E. G. Webster & Son / E. G. Webster & Bro. / Webster Mfg Co. - design catalogues and historical information
artdesigncafé - design | Design Meriden | 21 December 2016 | Updated 27 December 2021
LINK: Webster designs in collections, at auction, and in exhibitions
According to Earl Chapin May (1947), Webster Mfg. Co. started in 1859 in Brooklyn later became E. G. Webster & Bro. in 1863, and then became E. G. Webster & Son in 1886. The company later became part of the International Silver Company, headquartered in Meriden, CT in 1928. In this year, E. G. Webster & Son was moved from Brooklyn to Meriden.
— Earl Chapin May in A century of silver 1847-1947 (1947), inside front cover and p. 173. (See entry below.)
Also, evidence shows that by 1954 the "Webster-Wilcox" division, combining E. G. Webster & Son and the Wilcox Silver Plate Co., at the International Silver Co. was formed. However, for the historical record, it is incorrectly noted as happening in either 1960 or 1963 in Edmund P. Hogan’s An American heritage: A book about the International Silver Company (1977), (pp. 164 & 170). (See the 1954 advertisement on the Design Meriden - Webster-Wilcox documentation page.)
E. G. Webster & Son / E. G. Webster & Bro. / Webster Mfg Co. design catalogues and historical information
E. G. Webster & Son; predecessors: Webster Mfg. Co. (1859-73), E. G. Webster & Bro. (1873-86); mark, c. 1895-1900 on napkin rings: Brooklyn Silver Plate Co.; successor, after c. 1954: Webster-Wilcox. (definitive listing here, in process.)
Material status: |
= online = link to more info = completely offline |
1860s | 1867 - classified advertisementWebster Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, NY. (20 September 1867). Classified advertisement: "First-class silver plater wanted at Webster Mfg. Co., 97 Front st, Brooklyn". The Sun (New York), presumably p. 3, col. 1. (Viewed 29 August 2020. E01234).
1869 - news announcement(19 January 1869). Special notices... Annual statement of the Webster Manufacturing Company... E. G. Webster, President... " Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), p. 3, col. 2. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01230-31).
1870s | 1870 - patent - design for a tea and coffee serviceElizur G. Webster. (11 October 1870). Design no. 4418: Design for a tea and coffee service. (Viewed 4 July 2020. F01360).
1872 - spotlighted news mention - Webster Manufacturing Co. in Nashville Exposition(3 May 1872). The Exposition [with mention of Webster Manufacturing Company designs exhibited by L. Davies & Bro., jewelers, Nashville.] Republican Banner, p. 3. (Viewed 25 November 2018. D00604).
"[In a] silver case eight feet square, containing silver plated ware, consisting of tea sets, waiters, epergnes, cake baskets, tureens, butter dishes, and other things, from the manufactory of Rogers, Smith & Co., New Haven, Connecticut, and the Webster Manufacturing Company of Brooklyn, New York. These goods are of the very finest quality and show up all the newest styles of finish in satin and gold." (Excerpt from article above). 1872 - spotlighted article mention - Webster Manufacturing Company in Brooklyn Fair(11 October 1872). The industrial fair [with details of wares exhibited in the show by Webster Manufacturing Company (30 September - 16 October 1872)]. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), unknown page number, col. 8. (Viewed 3 July 2019. F01024-28; F01043-47).
"The Webster Manufacturing Company, of Brooklyn, make an exceedingly rich display of goods, and the style in which their cases are ornamented is in exceedingly good taste. One case is devoted to the exhibition of knives and forks exclusively, and in it are some samples of unique design and finish. Their large case is filled with a rich display of tea sets, coffee urns, toilet sets, a gorgeously ornamented epergne, goblets, and other objects of ornament and use...." (Excerpt from above.) 1872 - news mention - Webster Mfg. Co. in Brooklyn exposition(12 October 1872). The Kings County fair [Brooklyn Rink, Brooklyn, with mention of exhibitor, the Webster Mfg. Co. (30 September - 16 October 1872)]. Evening Post, presumably p. 4, col. 7-8. (Viewed 23 April 2020. F01048-50). "... The Webster Manufacturing Company also exhibit a large variety of richly ornamented ware, and in their tastefully arranged cases it is shown to the best advantage..." (Excerpt from above.) 1873 - classified advertisementW. L. Wall & Co., Auctioneers, Washington, DC. (c. 21 January 1873). Classified advertisement: "... Extensive and peremptory sale by auction of an elegant stock of first class silver-plated ware and fine cutlery... Webster Manufacturing Company... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), unknown page number, col. 5. (Viewed 2 May 2020. H01296).
