Stewart Home: Shot down in flames (2011)
Sadly our media request to one of the bad boys of British art didn’t work out...
Art Design Publicity at ADC | 25 January 2011
This is an enquiry e-mail via
from: Kim Min Su
Dear Stewart,
We’re looking for a writer to do a scathing attack on your work.
Can you suggest any possible writers?
Best wishes,
Kim Min Su
Editor, Art Design Publicity
From: "Stewart Home"
To: "Kim Min Su"
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 12:10 AM
Subject: Scathing attack on me
Hi Su
I’m probably the person best qualified to write a scathing and coherent attack on myself. Most of those who’ve witten scathing attacks on me haven’t been to coherent or convincing - but if that doesn’t bother you and you just want scathing then perhaps John A Walker with whom you seem to have a connection or John ’Porno’ Roberts, both of whom I seem to have cheesed off rather a lot (although not recently as I don’t like to stick with such unchallenging targets).
Ciao, Stewart.
From: "ArtDesignCafe"
To: "Stewart Home"
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Scathing attack on me
Dear Stewart,
Thank you for your message.
Writing a scathing attack on yourself sounds perfect.
The only truly challenging art world target we know of here usually up for a fight is Mat Gleason at Coagula (who has contributed reprints):
But you two probably are aligned colleagues. If you two didn’t get along, I don’t know, maybe some of the best new art criticism might emerge.
Let me have a think about this and get back to you. Your friend Simon [Bedwell] mentioned you to my colleague.
Best wishes,
KIM Min-Su
From: "ArtDesignCafe"
To: "Stewart Home"
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: Scathing attack on me
Dear Stewart,
We’d very much appreciate a scathing attack on your work written by you. Would you be able to do this in 600-800 words? Could we see a draft by the end of the month? For article release planning purposes, where would you place it along the continuum "Somewhere between ’Fook off’ and KunstLeaks’"? We ask for a two-year Internet exclusive.
Unfortunately, we are a start-up still in Phase 0, although the web traffic ranking is comparatively high. So we’re unable to offer a fee. What we can offer is a free advert (month) to you, maybe for one of your upcoming projects. These receive 1500 visitor impressions each; each advert is on over 100 web pages. We might also put a highliht in our monthly newsletter which includes a number of curators, writers, PR director subscribers that seem to like the critical Art Design Publicity approach. But as I’m sure you know, it helps get the word out but life can be a publicity treadmill...
So please let me know if you are interested. If not, perhaps we can reconnect in the future.
Best wishes,
KIM Min-Su
From: "ArtDesignCafe"
To: Stewart Home
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 10:36 AM
Subject: Fw: Scathing attack on me
Hello Stewart,
Would you be up for this or shall we run this Q&A as it is?
Best wishes,
Kim Min Su
From: "Stewart Home"
To: "ArtDesignCafe"
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Scathing attack on me
Sorry I’m too busy with other stuff to do anything more on this now...
Ciao, Stewart.
Dear Stewart,
OK, we hope to receive the scathing attack in the future. In the meantime, here’s a publicity output to put on the pile. If you are in UK academia, dunno, but maybe this is also something for the Research Excellence Framework, an “esteem”? Our site web traffic is up around oo-la-la Frieze, according to Alexa (yeah, but who really knows— the technology is sooo new) but maybe that’s one argument for you.
’Til later and best wishes,
김민수 (KIM Min-Su)