Rogers & Bro. / Rogers & Brother design catalogues and historical information
Marks, patterns, patents, advertisements & more concerning the legacy.
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 28 April 2016 | Updated 23 December 2021
LINK: Rogers & Brother designs in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions
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Above, left, cover of Rogers & Bro 1892 catalogue. Right, cover of Rogers & Bro. 1882 price list. For more information, see listings below.
"In the summer of 1858, [the firm of Rogers & Brother was established]... for many years the plant in Waterbury was considered the most complete silverplating production facility in the country. Their line of flatware was stamped (Star) Rogers & Bro. A less expensive grade was trademarked R & B (Rogers & Bro.)... [Rogers & Brother became part of the International Silver Company in 1898. On 1 January 1938,] the original factory was utilized until the equipment was moved to Meriden and combined with other factories located there."
— Edmund P. Hogan in An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company (1977), p. 162. (See entry below.)
Rogers & Brother design catalogues and historical information (by year) [1]
Rogers & Bro.; additional mark: Manor Plate.
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1850s |
Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(c. 1858-). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines. (Updated 26 April 2020. C01290; D01210; D01213).
1860s |
1860 - patent - improvements in burnishing-machinesAlbert M. White, assignor to Rogers & Brother, Waterbury and Hartford Manufacturing Company, Hartford. (20 November 1860). Letters patent no. 30,707: Improvements in burnishing-machines. (Viewed 13 March 2018. AAA01109.)
1864 - design catalogueBliven, Mead & Co. (1864). Bliven, Mead & Co.’s illustrated catalogue and price list [including Rogers & Brother plated spoons, forks, etc., (p. 418)]. 499 pp. (Viewed 15 May 2020. H01525-28). 1865 advertisementsSee the ads 1865 - advertisementSwiler & Burgh, Rock Island, IL. (4 October 1865). Advertisement: "Splendid stock... Rogers & Bro’s ... celebrated Silver Plated Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Argus (Rock Island, Illinois), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 19 January 2021. F01727).
1865 - advertisementSwiler & Burgh, Rock Island, IL. (2 November 1865). Advertisement: "... Splendid stock of ... Rogers & Bro’s... celebrated silver plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Argus (Rock Island, IL), p. , col. 6. (Viewed 18 July 2021. E00785). 1865 - advertisementSwiler & Burgh, Rock Island, IL. (24 November 1865). Advertisement: "Splendid stock... Rogers & Bro’s ... celebrated Silver Plated Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Argus (Rock Island, Illinois), p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 19 January 2021. F01729).
1866 - news mention(17 August 1866). Fire in Broadway news [mention: "... no. 203 Broadway... The second floor and a part of the fifth floor are occupied by Rogers & Brother... Stock damaged about $500 ... " New York Herald, p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 22 June 2020. L01457). 1866 advertisementsSee the ads 1866 - advertisementClark & Saylor, Jewelers, Chicago, IL. (presumably 30 April 1866). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bros.’ Silver-plated goods... " [with no illustrations]. The Milwaukee News, presumably p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 9 July 2021. F01724).
1866 - advertisementClark & Saylor, Jewelers, Chicago, IL. (2 May 1866). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bros.’ Silver-plated goods... " [with no illustrations]. The Milwaukee News, presumably p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 9 July 2021. F01728).
1867 advertisementsSee the ads 1867 - classified advertisementJ. G. Womble & Co., presumably Norfolk, VA. (3 July 1867). Classified advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro’s Plated Casters... " Norfolk Virginian (Norfolk, VA), p. 1, col. 3. (Viewed 23 December 2021. C01464).
1867 - advertisementWarne, Cheever & Co. (6 December 1867). Advertisement: "Wholesale hardware, cutlery... Rogers & Bro’s Plated Spoons and Forks... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Kansas Tribune (Lawrence, KS), p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 8 November 2020. F01725).
1867 - advertisementP. R. Bennett, Jr., presumably Urbana, OH. (25 December 1867). Advertisement: "Rogers & Bro.’s Spoons and Forks... You will notice the difference... " [with no illustrations]. Urbana Union (Urbana, Ohio), p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 12 January 2021. F01723). 1867 - advertisementN. H. Jepson’s, Urbana, OH. (25 December 1867). Advertisement: "Look at the mark!!! ... Tablespoons and Forks are stamped ’Rogers & Bro. A. 1’ ... " [with no illustrations]. Urbana Union (Urbana, Ohio), presumably p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01545). 1868 advertisementsSee the ads 1868 - advertisementF. R. Bennett, Jr., presumably Urbana, OH. (1 January 1868). Rogers & Bro.’s spoons and forks ("... I have sold spoons and forks with this mark ’Rogers & Bro. A. 1.’ ... 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] ... "). Urbana Union (Urbana, Ohio), p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 31 October 2020. F01722).
1868 - advertisementWarne, Cheever & Co., St. Louis, MO. (3 January 1868). Advertisement: "Wholesale hardware, cutlery... Rogers & Bro’s plated spoons and forks... " [with no illustrations]. Daily Tribune (Lawrence, KS), presumably p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 9 July 2021. C01453).
1869 advertisementsSee the ads 1869 - advertisementJ. F. Tozer, presumably Union, NY. (18 August 1869). Advertisement: "... Fine Silver Ware... Rogers & Brother... " [with no illustrations]. The Union Weekly News (Union, New York), presumably p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 14 October 2018. B01049-50). 1869 - advertisementCollingwood & Strang, Elmira, NY. (20 December 1869). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... Rogers & Brother..." [with no illustrations]. Daily Advertiser (Elmira, New York), presumably p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 21 April 2020. D01233-34). |
1870s |
1870 advertisementsSee the ads 1870 - advertisementJepson’s, presumably Urbana, OH. (16 February 1870). Text-based advertisement: "The best is the cheapest Rogers & Brother’s, Silver-plated Spoons & Forks are the best. Jepson’s has a large stock..." Urbana Union (Urbana, Ohio), presumably p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 23 April 2020. C01204). 1870 - advertisementT. Davey, Mineral Point, WI. (20 October 1870). Advertisement: "... Rogers and Brothers’ [sic] Silver-Ware! ... " [with no illustration]. Mineral Point Tribune (Mineral Point, Wisconsin), p. 4, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 7 May 2020. H01421-22). 1871 advertisementsSee the ads 1871 - advertisementJ. B. Storer & Co., Akron, OH. (18 January 1871). Advertisement: "For the Holidays... Rogers & Bro.’s, Best Plated Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Summit County Beacon (Akron, Ohio), p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 21 January 2021. C01456).
1871 - advertisementHulburd, Herrick & Co., Chicago, IL. (11 April 1871). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. Heavy-Plated Ware, Forks, Spoons, Castors, &c. ... " [with no illustrations]. Chicago Evening Mail (Chicago, Illinois), p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 21 January 2021. C01457).
1871 - advertisementW. D. Sproesser, Jr., presumably Watertown, WI. (20 September 1871). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Republican (Watertown, WI), presumably p. 2, col. 8. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01546). 1872 advertisementsSee the ads 1872 - advertisementG. D. Keller, Hagerstown, Maryland. (2 March 1872). Advertisement: "... Table and pocket cutlery, Rogers & Bro’s; Extra Plated Forks and Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. Shephardstown Register (Shepherdstown, West Virginia), p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 19 January 2021. C01459).
1872 - text-based advertisementG. H. Smith, presumably Knoxville, TN. (presumably 7 April 1872). Advertisement: "... just received an elegant stock of Silver Goods from the celebrated manufactories of... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no illustrations]. Knoxville Daily Chronicle (Knoxville, Tennessee), presumably p. 4, col. 3. (Viewed 12 November 2021. C01460).
1872 - advertisementW. D. Sproesser, Jr., presumably Watertown, WI. (presumably 15 May 1872). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. Plated Ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Republican / The Watertown News (Watertown, Wisconsin), presumably p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 12 November 2021. C01461).
1872 - advertisementHenry Sears & Co., Chicago, IL. (28 June 1872). Advertisement: "... Cutlery! ... Agency; Rogers & Bro.’s ... " [with no illustrations]. Quad-City Times (Davenport, Iowa), p. 4, col. 5. (Viewed 11 December 2021. C01463).
1872 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (16 December 1872). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Silver Plated Goods of Every Description; 203 Broadway, N. Y.; near Fulton Street; Offer an extensive line of first class Ware, suitable for Holiday Presents" [with illustration of trademark]. Brooklyn Union (New York), presumably p. 4, col. 10. (Viewed 11 December 2021. C01462).
1872 - advertisementBailey & Parmenters, Rutland, VT. (19 December 1872). Advertisement: "New goods. New goods... Holiday Trade... Silver goods... Rogers & [Brother, presumably]. Rutland Weekly Herald (Rutland, VT), presumably p. 6, col. 7. (Viewed 16 June 2020. D01478). 1873 - design catalogue section(1873, handwritten). Section: "Rogers & Brother’s plated spoons, forks, etc.", (pp. 534-36. In The Hart, Bliven & Mead Manufacturing Co.’s catalogue and price list (Sample and salesrooms, 18 & 20 Cliff Street; Offices and Warehouse, 243 & 245 Pearl Street, New York.) (Viewed 31 March 2018. AAA01686; AAA01690-91). 1873 advertisementsSee the ads 1873 - advertisementOgle & Miller, auctioneers, Wilmington, DE. (3 January 1873). Text-based advertisement: "Sale of Silver Plated Ware ... These goods are from the celebrated manufactory of Rogers & Bro., at Waterbury, Conn., and the Meriden Silver Plating Works... " Daily Gazette (Wilmington, Delaware), p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 20 January 2021. C01472).