1874 - eight advertisementsLouis W. Melchor, Paw Paw, MI. (31 July - December 1874). Advertisement: "... Plated Ware ... Webster Mfg. Co. ... " [with no related illustrations]. The True Northerner (Paw Paw, Michigan). (Viewed 13 October 2018. B01017-24).
1875 - news mention(26 August 1875). Gas explosion in Brooklyn; A serious accident in Clinton [Avenue]— Three persons badly injured. New York Times, p. 2. (Viewed 3 October 2020. E01218).
"The explosion of gas on Tuesday evening in the library of the residence of Mr. E. G. Webster, at No. 394 Clinton avenue... seems to be of a more serious character than at first conjectured... Mr. Webster, who is a jeweler and manufacturer of silverware... was severly burned about the face... His brother-in-law... is badly burned about the face and hands, and the servant girl... is terribly burned on the face, neck, arms, and hands... " (Excerpt from above.) 1876 - advertisementE. G. Webster & Bro., Brooklyn, NY. (30 December 1876). Advertisement: "... offering to holiday purchasers; Unusual inducements to Silver Plated Goods in great variety... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), p. 2, col. 9. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01224-25).
1877 advertisementsSee the ads 1877 - classified advertisementE. G. Webster & Bro., Brooklyn, NY. (25 February 1877). Classified advertisement: "Special notices... China and glass vases, toilet sets, card stands, match receivers, and also a full line of Japanese goods... " Brooklyn Daily Eagle, presumably p. 3, col. 6. (Viewed 18 January 2021. R00040).
1877 - text-based advertisementE. G. Webster & Bro.’s, Brooklyn, NY. (10 March 1877). Advertisement: "Napkin Rings, Triple Plated... Also, solid silver... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 11 December 2021. C01499).
1877 - patent - design for dessert-setWatson J. Miller, assignor to E. G. Webster & Brother. (16 October 1877; filed 2 October 1877). Design no. 10,277: Design for dessert-set. (Viewed 4 June 2020. F01357).
1878 advertisementsSee the ads 1878 - advertisementE. G. Webster & Bro., Brooklyn, NY. (2 January 1878). Advertisement: "Solid gold jewelry. Necklaces, lockets, charms, pins, earrings, sleeve buttons, etc. Just received for the Holidays... 541 and 543 Fulton st." [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York) p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01228-29).
1878 - advertisementE. G. Webster & Bro., Brooklyn, NY. (3 January 1878). Advertisement: "For the holidays. Toy tea sets in triple plate, child’s sets, knife, fork and spoon. Solid silver and silver plated cups. New goods received daily... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, presumably p. 3, col. 7. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01232-33).
1878 - eleven listingsE. G. Webster & Bro. (February 1878). Listing (in full): "Manufacturers of Fine Silver Plated Ware. Office and Warerooms, 14 Malden Lane, New York." The Jewelers’ Circular, p. xxxvi. (Viewed 20 September 2017. G00503; G00506; G00511; G00515; G00519; G00522; G00526; G00530; G00534; G00537; G00541.)
