartford Courant, p. 7B. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00702).
1957 - advertisement - miniature circus at Greater Hartford FairGreater Hartford Fair. (13 March 1957). Advertisement: "... Bill Brinley’s miniature carved wood circus; this is a $100,000 exhibit..." Hartford Courant, p. 8. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00703).
1957 - advertisement - miniature circus at Greater Hartford FairGreater Hartford Fair. (16 March 1957). Advertisement: "... Bill Brinley’s miniature carved wood circus; this is a $100,000 exhibit..." Hartford Courant, p. 17. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00704).
1957 - advertisement - miniature circus at Greater Hartford FairGreater Hartford Fair. (17 March 1957). Advertisement: "... Last day today! ... Bill Brinley’s miniature carved wood circus— This is a $100,000 exhibit. Hartford Courant, p. 6B. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00677).
1957 - advertisement - miniature circus at Circus-Land, Penn Yan, NYCole’s Circus Land. (23 May 1957). Advertisement: "... Pre-View Opening on May 30... Featuring... Brinley’s Huge Railroad Replica Circus... " Chronicle Express (Penn Yan, New York), p. 6A. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00653). 1957 - advertisement - miniature circus at Circus-Land, Penn Yan, NYCole’s Circus-Land. (30 May 1957). Advertisement: "Grand opening May 30... Featuring... Brinley’s Huge Railroad Replica Circus... " Chronicle Express (Penn Yan, New York), p. 4A. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00654). 1957 - advertisement - miniature circus at Stern’s department store, PhiladelphiaStern’s department store, Philadelphia, PA. (8 December 1957). Advertisement: "... Brinley’s Miniature Circus... The Biggest, Greatest ’Little Show on Earth’... " Philadelphia Inquirer, p. B3. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00589).
1958 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Circus Land, Penn Yan, NY(14 May 1958). Many U. S. tourist spots let children get into the act [with mention: "... Finger Lakes Region, Cole’s Circus Land... four miles east of Penn Yan... Brinley’s Model Circus... Daily May 30 to November 1..."]. Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), p. 10. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00584). 1958 - other articlesSee the articles 1958 - news mention(4 February 1958). Southington [with mention of Brinley as guest speaker at South End School PTA]. Hartford Courant, p. 22C. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00679).
1958 - news mention(26 May 1958). Under the marquee [with mention: "Bill Brinley, who has trouped his miniature circus for some years, now is marketing kits for carving a miniature circus."]. The Billboard, p. 61. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00551).
1960s | 1960 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Forbes and Wallace department store, Springfield, MAParkinson, Tom. (5 September 1960). Circus trouping [with mention: "... CFA Bill Brinley had his miniature circus at the Forbes and Wallace store in Springfield, Mass., recently..."] The Billboard, p. 46. (16 January 2019. C00706).
1960 - other articlesSee the articles 1960 - news mentionParkinson, Tom. (18 July 1960). Circus trouping [with mention: "NEA Service recently syndicated a feature about the miniature circuses of Bill Brinley, Meriden, Conn., and Ernie Palmquist, Chicago."] [See "Tiny circuses below".] The Billboard, p. 50. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00703-04). 1960 - news mentionWoodson, Weldon D. (25 June 1960). Tiny circuses come to town [with mention and photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Adirondack Daily Enterprise (Saranac Lake, New York), Young Folks section, p. 8. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00581). 1960 - news mentionWoodson, Weldon D. (25 June 1960). Tiny circuses come to town [with mention and photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, New York), Young Folks section, p. 2. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00582). 1960 - news mentionWoodson, Weldon D. (25 June 1960). Tiny circuses come to town [with mention and photo of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Biloxi Daily Herald (Biloxi, Mississippi), Young Folks section, page unknown. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00737-38).
1960 - advertisementsSee the ads 1960 - advertisement - miniature circus at Forbes & Wallace department store, Springfield, MAForbes & Wallace department store, Springfield, MA. (11 August 1960). Advertisement: "... Step right up, little folks, to the biggest little show on earth; The Brinley Miniature Circus...." [8 - 13 August 1960; with no photos of Brinley and miniature circus]. Springfield Union, p. 5. (Viewed 31 January 2019. E00532).
1960 - advertisement - miniature circus at Forbes & Wallace department store, Springfield, MAForbes & Wallace department store, Springfield, MA. (13 August 1960). Advertisement: "Last Circus Day at F & W... come one, come all, see the famous Brinley Miniature Circus... " [8 - 13 August 1960; with no photos of Brinley and miniature circus]. Springfield Union, p. 5. (Viewed 31 January 2019. E00533).
1963 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Connecticut Bank and Trust Company, Hartford(15 September 1963). Circus in miniature on display at bank [six-paragraph article with focus on Brinley’s miniature circus on view at Connecticut Bank and Trust Company, Hartford, main lobby (16 - 27 September 1963)]. Hartford Courant, p. 37A. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00552).
1963 - spotlighted advertisement - miniature circus at Connecticut Bank and Trust Company, Hartford, main lobbyConnecticut Bank and Trust Company, Hartford. (16 September 1963). Advertisement: "The Circus is in town! Brinleys miniature animated circus now ’playing’ in the lobby of the Connecticut Bank and Trust Company... through September 27th." Hartford Courant, p. 11. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00553).
1964 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at New York World’s Fair(27 June 1964). All around the fair [with mention: "... Bill Brinley’s five-ring circus and sideshow, complete with circus cars, includes 500,000 parts hand-whittled over 37 years".] Long Island Star-Journal, p. 3. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00585).
1965 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus at 105th Fair, Woodstock(26 August 1965). 105th Fair to highlight 5-ring miniature circus [Woodstock, CT; 4 - 6 September 1965]. Hartford Courant, p. 36D. (Viewed 6 January 2019. C00554).
