Modern & contemporary Indonesian art bibliography (1994)
The following is an important resource for those interested in modern and contemporary Indonesian painting, art and its cultural context.
artdesigncafé - art | 5 June 2012
This bibliography was previously published in Astri Wright’s Soul, spirit and mountain: Preoccupations of contemporary Indonesian painters by Oxford University Press (1994), pp. 256-65.
Modern & contemporary Indonesian art bibliography
> Achdiat K. Mihardja. (1950). Berkelana ke Alam Keindahan. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
> Cindy Adams. (1965). Sukarno, An Autobiography, As told to Cindy Adams. New York, Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.
> Dermawan T. Agus. (1985). R. Basuki Abdullah RA: Duta Seni Lukis Indonesia. Jakarta, Gramedia.
> Dermawan T. Agus and Wienarti. (Eds.). (1985). Pameran Seni Rupa Lingkungan, Proses 85. Exhibition catalogue (October).
> Margaret Alisjahbana (Ed.). (1978). Art and the Future: Collected Papers of the First International Conference on Art and the Future. Toyabungkah, Bah: The International Association for Art and the Future.
> Alliance Française de Yogyakarta. (1986). Pameran Lukisan Berlima: Agus Kamal, Boyke Aditya, Effendi, Hening Swasono, Ivan Sagito, 25-31 July 1986. Alliance Française de Yogyakarta, A l’occasion de la Fête Nationale du 14 Juillet.
> Benedict Anderson. (1965). Mythology and the Tolerance of the Javanese. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Monograph Series No. 37.
> Benedict Anderson. (1972). Java in a Time of Revolution: Occupation and Resistance 1944-1946. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
> Benedict Anderson. (1990a). “Cartoons and Monuments”. In Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 152-93.
> Benedict Anderson. (1990b). “The Idea of Power in Javanese Culture”’. In Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 17-77.
> Benedict Anderson. (1990c). “The Languages of Indonesian Politics”. In Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 123-51.
> Benedict Anderson. (1990d). “Old State, New Society: Indonesia’s New Order in Comparative Historical Perspective”. In Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 94-120.
> Apinan Poshyananda. (1990). “Modern Art in Thailand in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”. Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University.
> Apinan Poshyananda. (1992). Modern Art in Thailand: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Singapore: Oxford University Press.
> Arsip Nasional. (1989). Di Baivah Pendudukan Jepang: Kenangan Empat Puluh Dua Orang yang Mengalaminya. Jakarta: Arsip Nasional.
> Dore Ashton. (1990). “Mexican Art of the Twentieth Century”. In John P. O’Neill, (Ed.), Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries, New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, pp. 553-694.
> Jane Atkinson and Shelly Errington (Eds.). (1990). Power and Difference: The Construction of Gender in Insular Southeast Asia. Stanford, Stanford University Press.
> Balai Seni Lukis Negara. (1984). Pameran Tamaddun Islam: Pameran Seni Lukis dan Seni Khat. Exhibition catalogue, Kuala Lumpur.
> Bambang Bujono. (1975). “Laporan dari Seni Rupa Baru 1975”. TEMPO, (13 September).
> Bambang Bujono. (1979). “Serabi yang Terakhir (?)”. TEMPO, (27 October), p. 33.
> Bambang Bujono. (1985). “Kontras tanpa Keharuan”. TEMPO, (10 August), pp. 56-7.
> Bambang Bujono. (1990). “Penderitaan dari Satu Sisi”. TEMPO, (17 February), p. 67.
> Jean Paul Barbier and Douglas Newton (Eds.). (1988). Islands and Ancestors: Indigenous Styles of Southeast Asia. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art and Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.
> Milton Barnett. (1979). "Livestock, Rice and Culture". Paper presented at Rockefeller Foundation conference on International Agriculture, Bellagio, Italy.
> Antoinette M. Barrett Jones. (1984). Early Tenth Century Java from the Inscriptions: A Study of Economic, Social and Administrative Conditions in the First Quarter of the Century. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
> Michael Baxandall. (1972). Painting and Experience in the Fifteenth Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
> Michael Baxandall. (1989). Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures. New Haven: Yale University Press; first published 1985.