1879 advertisementsSee the ads 1879 - two advertisementsE. G. Webster & Bro., Brooklyn, NY. (20 & 27 September 1879). Advertisements: "... Manufacturers of fine silver plated ware..." [with no illustrations]. South Side Signal (Babylon, New York). (Viewed 19 April 2020. D0119
1879 - advertisementE. G. Webster & Bro. (24 October 1879). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Electro Silver Plat’d Ware... " [with no illustrations]. South Side Observer (Freeport, Long Island, New York), unknown page number, col. 2. (Viewed 19 July 2019. C01057). Design Meriden is now actively seeking business sponsors. Each entry in our research compilations that is added as a result of your support will be listed as "(Entry supported by ’your organization’)". This support will be communicated internationally. For more information, contact artdesigncafe.com. |
1880s |
1880 advertisementsSee the ads 1880 - advertisementE. G. Webster & Bro. (2 January 1880). Advertisement: "... Manufacturers of Electro Silver Plat’d Ware, Sterling Silver Ware and Jewelry, 241 & 243 Fulton, St., Brooklyn. Repairing a replating a Specialty" [with no illustrations]. South Side Observer (Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York), col. 8. (Viewed 17 July 2019. C01020-21). 1880 - advertisementE. J. Lehmann, Chicago. (8 February 1880). Advertisement: "... Silverware Department... Webster Manufacturing Co. ..." [with no illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 8, col. 6. (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00942-43). 1881 advertisementsSee the ads 1881 - advertisementW. L. Beitler & Co.’s Boston 99c Stores, Sedalia, MO & Boonville, MO. (23 February 1881). Advertisement: "... E. G. Webster & Bros. ..." The Sedalia Weekly Bazoo (Sedalia, Missouri), unknown page number. (Viewed 18 September 2018. B00315). 1881 - advertisementW. L. Beitler & Co.’s Boston 99c Stores, Sedalia, MO. (19 April 1881). Advertisement: "... finest line of silverware we’ve ever had... [presumably E. G.] Webster [&] Bros. [sic] ..." The Sedalia Weekly Bazoo (Sedalia, Missouri), presumably p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 18 September 2018. B00329-30). 1881 - advertisementW. L. Beitler & Co.’s Boston 99c Store, 227 Ohio St, Sedalia, MO. (26 April 1881). Advertisement: "Our spring stock of silverware is in, and we have now as nice and as many goods in this line as anybody... E. G. Webster [&] Bros." The Sedalia Weekly Bazoo (Sedalia, Missouri), presumably p. 4, col. 8. (Viewed 19 September 2018. B00333). 1882 patentsSee the patents 1882 - patent - jewel-boxGeorge Gough, assignor to Elizur G. Webster and Adelbert A. Webster. (7 February 1882; filed 25 November 1881). Letters patent no. 253,473: Jewel-box. (Viewed 4 July 2020. F01359).
1882 - patent - pitcherGeorge Gough, assignor to E. G. Webster and A. A. Webster. (7 November 1882; filed 20 September 1882). Letters patent no. 267,191: Pitcher. (Viewed 4 July 2020. F01358).
c. 1884 - design catalogueE. G. Webster & Brother. (c. 1884). Illustrated catalogue and price list of electro silver plate. 91 pp. Brooklyn, NY: E. G. Webster & Brother. (Updated 15 April 2017. A01330.) c. 1884 - design catalogue reprintE. G. Webster & Brother. (c. 1884). Illustrated catalogue and price list of electro silver plate. 91 pp. Brooklyn, NY: E. G. Webster & Brother. "Reprint" in Trade Catalogues at the Winterthur Museum, Part 2 microfiche (no. 3121). (c. 1991). University Publications of America: Bethesda, MD. (Updated 15 April 2017. A00868; A00871; A01329.) [1]
1885 - advertisementWechsler and Abraham, Brooklyn, NY. (4 June 1885). Advertisement: "... Silver ... E. G. Webster [& Bro’s] pickle and olive casters... " [with no illustrations]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (New York), p. 1, col 4. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01226-27).
1886 articlesSee the articles 1886 - news mention(April 1886). Trade gossip (includes mention of E. G. Webster & Bro. and E. G. Webster & Son). The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 101. (Viewed 6 September 2018. C00269.) "The firm of E. G. Webster & Bro., having been dissolved, the business will be carried on in New York by E. G. Webster & Son." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1886 - news mention(6 October 1886). Lawn tennis; The Brooklyn Hill Club’s Tournament ended [with mention of E. G. Webster & Son silver cup as tournament trophy]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 1, col. 8. (Viewed 27 December 2021. C01491).
1886 or after - design catalogueE. G. Webster & Son. (1886 or after). [catalogue]. Number of pages unknown. (Holder has this dated as "18xx".) (Viewed 23 December 2016. C00014-36.)
