Rogers & Hamilton / Holmes, Booth & Haydens design catalogues and historical information
Marks, patents, patterns, advertisements & more concerning the legacy.
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 5 March 2017 | Updated 30 December 2021
LINK: Rogers & Hamilton / Holmes, Booth & Haydens designs in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions
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Above, Rogers & Hamilton advertisement in Jewelers’ Circular (6 January 1897, p. 39). See listing below.
"[Rogers & Hamilton] was organized in 1886 for the production of knives and spoons... When it became part of the International Silver Co. in 1898, its production was consolidated with that of Rogers & Bro. in Waterbury. The lines were shortly discontinued."
— Edmund P. Hogan in An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company (1977), p. 168-69.
Rogers & Hamilton (predecessor: Holmes, Booth & Haydens silverplate dept.) design catalogues and historical information (by year)
Rogers & Hamilton; predecessor: Holmes, Booth & Haydens including their additional marks ("Sterling Silver Plate Co.", "Union Silver Plate Co."). (definitive listing, in process.)
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1860s | 1866 - patent - design for a knife handleHenry H. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth & Hayden (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (18 December 1866). Design no. 2530: Design for a knife handle. (Viewed 16 May 2020. H01531).
1868 patentsSee the patents 1868 - patent - design for a fork or spoon-handleHenry H. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth and Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (15 December 1868). Design no. 3,292: Design for a fork or spoon-handle. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01794).
1868 - patent - design for a handle of a fork or spoonHenry H. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth and Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (29 December 1868). Design no. 3,300: Design for a handle of a fork or spoon. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01790).
1870s | 1873 - design catalogueHolmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (1873). Illustrated Price List, Sheet Brass, Copper, German Silver and Silver-Plated Metal, Silver Plated Ware, Brass and Copper Wire.... Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 16 May 2020. H01539). 1876 - book mention - Holmes, Booth & Haydens in Philadelphia Centennial exhibition(1876). List of awards made by the United States Centennial Commission to the American Exhibitors, International Exhibition, 1876, at Philadelphia. Holmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor) , "Silver plated goods", (p. 42) and "Forks and Spoons ", (p. 54). [The actual award received is not indicated in this text; exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876.] S. T. Souder & Company: Philadelphia. (Viewed 16 June 2016. A00841-42; F00394; H01674-75.) 1876 - book mention - Holmes, Booth & Haydens in Philadelphia Centennial exhibition(1877). Souvenir of the Centennial exhibition [1876]: Connecticut’s representation at Philadelphia [with mention: "silver-plated ware", (p. 124); exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876]. (Viewed 4 November 2018. A00965-75; H01676). 1876 - two photographs of Centennial exhibitCentennial Photographic Co. (1876). Holmes, Booth & Haydens pavilion, Main Building, two photos, one with decorative silverware display. Centennial Exhibition (exhibition dates: 10 May - 10 November 1876). Albumen Prints. (Viewed 26 May 2020. H01699-1700.)
1876 - mapC. H. Vogt. (1876). View of the city of Waterbury, Conn: 1876 [including Holmes, Booth & Haydens Mfg. Co. (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor), no. 20 on map]. O. H. Bailey & Co. (Viewed 2 October 2020. E01639-40). 1878 - eleven advertisementsHolmes, Booth & Haydens. (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (February-December 1878). Advertisements: "... Manufacturer of Electro-silver plated spoons, forks, ladles, fancy pieces, solid handle steel knives, etc, of the finest quality... New York... Boston ..." [no illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 16 May 2020. G00501; G00505; G00508; G00513; G00518; G00521; G00524; G00528; G00533; G00536; G00539.)
1879 - patent - design for forks, spoons, etc.Hiram W. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor. (5 August 1879; filed 16 May 1879). Design no. 11,314: Design for forks, spoons, etc. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01791).
c. 1879 - design catalogue excerpt reprintHolmes, Booth and Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (c. 1879). [Reprinted page showing patented orange peeler, presumably in unspecified trade catalogue]. In: Hogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities, p. 92. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1880s | 1880 - advertisement and directory listingHolmes, Booth & Haydens (silverplate division, Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (1880). Advertisement: "... Waterbury... New York... Boston... German silver, Gilding and Silver Plated Metal... Silver-Plated Ware... " [with no illustrations], (p. iii). (Also, listed in Stock Companies section, p. 184). (Search directory for possible other listings.) In Waterbury Directory. Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 20 October 2020. F01555-57). 1881 patentsSee the patents 1881 - patent - design for a fork and spoonHiram W. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (1 November 1881; filed 19 September 1881). Design no. 12,543: Design for a fork and spoon. (Viewed 16 May 2020. H01538).
1881 - patent - design for a fork and spoonHiram W. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (1 November 1881; filed 19 September 1881). Design no. 12,544: Design for a fork and spoon. (Viewed 16 May 2020. H01537).
1882 - advertisementHolmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (2 November 1882). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of finest quality silver-plated spoons, forks, knives, etc. ... 40 Chambers St., New York; Factories, Waterbury, Conn. ... 18 Federal Street, Boston, Mass." [with illustration of spoon in a Japanese-style pattern]. The Independent, p. 32. (Viewed 30 December 2021. E01287).
1884 patentsSee the patents 1884 - patent - design for a spoon or forkHiram W. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (8 July 1884; filed 7 April 1884). Design no. 15,128: Design for a spoon or fork. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01792).