1965 - articlesSee the articles 1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (7 April 1965). Miniature circus valued at $100,000 [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. Evening News (North Tonawanda, New York), page number unknown. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00664).
1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (9 April 1965). Wood-carved circus [with mention "William Brinley values his miniature circus at $100,000..."] The Altoona Mirror (Altoona, PA), p. 25. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00754).
1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (15 April 1965). Wood-carved circus [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. Citizen-Advertiser (Auburn, New York), p. 15. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00667).
1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (25 April 1965). Wood-carved circus [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino, California), p. F3. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00668). 1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (c. April 1965). Miniature circus valued at $100,000 [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), page number unknown. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00665).
1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (3 May 1965). Wood-carved circus [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. The Daily Banner (Greencastle, Indiana), p. 9. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00662). 1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (8 May 1965). Miniature circus valued at $100,000 [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), p. 4C. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00666).
1965 - short article on wire serviceUPI. (27 June 1965). Wood-carved circus valuable [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus]. Times-Union (Albany, New York), p. F-3. (Viewed 13 January 2019. C00586).
c. 1965-67 - booklet with selected exhibitions and media appearancesSteamtown, USA, Bellows Falls, Vermont. (c. 1965-67). W. R. Brinley miniature circus, World’s Greatest Miniature Circus, now at Steamtown U.S.A., Bellows Falls, VT, Official Magazine. [This is essential reading, with a selected list of previous exhibitions which are listed above, and media appearances; many photos.] 12 pp. (Viewed 12 January 2019. C00596).
"... Among the national television shows, Bill has appeared on: ’Super Circus’ [possible twice, see notation on booklet], the ’Tex & Jinx Program’, the ’Garry Moore Show’, Ed Sullivan’s ’Toast of the Town’ [July 1950; notation on booklet] and John Cameron Swazey’s ’News Caravan’. He has been the guest speaker at service clubs from coast to coast... " In Baltimore, a typical city on his circus route, eight shows and two hospital appearances were set up by his press agent. During a New York showing, a description of the circus was taped and translated into French and sent over to Europe via ’The Voice of America’..." c. 1965-67 - brochureSteamtown USA, Bellows Falls, VT. (c. 1965-67). "Steamtown U.S.A. ... miniature circus... 500,000 individual hand carved pieces valued at over $100,000... [six-panel brochure; with "Expo 67" on map (Montreal, 28 April - 27 October 1967); "Brinley" is not specified]. (1 February 2019. C00603; C00610).
In 1968, Brinley donated his miniature circus to the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, CT. It has been on view at the museum since, except for a brief, temporary de-installation during a museum renovation in the 1980s and 2011-17, as a result of a tornado disruption at the museum in 2010. (Yes, a tornado!) Part of the miniature circus was reinstalled in 2017. 1968 - listingsSee the listings 1968 - listing(1 September 1968). This week with the arts [with listing of Barnum Museum, Bridgeport and mention of "W. R. Brinley model circus, nationally known exhibit, complete replica of Barnum and Bailey circus with five rings under Big Top..."] Bridgeport Sunday Post, p. C-2. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00742).
1968 - listingTyler, Betty. (29 September 1968). This week with the arts [with mention of P. T. Barnum Museum and Brinley’s model circus]. Bridgeport Post, p. E-2, col. 3. (Viewed 27 January 2021. R00490).
1969 - listingsSee the listings 1969 - listingTyler, Betty. (2 February 1969). This week with the arts [with mention of P. T. Barnum Museum and Brinley’s model circus]. Bridgeport Post, p. C-2, col. 4. (Viewed 27 January 2021. R00491).
1969 - listingTyler, Betty. (1 June 1969). This week with the arts [with mention of P. T. Barnum Museum and Brinley’s model circus]. Bridgeport Post, p. E-4, col. 4. (Viewed 27 January 2021. R00492).
1969 - listingTyler, Betty. (21 September 1969). This week with the arts [with mention of P. T. Barnum Museum and Brinley’s model circus]. Bridgeport Post, p. E-6, col. 4. (Viewed 27 January 2021. R00493).
1969 - article mention(23 March 1969). In and around town [with mention: "... The Barnum museum has been featured in several national publications since it reopened 14 months ago... most recent publication... deals with a detailed description of the museum and especially the Brinley model circus... "]. Bridgeport Sunday Post, p. B-11. (Viewed 27 January 2021. R00494).
1970s | 1970 - listing(23 August 1970). This week with the arts [with listing for P. T. Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT with mention "Brinley’s model circus, complete replica of Barnum and Bailey circus with five rings under the Big Top"]. Bridgeport Post, p. C-5. (Viewed 27 January 2019. C00745-47).
1971 - listingTyler, Betty. (3 January 1971). This week with the arts [with mention of P. T. Barnum Museum and Brinley’s model circus]. Bridgeport Post, p. C-6, col. 4. (Viewed 27 January 2021. R00495).
1972 - news mentionKowalchyk, Bob. (30 July 1972). Weekend getaway... where to take the kids [with first mention being the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT and "the early Brinley Model Circus"]. Hartford Courant, p. 1F. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00680).
1974 - mention in Connecticut guide bookBixby, William. (1974). Mention of "William R. Brinley Model Circus" in Barnum museum entry. In Connecticut: A new guide, Bridgeport sub-section, p. 84. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00658-61).
1975 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus at Enfield Square shopping mall, CTMurzyn, Carol. (23 April 1975). Love for circuses smites wood-carver [with photo of Brinley and miniature circus on display at Enfield Square mall, (c. 21 - 26 April 1975)]. Hartford Courant, p. 50D. (Viewed 6 January 2018. C00488).