1873 - advertisementT. D. Bradley, presumably Carbondale, PA. (18 January 1873). Advertisement: "... dealer in... solid silver and Rogers & Brother’s plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Carbondale Advance (Carbondale, PA), presumably p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 8 July 2021. C01470).
1873 - advertisementBailey & Parmenters, Rutland, VT. (5 June 1873). Advertisement: "New goods. New goods... Holiday Trade... Silver goods... Rogers & [Brother, presumably]. Rutland Weekly Herald (Rutland, VT), presumably p. 8, col. 5. (Viewed 16 June 2020. D01479). 1873 - advertisementT. D. Bradley, presumably Carbondale, PA. (2 August 1873). Advertisement: "... dealer in... solid silver and Rogers & Brother’s plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Carbondale Leader (Carbondale, PA), presumably p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 8 July 2021. C01471).
1874 - directory listing(1874). Listing: "Spoon manufacturers... Rogers & Bros.", (p. 304). (Search directory for other possible listings.) In The Connecticut Business Directory for 1874. Briggs & Co.: Boston. (Viewed 19 October 2020. F01535; F01551). 1874 advertisementsSee the ads 1874 - advertisementE. E. Fischer, presumably Los Angeles. (3 January 1874). Advertisement: "... Silver-plated ware... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no illustrations]. Los Angeles Herald, presumably p. 3. (Viewed 9 July 2021. C01474).
1874 - advertisementE. E. Fischer, presumably Los Angeles. (6 January 1874). Advertisement: "... Silver-plated ware... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no illustrations]. Los Angeles Herald, presumably p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01547). 1875 advertisementsSee the ads 1875 - advertisementAdams & Company, Brooklyn, NY. (8 May 1875). Advertisement: "... Agents for... Rogers & Brother electro plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Eagle, p. 2, col. 4. (Viewed 22 April 2020. D01271-72). 1875 - advertisementGreenwood & Bro., presumably Norfolk, VA. (6 June 1875). Advertisement: "Silver Plated Ware... Just received from the factory of Rogers & Bro. an assortment of Plated Ware, [T]ilting Pitchers, Cake Baskets... " [with no illustrations]. The Norfolk Virginian (Norfolk, VA), presumably p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 22 December 2021. C01477).
1875 - advertisementBradford & Anthony, Boston, MA. (17 June 1875). Advertisement: "... Have the largest and most complete assortment of... Roger & Brother’s Waterbury, silver-plated spoons, forks and knives... " [with no related product illustrations]. Boston Daily Globe, p. 15, col. 1. (Viewed 24 July 2021. C01476).
1875 - advertisementDuhme & Co., Cincinnati, OH. (18 September 1875). Advertisement: "Rogers & Brother’s Spoons and Forks, Made of the Finest Quality Nickel Silver, Heavily Plated with Pure Silver... The new patterns are very stylish... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Daily Star (Ohio), p. 5, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 21 January 2021. C01475).
1875 - advertisementF. O. Bailey, Auctioneers, Portland, ME. (24 December 1875). Advertisement: "Peremptory Sale of a Manufacturer’s and Wholesale Dealer’s Stock of Triple Silver Plated Ware & Table Cutlery At Auction... Rogers & Brother ... " [with no illustrations]. Portland Daily Press (Portland, Maine), presumably p. 3, col. 8. (Viewed 19 December 2021. Q01029).
1876 - mapC. H. Vogt. (1876). View of the city of Waterbury, Conn: 1876 [including illustration of Rogers & Bros. Spoon & Fork Manuf’y, and no. 34 on map]. O. H. Bailey & Co. (Viewed 2 October 2020. E01639-40). 1876 advertisementsSee the ads 1876 - advertisementL. W. Thatcher, Los Angeles. (20 January 1876). Advertisement: "... Solid Silver Ware, Rogers & Bro.’s Silver Plated Ware... " [with no related illustrations]. Los Angeles Herald, unknown page number, col. 6. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00942-43). 1876 - two advertisementsRogers & Bro. (19 & 20 December 1876). Advertisement: "Rogers & Bro.; 690 Broadway; Manufacture reliable; Electro Silver Plate of artistic designs, elegant finish, and in great variety" [with no illustrations]. New York Tribune. (Viewed 14 April 2020. D01115-16).
1877 - revised price list (missing)Rogers & Brother. (1877). Revised price list. [Showing the following patterns: Antique, Beaded, Cottage, Crown, Fiddle, Gothic, Ivy (or Grape), Lily, Olive, Oval Thread, Persian, Plain, Princess, Roman, Threaded, Tipped, Tuscan, and Windsor.] Number of pages unknown. [No known copy in a public library.] (Viewed 22 August 2018. L00687-94).
1877 advertisementsSee the ads 1877 - advertisementDuhme & Co., Cincinnati, OH. (7 March 1877). Advertisement: "Rogers & Bro.’s Plated Spoons and Forks... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Daily Star (Ohio), p. 4, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 22 January 2021. C01480).
1877 - advertisementAug. Gehring, Carlisle, PA. (29 March 1877). Advertisement: "... A well-selected stock of ... Rogers & Bro.’s Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc., constantly on hand... " [with no illustrations]. Carlisle Weekly Herald (Carlisle, PA), presumably p. 3, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 30 June 2021. C01481).
1877 - advertisementC. W. Chappell, presumably Watertown, WI. (28 November 1877). Advertisement: "Notice; I have just received from Rogers & Bro. a large stock of Silver Plated Ware which cannot be surpassed for beauty and quality... " [with no illustrations]. The Republican (Watertown, WI), presumably p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01548). 1877-94 - trade cardRogers & Brother. (1877-94). Trade card - A-1. In "Scrapbook of trade cards, 1877-1894". (Updated 18 April 2017. A02004-05.) 1878 advertisementsSee the ads 1878 - listingsRogers & Brother. (c. February & March 1878). Listing (in full): "Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware. 690 Broadway." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 31 August 2018. G00502; E00247.)
1878 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother. (c. April-June 1878). Advertisements: "Rogers & Bro., Manufacturers of First-Class Electro-Plate, No. 690 Broadway, near Fourth Street, New York..." [no product illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 31 August 2018. G00509; G00513; G00517.)
1878 - two listingsRogers & Brother. (c. July - August 1878). Listing (in full): "Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware. 690 Broadway." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 31 August 2018. G00522; G00526.)
1878 - two advertisementsRogers & Brother. (c. September-October 1878). Advertisements: "Rogers & Bro., Manufacturers of First-Class Electro-Plate, No. 690 Broadway, near Fourth Street, New York..." [no product illustrations.] The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 31 August 2018. G00529; G00533.)
1878 - listingRogers & Brother. (c. November 1878). Listing (in full): "Manufacturers of the finest quality of Electro-Plated Ware. 690 B’way." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. lx. (Viewed 31 August 2018. G00502.) 1878 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (c. December 1878). Advertisement: "Rogers & Bro., Have now in stock a full line of new low priced attractive Goods in Electro-Silver Plate..." [no product illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. xxxii. (Viewed 31 August 2018. G00540.) 1879 - news mention(October 1879). Business notes (mentioning that Cross & Beguelin, presumably in New York, have added the Rogers & Brother flatware and hollow ware lines to their business). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 176. (Viewed 7 September 2018. C00284-85.) 1879 - design catalogueMiddletown Plate Company (1879). Illustrated catalogue and price list of fine electro silver plate on hard white metal [including flatware manufactured by Rogers & Brother]. 117 pp. (Updated 18 April 2017. A00670-71; A00840.)
1879 - design catalogue reprintMiddletown Plate Co. (1879). Illustrated catalogue and price list of fine electro silver plate on hard white metal [including flatware manufactured by Rogers & Brother]. 118 pp. "Reprint" in Trade catalogues at Winterthur (microform), (v. 1) (1984). Clearwater Pub. Co.: New York. (Updated 18 April 2017. A00518; A00902; A00904.) [2]
1879 advertisementsSee the ads 1879 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother. (January - March 1879). Advertisement: "... now in stock a full like of new low priced attractive goods..." [no product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 31 August 2018. B00295; B00300; E00234).
1879 - two advertisementsRogers & Brother. (c. April - May 1879). Advertisement: The "Newport..." [with three illustrations showing the pattern]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 30 August 2018. E00239; E00243).
1879 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (c. June 1879). Advertisement: "... first class silver plated ware..." [no product illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. xxiv. (Viewed 30 August 2018. E00246).
1879 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of first class silver plated ware..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. xxvii. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00250).
1879 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "... A full line of new and desireable goods in electro-silver plate... price lists..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. xxxii. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00254).
1879 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "The ’Newport’..." [with three illustrations of spoons, Newport pattern]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. xxxiv. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00258).
1879 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "... Silver plated ware for fall and holiday trade..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. xlii. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00263).
1879 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of fine electro silver plate..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. xliii. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00269).
1879 - advertisementDavid F. Conover & Co., Philadelphia. (c. July - December 1879). Advertisement: "... wholesale agents for Rogers & Brother’s flat and hollow ware..." [no related illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. vi. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00275).
1879 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (September 1879). Advertisement: "Ask for the ’Newport’...." [with three illustrations of the pattern]. The Art Amateur, v. 1, no. 1. (Viewed 4 March 2017. A01597-98.) 1879 - patent - design for spoons and forksHenry W. Hirschfeld, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (22 April 1879; filed 17 February 1879). Design no. 11,171: Design for spoons and forks. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02489).