1886 or after - scrapbook of catalogue illustrationsE. G. Webster & Son. (1886 or after). [Scrapbook of catalogue illustrations of silverware]. (Holder has this dated as "19th–20th century".) (Updated 15 April 2017. A01322.) 1887 - two advertisementsBoston Variety Store, Washington, DC. (19, 21 November 1887). Advertisement: "... Thanksgiving is coming... E. G. Webster & Bro. ... " [with no illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC). (Viewed 20 October 2018. B01156-58).
1890s | 1892 - news mention(20 April 1892). Pittsburgh (mention of E. G. Webster & Son.) The Jewelers’ Circular and Horological Review, p. 23. (Viewed 28 August 2018. H00354.) "E. G. Webster, representing E. G. Webster & Son, paid his quarterly visit to Pittsburgh last week and reported to your correspondent that business is exceptionally good." (Excerpt in full from above.) 1897 advertisementsSee the ads 1897 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn, NY. (27 March 1897). Advertisement: "... Monday will be a busy day in China, Glass, Silver Ware and Lamp Departments... Cake basket, heavy plate on white metal, new pattern, beautiful finish, manufactured by E. G. Webster & Son... " [with no illustrations]. The Brooklyn Times (New York), p. 4, col. 6. (Viewed 5 February 2021. C01493).
1897 - text-based advertisementGimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, PA. (11 October 1897). Advertisement: "... Silverware and Cutlery... E. G. Webster & Son ... We sell their goods... " [with no illustrations]. Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania), p. 3, col. 3. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01220).
1897 - text-based advertisementGimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, PA. (11 October 1897). Advertisement: "... Silverware and Cutlery... E. G. Webster & Son ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Philadelphia Times, p. 2, col. 3. (Viewed 11 July 2021. C01494).
c. 1897 - design catalogue page excerptUnidentified company. (c. 1897). [Catalogue page showing one E. G. Webster & Son trinket box illustrated]. [Company description at top of page: "The leading jobber in all reliable makes of American cases and movements", (p. 141 or 441).] (Viewed 23 May 2020. H01658).
1898 advertisementsSee the ads 1898 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn, NY. (10 May 1898). Advertisement: "... Our stock of Plated Tea Sets comprise the pick from such manufacturers as ... E. G. Webster & Son... ". The Standard-Union (Brooklyn, New York), p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 4 January 2021. D01740).
1898 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn. (12 May 1898). Advertisement: "... Our stock of Plated Tea Sets comprise the pick from such manufacturers as ’ E. G. Webster & Son’ .... " [with no illustrations]. The Newtown Register (Queens, New York), p. 1, col. 2. (Viewed 24 April 2020. C01220).
1898 - advertisementThe Fair, Chicago, IL. (22 May 1898). Advertisement: "A Crash in Silverware. See the prices! ... E. G. Webster & Son’s Silverware... for 25 years they have been recognised as leading makers... " [with possibly relevant abstract illustrations]. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 37. (Viewed 18 June 2019. F00954).
1899 - advertisementThe Gamble Desmond Co., presumably New Haven, CT. (15 May 1899). Advertisement: "... A Big Sale of Silverware... E. G. Webster & Son... " Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), p. 4, cols. 5-7. (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00946-47). 1899 - patent - design for a match box or similar articleWilliam H. Barbour, assignor to E. G. Webster and F. H. Webster. (15 August 1899; filed 27 August 1897). Design no. 31,401; serial no. 649,787: Design for a match box or similar article. (Viewed 4 July 2020. F01361).
1900s | 1900 - news brief(14 October 1900). Will of Elizur G. Webster. New York Tribune, p. A10. (Viewed 3 October 2020. E01221).
"... Frederick H. Webster and William A. Webster are authorized to take in trust the testator’s share in the real estate of the firm of E. G. Webster & Son... The personal property of the testator in the firm is left absolutely to the sons, George A. Webster, William A. Webster and Hawley T. Webster, in equal shares.... [Frederick] has a one-fourth interest in the business... " (Excerpt from above.) 1900 advertisementsSee the ads 1900 - advertisementH. Batterman, Brooklyn, NY. (10 February 1900). Advertisement: "... Crockery and Housefurnishings... Silverware... E. G. Webster & Son ... " [with no illustrations]. The Standard Union (Brooklyn, New York), p. 4, col. 2. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01222-23).