1884 - patent - design for a spoon or forkHiram W. Hayden, assignor to Holmes, Booth & Haydens (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor). (8 July 1884; filed 7 April 1884). Design no. 15,129: Design for a spoon or fork. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01793).
Holmes, Booth & Haydens (presumably silverplate department only), a predecessor of Rogers & Hamilton, was in operation from 1853 to 1886. Rogers & Hamilton was formed in 1866. 1886 - spotlighted news mention - Rogers & Hamilton formed(4 May 1886). Local news [mention about Rogers & Hamilton and Holmes, Booth & Haydens]. Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 2, col. 1. (Viewed 21 July 2020. L01789). "... A new company with $50,000 capital will soon be organized in Waterbury for the manufacture of silver plated ware, the plant to be located at Holmes, Booth & [Haydens]. The latter’s stock, tools and machinery will be transferred to the new concern ..." (Excerpt from above.) 1886 - patent - die for swaging spoon and fork blanksEdward W. Shannon, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (21 September 1886; filed 3 July 1886). Letters patent no. 349,609; serial no. 207,078: Die for swaging spoon and fork blanks. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02477).
1887 - news mention(20 December 1887). Our city’s Christmas trade [mention: "The Rogers & Hamilton Co. ... have no retail show place in the city... but... every house in the trade is an agency in that direction... "] Waterbury Evening Democrat (Waterbury, CT), p. 4, col. 3. (Viewed 22 June 2020. L01460). 1887 advertisementsSee the ads 1887 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton Co. (1887). Advertisement: "The Rogers & Hamilton Co., Manufacturers of Silver-Plated Ware...", (between pages 38 & 39). In Business directory of Central Connecticut, being towns on the New York & New England Railroad from Newburgh, NY to Willimantic, Conn. Carter & Company. (Viewed 17 September 2017. G00441.) 1887 - two advertisementsRogers & Hamilton Co. (20 December 1887). Advertisements: "The Rogers & Hamilton Co., manufacturers of Silver Plated Ware. Waterbury, Conn. ... For sale by the Trade... " [with no illustrations]. Waterbury Evening Democrat (Waterbury, CT). (Viewed 22 June 2020. L01458-59).
1888 articlesSee the article 1888 - news mention(March 1888). Trade gossip (with paragraph about Rogers & Hamilton). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 86. (Viewed 5 September 2018. F00262-63). "A visit to the works of the Rogers & Hamilton Co., at Waterbury, Conn., is convincing proof of the wide-awake activity of that young house..." (Excerpt from above.) 1888 - news mention(November 1888). Trade gossip (including mention of Rogers & Hamilton and their products). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 112. (Viewed 8 September 2018. L00734.) 1888 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton, Boston, MA. (9 December 1888). Advertisement: "... Silver Ware... A large assortment... Rogers & Hamilton Flat Ware ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Boston Sunday Globe, p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 29 October 2020. F01665).
1888 patentsSee the patents 1888 - patent - design for the ornamentation of spoon-handlesEdward T. Schoonmaker, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (6 March 1888; filed 31 January 1888). Design no. 18,169; serial no. 262,588: Design for the ornamentation of spoon-handles. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02476).
1888 - patent - design for the ornamentation of spoon-handlesEdward T. Schoonmaker, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (6 March 1888; filed 31 January 1888). Design no. 18,170; serial no. 262,589: Design for the ornamentation of spoon-handles. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02478).
1889 - historical information(1889). On "The Rogers & Hamilton Company" [pp. 27 (description of company) and photo of building (unnumbered page)]. In Waterbury and her industries. Fifty attractive and carefully selected views. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01532; A01536.) "The silver plating works of the Rogers & Hamilton Company, Waterbury, Conn., are situated upon the west bank of the Naugatuck river, in the portion of the city called Brooklyn. Built entirely of brick, in the most substantial manner, and equipped with the latest approved machinery, they are, without doubt, the finest works of the kind in this country for the manufacture of their specialty, Silver Plated Flat Ware.", (excerpt from p. 27 above). 1889 - historical information(1889). On "Holmes, Booth & Haydens", [pp. 29-30 (description of company, Rogers & Hamilton predecessor) in history and 1889, and photo of building (unnumbered page)]. ("... In [about 1866, Holmes, Booth & Haydens] began the manufacture of silver-plated ware...") In Waterbury and her industries. Fifty attractive and carefully selected views. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01533-34; A01538.) 1889 advertisementSee the ads 1889 - advertisementThe Fair, Chicago, IL. (9 June 1889). Advertisement: "... Something entirely new in tableware... The Rogers & Hamilton Co.’s extra silver plated new initial tea spoons, table spoons, table forks... " [with illustration of tea spoon, table spoon and fork]. The Sunday Inter Ocean (Chicago, Illinois), p. 10, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 30 October 2020. F01663).
1889 - advertisementR. H. White & Co., presumably Boston, MA. (29 September 1889). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... ’Rogers & Hamilton’ ... " [with no illustrations]. Boston Sunday Globe, p. 8, col. 7. (Viewed 30 October 2020. F01664).
1889 - patent - design for a spoon-handleFrederick E. Prétat, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (1 October 1889; filed 26 August 1889). Design no. 19,337; serial no. 322,032: Design for a spoon-handle. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02479).