1880s |
1880 advertisementsSee the ads 1880 - advertisement and directory listingRogers & Brother. (1880). Advertisement: ".... Incorporated 1859... Manufacturer of German Silver and Silver Plated Goods... Waterbury... New York... " [with no illustrations], (p. XIV). (Also, listed in Stock Companies section, p. 184). (Search directory for possible other listings.) In Waterbury Directory. Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 20 October 2020. F01554-56). 1880 - advertisementDavid F. Conover & Co., Philadelphia. (c. January 1880). Advertisement: "... wholesale agents for Rogers & Brother’s flat and hollow ware..." [no R&B illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. v. (Viewed 31 August 2018. E00271).
1880 - text-based advertisementFishel, Bro. & Co., Riverhead, NY. (15 July 1880). Advertisement: "Rogers & Brothers’ [sic] best Plated Ware..." [with no illustrations.] Long Island Traveler, unknown page number, col. 2. (Viewed 29 June 2019. E00944- 1880 - patent - die for compressing fork-blanksWilliam W. White, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (14 September 1880; filed 28 April 1880). Letters patent no. 232,320: Die for compressing fork-blanks. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02488).
1881 advertisementsSee the ads 1881 - advertisementHorace Partridge & Co., Boston. (1881). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro.’s Silver Plated Table and Dessert Knives, Forks, Spoons, Sugar Shells, Pickle Forks, Fish and Pie Knives, Soup Ladles, etc. ... " [with no illustrations]. Somerville City Directory (Somerville, Massachusetts), 2nd advertisement after p. 104. (Viewed 28 May 2020. H01751-52). 1881 - advertisementHapgood’s, Peru, VT. (10 February 1881). Advertisement: "Rogers & Bro.’s Silver Knives, Forks, Spoons and Hollow Ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Manchester Journal (Manchester, Vermont), p. 4, col. 3. (Viewed 21 January 2021. C01483).
1881 - advertisementC. F. Greenwood & Bro., presumably Norfolk, VA. (7 April 1881). Advertisement: "... the arrival during the week... Rogers & Bro. triple plated-ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Norfolk Landmark (Norfolk, VA), presumably p. 2, col. 6. (Viewed 12 July 2021. C01484).
1882 - design catalogueRogers & Brother. (1882). Price list of Rogers & Brother. Waterbury, CT, 64 pp. (Viewed 28 April 2016. A00465; AAA00014.) 1882 advertisementsSee the ads 1882 - advertisementR. Hampton & Co.’s, Brewsters, NY. (21 April 1882). 1882). Advertisement: "... We make a specalty of Rogers & Brother’s celebrated Silver Plate Ware... " [with no illustrations]. The Putnam County Standard (Brewster, New York), p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 22 April 2020. D01273). 1882 - advertisementJewelry Palace, Cincinnati, OH. (9 December 1882). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with possibly relevant illustration]. The Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio), p. 5. (Viewed 1 June 2019. C00893; C00896).
1883 advertisementsSee the ads 1883 - advertisementHenry Austin, presumably Greenville, PA. (5 January 1883). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Brother’s plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. Shenango Valley News (Greenville, Pennsylvania), p. 4, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 5 January 1883. C01488).
1883 - advertisementClarke, Conrad & Curtin, Helena, MT. (26 April 1883). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro.’s plated ware... " [with no related product illustrations]. Rocky Mountain Husbandman (Diamond City, MT), p. 6, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01549). 1883 - advertisementChapman & Gale’s, presumably Norfolk, VA. (presumably 29 April 1883). Advertisement: "... The finest goods for the least money... Rogers & Bro’s Silver Plated ware..." [with no illustrations]. Norfolk Virginian (Norfolk, Virginia), presumably p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 23 December 2021. D01860).
1883 - advertisementHenry Austin, presumably Greenville, PA. (7 September 1883). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Brother’s plated ware... " [with no illustrations]. Shenango Valley News (Greenville, Pennsylvania), p. 8, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 5 January 1883. C01489).
1883 - two advertisementsDan’l D. Horton, Catskill, NY. (30 November & 14 December 1883). Advertisements: 4,000 square feet of shelving packed with goods! Holiday goods ... Silver Ware ... Representing Rogers & Bro.’s goods ... " [with illustration of presumably castor, possibly by the company]. The Catskill Recorder (Catskill, New York). (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00036-37).
1884 - design catalogueD.C. Percival & Company. (1884). Wholesale dealers in watches, gold and plated jewelry, gold chains & silver goods, gold head canes & optical goods, Rogers & Brother silver plated flat ware : price list. 43 pp. Boston, MA: D.C. Percival & Company. (Viewed 6 May 2017. A02394.) 1884 - historical map(1884). Waterbury, Connecticut map, (map 20 showing "Rogers & Brother" along the Mad River). Sanborn Map & Publishing Co. 31 leaves. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01541-42.)
1884 advertisementsSee the ads 1884 - two advertisementsRogers & Brother. (January & February 1884). Advertisements: "’The Saratoga’ — Patented, made by Rogers & Brother, 690 Broadway, New York..." (with illustrations). The Jewelers’ Circular. (Viewed 19 September 2017. G00478; G00483.)
1884 - advertisementProwse & Bronson, Herkimer, NY. (2 January 1884). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro.’s Silver Plated Ware; Such as Knives and Forks, Castors, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Nut Picks, Fruit Knives... " [with no illustrations]. Herkimer Democrat (Herkimer, New York), presumably p. 4, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00035). 1885 - news mention(October 1885). Trade gossip (including a paragraph on Rogers & Brother and current line.) The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 296. (Viewed 8 September 2018. C00299-300). 1885 advertisementsSee the ads 1885 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton, Boston, MA. (13 September 1885). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... Rogers & Bro. Silver Plated Table Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Boston Daily Globe, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 31 October 2020. F01721).
1885 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton, Boston, MA. (20 September 1885). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware... Rogers & Bro. Silver Plated Table Ware... " [with no illustrations]. Boston Daily Globe, p. 3, col. 8. (Viewed 31 October 2020. F01720).
1885 - advertisementMcKenney, The Jeweler, Portland, ME. (14 October 1885). Advertisement: "... Silver Plated Ware, Rogers & Bro.... Tea Spoons... Dessert Spoons... Table Spoons... " [with no illustrations]. The Press (Portland, ME), presumably p. 2, col. 7. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01550). 1886 articlesSee the articles 1886 - news mention(March 1886). Trade gossip (with mention about Rogers & Brother announcing new designs). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 65. (Viewed 5 September 2018. F00274). 1886 - news mention(October 1886). Trade gossip (including a paragraph about Rogers & Brother and their new Assyrian pattern). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 333. (Viewed 6 September 2018. C00275.) 1886 advertisementsSee the ads 1886 - advertisementE. J. Lehmann, "The Fair", Chicago, IL. (4 April 1886). Advertisement: "Specialties from our Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery Depts. ... Rogers & Bro. ... teaspoons... tablespoons... forks... After-Dinner Coffee spoons... Soup Ladles... Pie Knives... Crumb Scrapers... Fish Knives... Berry Spoons... Ice Tongs... " [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 1. (Viewed 1 June 2019. C00899).
1886 - advertisementRogers & Brother, 690 Broadway, New York. (16 December 1886). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Brother... " [with no illustrations]. New York Tribune (New York, NY), p. 8, col. 5. (Viewed 28 May 2019. C00812-13). 1887 - silverware flatware displayRogers & Brother. (1887). Silverware flatware display. Silver plate and paper. (Accession no. 96.42.2. Viewed 30 August 2017. G00090.) 1887 advertisementsSee the ads 1887 - two advertisementsBoston Variety Store, presumably Washington, DC. (16, 17 November 1887). Advertisements: "... We display a line of Silver and Plated Ware second to none... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 26 June 2019. E00869-72).
1887 - two advertisementsBoston Variety Store, Washington, DC. (19, 21 November 1887). Advertisement: "... Thanksgiving is coming... Rogers & Bro. ..." [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01156-58).
1888 articlesSee the articles 1888 - news mention(May 1888). Trade gossip (with paragraph about Rogers & Brother and popularity of Assyrian pattern). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 86. (Viewed 6 September 2018. C00252-53). 1888 - news mention(August 1888). Trade gossip (including paragraph about Rogers & Brother and new patterns). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 91. (Viewed 6 September 2018. C00262.) 1888 - news mention(November 1888). Trade gossip (including paragraph on Rogers & Brother and mention of products). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 119. (Viewed 8 September 2018. L00735-36). 1888 - news mention(December 1888). Trade gossip (including mention of Rogers & Brother and their "elegant store", "one of the sights of the city" at 16 Cortlandt street, New York). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 112. (Viewed 9 September 2018. L00742-43.) 1888 advertisementsSee the ads 1888 - advertisementJ. E. Ingram, St. Paul, MN. (5 January 1888). Advertisement: "Silverware! ... I offer Rogers & Bro. ... tea spoons... table spoons... dessert forks... " [with no illustrations]. St. Paul Daily Globe, p. 5, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01551). 1888 - advertisementD. C. Percival & Co., Boston, MA. (13 March 1888). Advertisement: "... Wholesale dealers in ... Rogers & Brother; Silver Plated Flat Ware" [with no illustrations]. Boston Globe (Massachusetts), p. 13, col. 2. (Viewed 21 January 2021. C01490).
1888 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton, Boston, MA. (9 December 1888). Advertisement: "... Silver Ware... A large assortment... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Boston Sunday Globe, p. 3, col. 4. (Viewed 29 October 2020. F01665).
1888 - patent - rack for electroplatingWilliam W. White, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (19 June 1888; filed 27 February 1888). Letters patent no. 384,806; serial no. 265,431: Rack for electroplating. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02487).