> Howard S. Becker. (1982). Art Worlds. Berkeley: University of California Press.
> Bernard Berenson. (1953). Aesthetics and History. Glasglow: Pantheon.
> John Berger. (1972). "The Moment of Cubism". In The Look of Things: Selected Essays and Articles, New York: Penguin Books.
> Marshall Berman. (1988). All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity. New York: Penguin Books; first published 1982.
> A. J. Bernet Kempers. (1959). Ancient Indonesian Art. Amsterdam: van der Peet.
> A. J. Bernet Kempers. (1988). The Kettledrums of Southeast Asia: A Bronze Age World and Its Aftermath. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema.
> Kevin K. Birth. (1990). "Reading and the Righting of Writing Ethnographies". American Ethnologist, Vol. 17, No. 3, (August), pp. 549-57.
> Butet Kartaredjasa. (1985). "Kesenian Unit Desa Ditolak". Sinar Harapan, (4 March).
> Peter Buurman. (1988). Wayan Golek: The Entrancing World of Classical Javanese Puppet Theatre. Singapore: Oxford University Press.
> Peter Carey and C. Wild (Eds.). (1986a). Born in Fire: The Indonesian Struggle for Independence. Athens: Ohio University Press.
> Peter Carey. (1986b). "Myths, Heroes and War". In Born in Fire: The Indonesian Struggle for Independence. Athens: Ohio University Press.
> Peter Carey and Vincent Houben. (1987). "Spirited Srikandis and Sly Sumbadras: The Social, Political and Economic Role of Women at the Central Javanese Courts in the 18th and 19th Centuries". In Elsbeth Locher-Scholten and Anke Niehof (Eds.), Indonesian Women in Focus: Past and Present Notions, Dordrecht: Foris Publications, pp. 12-42.
> Herschel B. Chipp (Ed.). (1968). Theories of Modern Art. Berkeley: University of California Press.
> Peggy Choy. (1984). "Texts Through Time: The Golek Dance of Java". In Stephanie Morgan and Laurie Jo Sears (Eds.), Aesthetic Tradition and Cultural Transition in Java and Bali, Madison: University of Wisconsin, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph 2, pp. 51-81.
> Leila Chudori et al. (1990). "Angin Sejuk untuk Seniman". TEMPO, (22 December), pp. 84-5.
> J. C. Clifford and G. E. Marcus (Eds.). (1986). Writing Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press.
> Jean Cocteau. (1990). Wianta. Denpasar, Bali: C.V. Buratwangi.
> Arthur C. Danto. (1979). “Pictorial Representation and Works of Art: Distinguishing Artworks from Artifacts”. In Calvin F. Nodine et al. (Eds.), Perception and Pictorial Representation. New York: Praeger.
> Arthur C. Danto. (1990). “Introduction: Artphilohistocritisophory Today”. In Encounters and Reflections: Art in the Historical Present. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, pp. 3-11.
> Dede Eri Supria. (1979). “Realisme, Gaya Seni Lukis yang Nyaris Bangkrut”. In Jim Supangkat (Ed.), Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia, pp. 88-9.
> Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (1979). Sejarah Seni Rupa Indonesia. Jakarta: Proyek Penelitian dan Pencatatan Kebudayaan Daerah.
> Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (1988). Katalogus Lukisan Wisma Seni Nasional, Seniman dan Karyanya. Jakarta Dir-Jen Kebudayaan, Proyek Wisma Seni Nasional.
> Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. (1987). Seni Rupa Baru Proyek I: Pasaraya Duma Fantasi. Jakarta: Exhibition catalogue, 15-30 June.
> Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. (1988). Semsar S., Exhibition catalogue, Jakarta: Cipta.
> Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. (1989). BIENNALE ’89: Pameran dan Kompetisi Seni Indonesia Lukis ke VIII Biennale ke VIII, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 24 July - 24 August 1989, Jakarta: PT Multi Setco Stupa.