1889 - news mention(July 1889). Trade gossip [including paragraph about Rogers & Hamilton "having commenced a suit for damages for alleged libel against W. H. Watrous..."] The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 87. (Viewed 15 September 2018. B00302-03.) Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical silver companies that were connected to the International Silver Company, including other "Rogers" companies, and those from the Meriden area; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions" and E: "Other featured companies". |
1890s | 1890 - map(1890). Waterbury, Connecticut map, (map 23 showing "Rogers & Hamilton Co. and Holmes, Booth & Hayden"). Sanborn Map & Publishing Co. 31 leaves. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01539-40.)
1890 articlesSee the article 1890 - news mention(March 1890). Trade gossip [includes mention that Rogers & Hamilton "supplied the silver plated ware for the recent great ball of the four hundred in New York"]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 87. (Viewed 4 September 2018. F00235). 1890 - news mention(July 1890). Trade gossip [with paragraph about Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. vs. Rogers & Hamilton dispute]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 85. (Viewed 4 September 2018. F00241-42). 1890 advertisementsSee the ads 1890 - advertisementBronners’, Buffalo, NY. (22 May 1890). Advertisement: "... Silver Plate— a new line of Silver Plate, guaranteed by the Rogers & Hamilton Company to be the very best in quality... " [with no illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News (New York), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 20 October 2020. F01562).
1890 - two advertisementsRogers & Hamilton Co. (23 & 30 May 1890). Advertisements: "... Silver Plated Ware... We have many new and rich designs rivalling solid old silver... " [with illustration of fork]. Holt County Sentinel (Oregon, Missouri). (Viewed 19 June 2019. D00871-74).
1891 advertisementsSee the ads 1891 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (11 February 1891). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of highest grade electro-plated flat ware... price list." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 64. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00281). 1891 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (18 February 1891). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of highest grade electro-plated flat ware... price list." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 48. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00286). 1891 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (25 February 1891). Advertisement [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 32. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00291). 1891 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (4 March 1891). Advertisement: Advertisement [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 48. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00295). 1891 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (11 March 1891). Advertisement [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 48. (Viewed 1 September 2018. H00375). 1891 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (18 March 1891). Advertisement [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 48. (Viewed 1 September 2018. H00380). 1891 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (25 March 1891). Advertisement [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 48. (Viewed 1 September 2018. H00384). c. 1891 - missing price listRogers & Hamilton. (c. 1891). [Price list]. Number of pages unknown. [No copy in a public library known to exist]. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00281). June 1892 - news mention(1 June 1892). Connecticut concerns that have applied for space at Chicago [World’s Fair]. [Mention of Rogers & Hamilton.] The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 12. (Viewed 28 August 2018. H00366-67). 1892 advertisementsSee the ads 1892 - four advertisementsRogers & Hamilton. (April 1892). Advertisements: "Crown Hamilton..." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 27 September 2017. G00716; G00721; G00725; G00729.)
1892 - three advertisementsRogers & Hamilton. (May 1892). Advertisements: "Crown Hamilton Flatware..." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 18 September 2017. G00493; G00499; G00734.)
1893 - historical informationD.H. Hurd & Co. (1893). "The Rogers & Hamilton Co" listing, Waterbury, CT, (p. 215). In Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. Compiled from government surveys, county records and personal investigations. (Viewed 1 March 2017. A00514; A01454-55.) "ROGERS & HAMILTON CO. (THE), Charles A. Hamilton, President and Treasurer." 1893 - book - Rogers & Hamilton not in World’s Columbian Exposition(1898). Connecticut at the World’s Fair: Report of the commissioners from Connecticut of the Columbian Exhibition of 1893 at Chicago (exhibition dates: 1 May - 30 October 1893). [Listed: Rogers & Hamilton, Waterbury (intended exhibitor), (p. 137)]. Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company: Hartford, CT. (Viewed 30 September 2020. A01528-31; E01610). Design Meriden: Information above conflicts with that below. Perhaps Rogers & Hamilton was not an exhibitor, but was a supplier of goods to the exposition administration. 1893 - directory listing(1893). "Rogers & Hamilton Co." listings. In The New England business directory and gazetteer, [p. 1546 (Silver Plated Ware Manufs.); 1813 (Manufacturing Companies)]. (Sampson, Murdock & Co.: Boston, MA). (Viewed 5 May 2020. H01348-49; H01369-70).
1893 - news mention(April 1893). News mention: "World’s Columbian Exposition... The Rogers & Hamilton Company have booked an initial order... for 100,000 forks and 200,000 spoons... House Furnishing Review, p. 175, col. 2. (Viewed 3 October 2017. G01091.) 1893 - spotlighted advertisement - mention of R&H at 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, ChicagoPresumably Sonoma County Tribune, Healdsburg, CA. (2 November 1893). Advertisement: "... Silverware Offers to Subscribers... Rogers & Hamilton... " [with illustrations of knife, child’s set, sugar spoon and butter knife]. Sonoma County Tribune (Healdsburg, California), p. 1, col. 5. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00942-44).
"... We have arranged with the selling agents of the justly celebrated firm of Rogers & Hamilton, whose goods have a world-wide reputation, and were purchased exclusively by the World’s Fair Commissioners for use in the Administration Building of the World’s Fair at Chicago... " (Excerpt from above.)