1889 - historical information and photo of building(1889). On "Rogers & Brother", [pp. 28 (description of company) and photo of building (unnumbered page)]. Waterbury and her industries. Fifty attractive and carefully selected views. (Viewed 3 March 2017. A01535; A01537.) 1889 - news mention(January 1889). Trade gossip (with mention of Rogers & Brother in New York and strong sales). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 79. (Viewed 5 September 2018. F00278-79). 1889 advertisementsSee the ads 1889 - advertisementW. E. Cawood, Jeweler, Toledo, OH. (4 October 1889). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. brand; knives and forks, best [triple] plate... " [with no illustrations]. Perrysburg Journal (Perrysburg, OH), presumably p. 3, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01552). 1889 - classified advertisementJ. F. Ingham, presumably St. Paul, MN. (4 December 1889). Advertisement: "Situations wanted... Thursday, Dec. 5th. I will sell 24 sets only Rogers & Bro. extra plate... " The Saint Paul Daily Globe (St. Paul, MN), p. 7, col. 2. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00058).
Click the following link to see the parallel webpage - Rogers & Brother in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions. |
1890s |
1890 - news mention(September 1890). The death of Horace Wilcox ["The king of the silverware trade is dead", with reference to Meriden Britannia Company and mention of Rogers & Brother]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 31-2. (Viewed 4 September 2018. F00249-52). 1890 advertisementsSee the ads 1890 - text-based advertisementR. N. Blair, Lincoln, NE. (23 March 1890). Text-based advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. triple plate Knives... Forks... Spoons... " The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, NE), p. 6, col. 3. (Viewed 21 January 2021. R00059).
1890 - two advertisementsA. & J. Plaut, Cincinnati, OH. (6 & 7 September 1890). Advertisement: "Fall offering! ... Silver-Plated Table Ware... Rogers & Bro[s]. Cutlery.... " [with no illustrations]. Cincinnati Enquirer. (Viewed 21 June 2019. C00995-96).
1891 advertisementsSee the ads 1891 - two advertisementsRogers & Brother. (February 1891). Advertisement: "... Oldest brand made... price lists... " [with illustrations of Tuxedo pattern fork and two spoons]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 1 September 2018. B00287; E00278).
1891 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother. (February 1891). Advertisement: "... Oldest brand and highest grade of electro silver plate..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 1 September 2018. B00290; E00282; E00287).
1891 - two advertisementsRogers & Brother. (March 1891). Advertisement: "... Star brand genuine Rogers’ goods..." [First advert: with illustrations of eight spoons showing Assyrian, Coral, Daisy, Dundee, Embossed, Owl, Siren and Venetian patterns; second advert: Assyrian, Belle, Coral, Dundee, Embossed, Lily of the Valley, Siren and Venetian.] The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 1 September 2018. E00293; E00297).
1891 - two advertisementsRogers & Brother. (18 March, 25 March 1891). Advertisement: "... Oldest brand and highest grade..." [no illustrations]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 1 September 2018. H00379; H00383).
c. 1891 - missing price listRogers & Brother. (c. 1891). [Price list]. Number of pages unknown. [No copy known to be in a public library]. (Viewed 1 September 2018. B00290). 1892 - design catalogueRogers & Brother. (1892). Price list of the celebrated Rogers & Bro. A-1 electro silver plated spoons, forks, knives, etc. 124 pp. (Viewed 2 May 2016. A00521; AAA00023.) 1892 articlesSee the articles May 1892 - magazine article(25 May 1892). The manufacture of silver-plated flatware; An exposition of the processes employed in the works of Rogers & Bro., Waterbury, Conn. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, pp. 40-45. (Viewed 27 September 2017; G00738-40.) June 1892 - news mention(1 June 1892). Connecticut concerns that have applied for space at Chicago [World’s Fair]. [Mention of Rogers & Brother.] The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 12. (Viewed 28 August 2018. H00366-67). 1892 advertisementsSee the ads 1892 - four advertisementsRogers & Brother. (April 1892). Advertisement: "... Original Star Brand... 16 Cortlandt St., New York..." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 27 September 2017. G00715; G00720; G00724; G00728.)
1892 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother. (May 1892). Advertisements: "Rogers & Bro. A.1..." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 27 September 2017. G00492; G00497; G00731.)
1892 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother. (May-June 1892). Advertisements: "Original - Genuine Rogers & Bro. A.1. ..." (with seven illustrations of cutlery showing Savoy, Shell, and Tuxedo patterns). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00737; G00744; G00757.)
1892 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother. (June 1892). Advertisements: "Rogers & Bro. A.1..." The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00749; G00752; G00755).
1892 - advertisementHoughton & Dutton, Boston, MA. (6 November 1892). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Rogers & Brother ... " [with no illustrations]. Boston Daily Globe, p. 3. (Viewed 6 June 2019. E00759).
1892 - patent - design for a spoonEdward W. Shannon, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (19 April 1892; filed 22 March 1892). Design no. 21,472; serial no. 426,000: Design for a spoon. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02486).
1893 - design catalogueRogers & Brother. (1893). Price List... Electro silver Plated Forks, Spoons, Knives... etc. Number of pages unknown. (Updated 18 April 2017. A01781.) 1893 - Rogers & Brother in Columbian Exhibition(1893). "Rogers & Brother" (Waterbury) as exhibitor, (p. 28). In: World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893 (Chicago), Official catalogue, Part VIII. W. B. Conkey Company: Chicago. (Viewed 8 January 2017. A00850; A01460) 1893 - World’s Fair, Chicago brochureRogers & Brother. (1893). Silverplated spoons and forks [brochure from the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Approx. 4 pp. (Viewed 28 June 2018. AAA03376-18). 1893 - historical informationD.H. Hurd & Co. (1893). "Rogers & Brother", Waterbury, CT (p. 215) and building illustration. In Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. (Viewed 8 January 2017. A00514; A01454-55)
"ROGERS & BROTHER, Waterbury: Asa H. Rogers was the first man of the name of Rogers to experiment and acquire a practical knowledge of the art of Electro Silver Plating. He began in Hartford, Conn., in 1846. He, with his younger brother, removed to Waterbury in 1858, and organized the present firm of Rogers & Brother, whose Silver Plate Manufactory and Office we illustrate. From small beginning the business has been developed by the Company, until now their annual product is close to $1,000,000 in value of flat ware alone. This Company confine themselves to goods of first quality only, never having made a spoon of low grade. Their name (or trademark), *Rogers & Bro., A1, is a guarantee of excellence, and of course their wares are deservedly popular. Incorporated in 1859. D. B. Hamilton, President and Treasurer; George Rockwell, Secretary.” (See source above.) 1893 - directory listing(1893). "Rogers & Brother" listing. In The New England business directory and gazetteer, [p. 1546 (Silver Plated Ware Manufs.)]. (Sampson, Murdock & Co.: Boston, MA). (Viewed 5 May 2020. H01348-49).
1893 - news mention(July 1893). News mention: "... the magnitude and attractive appearance of the display of silverware... at the Columbian Exposition by Rogers & Brother..." (with illustration of pavilion). House Furnishing Review, p. 55. (Viewed 3 October 2017. G01104.) 1893 advertisementsSee the ads 1893 - advertisementJordan, Marsh & Company, presumably Boston, MA. (8 January 1893). Advertisement: "... Silverware... Tablespoons, ’Rogers & Bro. A1’ ... Butter knives... " [with no product illustrations]. Boston Globe, p. 5, col. 7. (Viewed 17 July 2021. R00060).
1893 - advertisementThe Dry Morse Goods Co., presumably Omaha, NE. (5 May 1893). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. ... knives and forks... teaspoons... tablespoons... " [with no product illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Omaha, NE), p. 8, col. 7. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01553). 1893 - advertisementThe Standard Hardware Co., presumably Akron, OH. (23 December 1893). Advertisement: "Holiday suggestions... Rogers & Bro. silver plated ware... " [with no related product illustration]. The Akron Beacon and Republican (Akron, OH), p. 8, col 1. (Viewed 25 July 2021. R00061).
1893 - patent - design for a spoon, etc.George Rockwell, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (9 May 1893; filed 10 March 1893). Design no. 22,409; serial no. 465,429: Design for a spoon, etc. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02490).
c. 1893 - trade cardRogers & Brother. (c. 1893). Trade card - World’s Fair, Chicago. In "Scrapbook of trade cards, 1861-1895". (Updated 18 April 2017. A02001-02.)
c. 1893 - trade cardRogers & Brother. (c. 1893). Trade card - Silver plated spoons and forks - reference to World’s Columbia Exposition (Chicago, 1893). In "Scrapbook of trade cards, 1861-1895". (Updated 18 April 2017. A02002-03)
1894 - missing design catalogueRogers & Brother. (c. 1894). [Catalogue]. Number of pages unknown. [No copy in a public library known to exist]. (Viewed 29 August 2018. B00235). 1894 advertisementsSee the ads 1894 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (3 January 1894). Advertisement: "Buy only the best electro silver plated flatware..." (no illustrations). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 4. (Viewed 29 August 2018. B00230.) 1894 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother. (17 January, 24 January, 31 January 1894). Advertisements: "Two useful novelties... (with two illustrations showing Columbia pattern salad fork and cold meat fork). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 29 August 2018. B00231-33).
1894 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (7 February 1894). Advertisement. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, back cover. (Viewed 29 August 2018. B00234).
1894 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (14 February 1894). Advertisement: "The old reliable star brand..." (with five illustrations showing Columbia and Savoy patterns). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 3. (Viewed 29 August 2018. B00235). 1894 patentsSee the patents 1894 - patent - design for a handle for spoons, etc.George Rockwell, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (10 April 1894; filed 12 March 1894). Design no. 23,172; serial 503,369: Design for a handle for spoons, etc. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02485).