1900 - advertisementWalbridge’s, Buffalo, NY. (21 October 1900). Advertisement: "... Silver-plated table sets, dishes, etc. ... E. G. Webster and Son ... " [with abstract illustrations]. The Buffalo Courier (Buffalo, NY), p. 17, col. 1. (Viewed 19 July 2021. R00069).
1901 advertisementsSee the ads 1901 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (3 June 1901). Advertisement: "For June weddings... Silver-Plated Ware... E. G. Webster & Son ... " [with no illustrations]. Buffalo Evening News (New York), p. 5, cols. 4-5. (Viewed 27 December 2020. D01632).
1901 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (3 June 1901). Advertisement: "For... June weddings... E. G. Webster & Son ... " [with no product illustrations]. The Buffalo Commercial (New York, p. 10, cols. 6-7. (Viewed 13 January 2021. D01807).
1902 - advertisementGimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, PA. (14 April 1902). Advertisement: "... J. Warner Hutchins stock... Silver-plated Table Ware— mostly of... E. G. Webster & Son... " [with no product illustrations]. The Philadelphia Times (Pennsylvania), p. 12, cols. 3-5. (Viewed 12 January 2021. C01495).
1904 advertisementsSee the ads 1904 - advertisementMacy’s, New York. (6 April 1904). Advertisement: "... E. [G.] Webster & Sons ..." The Sun (New York), p. 12, middle column. (Viewed 2 October 2018. B00659). 1904 - advertisementThe Gamble-Desmond Co., presumably New Haven, CT. (18 July 1904). Advertisement: "... Fine Quadruple Plated Silverware from E. G. Webster & Sons, the well established Brooklyn firm; the most reliable plated Silverware on the market..." Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, CT), presumably p. 6. (Viewed 14 April 2020. D01120). 1905 advertisementsSee the ads 1905 - advertisementWeed & Co., Buffalo, NY. (27 June 1905). Advertisement: "Special June sale of silver plated tea sets... 5-piece tea sets... new Rococo border... E. G. Webster & Son’s best plate... large 5-piece Webster tea set... " [with presumably no specific product illustration]. Buffalo Evening News, p. 7, cols. 3-4. (Viewed 11 July 2021. C01496).
1905 - advertisementS. Kann Sons & Co. (11 October 1905). Advertisement: "... Our Fall Silverware Sale... E. G. Webster" [with unspecified graphical illustrations]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 6, cols. 3-7. (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00945). 1905 - advertisementS. Kann, Sons & Co. (12 October 1905). Advertisement: "... Fall sale of Silverware; Hollow Ware; Flat Ware... E. G. Webster [& Son] ... " [with illustrations but company not specified]. Washington Post, p. 7. (Viewed 28 August 2020. E01219).
1906 - advertisementWalbridge & Co., presumably Buffalo, NY. (20 May 1906). Advertisement: "... Special Sale of Tea Sets... 4-piece Webster Tea Sets... " [with no illustration]. The Buffalo Courier (New York), page number unknown. (Viewed 15 June 2019. F00950-51).
1908 advertisementsSee the ads 1908 - advertisementJ. L. Brandeis & Sons, Omaha, NE. (25 January 1908). Advertisement: "Grand price reduction; Silverware... Webster Sterling Silver... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 4, cols. 2-3. (Viewed 3 October 2020. E01649). 1908 - advertisementJ. L. Brandeis & Sons, Omaha, NE. (6 June 1908). Advertisement: "... A Wonderful Sale; Silverware... Webster & Sons’ fine sterling silver in separate pieces... " [with no illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 4, col. 4. (Viewed 3 October 2020. E01650). 1908-28 - design catalogueE. G. Webster & Son. (1908-28). Catalogue no. 11. 59 pp. Brooklyn, N.Y. : E.G. Webster & Son. (Updated 15 April 2017. A01326.)
1909 - spotlighted design catalogueBenj. Allen & Co. (wholesaler). (1909). Annual illustrated price list: Watches, diamonds, jewelry, sterling silver and silver plated ware, cut glass, clocks and optical goods. [Thirty-sixth catalogue. Including "Webster Silver Plate Co." (presumably E. G. Webster & Son), p. 533 (stating "W" after entries means "Webster"), with numerous entries— a full range of hollowware, pp. 535-653).] Chicago: Benj. Allen & Co. (Viewed 29 April 2020. H01254).