1893 advertisementsSee the ads 1893 - advertisementJ. H. Leyson, Butte, Montana. (21 April 1893). Advertisement: "The Table; Best Quality of Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives... Rogers & Hamilton... " [with no illustrations]. Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, Montana), p. 5, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 24 June 2019. D00988-89). 1893 - advertisementEdw. Ridley & Sons, New York. (19 November 1893). Advertisement: "... Thanksgiving Day... Cutlery and Silverware... Rogers & Hamilton... For hotels, Restaurants... " [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York, NY), p. 10, col. 2. (Viewed 19 July 2019. C01056). 1893 patentsSee the patents 1893 - patent - design for a spoonCharles E. Prétat, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (1 August 1893; filed 12 May 1893). Design no. 22,661; serial no. 474,028: Design for a spoon. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02480).
1893 - patent - design for a handle for spoons, etc.Wilbur H. Gaines, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton. (29 August 1893; filed 26 July 1893). Design no. 22,746; serial no. 481,556: Design for a handle for spoons, etc. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02481).
1893 - patent - design for a handle for spoons, etc.Frederick E. Pretat, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (29 August 1893; filed 26 July 1893). Design no. 22,747; serial no. 481,555: Design for a handle for spoons, etc. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02475).
1894 - missing design catalogueRogers & Hamilton. (1894). [Pocket edition of 1894 standard price list of silver-plated flatware, (3rd ed.). Fully illustrated, 118 pp. (See news brief below. Viewed 21 September 2017. G00552.) 1894 articlesSee the articles 1894 - news mention(14 March 1894). Connecticut (with mention about the corporation returns of Rogers & Hamilton). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 25. (Viewed 5 September 2018. F00295). 1894 - news brief(25 October 1894). News brief: Regarding new pocket edition of Rogers & Hamilton price list. Hardware, p. 27. (Viewed 21 September 2017. G00552.) 1894 advertisementsSee the ads 1894 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (7 February 1894). Advertisement: "Leading patterns in highest grade electro silver plate..." (with six illustrations showing the following patterns: Front, King, Majestic, and Monarch patterns). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 51. (Viewed 28 August 2018. B00217.) 1894 - advertisementAbraham-Straus, presumbly Brooklyn, NY. (4 September 1894). Advertisement: "... Fall Opening Sale... Table Cutlery... Roger’s & Hamilton’s Celebrated Table Knives... tea spoons... dessert spoons... table spoons... coffee spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 18 July 2020. L01643-44). 1894 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (25 October 1894). Advertisement: "... Special Offer... Majestic Berry Spoon..." (with illustration). Hardware, p. 38. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00554.) 1894 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton. (25 November 1894). Advertisement: "If your jobber doesn’t carry our line, write direct to us... Branch Offices: 110 and 112 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.; 19 Murray Street, New York; 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal.; 13 South Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.; 722 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa..." (with illustration). Hardware, p. 60. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00572.) 1894 - advertisementAbraham & Straus, presumably Brooklyn, NY. (25 November 1894). Advertisement: "... Spoons, Forks, and Silver Cutlery... Rogers’ & Hamilton’s A1 Tea Spoons... Table Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 2, col. 2. (Viewed 18 July 2020. L01646). 1895 - news mention(April 1895). Brief business notes ("... The [Rogers] & Hamilton co., Waterbury, Conn., have removed their New York office to Room 612 Postal Telegraph building, corner Broadway and Murray St."). Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, (Viewed 30 June 2020. F01279-80). 1895 advertisementsSee the ads 1895 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton Co. (February 1895). Advertisement: "... Majestic Berry Spoon ..." (with illustration). Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, p. 179. (Viewed 30 September 2017. G00957.) 1895 - advertisementBoston Store, Chicago, IL. (31 March 1895). Advertisement: "... Grand Spring Opening Sale... Rogers & Hamilton’s Tip or Shell pattern tea spoons... table spoons... knives... forks... " [with no related product illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 38, col. 2. (Viewed 25 July 2021. E01283).
1895 - advertisementWm Barr Dry Goods Company, St. Louis, MO. (23 May 1895). Advertisement: "... Silverware and cutlery; Rogers & Hamilton’s triple silverplated knives or forks... teaspoons... table spoons... " [with no related product illustrations]. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, p. 9, col. 7. (Viewed 25 July 2021. E01284).
1895 - advertisementWm Barr Dry Goods Company, St. Louis, MO. (26 May 1895). Advertisement: "... Silverware and cutlery; Rogers & Hamilton’s triple silverplated knives or forks... teaspoons... table spoons... " [with no related product illustrations]. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, p. 19, col. 7. (Viewed 25 July 2021. E01285).
1895 - advertisementWm Barr Dry Goods Company, St. Louis, MO. (7 July 1895). Advertisement: "... Stock reducing sale... Silverware and cutlery; Rogers & Hamilton’s triple silverplated knives or forks... teaspoons... table spoons... " [with no related product illustrations]. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, p. 19, col. 7. (Viewed 25 July 2021. E01286).
1895 - patent - design for a spoonFrederick E. Prétat, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (4 June 1895; filed 13 February 1895). Design no. 24,353; serial no. 538,290: Design for a spoon. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02482).