1894 - patent - design for a spoonGeorge Rockwell, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (17 April 1894; filed 12 March 1894). Design no. 23,196; serial no. 503,370: Design for a spoon. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02491).
1895 - design catalogueRogers & Brother. (1895). Rogers & Bro., A-1 [catalog]. 15 pp. (Viewed 18 April 2017. A02238.) 1895 advertisementsSee the ads 1895 - advertisementH. O. Bailey, Emporia, KS. (21 December 1895). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. triple plate knives and forks... tea spoons... " [with no product illustrations]. The Daily Gazette (Emporia, KS), presumably p. 2, cols. 5-8. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00063).
1895 - advertisementHight & Fairfield Jewelers, Butte, MT. (11 November 1895). Advertisement: "... Here is a Rogers & Bro’s plated tea spoon... " [with illustration of spoon]. The Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, MT), p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01554). 1895 - advertisementWilliamson & Foster, presumably Harrisburg, PA. (21 December 1895). Advertisement: "... A pointer on silverware... We represent the best makers of Silverware in Flatware... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no product illustrations]. Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburg, PA), presumably p. 4, col. 9. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00062).
1896 - historical informationHall, Henry. (1896). “Horace C. Wilcox” (1824-90), director of "Rogers Bro’s" [presumably "Rogers & Brother"] of Waterbury, (p. 872). In America’s successful men of affairs. An encyclopedia of contemporaneous biography (vol II). The New York Tribune. (Viewed 19 April 2016. A00396-97) 1896 advertisementsSee the ads 1896 - five advertisementsRogers & Brother. (7 October, 14 October, 21 October, 28 October, 4 November 1896). Advertisement: "The genuine Rogers electro silver plate..." [with no product illustrations.] The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 30 August 2018. B00276-80.)
1896 - five advertisementsRogers & Brother. (11 November, 18 November, 25 November, 2 December, 9 December 1896). Advertisement: "Rogers & Brother, new pattern, the Navarre... new catalogue..." [with three illustrations; the text in the 3rd to 5th ads is slightly adjusted]. The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 30 August 2018. B00281-85.)
1896 - advertisementRogers & Brother. (26 November 1896). Advertisement: "The Genuine Rogers Electro Silver Plate... Artistic designs... Rogers & Bro., A.1. ... Waterbury, Conn.; No. 16 Cortlandt St., N. Y. ... " [with illustration of fruit fork in Navarre pattern]. The Independent (New York), p. 44. (Viewed 15 July 2019. F00953).
1896 - patent - design for a handle for spoons, etc.George Rockwell. (30 June 1896; filed 27 May 1896). Design no. 25,693; serial no. 593,346: Design for a handle for spoons, etc. [This design may or may not have been utilized by Rogers & Brother.] (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02492).
c. 1896 - missing design catalogueRogers & Brother. (c. 1896). [Catalogue]. Number of pages unknown. [No copy in a public library known to exist.] (Viewed 30 August 2018. B00281.) 1897 advertisementsSee the ads 1897 - advertisementD. D. Williams Co., presumably Emporia, KS. (10 February 1897). Advertisement: "Now is the time to get knives, forks and spoons... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no illustrations]. The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), p. 4, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 23 January 2021. R00065).
1897 - advertisementNugent’s, St. Louis, MO. (11 April 1897). Advertisement: "... Great Easter display of Silverware... a great sale of Rogers & Bro.’s A1 silver-plated table ware... " [with abstract illustration]. [with no specific product illustration]. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, p. 3, col. 7. (Viewed 23 January 2021. R00064).
1897 - advertisementThe Crystal Palace, presumably Los Angeles, CA. (24 November 1897). Advertisement: "For Thanksgiving... Genuine Rogers & Bro. Cutlery... Tea Spoons... Table Spoons... Table Forks... " [with no illustrations]. The Herald (Los Angeles), p. 6, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01555). c. 1897 - historical informationDavis, William T. (Ed.) (c. 1897). On "Rogers & Brother", (pp. 899-900). In The New England states, their constitutional, judicial, educational, commercial, professional and industrial history, vol. 2. Boston: D. H. Hurd & Co. (Viewed 8 June 2017. A02626; A02629-30.) 1898 - book, Rogers & Brother in Columbian Exhibition (1893)(1898). "Rogers & Brother" (exhibitor), (p. 134). In: Connecticut at the World’s Fair: Report of the commissioners from Connecticut of the Columbian Exhibition of 1893 at Chicago. Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company: Hartford, CT. (Viewed 2 March 2017. A01528-31.) 1898 advertisementsSee the ads 1898 - eight advertisementsRogers & Brother. (August - September 1898). 1898). Advertisement: The ’New Century’ [pattern]... [with illustration showing eight pieces of cutlery]. Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review. (Viewed 3 September 2018. C00213; C00220; C00227; C00234; C00240; D00292; D00296; D00299).
1898 - advertisementUp-to-date Department Store, Los Angeles, CA. (21 December 1898). Advertisement: "A phenomenal show... Christmas silverware... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no product illustrations]. Los Angeles Herald, p. 5. (Viewed 23 January 2021. R00066).
1898 - patent - design for a handle for spoons, forks, etc.Chris Silber, assignor to Rogers & Brother. (17 May 1898; filed 11 April 1898). Design no. 28,631; serial no. 677,239: Design for a handle for spoons, forks, etc. (Viewed 24 April 2018. AAA02484).
Rogers & Brother became part of the International Silver Company in 1898. After this date, it is assumed that any design patents utilized by the Rogers & Brother division or brand were assigned to the International Silver Company. (See the ISC historical documentation page). 1899 - news mention(5 April 1899). Middle Atlantic State News, New York (mention: "The removal sale of Rogers & [Bro.’s] [/ International Silver Co.] entire line of hollowware is now going on in their store at 16 Cortlandt street.") The Jewelers Review, p. 432. F01235). 1899 advertisementsSee the ads 1899 - advertisementHenry Wildt, Jeweler and Optician, Alexandria, VA. (8 August 1899). Advertisement: "Rogers & Bro.’s [/ International Silver Co.] celebrated triple, sectional and single plate forks... " [with no illustrations]. Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, VA), p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R01556). 1899 - advertisementFrank E. Fearl, Jeweler, presumably Hutchinson, KS. (21 October 1899). Advertisement: "Rogers’ Flat Ware... International [Silver] Company... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, KS), p. 11, cols. 5-6. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R00067).
1900s |
1900 - design catalogueRogers & Brother / International Silver Co. (1900). [Catalogue], 102 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2020. H01462).
1900 - news mention(5 February 1900). [No article heading; listing Rogers & Brother, Waterbury as "Factory J" of the International Silver Company]. The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 1, col. 7. (Viewed 29 September 2018. B00566-67). 1900 - spotlighted advertisementAldrich, Barton, VT. (26 March 1900). Advertisement: "A true history of Rogers & Bro. ... Rogers Brothers Manufacturing Co. ... Rogers, Smith & Co. ... Meriden Britannia Co. ... 1847 Rogers Brothers... International Silver Co. ... " [with no illustrations]. Orleans County Monitor (Barton, VT), presumably p. 5, cols. 5-6. 1900 advertisementsSee the ads 1900 - advertisementMcKenney, The Jeweler, Portland, ME. (7 June 1900). Advertisement: "Grand Silver Ware Sale... Rogers & Bro. Star Brand [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Portland Daily Press (Portland, ME), p. 10, col. 3. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R01557). 1900 - advertisementWalbridge’s, Buffalo, NY. (21 October 1900). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro.’s [/ International Silver Co.] knives and forks ... " [with abstract illustration]. The Buffalo Courier (Buffalo, NY), p. 17, col. 6. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R00069).
c. 1900 - design catalogueRogers & Brother / ISC. (c. 1900). Knives forks spoons etc.: Rogers & Bro., A-1 (Trade Mark): Made by Rogers & Brother, International Silver Company, successor, Waterbury, Conn. [catalogue no. 104]. 63 pp. (Updated 18 April 2017. A00471) 1901 advertisementsSee the ads 1901 - advertisement mentionSimeon L. and George H. Rogers Company. (18 May 1901). Advertisement: "... Sterling silver and silver plated ware... Facts about Rogers trade-marks... " [with mention of Rogers Bros. Manufacturing Co.; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Rogers & Bro.; Meriden Britannia Co.; Wm. Rogers Manufacturing Co.] [with no product illustrations]. The American Artisan and Hardware Record, p. 7. (Viewed 6 July 2021. R01453). 1901 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (3 June 1901). Advertisement: "For June weddings... Silver-Plated Ware... Rogers & [Bro.] ’Star Brand’ [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News (New York), p. 5, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 27 December 2020. D01632).
1901 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (3 June 1901). Advertisement: "For... June weddings... Rogers & [Bro.’s] [/ International Silver Co.] ’Star Brand’ ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Buffalo Commercial (New York, p. 10, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 13 January 2021. D01807).
1902 advertisementsSee the ads 1902 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (4 September 1902). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Hartford [presumably Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 28 June 2020. F01266). 1902 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (11 December 1902). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Hartford [presumably Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01301). 1903 advertisementsSee the ads 1903 - two advertisementsInternational Silver Company. (January-February 1903). Advertisements: "Makers of Wares of Sterling and Silver Plate... [Factories:] The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., Rogers & Brother, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., The Derby Silver Co., Manhattan Silver Plate Co., The Forbes Silver Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co." House Furnishing Review. (Viewed 7 October 2017. G01135; G01151.)