1909 advertisementsSee the ads 1909 - advertisementRothchild & Company, Chicago, IL. (13 June 1909). Advertisement: "... Gift Silver; for June weddings ... E. G. Webster [& Son] Company Finest Grade Quadruple Plated Bread Trays, Cake Dishes, Fruit Bowls, big variety of patterns... " [with no related product illustrations]. Chicago Tribune (Illinois), presumably p. 10, col. 1. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01673).
1909 - advertisementBrandeis & Sons, Omaha, NE. (26 December 1909). Advertisement: "... Jewelry and Silverware... This is Webster sterling silver... " [with no related product illustrations]. Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), p. 10, col. 1. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01659). |
1910s | 1911 - spotlighted news brief - gas explosionNew York, July 17. (17 July 1911). Explosion of gas; injures fifteen people, ten of them being firemen ["... in a second gas explosion in E. G. Webster’s silverware plant in Atlantic-ave., Brooklyn. The first explosion was in the cellar..."]. Cortland Standard (Cortland, New York), p. 1, col. 6. (Viewed 29 December 2020. D01674).
1911 - other articlesSee the articles 1911 - news mention - gas explosion(17 July 1911). Hurt by gas explosion [at the silverware plant of E. G. Webster, Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn]. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 2, col. 5. (Viewed 11 October 2018. B00944). 1911 - news brief - gas explosion(17 July 1911). Two explosions in factory ["... in the basement of E. G. Webster & Sons’ silverplating plant at Fifth and Atlantic Avenues, Brooklyn... "] Evening Post (New York), p. 2, col. 4. (Viewed 7 August 2020. L01946). 1917 - advertisementFaris T. Walker, Los Angeles, CA. (17 December 1917). Advertisement: "Silverware... Webster... " [with presumably unrelated abstract illustration]. Evening Express (Los Angeles, CA), p. 7, cols. 7-8. (Viewed 21 January 2021. R00083).
1920s | 1921 - advertisementWanamaker’s, Philadelphia, PA. (5 December 1921). Advertisement: "... ’Who is your silver by?’ is a question often asked... E. G. Webster & Sons... " [with no illustrations]. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. 13, col. 5. (Viewed 17 October 2020. F01523).
E. G. Webster & Son became part of the International Silver Company in 1928. After this date, it is assumed that any design patents utilized by the E. G. Webster & Son division or brand were assigned to the International Silver Company. (See the ISC historical documentation page). |
1930s | 1936 - spotlighted article mentionSnow, William G. (17 April 1936). Meriden’s silverware industry history [with mention of E. G. Webster & Son]. The Meriden Daily Journal [Fiftieth Anniversary issue (1886-1936)], unknown page numbers. (Viewed 30 December 2020. D01699). 1938 - spotlighted magazine mention - in Good Housekeeping exhibition house, Garden City, NYKoues, Helen. (February 1938). Our Garden City exhibition house [c. February 1938; exhibited "plated silver, ’Webster’ reproductions, International Silver Co. (possibly referring to E. G. Webster & Son; items shown in photo of dining room installation; with mention of booklet about the house)]. Good Housekeeping, pp. 54-57, 125. (Viewed 19 November 2018. F00414-19).
1940s | 1944 - advertisementThe Broadway, Los Angeles, CA. (10 December 1944). Advertisement: "Harry W. Smith Collection of Rare and Authentic Old American Silverplate... distinguished Christmas gifts... E. G. Webster (spiderweb mark) basket... " [with no photo]. Los Angeles Times, Part IV, p. 12. (Viewed 8 August 2020. C00903).
1947 - secondary sourceMay, Earl Chapin. (1947). "E. G. Webster & Son" mention (p. 173). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. 388 pp. New York: E.M. McBride & Company. (Updated 19 April 2017. DM.)
1950s |
Evidence shows that by 1954 the "Webster-Wilcox" division, combining E. G. Webster & Son and the Wilcox Silver Plate Co., at the International Silver Co. was formed. However, for the historical record, it is incorrectly noted as happening in either 1960 or 1963 in Edmund P. Hogan’s An American heritage: A book about the International Silver Company (1977), (pp. 164 & 170). (See the 1954 advertisement on the Design Meriden - Webster-Wilcox documentation page.) |
1960s | 1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "E. G. Webster & Son" [with marks], (p. 196). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. L01882-83; L101925).