> Daniel Dhakidae. (1991). “The Stare, the Rise of Capital and the Fall of Political Journalism; Political Economy of Indonesian News Industry”. Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University.
> Jane Dillenberger. (1990). Image and Spirit in Sacred and Secular Art. New York: Crossroad.
> Djoko Pekik. (1987). Pameran Lurik Tenun Gendong. Jakarta: Dewan Kesenian Jakarta.
> Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty. (1980). Women, Androgynes and Other Mythical Beasts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
> John Dowson. (1973). A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology. New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corporation.
> Christine Drake. (1989). National Integration in Indonesia: Patterns and Policies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
> Dullah. (1982a). “Bung Karno Pemimpin, Presiden, Seniman”. Merdeka, (4 July), p. 2.
> Dullah. (1982b). Karya dalam Peperangan dan Revolusi / Paintings in War and Revolution. Jakarta: Bumiputera 1912.
> Dullah. (1988). “Museum Dullah: Buku Petunjuk dan Pengantar Tamu”, Unpublished typescript.
> Dullah (Ed.). (1956, 1959). Lukisan-lukisan Koleksi Ir. Dr. Sukarno, Presiden Republik Indonesia, 4 vols. Peking: Center for People’s Culture, text in Indonesian, Chinese, Russian and English.
> Inger McCabe Elliot. (1984). Batik: Fabled Cloth of Java. New York: Clarkson N. Potter.
> Steven Erlanger. (1990). “For Suharto, His Heirs are Key to Life after ’93”. New York Times, (11 November).
> Clare B. Fischer. (1991). “Hendra’s Women’s Bodies”. Unpublished conference paper, American Association of Religion (November).
> Joseph Fischer (Ed.). (1990). Modern Indonesian Art: Three Generations of Tradition and Change, 1945-1990. Jakarta: Panitia Pameran KIAS and New York: Festival of Indonesia.
> Nancy K. Florida. (1987). “Reading the Unread in Traditional Javanese Literature”. Indonesia, No. 44, (October), pp. 1-15.
> Henri Focillon. (1989). The Life of Forms in Art. New York: Zone Books; first published as La Vie des Formes, Paris, 1934.
> Kathy Foley. (1979). “The Sundanese Wayang Golek: The Rod Puppet Theatre of West Java”. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Hawaii.
> Jan Fontein (Ed.). (1990). The Sculpture of Indonesia. Washington: National Gallery of Art and New York: Harry N. Abrams.
> Keith Foulcher. (1986). Social Commitment in Literature and the Arts: The Indonesian “Institute of People’s Culture” 1960-65. Monash University: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies.
> Keith Foulcher. (1987). “Sastra Kontekstual: Recent Developments in Indonesian Literary Politics”. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 6-28.
> Keith Foulcher. (1988). “Liberating Art, Liberating Society: The Art of Semsar Siahaan”. Inside Indonesia, No. 16, (October).
> H. Francis. (1990). “Sederhana Tetapi Menyentuh Nurani”. Suara Karya, (18 February).
> J. S. Furnivall. (1944). Netherlands India: A Study of Plural Economy. New York: Macmillan.
> Annabel Teh Gallop and Bernard Arps. (1991). Golden Letters: Writing Traditions of Indonesia / Surat Emas: Budaya Tulis di Indonesia. London: British Library and Jakarta: Yayasan Lontar.
> Clifford Geertz. (1960). The Religion of Java. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
> Clifford Geertz. (1963). Agricultural Involution: The Process of Ecological Change in Indonesia. Berkeley: University of California Press.
> Clifford Geertz. (1968). Islam Observed: Religious Development in Morocco and Indonesia. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
> Clifford Geertz. (1973). “Person, Time, and Conduct in Bali”. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books, pp. 360-411.
> Clifford Geertz. (1990). “‘Popular Art’ and the Javanese Tradition”. Indonesia, No. 50, (October), pp. 77-94.
> A. A. Gerbrands. (1962). The Art of the Asmat, New Guinea. New York: New York City Museum of Primitive Art.
