The Problematic Discourse on "Philippe Starck’s" Delano Hotel (1999) - Bibliography C
Bibliography C: Bibliographic List of Other Sources Including Those Concerning Methodology, Journalism, Law, and Other Starck Sources [22]
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Hugh Aldersey-Williams. (January-February 1996). The secret of Starck’s success. Graphis, 52, 39+.
American Psychological Association. (1994). Publications manual of the American Psychological Association. (4th ed.), Washington: Author.
Sophie Tasma-Anagyros (Ed.). (1980). Le Mobilier Francais 1980. Paris: Regard / VIA.
Phillip Arcidi. (February 1993). Critique: Hotel hauteur. Two models for Manhattan: The Royalton and the Paramount. Progressive Architecture, 80-3.
Roger Backhouse, Tony Dudley-Evans, & Willie Henderson. (1993). Exploring the language and rhetoric of economics. In Willie Henderson, Tony Dudley-Evans, & Roger Backhouse (Eds.) Economics and language (pp. 1-20). London and New York: Routledge.
Charles Bazerman. (1983). Scientific writing as a social act: A review of the literature of the sociology of science. In P. V. Anderson, R. John Brockmann, & Carolyn Miller (Eds.) New essays in technical writing and communication (chapter 9, pp. 156-84). Farmingdale, NY: Baywood.
Franco Bertoni. (1994). Architecture of Philippe Starck. London: Academy Editions.
Vijay Bhatia. (1993). Analyzing genre: Language use in professional settings. London and New York: Longman.
Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD). (1997-98). Postgraduate diploma / M.A. history of art and design brochure for students. Birmingham, UK: Department of Art, School of Theoretical and Historical Studies, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, University of Central England.
David Carrier. (1987). Artwriting. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.
David Carrier. (1991). Principles of art history writing. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania University Press.
Joan Clayton. (1992). Journalism for beginners. London: Piatkus.
Bob Colacello. (March 1996). Anything went. Vanity Fair, 182-95.
Christine Colin. (April 1997). Philippe Starck. New York: Distributed Art Publishers. [Author has previously published editions in Milan, Liege, and Tubingen].
Hazel Conway. (Ed.) (1992). Design history: A students’ handbook. London: Routledge.
Hazel Conway & Rowan Roenisch. (1994). Understanding architecture. London and New York: Routledge.
Emmanuel Cooper. (1994). The sexual perspective: Homosexuality and art in the last 100 years in the West. London and New York: Routledge.
S.W. Davies. (October 1995). Miami style. Elle [UK], 220.
Electra. (1992). Dimore Metropolitane: Cafes, Restaurants, and Hotels of Philippe Starck. Milan: Electra.
Norman Fairclough. (1989). Language and power. London and New York: Longman.
Norman Fairclough. (1992). Discourse and social change. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Norman Fairclough. (1995a). Critical discourse analysis. London and New York: Longman.
Norman Fairclough. (1995b). Media discourse. London and New York: Edward Arnold.
H. L. Fu & Richard Cullen. (1996). Media law in the PRC. Hong Kong: Asia Law and Practice.
C. Gardner. (June 1993). Starck reality. Design, 26-7.
Rita Gilbert. (1995). Living with art (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Dorothy Goslett. (1984). The professional practice of design. London: B T Batsford Limited.
Sian Griffiths. (12 February 1999). Poetic license denied. The Times Higher Educational Supplement, 19.
Willie Henderson, Tony Dudley-Evans, & Roger Backhouse. (1993). Economics and language. London and New York: Routledge.
Brendan Hennessy. (1997). Writing feature articles (3rd ed.). Oxford: Focal Press.
Edward Herman & Noam Chomsky. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon.
Charles Jansen. (1986). Studying art history. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Charles Jansen. (1991). Scenarios of art appreciation: An analysis of texts. University of Georgia (USA): Unpublished PhD dissertation.
Philip Johnson, & H. Lewis. (13 December 1998). Masters: Philip Johnson’s Starck choice. New York Times, 77.
Anthony H. Jones. (8 February 1999). Correspondence [from Shakespeares Solicitors, which represents the University of Central England].
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Conway Lloyd Morgan. (14 March 1997). Stark naked. Design Week, 16-7.
Conway Lloyd Morgan. (1999, forthcoming). Philippe Starck. New York: Universe.
V. Lyons. (February 1996). Abiding value is Paramount. FX, 59-61.
John Maher. (1986). The development of English as an international language of medicine. Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 206-18.
Greg Myers. (1985). Texts as knowledge claims: The social construction of two biology articles. Social Studies in Science, 15, 593-630.
National Writers Union. (c. 1999). First group libel insurance plan [3-page advertisement]. New York: National Writers Union [].
Michael O’Toole. (1994). The language of displayed art. London: Leicester University Press.
Maxine Penlington. (18 February 1999). Correspondence [from Secretary and Registrar of University of Central England].
Phaidon Press. (1995). Art history and its methods. London: Phaidon Press.
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R. J. Preece. (June 1999, forthcoming). [Focus on] Daphne Wright: Setting the intention straight. Sculpture.
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Jan Renkema. (1993). Discourse studies. John Benjamins: Philadelphia. [UCE: 401.41Ren]
D. Siner. (16 December 1995). Style dictator. The Guardian, 57.
Philippe Starck. (1992). Starck in Wien. Wein: Hochschule fur angewandte Kunst in Wein.
Philippe Starck. (Ed.). (1997). International Design Yearbook 1997. London: Laurence King.
John Swales. (1990). Genre analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Taschen. (1994). Starck. Koln: Taschen.
Taschen. (1997). Starck Postcardbook (30 pp.). Koln: Taschen.
Gaye Tuchman. (1978). Making news: A study in the construction of reality. New York: Free Press.
John A. Walker. (1989). Design history and the history of design. Bristol, UK: Pluto Press.
Tom Welsh & Walter Greenwood. (1995). McNae’s essential law for journalists (13th ed.). London: Butterworths.
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