Kartika Affandi-Köberl

ADC staff
19 April 2019
Click the articles below that mention Kartika Affandi-Köberl.

Affandi (1907-1990): The setting of a warming sun (1990)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Astri Wright - 25 May 90

Affandi (1907-1990): The setting of a warming sun (1990) It was November 1987 and I was standing in the half-light, in the middle of the old Affandi gallery (the new museum was not finished yet), when there was a flourish of activity by the door. The museum attendants all gathered there, and...

Kartika Affandi-Köberl at Duta Fine Arts Gallery, Kemang, South Jakarta (1988)

→ artdesigncafé - art
Astri Wright - 18 Apr 88

Kartika Affandi-Köberl at Duta Fine Arts Gallery, Kemang, South Jakarta (1988) Kartika Affandi-Köberl at Duta Fine Arts Gallery [Kartika Affandi-Köberl] is an accomplished painter who also happens to be a woman. These two aspects of Kartika are connected in so far as they both spring from and...