1975 - other articlesSee the articles 1975 - news mention - miniature circus at Enfield Square shopping mall, Enfield, CT(22 April 1975). The grapevine [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Journal Inquirer (Manchester, CT), p. 20. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00609; C00739). "... Enfield Square shopping center will welcome spring with a week full of activity from April 22 - 26... The Daily Brothers Miniature Circus... The hand carved miniature circus, presented by William Brinley, will be on display all week, complete with circus train, lights, an animated performance, and a miniature circus band..." (Excerpt from above.) 1975 - news mention(29 June 1975). History captured in homes and museums [with Bridgeport section: "P. T. Barnum Museum.... Brinley 5-ring cirucus [sic] model..."]. Hartford Courant, p. 5I, 14-16, 20. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00708).
1976 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Warwick Mall, Warwick, RI(2 February 1976). People [with mention: "Bill Brinley will have his 1" scale model of Dailey Bros. Circus displayed at the Warwick Mall, (Warwick, R. I.) during school week this month".] Circus Report, p. 4. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00774; C00780).
1976 - other articlesSee the articles 1976 - news mention - miniature circus at Warwick Mall, Warwick, RI(15 March 1976). People [with mention: "Bill Brinley’s model of the Dailey Bros. Circus was featured at Warwick, R. I. of Feb 23-28".] Circus Report, p. 4-B. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00774; C00778-79).
1976 - news mention(27 June 1976). Homes, museums offer tours history [with paragraph about P. T. Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT with mention of "Brinley five-ring circus model"]. Hartford Courant, p. 5I+ (six pages in total). (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00709).
1976 - listing(13 August 1976). A weekly guide to going out [with listing for P. T. Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, with mention "Brinley circus model"]. Journal Inquirer (Manchester, CT), p. 27. (Viewed 27 January 2019. E00501).
1976 - listing(19 September 1976). This week with the arts [listing for P. T. Barnum Museum, Bridgeport with mention "Brinley’s 5-ring circus and wagons"]. Bridgeport Post, p. 71. (Viewed 30 January 2019. E00502-03).
1976 - listing(26 September 1976). This week with the arts [listing for P. T. Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, with mention of "Brinley’s 5-ring circus and wagons"]. Bridgeport Post, p. F-6. (Viewed 27 January 2019. C00743-44).
1977 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Meriden Square Shopping Center, CT(20 April 1977). Miniature circus set for children at mall [Meriden Square Shopping Center, CT, 26 April - 1 May 1977, with mention of Brinley]. Hartford Courant, p. 30. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00555).
1977 - other articlesSee the articles 1977 - feature article - miniature circus at Meriden Square shopping mall(22 April 1977). Bill Brinley’s ’greatest little show on earth’ opening here [Brinley’s Dailey Bros. miniature circus at Meriden Square shopping mall (26 April - 1 May 1977); with three photos of Brinley and miniature circus objects]. The Morning Record and Journal (Meriden, CT), p. 8. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00747).
1977 - news mention(20 June 1977). People [with mention: "Bill Brinley’s circus models were featured in a display at the Barnum Museum (Bridgeport, Conn.) early this month. Some of his work is permanently displayed at the museum."] The Circus Report, p. 16. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00707; D00684).
1977 - news mentionGibbs, Bobby. (1 August 1977). Visitors [to the Circis World Museum, in Baraboo, this past month have included Bill Brinley]. Circus Report, p. 12. (Viewed 27 January 2019. C00624-25).
1977 - listing(19 August 1977). Places to visit [with listing for P. T. Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT, with mention "Brinley Circus model"]. Journal Inquirer (Manchester, CT), p. 30. (Viewed 26 January 2019. C00748).
1977 - listing(21 August 1977). History, museums, nature [listings; including Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT with mention of "Brinley’s 5-ring circus and wagons"]. Bridgeport Sunday Post, p. 7. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00749).
1978 - spotlighted advertisement - miniature circus train at Westfarms Mall, West Hartford, CTWestfarms Mall, West Hartford, CT. (25 June 1978). Advertisement: "... Circus at Westfarms... Friday, June 30— 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Bill Brinley’s miniature circus train, a hand-carved replica in perfect detail, will be on display while Mr. Brinley carves new pieces for all to see." [with drawing of a circus train]. Hartford Courant, p. 10A. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00556).
1978 - other articlesSee the articles 1978 - news mentionKing, Joan V. (30 April 1978). Recalling P. T. Barnum: Connecticut’s Prince of Humbug [including photos of Brinley’s miniature circus on section cover and accompanying the article]. Hartford Courant, pp. H1-H4, H6-H7, H9-H10. (Viewed 27 January 2019. D00682; D00723-24).
1978 - news mention - miniature circus train at Westfarms Mall, West Hartford, CT(29 June 1978). Summer clearance at Westfarms [with mention of Brinley and miniature circus train to be on view 30 June 1978]. Hartford Courant, p. 32. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00557).
1979 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus in Wadsworth Atheneum travelling showEiseman, Alberta. (21 October 1979). Thinking big: P. T. Barnum on a smaller scale [with article focus on Brinley and his miniature circus, on the occasion of its installation in Three centuries of Connecticut Folk Art (25 September - 18 November 1979) at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford; with photos of Brinley and his miniature circus]. New York Times, p. CN2. (Updated 13 January 2019. C00490; C00650).
1979 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Museum of Art, Science and Industry, Bridgeport, CT(25 November 1979). Connecticut guide... [with mention of Three Centuries of Connecticut Folk Art and Brinley’s miniature circus at the Museum of Art, Science and Industry, Bridgeport, CT (c. 29 November 1979 - 13 January 1980)]. New York Times, p. CN13. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00490).