1896 advertisementsSee the ads 1896 - advertisementEmpire Jewelry Co., presumably Seattle, WA. (29 March 1896). Advertisement: "... Tableware, Spoons, Forks, Etc. ... Roger[s] & Hamilton ... " [with no illustrations]. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, p. 1, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 24 June 2019. D00990-91). 1896 - ten advertisementsRogers & Hamilton. (October - December 1896). Advertisement: "... To be absolutely sure of the best in the market, see that your goods bear the name "Hamilton"... (with illustration of Majestic butter pick). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 30 August 2018. B00260-62; B00264-70.)
1896 - patent - design for a handle for spoonsFrederick E. Pretat, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton Company. (17 November 1896; filed 14 September 1896). Design no. 26,269; serial no. 605,831: Design for a handle for spoons. (Viewed 24 April 2018; AAA02483).
c. 1896 - missing price listRogers & Hamilton. (c. 1896). [Price list]. Number of pages unknown. [No copy in a public library known to exist.] (Viewed 30 August 2018. B00263). 1897 - design catalogueRogers & Hamilton Co. (1 July 1897). Artistic plated ware. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 11 April 2017. A01496.) 1897 advertisementsSee the ads 1897 - thirteen advertisementsRogers & Hamilton. (January - March 1897). Advertisement: "... To be absolutely sure of the best in the market, see that your goods bear the name ’Hamilton’..." [with illustration of Majestic butter pick]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 4 September 2018. C00248; C00250; F00212; F00214-15; F00219-20; F00223-24; F00227-28; F00230-31).
1897 - advertisementG. Fox & Co., Hartford, CT. (22 June 1897). Advertisement: "Plated ware, Such makes as Meriden Britannia, Derby Silver Co., Rogers & Hamilton, and Barbour Silver Plate Co. ... Soup ladles, Berry Spoons, Tomato Servers, Oyster Sets, Salad Forks, Fish Forks..." [with no illustrations]. Hartford Courant, p. 5. (Viewed 19 October 2018. D00346).
1897 - advertisementAbraham and Straus, Brooklyn, NY. (24 October 1897). Advertisement: "A rare group of silver bargains... Rogers’ and Hamilton’s First Quality Plated Ware; Fish Sets... Crumb Knife or Scraper... Oyster Ladles... " [with no specifically related product illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 11 December 2021. D01816).
c. 1897 - historical informationDavis, William T. (Ed.) (c. 1897). On "Rogers & Hamilton", (p. 903). In The New England states, their constitutional, judicial, educational, commercial, professional and industrial history, vol. 2. Boston: D. H. Hurd & Co. (Viewed 9 June 2017. A02626; A02637.) 1898 advertisementsSee the ads 1898 - advertisementAbraham and Straus, Brooklyn. (30 January 1898). Advertisement: "... A very important sale of china, glass and silverware... Rogers & Hamilton’s Tea Spoons... Soup Spoons... Dinner Forks... Dessert Spoons... Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, and Coffee Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. The Sun (New York), p. 10, col. 2. (Viewed 26 June 2019. E00876-77). 1898 - thirteen advertisementsRogers & Hamilton. (July - September 1898). Advertisement [with no illustrations]. Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 3 September 2018. C00212; C00217; C00226; C00231; C00239; C00243; D00274; D00277; D00280; D00285; D00289; D00293; D00297; ).
1899 advertisementsSee the ads 1899 - advertisementAbraham & Straus, Brooklyn, NY. (8 January 1899). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Rogers & Hamilton’s [/ International Silver Co.] Dinner Forks... " [with no illustrations]. New York Times, p. 9. (Viewed 6 June 2019. E00776).
1899 - advertisementThe Fair, Chicago. (19 February 1899). Advertisement: "... Silverware that wears... Rogers and Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] teaspoons... tablespoons or forks... triple-plate dinner knives... " [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 36. (Viewed 5 June 2019. E00725).
1900s |
1900 articlesSee the articles 1900 - news mention(3 January 1900). Chicago notes [news brief, talks about International Silver Co. consolidation and salesrooms effects in Chicago; mentions Barbour Silver Co., Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Manhattan Silver Plate Co., Meriden Britannia Co., Rogers & Hamilton Co., Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. Jeweler’s Circular and Horological Review, p. 34. (Viewed 7 May 2018. AAA02967; AAA02074). 1900 - news mention(5 February 1900). [No article heading; listing Rogers & Hamilton, Waterbury as "Factory K" of the International Silver Company]. The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 29 September 2018. B00566-67). 1900 advertisementsSee the ads 1900 - advertisementJ. N. Adams & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (4 January 1900). Advertisement: "... Notions... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] best quality silver plated Tea Spoons, fancy patterns... " [with no illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News (New York), presumably p. 30, col. 6. (Viewed 18 July 2020. L01647-48). 1900 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn, NY. (10 February 1900). Advertisement: "... Crockery and Housefurnishings... Silverware... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... well known Aldine and Raphael Patterns... " [with no illustrations]. The Standard Union (Brooklyn, New York), p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01222-23).