1966 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T. (1966). "International Silver Co." [with mention of E. G. Webster & Son / E. G. Webster & Bro. / Webster Mfg. Co.], (pp. 82-3). In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Everybodys Press: Hanover, PA. (Viewed 12 August 2020. L01882-83 L01900-01).
1968 - magazine article mentionHogan, E. P. (December 1968). Figural napkin rings for collectors. Spinning Wheel, pp. 12-14. (Viewed 9 November 2017. AAA00696.) Illustrations:
"The trend toward ornamenting napkin rings with full round figures started about 1879 and reached its peak about 1886... So popular were these figural napkin rings that in a short three-year period— 1886, 1887, and 1888— five firms in the Meriden, Conn. area offered 82 different designs... By 1900, tastes had changed and the demand for fancy napkin rings dwindled away to nothing..." (Excerpt from above.)
1969 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (November 1969). A century of tea sets [with mention and illustrations of designs by E. G. Webster & Sons and Webster Mfg. Co.]. Spinning Wheel, pp. 10-3, 52. (Viewed 22 July 2021. R01592).
1970s | 1974 - article mentionHogan, E. P. (June 1974). Spittoons or cuspidors. Spinning Wheel, p. 46. [Reprinted illustrations of spittoons by Meriden Britannia (1855); additionally short mention: "Other makers, such as Meriden Silver Plate Co., E. G. Webster & Bro. ... also made them— even as late as 1886."] (Updated 22 July 2021. AAA00695; R01593).
1975 - E. G. Webster & Son in exhibitions(c. 1975). Forms in metal: 275 years of metalsmithing in America exhibition catalogue. [Exhibition dates: 17 January - 2 March 1975, Finch College Museum of Art, New York and the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York; 16 March - 20 April 1975, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. (Viewed 17 October 2016. AAA00361.) 1977 - secondary sourceHogan, Edmund P. (1977). "E. G. Webster & Son" mentions, [pp. 158; 169-70]; "E. G. Webster & Bro." mention [p. 158]. In An American heritage: A book on the International Silver Company. Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX. (Updated 19 April 2017. DM.)
1980s | 1980 - book mentionHogan, Edmund P. (1980). "Webster" mentions, [pp. 26 (photo of E. G. Webster & Bro. napkin ring, 1873), 69-70 (including photo of Webster Mfg. Co. teapot, c. 1872), 72 (photo of E. G. Webster & Son teapot, c. 1890)]. In The elegance of old silver plate and some personalities. Schiffer Publishing Limited: Exton, PA. (Updated 19 April 2017. DM.)
2000s | 2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "Brooklyn Silver Plate Co." [mark used on napkin rings made by E. G. Webster & Son (c. 1895-1900)] [with marks], (p. 38). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 2 August 2020. L01968-69).
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "E. G. Webster & Son" [with marks], E. G. Webster & Bros., Webster Mfg. Co., Webster-Wilcox, Oneida Silversmiths, Brooklyn S. P. Co., (p. 270). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 17 August 2017. A02892a,b.)
2004 - encyclopedia entryRainwater, Dorothy T.; Fuller, Martin; Fuller, Collette. (2004). "International Silver Company" [with mention of E. G. Webster & Son / E. G. Webster & Bro. / Webster Mfg. Co.], (p. 116-20). Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. A02925a-c(-)27a-c).
n. d. | n. d. - Wikipedia entry(undated). "Elizur G. Webster" entry (with mention of E. G. Webster & Son). Wikipedia.org. (Viewed 11 December 2021).
[1] See Thompson, Eleanor McD. (1991). Guide to the microfiche edition of trade catalogues at the Winterthur Museum, part 2 (online), (entry no. 3121). 184 pp. Winterthur Museum, Delaware. Viewed 18 June 2016. [A00868; A00871] (Please note, sometimes the trade catalogue itself is searchable in a library catalogue, and sometimes one needs to search the microform series as a whole.)
On E. G. Webster & Son / E. G. Webster & Bro. / Webster Mfg Co. - 1: designs in collections, etc. | 2: design catalogues, etc.