"’Three Centuries of Connecticut Folk Art’, the first exhibition of its kind in New England, is moving from Hartford to the Museum of Art, Science and Industry in Bridgeport, where it is to open Thursday and remain until Jan. 13. Among the 250 works on view is a 60-foot-long, 50,000-piece miniature circus that took William R. Brinley of Meriden 50 years to complete; he began in 1926." (Excerpt from above.) 1979 - other articlesSee the articles 1979 - standalone photo and caption - miniature circus at Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT(21 September 1979). The circus comes to town [with mention and photo of Brinley and his circus, installed in the Avery Court of the Wadsworth Atheneum for the exhibition Three centuries of Connecticut Folk Art (25 September - 18 November 1979)]. Hartford Courant, p. C38. (Viewed 10 January 2018. C00558).
1979 - news mention - miniature circus in travelling Wadsworth Atheneum showGoldenthal, Jolene. (30 September 1979). Resources’ survey of state "folk art". [with photo of detail of Brinley’s miniature circus]. Hartford Courant, p. 2G. (Viewed 10 January 2018. C00559).
"... But other works, held in private hands and now shown here, broaden the exhibit’s range and add to the viewer’s delight. Among these are a magical miniature circus, created for his own amusement between 1926 and 1979 by William Brinley... Three centuries of Connecticut Folk Art, which will travel in sequence to The Museum of Art, Science and Industry in Bridgeport, The Lyman Allyn Museum in New London, The New Haven Colony Historical Society and the Litchfield Historical Society, remain on view at the Wadsworth Atheneum through Nov. 18." (Excerpt from above.)
1979 - news mention - lecture by Brinley(7 October 1979). Folk arts lectures [with mention: "on Nov. 4 at 3 p. m. William R. Brinley will give an illustrated lecture on his artwork at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT, ’Daily Brothers Miniature Circus’".] Hartford Courant, p. 12F. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00683).
1979 - news mention - lecture announcement(9 October 1979). Atheneum slates Sunday series [with mention: "November 4 Illustrated lecture on ’Dailey Brothers Miniature Circus’ by its creator William R. Brinley at 3 p.m." Branford Review, p. 12. (Viewed 10 January 2018. C00571). 1979 - listing, lecture(29 October 1979). What’s happening around Hartford ... Saturday 3 p.m.: ’Daily [sic] Brothers Miniature Circus’, illustrated lecture with its creator William R. Brinley, Function Room, Wadsworth Atheneum..." Hartford Courant, p. 18. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00560).
1979 - news mention(5 November 1979). For sale [with mention of "Southern Sawdust" publication sold at Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, "Home of Bill Brinley’s Model Circus".] Circus Report, p. 2. (Viewed 22 January 2019; D00705-06). c. 1979 - exhibition catalogueGrave, Alexandra. (c. 1979). Three centuries of Connecticut folk art exhibition catalogue. [Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford (25 September - 18 November 1979) and additional venues; presumably Brinley’s miniature circus is included]. New Haven: Art Resources of Connecticut. (Viewed 10 January 2019. C00489). |
1980s | 1980 - exhibition booklet(1980). William R. Brinley’s Dailey Bros. Miniature Circus, with essay by Mary Napper [with two photos of the design]. 8 pp. [Jorgensen Gallery, The University of Connecticut, Storrs (10 November - 10 December 1980)]. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00742-46).
1980 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at New Haven Colony Historical Society and Creative Arts Workshop, New HavenSternberg, Gertrude. (29 March 1980). Just plain folk create art [with mention of Brinley’s Dailey Bros. miniature circus at New Haven Colony Historical Society and Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven (c. 30 March - 11 May 1980)]. [With photo of parade wagon.] Morning Record and Journal (Meriden, CT), p. A-2. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00756-57).
1980 - spotlighted news announcement - miniature circus at Jorgensen Gallery, University of Connecticut, Storrs(9 November 1980). Miniature circus [with mention of Brinley’s Daily Bros. miniature circus on view at Jorgensen Gallery, University of Connecticut, Storrs (10 November - 10 December 1980)]. Hartford Courant, p. G2. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00710).
1980 - listing - miniature circus at Jorgensen Gallery, University of Connecticut, Storrs(16 November 1980). Arts week. ["Exhibits... University of Connecticut, Storrs, Jorgensen Gallery... William R. Brinley’s Dailey Brothers Miniature Circus, thru Dec. 10."] Hartford Courant, p. G10. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00492).
1981 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New YorkBeals, Kathie. (2 July 1981). Circus art: Imagery from a folk tradition [with mention of Brinley, his miniature circus and photo of steam calliope in The Great American Circus: Imagery from a folk art tradition at Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New York (c. 5 July - 14 August 1981)]. Herald Statesman (Yonkers, New York), p. 14. (Viewed 12 January 2019. C00592).
1981 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at University of Vermont museum(27 November 1981). Arts weekly: ... "Art exhibits... W. R. Brinley, ’World’s greatest miniature circus’, Art exhibit at the [Robert] Hull Fleming Museum, [University of Vermont, Burlington] in the museum’s special exhibition galleries, through Jan. 11." Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, NY), p. 8. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00496-97). 1981 - other articlesSee the articles 1981 - news mentionBelcher, Nancy. (25 January 1981). Barnum’s gift to Bridgeport, Conn. [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus at the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT]. Los Angeles Times, p. G14. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00711).
1981 - news mention - miniature circus at Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New YorkAmes, Lynne. (19 July 1981). About Westchester [with focus on The Great American Circus: Imagery from a folk art tradition at Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New York (c. 5 July - 14 August 1981) and mention of Brinley, miniature circus, and Brinley’s circus memorabilia]. New York Times p. A2. (Updated 13 January 2019. C00561; C00651).