1900 - advertisementWm. Hengerer Co., Buffalo, NY. (22 February 1900). Advertisement: ".... Silver Plated Ware... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... tea knives and forks... " [with no illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News (New York), p. 2, col. 8. (Viewed 18 July 2020. L01649-50). 1900 - advertisementHarry Davis, Cañon City, CO. (c. 12 April 1900). Advertisement: "Cheapest Store on Earth! ... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... knives and forks... " [with no illustrations]. Cañon City Record (Cañon City, Colorado), unknown page number, col. 3. (Viewed 28 June 2019. E00920-21). 1900 - advertisementJ. N. Adam & Co., Buffalo, NY. (3 May 1900). Advertisement: "... Notions... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] Silver-Plated Knives... " [with no illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News, p. 12, col. 7. (Viewed 20 July 2020. L01781). 1901 advertisementsSee the ads 1901 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn. (1 September 1901). Advertisement: "... Our greatest fall sale... Silverware ... Rogers & Hamilton’s [/ International Silver Co.] Famous Aldine & Raphael Patterns ... " [with no illustrations]. New York Times, presumably p. 6, col. 5. (Viewed 20 October 2020. F01563).
1901 - advertisementSpalding & Co., Syracuse, NY. (10 December 1901). Advertisements: "Artistic Plated Ware... Rogers & Hamilton’s [/ International Silver Co.] goods [various listed] ... " [with illustrations of R & H sugar shell and fork]. The Post-Standard (Syracuse, New York), presumably p. 3, cols. 4-6. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01675).
1901 - text-based advertisementIrvin Reed & Son, presumably Richmond, IN. (19 December 1901). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Hamilton plated ware" [/ International Silver Co.] [with no illustrations]. Richmond Daily Palladium (Richmond, Indiana), page number unknown, col. 5. (Viewed 23 June 2019. D00962-63). 1902 advertisementsSee the ads 1902 - advertisementAdler’s, Savannah, GA. (13 April 1902). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Extra plate in finest nickel silver made by Rogers & Hamilton Co. [/ International Silver Co.]; Forks, Aldine pattern... Table Spoons... Tea Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Savannah Morning News, p. 9, col. 6. (Viewed 23 June 2019. D00964-65). 1902 - advertisementThe Edward Malley Co., New Haven, CT. (2 June 1902). Advertisement: "... [Roger’s] & Hamilton’s [/ International Silver Co.] knives and forks... " [with no illustrations]. New Haven Morning Journal and Courier (Connecticut), p. 8. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00932-33). 1902 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (4 September 1902). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Hartford [presumably Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 28 June 2020. F01266). 1902 - advertisementButler Cash Department Store, Butler, MO. (11 December 1902). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] tablespoons... knives and forks... " [with no illustrations]. The Butler Weekly Times (Butler, Missouri), p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 6 July 2019. F01118-19). 1902 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (11 December 1902). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Hartford [presumably Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01301). 1903 advertisementsSee the ads 1903 - two advertisementsInternational Silver Company. (January-February 1903). Advertisements: "Makers of Wares of Sterling and Silver Plate... [Factories:] The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., Rogers & Brother, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., The Derby Silver Co., Manhattan Silver Plate Co., The Forbes Silver Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co." House Furnishing Review. (Viewed 7 October 2017. G01135; G01151.)
1903 - four advertisementsInternational Silver Company. (March-June 1903). Advertisements: "... Makers of Wares in Sterling and Silver Plate... [Factories:] The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., Rogers & Brother, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., The Derby Silver Co., The Forbes Silver Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co., Middletown Plate Co. ..." House Furnishing Review. (Viewed 7 October 2017. G01154; G01159.)
1903 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (10 December 1903). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01302). 1904 advertisementsSee the ads 1904 - text-based advertisementW. D. Sprague, presumably Sandy Creek, NY. (21 January 1904). Advertisement: "Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] best silver ware... " [with no illustrations]. Sandy Creek News (Sandy Creek, New York), unknown page number, col. 6. (Viewed 4 July 2019. F01074-75). 1904 - advertisementThe Reid & Hughes Dry Goods Co., Waterbury, CT. (22 November 1904). Advertisement: "... Silverware for Thanksgiving. We carry a complete line of Rogers & Hamilton’s [/ International Silver Co.] Table Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Waterbury Evening Democrat (Connecticut), p. 5, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 26 June 2019. E00868). 1905 advertisementsSee the ads 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (4 October 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Rogers & Hamilton; with illustration of product design]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 27. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00386.) 1905 - advertisementRogers & Hamilton / International Silver Company. (18 October 1905). Advertisement: "The latest in the royal line is The Tudor..." [with five illustrations showing medium fork, tea spoon, cold meat fork, sugar shell, and butter knife in the pattern]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 37. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00396). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (25 October 1905). Advertisement [including listing of Rogers & Hamilton; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 33. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00399). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 November 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Rogers & Hamilton; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 31. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00253). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (8 November 1905). Advertisement: "... Many new and seasonable goods..." [includes listing of Rogers & Hamilton; no illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 37. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00257). 1906 advertisementsSee the ads 1906 - advertisementAbraham and Straus, presumably Brooklyn, NY. (26 January 1906). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Flat Ware... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... These firms are represented by their best products in the Silver Store... " [with no product illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 8, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 30 December 2021. Q01124).
1906 - advertisementHowland Dry Goods Company, Bridgeport, CT. (8 June 1906). Advertisement: "Useful Bride’s Gifts... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] extra sectional plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Newtown Bee (Connecticut), p. 9, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 23 June 2019. D00966-67). 1906 - advertisementSpalding & Co., Syracuse, NY. (17 December 1906). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration of serving spoon]. Syracuse Herald (Syracuse, New York), presumably p. 10, col. 1. (Viewed 30 December 2021. Q01126).