> Mattiebelle Gittinger. (1979). Splendid Symbols: Textiles and Tradition in Indonesia. Exhibition catalogue, Washington, DC: Textile Museum.
> Mattiebelle Gittinger (Ed.). (1980). Indonesian Textiles: Irene Emery Roundtable on Museum Textiles, 1979 Proceedings. Washington, DC: Textile Museum.
> E. H. Gombrich. (1984). The Story of Art. Oxford: Phaidon Press.
> Willard A. Hanna. (1967). The Magical-Mystical Syndrome in the Indonesian Mentality. American Universities Field Staff Reports Service, Southeast Asia Series, Vol. XV, Nos. 5-9.
> F. X. Harsono. (forthcoming). “Tema Kerakyatan dalam Seni Lukis Indonesia, Sejak Persagi hingga Kini”. MA thesis, Jakarta Art Institute.
> Gillian Hart. (1986). Power, Labor and Livelihood: Processes of Change in Rural Java. Berkeley: University of California Press.
> Haryati Soebadio. (1985). Cultural Policy in Indonesia. Paris: UNESCO, Studies and Documents on Cultural Policy.
> Hendra Gunawan. (1958). “Pekerdja Kebudajaan dan Hak Azasi”. Zaman Baru, Nos. 6-7, (28 February - 10 March), pp. 1, 3, 4, 8.
> Claire Holt. (1930s-1970). Claire Holt Collection, New York Public Library, Performing Arts Research Center at Lincoln Center, the Dance Collection. Unpublished notes, papers, catalogues, newspaper clippings, photographs and slides.
> Claire Holt. (1955). Notebook from research trip to Indonesia; entries by date.
> Claire Holt. (1967). Art in Indonesia: Continuities and Change. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
> Claire Holt. (1970a). List of Claire Holt’s Slide Collection. Ithaca: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University.
> Claire Holt. (1970b). “Indonesia Revisited”. Indonesia, No. 9, (April), pp. 162-88.
> John C. Huntington. (forthcoming). “Encyclopedia of Buddhist Iconography”.
> Valerie L. Hull. (1982). “Women in Java’s Rural Middle Class: Progress or Regress”. In Penny Van Esterik, (Ed.), Women of Southeast Asia, Northern Illinois University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Occasional Paper No. 9, pp. 100-23.
> Christian Snouck Hurgronje. (1906). The Acehnese, Vol. II, translated by A. W. S. O’Sullivan, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
> W. Lewis Hyde. (1979). The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property. New York: Vintage Books.
> T. O. Ihromi. (1973). The Status of Women and Family Planning in Indonesia, Preliminary Findings. Jakarta.
> Institut Seni Indonesia. (1988). Buku Petunjuk: Institut Seni Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 1985-88.
> R. A. Jairazbhoy. (1965). Oriental Influences in Western Art. New York: Asia Publishing House.
> Jakarta-Jakarta. (1991). “Katanya la Subversif”, No. 255, (18-24 May), p. 99.
> Jakarta Post. (1988). “Artist Sets Fire to 250 Drawings after Exhibition”, (11 April), p. 3.
> Charles Jencks. (1987). Post-Modernism: The New Classicism in Art and Architecture. New York: Rizzoli.
> Helen Ibbitson Jessup. (1990). Court Arts of Indonesia. New York: Asia Society Galleries and Harry N. Abrams.
> Joop Ave. (1986). Bunga Bangsa Indonesia. Jakarta: Joop Ave.
> G. McT. Kahin. (1952). Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
> Wassily Kandinsky. (1947). On the Spiritual in Art and Painting in Particular, New York: Wittenborn, Schultz, Inc.; first published in German, 1912.
> Ward Keeler. (1987). Javanese Shadow Plays, Javanese Selves. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
> Sudjana Kerton and Louise Kerton. (1990). Tanah Airku: My Country Paintings by Sudjana Kerton. Bandung: Sanggar Luhur.
> KOMPAS. (1983a). “Pelukis Hendra Meninggal”, (18 July), pp. 1, 12.
