Meriden Fire Arms Co. designs and historical information
A. Meriden Fire Arms Co. designs in collections (by year)
This company compilation is in development
Info/photo status: |
= info and photo online = info online, no photo = completely offline |
1900s | 1907-09 - police revolverMeriden Fire Arms Co. (1907-09). Center-fire police revolver. (Viewed 11 July 2020. J00500). c. 1907 - revolverMeriden Fire Arms Co. (c. 1907). Revolver [mark: "The A. J. Aubrey 1907 Meriden Fire Arms Co. Meriden, Ct. U.S.A."]. (Cat. no. 8241-555. Viewed 11 July 2020. J00501). |
n. d. | n. d. - revolverMeriden Fire Arms Co. (undated). Revolver. (Viewed 16 June 2020. J00476). |
B. Meriden Fire Arms Co. designs at leading auction houses
n. d. | n. d. - double barrel shotgunMeriden Firearms Co. (undated). Double barrel shotgun (serial no. 52257). (Viewed 4 June 2020. F01355). n. d. - double barrel shotgunMeriden Fire Arms Co. (undated). Double barrel shotgun. (serial no. 5862). (Viewed 4 July 2020. F01356).
C. Meriden Fire Arms Co. historical information (by year)
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1900s |
Various newspapers, magazines and other sources(c. 1904-). Various newspapers, magazines and other sources - search engines. (Updated 15 June 2020.)
1904 - spotlighted news mention(24 December 1904). In and about the courts ["Meriden Malleable Iron... is about to be sold to the Sears Roebuck company, of Chicago, which will begin the manufacture of guns and revolvers... The new concern will employ about 1,500 men..."] The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 8, col. 3. (Viewed 15 June 2020. D01456-57). 1905 - news briefMeriden, Conn., 28 July. (28 July 1905). $25,000 fire at Meriden ["in the Meriden Fire Arms Company, which is a branch of Sears, Roebuck & Co. of Chicago..."] Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 15, col. 3. (Viewed 11 July 2020. L01512). 1906 articlesSee the articles 1906 - news mention(17 January 1906). Bought by Bergen; Cut glass company closes deal for Meriden Bronze shop. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1. [Article mentions other concerns from the northern Meriden area, previously also including Chapman Manufacturing and the Meriden Malleable Iron Company, now with Meriden Firearms and the Connecticut Telephone & Electric Company.] (Viewed 15 June 2020. AAA00673.)
1906 - news brief(8 November 1906). Mr. Stephani has resigned; treasurer of Meriden Fire Arms Co. is going to Chicago to reside. Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 9, col. 4. (Viewed 23 November 2020. F01605). "... Mr Stephani has been connected with the Sears, Roebuck Co. for a number of years and was located with the company in Hopkinton, Mass. On coming to this city and upon the organization of the Meriden Fire Arms Co., he was elected treasurer of the firm." (Excerpt from above.) 1907 - news mention(25 April 1907). Meriden concerns enlarging; some $200,000 to be expended upon industrial plants [with mention: "... Meriden Firearms Company ... "] The Daily Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 5, col. 4. (Viewed 15 June 2020. B00703). 1909 - spotlighted news briefMeriden, April 7 (Special from United Press). (7 April 1909). Aubrey resigns. Bridgeport Evening Farmer, p. 1, col. 4. (Viewed 14 September 2020. E01380). "Alfred J. Aubrey, president and general manager of the Meriden Fire Arms Plant, to-day resigned because of his health. He has sold his interests to Sears & Roebuck, who established the concern. Mr. Aubrey will take an extended rest." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1909 - news brief(9 April 1909). A. J. Aubrey going west [former president and general manager of the Meriden Firearms Co., a Sears & Roebuck plant... "It is possible he will go west and engage in real estate business"]. Norwich Bulletin (Connecticut), presumably p. 5, col. 3. (Viewed 14 September 2020. E01381). 1909 - design catalogueSears, Roebuck & Co. (1909). [Catalogue]. Number of pages unknown. ("... A reprint of the 1909 Sears, Roebuck catalogue devotes 11 pages to shotguns, rifles and pistols [including those by the Meriden Fire Arms Co.] ... ", source below). (Viewed 15 June 2020. D01230; F01162-01). |