1907 advertisementsSee the ads 1907 - advertisementThe Reid & Hughes Dry Goods Co., Waterbury, CT. (5 October 1907). Advertisement: "... Triple plate Roger[s] & Hamilton Cold Meat Forks, assorted patterns... " [with no illustrations]. Waterbury Evening Democrat, p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 14 July 2019. H01055-56). 1907 - advertisementThe Reid & Hughes Dry Goods Co., Waterbury, CT. (22 November 1907). Advertisement: "... Thanksgiving less than a week away... Rogers & Hamilton Table Silver, the best in the land... " [with no relevant illustrations]. Waterbury Evening Democrat (Waterbury, CT), p. 7, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 17 July 2019. C01026- 1907 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (10 December 1907). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, col. 1. (Viewed 29 June 2020. F01272). 1907 - advertisementL. G. Prescott, Jeweler, Princeton, MN. (12 December 1907). Advertisement: "Bought right and will be sold right... Rogers & Hamilton [/International Silver Co.] Silverware... " [with no illustrations]. The Princeton Union (Princeton, Minnesota), p. 7, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 15 April 2020. D01141-42). 1908 advertisementsSee the ads 1908 - advertisementThe Reid & Hughes Dry Goods Co., presumably Waterbury, CT. (14 January 1908). Advertisement: "... Roger[s] & Hamilton silverware..." [with no illustrations]. Waterbury Evening Democrat (Connecticut), presumably p. 7, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 25 September 2018. B00457-59). 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (2 April 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01303). 1908 - advertisementThe Wonder, Spokane, WA. (11 May 1908). Advertisement: "Second day of the housekeeper’s sale... Silver Plated Table Spoons; Rogers & Hamilton [/ISC] A1 plate... " [with no illustration]. Spokane Press (Spokane, Washington), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 14 April 2020. D01107-08). 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (11 June 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 22 October 2020. F01625). 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (13 August 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 10 November 2020. F01866). 1909 advertisementsSee the ads 1909 - advertisementHowland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CT. (14 July 1909). Advertisement: "Howland’s Mill End Sale... Silverware... Rogers & Hamilton [/ISC] silver, fancy pieces for the table... " [with no illustrations]. The Farmer (Bridgeport, CT), presumably p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 15 April 2020. D01135-36). 1909 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 September 1909). Advertisement: "Sterling Silver, Silver Plate and Cut Glass... Factories: The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., 1847 Rogers Bros., Rogers & Brother; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Derby Silver Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co." The Jewelers’ Circular, p. 31. (Viewed 19 September 2017. G00475.) |
1910s |
1910 advertisementsSee the ads 1910 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, Nebraska. (17 December 1910). Advertisement: "... Silverware and Jewelry for Gifts... Rogers & Hamilton [/International Silver Co.] Finest Silver Triple Plate... " [with unclear illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 12. (Viewed 2 October 2018. B00669-70). 1910 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, Nebraska. (24 December 1910). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] Triple Plated Silverware... " [with abstract illustration]. Omaha Daily Bee, p. 10. (Viewed 18 April 2020. D01176). 1911 advertisementsSee the ads 1911 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, NE. (11 February 1911). Advertisement: ... Silverware... Extraordinary Sale— Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with abstract illustration showing nine pieces of cutlery]. The Bee (Omaha, Nebraska), p. 8. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00934). 1911 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, NE. (6 December 1911). Advertisement: "... Silverware Specials; Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] Silverware... " [with no related illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee, p. 14, col. 2. (Viewed 23 April 2020. C01205-06). 1912 advertisementsSee the ads 1912 - advertisementBrandeis Stores, Omaha, NE. (3 February 1912). Advertisement: "... Special Sale of Silverware... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] Berry Spoons... Cold Meat Forks... Butter Knife and Sugar Shell... Soup Ladles... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 8. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00960-61). 1912 - advertisementHowland’s, Bridgeport, CT. (10 June 1912). Advertisement: "... Bride’s china and silver. ... Silver flatware... Rogers & Hamilton [/ ISC] sectional plated... " [with no illustrations]. Bridgeport Evening Farmer (Bridgeport, CT), p. 2, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 27 April 2020. H01245-46). 1913 advertisementsSee the ads 1913 - advertisementBroadway Department Store, Los Angeles, CA. (23 June 1913). Advertisement: "... Odd Silverware... including Rogers, Hamilton Mfg. Co. [sic; / International Silver Co.] ... " Los Angeles Evening Herald, p. 10. (Viewed 18 July 2019. C01033-34). 1913 - advertisementHowland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, CT. (9 July 1913). Advertisement: "Howland’s Mill End Sale... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] extra-heavy plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Farmer (Bridgeport, CT), p. 3, col. 5. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00956-57). 1914 - advertisementFrank E. Kirby, Mt. Vernon, OH. (3 April 1914). Advertisement: "Spring Offering... Silverware... We carry Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] silverware, sectional plate... ’ [with no illustrations]. The Democratic Banner (Mt. Vernon, Ohio), p. 7, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 28 June 2019. E00922-23 ). 1915 articlesSee the article 1915 - advertisementJ. F. Ratliff, Jeweler, presumably Richmond, IN. (6 December 1915). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] Triple Plated Knives and Forks... " [with no illustrations]. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Indiana), p. 14. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00954-55). 1915 - advertisementJ. F. Ratliff, Jeweler, Richmond, IN. (14 December 1915). Advertisement: "... Santa has left hundreds of gifts with us... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] Triple Plated Knives and Forks... " [with no related illustrations]. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Indiana), p. 8. (Viewed 24 June 2019. D00986-87). 1916 advertisementsSee the ads 1916 - advertisementR. H. White Co., presumably Boston, MA. (14 February 1916). Advertisement: "... Silver plated tableware sale... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] heavy silver plate... " [with no product illustrations]. Boston Globe, p. 8. (Viewed 29 June 2021. D01995).