> KOMPAS. (1983b). “Almarhum Hendra Konsekven dengan Tema Indonesia”, (19 July), pp. 1, 12.
> KOMPAS. (1983c). “Hendra Gunawan dimakamkan di Purwakarta”, (20 July), p. 6.
> KOMPAS. (1990). “Affandi, Sisi Lain Seniman Besar”, (26 May), p. 16.
> Stella Kramrisch. (1946). The Hindu Temple, 2 vols. Calcutta: University of Calcutta.
> N. J. Krom. (1926). L’Art javanaise dans les musées de Hollande et de Java. Ars Asiatica VIII, Paris: Libraire Nationale d’art et d’histoire.
> Kusnadi. (1984). “Basic Foundations of Contemporary Indonesian Art”. ASEAN Art Exhibition: Third ASEAN Exhibition of Painting and Photography, Manila.
> Kusnadi. (1987). Sketsa Widayat dan Nyoman Gunarsa / Sketches of Widayat and Nyoman Gunarsa. Ubud: Rudana Art Gallery.
> Max Lane. (1979). “Translator’s Introduction”. In Rendra, The Struggle of the Naga Tribe. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, pp. xvii-xxi.
> Barbara Leigh. (1988). “The Garden of Paradise in Acehnese Embroidered Cloths”. Paper presented to the Asian Studies of Australia Bicentennial Conference, Canberra, 11-15 February.
> Barbara Leigh. (1989). Tangan-tangan Trampil: Seni Kerajinan Aceh / Hands of Time: The Crafts of Aceh. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan.
> Barbara Leigh. (1992). “Education and the Making of the State: A Case-study in Aceh, Indonesia”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Sydney.
> J. D. Legge. (1972). Sukarno: A Political Biography. New York: Praeger Publishers.
> lliana Lie. (1990). “Tema Djokopekik, Kerakyatan”. Mutiara, (3 February).
> Liem Tjoe Ing. (1978). Lukisan-lukisan Koleksi, Adam Malik, Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia / Paintings from the Collection of Adam Malik, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Intermasa.
> Elsbeth Locher-Scholten and Anke Niehof (Eds.). (1987). Indonesian Women in Focus: Past and Present Notions. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
> H. H. E. Loofs. (1975). “Dongson Drums and Heavenly Bodies”. In Noel Barnard (Ed.), The Proceedings of a Symposium on Scientific Methods of Research in the Study of Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Southeast Asian Metal and Other Archaeological Artifacts. Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 441-67.
> M. Ariffin Pulangan et al. (1977). Seni Rupa I, II, Bidang Studi, Kesenian, Semester I, II, III, dan IV, 9th edn. Jakarta: Penerbit Fa. Hasmar.
> Hamish McDonald. (1980). Suharto’s Indonesia. Sydney: Fontana / Collins.
> Angus McIntyre. (forthcoming). “Sukarno as Artist-Politician”.
> Machmud Buchari and Sanento Yuliman. (1985). A. D. Pirous: Lukisan, Etsa dan Cetak Saring / Painting, Etching and Serigraphy, Retrospective Exhibition 1960-85. Bandung: Gallery DECENTA.
> Maksiani D. Mulyantari. (1988). “Dede Eri Supria’s Jakarta: A New Wave in Indonesian Painting”. Indonesia Magazine, 03/XVIII (June - July), p. 70.
> Mangkunegara VII. (1957). On the Wayang Kulit and Its Symbolic and Mystical Elements. Translated by Claire Holt, Ithaca: Cornell University.
> Masjkuri. (Ed.). (1979 / 1980). Tokoh Nasional I Gusti Nyoman Lempad. Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya, Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Sejarah Nasional.
> MATRA. (1990). “Apresiasi, Investasi atau Gengsi: Sketsa Mutakhir Kolektor Lukisan Kita”, No. 46, (May), pp. 59-66.
> Robyn Maxwell. (1987). “The Tree of Life in Indonesian Textiles: Ancient Iconography or Imported Chinoiseries?” In Indonesian Textiles: Reports and Conclusions, Köln: Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum fur Volkenkunde.