1903 - four advertisementsInternational Silver Company. (March-June 1903). Advertisements: "... Makers of Wares in Sterling and Silver Plate... [Factories:] The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., Rogers & Brother, Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., The Derby Silver Co., The Forbes Silver Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co., Middletown Plate Co. ..." House Furnishing Review. (Viewed 7 October 2017. G01154; G01159.)
1903 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (10 December 1903). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co. Also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], Lyons, N.Y. [presumably Manhattan Silver Plate Co.] and Canada [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01302). 1904 - design brochureInternational Silver Company / Rogers Bros. [presumably 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia or Rogers & Brother.] (1904). Price list. Spoons, forks, knives, etc. 24 pp. (Viewed 8 May 2017. A02395.) 1904 - news brief(July 1904). News brief: Mystic silverware [about the Mystic pattern by International Silver Company / Rogers & Brother (with illustration).] Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, p. 96. (Viewed 18 September 2017. G00464.) 1904 advertisementsSee the ads 1904 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother / International Silver Company. (July and August 1904). Advertisements: "Leading Jobbers Handle, The Old Reliable Star Brand..." Hardware Dealers’ Magazine. (Updated 1 October September 2017. G00467; G00471; G00979.)
1904 - three advertisementsRogers & Brother / International Silver Company. (October-December 1904). Advertisements: "... The Mystic is furnished in either Burnished or French Grey Finish in a completel line, including Cutlery..." (including illustrations of Mystic pattern spoons and forks.) Hardware Dealers’ Magazine. (Viewed 30 September 2017. G00945; G00950; G00953.)
c. 1904 - missing design catalogueRogers & Brother / International Silver Company. (c. 1904). [no. 76 catalogue]. [Might possibly be catalogue listed above.] (Viewed 18 September 2017. G00467; G00471.)
1905 advertisementsSee the ads 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (4 October 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Rogers & Brother; with illustration of product design]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 27. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00386.) 1905 - advertisementRogers & Brother / International Silver Company. (4 October 1905). Advertisement: "Our latest pattern, the ’Belmont’... catalogue..." [with illustrations of cold meat fork and berry spoon in the pattern; "catalogue" possibly refers to an unknown, missing 1905 catalogue]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 29. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00387). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (25 October 1905). Advertisement [including listing of Rogers & Brother; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 33. (Viewed 2 September 2018. H00399). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 November 1905). Advertisement: "Rich American cut glass..." [including listing of Rogers & Brother; with product illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 31. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00253). 1905 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (8 November 1905). Advertisement: "... Many new and seasonable goods..." [includes listing of Rogers & Brother; no illustration]. The Jewelers’ Circular — Weekly, p. 37. (Viewed 2 September 2018. D00257). 1906 - historical informationGillespie, Charles Bancroft & Curtis, George Munson. (1906). Biographies of Rogers & Brother (Waterbury) and Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. (Hartford) managers: George Redfield Curtis (director) (pp. 305-08 including portrait); Horace C. Wilcox (director) (pp. 530-32 including portrait). In A century of Meriden: A historic record and pictorial description of the town of Meriden, Connecticut and the men who made it, from earliest settlement to close of its first century of incorporation, (Part II). 1248 pp overall. (Viewed 19 November 2016. A00791-92.) 1906 advertisementsSee the ads 1906 - advertisementChas. R. Edmonston, Washington, DC. (16 February 1906). Advertisement: "Special sale Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] Silverware... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 5, col. 4. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R00071).
1906 - advertisementW. H. Hawkins & Son, Hendersonville, NC. (20 December 1906). Advertisement: "Christmas gifts... Sterling silver and plated wares... Rogers & Bro. A-1 [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with very abstract illustration showing cutlery]. The French Broad Hustler (Hendersonville, NC), presumably p. 2, col. 1. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R01558.) 1907 advertisementsSee the ads 1907 - advertisementA. H. Jenks & Son, presumably Dansville, New York. (25 April 1907). Advertisement: "Silver Plated Table Ware, Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ ISC] Brand and Rogers & Bro. [/ ISC] A1 ’Star Brand’... Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. [/ ISC] ’Anchor’ Brand..." The Dansville Express (Dansville, NY), presumably p. 3, col. 5. (Viewed 9 February 2019. F00553-54). 1907 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (10 December 1907). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 9, col. 1. (Viewed 29 June 2020. F01272). 1908 advertisementsSee the ads 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (2 April 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Morning Record, p. 7, col. 1. (Viewed 2 July 2020. F01303). 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (11 June 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 22 October 2020. F01625). 1908 - advertisementInternational Silver Co. (13 August 1908). Advertisement: "... Makers of wares in Sterling Silver, Gold and Silver Plate and Rich Cut Glass... Salesrooms: Meriden, New York, Chicago, Hamilton, Ontario; Factories: ’A,’ formerly Barbour Silver Co., ’E,’ formerly Meriden Britannia Co., ’F,’ formerly Meriden Silver Plate Co., ’H,’ formerly Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; ’N,’ formerly Wilcox Silver Plate Co.; also Bridgeport [presumably Holmes & Edwards], Derby [presumably Derby Silver Co.], Norwich [presumably Norwich Cutlery], Waterbury [presumably Rogers & Brother and Rogers & Hamilton], Wallingford [presumably Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. and Watrous Manufacturing Co.], and Canada" [with no illustrations]. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 10 November 2020. F01866). 1909 - design catalogueBenj. Allen & Co. (wholesaler). (1909). Annual illustrated price list: Watches, diamonds, jewelry, sterling silver and silver plated ware, cut glass, clocks and optical goods. [Thirty-sixth catalogue. Including Rogers & Brother (/ International Silver Co.) (with illustrations showing different flatware patterns including Belmont, Columbia, Crest, Flemish, Ivy, Milan, Mystic, New Century, Norfolk, Richmond, Savoy, Tipped, Vesta), pp. 428-30, 460-72.] Chicago: Benj. Allen & Co. (Viewed 29 April 2020. H01254).
1909 advertisementsSee the ads 1909 - advertisementInternational Silver Company. (1 September 1909). Advertisement: "Sterling Silver, Silver Plate and Cut Glass... Factories: The Barbour Silver Co., The Holmes & Edwards Silver Co., Meriden Britannia Co., The Meriden Cut Glass Co., 1847 Rogers Bros., Rogers & Brother; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Wilcox Silver Plate Co., The Derby Silver Co., The Meriden Silver Plate Co., The Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co., The Rogers & Hamilton Co.; Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., The Watrous Mfg. Co." The Jewelers’ Circular, p. 31. (Viewed 19 September 2017. G00475.) 1909 - advertisementRogers & Brother / International Silver Company. (22 September 1909). Advertisement: "Florette Pattern..." (with five illustrations). The Jewelers’ Circular, p. 35. (Viewed 28 September 2017. G00765.) Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical silver companies that were connected to the International Silver Company, and those from the Meriden area, including other "Rogers" companies; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions" and E: "Other featured companies". |
1910s |
1910 advertisementsSee the ads 1910 - two advertisementsSanger, presumably Honeoye Falls, NY. (c. 21 April & c. 12 May 1910). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. The Honeoye Falls Times (Honeoye Falls, NY). (Viewed 30 May 2019. C00851-55).
1910 - advertisementRogers & Brother [/ISC]. (1 December 1910). Advertisement: Rogers & Bro. A1... Our latest pattern, The Verona..." [with illustrations of berry spoon, cold meat fork, medium ladle and teaspoon in the pattern]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, (page number unknown). (Viewed 13 April 2020. E00979).
1911 - design catalogueManning-Bowman & Co. / Rogers & Brother / (ISC). (c. 1911). Nickel and silver plate on planished copper, nickel silver and white metal. Solid copper and aluminum. Seamless "ivory" enameled ware, plated mountings. Spoons, forks, knives, etc. Trade mark: Rogers & Bro. A-1 [catalogue no. 61]. (Viewed 17 June 2017. AAA00601-05; AAA00603; AAA00604).
1911 - advertisementThe Palace, St. Louis, MO. (9 March 1911). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ISC] silverware sale... ’Poppy’ pattern..." [with several illustration of cutlery in the pattern]. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, p. 4. (Viewed 13 April 2020. E00978).
c. 1912 design catalogueManning, Bowman & Co. (c. 1912). Nickel and silver plate on planished copper, nickel silver and white metal, solid copper and aluminum, seamless "ivory" enameled ware, plated mountings, spoons, forks, knives, etc. [Trademark: Rogers & Bro. (ISC)]: catalogue no. 63. 261 pp. (Updated 11 October 2017. A00373; G01292-1341.)
1913 - advertisementWolff Jeweler, presumably Paducah, KY. (29 April 1913). Advertisement: "Anniversary; Birthday; Wedding Gifts; We are agents for Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... silver plated ware... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. The Paducah Evening Sun (Paducah, KY), p. 5, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00076).
1914 - advertisementFamous-Barr Co., St. Louis, MO. (23 September 1914). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... Teaspoons... Table Spoons... Table Forks... " [with abstract product illustrations]. St. Louis Star (St. Louis, MO), p. 4. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00079).
1915 - spotlighted advertisement - Rogers & Brother presumably in Panama-Pacific ExpositionInternational Silver Company. (1 March 1915). Advertisement: "The International Silver Co. invite the trade to visit their exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Exposition [20 February - 4 December 1915] Varied Industries Building, Section Fifteen... Rogers & Brother ... " [with illustration presumably of ISC’s architectural booth display]. Hardware Dealers’ Magazine, unknown page number. (Viewed 30 April 2020. D00860).