1910s | 1913 - news brief(10 April 1913). Arthur J. Savage to enter tire industry in San Diego, Cal. [with mention of Meriden Fire Arms Co.] Meriden Weekly Republican, p. 4, col. 7. (Viewed 28 October 2020. F01606). "Arthur J. Savage, of this city, inventor and supervisor of the Meriden Model 15, 22-calibre repeating rifle, which the Meriden Fire Arms Co. has been marketing for two years, is planning to leave Meriden in about a month to enter the tire industry in San Diego, Cal. Mr. Savage will retain his interest with the local concern, making frequent visits east to supervise the manufacture of his gun rifle..." (Excerpt from above.) 1915 - spotlighted news brief(30 September 1915). Brief state news: Meriden [with mention of Meriden Firearms company]. Norwich Bulletin, presumably p. 6, col. 7. (Viewed 14 September 2020. E01384). "The New England Westinghouse company of Meriden, which has supplanted the Meriden Firearms company, will have a part in the execution of contracts for the Russian government reaching approximately $60,000,000." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1915 - spotlighted article(4 August 1915). Westinghouse Co. buys [Meriden] fire arms factory; Meriden concern will make rifles for the Russians; Great corporation buying fire arms plant will add many hands and enlarge buildings [with illustration of building complex]. Meriden Daily Journal, p. 1, col. 5 and p. 9, col. 1. (Viewed 30 December 2020. E01097). "... Meriden enters the prosperity field created by the manufacture of munitions for the warring nations in Europe... no change in factory management... Formerly Malleable Iron Plant... The plant of the Meriden Malleable Iron company was erected in 1868 ... A portion of the building was taken over by the Connecticut Telegraph & Electric company... " (Excerpt from above.) 1915 - two classified advertisements(23 & 25 August 1915). Advertisement: "Wanted— Toolmakers with experience on jig and fixture work. Meriden Fire Arms Co., Meriden, Conn." Norwich Bulletin (Connecticut). (Viewed 14 September 2020. E01382-83).
1915 patentsSee the patents 1915 - patent - magazine-rifleGeorge A. Horne, assignor to Meriden Fire Arms Co. (13 July 1915; filed 31 July 1914). Letters patent no. 1,146,568; serial no. 854,313: Magazine-rifle. (Viewed 4 July 2020. F01362).
1915 - patent - magazine-gunGeorge A. Horne, assignor to Meriden Fire Arms Co. (13 July 1915; filed 10 August 1914). Letters patent no. 1,146,569; serial no. 856,027: Magazine-gun. (Viewed 4 July 2020. F01363).
1917 - news brief(3 February 1917). Meriden Firearms plant is closed; Had been working on rifle contract for Russia— inventory, explanation given. New Britain Herald (Connecticut), p. 1, col. 5. (Viewed 14 September 2020. E01385). |
1930s | 1936 - article mention(17 April 1936). Meriden’s history day by day for 50 years [with mention: "1915; Aug. 4— Meriden Firearms Co.’s plant sold to New England Westinghouse Co."]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 26 November 2020. F01936). 1936 - article mentionNewton, C. A. (17 April 1936). Chamber of Commerce[;] Its many activities [with mention: "Brought to Meriden the Meriden Fire Arms Co. and raised $10,000 for this industry"]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page number. (Viewed 26 November 2020. F01911). |
1980s | 1983 - article mention and illustration of buildingGardner, Warren F. (15 March 1983). Quality firearms had major role in our manufacturing history [with mention of Charles Parker Co. gun shop, Meriden Fire Arms Co., and the Meriden Malleable Iron Co.; illustration of Meriden Malleable Iron Co. plant]. Record-Journal (Meriden, CT), p. 6. (Viewed 15 June 2020. D01230; F01162-01). |
2010s | 2010 - photo of building and caption in bookFranco, Janis Leach. (2010). Photo of Meriden Fire Arms Co. building [508 North Colony Street, Meriden, CT] and caption, [unspecified source]. In Meriden, p. 44. Arcadia Publishing. (Viewed 11 July 2020. L01511). Click the following link to see designs and documentation for other historical companies from the Meriden area, and those that were connected to the International Silver Company; go to the historical Meriden design overview page and scroll down to section D: "ISC, predecessors & divisions" and E: "Other featured companies". |