> Robyn Maxwell. (1990). Textiles of Southeast Asia: Tradition, Trade, and Transformation. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
> Brian May. (1978). The Indonesian Tragedy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
> Alan P. Merriam. (1977). “Anthropology and the Arts”. In Sol Tax and Leslie G. Freeman, (Eds.), Horizons of Anthropology, 2nd edn. Chicago: Aldine Press, pp. 332-43.
> Brita L. Miklouho-Maklai. (1989). “The Silent World: Indonesia’s New Art Movement Visits Australia with an Exhibition on AIDS”. Inside Indonesia, (December), pp. 31-3.
> Brita L. Miklouho-Maklai. (1991). Exposing Society’s Wounds: Some Aspects of Contemporary Indonesian Art since 1966. Adelaide: Flinders University Asian Studies Monograph.
> James Innes Miller. (1969). The Spice Trade of the Roman Empire, 29 BC - AD 641. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
> Yusuf Mirwan. (1986). A. D. Pirous, un Peintre Contemporain Indonésien, Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
> Mochtar Lubis. (1969). “Mysticism in Indonesian Politics”. In Robert O. Tilman, (Ed.), Man, State and Society in Contemporary Southeast Asia. New York: Praeger, pp. 179-86.
> Moerdowo. (1963). Reflections on Indonesian Arts and Culture, 2nd edn. Soerabaya: Permata Publishing House; first published 1958.
> J. M. Montias. (1982). Artists and Artisans in Delft: A Socio-economic Study of the Seventeenth Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
> Stephanie Morgan and Laurie Jo Sears (Eds.). (1984). Aesthetic Tradition and Cultural Transition in Java and Bali. Madison: University of Wisconsin, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph 2.
> Niels Mulder. (1978). Mysticism and Everyday Life in Contemporary Java: Cultural Persistence and Change. Singapore: Singapore University Press.
> Museum Negeri Banda Aceh. (1981). Pameran Lukisan, Kaligrafi dan Mesjid di Aceh. Exhibition catalogue.
> Mustika. (1983). Percakapan dari Hati ke Hati Pelukis Indonesia. Jakarta: Sanggar Krida Jakarta.
> K. Naniel. (1988). “Lukisan Kerton Mencerminkan Wajah Indonesia Sehari-hari”. Suara Pembaruan, (18 June), p. 2.
> Narasimhan. (1965). The Mahabharata. New York: Columbia University Press.
> Neka Museum. (1988). Art of Bali: Paintings from the Neka Museum, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. Honolulu: Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center.
> Rob Nieuwenhuis. (1988). Met Vreemde Ogen. Tempoe Doeloe— een Verzonken Wereld. Fotografische Documenten uit het oude Indië, 1870-1920. Amsterdam: Em. Querido.
> Norbertus Noranto. (1990). “The Evolution of Chinese Business Under the New Order in Indonesia: Four Case Studies”. MA thesis, Cornell University.
> Nyoman Arsana. (1990). Wianta: His Art and Balinese Culture. Translated and edited by Dorothea A. Markakis and Putu Suasta, Denpasar, Bali: C. V. Buratwangi.
> Stanley J. O’Connor. (1975). “Iron Working as Spiritual Inquiry in the Indonesian Archipelago”. History of Religions, Vol. 14, No. 3, (February), pp. 173-90.
> Stanley J. O’Connor. (1983). “Art Critics, Connoisseurs and Collectors in the Southeast Asian Rain Forest: A Study in Cross-cultural Art Theory”. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. XIV, No. 2, (September), pp. 400-8.
> Stanley J. O’Connor. (1985). “Metallurgy and Immortality at Candi Sukuh, Central Java”. Indonesia, No. 39, (April), pp. 52-70.
> Nancy L. Peluso. (1980). “Survival Strategies of Rural Women Traders or a Woman’s Place is in the Market: Four Case-studies from North-west Sleman in the Special Region of Yogyakarta”. Paper presented to the ILO, for use by the Department of Manpower, Jakarta.