"For those who prefer the three-dimensional, the exhibit includes several pieces of ’’Bill Brinley’s Miniature Circus".’ Mr. Brinley is a craftsman who has been carving intricate scale models of circus tents, wagons, animals and performers for more than 50 years. He has lent the gallery replicas of a red and gold steam calliope, a black and gold ’’African wagon’’ and a white and gold parade wagon— all reminders of the days when huge, elaborate parades snaked their way through every town and city the circus visited." (Excerpt from above.) 1981 - news mention - miniature circus at Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New York(25 June 1981). Circus memorabilia highlight art show [with focus on exhibition The Great American Circus: Imagery from a folk art tradition at Castle Gallery, College of New Rochelle, New York (c. 5 July - 14 August 1981), and mention of Brinley, miniature circus, and Brinley’s circus memorabilia]. Riverdale Press, p. 5. (Viewed 12 January 2019. C00593).
1982 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at University of Vermont museum(7 January 1982). Arts weekly... "Art exhibits... W. R. Brinley, ’World’s greatest miniature circus’, Art exhibit at the Robert Hull Fleming Museum at the University of Vermont, Burlington through Jan. 11." Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, NY), p. 7. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00498-99). 1982 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus at Annmary Brown Library, Brown University, Providence, RISeavor, Jim. (14 November 1982). The circus comes to town [with focus on Brinley’s exhibition of his Dailey Bros. miniature circus and selected presentation of circus memorabilia in his collection; with three photos of Brinley with his miniature circus]. The Providence Journal, p. H-1. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00732).
1982 - other articlesSee the articles 1982 - news mentionDiPetto, Adam. (13 February 1982). Run away and join a circus with a visit to this museum [with mention of Brindley and his miniature circus]. Toronto Star (Canada), p. G15. (Viewed 20 January 2019. D00686).
1982 - news mentionDiPetto, Adam (New York News Service). (21 February 1982). Step right up, folks, the show has begun at Barnum’s museum [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 6-N. (Viewed 20 January 2019. D00687).
1982 - news mentionTomas, Jan. (24 April 1982). Rare, horse-drawn circus wagons being restored for museum berth [with mention of Gary Payne and Bill Brinley as the restorers; with stand-alone photo and caption of Brinley entering a circus wagon on page A1]. Hartford Courant, p. B5. (Viewed 2 February 2019. D00688-89).
1982 - feature article(13 June 1982). Two wagons from overland circus days. [Feature article about Brinley and Gary Payne restoring circus wagons for the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport]. The Sunday Republican Magazine (Waterbury, CT), cover photo and pp. 4-5. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00707).
1982 - six photos and caption - miniature circus at Annmary Brown Library, Brown University, Providence, RI(9 November 1982). Circus in miniature [with caption and six photos showing Brinley and his Daily Bros. miniature circus]. Brown Daily Herald (Brown University, Providence, RI), presumably p. 1. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00731).
1983 - spotlighted listing - miniature circus in Trumbull, CT(16 May 1983). Show dates [with listing: "Brinley’s Model Circus, May 17-22, Trumbull, Conn." Circus Report, p. 4. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00781-82). 1983 - other articlesSee the articles 1983 - news mention(23 January 1983). Museums cater to children’s likes [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus installed at the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT]. The Journal-News (Nyack, New York), p. F1. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00590).
1983 - news mention(23 January 1983). Museums cater to children’s likes [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus installed at the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT]. Yonkers Herald (New York), p. 7. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00591).
1984 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at New Britain Museum of American Art, CTCharles, Eleanor. (11 November 1984). Connecticut guide [with six paragraphs about Brinley’s miniature circus on view at the New Britain Museum of American Art, CT]. New York Times. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00776-77). 1984 - other articlesSee the articles 1984 - news mention - miniature circus at New Britain Museum of American Art(9 November 1984; press cutting, date stamped). Miniature circus at area museum [announcement about Brinley’s Daily Bros miniature circus, and selection of his collected circus memorabilia, on view at New Britain Museum of American Art]. Record-Journal (Meriden, CT) (publication attribution handwritten). (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00751).
1984 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at New Britain Museum of American Art, CTWhitbeck, Doris. (11 November 1984). Small-scale circus of old: Brinley whittles while he works in miniature [with four paragraphs about Brinley and his miniature circus, going on view on this day at the New Britain Museum of American Art]. Hartford Courant, p. G5. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00712).
"... ’It is as accurate a document on the old-fashioned circus as we are ever likely to see,’ said Daniel DuBois, director of the New Britain Museum of American Art, where Brinley’s circus will go on view today. The circus was a centerpiece for the 1979 exhibition ’Three centuries of Connecticut Folk Art’ at the Wadsworth Atheneum..." (Excerpt from above.) 1984 - news mention - miniature circus at New Britain Museum of American Art, CT(18 November 1984). Museum has medley of holiday delights [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus installed at the New Britain Museum of American Art, CT (11 November - 30 December 1984)]. Hartford Courant, p. M4. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00713).
1984 - spotlighted feature article - miniature circus at New Britain Museum of American Art, CTBarnes, Yolanda. (15 December 1984). Little figures re-create the big top [with photos of Brinley and miniature circus, clown and wagon, exhibited at New Britain Museum of American Art, CT (11 November - 30 December 1984)]. Hartford Courant, pp. C1-C2. (Viewed 6 January 2018. C00493).
1985 - letter(4 January 1985). Letter from Daniel DuBois, Director, New Britain Museum of American Art to William Brinley. [Letter details positive reaction to the exhibition "Bill Brinley’s World’s Greatest Miniature Circus and Wild West Show" (1984)]. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00752).
1985 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk, CT(26-27 June 1985). Miniature circus [short announcement of Brinley’s miniature circus at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk (c. 1 June - 31 July 1985, extended to 1 September 1985)]. Wilton Bulletin / Ridgefield Press (Wilton, CT & Ridgefield, CT), p. 8. (Viewed 12 January 2019. C00594).
1985 - other articlesSee the articles 1985 - news mentionGuernsey, Paul. (17 February 1985). Barnum Museum’s rescue is completed [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. New York Times. (Viewed 27 January 2019. E00505; E00507). 1985 - feature article - miniature circus at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk, CTRyzewicz, Carolyn. (30 May 1985). The circus is coming to town [about exhibition at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk, CT; with four photos of Brinley and his Daily Bros. miniature circus]. Norwalk News, pp. 25-26. (Viewed 27 January 2019. D00733-34).