1915 advertisementsSee the ads 1915 - two advertisementsH. L. Terry & Son, Jewelers, Sayville, NY. (10 & 17 December 1915). Advertisements: "... Our stock of silver represents products from... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with possibly relevant illustration of spoon]. The Suffolk County News (Sayville, New York). (Viewed 19 January 2021. R00052-53).
1915 - advertisementF. E. Burr, presumably Barre, VT. (24 December 1915). Advertisement: "Holiday goods... Twelve makes and patterns of Tableware, including... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Barre Daily Times (Barre, VT), p. 8, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00080).
1916 advertisementsSee the ads 1916 - advertisementFamous and Barr Co., presumably St. Louis. (18 June 1916). Advertisement: "... Rogers’ Silver Tableware... The well-known ’Columbia pattern’... A1 silver plate bearing Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] guarantee for many years’ service... " [with very abstract, presumable product illustrations]. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, presumably p. 20, col. . (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00081).
1916 - advertisementF. E. Burr, Barre, VT. (21 December 1916). Advertisement: "Holiday Goods... Twelve makes and patterns of Tableware, including ... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Barre Daily Times (Barre, Vermont), p. 2, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 1 June 2020. H01903-04). 1917 - secondary source(1917). Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, vol 2. [On Frank W. Rogers (includes Rogers silver manufacturers information), pp. 238-42 and portrait]. The American Historical Society, Inc.: Boston, New York, Chicago. (Viewed 27 November 2016. AAA00514-18) 1917 - secondary source(1917). Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, vol 3. [On George H. Wilcox, president of International Silver Company, and Horace C. Wilcox (partner, Meriden Britannia; director: Manning, Bowman & Co.; Meriden Silver Plate Co.; Rogers Brothers (presumably Rogers & Brother) (Waterbury); R. Wallace & Sons (Wallingford); William Rogers Manufacturing Co. (Hartford), (pp. 70-3).] The American Historical Society, Inc.: Boston, New York, Chicago. (Viewed 28 November 2016. AAA00525; AAA00540-41) 1917 - advertisementFaris T. Walker, Los Angeles, CA. (17 December 1917). Advertisement: "Silverware... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] Sets... these in jewel or elton pattern... " [with presumably unrelated abstract illustration]. Evening Express (Los Angeles, CA), p. 7, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 21 January 2021. R00083).
1918 - advertisementFamous and Barr Co., St. Louis, MO. (7 April 1918). Advertisement: "Announcing an immense purchase and sale of Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] tableware... " [with abstract illustrations of cutlery]. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, p. 14B, col. 3. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R00084).
1919 advertisementsSee the ads 1919 - advertisementBush Terminal Sales Building, New York. (23 April 1919). Advertisement: "A beacon of light for retailers... Here a vast assortment of American and foreign products... Rogers & Brother ... International Silver Co. ... Room 1922 ... " [with no product illustrations]. New York Times, p. 25, col. 3. (Viewed 30 April 2020. H01274).
1919 - advertisementFamous-Barr Co., St. Louis, MO. (5 November 1919). Advertisement: "... Sale of Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] Silver Plated Tableware... Mystic pattern... " [with abstract illustration of knife, fork and spoon]. The St. Louis Star (St. Louis, MO), p. 12, cols. 6-8. (Viewed 20 July 2021. R00086)
1920s |
1920 advertisementsSee the ads 1920 - advertisementJanizen-Railsback Co., Los Angeles. (25 March 1920). Advertisement: "Silverware Values... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ware, fancy pattern... " [with no related product illustrations]. The Los Angeles Record, p. 2, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00089).
1920 - advertisementJanizen-Railsback Co., Los Angeles. (1 April 1920). Advertisement: "Silverware Values... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ware, fancy pattern... " [with no related product illustrations]. The Los Angeles Record, p. 9, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 10 July 2021. R00088).
c. 1920 - secondary source(c. 1920). Encyclopedia of Connecticut biography, vol 7. [On William Henry Watrous: manager, Plating Department, Rogers Brothers [presumably Rogers & Brother], Waterbury; acquired Norwich Cutlery; President of Watrous Manufacturing Company, (pp. 296-97 and portrait). (Viewed 28 November 2016. AAA00510-13) 1921 advertisementsSee the ads 1921 - advertisementHerring & Young, presumably Foss, OK. (20 May 1921). Advertisement: "... a 26-piece set of Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] guaranteed nickel silverware celebrated Westerly pattern in a beautiful display chest... " [with presumably no related product illustrations]. The Foss Enterprise (Foss, OK), presumably p. 4. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00091).
1921 - advertisementHale’s, Sacramento, CA. (5 December 1921). Advertisement: "... Empire pattern silverware; Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] sectional plate... " [with very abstract illustration of serving spoon]. The Sacramento Bee, p. 3, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00090).
1922 advertisementsSee the ads 1922 - advertisementHens & Kelly Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (12 March 1922). Advertisement: "... Sale Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ’Admiral’ pattern... " [with illustration of spoon]. Buffalo Courier, p. 50, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00092).
1922 - advertisementCross & Beguelin, New York. (23 August 1922). Advertisement: "... We also carry a full line of... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no illustrations]. Jewelers’ Circular, p. 114. (Viewed 23 July 2021. R01594). 1924 - advertisementRogers & Brother [/ International Silver Co.] (30 April 1924). Advertisement: "... Grecian bright finish silverplate; [star] Rogers & Bro. A-1 ... " [with illustrations of teaspoon and cold meat fork, and set of knives and forks]. Jewelers’ Circular, p. 61. (Viewed 25 July 2021. R01601). 1925 - advertisementChadband’s, Bloomington, IL. (23 December 1925). Advertisement: "... 26-piece set Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] silverware... " [with no related product illustrations]. The Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL), presumably p. 14, col. 6. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00098).
1926 - advertisementStix, Baer, & Fuller, presumably, St. Louis, MO. (19 December 1926). Advertisement: "... The gifts that are useful are always the most appreciated... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ’Paisley’ silver-plated flatware... " [with abstract illustrations of fork, spoon and handle]. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, p. 4. cols. 1-2. (Viewed 23 July 2021. R00099).
1927 advertisementsSee the ads 1927 - advertisementSheldon Jewelry Co., presumably El Paso, TX. (15 June 1927). Advertisement: "Lifetime gifts for the bride! ... Extra special 26 piece chest Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] [with possibly relevant abstract illustration of silverware in chest]. El Paso Herald (El Paso, Texas), p. 2. (Viewed 12 October 2021. R00112).
1927 - advertisementChadband’s, Bloomington, IL. (9 August 1927). Advertisement: "... 26-piece silver set; Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 teaspoons, 6 dessert spoons, butter knife, sugar spoon... " [with no product illustrations]. Pantagraph (Bloomington, Illinois), p. 18, col. 5. (Viewed 11 December 2021. R00101).
1929 advertisementsSee the ads 1929 - advertisementField’s, presumably Joplin, MO. (19 May 1929). Advertisement: "... Extra values in silverware for this week... 20-piece set Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] knives, forks and spoons in nice case... " [with no related product illustrations]. Joplin Globe (Joplin, MO), p. 19, cols. 1-2. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00114).
1929 - advertisementThe Harris Company, San Bernardino, CA. (19 October 1929). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] A-1 Silverplate featuring the Majestic pattern... " [with abstract illustration]. San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino, CA), unknown page number, col. 3. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00115).
1929 - advertisementThe Harris Company, San Bernardino, CA. (29 December 1929). Advertisement: "... Important sale! ... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] A-1... Majestic — Its exquisite ornamental and chaste beauty... " [with illustration of spoon]. San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino, CA), p. 13, cols. 2-4. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00116).
1930s |
193? - design brochureRogers & Brother / International Silver Company. (193?). Rogers & Bro. silverplated holloware. 4 pp. (Updated 20 April 2017. A01282.) 1930 - article mention(25 August 1930). Interesting Connecticut industry; International Silver Company, Meriden, Conn. [with mention of Rogers & Brother]. Hartford Courant, p. 17. (Viewed 7 August 2020. D00408).
1930 advertisementsSee the ads 1930 - advertisementStix, Baer & Fuller, presumably St. Louis, MO. (13 April 1930). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ’Flatware’ ... " [with illustration of two handles]. Mississippi Blätter (St. Louis, Missouri), p. 5, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 23 December 2021. R00117).
1930 - advertisementMaxwell Hardware Co., Oakland, CA. (12 September 1930). Advertisement: "... Special values for Saturday... Rogers & Bro. A1 [/ International Silver Co.]; Empire Pattern silverware... " [with illustration of spoon and silverware in case]. Oakland Tribune (California), p. 16, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 23 December 2021. R00118).
1931 - advertisementThe Harris Company, San Bernardino, CA. (22 December 1931). Advertisement: "Last minute gifts ... Majestic silverware sets... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] fine silver plate! In tray! ... " [with no product illustrations]. San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino, CA), p. 10, cols. 5-8. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00120).
1932 - advertisementCrescent Jewelry Co., San Bernardino, CA. (2 December 1932). Advertisement: "... One of the most sensational rapid merchandising events ever held in the city... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... " [with no related product illustrations]. San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino, CA), p. 15, cols. 4-6. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00122).
1934 - secondary source(1934). "William Rogers and his brothers in the silverware industry", The Keystone magazine, (August 1934), 5 pp., and (September 1934), 4 pp. Reprinted in source unknown, possibly International Silver Company promotional material. [Refers to Meriden Britannia; 1847 Rogers Bros.; Rogers & Brother; Rogers Bros. Mfg. Co.; Rogers Cutlery; Rogers, Smith & Co.; Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co.; and Wm. Rogers & Son.] (Viewed 9 May 2017. AAA00598; A02400.) 1936 - advertisementGranat Bros., Oakland, CA. (20 May 1936). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... 50-piece set... El Dorado... pattern... " [with illustrations of flatware in the pattern]. Oakland Tribune, p. 5. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00129).