> John Pemberton. (1989). “The Appearance of Order: A Politics of Culture in Colonial and Post-Colonial Java”. PhD dissertation, Cornell University.
> Theodore G. Pigeaud. (1962). Java in the Fourteenth Century: A Study in Cultural History. Nagarakertagama by Rakawi Prapanca of Majapahit, 1365 A.D., Vols. III-IV. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
> Popo Iskandar. (1977). Affandi. Jakarta: Akademi Jakarta.
> Pramoedya Ananta Toer. (1983). "Perburuan 1950 and Keluarga Gerilya 1950". Translated by Ben Anderson, Indonesia, No. 36 (October), pp. 24-48; excerpts published World Authors 1975-80, New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1985.
> Pudjiwati Sajogyo et al. (1980). "The Role of Women in Different Perspectives". Project on Rural Household Economics and the Role of Women, in co-operation with the FAO / SIDA project on Promoting Women’s Participation in Rural Development, Bogor.
> Puri Lukisan. (1984). Puri Lukisan, Museum Kesenian Bali Modern / The Museum of Modern Balinese Art. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan.
> Putu Wijaya. (1977a). "Bukan hanya Sex atau Protes". TEMPO, (12 March), pp. 16-18.
> Putu Wijaya. (1977b). "Wanita Macam Kuda". TEMPO, (14 May).
> Philip Rawson. (1990). The Art of Southeast Asia. London: Thames and Hudson; first published 1967.
> Rendra. (1979). The Struggle of the Naga Tribe. Translated and introduced by Max Lane, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press.
> G. J. Resink. (1975). "From the Old Mahabharata to the New Ramayana Order". Bijdragen van heet Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde, Vol 131, pp. 214-35.
> Hans Rhodius and John Darling. (1980). Walter Spies and Balinese Art. Amsterdam: Tropical Museum.
> Rudi Isbandi. (1975). Perkembangan Seni Lukis di Surabaya. Surabaya: Dewan Kesenian Surabaya.
> Edward Said. (1979). Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books.
> Saiff Bakham (n.d.). "Perihal 30 Tahun Pelukis O. H. Supono". Typescript for TEMPO.
> Sanento Yuliman. (1976). Seni Lukis Indonesia Baru: Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: Dewan Kesenian Jakarta.
> Sanento Yuliman. (1981). "Genèse de la Peinture Indonésienne Contemporaine: le Rôle de S. Sudjojono". Ph.D. dissertation, Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
> Sanento Yuliman. (1987a). "Dari Pluralisme Estetik ke Estetika Pluralis". TEMPO, (27 June), pp. 37-8.
> Sanento Yuliman. (1987b). "Parodi Pasaraya". TEMPO, 27 June), pp. 35-8.
> Sanento Yuliman. (1988). "Wanita den Seni Rupa di Indonesia". In Taman Ismail Marzuki, Ruang Pamer Lama, Nuansa Indonesia III, Exhibition Catalogue, Jakarta: Cipta Publishers.
> Lourdes P. Santoso. (1988). "Sudjana Kerton Takes Look at Life in RI". Jakarta Post, (15 June).
> Dirk Scheper. (1985). Oskar Schlemmer: The Triadic Ballet. Translated by Leanore Ickstadt, Berlin: Akademie der Künste.
> Semsar. (1988). "Seniku Seni Pembebasan". In Pameran Tunggul Semsar Siahann, Exhibition catalogue, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 5-14 January.
> Shiraishi Takahashi. (1990). An Age in Motion: Popular Radicalism in Java, 1912-1926. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
> Martha Sinaga. (1990). "Akrab dengan Kehidupan Rakyat Jelata". Suara Pembaruan, (12 February).
> John R. W. Smail. (1964). Bandung in the Early Revolution, 1945-46: A Study in the Social History of the Indonesian Revolution. Ithaca: Modern Indonesia Project Monograph Series, Cornell University.
> Adrian Snodgrass. (1985). The Symbolism of the Stupa. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program.
> J. H. Damais Soedarmadji. (1979). Bung Karno dan Seni. Jakarta: Yayasan Bung Karno.
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