1985 - feature article - miniature circus at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk, CTSpinelli, Anthony Paul. (2 June 1985). Circus in miniature a really big show [with two photos of Brinley and his Dailey Bros. miniature circus, on view at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk, CT. The Sunday Post (Bridgeport, CT). (Viewed 27 January 2019. D00738).
1985 - listing - miniature circus at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk, CT(30 June 1985). Connecticut / This week [with mention: "Children... Norwalk— W. R. Brinley Miniature Circus, 500,000 pieces, through July 31, Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum..." New York Times, p. CN12. (Viewed 7 January 2019. C00478).
1985 - news mention - miniature circus at Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk(14 - 15 August 1985). On exhibit... Miniature Circus..." [with photo of detail of Brinley’s miniature circus]. Wilton Bulletin / Ridgefield Press / Redding Pilot / Bethel Home News (Wilton, CT; Ridgefield, CT; Redding, CT; Bethel, CT), p. 4. (Viewed 12 January 2019. C00595).
"... Because of its popularity, the exhibit of the Bill Brinley miniature circus, with some 500,000 pieces— many of which move, has been held over through Sept. 1 at the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum". (Excerpt from above). 1986 - news mentionBeach, Randall. (22 June 1986). Repairs to close Barnum Museum [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. New York Times, page unknown. (Viewed 27 January 2019. E00504; E00506). 1987 - spotlighted news mention - miniature circus at New Britain Youth MuseumDiMaggio, Kenneth. (22 October 1987). Showman folds his tent: Meriden man’s circuses make their way to museums [with mention of W. R. Brinley’s second circus on view at the New Britain Youth Museum until 2 January 1988; see excerpt at top of this webpage]. Hartford Courant, p. E1D. (Viewed 5 January 2019. C00494).
1989 - articlesSee the articles 1989 - news mentionSikorski, Fran. (7 - 8 June 1989). Barnum Museum, big show in Bridgeport [with a paragraph on Brinley and his miniature circus]. Weekend Magazine for Ridgefield Press (Ridgefield, CT), Wilton Bulletin (Wilton, CT), Redding Pilot (Redding, CT), Bethel Home News (Bethel, CT), Weston Forum (Weston, CT), and The Ledger (unknown town/city, NY), pp. 3 & 5. (Viewed 11 January 2019. C00587-88).
1989 - feature articleMorago, G. Phillip. (18 June 1989). Circus stole his heart; retiree carves miniatures of life under the big top [with focus on Brinley and large-scale circus wagons that he made; photos of Brinley and a couple of the wagons; and mention of his miniature circus]. Hartford Courant, pp. H1-H2. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00761).
"... The seven circus wagons Brinley built between 1953 and 1967 have crisscrossed the country, making hundreds of appearances at circuses, parades, fairs and department stores. Since 1970, the wagons have been loaned as a display at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport. But last month the wagons were returned to Brinley... Pelton said it is unfortunate that the redesign of the museum did not allow space for the wagons to be displayed... " "... The Brinley name used to appear on all the wagons, but they were painted over in 1986 when used for the television movie ’Barnum’, starring Burt Lancaster..." (Excerpt from above.) 1989 - news mentionBrunskill, Joan (AP). (3 August 1989). A tribute to "The Greatest Show on Earth". [About the re-opening of The Barnum Museum, with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus on view.] The Palladium Times (Oswego-Fulton, New York), p, 10. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00568-69). 1989 - news mentionBrunskill, Joan (Associated Press). (2 September 1989). P. T. Barnum’s back in Bridgeport, big as brass. [About the re-opening of The Barnum Museum, with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus.] Globe & Mail (Toronto), p. F15. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00691).
1989 - news mentionAssociated Press. (16 September 1989). Museum pays tribute to greatest showman. [About the re-opening of The Barnum Museum, with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus.] Windsor Star (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), p. F7. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00692).
1990s |
1990 articlesSee the articles 1990 - news mentionHuler, Scott. (17 June 1990). Big-top bonanza [with mention and photo of Brinley’s miniature circus]. Philadelphia Inquirer, pp. 1-R & 13-R. (Viewed 27 January 2019. C00627; D00693).
1990 - news mentionReagan, Frank. (11 November 1990). Circus buff tends the greatest (little) show on earth [with article focus on Gary Payne as consultant, including the care and display of Brinley’s miniature circus at the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT]. New York Times, p. 33. (Viewed 27 January 2019. C00715).
1991 - news mentionJames, Sandra. (21 April 1991). And in Bristol, they keep their carousel horses in a museum. [Article focused on the New England Carousel Museum, Bristol, CT, with Brinley’s miniature circus on view.] Hartford Courant, pp. H1E & H4. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00562).
1992 articlesSee the articles 1992 - news mentionConnelly, Marjorie. (15 March 1992). Sunday outing; the music still goes round [with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus installed at the New England Carousel Museum, Bristol, CT]. New York Times, p. A.46. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00716; C00719).
1992 - news mentionStrauss, Lawrence. (20 September 1992). The area’s specialty museums [with mention of the New England Carousel Museum and "on the west side of the room sits a miniature circus replica built by Bill Brinley..."] Hartford Courant, pp. H1 & H4. (Viewed 27 January 2019. D00694).
1992 - news mentionSilk, Steve. (18 October 1992). In-state outings: Exploring the sites, the Sound [with mention of the Barnum Museum and "the most jaw-dropping exhibit might be the pint-size Brinley Circus, a scale model of a five-ring circus alive with with swinging acrobats, performing horses, musicians, tents glittering with lamplight, sideshows and a menagerie"]. Hartford Courant, pp. F1, F7-F8. (Viewed 27 January 2019. D00695).