1916 - advertisementWillard Hardware Store, Stockton, CA. (15 September 1916). Advertisement: "... Household Goods... Silverware, Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related product illustrations]. Stockton Daily Evening Record (Stockton, CA), p. 7, col. 3. (Viewed 25 July 2021. D01996).
1916 - advertisementIrvin Reed & Son, presumably Richmond, IN. (12 December 1916). Advertisement: "Our Christmas List Specialties... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Indiana), p. 11. (Viewed 22 June 2019. D00958-59). 1917 - two advertisementsJas. H. Warren, presumably Massena, NY. (28 June & 5 July 1917). Advertisements: "Silver; We have in stock a large line of the following silver at the old prices... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Massena Observer (Massena, New York). (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00032-33).
1917 - secondary source(1917). Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, vol 2. [On Frank W. Rogers (includes Rogers silver manufacturers information, (pp. 238-42 and portrait)]. The American Historical Society, Inc.: Boston, New York, Chicago. (Viewed 27 November 2016. AAA00514-18.) 1919 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton Co., Boston, MA. (3 February 1919). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Co.] guaranteed 50-year plated silverware... spoons... forks... butter knives, sugar shells... " [with very abstract illustrations]. Boston Sunday Globe, p. 3, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 25 July 2021. D01997).
1920s | 1921 - advertisementWm. Farrand, Lacona, NY. (15 December 1921). Advertisement: "... Closing out sale at cost... Rogers & Hamilton [/ International Silver Company] ... " [with no relevant illustrations]. The Sandy Creek News (Sandy Creek, New York), p. 2. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00625-27). |
1930s | 1936 - spotlighted article mentionSnow, William G. (17 April 1936). Meriden’s silverware industry history [with mention of Rogers & Hamilton Co.]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page numbers. (Viewed 30 December 2020. D01699). 1936 - article mention(17 April 1936). International Silver Co. [with mention of Rogers & Hamilton Co.]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 25 November 2020. D01700). |
1940s |
1947 - secondary sourceMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). "Holmes, Booth & Haydens" mentions, (pp. 146-47, 155). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. 388 pp. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1947 - secondary sourceMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). "Rogers & Hamilton" mention, (p. 118). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. 388 pp. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1960s | 1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "C. A. Hamilton" (president of Rogers & Hamilton), (p. 65). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. L01882-83; L01896).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Holmes, Booth & Haydens" [Rogers & Hamilton predecessor, with marks including "Sterling Silver Plate Co.", "Union Silver Plate Co."], (p. 74). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. L01882-83; L01898).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "International Silver Co." [with mention of Rogers & Hamilton Co.], (pp. 82-3). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 12 August 2020. L01882-83 L01900-01).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Rogers & Hamilton Co." [with marks], (p. 148). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. L01882-83; L01916).
1968 - magazine articleHodgson, Beulah D. (February 1968). [Rogers Brothers, The International Silver Company (/ Meriden Britannia), Meriden, Conn.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 13 September 2017. G00209.)
1970s |
1977 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1977). On "Rogers & Hamilton", [pp. 55, 158, 168-69 (see excerpt above)]. In An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1977 - advertisementEdmond C. Starch, Executor, presumably New Madison, Ohio area. (9 March 1977). Advertisement: "Large executor sale; Saturday 19, 1977... Silver ware... Rogers & Hamilton... " [with no illustrations]. Greenville Daily Advocate (Greenville, Ohio), p. 14, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 11 October 2021. D01836).
1980s |
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. (Numerous mentions of Rogers-related companies, numerous photos and illustrations of designs, many reprinted trade catalogue pages showing designs. An essential reference.) (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). On "The Rogers Brothers", (pp. 161-70; other mentions in book’s index; including reproduced illustration of William, Asa, and Simeon Rogers; adverts; b/w photos of spoons, building illustrations; and photo of Meriden Britannia building). In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. (Updated 17 April 2017. DM.)
2000s | 2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "C. A. Hamilton" (president of Rogers & Hamilton), (p. 97). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. A02921).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Holmes, Booth & Haydens" (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor), (p. 108). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 14 August 2017. A02923; A02923b; A02923c.)
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "International Silver Company" [with mention of Rogers & Hamilton Co.], (p. 116-20). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. A02925a-c(-)27a-c).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Rogers & Hamilton Co." [with marks], (pp. 204-05). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 21 July 2020. A02878a(-b); H01517).
n. d. | n. d. - map(Undated). Fire insurance map [re. Holmes, Booth & Hayden (Rogers & Hamilton predecessor)]. (Viewed 21 July 2020. A02437).
On Rogers & Hamilton / Holmes, Booth & Haydens - 1: designs in collections, etc. | 2: design catalogues, etc.