1937 - advertisementThe Fair, Chicago, IL. (31 October 1937). Advertisement: "... 50 pieces of original Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.]... more than triple plated silverware... " [with illustration of Eldorado- and Paisley-patterned handles, and silverware in case]. Chicago Tribune, p. 9. (Viewed 13 April 2020. E00977).
1940s |
1941 - advertisementN. O. Cote, Bellows Falls & Windsor, VT. (11 April 1941). Advertisement: "This year’s sensation... 50 piece set... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] ... Fairfield pattern silverware... " [with illustration of handle, presumably in Fairfield pattern, and case of silverware]. Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), unknown page number, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00137).
1947 - secondary sourceMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). "Rogers & Brother" mention, (p. 118). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. 388 pp. New York: E.M. McBride & Company. Updated 17 April 2017. [DM]
1948 - advertisementMexia Jewelry Co., presumably Mexia, TX. (2 May 1948). Advertisement: "Mother needs on her day ... 51 piece service set Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] Inspiration pattern or Gardenia pattern... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. The Mexia Daily News (Mexia, TX), p. 7, col. 3. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00139).
1950s |
1952 advertisementsSee the ads 1952 - advertisementMontgomery Ward, Sault Ste. Marie, MI. (25 November 1952). Advertisement: "... Shop our catalogues for hundreds of sure-to-please gifts... Star Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] Silverplate... " [with no product illustrations]. The Evening News (Sault Ste. Marie, MI), p. 8, cols. 4-8. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00146).
1952 - advertisementMontgomery Ward, Cumberland, MD. (28 November 1952). Advertisement: "... Shop our catalogues for hundreds of sure-to-please gifts... Star Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] Silverplate... " [with no product illustrations]. Evening Times (Cumberland, MD), p. 21, cols. 1-3. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00145).
1953 - advertisementPerelmans, presumably New Castle, PA. (12 August 1953). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] 52-piece set silverware, service for 8... " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. New Castle News (New Castle, PA), p. 20, col. 4. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00147).
1954 - advertisementGoodman Jewelers, San Bernardino, CA. (22 October 1954). Advertisement: "... Famous [star] Rogers & Bro. triple plate... International Silver Company ..." [with illustrations of handles in Rosalind, Royal Palm, and Tradewinds patterns, and silverware in case]. San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino, CA), p. 7. (Viewed 23 July 2021. R00149).
1956 - secondary sourceWendover, Sanford H. (1956). On Horace C. Wilcox, Rogers brothers, Meriden Britannia Company and Wilcox Silver Plate Co., (pp. 87-91). In 150 years of Meriden. (Published in connection with the observance of the city’s sesquicentennial, June 17-23, 1956). (Viewed 27 November 2016. A00789-90.) 1957 - advertisementWestern Auto Associate Store, presumably Bridgeport, NE. (7 February 1957). Advertisement: "... International... famous housewares values... Rogers & Bro. ... " [with no product illustrations]. Bridgeport News-Blade (Bridgeport, NE), p. 4. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00154).
1958 - advertisementClark’s Super Market, presumably Moulton, AL. (6 March 1958). Advertisement: "... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] silverware... see display of beautiful silverware in our store... " [with no product illustration]. The Moulton Advertiser (Moulton, AL), presumably p. 10, col. 3. (Viewed 25 July 2021. R00155).
1960s |
1960 - advertisementHueber’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Columbus, IN (promotion). (16 August 1960). Advertisement: "... Special offer... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] silverware... " [with illustration of silverware in case]. The Evening Republican (Columbus, IN), p. 6. (Viewed 18 July 2021. R00159).
1961 advertisementsSee the ads 1961 - advertisementFarm and Ranch magazine (promotion). (August 1961). Advertisement: "... You can own this beautiful Rogers & Bro. silverplated tray.. and two piece El California salad set, by International Silver Company... All you have to do is sell $8.00 in Farm and Ranch subscriptions... " [with illustration of tray and salad set]. Farm and Ranch, p. 41. (Viewed 25 July 2021. R01599). 1961 - advertisementFarm and Ranch magazine (promotion). (December 1961). Advertisement: "... Win this Rogers & Bro. silverplate by International Silver Co. ... 26 piece service for 6 with beautiful chest— Celebration pattern... two piece El California salad set ... attractive tray ... All you have to do is sell $15.00 in Farm and Ranch subscriptions... " [with illustration of tray, salad set, and silverware in case]. Farm and Ranch, p. 33. (Viewed 25 July 2021. R01600). 1962 - advertisementUnited Home Furnishing Company, Paducah, KY. (4 October 1962). Advertisement: "United’s greatest semi-annual warehouse sale... FREE... Rogers & Bro. [/ International Silver Co.] silverplate 26-pc. ’Daybreak’ pattern silverware set and silver chest with any furniture purchase of $150 or more.. " [with illustration of silverware in chest]. The Paducah Sun-Democrat (Paducah, KY), p. 20-A. (Viewed 12 July 2021. R00162).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "International Silver Co." [with mention of Rogers & Bro. (with mark)], (pp. 82-3). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 12 August 2020. L01882-83 L01900-01).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Rogers & Bro." [with marks, including "Manor Plate"], (p. 145). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 7 August 2020. L01882-83 L01914).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "Rogers Brothers" [with mention of Rogers & Bro.], (p. 146). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 5 August 2020. L01882-83; L01915).
1968 articlesSee the articles 1968 - articleHodgson, Beulah D. (February 1968). [Rogers Brothers, The International Silver Company (/ Meriden Britannia), Meriden, Conn.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 13 September 2017. G00209.)
1968 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (June 1968). Brides baskets and bowls [with photo of Rogers & Bro. basket (1890)]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 16-17. (Updated 23 July 2021. AAA00697; R01597.)
1970s |
1976 - magazine article mentionHogan, E. P. (May 1976). Silverware for children [with illustrations of three Rogers & Bro. child’s cups: c. 1870, c. 1880, c. 1882]. Spinning wheel, pp. 13-16. (Updated 20 July 2021. AAA00699; R01559.)
1977 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1977). On "Rogers & Brother", [pp. 40, 157, 162 (excerpt at top of webpage)]. In An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company. Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX. (Updated 17 April 2017.) [DM]
1980s |
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). On "Rogers & Brother" [pp. 93 (organge peelers, with possible text-oriented reprint page, source unknown, shows 2 illustrations of design); 104 (3 photos of child’s cup: 1870, 1880, 1882); 120 (photo of silverplated basket, c. 1890), 167 (short bit about founding)]. In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. (Numerous mentions of Rogers-related companies, numerous photos and illustrations of designs, many reprinted trade catalogue pages showing designs. An essential reference.) Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. ISBN 0-916838-30-7. (Updated 17 April 2017.) [DM]
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. (Numerous mentions of Rogers-related companies, numerous photos and illustrations of designs, many reprinted trade catalogue pages showing designs. An essential reference.) Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. ISBN 0-916838-30-7. (Updated 17 April 2017.) [DM]
1980 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1980). On "The Rogers Brothers", (pp. 161-70; other mentions in book’s index; including reproduced illustration of William, Asa, and Simeon Rogers; adverts; b/w photos of spoons, building illustrations; and photo of Meriden Britannia building). In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. ISBN 0-916838-30-7. (Updated 17 April 2017.) [DM]
1987 - magazine articleCramer, Diana. (March / April 1987). [Pepper spoon - Gorham & R & B]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00204.)
1987 - magazine articleRainwater, Dorothy & H. Ivan. (September / October 1987). [American silverplate card receivers - R & B, Meriden, etc.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00204.)
1987 - magazine articleRainwater, Dorothy T. (November / December 1987). [American silverplate pitchers - R & B, Pairpoint, etc.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00204.)
1988 - magazine articleCramer, Diana. (January / February 1988). [American silverplate spice dishes - R & B, Meriden, etc.] Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00204.)
1988 - magazine articleCramer, Diana. (January / February 1988). Silverplate in the Japanese style - Meriden and R & B. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 8 September 2017. G00204.)
1990s |
1991 - magazine article(January / February 1991). [Eggs, eaten in style - R & B toast racks]. Silver Magazine. (Viewed 7 September 2017. G00203.)
2000s |
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "International Silver Company" [with mention of Rogers & Bro.], (p. 116-20). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 12 August 2020. A02925a-c(-)27a-c).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Rogers & Bro.", [with marks, including "Manor Plate"], (p. 202). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 2 August 2020. L01872-73).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Rogers Brothers" [with mention of Rogers & Brother], (pp. 202-03). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. L01872-73).
n. d. |
n. d. - lithograph of buildingR. Caughey. (undated). Color lithograph of Rogers & Brother factory, Waterbury, CT. (Viewed 15 April 2017. AAA00591-C04.)
[1] Rogers & Brother became part of the International Silver Company in 1898. [See "A Guide to the International Silver Company Records, 1853-1921 (link to library entry)". University of Connecticut university libraries website.] Viewed 16 May 2016. [A00660 and A00666]
[2] McKinstry, E. Richard / Winterthur Museum. (1984). Trade catalogues at Winterthur: A guide to the literature of merchandising, 1750 to 1980 (online). [Entry no. 1672, p. 291]. Garland Publishing: New York and London. Viewed 19 June 2016. (Please note, sometimes the trade catalogue itself is searchable in a library catalogue, and sometimes one needs to search the microform series as a whole.) [A00518; A00904]
On Rogers & Brother - 1: designs in collections, etc. | 2: design catalogues, etc.