1994 - news mentionHamilton, Robert A. (15 May 1994). Of jumpers, standers, and prancers in the Carousel Museum [Bristol, CT; with mention of Brinley’s miniature circus on view in the museum]. New York Times. (Viewed 12 January 2019. C00652). 1997 - news mention(29 May 1997). Museum pays homage to marketing master [with mention of Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Brinley and his miniature circus]. Florida Times Union (Jacksonville, Florida), p. D2. (Viewed 14 January 2018. C00717).
1998 - news mention(15 January 1998). Step right up to the Barnum Museum [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Hartford Courant, p. 23. (Viewed 14 January 2018. C00718).
2000s | 2000 - short news mention(9 June 2000; press clipping; date handwritten). 50 years ago: 1950 [with more recent photo of Bill Brinley with his miniature circus]. [One paragraph article refers to article above: (14 June 1950). Brindley (sic) to show miniature circus.] Record-Journal, page unknown. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00740).
2002 - news mentionLeavenworth, Jesse. (28 June 2002). The smallest show on earth; a scaled-down circus of incredible intricacy ("The Donahue circus joins the [Barnum] museum’s own model, the W. R. Brinley Five Ring Miniature Circus...") Hartford Courant, p. D1. (Updated 17 January 2019. C00495; C00757-58).
2004 - articlesSee the articles 2004 - feature articleHoltz, Jeff. (20 June 2004). The big top on a small scale [with two photos of Brinley and his miniature circus at the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT]. New York Times, p. CT2. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00720).
2004 - news mention and photoAssociated Press. (29 June 2004). Collectors: Little big top [one paragraph with photo of Brinley and his circus]. Express (a publication of the Washington Post). (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00662-63). 2004 - news mentionHerrera, Camilla. (15 July 2004). (Not) just for kids, part II; More things to do with the whole family [with mention of Brinley and his miniature circus at Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT]. Advocate (Stamford, CT), p. 5. (Viewed 22 January 2019. D00696).
2004 - news mentionShepherd, Jan. (8 August 2004). Destinations [section on "Miniature circus, Bridgeport, Conn., (at Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, with focus on Brinley’s miniature circus.)] Boston Globe, p. M2. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00721).
2005 - mention in alternative New England guide bookCitro, Joseph A. (2005). "The smallest show on earth" [Roadside oddities section; with focus on Brinley’s miniature circus and photo of him with it]. In Weird New England: Your travel guide to New England’s local legends and best kept secrets, pp. 272-73. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc: New York. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00669-72).
"... Tiny unexpected details make Mr Brinley’s circus a true wonder. He includes a false bottom in the ticket wagon so the clerk can stash money and an extra bit of bed so the giant can sleep comfortably... To truly appreciate Mr. Brinley’s life’s work, you must study it... The Smallest Show on Earth may not be quintessentially weird, but it is a true wonder." (Excerpt from above.) 2005 - news mention(27 October 2005). The best (and bust) of Barnum [with focus on the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport and mention of Brinley and his miniature circus]. Poughkeepsie Journal (Poughkeepsie, New York), p. D1. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00699).
2008 - auction catalogueNest Egg Auctions. (2008). The William Brinley Collection of Circus Memorabilia (auction, 16 February 2008). 88 pp. (Viewed 20 January 2019. C00783).
2008 - advertisement - Brinley on Fox 61 TV, Hartford, CTFox 61 TV, Hartford, CT. (16 February 2008). Advertisement: "Tonight on Fox 61: The Greatest Show on Earth" [with focus on Brinley and his collection of circus memorabilia]. Hartford Courant, page number unknown. (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00722; C00759).
"... A Connecticut man’s love affair with the big top is about to pay off big time. William Brinley has been collecting circus momorabilia for five decades. Today his collection goes on the auction block. Find out what makes prized pieces so different."(Excerpt from above.) 2009 - articlesSee the articles 2009 - news mentionMackie, John. (27 March 2009). Under the Big Top— on a small scale; Collection of miniature Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus wagons will be auctioned off [with mention of previous auction of Brinley’s circus memorabilia]. The Vancouver Sun, (British Columbia, Canada), p. E3. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00723).
2009 - news mentionMackie, John (Canwest News Service). (3 April 2009). Mini Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus wagons to be auctioned off [with mention of previous auction of Brinley’s circus memorabilia]. Daily Bulletin (Kimberley, BC, Canada), p. 15. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00724).
2009 - news mentionMackie, John (Canwest News Service). (3 April 2009). Mini Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus wagons to be auctioned off [with mention of previous auction of Brinley’s circus memorabilia]. Daily Townsman (Cranbrook, BC, Canada), p. 15. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00725).
2009 - news mentionMackie, John (Vancouver Sun). (11 April 2009). Under the not-so-big top; Miniature Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus wagons will be auctioned off in May [with mention of previous auction of Brinley’s circus memorabilia]. Leader Post, (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada), p. G1. (Viewed 21 January 2019. C00727).
2010s | 2010 - mention in I-95 guide bookPosner, Stan and Phillips-Posner, Sandra. (2010). "Connecticut section... Exit 27, The Barnum Museum... William Brinley’s miniature hand-carved 5-ring circus..." Drive I-95: Exit by exit info, maps, history and trivia, (5th ed), p. 113. (Viewed 15 January 2019. C00731-32).
2010 - obituaryPayne, Gary. (November 2010). Mileposts: Robert S. (Bob) Pelton [curator at Barnum Museum, Bridgeport (1975-98)]. The White Tops, pp. 20-21. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00477).
"... Under his curatorship, the Barnum Museum was vastly improved and underwent extensive renovation. Of particular note was the restoration and preservation of the W. R. Brinley Miniature Circus, a 1,200 sq. ft. exhibit depicting the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth. No miniature circus diorama in the world has been seen and enjoyed (since the 1960s) by more visitors over a longer period of time..." (Excerpt from above.) 2011-12 - exhibition webpage - miniature circus items at Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, MABerkshire Museum, Pittsfield, MA. (c. 2011). Exhibition webpage for Under the Big Top: Festival of Trees 2011 (18 November 2011 - 2 January 2012). [Does not mention Brinley’s works on view.] (Viewed 23 January 2019. D00714). 2011-12 - exhibition webpage - miniature circus items at Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury, CT(c. 2011). Toys: Treasures from long ago, (November 25, 2011 - February 26, 2012). Mattatuck Museum webpage, Waterbury, CT [with installation photo]. (Updated 23 January 2019. C00476; C00715). 2012 - spotlighted news mention - selected items from miniature circus at Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, MAMcGinnis, Dan Sr. & Malloy, Mary. (January / February 2012). Under the big top [with mention of Brinley wagons on view]. The White Tops, p. 69. (Viewed 23 January 2019. C00728).
2012 - news mentionSopelak, Ken. (November 2012). Tent #24 banquet celebrating 75 continuous years [mention of gathering in Plainville, CT and a discussion or visit to see Brinley’s miniature circus at the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport]. The White Tops, p. 12. (Viewed 23 January 2019. D00702).
2014 - articlesSee the articles 2014 - listing(16 May 2014). Connecticut: [Schedule with mention: " ... Bridgeport, ’Sneak peek with Brinley: Circus in miniature’, lecture May 21..."] New York Times, p. 8. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00701).
2014 - feature article(17 May 2014). Miniature displays of the circus on display at the Barnum Museum [Bridgeport, CT; with focus on Brinley’s miniature circus]. Shelton Herald (CT). (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00576). 2014 - listing(18 May 2014). Calendar; A guide to cultrual and recreational events in Connecticut [with mention: "Spoken word, Bridgeport, ’Sneak peek with Brinley: Circus in miniature’, lecture May 21..."] New York Times, p. 8. (Viewed 21 January 2019. D00700).
2016 - articlesSee the articles 2016 - obituary(12 September 2016). Mr. Brinley (1917-2016): Thoughts from the museum. Barnum Museum website, Bridgeport, CT. (Viewed 8 January 2019. C00563). "... In 1938, young Bill Brinley was invited to appear on Dave Eleman’s Hobby Lobby program... Bill and his miniature model toured with the Cetlin-Wilson Show appearing at fairs throughout the South... Throughout the 1950s, Brinley’s miniature circus was traveling to almost every major city across the United States. Thousands upon thousands of adults and children were entertained by the grand presentation, and charitable engagements at children’s hospitals, orphanages, and service clubs were an important component of the traveling schedule... Later he took his show to the spectacular New York’s World’s Fair (1964-1965)... From June of 1968 until 2010 (when the miniature circus was dismantled for conservation after the EF1 tornado struck the Barnum Museum) the Brinley’s Miniature Circus was on display on the third floor of the Museum... As Mr. Brinley’s miniature circus is restored to its original splendor, we eagerly await the day when guests can once again peer through the glass to witness moments in time of a glorious bygone era..." (Excerpt from above.) 2016 - obituary(14 September 2016). William R. Brinley, Sr. Record-Journal, p. C2. (Viewed 26 January 2019. D00753).
2016 - obituaryPayne, Gary. (November / December 2016). Mileposts: William R., (Bill) Brinley, Sr. [including photo of Brinley, and photo of miniature circus installed at Wanamaker’s department store, Philadelphia.] The White Tops, p. 10. (Viewed 14 January 2019. C00729).
"... Bill and I assisted with set decoration for the HBO movie Barnum starring Burt Lancaster... [Bill] was my best friend and circus mentor... Bill, I thought you’d live forever!..." (Excerpt from above.) 2017 - spotlighted news mention and photoBurgeson, John (Connecticut Post). (17 July 2017). Barnum Museum gets grant for new exhibit. ["An area of the gallery will showcase a portion of William ’Bill’ Brinley’s miniature circus..."; Barnum’s World of Wonders! exhibit at Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT (mid-October 2017-ongoing)]. Express-News (San Antonio, Texas). (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00577). 2017 - photo and caption in articleDunavin, Davis. (17 July 2017). Bridgeport’s Barnum Museum to re-open with new exhibit [with photo of Brinley’s miniature circus and caption]. WSHU public radio (Fairfield, CT). (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00579). c. 2017 - exhibit webpage - Brinley’s miniature circus in Barnum Museum exhibit(c. 2017-19). Barnum’s World of Wonders! at Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, CT, webpage. (Viewed 9 October 2019. C00578). |
n. d. | n. d. - mention in Michelin guide(undated). Barnum Museum, Bridgeport entry [with mention of "the Brinley Miniature Circus"]. Michelin travel website. (Viewed 9 January 2019. C00575). n. d. - mention of Visit CT website(undated). "The Barnum Museum" webpage [with mention: "this 1893 building houses exhibits including a miniature circus model..."]. Visit CT website. (Viewed 16 January 2019. C00696). n. d. - archival documentationTom Parkinson Papers. (1793-1990). Unspecified documentation related to William R. Brinley (listed as subject). (Viewed 17 January 2019. C00734). n. d. - spotlighted listing for 1950 - Brinley on "Toast of the Town, Ed Sullivan"(undated). For 18 June 1950: "Toast of the Town, Ed Sullivan", Sunday 8:00 PM, episode 40, episode summary, guests... "Bill Brinley, of Meriden Connecticut, presents his miniature model circus, made up of pieces that he carved by hand." TV.com. (Viewed 19 January 2019. C00611). |
On William R. Brinley miniature circus designs - 1: designs in collections and exhibitions | 2: historical information